Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Warren Buffet, and human zoos.

Warren Buffet is putting his money (and there is lots of it) where his mouth is. He is throwing down the gauntlet to the wingnuts in Washington.

"WASHINGTON/BOSTON (Reuters) - Warren Buffett is willing to put his money where his mouth is, if only congressional Republicans would join him.
The American billionaire investor, in the new issue of Time magazine, says he would donate $1 to paying down the national debt for every dollar donated by a Republican in Congress. The only exception is Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell - for whom Buffett said he would go $3-to-$1.

The idea stems from a New York Times opinion piece Buffett wrote last August in which he said the rich ought to pay more taxes. It sparked an instant controversy, with some Washington conservatives calling on the 81-year-old "Oracle of Omaha" to voluntarily pay extra.

McConnell said at the time that if Buffett felt "guilty" about paying too low a tax rate, he should "send in a check." This was quickly followed by introduction of a bill to give taxpayers an option on tax forms to make voluntary donations.
"It restores my faith in human nature to think that there are people who have been around Washington all this time and are not yet so cynical as to think that can't be solved by voluntary contributions," the Buffett told Time for an article hitting newsstands on Friday.

An aide to McConnell suggested that the Berkshire Hathaway CEO should expand his matching offer to President Barack Obama and his Democrats."

Mitch needs to quit. He isn't going to donate one red cent towards helping the nation's economy. Why would he? He has just a little longer to go of trying to make sure that the economy totally goes into the tank.

Finally, I want to talk about a story out of India which has me scratching my head.

"British newspaper The Observer released the undated video showing Jarawa tribal women - some of them naked - being lured to dance and sing after a bribe was allegedly paid to a policeman to produce them.

Under Indian laws designed to protect ancient tribal groups susceptible to outside influence and disease, photographing or coming into contact with the Jarawa and some of the Andaman aborigines is banned.

The tribe, thought to have been among the first people to migrate successfully from Africa to Asia, lives a nomadic existence in the lush, tropical forests of the Andamans in the Indian Ocean.

India's Tribal Affairs Minister V. Kishore Chandra Deo on Wednesday said an investigation had been ordered.

"An inquiry has been ordered and it is being headed by the chief secretary and director-general of police of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands," Deo told the Press Trust of India news agency.

"It's deplorable. You cannot treat human beings like beasts for the sake of money. Whatever kind of tourism is that, I totally disapprove of that and it is being banned also," the minister added.

Survival International, which lobbies on behalf of tribal groups worldwide, said the video showed tourists apparently enjoying "human zoos."

"Quite clearly, some people's attitudes towards tribal peoples haven't moved on a jot. The Jarawa are not circus ponies bound to dance at anyone's bidding," said Stephen Corry, the group's director, in a press release. [Source]

Oh my! Human Zoos? What's next, paying people to perform for our pleasure while we cheer them on? Wait.......

*Image of Warren Buffett removed per request of the illustrator.


  1. NSangoma9:18 PM


  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Thank goodness someone is putting the money where their mouth should be!! Good for Buffet!


  3. Report: Buffet's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes

    Billionaire investor Warren Buffett triggered a major debate over taxes recently when he wrote in The New York Times that he should be paying more to the federal government. He called on Washington lawmakers to up tax rates on the rich.

    But it turns out that Buffett’s own company, Berkshire Hathaway, has had every opportunity to pay more taxes over the last decade. Instead, it’s been mired in a protracted legal battle with the Internal Revenue Service over a bill that one analyst estimates may total $1 billion.

    Yes, that’s right: while Warren Buffett complains that the rich aren’t paying their fair share his own company has been fighting tooth and nail to avoid paying a larger share.

    The story of Berkshire's years-long tax battle, which is generally known in business circles, took on new life this week when a group called Americans for Limited Government (ALG) reported that, according to Berkshire Hathaway’s own annual report, the company is embroiled in an ongoing standoff over its tax bills.

    That report, in turn, was cited in an editorial in The New York Post.

    “Obvious question: If Buffett really thinks he and his 'mega-rich friends' should pay higher taxes, why doesn’t his firm fork over what it already owes under current rates?” the Post opined.

    “Likely answer: He cares more about shilling for President Obama -- who’s practically made socking “millionaires and billionaires” his re-election theme song -- than about kicking in more himself.”

    Read more on Report: Buffett's Berkshire Owes $1 Billion In Back Taxes
    Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

    Does Buffet still owe a billion in back taxes?

    Typical shill for Obama. Just like field negro. Both never let the facts get in the way.

    Field calling people wingnuts is like the pot calling the kettle black.

  4. Anonymous10:14 PM


    Good for her, won't last long. Gary is another city about to fail and go bankrupt having been dragged under by the democratic black undertow. First Black Mayor in 1967 - ran on the Obamanomic community organizer system of borrow and spend/corruption bleed businesses and taxpayers dry - now can't keep people in the state (white taxpayers)currently 84% of the population is black. Can't raise money to pay the entitlement bills and is about to go to under.

  5. Man, them Indians sure treat their negroes bad.

  6. Warren buffet is a hypocrite, and nothing but a shill for Obama. Income tax? Relative to the increase in his net worth, Buffett pays almost nothing in taxes because we don’t tax stocks until a dividend is paid, or until some stock is sold. What’s more, Berkshire Hathaway has a $38 billion deferred tax liability, which measures taxes that would have been paid on GAAP income, but weren’t paid because taxable income was lower for reasons that may revert, someday.

    In the wake of the $700 billion TARP bailout, Warren Buffett apparently shaped a plan to clean up toxic assets that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner later adopted–resulting in massive profits for Buffett.

    After the bailout bill’s passage, Buffett sat down and wrote then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson a four-page private letter laying out a plan to clean up the toxic assets plaguing numerous financial institutions. Buffett proposed something he called a “public-private partnership fund.” For every $10 billion the private sector invested, Buffett said the government should put up $40 billion.

    After Paulson’s exit, incoming Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner tweaked the plan and rolled it out in March 2009. But according to quarterly reports from Buffett’s holdings company, Berkshire Hathaway, between the time the billionaire crafted his plan and Geithner adopted it, Buffett quietly purchased 12.4 million shares of Wells Fargo stock and 1.5 million shares of U.S. Bancorp. Once the government unveiled its “Public-Private Investment Program,” bank stocks jumped, resulting in large profits for Buffett.

    The current Democrat junta in Washingtomn is the most corrupt government this nation has ever suffered.

  7. Anonymous10:39 PM


    Apu said...
    Man, them Indians sure treat their negroes bad.


  8. Anonymous10:41 PM

    they puts 'em in zoos!

  9. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    they puts 'em in zoos!

    "puts'em" he be da rushin prezeedent aint he?

  10. You mean this guy?:

  11. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Apu said...
    You mean this guy?:

    It look like him but cant be he darker den Obama dun iz in dat picture. He didnt hab a ugly white slut mommy who did some african off da plane who left him 2 did he?

  12. NSangoma11:57 PM


    That is not news.

    The progenitors of civilization in Asia was the Negroe.

    The kinky-haired Buddha was a Negrito; Asiatic Negroe.

    Many of the Negritos were driven out of India by the invading hook-nose Aryans.

    The caste system of India, the varnas, is based upon the descendants of the indigenous Negrito being at the bottom of Indian society.

    Many Negritos still live in the forests of the India subcontinent.

    From time to time one might run into Indian Negritos working IT jobs here in the US.

  13. Ay yi ya yi, I am the frito negrito

  14. This Obama fella sure doesn't seem to like America very much, does he?

  15. Anonymous2:15 AM

    "It's deplorable. You cannot treat human beings like beasts for the sake of money."

    Yes they can and they will. Here in the US human beings are treated like beasts, esp Blacks. Those Indians ought to quit. They treat Negroes like slaves.

  16. "This Obama fella sure doesn't seem to like America very much, does he?"

    Flipper loves it, that's why he has been cleaning out the people who live in it for the past thirty years.

    "Apu said...
    Man, them Indians sure treat their negroes bad."

    kind od like dem mericans treated em back in the day.

  17. Anonymous7:39 AM

    "kind od like dem mericans treated em back in the day"

    Field - do you have a cold?

    Feel Better.

  18. eumenidis8:57 AM

    Well, Messers. Deo & Corry's indignation about the commercial exploitation & disrespect shown the Jarawa ladies shows they're well-meaning people, but they should have been most concerned about the threat of disease.

  19. Dear Liberal Tormentor

    Thanks for your latest Cut & Paste job, pitty you aren't able to form opinions of your own.

    What Buffett said was that the mega-rich should pay more taxes. He did not say that nobody has the right to dispute a tax bill, I think you'll find that is the right of every American. It is perfectly legal to pay the smallest amount in taxes that you can - as long as you do it legally. He has said or done nothing illegal, inconsistent or hypocritical.

  20. Anonymous9:54 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Liberal Tormentor

    Thanks for your latest Cut & Paste job, pitty you aren't able to form opinions of your own.

    1970 Ad Hominem Blogging tactic - Immediately flags the commenter as an idiot. You mean you don't cut and paste? You type every single letter and word out? What a wasteful dumbass - you must be a leftist.

    Oh and on originality - Really from you? The man who reuses old jokes and BBS terms and bloggin tactics? Name one original idea you have posted that will lessen the impact of your outrageously hypocritical statement. Just one.

    "Pitty" you don't have the intelligence to spell pity correctly. Or are you using the Urban spelling just sayin yo yo mofo. Or will you now try to convince us typo's that you usually use to disparage someone else's intelligence don't matter when you make them, because you are short bus special?

    What Buffett said was that the mega-rich should pay more taxes. He did not say that nobody has the right to dispute a tax bill, I think you'll find that is the right of every American. It is perfectly legal to pay the smallest amount in taxes that you can - as long as you do it legally. He has said or done nothing illegal, inconsistent or hypocritical.

    It is the right of every American to pay the smallest amount of taxes that you can - yet you and hypocrites like him want 'others' to pay more, but not while he pays the least that he can.

    I want the 47% of those who pay NO taxes to get a really fair shake by having the 53% who do pay taxes pay even more for my spending boondoggles, vote buying and wasteful spending


    Shouldnt you be off brushing your yellow teeth somewhere and concerned with diversity amongst the animals in your barn, instead of worrying about bringing faux socialism to the U.S, a country you clearly admire by constantly viewing it from the outside looking in and wishing you were here and contributing your best attempts to making it as hopeless and trashed as the UK?

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    The dumbing down and replacement continues.

    Funny how schools in the UK have to promote rap propaganda with children to promote racial incompetent corrupt politicians like Dianne Abbott.

    I see Haiti on the Horizon!

  22. memo to warren:



    thanks 4 proving to us that hobama is repub
    and that dems = repubs

    yet again


    SOUND OFF on Facebook: How will Buffett's association with President Obama affect his reputation for being above the political fray?

    But he was also an adviser to Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003 during the Republican California governor's campaign, and part of his appeal may lie in his resistance to any partisan categorization.

    At least a few pundits are speculating whether Buffett's involvement will do more to boost Obama's popularity or to tarnish Buffett's own reputation for being above the political fray. One thing is certain: Don't look for any of the Republican candidates to float the idea of a Treasury Secretary Buffett this time around.

  23. Quote Anonymous 9:54

    "Shouldnt you be off brushing your yellow teeth somewhere and concerned with diversity amongst the animals in your barn, instead of worrying about bringing faux socialism to the U.S, a country you clearly admire by constantly viewing it from the outside looking in and wishing you were here and contributing your best attempts to making it as hopeless and trashed as the UK?"

    That's it??

    That's all you've got????

  24. wb is hobama's kinder gentler wing man


    Buffett is doing the government’s dirty work in trying to calm the fears of the masses. That was the whole purpose of his column. He agreed to become an instrument for the establishment, and when Buffett speaks, people tend to listen. The timing was perfectly executed. As the markets splintered and rocked the world of regular people everywhere, they were exiting their speculative adventures in equities and escaping to safe havens in their 401k accounts. And here was the respected, industrious, sensible folk hero, telling everyone that the fear felt by others should be a sign to us, and let that dictate our speculative strategy.

    Warren Buffett is an admired man. He is admired, even by the middle and lower classes, for his frugality, wisdom, no-nonsense delivery, plain-folk personality, and yes, his hard-earned wealth. Readers may know that I deeply respect this man because I reflect on his business acumen frequently. But his latest column puts him in the role of being a propagandist for the government and its bull market-perpetual bubble-sustainable boom doctrine. The government and its Wall Street cronies are big on building “investor confidence” these days, especially when it comes to selling you on the stock market game and the ever-increasing Dow. Warren Buffett is working to convince you, the unsophisticated investor, to have unmitigated confidence in the market so that you will continue to buy and prop up market fantasies, even in a time of rapid decline and volatility. I find his reason for not fearing the equity speculation game to be a bit odd.

  25. more on wb and hobama's REAL agendas in the new world order

    The Buffett Rule is a manifestation of Obama’s duplicity. It is not a rule. The White House has proposed no actual measure to limit tax evasion and tax write-offs by the super-rich, nor will it do so. The “rule” is nothing more than a suggestion to the bipartisan congressional committee tasked with devising at least $1.5 trillion in deficit reduction over the next two months.

    Even as a vague suggestion, the Buffett Rule has no chance of being implemented, as Obama knows full well. The six Republican members of the deficit “super-committee” are all committed opponents of any tax increases on the wealthy, while one of the committee Democrats, Senator Max Baucus, was the co-architect of the tax cuts for the wealthy implemented by the Bush administration in 2001. Another committee Democrat, Senator John Kerry, is the wealthiest man in the Senate.

    Even if it were to be implemented, the Buffett Rule would not represent the establishment of “fairness” in US taxation. It does not mean a return to the traditional policy of American liberalism in its heyday, when the tax system was used to encourage a very limited redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. It merely calls for putting an end to one of the many means by which the US tax system today redistributes wealth in the other direction, from the poor to the rich, by limiting certain tax write-offs enjoyed by billionaires like Buffett.

    How does establishing an equal rate of taxation for billionaires and secretaries constitute fairness? At the very least, a tax policy based on considerations of fairness and equality would have to address the drastic polarization in wealth and income over the past three decades. During that period, the income gap between the richest 1 percent of Americans and the poorest 40 percent more than tripled, and over the past decade, the wealthy have captured every dollar of increase in national income. Wealth polarization is even greater, with 10 percent of the American population controlling two-thirds of national wealth.

    This requires a break by working people from the capitalist two-party system and the building of a mass independent political movement of the working class to fight for a workers’ government.

  26. uptownsteve12:04 PM

    Some goober has hacked into my account and changed the password. Apparently, they've also changed the associated email address, so I can't yet reclaim my account. They will not drive my off of this blog and so I will continue to post as I am now.

  27. Is that really you?

  28. always follow the money/monied

    it will always lead to the same elitist politico/corp bs

  29. Two years ago, 200,000 Haitians lost their lives after a rather mild 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck near the Port-au-Prince area.

    Exactly two years later: $2.4 billion dollars of foreign aid has been spent in Haiti, almost 50 percent of the rubble is still on the ground, 70 percent of Haitians are unemployed, and the world’s largest cholera outbreak has killed 7,000 people and infected 500,000 people living in tent cities.

    8 million Haitians live without electricity, 5 million Haitians are illiterate, 8 out of 10 Haitians live on less than $2 dollars a day, and foreign charity comprises half the national budget. Haitians live off the Global EBT Card and could not survive otherwise.

    Haiti was destroyed by freedom, equality, and democracy. The result of abolition was the total collapse of civilization.

    This is horrible, and was created by giving a black nation access to modern technology (abundant food production and disease control) that caused its population to skyrocket and resulted in an entity too big and too complex for black people to manage.

    Black people cannot run a modern country. The current situation is inhumane. Either take away modern technology, or re-institute colonial rule.

  30. no slappz1:32 PM

    Warren Buffett's a brilliant investor, in part because he's a brilliant psychologist whose strength is understanding group behaviors.

    When he sees a business tapping those group behaviors he finds a way to capture the profits in a leveraged way.

    There are too many Warren stories demonstrating his brilliance to share here, but the most telling story is the story of what's going to happen to his forture after he dies.

    In fact, he has no faith in the quality of financial decisions made by the government. That's why none of his fortune is falling into the hands of bureaucrats who will spend it on the long list of wasteful programs that taxpayers support.

    He has pledged most of his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. That way there'll be NO inheritance taxes or death taxes and the money will go where the Gates Foundation wants to send it.

    Buffett trusts the Gates Foundation. But not our federal squanderers.

    Meanwhile, as long as he's alive, he'll find ways to profit from the way the economy functions, but he obviously believes no one can follow in his footsteps.

    Here's an easy one. If you want to make money in the stock market, just buy the stocks he buys. He owns a lot of Coca Cola, Wells Fargo Bank, Kraft Foods, General Electric and several more. The number of stocks in his portfolio is relatively small.

  31. Raciss1:37 PM

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a $20 billion scholarship fund that provides college assistance to any student in need, except for white students, who are specifically excluded.

  32. The last week witnessed no less than four separate incidents of “Buses From Hell” involving African-Americans and integrated public transportation in the United States:

    (1) In Ocala, Florida, a group of African-American students beat a White girl unconscious on a public school bus and the Mainstream Media sandboxed the racial context of the story.

    (2) In Lacey, Washington, Jim Hardie got into a fight with the Black Undertow after they started harassing other passengers and using terms like “nigger” and “White bitches” which he found offensive.

    (3) In Houston, Texas, community organizer Quanell X (who became famous for defending the African-Americans who gang raped the Hispanic girl in a trailer park in 2010) is involved in a black-on-black incident on a public school bus in which in a 7-year-old special needs student was forced to perform lewd sexual acts on two 10-year-old boys.

    (4) The latest incident comes from Clackamas, Oregon in the Portland metropolitan area and the video below of the Black Undertow assaulting a 14-year-old White teenager is a perfect illustration of why Rosa Parks was required under Alabama law to sit at the back of the bus:

  33. no slappz1:37 PM

    Black people cannot run a modern country. The current situation is inhumane. Either take away modern technology, or re-institute colonial rule.

    Why are Haitians so incompetent? The larger portion of Hispaniola is occupied by the Dominican Republic. It's no paradise, but it functions. Why keeps the limited success of the D.R. from rubbing off on Haiti?

  34. "Here's an easy one. If you want to make money in the stock market, just buy the stocks he buys. He owns a lot of Coca Cola, Wells Fargo Bank, Kraft Foods, General Electric and several more. The number of stocks in his portfolio is relatively small."

    Show of hands, is ANYONE going to take financial advice from Slappy?
    Nothing personal sis/bro whatever you are, you can save your time posting stock tips. See that way you have more time surfing for negative stories about Black people. Win/win.

  35. The New York Times published two op-eds by former Guantanamo detainees claiming they were wrongly detained innocents who were abused and tortured. Apparently, the Times didn’t realize that one of the two has previously claimed he was tortured more at Gitmo under the Obama administration than the Bush administration. So either the Obama administration is pro-torture, or the ex-Gitmo detainee is lying.

    There are plenty of reasons to doubt every word both ex-detainees say. Analysts at Gitmo deemed both of the Times op-ed contributors “high” risks to the U.S. and its allies and recommended that they remain in the Defense Department’s custody.

    The Times has made itself the vehicle for disinformation fabricated by terrorist operatives.

    Why would the New York Times make itself the vehicle for terrorist disinformation?

  36. no slappz1:43 PM

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has a $20 billion scholarship fund that provides college assistance to any student in need, except for white students, who are specifically excluded.

    Better Gates' money than money borrowed from the student loan program and never repaid.

    This program is fine by me. But Gates has a way of chaning his priorities.

    He had been putting money into covering pharmaceutical costs for starving, AIDS-ravaged Africans. But he discoverd that African nations receiving free drugs from generous benefactors were re-selling those drugs for the cash, which when who-knbows-where.

    As a result, that program was changed, possibly eliminated.

  37. no slappz1:48 PM

    pilot X jabbers:

    Show of hands, is ANYONE going to take financial advice from Slappy?

    In other words, you leave those decisions to the white folks who run the pension funds for UAL --

    -- Because you know there's no black Warren Buffett, or more than one or two black portfolio managers
    in the US.

  38. "In other words, you leave those decisions to the white folks who run the pension funds for UAL --"

    Yeah because we all know that the only choices I have are racist internet troll and a company pension fund. I would be offended but since it came from a genderless goof I won't.

    "-- Because you know there's no black Warren Buffett, or more than one or two black portfolio managers
    in the US."

    Actually there are several but you only know of .two in your little world. Hm, don't know if they're any Black folks with the name Warren Buffett but there sure are plenty of Black millionaires and even a few Black billionaires. I WOULD take financial advice from them and not the idiot who can't even figure out how find Mitt Romney's age.

    BTW you still believe Obama will win re-election because you did say America won't elect anyone over 60. Ha.

  39. But seriously, would anyone here take financial advice from Slappz? Just curious.

  40. no slappz2:00 PM

    There are plenty of reasons to doubt every word both ex-detainees say.

    One of the detainees said he was hung by his hands for days.

    Really? If a person were hung by his hands -- with his feet off the ground -- for days, his wrists would come apart and his hands would likely tear loose from his wrists.

    The account of one of the two detainees was so well written -- in English -- that it was obviously written by a professional writer -- not the detainee.

    In any case, as is obvious, both detainees are alive and free. If they were wrongly detained, they may be owed something. Nevertheless, they should thank a non-Islamic god for the fact that they have their lives and the right to complain about whatever happened to them.

    The former US Marine found guilty of crimes against god in Iran is now facing a death penalty. Iran may well execute him, an act that is unlikely to provoke a major response from the US as long as Obama is president.

    Maybe Ahmadinejad is calling on Americans to elect a new president. Of course electing a different president would bring heat on Iran, but Iran seems to think that's a good idea, one more example of Islamic self-defeat.

    Meanwhile, it looks like we assassinated an Iranian nuclear physicist yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go team Go.

  41. Thanks Omar. I really needed a self-hating foreigner telling me what rights i have.

    I'm not suprised you can't see the hypocrisy. Buffett is just your typical leftwinger that practices do has i say not has i do liberalism.

  42. racist illiterate assnons know nothing about the history of africa/haiti/capitalism/slavery etc

    shame that fn gives these rabid fools a forum to spew such revisionist retardation at will...

    timeless truths trump tragically arrogant ignorance always...

    To explain the hidden agenda of the United Nations operation in Haiti, it is necessary first to sketch the historical background of the country.

    Haiti is perhaps one of the most important nations in world history. it was in this remote Caribbean nation that the real principles of the French revolution were tested. It is therefore of particular importance for the current debate on national identity in France, as the principles universalized by the French Revolution of 1789, are, according to recent studies, central to most French citizens’ perception of what France should stand for.

    Since its discovery in 1492 by Christopher Columbus who named the island Hispaniola, Haiti’s history has been one of mass murder perpetrated in the commercial interests of foreign powers, endowed with the mission to impose civilisation. The native Taino population were entirely exterminated by the Spanish. But Spanish interest in the island waned by the 1520s with the discovery of gold in Mexico and other parts of the Americas.

    The French West Indies Company had established control over much of the island by 1664. The treaty of Ryswick with Spain in 1697 enabled the French to gain control over the entire island and it was renamed Saint- Dominique. Thousands of slaves were imported from Africa to work on the tobacco, cocoa, cotton and indigo farms. By the mid eighteenth century Saint-Dominique had become the most lucrative colony in the Caribbean. Over 40 percent of all European sugar and 75 percent of all European coffee as well as much of France’s eighteenth century wealth and glory came from the slave labour in the plantations of ‘la perle des Antilles’, Saint-Dominique.

  43. no slappz2:07 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    ...there sure are plenty of Black millionaires and even a few Black billionaires.

    Athletes and entertainers. Oprah is probably the only black billionaire -- and she's an entertainer.

    There is one Fortune 500 corporate leader who's black -- the head of American Express -- Ken Chenault.

    Anyway, there are virtually no black stock pickers/asset managers.

  44. Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male? Are you children racists or do they judge people individually? Maybe you've answered my questions in the past but I always seems to miss them. I appreciate your attention to these inquiries. Thanks.

  45. @ PilotX: You yourself do not judge people indvidually.

  46. NSarcoma2:11 PM

    alicia banks said...
    Haiti is perhaps one of the most important nations in world history.


    You funny.

  47. Marion Barry Says:"We Gotta Stop It"2:13 PM

    LOL. Ya gotta love it:

    Whoever wrote this article ought to go into comedy.

  48. "Athletes and entertainers. Oprah is probably the only black billionaire -- and she's an entertainer."

    Uh, no. Businessmen and women. How about my frat brother Bob Johnson. He's a billionaire and he ain't an entertainer.

    "Anyway, there are virtually no black stock pickers/asset managers."

    No YOU don't know any Black asset managers. Hell, I have friends who are asset managers and who've written well received books on the topic. In your little racist world in which you can only identify Oprah, who is a businesswoman BTW, you may not be able to identify people of color in certain industries but that only means your ability to obtain information is limited. I'm sure Steve and Field also know a few Black asset managers. If you actually took the time to get to know Black people and not just live in the world of stereotypes you could learn a great deal.

    Another question, do you still think Obama will win;-)

  49. "@ PilotX: You yourself do not judge people indvidually."

    Sure I do. That's how I know you're an asshole.

  50. Kettle2:17 PM

    RacistX said...Sure I do. That's how I know you're an asshole

    You are an awful person.


    Here a few more Black people who'll be richer than you'll ever be Slappz.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. "You are an awful person."

    Because I wanna know if Slappz is a girl or a boy? C'mon you wanna know too. Admit it.

  54. kosher kkk/needs fatal slaps:

    get an education u bigoted kapo peasant...asap!!!!!!!

    u r the most arrogantly ignorant swarthy nappy mf herein

    NEW YORK, July 8 /PRNewswire/ -- In a significant milestone,
    20 minority-owned investment firms now manage more than $1 billion in pension
    and other assets for Verizon Communications Inc., up from $830 million in
    pension assets Verizon had previously committed to the same investment


    Me thinks Slappz doesn't read Forbes because then it would know about Black millionaires that aren't athletes or entertainers.

  56. D'Qwantay Buffet2:25 PM

    alicia banks said...
    In a significant milestone,
    20 minority-owned investment firms now manage more than $1 billion in pension
    and other assets for Verizon Communications Inc.

    Wow, those poor Verizon employees who are going to see their pensions sacrificed on the altar of Affirmative Action.


  57. no slappz2:25 PM

    pilot xyz askes:

    Hey Slappz since I have your attention. Are you a female or male?

    You'll have to live your life without an answer to that question. However, if you are truly in doubt, then you're an even dimmer bulb that I'd thought.

    Are you children racists or do they judge people individually?

    They're city kids, though one is in college, which means they've learned where to go, where not to go, what situations to steer clear of, and who to avoid. They have good judgment.

  58. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Why white people can't ride the bus no more said...
    The last week witnessed no less than four separate incidents of “Buses From Hell” involving African-Americans and integrated public transportation in the United States:

    (1) In Ocala, Florida, a group of African-American students beat a White girl unconscious on a public school bus and the Mainstream Media sandboxed the racial context of the story.

    (2) In Lacey, Washington, Jim Hardie got into a fight with the Black Undertow after they started harassing other passengers and using terms like “nigger” and “White bitches” which he found offensive.

    (3) In Houston, Texas, community organizer Quanell X (who became famous for defending the African-Americans who gang raped the Hispanic girl in a trailer park in 2010) is involved in a black-on-black incident on a public school bus in which in a 7-year-old special needs student was forced to perform lewd sexual acts on two 10-year-old boys.

    (4) The latest incident comes from Clackamas, Oregon in the Portland metropolitan area and the video below of the Black Undertow assaulting a 14-year-old White teenager is a perfect illustration of why Rosa Parks was required under Alabama law to sit at the back of the bus:

    Why are blacks so uncivilized? Blacks prove white racist right everyday. White liberals are left to downplay or cover up these savage acts.

  59. I'm back.You white racist goobers can't keep me down.

  60. no slappz2:30 PM

    pilot xyz:

    Bob Johnson

    Oh. Black Entertainment Television isn't entertainment? Well, some might agree.

    Anyway, he got divorced and may have set a record with what he had to give his wife.

    As I may have said, I once interviewed Johnson for an equity research report I wrote on BET about 20 years ago when BET was in its early days.

  61. uptownsteve said...
    I'm back.You white racist goobers can't keep me down.

    Thank God.

    Someone should make a movie about your struggle.

  62. no slappz2:38 PM

    pilot lost-in-the-clouds:

    My comments were tied to US billionaires -- because only in the US do billionaires have to actually create value.

    The black clowns in Africa are billionaires because they make monopolistic deals with the indigenous thug governments for stuff like total country-wide control of cell-phone service, then they pay bribes and kick-backs to the government or powerful bureaucrat.

    If Americans were permited to transact business in Africa the same way, then US companies would own the continent -- to the extent that it can be owned.

    Seems that no one in Africa has gotten the contract for clean water, however.

  63. racist assnon:

    MOST youths of ALL races are EQUALLY uncivilized and violent

    expand your biased research asap

    ask any teacher

  64. Goober, you wouldn't last 5 mins in the shoes of a strong black man like me.

  65. no slappz2:49 PM

    20 minority-owned investment firms now manage more than $1 billion in pension and other assets for Verizon Communications Inc.

    That's an average of $50 million per asset manager. That's spare change in the investment world.

    Second, a "minority" firm is one that's nominally headed by a black or a woman.

    There are a number of white women who are recognized and accomplished asset managers.

    There are NO black asset managers who have competitive trading records. You know, it's like white high-schoolers trying to play in the NBA.

    Wow, those poor Verizon employees who are going to see their pensions sacrificed on the altar of Affirmative Action.

    It's true. Asset management is risky enough. But letting Little Leaguers run things is crazy. However, that's why their given only small amounts of cash to manage.

  66. uptownsteve said...
    Goober, you wouldn't last 5 mins in the shoes of a strong black man like me.

    You are probably right. I bet they are nasty as hell, and a couple of sizes too small.

  67. racist assnon/inept researcher:


    there are more violent white teens
    who play more violent video games/demonic cyber music etc

    ps: u r welcome!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. no slappz3:00 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    Me thinks Slappz doesn't read Forbes because then it would know about Black millionaires that aren't athletes or entertainers.

    It's obvious you didn't read the article. It lists Oprah as the ONLY black billionaire and puts Bob Johnson's net worth at $550 million. After that, it Tiger Woods and some other athletes or former athletes and then this guy:

    Last June Capri announced it will invest $2 billion in a Saudi venture, building hotels, office towers and condos in one of King Abdullah's anointed "economic zones."

    The article was published in 2009, and I'll bet this guy saw his investment disappear in a sandstorm.

  70. ps:

    violent white teens buy & take FAR more drugs too


    ask that wf rapist killer amanda knox

    or that
    psycho baby killer whore casey a

  71. Shoeless In Seattle3:08 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    Goober, you wouldn't last 5 mins in the shoes of a strong black man like me.

    2:45 PM:

    That's probably because it would only take one of your bros about 5 minutes to bust a cap in you ass to steal your Air Jordans.....(or whatever is the popular brand they're killing people for these days).

  72. pookies rule the world

    they love making babies and hate caring for babies

    they never take breaks from abusing the unwanted babies they turbo breed

    even at ows events


  73. coming soon to the usa

    as soon as american idol ends....

    poverty trumps parenting

    shame on hobama and his global banksters


  74. NSangoma3:23 PM

    POTUS on the Tea Party:

  75. we need to brew some black tea to scald and drown that bankster hobama asap

  76. memo to massa hobama:

    rebel black teas are brewing!!!

    beware of real black mongrel rebels in your killing fields

  77. fertile turbo breeding trifling lazy abusive pookies rule the world...

    but there are many real parents left!

    thank god for each one!!!

  78. no one could be worse than hobama et al...

  79. Holicia gonna wind up in Gitmo if she don't shut her fat trap about the President.

  80. racism fashions an ancient global zoo

    and rabid racism is no relic indeed
    the kosher kkk proves that daily herein


    ota benga
    saartjie baartman


    cowardly mute hobama nazi assnon:

    fear only controls fat scared fools like u


  81. Don't say I didn't warn you Holicia. Obama can lock up anybody he wants to. Nobody is gonna miss a loudmouth fruitcake like you.

  82. faceless fearful foolish assnon:

    see more courage here daily

    take cryptic copious notes u illiterate cowardly yellow bastard

  83. Anonymous4:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober, you wouldn't last 5 mins in the shoes of a strong black man like me.

    Hey Dirty Nigger, does that strong black man let you wear his pants too? that profile pic clearly shows you are a fagola supreme and only a pussy has to load every post with his racist excuses.

    Dirty Nigger steve says never judge a man until you walked a mile in his shoes..then its safe to steal them he is a mile away

  84. Anonymous4:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I'm back.You white racist goobers can't keep me down.

    The only racist around here is you ya nasty motherfucker. Now tell the truth you have the brains of a retarded chimp if that and no one cares about you and no one hacked your password you are a fucking idiot and forgot it. Just remember it next time it's easy

  85. spineless mindless fat dumb scared doormat assnon:

    i would rather die in a fema camp

    than "live" in a world full of hobama nazi sheeple like you


    your sucking hobama will pop no nwo locks you doomed drone

  86. happy silent hobamabot assnon:

    there is one major difference between u and i

    i will die with dignity
    and u will die donning your hobama tee...see?

    your sucking hobama's dick will never save u from hobama's being a dick
    or the fallout of his global dickly deeds...


  87. I'd rather live on my knees than die on my feet. Obama ain't fucking around with people like you who can't get with the program. You going down, Holicia.

  88. scared hobama sucker assnon:

    cc this to massa hobama:

    bring it u blackish hoax!

    we true rebels got next!


  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. "going down" is what u slobbering adoring black mongrels do on hobama

    as he takes u all down & slays u all globally!


  93. Anonymous5:14 PM

    “How come all of the jurisdictions put under emergency management are majority African American? Has anybody noticed that?” asked Rep. John Conyers (D),

    Anybody want to take a whack at this and send Ole Johnny Boy a reply?

  94. mute scared assnon:

    no quips on ndaa????

    why so u fleeced faceless sheeple???

  95. NDAA is what is going put ass in hole for ever. Then it's game over, Holicia.

  96. sorry scared assnon:

    so u cannot say anything to check hobama???

    but you can brag about how ndaa has increased your repulsive fears??????

    u repulse me you faceless yellow bastard!!!!!!!!

    u increase my courage as u revolt me you pathetic trembling trifling mf!!!

  97. more on human zoos

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. scared souless assnon:

    see u in the fema camps
    u felled fool

    where that gaping hole in your yellow soul will be!

  100. Pilot X, I give you credit for battling the ignorance today.

    And, yes, there are some pretty good minority asset managers out there.

    All Mr. Google had to do was go to this site and he would have seen it.

    (He must have lost his library card.)

    Anyway, I am somewhat familiar with the Earnest firm out of Georgia. They seem to do a pretty good job. Eugene Profit also has a pretty good firm in D.C. I hear a lot of good things about him as well. But hey, small minded people can't see beyond their own little world.

    Personally, I am with John Bogle's group (Vanguard), primarily because they are local and a lot of friends recommended them to me.

    I know, I know,they are not minority owned, but that's my point. Unlike some ignoramuses who troll this site, I am not going to pull out my money and invest in one of those fine black firms just because they happen to be black.

  101. I'd rather be in a nice FEMA trailer than in a cell in Gitmo. You gonna get yours Holicia, you loudmouth.

  102. ironic how hobama nazis can whine and warn

    but they can never wtfu


  103. scared LOUD joker assnon:

    nothing is louder than your fear u fool

    we hear u baaaaaaadly now u sheared sheeple

  104. Sometimes i wonder why i even try.

  105. only a brain dead moron would read
    coffin as "trailer"


  106. alicia banks, you are a brain dead moron.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. sold by the dozen dna/px:

    your cousins used to say the same bs to harriet

    each time they chose to stay under massa hobama's cousins' rule

    ask massa gwb

    u r echoing a faceless assnon

    that makes u a dual mf ghost


    carry on u cowardly coon

  109. Field, Alicia et all. My last post was 2:23 pm. Someone hacked my handle AGAIN! Whomever is doing it that shit is not cool. The posts at 5;52 and 5:59 are not mine.

  110. This shit has got to stop. Thats not me @ 6:16pm.

    People need to get a life.

  111. That is bullshit. Field should be able to see the IP address and block it.

  112. Ned said...
    That is bullshit. Field should be able to see the IP address and block it.

    Yeah, it's pretty easy to block IP addys, but Field is a free speach advocate.

    And NO ONE knows that better than me, LOL!!!

  113. Field will be able to see the i.p. address, the location of the ISP, the browser used, the operating system, and the previous website visited, so he can easily sort this out.

    If he feels the need.

  114. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Yeah, it's pretty easy to block IP addys, but Field is a free speach advocate.

    And NO ONE knows that better than me, LOL!!!

    No one has abused fn's free speech rule more than you.

  115. Yes Pilot X, I can see that was not you. Don't worry, I am always here to confirm where the IP is coming from.

    But yeah, Queen is right, I try very hard not to censor.

  116. no slappz7:27 PM

    field suggests:

    Ambassador Capital Management*
    Ariel Investments
    Argosy Real Estate Partners II ***
    Brown Capital Management
    Brown Capital Management**
    Buford, Dickson, Harper & Sparrow, Inc.
    Channing Capital Management**
    Channing Capital Management
    EARNEST Partners
    Herndon Capital Management **
    Holland Capital Management
    Muller & Monroe - ILPEFF
    Ascend Ventures (IL)
    ICV Capital Partners (IL)
    RLJ Equity Partners (IL)
    Smith Whiley II (IL)
    Syncom (IL)
    Muller & Monroe - M2PEFF
    DBL Equity Fund - BAEF II, L.P.
    Smith Whiley III
    Piedmont Investment Advisors
    Profit Investment Management**
    Progress Investment Management*
    Pugh Capital Management*

    The way it's usually done is this -- the head of the firm is black, but the employees handing the stock and bond research are white.

    People I've known have cycled though some of those firms.

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. px:


    i am used to it

    it seems u are the new flavor of the month

    shake the ghost faced haters off as they clone u bro



    fake px:

    i meant every word i said to u above

    u coon kkklown mf


  119. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Ned said...
    That is bullshit. Field should be able to see the IP address and block it.

    Yeah, it's pretty easy to block IP addys, but Field is a free speach advocate.

    And NO ONE knows that better than me, LOL!!!

    Holy hippopotamus ignoramus - Free "speach" Speach? Do you really think you will ever be a Doctor when you have to sound out and type phonetically a simple word such as speech? Do you like peeches and creeem? How bouts gub'ment grant dollahs?

    Here you go, a second grade primer that might help

    and to think you have been going to school all your life

  120. foolish kosher kkk:

    your willful racist ignorance is sinful

    education is always a choice

    libraries are free

    kudos to a homeless teen scholar!!!


  121. more black news via nancy grace inc


    the black casey a???

  122. Hey SpellCheck Assnon,

    How about these phonetic spellings:


    FCK yew

    And just think, if you were paid to spell check/post bullshit on Field's blog, you'd be a rich cracker bitch!

  123. Thanks for the support Alicia. One day these guys will grow up and fight fair. Yeah, right;-)
