Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mitt's new spokesperson?

Flipper used a devastating television spot against Newt to land a knockout punch in Florida. The commercial featured a clip of Tom Brokaw talking about Newt being censored and fined by the house for ethics violations.

It was obviously an effective spot, but NBC was not pleased.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — NBC asked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Saturday to pull a campaign advertisement made up almost entirely of a 1997 "Nightly News" report on Newt Gingrich's ethics committee reprimand.

The "History Lesson" ad started running in Florida on the weekend, when it is harder for stations to switch ad traffic even if they want to. Broadcast days before Tuesday's primary, the ad shows former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw saying that some of Gingrich's House colleagues had raised questions about the then-speaker's "future effectiveness."

Under Brokaw's image is a line that reads — "Paid for by Romney for President, Approved by Mitt Romney."

The footage was used without permission and the extensive use of the broadcast "inaccurately suggests that NBC News and Mr. Brokaw have consented to the use of this material and agree with the political position espoused by the videos," NBC's vice president of media law, David N. Sternlicht, wrote Romney's campaign manager, Matt Rhoades.

"Aside from the obvious copyright issues, this use of the voice of Mr. Brokaw and the NBC News name exploits him and the journalistic credibility of NBC News," the letter said. The network asked for the campaign to stop running the ad immediately and revise any other videos or commercials to remove at NBC material.

"As a news organization, NBC News objects to any use of NBC News journalists and our copyrighted material that suggests to the public that we or our journalists are taking sides with any individual or organization involved in a political campaign or dispute, and we request that your organization respect that concern," the letter said.

Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom said the campaign isn't likely to stop running the ad."

Man that Flipper dude is no joke. It's going to be scary when the general election rolls around. All this Super PAC money flying around out here well make this very ugly.

"We just received the letter. We are reviewing it, but we believe it falls within fair use," he said. "We didn't take the entire broadcast; we just took the first 30 seconds....Brokaw said in a statement released by NBC that he was "extremely uncomfortable with the extended use of my personal image in this political ad. I do not want my role as a journalist compromised for political gain by any campaign."

I wonder why Flipper didn't use a FOX NEWS clip? I am quite sure that they would have had no problem with his campaign using it.

Finally, I have to rip Yahoo News for the following headline and story:

"Mom Allegedly Drags Son by Car for Missing School Bus"

Ok, so that's the headline. Now check out the actual story:

"ABC News' Katti Gray reports:

A Woods Cross, Utah, woman was arrested for allegedly forcing her 9-year-old son to walk alongside her car as she pulled him along by his belt and steered him toward school after he'd missed the school bus.

Police said the boy could have been hit by traffic driving in the opposite direction on the two-lane road and have turned the case over to the Davis County District Attorney's office, which will decide whether to charge the mother with child endangerment.

"She was going at a slow enough speed that the child was able to keep pace with the vehicle," Woods Cross Police Chief Greg Butler said. A neighbor phoned his department about what the mother was doing.

Her name is not being released because she has not been charged, and the child - who is not deemed to be in imminent danger - remains in his mother's care, Butler said." [Story]

"Walk alongside the car", not "drags." Big difference.

And please save your nasty e-mails. I know it's not cool to walk your kids outside of a moving car, but I had a totally different image in my head when I first read the headline.

Besides, I see you white folks with your children on leashes all the time, so what's the big deal?


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Mitt and his LDS friends are planning on buying the Presidency by any means, so hold on it has not got as ugly as it is going to get.

  2. NSangoma9:26 PM

    Barack baby bruh, Mitt don't not be jiving.

  3. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Whether it is Mitt or Nuclear Newt, Obama has his work cut out for himself.

    Mitt is determined to win the WH, and I think he will. He is just the kind of person that appeals to all races and will be more believable than the O-man. Yep, the Democrats are going to out in Congress AND the WH.

  4. Shortey9:51 PM

    At least that women who dragged her kid to school didn't make soup out him when he was a fetus.

    That's all I'm sayin'.

  5. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Well they may even be trying to back door Jeb Bush in via a brokered convention.

  6. Anonymous10:52 PM

    No, they've had enough of the Bush family.

    Never again.

  7. "Walk alongside the car", not "drags." Big difference.

    And please save your nasty e-mails. I know it's not cool to walk your kids outside of a moving car, but I had a totally different image in my head when I first read the headline.

    What you say is true but it's possible that her son could have stumbled and fallen and with her paying attention ( I am assuming that he was on the passenger side and not the driver's side of the car)( hopefully to the on coming traffic) she may not have noticed if he had fallen and he could have been dragged.

    This woman needs to lose custody of her son asap because her punishment was not very well thought out.

  8. Captain Underoos11:44 PM

    How come no intrepid individual asks Mitt, "Boxers of Briefs"?

  9. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Besides, I see you white folks with your children on leashes all the time, so what's the big deal?

    I think all kids should be walked outside of cars on leashes, some until they are 18 and if they start getting crazy hit the gas hard. A little road rash will teach them respect.

  10. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Mitt does appeal to all racists...except those who beleeverate that Mormons are a Satanic cult.

    Poor Newtie, hoist by his own petard.

    Before counting Obama might want to ask if he will allow any stolen elections...or that he defeated Hillary...or that he got OBL...or that despite all the wailing and gnashing of gums, he is still President...or that he and his team have let the Goobers in Congress show us why they are called Goobers...or that he has de-fanged nearly every political foe.

    Jan Brewer thoughterate he witeness was a pass.


  11. Makes Me Puke4:14 AM

    Maybe if black folk kept their kidlets on a leash, Marion Berry, out of all people, wouldn't to be able to brag that Killadelphia wasn't murder capitol of the US.

  12. Anonymous6:51 AM

    How come no intrepid individual asks Mitt, "Boxers of Briefs"?

    None of the above , He wears magic drawers

  13. Quote 2nd amamndment Roy

    "Well that's a pretty clear example of the fascist tendencies of nasty little leftists, "Let's gas all the Republicans". I think you'll be surprised by the outcome once you and your ilk decide it's time to give it a try."

    Yeah, but it will be fun trying...

  14. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote 2nd amamndment Roy

    "Well that's a pretty clear example of the fascist tendencies of nasty little leftists, "Let's gas all the Republicans". I think you'll be surprised by the outcome once you and your ilk decide it's time to give it a try."

    Yeah, but it will be fun trying...

    Daffy Duck season has ended. It is now officially Cow season.

  15. Don't worry Anony, I've already located a special wall for you - come the glorious revolution you are going to be first up against it...

  16. Shorty you wrong for that statement.
    Hmmm, folks are loving Mitt's chances here. We will see.

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Don't worry Anony, I've already located a special wall for you - come the glorious revolution you are going to be first up against it...

    Worry? Hardly. Those of us with larger brains and who dont read about Mao and Lenin and dream of how great it would be if we could make everyone take care of us - we sharpen skills and learn new ones, while building civilizations other than dung huts. You don't rate special treatment, quick and efficient group handling for you along with the other farm animals like sheep and cows. Tell buttercup her lamb chops will roasting nicely over a spit then fed to the dogs after I ensure we perform a nice halal dispatch.

  18. Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about (and if NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing over again)Met Office releases new figures which show no warming in 15 years

    The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.

    The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
    Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

    ‘We’re now well into the second decade of the pause,’ said Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation. ‘If we don’t see convincing evidence of global warming by 2015, it will start to become clear whether the models are bunk. And, if they are, the implications for some scientists could be very serious.’

    Read more:

  19. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Obama sings, Sharpton says he boosts the economy and infers this is going to make him get re-elected

    No doubt we are living "Idiocracy" I think I will get a head start and create a drink and name it Brawndo:The Thirst Mutilator

  20. Still haven't seen those
    UN Predicted 50 million global warming refugees. That was suppose to be by 2010.

    The new data suggest 150 million global warming refugees' by 2050.

    Thank allah i will be dead by than. Don't wanna live like a refugee.

    Al Gore predicted in 2008 that the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.

    That didn't happen either.

    That took me way back to August 2000. A New York Times story said " the Pole was free of ice for the first time in 50 million years."

    What about the sad New York Times story about polar bears dying out as the result of global warming.

    All lies. The polar bear pop has risen over the years. There is still ice at the pole.

    More inconvenient truths, anyone?

  21. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    The only reason Brandy Norwoord isn't sharing accommodations with Hinkley is because she's Black.

    And the crime happened in a "safe" and über rich section of Mont. county.

    WTF?? You mean the Brittany Norwood who used at least five weapons, including a knife, hammer and merchandise peg to inflict 330 wounds on a woman she killed, only did this because she is Black?

    What are you saying that she should be with someone named Hinckley singing Brandy songs?

    Lemme guess? IQ of 55?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Why is FN ignoring the Jewish Newspaper which sought the killing of President Obama?

    Why is this story being ignored by FN??

  24. Anonymous11:28 AM

    anon, "Why is FN ignoring the Jewish Newspaper which sought the killing of President Obama?

    Why is this story being ignored by FN??"

    10:58 AM
    No Jewish newspaper sought the killing of Obama. Jewish people would not say such things.

    Your remark is unfounded and indicates you have a resentment against Jewish people. Obviously you do not know that Field supports Israel, and so does Obama..

  25. "Why is FN ignoring the Jewish Newspaper which sought the killing of President Obama?

    Why is this story being ignored by FN??"

    Link please.

    BTW, if you are referring to that wingnut idiot, Andrew Adler, you might want to rethink your comments.

  26. Pretender quotes the fucking Daily Mail as fact.

    Tells us all we need to know about his intellectual capacities (or lack of).

  27. Here you are Pretender.

    It's your very own Daily Mail headline generator.

    The first three I got were

    1. Are immigrants scrounging off common sense and decency?

    2. Has the nanny-state given your mortgage swine flu?

    3. Could Paedophiles make house prices impotent

  28. Mold hissed...
    "Before counting Obama might want to ask if he will allow any stolen elections..."

    Read up, O crazy one. Obama has stolen every election he ever won. From getting his opponents for state senate disqualified, to getting operatives to release sealed divorce records of his US senate opponent, to voter inimidation in his battle with Hilary, to ACORN's massive voter fraud effort in the 2008 general election, Obama wrote the book on stealing elections. With Eric Holder's assistance, he'll do his best to steal this one too.

  29. Winston11:49 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Pretender quotes the fucking Daily Mail as fact.
    Beats that rag The Guardian.

  30. If your I.Q. is less than 85 yes I'm sure you would think the Daily Mail is better.

    That's the entire point of course - the Daily Mail is designed to appeal to sufferers of Conservative Syndrome.

  31. Anonymous12:00 PM

    It seems to me that people are not letting children be children anymore.

    Whatever happened to taking/walking/driving your kids to school? Why such a cold and indifferent form as is to put your small child alone on a bus?

    I can understand older middle school and high schoolers, but my thoughts are that small elementary grade children need the security of a parent that will talk with them and safely and lovingly take them to school and pick them up to take them home.

  32. Winston12:12 PM

    Purple Sow...
    - the Daily Mail is designed to appeal to sufferers of Conservative Syndrome.

    And the Guardian is there to stroke the tiny members of disingenuous white liberals (and their pets) with stories that reinforce their feelings of self-importance and superiority.

  33. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, there have been several comments about you leaving FN. To date, you have not replied to any of them.

    Do you realize you are responsible to millions, possibly billions, of Blacks world-wide who need to get themselves prepared for your exit? I mean, we need time to get ourselves together, brotha.

    Why not do a post about this? Of all the news in the world I cannot think of anything more important than this. The media would like to know, also. Are you afraid of the The View interviewing you over this?

  34. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Wow, there are a lot of folks beating up on Purple Cow. It must be an American/British thing.

  35. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Wow, there are a lot of folks beating up on Purple Cow. It must be an American/British thing."

    I'm surprised he shows up here after the way he got slapped around yesterday. He looked like an absolute fool. I wouldn't believe anything he wrote after that.

  36. "Dear Mr. Field, there have been several comments about you leaving FN. To date, you have not replied to any of them."

    No plans to leave just yet. When I do my buddies here in the fields will be the first to know. :)

  37. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Field, "BTW, if you are referring to that wingnut idiot, Andrew Adler, you might want to rethink your comments."

    I am surprised that no AAs have spoken out about Andrew Adler(AA). It is odd not what Adler said, but the silence from the black community.

    The weirdest thing is Adler is a wingnut and Field loves to smash wingnuts. Yet, he has been kind to Adler by remaining silent. Now 'why' would Field give 'any' wingnut a pass? This smells like racism.

  38. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Field, "No plans to leave just yet. When I do my buddies here in the fields will be the first to know. :)"

    Whew! Thank goodness. May we assume that you will be around for the next four years?

  39. Another socialist economic bubble is bursting12:39 PM

    The green energy bubble continues to burst in about the same fashion as the housing bubble. Last week saw stories on the collapse of German solar power subsidies, and now Spain is following suit:

    Spain halted subsidies for renewable energy projects to help curb its budget deficit and rein in power-system borrowings backed by the state that reached 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

    “What is today an energy problem could become a financial problem,” Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria said in Madrid. The government passed a decree today stopping subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration plants.

    The system’s debts were racked up as revenue from state- controlled prices failed to cover the cost of delivering power.

    Meanwhile, Barclays Bank announced last week that it is closing its U.S. emissions trading desk, which had been a cornerstone of the northeast’s Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.

    Over here in America, the green energy boondoggle bankruptcies keep piling up:

    A maker of rechargeable car batteries that was using a $118.5 million Energy Department grant to build a factory in Indiana filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Thursday, becoming the latest green-energy company backed by the Obama administration to run into trouble.

    Ener1 Inc. said its prepackaged bankruptcy filing will enable the company to receive a new infusion of capital and keep its operations going. Ener1 reached a deal with lenders to cut its $91 million debt in half and said it would receive $81 million in new funds, mostly from Bzinfin S.A., a company backed by Russian businessman Boris ...

    This face plant of the green energy sector that is wholly dependent on subsidies is one the easiest calls you could have made. The bad news for Obama is that it is starting now, instead of after the election as he had planned.

  40. This here's the straight shit:

    Follwing Obama means walking off a cliff.

  41. Quote anonym us 12:24

    "I'm surprised he shows up here after the way he got slapped around yesterday. He looked like an absolute fool. I wouldn't believe anything he wrote after that."

    In what possible way do you numbskulls think that you "beat me up" yesterday?

    As if...

    You guys do have delusions of intellectual grandeur.

  42. Anonymous1:23 PM

    PC is a sore loser. Brits pride is enormous...childish.

  43. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Pretender quotes the fucking Daily Mail as fact.

    Tells us all we need to know about his intellectual capacities (or lack of).

    Alinsky Alert, Alinsky Alert Ruled for radical liberals attack the source. Pathetic.

  44. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Here you are Pretender.

    It's your very own Daily Mail headline generator.

    The first three I got were....

    3. Could Paedophiles make house prices impotent

    Well, I don't know Purple, how much is that barn where you and buttercup chew her cuddle worth? Remember man, you aren't dealing with disengenious versions of yourself who ignore science and get all touchy feely. We need real facts and evidence.

    Nice Alinsky job, you said nothing about the hard hitting content but did attack the source.

  45. Anonymous1:32 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonym us 12:24

    "I'm surprised he shows up here after the way he got slapped around yesterday. He looked like an absolute fool. I wouldn't believe anything he wrote after that."

    In what possible way do you numbskulls think that you "beat me up" yesterday?

    As if...

    You guys do have delusions of intellectual grandeur.

    I am sorry Napolean what did you say?

    Purple pulls his right hand out of the breast of his jacket whilst blood continues to drip from his head and slowly slinks away to lie down and delude himself some more.

  46. Even by their laughable standards, that Daily Mail article is astonishingly inept.

    1998 was the warmest year ever because normal global warming conditions coincided with an El Nino event and the Pacific Decadel Oscillation was in a positive phase. Just because the years since then haven’t quite matched the hottest ever, doesn’t mean global warming has stopped.

    Take a look at this graph.

  47. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Even by their laughable standards, that Daily Mail article is astonishingly inept.

    1998 was the warmest year ever because normal global warming conditions coincided with an El Nino event and the Pacific Decadel Oscillation was in a positive phase. Just because the years since then haven’t quite matched the hottest ever, doesn’t mean global warming has stopped.

    Take a look at this graph.

    Nor, does it mean that Global Warming climate change is nothing more than a complete hoax, as has been exposed by the scientific community, data fraud, lies uncovered by email messages. None, not one of the scientific measurement criteria was remotely accurate so what is your point other then as usual sharing a useless thought?

    Your liberal wordsmithing alinsky tactics of attacking one of the few sources for actually bringing news of a letter signed by 16 scientists is laughable. It will be widespread shortly as all other scandals exposing the hoax were.

    Those with a larger brain and higher IQ's would focus on the scientists and the actual opinions of learned men, you chose to be a liberally religious man and proceed to wordsmith to find a way to ignore the science as it doesnt fit your beliefs.

    There are numerous sources that discredit the global warming hoax. I won't list them as you may have a heart attack trying to find out if the scientists cheated on their wives and discredit them with morals that you yourself dont possess, maybe you can just skip the steps and jump to calling them racist right off the bat, using that small liberal guidebook to help you with the steps if your forget them.

    --In September, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaever, a supporter of President Obama in the last election, publicly resigned from the American Physical Society (APS) with a letter that begins: "I did not renew [my membership] because I cannot live with the [APS policy] statement: 'The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring

  48. Dear Anonymos 2:00

    Honestly you cunts, I don't know where to start.

    You numbskulls had never fucking heard of Saul Alinsky six months ago, now because Glenn BecKKK has dreamed up this insane conspiracy you are all "Alinsky tactics this.." and "Alinsky plot..... the other.

    You are just so gullible, it's incredible. Meanwhile BacKKK laughs his way to the bank, with profits made from selling horse shit to useful idiots like you..

    For every scientist that says that G.W. is not real there are a thousand that say it is.

  49. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Oh and Buttercup, the site you copied and pasted the graph from (nice job of stealing it and not listing your source) Does not seem very scientific. Open Source science - we know what that is. Why look at their very own statement on global warming trying to justify their position and combat all the real science skeptics:

    "There is no reasonable doubt that current warming is human influenced and largely human driven"

    No scientist of any worth would make such a ludicrous statement for an unproven area of study. Especially in an area where all evidence and I do mean all has proven the opposite of the unsound theory. This of course exludes the falsified data uncovered where "scientists' were looking to change the global model to fit the lies they wished to further along.

    So the site is a liberal rag in essence. Full of dreams, lies and bullshit.

    2012 Jan - The Leading Edge

    National Climate Data Center Billion Dollar Weather/Climate Disasters; Climate change skepticism seeps into science classrooms

    2011 saw a mix of more of the same in the climate debate and misunderstanding. While the science continues to reduce uncertainty in new and important areas, the basics remain the same. Near virtual certainty exists on the core of the scientific understanding regarding cause factors impacting the increase in radiative forcing that is causing global warming.

  50. In the mean time, while you are praising science, did you not notice that it was me that was posting a graph from a peer-reviewed journal, while you were quoting the well-known conservative children's comic THE DAILY MAIL for fuck's sake

  51. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymos 2:00

    Honestly you cunts, I don't know where to start.

    You numbskulls had never fucking heard of Saul Alinsky six months ago, now because Glenn BecKKK has dreamed up this insane conspiracy you are all "Alinsky tactics this.." and "Alinsky plot..... the other.

    You are a living walking talking empty sounding pot of liberal talking points. Beck who? Who gives a fuck, is that all you can say to defend your miniscule IQ? I knew about Alinsky and Obama and all of Obamas radical teachers and ghost writers before YOU learned about it from Beck,

    But again, that HAS nothing to do with the fact that you just practiced Alinsky techniques of rules for radicals yet AGAIN. You attack the source while being utterly useless otherwise, it has always been a liberal theme when incompetence is highlighted to skip the meat and attack and attempt to discredit the source. I see you do that as a first reaction daily. Make it easy on yourself just go back to the old standby - Just say "dat shit be racist yo"

    You are just so gullible, it's incredible. Meanwhile BacKKK laughs his way to the bank, with profits made from selling horse shit to useful idiots like you..

    Wow that was a mouthful of "nuffin"
    another talking point only we call people like you "useful idiots" democrats don't use that term much, they try to keep a low profile and not awaken the plantation inhabitants.

    For every scientist that says that G.W. is not real there are a thousand that say it is.

    Liberals are a odd bunch, they claim to believe in science yet never accept real science or facts if they go against their demented agendas. In other words, your stupid and lemminglike in behaviour, you need someone to tell you what to think. Otherwise you can't.

  52. Anonymous2:18 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    In the mean time, while you are praising science, did you not notice that it was me that was posting a graph from a peer-reviewed journal, while you were quoting the well-known conservative children's comic THE DAILY MAIL for fuck's sake

    Oh I did, read on dimwit, read on. Again with your alinsky tactics, I wasn't qouting the daily mail, I read who the scientists were and what they actually said. But you will never understand that.

    Will you say next crimes don't really happen if they are reported on FOX news? Another liberal talking point.

  53. The Bull2:49 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Dear Anonymos 2:00

    Honestly you cunts, I don't know where to start.

    The Cow is losing it. After that ass whuppin' he took yesterday, he has lost what little credibility he had left.

    It's kind of sad, but funny.

  54. It's because I do accept science that I accept the reality of the human causation of global warming.

    You pretend not to, because you are the useful idiots who do only what is in the interests of global multinationals and billionaires.

    Anybody want to take me on in a continuing global warming debate?

    Any of you man enough?

  55. Anonymous3:21 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    It's because I do accept science that I accept the reality of the human causation of global warming.

    Yes, the science of the liberal church. To you that's real.

    You pretend not to, because you are the useful idiots who do only what is in the interests of global multinationals and billionaires.

    Useful idiots? You calling others useful idiots? Do you not know that multinationals and corporatism is ALL that the global warming hoax is about? You have your talking points confused. Do you understand where enviro carbon credit monies go to? Will this change any behaviour in the world (given the fallacy of manmade impact a bit of credence it is not due) Do you think all the carbon taxes and credits are going to some wonderful fund that will magically be given to China and such nations that will stop them from using fossil fuels? Or is it a hoax created by the usual liberal vapor smoke dreamers to fleece the mindless and make some extremely rich, create a slushfund for the useless and mindless to promote radical agendas? Follow the money, follow Carbon Credit exchanges, question why Obama and the head of Fannie and Freddie set up a private company to trade in carbon credits prior to his pushing the global warming hoax even further.
    How do you sell air? Who will get the monies from the recently enacted EU union global warming climate change hoax fees? Where does it go, how does it help? What does it help? Will it change our source of energy given there are no scientifically sound alternative YET?

    Anybody want to take me on in a continuing global warming debate?

    You already lost when you used alinsky lying tactics. You clearly cannot be trusted as an honest man this given the fact there is no low you will not stoop to in order to solidify a point and your agenda.

    In the end reality and science eventually trumps the flat worlders like you. Only today it takes a bit longer due to the mass media collusion with "useful idiots" such as yourself.

  56. "You already lost when you used alinsky lying tactics. You clearly cannot be trusted as an honest man this given the fact there is no low you will not stoop to in order to solidify a point and your agenda.

    In the end reality and science eventually trumps the flat worlders like you. Only today it takes a bit longer due to the mass media collusion with "useful idiots" such as yourself."

    Which is a long-winded way of saying you don;t have the guts to take me on.

    Fair enough.

    Anybody else?

  57. Anonymous3:28 PM

    If you want to pretend to expertise in might want to do the actual work first.
    What you repeat verbatim only serves notice that your education ended somewhere before Grade Nine.

    I do love the Daily Mail. Tabloid entertainment and reinforcement of tropes and memes. Still, the writers can't entirely put their minds in a blind trust and will quite often reveal more than their paymasters wish. Oh, the US media does this as well. All that is required is either street smarts or a liberal education.

    Oh, some might wish to take, like, a class in, like, population ecology or such. Polar bear numbers sounderates smart-ish...but only if you are unaware of the Science.


  58. The Purple Cow said...
    It's because I do accept science that I accept the reality of the human causation of global warming.

    No Cow, what you are doing is conforming to a false orthodoxy. Scientific truth is not based conformance with a convenient political truth, nor determined by "consensus", it is based on evidence.

    There is no evidence that the man-made global warming is anything to worry about.

    Here's an op-ed signed by 16 scnnetists that refutes alarmist claims:

    The scientists acknowledge the growing awareness that AGW is a crock:

    "Candidates should understand that the oft-repeated claim that nearly all scientists demand that something dramatic be done to stop global warming is not true. In fact, a large and growing number of distinguished scientists and engineers do not agree that drastic actions on global warming are needed. … [T]he number of scientific “heretics” is growing with each passing year. The reason is a collection of stubborn scientific facts."

    The most obvious of these facts is that it hasn’t gotten any warmer in over a decade. Global warming theories cannot account for this inconvenient truth.

    Since anyone qualified to teach high school science should know that global warming is not a scientific theory but a preposterous pretext for imposing oligarchical collectivism, why do so many scientists play along with it? One reason is fear. I quote:

    "Many young scientists furtively say that while they also have serious doubts about the global-warming message, they are afraid to speak up for fear of not being promoted — or worse. …

    This is not the way science is supposed to work, but we have seen it before — for example, in the frightening period when Trofim Lysenko hijacked biology in the Soviet Union. Soviet biologists who revealed that they believed in genes, which Lysenko maintained were a bourgeois fiction, were fired from their jobs. Many were sent to the gulag and some were condemned to death.

    Leftist ideology always distorts science so that it amy be used as a weapon against their political opponents.

    I'm sure you are all for this, as you have recently more than once voiced your enthusiasm for anything that advances the Leftist cause, even mass murder.

    But don't try to pass this off as a defense of "science". That lie no longer works.

  59. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Mold gibbbers...
    "Polar bear numbers sounderates smart-ish...but only if you are unaware of the Science."

    You are unaware that voices in your head aren't real.

  60. Anonymous3:36 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "You already lost when you used alinsky lying tactics. You clearly cannot be trusted as an honest man this given the fact there is no low you will not stoop to in order to solidify a point and your agenda.

    In the end reality and science eventually trumps the flat worlders like you. Only today it takes a bit longer due to the mass media collusion with "useful idiots" such as yourself."

    Which is a long-winded way of saying you don;t have the guts to take me on.

    Fair enough.

    Anybody else?

    What a child. You are truly a legend in your own mind.

    You might as well have said "skaredy cat" I have guts and enough ammunition to blow your brains and liberal nonsense out of the water as was already done. Ultimately though I have seen how you and others here have an open debate on global warming and how your brain implodes during the progression of these debates.....

    Lets skip to the meat of what your argument will be sans facts that you like

    You are an idiot,
    You are Racist
    Faux news talking point
    Insert various ridiculous non related talking point(s)
    Where did you get that? Oh thats a facist right wing site..
    I don't like that site so the data doesn't count.
    You are evil for suggesting reality is.....

    Spare us all the drivel and say it now, declare yourself the winner, prance merrily along, put on your napoleanic jacket and have yourself a smoke and a pancake, have two even.

  61. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mold gibbbers...
    "Polar bear numbers sounderates smart-ish...but only if you are unaware of the Science."

    You are unaware that voices in your head aren't real.

    They are real, they are Polar Bear voices saying "help me, I've fallen and I can't get up"

    buy one global warming credit now and get the clapper for free.

  62. You have the intellectual capacities of a silly twat, pc.

    Are you saying the data/conclusions from the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit is wrong?

    Are you saying analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona is wrong?

    Is Henrik Svensmark, director of the Center for Sun-Climate Research at Denmark’s National Space Institute wrong?

    Are you saying Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation is wrong?

    THE DAILY MAIL is a lot more trust worthy than any liberal/socialist rags you read.

  63. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Useful idiots? You calling others useful idiots? Do you not know that multinationals and corporatism is ALL that the global warming hoax is about? You have your talking points confused. Do you understand where enviro carbon credit monies go to? Will this change any behaviour in the world (given the fallacy of manmade impact a bit of credence it is not due) Do you think all the carbon taxes and credits are going to some wonderful fund that will magically be given to China and such nations that will stop them from using fossil fuels? Or is it a hoax created by the usual liberal vapor smoke dreamers to fleece the mindless and make some extremely rich, create a slushfund for the useless and mindless to promote radical agendas? Follow the money, follow Carbon Credit exchanges, question why Obama and the head of Fannie and Freddie set up a private company to trade in carbon credits prior to his pushing the global warming hoax even further.
    How do you sell air? Who will get the monies from the recently enacted EU union global warming climate change hoax fees? Where does it go, how does it help? What does it help? Will it change our source of energy given there are no scientifically sound alternative YET?

    You wanted a debate yet you skipped the very first difficult questions. You don't need to answer them now, but heres more to my point science asks the obvious. It doesn't only report the selected theme with skewed statistics. Yet the first meaty points you "glansed" over. Why? It would take to much effort for you to learn, you may not like the facts and the facts may not promote the already preconcieved non scientific outcome that you have planned. In other words, you are a liberal.

  64. Oh, some might wish to take, like, a class in, like, population ecology or such. Polar bear numbers sounderates smart-ish...but only if you are unaware of the Science.


    Only if you are unaware of liberal lies would you believerate polar bear population is declining. This lie was started in order to stop oil exploration in Alaska.

    Leftist do tend to get their panties in a bunch when their lies are exposed.

  65. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Pretender said...
    Oh, some might wish to take, like, a class in, like, population ecology or such. Polar bear numbers sounderates smart-ish...but only if you are unaware of the Science.


    Only if you are unaware of liberal lies would you believerate polar bear population is declining. This lie was started in order to stop oil exploration in Alaska.

    Leftist do tend to get their panties in a bunch when their lies are exposed.

    It's eery, Mold and UTS have the exact same idealogy, talking points and IQ, someone might get the ID they are the same pair of sockpuppets.

  66. The Purple Cow said...
    You pretend not to, because you are the useful idiots who do only what is in the interests of global multinationals and billionaires.

    Speaking of useful idiots, Omar doesn't realize he is defending the interests of millionaires, billionaries, and multinationals who are benefiting from global warming and green energy scams.

    Omar should look in the mirror and see who the real idiot is.

  67. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Purple Cow Said...

    "Which is a long-winded way of saying you don;t have the guts to take me on.

    Fair enough.

    Anybody else?"

    Anyone ever get a Purple Nurple from your friends when you were kids? I did once - smacked the living shit outta that kid, he never did it again.

  68. field negro said...
    "Dear Mr. Field, there have been several comments about you leaving FN. To date, you have not replied to any of them."

    No plans to leave just yet. When I do my buddies here in the fields will be the first to know. :)

    I do wish mr. Wayne would leave soon and turn this blog over to a true field negro......


  69. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Purple Cow must have run away to watch another soccer game, just like yesterday.

    This is getting pathetic....

    Maybe we should leave him alone. It's like picking on a retard.

    And debating with mold IS picking on a retard.

  70. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Here we go, a true American, Patriot and leader:

    Allen West for President. I hope Mitt picks either him or Rubio for VP and they accept. The Obama machine will have its gears crushed.

  71. The Purple Cow4:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Purple Cow must have run away to watch another soccer game, just like yesterday.

    This is getting pathetic....

    Maybe we should leave him alone. It's like picking on a retard.

    Mmmppphhhh....mmmmpppphhhhh....mmmpppphhhhh....I'm busy M....mmpppffffff....ate.......playin ball chin hockey and teabagee with my horse right now .....mmmppphhhh......oh-oh Buttercup wants some action....mmmpphhhh...wipe my chin at ya later.....


  72. Field,

    "No plans to leave just yet. When I do my buddies here in the fields will be the first to know. :)"

    Just curious. Why would you be leaving?

    You're not letting the anon trolls get to you, are ya?

    My humble suggestion would be at least require your bloggers to post under an established forum name or have their posts deleted.

    We'll watch these cockroaches crawl back under the floorboard where they belong.

  73. "Allen West for President. I hope Mitt picks either him or Rubio for VP and they accept. The Obama machine will have its gears crushed."

    You are dreaming.

    White rightwingers are not going to support a black or latino on the national ticket.

    No matter how much they coon or coconut.

  74. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Please stop beating up on brother British PC from the UK. You Americans can be so cruel. I am reporting you fools to the International Community.

  75. Anonymous6:14 PM

    UTS, "White rightwingers are not going to support a black or latino on the national ticket.

    No matter how much they coon or coconut."

    According to dictionary "coon is an offensive name for a black person."

    Brother Steve, why would you use offensive language against your people? Are you really Black, or are you just a phoney white boy?

    And what does coconut mean, is that another offensive name for Blacks that YOU made up? Did you get it from the same place as "Goober"?

  76. Anonymous6:33 PM


    "No plans to leave just yet. When I do my buddies here in the fields will be the first to know. :)"

    Uptownsteve said, "Just curious. Why would you be leaving?"

    That's a very good question. I hope Field would let us know why he would be leaving. I really look forward to FN daily; I am pray that Field won't leave for a long, long time.

    Uts, "You're not letting the anon trolls get to you, are ya?"

    Oh please. Some of these yahooo anons are ignored-- except you and PC. You two seem to get your jollies talking to them. I sometimes wonder who's sicker, YOU or THEM?

    Steve, "My humble suggestion would be at least require your bloggers to post under an established forum name or have their posts deleted."

    Then it wouldn't be FN, the unique blog that it is. Do you realize that FN is the "true" American blog that is open to everyone? It's where ALL of humanity, esp Americans meet. It's a great watering hole where you can drink or just gawk at all of the weirdo animals who are participating.

    If Mr. Field were to leave, everything would be lost because he is the talent that brings us together. But maybe he is tired of it and wants to move on. We can't know why unless "Field" tells us why, NOT YOU.

    Steve, "We'll watch these cockroaches crawl back under the floorboard where they belong."

    You talk as if you lived with cockroaches under a floorboard. When? The more you comment, the more you prove you know NOTHING.

  77. Anonymous6:37 PM


    Obama 47% Romney 48%
    Obama 50% Paul 43%
    Obama 51% Santorum 44%
    Obama 54% Gingrich 40%

  78. Awwwwwwww, I'm disappointed in you guys. None of you guys man enough to take me on???

    Really? I'd expected more of the master race.

    Come on boys!

    Ain’t one of you man enough to take me on? Does not one of you have the cojones or whatever it is those latinos say.

    I’m not asking you to take me on in a physical fight, I mean obviously I’d kick your collective asses in that situation, no, this is an intellectual fight. You against me mano a mano or whatever it is those Latinos say.

    I mean you guys can’t lose right?

    You are paid up members of the Master Race! (Copywrite A. Hitler 1933) and I’m just a dumbfuck negro with an I.Q. fifteen points lower than yours. Fifteen points! Shit man, that’s a whole lot of points, and as we know I.Q. tests are never wrong…

    All I’m asking is you debate me over man-made global warming. How can you lose? You are debating the existence of an idiotic concept that was invented by fuckin' lyin’ liberal-socialist scientists with a dumbfuck negro fifteen points stupider even than you. And you boys are all graduates of the prestigious 'University of Trailer Park State'.

    All you gotta do is prove me wrong, with the sword of truth and the shield of white intellectual superiority by your side, how can you lose?

    I mean what the flying fuck do I know about the sensitivity of the attribution of near surface temperature warming to the choice of observational dataset? What do I know about the cumulus parameterization scheme? What do I know about Pintubo recreate total column water vapour response?

    Less than zero obviously, because YOU know fuck all, and being a negro I obviously know less than you. So I think you should take me on in this debate, so come for me boys, I’m here for the taking.

    But know one thing

    ”You come for the king, you better not miss”

  79. "According to dictionary "coon is an offensive name for a black person."

    Just trying to help here goober but I used the word "coon" as a verb in my post which accurately describes what black conservatives do on the national political stage.

    Use your brain for a second.

    How would YOU view a white politician or pundit who had virtually no support amongst their fellow whites and spent most of their public time corroborating negative stereotypes about that community?


    Obama 47% Romney 48%
    Obama 50% Paul 43%
    Obama 51% Santorum 44%
    Obama 54% Gingrich 40%

    Yep, you are right, anony.

    There's no way on your alleged god's green earth that Obama can lose.

    Nighty night.

  81. Oh come on boys, you know you can do it.

    Take me on!

    Don't let your microscopically small penises, and asses so large they would cause a partial eclipse of the sun should you ever get up of your sofa give you an inferiority complex.

    This is an interlekkktual challenge.

    How can you lose?

    Let's get it on, otherwise people might start to think you are just a bunch of dumbfuck hillbilies with a massive inferiority complexes that caused you to develop Conservatism Syndrome.

    And we can't have that now can we?

    I'm off to bed now, but I want you to have chosen a challenger by the morning.

  82. The Purple Cow said...
    Ain’t one of you man enough to take me on? Does not one of you have the cojones or whatever it is those latinos say.

    Are you that clueless as to not to have noticed that you already lost?

    You are as delusional as Mold, and as stupid as UTS.

    That's not a good combo.

    Go watch another soccer game.

  83. Fonzie7:33 PM

    I think it's fair to say Cow's act has jumped the shark.

  84. "Do you realize that FN is the "true" American blog that is open to everyone? It's where ALL of humanity, esp Americans meet"

    Anons aren't human.

  85. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Come on boys!

    Ain’t one of you man enough to take me on? Does not one of you have the cojones or whatever it is those latinos say.''

    Please cease and desist with your homosexual invitations Omar. If you want to get together with UpDown Steve just tell him so. No one else is interested in you and your interest in my Cajones as "those latinos" say you racist fuck makes me sick.

    I’m not asking you to take me on in a physical fight, I mean obviously I’d kick your collective asses in that situation, no, this is an intellectual fight. You against me mano a mano or whatever it is those Latinos say.

    OK, either you lied and you aren't near 50 rather about 15 or your IQ is a hell of a lot lower then we gave you credit for. A little tip for you buttercup, you stopped being a hombre or "mano" as "those latinos say" you racist fuck, the day you starting using a queer as your avatar, wearing pink nailpolish and fucking buttercup.
    I mean you guys can’t lose right?

    You are paid up members of the Master Race! (Copywrite A. Hitler 1933) and I’m just a dumbfuck negro with an I.Q. fifteen points lower than yours. Fifteen points! Shit man, that’s a whole lot of points, and as we know I.Q. tests are never wrong…

    See again, you prove your IQ is extremely low, no one said your IQ was only 15 points less, that is the average. YOU however have proven it is much, much, much less. I think any white genes you may have recieved were nullified by your insane liberal, german socialistic democratic beliefs at this point given your inability to deal with contrary positions, avoidance of facts and overall bitch ass immaturity, I woudl say your IQ is approx 60 maybe 65 at best being generous.

    All I’m asking is you debate me over man-made global warming. How can you lose? You are debating the existence of an idiotic concept that was invented by fuckin' lyin’ liberal-socialist scientists with a dumbfuck negro fifteen points stupider even than you. And you boys are all graduates of the prestigious 'University of Trailer Park State'.

    Yes, yes, you so smurt motha'fucka all those white people who hold your dumb ass down are all stupid trailer park dwellin mofos'. Really? Then if those white folk are that pathetic, what in the hell do you think that makes you?

    All you gotta do is prove me wrong, with the sword of truth and the shield of white intellectual superiority by your side, how can you lose?

    You have proven yourself wrong beyond redemption. We can see this post is a desperate ploy with false bravado attempting to gain some respect. No, no one respects an idiot who fights blindly and stupidly. If you wish to fight, think Martial arts, controlled training and discipline, every movement planned and purposeful, all motion fluid and quick through strenght training. Not flailing around like an idiot with an IQ of 65.

    I mean what the flying fuck do I know about the sensitivity of the attribution of near surface temperature warming to the choice of observational dataset? What do I know about the cumulus parameterization scheme? What do I know about Pintubo recreate total column water vapour response?

    My god, lets lower that IQ estimate to 60 this is childish. What do I know about sanitorial engineering? Nothing, but I know your a simple janitor.

    Less than zero obviously, because YOU know fuck all, and being a negro I obviously know less than you. So I think you should take me on in this debate, so come for me boys, I’m here for the taking.

    Again, no boys want you, well maybe Steve so leave your homosexual offers to those who don't care about getting aids screwing a gay man who practices beastiality with his chick buttercup.

    But know one thing

    ”You come for the king, you better not miss”

    In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king, even if he needs vision correction and likes to chupa the pinga a bit. But he isn't much anywhere else.

  86. Anonymous8:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Do you realize that FN is the "true" American blog that is open to everyone? It's where ALL of humanity, esp Americans meet"

    Anons aren't human.

    No - you arent' human let me see your genetics check.

  87. Anonymous8:07 PM

    UTS-"Anons aren't human."

    You know nothing about being human, goober.

  88. Anonymous8:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Oh come on boys, you know you can do it.

    Take me on!

    No you fucking faggot. I don't like men, further I wouldnt like men who fuck sheep, even further I wouldnt like men who are gay and fuck sheep. You have got to have "the aids"

    Don't let your microscopically small penises, and asses so large they would cause a partial eclipse of the sun should you ever get up of your sofa give you an inferiority complex.

    Still talking about other mens dicks are ya? Well you can dream about my polish kielbasa all you want, homey dont play that shit. Sit your ass down Omar before you start leaking again.

    This is an interlekkktual challenge.

    Ahhh the democratic KKK.

    How can you lose?

    As previously mentioned you have already been slain, you arent a dragon Omar, you are mental midget lizard who couldnt hang with real thinking men if your wife depended on it.

    Let's get it on, otherwise people might start to think you are just a bunch of dumbfuck hillbilies with a massive inferiority complexes that caused you to develop Conservatism Syndrome.

    Oh, look the little brain thinks that foolish study conducted by the little girl who just got her easy BA in physcology means something. Really? You should look through it again if you dont want to lose all ....nah never mind you've lost all credibility already.

    And we can't have that now can we?

    No, you can't have anything. We don't want the aids.

    I'm off to bed now, but I want you to have chosen a challenger by the morning.

    Yeah, have a nice night buttercup.

    Ever notice, with all this foolish blustering you didnt answer one single question or address one single point previously raised? You are fraud, you know it, we know it and you think you are a worthy wordsmither, you go to bed in your barn and be happy you have a wife who can support you.

  89. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    UTS-"Anons aren't human."

    You know nothing about being human, goober.

    I like goobers theys a good candy, how bouts you? You like niggarettes? Or Mudshark pie? How about mud guppy slushies? Mmmmm.mmmm..mmmm or even best of EGGPLANT parmigian we talking you weak simpleminded thing.

  90. Slappy and the goobers don't want to talk about shit like THIS:

    Black Teen Forced Into Noose Over White Girl: Cops

  91. Anonymous8:47 PM

    The difference there upttowm was they just scared the black kid.

    Everyday, black kids actually beat or even kill white kids.

  92. EBT Nation8:53 PM

    It's a new day in Obamerica!

    Total African-Americans in Michigan: 1,405,515

    Total African-Americans in Michigan on EBT Cards: 546,135

    Total African-Americans in Michigan on EBT Cards: 39 percent.


  93. This year, more than 46 million (15% of all Americans) will get food stamps. That's 45% higher than when Obama took office, and twice as high as the average for the previous 40 years. This surge was driven in part by the recession, but also because Obama boosted the benefit amount as part of his stimulus plan.

  94. "And what does coconut mean, is that another offensive name for Blacks that YOU made up?"

    Nah, that's what most latinos call rightwing latino sellouts.

    Brown on the outside, white on the inside.

    Get it?
