Sunday, January 29, 2012

Civil war.

Man the republican establishment sure is beating up on Newt. McCain. Coulter. Drudge. Dole. They are all piling on. And now it looks like it's all finally getting to Newt and his peeps.

I can't say that I blame Newt's camp for being a little testy these days. Flipper has opened up a pretty big lead in Florida and the fat lady is warming up in the green room.

But all is not lost for the Newtster; apparently he has just picked up an endorsement from Mr. 9-9-9.

"Cain, a tea party favorite, endorsed his fellow Georgian at a GOP fundraiser Saturday calling him "a patriot."

"Speaker Gingrich is not afraid of bold ideas," Cain said.
The former pizza executive, who left the race before the first nominating contests after facing accusations of unwanted sexual advances, suggested the two have both undergone intense scrutiny.

"I know that Speaker Gingrich is running for president and going through this sausage grinder," Cain said. "I know what this sausage grinder is all about."

Herman, I am guessing that you should have used a couple other words to describe what Newt is going through. The "sausage grinder" Herman Cain association is not a good one. Just sayin.

And then there is Sarah. Remember her? Well, Sarah is supporting Newt as well. It's a Tea Party thing. Sarah believes that the republican elites and the Tea Party folks are in a battle for the soul of the republican party. To Sarah, Newt represents the populists in the party, the common man. Flipper, on the other hand, represents the wine and cheese crowd who looks down on their trailer parks as they drive by in their limousines.

Now the questions is this: Can they come together in time to defeat his Oness?
Clearly Mitt is lacking something. He just has not been able to pull the republican forces together. First Michele,then Herman, then Newt. The beat just goes on and on. Even with his big lead in Florida, folks are convinced that it's his money and not Flipper's charm and competence that's doing it.  

"TAMPA, FLORIDA — According to some final spending numbers shared with TPM by a Democratic media observer, Mitt Romney’s lucky number in the final push to the Jan. 31 primary here is five.

As in five-to-one: that’s the ratio — just about — by which Romney and his allies have outspent Newt Gingrich and his allies on TV in the Sunshine State. The narrative that Team Romney is pushing is that of a new-and-improved candidate, battle-hardened after his South Carolina woes, and sharpened as a candidate by having had to outsmart Newt Gingrich.

The Dems think these figures suggest something else: that it’s not Romney who’s winning votes in Florida, but the size of his wallet."

Just remember Flipper, all that money can be a blessing and a curse.



  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    "The "sausage grinder" Herman Cain association is not a good one. Just sayin."

    LOL. Truer words were never written.

  2. NSangoma10:40 PM

    Let’s be honest, Newt Gingrich is a old, out of shape, not particularly good looking white guy against a slim and good looking African American president. For political junkies like me, such superficial comparison holds no water. But for 100 million Americans who watch the Jersey Shore, or The Factor, or the Biggest Loser, Obama wins the debate before a word comes out of his mouth. Newt’s slovenly appearance is a big distraction.

    So, Sarah Palin and a lot of other conservatives better wake up and realize that life is not fair and Newt will be disqualified by millions even before 1 billion dollars hammers his baggage.

  3. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Wheres that Purple Donkey?

    The final nail in the coffin of the global warming hoax.

    Although I really should hold this back and let you have at it and let you ridicule yourself.

    Now to help a brother out, I will give you a tip, unlike that funny study you qoute from an airhead liberal who just earned her BA, real scientists around the world are publishing real results.

    "The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.
    The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
    Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

    Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.
    Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak.
    We are now at what should be the peak of what scientists call ‘Cycle 24’ – which is why last week’s solar storm resulted in sightings of the aurora borealis further south than usual. But sunspot numbers are running at less than half those seen during cycle peaks in the 20th Century.
    Analysis by experts at NASA and the University of Arizona – derived from magnetic-field measurements 120,000 miles beneath the sun’s surface – suggest that Cycle 25, whose peak is due in 2022, will be a great deal weaker still.

    According to a paper issued last week by the Met Office, there is a 92 per cent chance that both Cycle 25 and those taking place in the following decades will be as weak as, or weaker than, the ‘Dalton minimum’ of 1790 to 1830. In this period, named after the meteorologist John Dalton, average temperatures in parts of Europe fell by 2C.
    However, it is also possible that the new solar energy slump could be as deep as the ‘Maunder minimum’ (after astronomer Edward Maunder), between 1645 and 1715 in the coldest part of the ‘Little Ice Age’ when, as well as the Thames frost fairs, the canals of Holland froze solid.

    Wonder what this will do to the "climate exchange" taxes already levied and what they will use it for? More studies on how when it now gets cold we will need jackets and more fossil fuels to heat homes because we don't have alternative energy sources outside of star trek yet?

  4. Snoot circa 1994: "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?"

    Bob Dole: It saves time.

  5. Anonymous11:08 PM

    This is irrevelant story and has zero impact on the lives of Black Americans..

    More importantly WHY is FN ignoring the more salient story where a JEWISH NEWSPAPER leaked some international intelligence regarding the killing of our president by a middle eaast nation!!( think Israel)

    WHY is FN ignoring this story but instead giving us this nonsense??

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Brittany Norwood, convicted Lululemon killer, was sentenced to life without parole Friday."

    Focused Purpose, several months ago on this site, gave an impassioned defense of the black woman who stabbed the white woman 330 times.

    So, according to Focused Purpose, EVIL WHITE WOMEN drive black women to stab them 330 times.

    You white women better watch out for ANGRY BLACK WOMEN who will stab you multiple times and then blame it all on your white azz.

  7. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Obviously you do not know that Field supports Israel...."

    Even at the extent of his Blackness!!! FN loves them more than his own people????

    Would FN call homeland security on all those who seek harm to our nation and president even his friends and associates..

    I would..I share no dual loyalty..

    FN why are you posting about this nothing tale instead of about the JEWISH newspaper that leaked Isreal's intell??

  8. Anonymous11:16 PM

    "Obviously you do not know that Field supports Israel...."

    Even at the extent of his Blackness!!! FN loves them more than his own people????

    Would FN call homeland security on all those who seek harm to our nation and president even his friends and associates..

    I would..I share no dual loyalty..

    FN why are you posting about this nothing tale instead of about the JEWISH newspaper that leaked Isreal's intell??

  9. Anonymous11:18 PM

    anon, "This is irrevelant story and has zero impact on the lives of Black Americans..

    More importantly WHY is FN ignoring the more salient story where a JEWISH NEWSPAPER leaked some international intelligence regarding the killing of our president by a middle eaast nation!!( think Israel)

    WHY is FN ignoring this story but instead giving us this nonsense??"

    I thought Mr. Field gave you his answer in the previous thread. I know I did. Can't you read? maybe that's the problem, your reading comprehension is very good. Which means no matter how many people address your comment, you still won't get it.

    You could always start your own blog or bring up the matter on Jack and Jill, or The Root, or other black blogs. There are a bunch of them.

  10. Anonymous11:23 PM

    What was it everybody used to say about the United States? Look at what’s happening over there and you will see our future. Whatever Americans are doing now, we will be catching up with them in another 10 years or so. In popular culture or political rhetoric, America led the fashion and we tagged along behind.

    Well, so much for that. Barack Obama is now putting the United States squarely a decade behind Britain. Listening to the President’s State of the Union message last week was like a surreal visit to our own recent past: there were, almost word for word, all those interminable Gordon Brown Budgets that preached “fairness” while listing endless new ways in which central government would intervene in every form of economic activity.

    Later, in a television interview, Mr Obama described his programme of using higher taxes on the wealthy to bankroll new government spending as “a recipe for a fair, sound approach to deficit reduction and rebuilding this country”. To which we who come from the future can only shout, “No‑o-o, go back! Don’t come down this road!”

    There is, it turns out, a huge difference between being provided with a livelihood and feeling that you have earned it. The assumption that all the wealth that individuals create belongs, by moral right, to the state, to spend on benefits or phoney job creation schemes (sorry, public infrastructure projects), is proving phenomenally difficult to expunge in Britain, so ineradicably has it embedded itself in the public consciousness.

  11. Anonymous11:24 PM

    FN deflected my inquiry and more importantly he is displaying a bias..FN will report on all manner of white racism etc..

    Yet he punts on this media story which is much more important and significant..

    Clearly FN has not run a full post or commentary on this incident.
    FN is a Black bo as well as Jack & Jill, The Root and others



    WHY has FN not covered this story on this Blog??????

  12. Anonymous11:34 PM

    FN has compromise his objectivity and more importantly his integrity but refusing to publish a full headline post about the JEWISH NEWSPAPER that leaked international intell regarding our first Black president!

    FN's bias requires that he shutter this blog!!

    FN's no longer deserves our respect when he exhibits this type of lack of integrity..

    For years the bulk of this blog has a been a relentless pursuit of race chasing YET he refuses to publish this international story which implicates Israel and our president..

    FN please shutter this blog ASAP!!!!

  13. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Helpful hints to Anons:

    When replying to something in Field's post or to a previous comment, it is helpful to the reader as well as to your point to give some indication of where your quotation leaves off and your comment begins.

    For instance, you could use the traditional quotation marks (" _ ") that were invented for this purpose.

    Or, using dividing lines such as:






    Even extra spaces between lines helps. As does citing the poster you are quoting.

    Your choice. But please use something. Some of you make quite intelligent comments whose meaning is obscured by poor formatting.

    Respectfully yours,


  14. Anonymous11:44 PM


    I intentionally post they way I do as to get attention and get people like you upset..

    I deliberately post my way as to separate me from ordinary posters like you..

    I post this way to make a point and YOU have taken the bait..

    Now I reiterate my post your attempts to deflect did not work..

    More importantly WHY is FN ignoring the more salient story where a JEWISH NEWSPAPER leaked some international intelligence regarding the killing of our president by a middle eaast nation!!( think Israel)

    WHY is FN ignoring this story but instead giving us this nonsense??"

    FN has compromise his objectivity and more importantly his integrity but refusing to publish a full headline post about the JEWISH NEWSPAPER that leaked international intell regarding our first Black president!

    FN's bias requires that he shutter this blog!!

    FN's no longer deserves our respect when he exhibits this type of lack of integrity..

    For years the bulk of this blog has a been a relentless pursuit of race chasing YET he refuses to publish this international story which implicates Israel and our president..

    FN please shutter this blog ASAP!!!!

  15. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Anonoconda, thank you. Hopefully some will take heed. However, this thing about Obama assassination is pretty bad. That was a pretty dumb thing to say by a Jewish editor in Atlanta. It has the Jewish Community on edge about what Adler said. Even Israel has denounced what he said.

    It certainly merits at least one Post by ALL black bloggers but to date, none have said much. Go figure.

    The GOP has our liberal Blacks totally consumed with Newt and Romney.

    Apparently, we are more afraid of Newt and Romney than an assassination attempt on Obama. Go figure.

  16. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Apparently, we are more afraid of Newt and Romney than an assassination attempt on Obama. Go figure.

    Or anything Obama is doing right now to actually destroy the country while he endlessly fundraises and campaigns.

  17. Anonymous12:15 AM

    To all FN posters: When Romney wins the WH, you will see the real Mitt, which is very much like his father was...a man for equal rights and fairness.

  18. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Snoot circa 1994: "Why do people take such an instant dislike to me?"

    Bob Dole: It saves time.

    Why did you go by the name of "snoot" in 1994? Did you have nasal cavity deformities? This this cause you to sound and look funny thus leading you to liberalism as you felt you were an outcast and had to pander to someone?

  19. "The final nail in the coffin of the global warming hoax."

    Yeah, sure, Yawn.

    Anyhoo this is starting to get interesting. Just when we think Mittens has the nomination wrapped up here comes doughboy with some good numbers. Maybe Sarah and the rest of the Tea Baggers need to start their own party or something because something tells me the reasonable Republicans like Romney and Huntsan, magic underwear notwithstanding, are sick of the whole ignorance embracing act. I mean how seriously can we take people who believe dinosaurs and humans walked the earth like an episode of the Flintstones? We can't really compete with other countries when we subsidize Noah's Arc theme parks with tax dollars while the rest of the planet learns real science (cue the anon and global warming hoax in 3,2,1). The Republicans need to do some serious soul searching, fast.

  20. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Anon, "FN has compromise his objectivity and more importantly his integrity but refusing to publish a full headline post about the JEWISH NEWSPAPER that leaked international intell regarding our first Black president!

    FN's bias requires that he shutter this blog!!

    FN's no longer deserves our respect when he exhibits this type of lack of integrity.."

    There will be no shuttering of this blog, you nut. Who do you think you are?

    If you think Field exhibits a lack of integrity, then leave. that's what people of integrity do. But you keep hanging around. That says you have no integrity yourself.

    Why not write Al Sharpton, a BIG supporter of Obama, and ask him WHY he hasn't said anything about the incident? You won't, because you have no integrity and you are a coward.

  21. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Readers will note that the Daily Mail piece is not even remotely a scientific paper...yet a 'resident fauxpert' keeps trying to pretenderate it is.
    As far as solar issues...maybe Goober and Heeyuck just found that the big yellow thingie in the sky O gawd is a sun...but nearly all the climate scientists knew this and placed its activity into their modeling.

    The TeaBaggers are only good for being useful idiots...and they resent that any sane adult would never let them decide more than what to eat at the 'Applebees Salad Bar'.


  22. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Field, as one of your prominent posters, let me say that my identity has been discovered by Granny. I am afraid I might have to go underground with Kate Beckinsale until this thing blows over.

    Don't worry. I'll be back sometime when the next Underworld episode is released. I am hoping my stay with Kate won't end up with some loss of blood.

  23. Quote Anonymous

    "See again, you prove your IQ is extremely low, no one said your IQ was only 15 points less, that is the average. YOU however have proven it is much, much, much less. I think any white genes you may have recieved were nullified by your insane liberal, german socialistic democratic beliefs at this point given your inability to deal with contrary positions, avoidance of facts and overall bitch ass immaturity, I woudl say your IQ is approx 60 maybe 65 at best being generous."

    So then take me on in a debate on global warming. If I have an I.Q. of 60, and you're a member of the master race, it should be easy for you right?

    What are you scared of?

  24. Anonymous2:27 AM

    mold, "The TeaBaggers are only good for being useful idiots...and they resent that any sane adult would never let them decide more than what to eat at the 'Applebees Salad Bar'."

    i resent your comment. Shara Palin is smart and beautiful and clever, too. You liberal minded folks just can't control your jealousies and fears of brilliant Tea Party folks.

  25. Anonymous2:32 AM

    anon, don't fall for PC's challenge. he just wants the notoriety of debating someone who is three times as smart. But why waste your time debating an obvious loser over climate change?

    Everyone knows that leads to 'no where' which where PC's brain is.

  26. NSangoma4:10 AM

    ... The deeper question is if there is a parallel between these two men, ...

    Yes, for both men have posited that you the dark skinned individuals known as the North American Negroe; monopolize the cheese line(s).

    the cheese line, in today's parlance: food stamps

  27. 2.5 of 27 quotes worth reading.

    Big YAWN!

  28. I have to say, I'm very disappointed with Anon inc.'s response.

    These Anons are forever telling me that I have an I.Q. of 60, and yet, and yet, and yet.....

    Mr. Field, can't you talk the President of Anons Inc. and tell him we need a better quality of Anons?

    The ones we have are kinda lame...

  29. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I will continue to protest FN's lack of integrity for refusing to post the story of a Jewish newspaper suggestion to kill our president.

    Unlike FN I will not retreat nor ignore his lack of integrity My integrity will not be silence like FN's.

  30. "The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.”

    No, that’s not what the data says.

    1998 was the warmest year ever because normal global warming conditions coincided with an El Nino event and the Pacific Decadel Oscillation was in a positive phase. Just because the years since then haven’t quite matched the hottest ever, doesn’t mean global warming has stopped.

    Take a look at this graph from the OSS

    Do you see any evidence of a decline in the five year mean? No, me neither.

    It’s like saying that because Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s batting average is lower than Don Bradman’s, that Dhoni can’t bat.

    ”The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.
Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997."

    This is just a repetition of their previous statement. It did not confirm that rising temperatures ended in 1997, see my previous answer.

    ”Meanwhile, leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.”

    Firstly, there is no compelling evidence that the sun has been emitting unusually high levels of energy in the 20th century. Solanki et all (2004) seemed to confirm that the sun activity had been higher in the last 1000 years than it had been the previous 8000 years, but this has not been confirmed by other research. In particular research into 10BE levels in Greenland and Antartica (Raisbeck and Yiou, 2004) have produced very different figures. Also, research by Muscheler et al in 2005 into 14C concentrations in tree rings has shown that current solar activity is high but not especially high.

    Secondly Met office researchers predict that the grand minimum will reduce average temperatures by between 0.08 and 0.13 C. Not enough to trigger a “mini ice-age”. Especially when compared to the projected 2.5 degree rise brought about by global warming by 2100.

Solar output goes through 11-year cycles, with high numbers of sunspots seen at their peak. 
We are now at what should be the peak of what scientists call ‘Cycle 24’ – which is why last week’s solar storm resulted in sightings of the aurora borealis further south than usual. But sunspot numbers are running at less than half those seen during cycle peaks in the 20th Century.”

    Completely irrelevant. Labitzke, K., (2004) and Crooks S.A., and L.J. Gray, (2005) have found a variation of only around 0.1 deg.C. in global Temperature over the course of the 11-year cycle.

    The rest of the Daily Mail piece was simply repetition of the earlier points already dealt with.

  31. Better Put On Your Longjohns8:39 AM

    Some info for PilotX:

  32. no slappz8:46 AM

    field's guide to Repubican politics says:

    Just remember Flipper, all that money can be a blessing and a curse.

    How much was spent by the Obama campaign to win in 2008?

    Answer -- an obscene sum that laid a three-year curse on the country.

    And how much will Obama spend this year?

    Another obscene sum that might fail to keep the curse in force.

  33. no slappz8:55 AM

    purple buttercup and the Global Warming Hoax:

    Whatever's happening in the atmosphere is going to continue.

    That's the good news.

    More carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is good for agriculture. Moreover, it's good for increase the supplies of fresh water to the growing global population.

    But dopes like you worry about a contrived issue that's predicted to deliver "bad" consequences in 100 years while, in your gleeful derangement, you ignore the fact that EVERY YEAR the death toll in Africa from drinking dirty water is FIVE MILLION.

    Hmmm. What morons you global warming nitwits are.

    The population of Africa is around One Billion. If there were clean water for all and public health standards that were beyond the primitive tribal stage AND modern agriculture practices were introduced, there'd be Two Billion people in Africa.

    But you morons obscess about a non-issue while looking the other way as real problems keep every African nation in the dark ages.

  34. no slappz9:07 AM

    More importantly WHY is FN ignoring the more salient story where a JEWISH NEWSPAPER leaked some international intelligence regarding the killing of our president by a middle eaast nation!!( think Israel)

    The story was found where? In the Onion?

    Those crafty Jews. Yeah, they'd want Joe Biden as president rather than Obama. Sure. Right.

    The greatest deterrent to the unplanned removal of Obama from office is the threat of Biden replacing him. The security analyst who came up with that idea deserves a bonus.

  35. Anonymous9:11 AM

    There has to be a reason for FN's refusal to post about the Jewish newspaper leaking israeli intelligence

    Why would FN not chase down this story it is part of his model for this site.

    FN has surrendered his integrity WHY?

    NS you are Jewish please explain FN's posture on this issue? Dual loyalty ? Business reasons! Why?

  36. Anonymous9:16 AM


    This story was published by CBS,NYT etc ..please address my question stay focused here .You represent the Jewish interest here.

  37. no slappz9:23 AM

    purple buttercup:

    The world will continue to burn fossil fuels. In fact, aggregate consumption is going to increase.

    Conbustion engines may become more efficient, but there will be more of them as cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, trains, buses, power stations and motorcycles proliferate.

    Therefore, the ONLY way to reduce the burning of fossil fuels is to reduce the global population.

    Thus, you clowns who believe, like Al Gore, that the internal combustion engine is the root of all evil, in truth want to wipe out a couple of billion people who live in advanced nations known for consuming hydrocarbons.

    The alternative is NOT solar power -- at least not for another 40 or 50 years. Solar power is about as efficient as burning wood in an open fireplace.

    Or, in today's terms, solar energy costs as much as oil at $500 a barrel. And it doesn't work at night, a fact that you screwballs refuse to acknowledge.

  38. that racist fool newt can beat that racist flipper hobama
    that is why he is being slain by the gop/dems

    did sarah lie?
    the solo reps=dems party slew her too

    newt is being crucified ONLY because he dares to challenge prez select hobama
    and the SOLO game plan the reps/dems plotted for 2012

    good cop/bad cop fails when ANY third cop goes rogue
    newt is the new sarah


    ditto for tavis/cornel/harry b etc


  39. Quote No Slapzzzz

    " in your gleeful derangement, you ignore the fact that EVERY YEAR the death toll in Africa from drinking dirty water is FIVE MILLION."

    This is another invented Slappyfact, isn't it?

    I was the lead ad planner on an advertising campaign for the W.H.O on the subject of water and sanitation a couple of years ago, so this is another subject I know rather a lot about.

    Globally, unclean water and poor sanitation are responsible for about 3.5 million deaths a year. Not 5 million for Africa alone as you claim.

    Actually clean water isn't Africa's key problem in this area - sanitation is. Poor sanitation kills more people than drinking unclean water, it also prevents girls from going to school because African girls are socially conservative and they are unwilling to urinate or defecate in a field where schools provide no toilets.

    Now that's an international scandal I'll grant you, but I've done my little bit to help. What have you done, Slappy?

    Your argument that we shouldn't do anything about global warming because there's a problem with clean water, is almost too infantile to compute.

    We have a problem with Malaria as well, are you suggesting that we should therefore do nothing about AIDS?

  40. no slappz9:30 AM

    anon writes:

    This story was published by CBS,NYT etc

    You're making me laugh.

    A story about a story.

    As if a story about some goofy item that may have appeared in some worthless rag is a story.

    As if the 9/11 truthers are reliable sources. As if there should be a response to the total idiocy that appears in The Final Call, the rag published by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. uptownsteve9:32 AM

    Did you see that picture Newt and Cain?

    Cain is cheesin as usual practically hollering "Massa Newt ain't no racist and he be a great President!"

    And Newt's expression was like "Will ya wrap it up nigger? I got a cross-burning to get to."

  43. newt will slay hobama and his teleprompter "HORRIDLY"!!!

    that is why newt MUST be stopped by hobama nazis/msm hobots before the good/cop bad show becomes the debate show

    people will be enraged enough when they realize hobama has been a hoax shoe-in since 2008

    watching newt slay hobama and then hobama STILL win will only enrage belatedly awakened masses more


    classic g will on newt:

  44. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    2.5 of 27 quotes worth reading.

    Big YAWN!

    Why of course, everything you do is big in a "hotdog down a hallway" sort of manner. I bet you have a massive maw for massive amounts of grub to be shoveled into.

  45. No Slapzzzzz

    I'm really pleased you have had the guts to take me on in this debate about global warming. It's a credit to you after your colleagues in the Aryan Brotherhood all chickened out.

    I'm looking forward to it.


    "The world will continue to burn fossil fuels. In fact, aggregate consumption is going to increase."

    Stating the totally fucking obvious is always a good place to start.

    "Conbustion engines may become more efficient, but there will be more of them as cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, trains, buses, power stations and motorcycles proliferate."

    O.K. we are still stating the totally obvious, so let's hope this leads somewhere...

    p.s. I think you meant coMbustion engines.

    Yes there will be more combustion engines, but there will also be more electric engines, and eventually Nitrogen Fuel-cell cars. The electric car is a stop-gap measure, nevertheless sales will reach between 2.6 and 2.98 million per annum in three years time.

    In 2015 the first affordable fuel-cell driven car with hit the market, projected sales in the USA alone are expected to reach 30 million by 2030.

    "Therefore, the ONLY way to reduce the burning of fossil fuels is to reduce the global population."

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrr, what??

    "Thus, you clowns who believe, like Al Gore, that the internal combustion engine is the root of all evil, in truth want to wipe out a couple of billion people who live in advanced nations known for consuming hydrocarbons."

    I am not saying that internal combustion is the root of all evil, I'm saying that it is an obsolescent technology that has had it's day in the sun, and is now justifiably beginning its slow decline.

    "The alternative is NOT solar power -- at least not for another 40 or 50 years. Solar power is about as efficient as burning wood in an open fireplace."

    Nobody is saying there is only one alternative, there will be a basket of solutions - wind/wave/solar/fuel-cell etc.

    "Or, in today's terms, solar energy costs as much as oil at $500 a barrel. And it doesn't work at night, a fact that you screwballs refuse to acknowledge."

    I'm sorry but can you link to anyone anywhere in the world who thinks that solar power works at night?

    Solar energy cost is equivalent to oil at around $450 per barrel, last I heard - I suspect the figure of $500 is another Slappyfact.

    But bear in mind, the price of oil is expected to reach the range $200 to $300 per barrel if the Arab Spring reaches Saudi Arabia.

  46. no slappz9:50 AM

    purple buttercup:

    News flash -- sanitation and clean water go together like peanut butter and jelly.

    And yes, the death toll from dirty water, which, dimwit, is the key to spreading the diseases that are the ultimate cause of death, is pegged at Five Million -- in Africa.

    IN any case, you've at least admitted that African primitivism is to blame. Somehow, in your mind, it's probably the dirty water/disease problem is the fault of whites.

    You would think that resource-rich nations in Africa would have found a way to provide safe drinking water for everyone. But...

    Anyway, you're such a nitwit that you cannot grasp that global warming is not a problem.

    Or, if you're determined to pretend it's a problem, then it's a problem with consequences that lie far in the future.

    If you truly believe global warming is a threat, then you would advocate for spending some government money on the advancement of solar energy.

    When solar technology advances far enough, it will become a commercial technology. Today, it's not. It's a money waster. The technology must triple its conversion efficiency to become commercially viable.

    But you nitwits pretend that a non-problem is a problem, and then you compare it to a real problem -- AIDS.

    People are dying of AIDS and they will continue dying of AIDS no matter how much progress is made by the pharmceutical companies you clowns love to hate.

    As we know, malaria is not a problem in advanced nations. So until African nations reach the mid-20th century state of advancement, malaria will remain. AIDS -- a nightmare that will expand in Africa.

    After 30 years of research, we have neither a cure nor a vaccine for ADIS. Everyone with AIDS dies as a result.

    Given the primitiveness of African societies and the infection rate, it's obvious no one acknowledges the realities of AIDS transmission.

    Moreover, because rape is such an everyday experience in Africa, the spread of AIDS is inevitable.

    As far as your "selfless" aacrifice for the betterment of Africa, well, as you admitted, you gave it your all for a few weeks and then went on to something else. Yeah, you care.

    Clue. Very few people really care about the future of Africa after discovering the near impossibility of changing the primitive tribal behavior of the billion uneducated people on the continent.

    Even a cure for AIDS would not end the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

  47. uptownsteve9:54 AM

    "After 30 years of research, we have neither a cure nor a vaccine for ADIS. Everyone with AIDS dies as a result."

    Yeah, even Magic Johnson.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. no slappz10:04 AM

    purple buttercup:

    Electric cars: Nope. Batteries stink. Batteries are far less efficient that solar cells.

    The technology is 200 years old, and despite the efforts to improve the technology over that period, almost no gains have been made.

    Here's what's happened -- engineers and scientists realized that creating batteries that hold lots of energy are so far out of reach that the goal of battery-powered devices was to make them so small and so efficient that they needed very little electricity.

    But that can't happen with cars. And there will NEVER be an electric airplane.

    Hybrid cars? They work. But most of the world won't buy them because the cost more AND as old batteries accumulate, a new environmental problem will emerge, which will drive up the cost of those cars.

    YOu think there will be a few million electric cars in the next decade? So what?

    There are 750 million cars in the world today, and if the Chinese and Indian economies continue to grow -- more slowly than today -- the number of cars on the planet will hit 3 billion by 2050. They will be gasoline powered because it costs less to make them and to keep them refueled.

    Electric motors are already efficient as a motor can get. Just remember, batteries stink, and there's no promising battery technology offering something better.

  50. imagine laura bush doing what michelle does...

    here is one more reason i will never defend this colorized marie a!!!


  51. Wow an entire sea of unsubstantiated Slappyfacts.

    I'm going to coach some cricket now Slappy, but I will be back soon.

    Prepare to be eviscerated.

    Know this Slappy, I have more experience in learning about these two subjects than you have in lonely, self-pitying masturbation.

    In other words, rather a lot.

  52. Anonymous10:19 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "After 30 years of research, we have neither a cure nor a vaccine for ADIS. Everyone with AIDS dies as a result."

    Yeah, even Magic Johnson.

    Please tell me you aren't trying to say that everyone with AIDs doesnt die and your logic is because Magic Johnson is still alive.

  53. no slappz10:20 AM

    purple buttercup says:

    Nobody is saying there is only one alternative, there will be a basket of solutions - wind/wave/solar/fuel-cell etc.

    Wrong, buttercup. Wind is way too limited to matter.

    The conversion of wind to electricity is terribly inefficient. Moreover, wind generators require a lot of maintenance -- the bearings wear out every year or so.

    But the most serious limitations are location and reliability.

    Bottom line, THEORETICALLY, if the US were to fully exploit its wind power potential TODAY, it might be possible to provide maybe 3%, 4% or perhaps 5% of our power needs -- TODAY. That's it.

    However, as the US grows and consumes more electricity, the amount of electricity available from wind power will remain the same. The wind will NOT blow more because you want it to.

    Therefore, the wind power contribution would shrink as a percentage of the whole.

    Get it? It won't replace demand for fossil fuels. The use of wind only makes a tiny dent in overall fossil fuel consumption. There's no point in pretending wind power is more than that.

    Meanwhile, at this point, wind power is more expensive than power from fossil fuels.

    Inasmuch as producing electricity from the wind is an exercise in mechanical engineering, we can say that we know there's no big breakthrough down the road. Wind power has no more potential for technical advances than water power -- dams -- and dams are being removed in the US because many are no longer competitive.

  54. Anonymous10:20 AM


    Why are you avoiding and deflecting my question??

    FN has lost his credibility and objectivity in here..Why is it appropriate for FN to publish race chasing accounts but YET he refuses to post a blog about a Jewish newspaper releasing Isreali intell about a hit on our president?

    NS you are the resident jewish poster in here..WHy are you punting and avoiding this question??

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. kudos to allen west

    for calling out hobama and the new world order!

  57. Anonymous10:31 AM

    West and FN are both cowards neither one of them have issued statements about this plot to kill our president..WHY?

    Why is WEST playing the role of a coward in this regard??

    What is to gained by West's silence on this issue but his chest beating on telling Obama to leave the country??

    Why is WEST playing the 'birther card"

    West was a mercenarie YET he has the audacity to lecture to other americans about being a patriot..WTF

  58. no slappz10:36 AM

    anon writes: post a blog about a Jewish newspaper releasing Isreali intell about a hit on our president?

    What kind of gibberish are you spouting?

    There's endless conspiracy tales about who killed JFK, who was behind 9/11, who killed MLK, and on and on and on.

    But you're spouting about a conspiracy story involving an event that hasn't happened.

    And, of course, the idea is so absurd that it takes a screwball to mention it as though there's any fact to the claim.

    Like I said, Joe Biden is Obama's greatest insurance policy.

    Even if there were people in the world who were determined to remove Obama in the way you suggest, they would also know they could not possibly predict the total impact of such an insane act.

    Biden as president? Please.

    But the assertion that Israel would derive a benefit is even more idiotic.

    It's funny that you believe Jews are so clever that they can pull strings everywhere on the planet and obtain what you believe are the desired results.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Obama is the foodstamp KING.

    Now the USDA is offering 75,000 grants to groups who devise “effective strategies” to “increase program participation” among those who have yet to sign up for food stamps. Acorn is gonna get some more free money.

    More proof that Obama is following the Cloward Piven strategy hastening the fall of capitalism by overloading government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands causing crisis and economic collapse.

    "Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. "Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1972 book Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one"

    Cloward and Piven recruited a militant black organizer named George Wiley to lead their new movement. In the summer of 1967, Wiley founded the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO). His tactics closely followed the recommendations set out in Cloward and Piven's article. His followers invaded welfare offices across the United States -- often violently -- bullying social workers and loudly demanding every penny to which the law "entitled" them. By 1969, NWRO claimed a dues-paying membership of 22,500 families, with 523 chapters across the nation.

    From 1965 to 1974, the number of single-parent households on welfare soared from 4.3 million to 10.8 million, despite mostly flush economic times. By the early 1970s, one person was on the welfare rolls in New York City for every two working in the city's private economy." As a direct result of its massive welfare spending, New York City was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1975. The entire state of New York nearly went down with it. The Cloward-Piven strategy had proved its effectiveness.

    In 1982, partisans of the Cloward-Piven strategy founded a new "voting rights movement," which purported to take up the unfinished work of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Like ACORN, the organization that spear-headed this campaign, the new "voting rights" movement was led by veterans of George Wiley's welfare rights crusade. Its flagship organizations were Project Vote and Human SERVE, both founded in 1982. Project Vote is an ACORN front group, launched by former NWRO organizer and ACORN co-founder Zach Polett. Human SERVE was founded by Richard A. Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, along with a former NWRO organizer named Hulbert James.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anonymous10:43 AM


    Please stop deflecting and avoiding my basic question. I am not interested in your side bar deflections..

    Just address a simple question since you are the jewish expert in here:

    WHY did FN not post a blog or commentary regarding the JEWISH newspaper regarding the killing of our president.

    It is a simple query.

  63. Anonymous10:46 AM


    For the record I am jewish but I am concerned about our country.

    I was upset over this incident YET to observe a blog like FN ignore this event is troubling.

    Please address my question.

  64. Anonymous10:47 AM


    Please address my question. Why did FN not publish a blog or commentary about this Jewish Newspaper??

    FN has for years chased down white racism tales on this site WHY now is he being silent??

  65. Anonymous10:49 AM


    For the record are you really Jewish??

    How can you establish that for me. Please do that after your address my direct question so far you have avoided my query and post some deflective nonsense..

    Please my fellow YID..Answer my direct query.

  66. Anonymous10:52 AM

    WHY did FN not post a blog or commentary regarding the JEWISH newspaper regarding the killing of our president.

    It is a simple query.

    No simple would have been once, you are on auto repeat. We dont care so STFU. No one wants Obama harmed, least of all the people he selected as enemies (true democrats and conservatives) so STFU.

  67. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Anonymous said...

    For the record are you really Jewish??

    How can you establish that for me. Please do that after your address my direct question so far you have avoided my query and post some deflective nonsense..

    Please my fellow YID..Answer my direct query.

    You are about as Jewish as Uptown Steve is actually from "Uptown" In fact you sound eerily like he and his sock puppet Mold...are you?

    Say something only a Jew would know to prove otherwise.

  68. no slappz11:05 AM

    anon asks:

    WHY did FN not post a blog or commentary regarding the JEWISH newspaper regarding the killing of our president.

    Only if I were field negro himself could I answer a question like this.

    Perhaps, then, you're suggesting I'm field negro in disguise.

  69. no slappz11:17 AM

    purple buttercup:

    Inasmuch as you know nothing about science, engineering or economics, your views on energy issues and global warming will amount to the boilerplate nonsense of the uninformed.

    As I said, AND you agreed, the amount of fossil fuel energy the world consumes will increase.

    By admitting as much, you are acknowledging that all the sturm and drang about carbon and global warming is truly just hot air. A waste of energy that will change nothing

    There will be lots of yelping and whining while various technologies move from the laboratory into the commercial space, all driven by competitive advantage, not noise.

    But meanwhile, the world will build billions of cars, motorcycles, planes, trains, buses, ships, power plants, etc, all running on good old fossil fuels.

    And, like every hypocrite on this topic, you too will drive a car that runs on gasoline, but you'll tell others not to.

  70. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Purple Cow Said..

    Are you for real purple? You seem to be seriously attempting to deflate my original estimates of your IQ.

    Purple Buttercup Said...

    "I was the lead ad planner on an advertising campaign for the W.H.O on the subject of water and sanitation a couple of years ago, so this is another subject I know rather a lot about."

    So you ran copyright utilizing facts and statistics clinicians gave you and you think this makes you knowledgeable ? I have advertising people who oftentimes make the similar mistake of thinking they can tell the Operations People and Business units how to run the business, based upon the information they were given by the very same people. Your job was to spin facts to generate donations and prey on emotion making it look pretty. Who are you trying to kid, ad men are bullshit artists. You seem to be a good one.

    Globally, unclean water and poor sanitation are responsible for about 3.5 million deaths a year. Not 5 million for Africa alone as you claim.

    Are you really this simpleminded? What causes fouled water in Africa? What? Ask yourself that. What would happen if you drank the same water that untold numbers of people shat in, bathed in and so on? Your numbers seem to be pulled out of your ass just for you to have an arguing point, more proof of your low IQ.

    Purple Lips Said..

    "Actually clean water isn't Africa's key problem in this area - sanitation is. What area? The area of clean water and sanitation?

    Purple Lips Said..

    "Poor sanitation kills more people than drinking unclean water, it also prevents girls from going to school because African girls are socially conservative and they are unwilling to urinate or defecate in a field where schools provide no toilets."

    Really, so clean water isn't Africas key problem, rather girls not having toilets and not wanting to be raped in open fields while they shit causing them to miss school is? Could it be that shitting all over everything without having even one individual with the simple skill of applying primitive sewage structure say from 3200 BCE Scotland might be the cause? Including shitting and bathing in water they plan to also drink from?

    Your mind doesnt make logical connections easily does it?

  71. no slappz11:35 AM

    The U.S. Secret Service is looking into a controversial column by an Atlanta Jewish newspaper publisher that mulled the assassination of an American president.

    Andrew Adler, owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, wrote a January 13 column about the threat of Iran to Israel.

    He posed three options for the Jewish state to counter the Iranian regime.

    One of them called for a "hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence."

    "Give the go-ahead for U.S. based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies."

    Adler is the Owner/Editor of the Atlanta Jewish Times.

    But he had to step down as a result of his screwball comments.

    It's interesting the same pressure isn't brought to bear on Louis Farrakhan.

    Anyway, based on the offending column itself, it appears Adler said "if I've thought of these alternatives, isn't it likely that the same alternatives have been discussed by Mossad?"

    In the offending column, Adler even mentions a Star Trek movie and Tom Clancy. Okay. Now we know all his musing are the truth.

    Perhaps the guy to lock up is Tom Clancy? Or all the other writers who write about stuff the CIA might be up to. I mean, the CIA has long been credited with orchestrating the killing of JFK, so what's everyone waiting for?

  72. Anonymous11:37 AM

    NS & ANON,

    Why are you avoiding this discussion? Are you sure you both are jews like me????

    Why is there acceptance of FN's silence and posturing not to post on this subject( JEWISH NEWSPAPER promoted killing of our president)

    I know us YIDS must have a collective front especially in these Black sites but we also must reflect integrity as well..

    I am troubled that We tolerate FN's race chasing except you guys wish to give him a pass I have a problem with such hypocrisy..I was taught by my parents and in my temple to be couragous and honest despite whatever peer pressure was in the world.


  73. Anonymous11:44 AM


    Good you are now posting on this issue..I am glad I influenced you more importantly it is very troublesome that Israel would have such a policy on the tbale..

    This editor leaked an intelligence report!! This is really quite a leak..

    It has the capacity to really create some concern both globally and here given the water cooler whisper campaign in many jewish venues regardig Obama during his campaign about his concern about Isreal and America's policy towards Israel..

    I imagine it makes sense for having FN and other Black sites ignore this issue and have them focused on nonsense to deflect real issues..FN is serving this objective quite well..

    I know in the past media outlets have been paid to promote disinformation and propaganda..One wonders if FN was also paid not to blog about this story???

  74. fertile pookies rule the world

    and they are HORRID parents!!!


  75. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    NS & ANON,

    Why are you avoiding this discussion? Are you sure you both are jews like me????

    Why is there acceptance of FN's silence and posturing not to post on this subject( JEWISH NEWSPAPER promoted killing of our president)

    I know us YIDS must have a collective front especially in these Black sites but we also must reflect integrity as well..

    I am troubled that We tolerate FN's race chasing except you guys wish to give him a pass I have a problem with such hypocrisy..I was taught by my parents and in my temple to be couragous and honest despite whatever peer pressure was in the world.


    This isn't a JEW it's Steve. You know like the black guy who hangs a noose on his door so he can cry racism and get some attention.

    Shalom and Happy Circumcision.

  76. Kingnut12:04 PM

    PilotX said..
    "I mean how seriously can we take people who believe dinosaurs and humans walked the earth like an episode of the Flintstones?"

    Not very, I must agree.

    But how seriously can we take people who think the Earth ('Gaia') is mad at us for cutting down trees and will burn us up? People who think their very breath is destroying the planet? People who think cow farts will lead to to runaway global warming, when buffalo farts (not to mention Mammoth and dinosaur farts) did no such thing? People who think the sea levels are rising and will swallow up the world, when no change in the rate of sea level rise has been detected? People who believe 'alernative energy' in the form of solar, wind and pixie dust can replace the real energy that makes their modern lives (and their very survival) possible? People who persist in this nonsense despite no significant warming over the past 15 years?

    So have a good laugh at the creationists, and then go outside and shake a bone at the sun and pray to Gaia.

    Give me a break.

  77. Here comes Global Cooling again:

    The supposed ‘consensus’ on man-made global warming is facing an inconvenient challenge after the release of new temperature data showing the planet has not warmed for the past 15 years.

    The figures suggest that we could even be heading for a mini ice age to rival the 70-year temperature drop that saw frost fairs held on the Thames in the 17th Century.

    Based on readings from more than 30,000 measuring stations, the data was issued last week without fanfare by the Met Office and the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit. It confirms that the rising trend in world temperatures ended in 1997.

    Meanwhile, leading climate scientists … told The Mail on Sunday that, after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century, the sun is now heading towards a ‘grand minimum’ in its output, threatening cold summers, bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food.

    Global warming is not a problem; like CO2, it helps the crops grow. As we may soon be reminded, global cooling is less benign.

    But at least falling temperatures will reveal hoax participants as the liars and/or fools many instinctively knew them to be. As Nicola Scafetta of Duke University notes:

    “If temperatures continue to stay flat or start to cool again, the divergence between the [global warming] models and recorded data will eventually become so great that the whole scientific community will question the current theories.”

    That is, the entire hoax will collapse no matter how much of our money the government shovels at it, and the liberal media will go back to screeching about the coming ice age, as in the 1970s.

  78. Anonymous12:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Wow an entire sea of unsubstantiated Slappyfacts.

    I'm going to coach some cricket now Slappy, but I will be back soon.

    Prepare to be eviscerated.

    Know this Slappy, I have more experience in learning about these two subjects than you have in lonely, self-pitying masturbation.

    In other words, rather a lot.

    In the U.S we call individuals like you "Soccer Mom's"

    I bet you make a good wife. Hopefully you at least cook dinner for your wife and treat her like the Queen she is , after she is out toiling all day to support you.

  79. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Why are the jewish posters ignoring and deflecting the JEWISH NEWSPAPER incident??

    Why is FN not posting on this??

    FN's model is to report on race chasing YET he is not reporting on this incident.WHY??

    FN has loss credibility and integrity for not postig about this..

    I know many interests want to keep the Black community just focused on the usual trashy subject and yada, yada, ydad..

    Yet this story is very important

    Again I will pst all day long keeping this topic 'hot'

    Until I get some reply from FN....I know why the jewish posters want to deflect and avoid this topic..

    But WHY are you FN????

  80. Martin12:40 PM

    So a jewish newspaper said Israel should assassinate Obama. So what? Everybody knows jews love Obama. The guy just wrote that to get attention. Jews are the ones who finance Obama. Jews run the democrat party. Why would they want to harm their own candidate?

  81. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Sure...your great wite Daddums will let you drive your fuel becomes ever more dear. And, rather than take public transport -gasp- or purchase a rational will cling to your notion of SUV making up for obvious shortcomings.

    No wonder st reagan sold you on cutting your own (and your offspring) wages and benefits.

    Wonder why Goober and Heeyuck saw great yellow ball in gawd/sky and now feelerate that it has an effect...but only when the marching orders told them to.
    Scientists have been including solar fluctuations in their modeling...and the fauxperts are unaware of this simple fact.


  82. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Again I will pst all day long keeping this topic 'hot'

    Until I get some reply from FN....I know why the jewish posters want to deflect and avoid this topic..

    But WHY are you FN????

    Awesome, why don't you see if you can set a record? See how many posts you can make with the same question and how few answers you can get?

    Why do you need Field to do a post? All he would do in a post is offer the topic, his opinion, some qoutes furthering his opinion or if he is feeling gracious opposing views and then you comment. So stop being and idiot and just comment, obviously you already have an opinion or are you just looking for a daddy to tell you how to think too?

  83. Anonymous12:54 PM

    "But dopes like you worry about a contrived issue that's predicted to deliver "bad" consequences in 100 years while, in your gleeful derangement, you ignore the fact that EVERY YEAR the death toll in Africa from drinking dirty water is FIVE MILLION.

    Hmmm. What morons you global warming nitwits are.

    The population of Africa is around One Billion. If there were clean water for all and public health standards that were beyond the primitive tribal stage AND modern agriculture practices were introduced, there'd be Two Billion people in Africa.

    But you morons obscess about a non-issue while looking the other way as real problems keep every African nation in the dark ages."

    Wow! I did not know this about the drinking water in African nations. It's very disturbing. I wonder why the msm hasn't been on 'blast' about this?

    Thanks again, are an informational gem. It's too bad we can't get this kind of info from black bloggers. Of course, we have never been united on anything and clean water is no exception.

  84. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sure...your great wite Daddums will let you drive your fuel becomes ever more dear. And, rather than take public transport -gasp- or purchase a rational will cling to your notion of SUV making up for obvious shortcomings.

    No wonder st reagan sold you on cutting your own (and your offspring) wages and benefits.

    Wonder why Goober and Heeyuck saw great yellow ball in gawd/sky and now feelerate that it has an effect...but only when the marching orders told them to.
    Scientists have been including solar fluctuations in their modeling...and the fauxperts are unaware of this simple fact.


    pubic transit? nah that be hanging with a shrewdness and as slippery as steppin on a banana peel

  85. ”The conversion of wind to electricity is terribly inefficient. Moreover, wind generators require a lot of maintenance -- the bearings wear out every year or so.”

    Absolute nonsense – yet another Slappyfact. The bearings of a turbine should last the full lifetime of a turbine.

    O & M costs of a wind turbine are typically between 1.2 and 1.5 eurocents per kw/h

    ”But the most serious limitations are location and reliability. 

Bottom line, THEORETICALLY, if the US were to fully exploit its wind power potential TODAY, it might be possible to provide maybe 3%, 4% or perhaps 5% of our power needs -- TODAY.”

    You are already at 2.3% today without really trying. Your own Department of Energy says that 30% is possible. Denmark is already at 21%, Portugal at 18% and Spain at 16%.

    ”However, as the US grows and consumes more electricity, the amount of electricity available from wind power will remain the same. The wind will NOT blow more because you want it to.

    Errrrrrr no, but you could install more wind turbines.

    ”Therefore, the wind power contribution would shrink as a percentage of the whole.

    Not if you install more wind-turbines.

Get it?”


    ”It won't replace demand for fossil fuels. The use of wind only makes a tiny dent in overall fossil fuel consumption.”

    Wind power is one of a range of options to replace fossil fuels. There won’t be one simple solution. We will need a variety of technologies.

    ”There's no point in pretending wind power is more than that. 

Meanwhile, at this point, wind power is more expensive than power from fossil fuels. 

Inasmuch as producing electricity from the wind is an exercise in mechanical engineering, we can say that we know there's no big breakthrough down the road. Wind power has no more potential for technical advances than water power -- dams -- and dams are being removed in the US because many are no longer competitive.”

    1. As fossil fuels become rarer and more difficult to extract, they will become more expensive.

    2. As the political situation around the world becomes more fluid, this will also affect the price of fossil fuel (c.q. the Arab Spring).

    3. If you take into account the implicit costs of the damage carbon emissions do, the costs are actually significantly higher than the simple extraction costs.

  86. uptownsteve1:15 PM


    "Please tell me you aren't trying to say that everyone with AIDs doesnt die and your logic is because Magic Johnson is still alive."

    Everyone is going to die eventually stupid.

    Many people today live long productive lives with the HIV virus.

    There are many medications out that are effective in containing the virus.

  87. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Purple Pontificator (AKA Buttercup) Said...

    "Know this Slappy, I have more experience in learning about these two subjects.."

    Experience in learning about and a learned man are two completely different things. The missing link again is IQ. Someone can preach nuclear physics at you all day and you will gain a lot of "experience learning about them" whilst not knowing or understanding shit and not the kind of shit little african school girls wont do in a field because clean drinking water isn't a key issue either.

  88. Quote No Slapzz

    " I said, AND you agreed, the amount of fossil fuel energy the world consumes will increase."

    Yes it will, but by definition it can't increase for ever.

    "By admitting as much, you are acknowledging that all the sturm and drang about carbon and global warming is truly just hot air. A waste of energy that will change nothing"

    I'm admitting no such thing. I am saying that the governments of the USA, China and India are too stupid to understand what's going on.

    "There will be lots of yelping and whining while various technologies move from the laboratory into the commercial space, all driven by competitive advantage, not noise."

    No idea why you think this is relevant.

    "But meanwhile, the world will build billions of cars, motorcycles, planes, trains, buses, ships, power plants, etc, all running on good old fossil fuels."

    Nope, not all running on fossil fuels. Even YOu admitted that a couple of posts ago.

    "And, like every hypocrite on this topic, you too will drive a car that runs on gasoline, but you'll tell others not to."

    I do not drive a car of any kind. I've never owned a car in my life.

  89. Anonymous1:26 PM


    What is your reasoning on why FN ignored posting or offering commentary on the JEWISH NEWSPAPER story here on his site??

  90. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "And, like every hypocrite on this topic, you too will drive a car that runs on gasoline, but you'll tell others not to."

    I do not drive a car of any kind. I've never owned a car in my life.

    What do you do, ride Buttercup to town? Wait let me rephrase that you might think it means going to town and riding wait...ahhh never mind. Does the wife let you bicycle at least? You seem to be a hell of a peddler.

  91. Anonymous1:30 PM


    Why are you so interested in my questions to FN regarding this subject matter ( FN's refusual to post about the Jewish Newspaper saga)..

    What is driving your posts and anger at my concerns??

    I am jewish I will admit I have an agenda..

    What is yours??

  92. I'll Bet They Were Honor Students1:30 PM

    I'm beginning to understand why field thinks Philly is such a "great" city:

  93. ”So you ran copyright utilizing facts and statistics clinicians gave you and you think this makes you knowledgeable ? “

    Nope, that’s not what an ad planner does.

    ”I have advertising people who oftentimes make the similar mistake of thinking they can tell the Operations People and Business units how to run the business, based upon the information they were given by the very same people.”

    Stop lying Slappy, you don’t know any advertising people.

    ”Your job was to spin facts to generate donations and prey on emotion making it look pretty. Who are you trying to kid, ad men are bullshit artists. You seem to be a good one. “

    Hang on, Slappy, You are the one who invents facts, pulls them out of your ass, and then posts them here without any supporting evidence or information, as if they are facts set in stone. You are the king, nay the emperor of bullshit, Slappy.

    Globally, unclean water and poor sanitation are responsible for about 3.5 million deaths a year. Not 5 million for Africa alone as you claim.

    "Are you really this simpleminded? What causes fouled water in Africa? What? Ask yourself that. What would happen if you drank the same water that untold numbers of people shat in, bathed in and so on? Your numbers seem to be pulled out of your ass just for you to have an arguing point, more proof of your low IQ.”

    What does this rant of yours have to do with my point? You said dirty water kills 5 million people per year. I’ve shown that the figure is around 3,5 million for the entire planet. What makes your last paragraph relevant to what we are discussing?

    "Actually clean water isn't Africa's key problem in this area - sanitation is. What area? The area of clean water and sanitation? “

    How old are you slappy? 13? 14? My boys are 12, if they wrote shit like this I’d make them sleep in the garden for a month.

    ”Really, so clean water isn't Africas key problem, rather girls not having toilets and not wanting to be raped in open fields while they shit causing them to miss school is?”
    That’s not what I said, as you well know.

    ”Could it be that shitting all over everything without having even one individual with the simple skill of applying primitive sewage structure say from 3200 BCE Scotland might be the cause? Including shitting and bathing in water they plan to also drink from? “

    They need a sanitary infrastructure, but Africa is in a uniquely difficult position, convincing African governments and QUANGOS that this should be a higher priority was one of the key Effy measures of the campaign.

    ”Your mind doesnt (sic) make logical connections easily does it?”

    At least I have a mind Slappy, I’ve no idea what you use.

  94. King Tree1:37 PM

    Quit worrying about all those cars.

    What we REALLY need to do, is get rid of all the farting and burpiing livestock...especially cows.

    Oh. Don't forget people, either.

  95. Anonymous1:38 PM


    I think it is critical in this climate that people be principled and have integrity..

    FN 's site is important as a Black blogging space as such I expect objectivity and integrity..

    FN's model always has him posting racist incidents etc SO why is he not posting the Jewish Newspaper incident?

    Please address my query Uptown

  96. Anonymous1:41 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Please tell me you aren't trying to say that everyone with AIDs doesnt die and your logic is because Magic Johnson is still alive."

    Everyone is going to die eventually stupid. NO some will die enlightened. You definitely will die stupid.

    Many people today live long productive lives with the HIV virus.

    Yes, it isn't an immediate death sentence. But again I hope you aren't dumb enough to be saying Aids doesn't shorten life spans. The younger an aids afflicted person is the longer they have. In example Life expectancy for someone diagnosed with HIV/AIDS used to be dire, but that was years ago. For people who have access to new medications for HIV, called "anitretroviral therapy" or "highly active antiretroviral therapy" (HAART), at age 20, life expectancy has now increased to about 30 to 40 added years if they take the HAART medication correctly. So someone with aids might live to 50-60. I guess that is good enough for African standards. I hope you make it longer but science is currently against you.

    There are many medications out that are effective in containing the virus. Yes there are, but no cures. You will have a shortened life span and die of an immune def. disease. Are the side effects of these medications severe? Do they impact you at all?

  97. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Does anyone know what that idiot Mold is trying to say? Ever?

    Does Mold know?

  98. King Tree1:42 PM

    Forgot my link:

  99. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Oh and UpDown you can read more here

  100. Purple Cow doesn't know how to drive.

    That says it all.

  101. no slappz1:51 PM

    anon writes:

    This editor leaked an intelligence report!! This is really quite a leak..

    Ahh, no. The most evident leak is in the side of your head.

  102. Magic Tallywhacker1:52 PM

    Despite his many homosexual adventures, Magic Johnson never had HIV.

    He didn't 'Magically' escape AIDS.

    His infection was faked.

    It was either a false positive, or a hoax as part of 'normalizing' the aids epeidemic.

  103. Anonymous1:53 PM

    NS & Uptown,

    Please you both address my query about why FN's is not posting about the Jewish Newspaper story of intell to kill our president.

    Why would FN take a pass on this and yet for years he posts all manner of race chasing incidents??

  104. Anonymous1:56 PM


    I find it revealing you and Uptown and FN are in the same camp on this issue WHY?

    NS how come you agree with the pass FN is giving to not publish this story about the JEWISH newspaper that reported on Israeli intell about killing our president??

    WHY NS are you in bed with FN on this ? For years I have observe you objecting to FN's race chasing yet now you are impotent?

    WHY NS?

  105. Anonymous1:57 PM

    The Bull said...
    Purple Cow doesn't know how to drive.

    That says it all.

    Yeah but his farm animals know he is driven..from behind frequently.
    How can a stay at home soccer mom not does she get the kids around? Donkeys and jackasses?

  106. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Purple Cow Said....

    "They need a sanitary infrastructure, but Africa is in a uniquely difficult position, it is filled with Black People.

  107. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Why are you so interested in my questions to FN regarding this subject matter ( FN's refusual to post about the Jewish Newspaper saga)..

    What is driving your posts and anger at my concerns??

    I am jewish I will admit I have an agenda..

    What is yours??

    Sammy Davis, sings us a song, do a dance....the candyman says.....

  108. uptownsteve2:02 PM

    Anon thinks he has a winning argument here.

    "Please address my query Uptown."

    Why are you asking me to speak for Field?

    If it such an important story, why hasn't the mainstream media picked up on it?

    Where's FOX?

  109. Quote The Bull

    "Purple Cow doesn't know how to drive."

    Yes I do.

  110. Anonymous2:15 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Anon thinks he has a winning argument here.

    "Please address my query Uptown."

    Why are you asking me to speak for Field?

    If it such an important story, why hasn't the mainstream media picked up on it?

    Where's FOX?

    Waiting for MSNBC and Al Sharpton to resist we much...

  111. no slappz2:20 PM

    purple buttercup:

    As always, you cough up a fraction of the figures relating to the subject.

    Wind power -- you are a gasbag, but you are uninformed.

    It's clear you don't want to believe that bearing replacement is a key impediment with wind generators. Oh well. That's evidence of your ignorance of mechanical engineering reality.

    Second, like most nitwits, you post numbers about the cost of wind power/solar power, etc that reflect the operations of these uncompetitive technologies during the brief periods of time when they actually function.

    Like when the wind blows. But few places on the earth offer steady enough wind to matter.

    Or when the sun shines, which, as most of us know, is only a fraction of the day, and then the quality of the sunlight varies by the hour.

    If wind power were as low-cost as you think, millions of Americans would buy wind generators and put them to use powering homes and buildings. But they don't. Only a handful of Americans buy them. I wonder why?

    Another point about wind generators -- storms destroy them.

    There's a lot breeze in the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico region. You'd think -- considering the shortage of fossil fuels in Cuba -- that those Cubans would put up wind generators along the coast and power the island prison. But...

    Of course you'd think that if the US can find massive quantities of oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico, the same might be true of Cuba. But...

    Cuba can't give away something that can't be subsidized by a foreign government. In other words, Venezuela can give oil to Cuba, but Venezuela can't make wind power cheaper for Cuba. So in Cuba, they don't bother with it.

    Anyway, your dopey cost estimate for wind power does not include all the actual costs of acquiring land, building a transmission system from the windy areas to the populated areas and maintaining all of it.

    Then there are the other idiotic costs of fighting environmentalists who worry about birds flying into the blades and the people who don't want to look at these eyesores and the people who will say that electrical waves cause cancer. But those problems affect all electricity producers.

    We'll use some wind power, but, as I said, because we know how much the wind blows, we know the maximum amount of energy that can be extracted from the wind -- and it ain't that much.

    As for the finite quantity of oil and gas, yeah, so what? When they're gone they're gone.

    I guess that's your dispatch from the Center for News Already Known.

    We will, out of absolute necessity, replace oil and gas with something else. Coal supplies, meanwhile, are estimated at a 400-year supply in America.

    You can be sure nuclear power will play a larger role over time.

    Meanwhile, even with its vast supplies of oil, Nigeria is a backward cesspool. So you can see that no matter what happens in the rest of the world, Nigeria, and other African nations, will remain centuries behind.

    As bad as things are in Nigeria today, they would become many times worse if the country were forced out of the oil business.

  112. uptownsteve2:27 PM

    "Meanwhile, even with its vast supplies of oil, Nigeria is a backward cesspool"

    Has Slappy ever been to Nigeria?

    Has Slappy ever visited the African continent?

    If not then how the fuck is such an authority on the subject?

    This guy is a neurotic obsessive sociopathic racist blowhard.

    Why does anyone pay attention to him?

  113. Can You Smell What The Cow Is Cooking!?2:29 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote The Bull

    "Purple Cow doesn't know how to drive."

    Yes I do.

    2:06 PM

    Last thing Purple Cow drove was a turd through a colostomy bag.

  114. more on that liar bankster flipper hobama

    and his eternal global wars


    Obama's real priorities are revealed later in the speech. Obama lists “things that will help us in the long term” as first “student loans and grants” and second as “a strong military.” First loans, then token grants that students will not have any chance of receiving if they are the product of a primary and secondary education lacking in funding. Then war.

    Obama references war a second time in this speech, which is supposedly about education, saying: “We’re successful because we have an outstanding military -- that costs money."

    The US president cannot directly propose legislation, but he can draft it and give it to a member of congress to propose. He chooses not to. He also has power to veto bills, like the NDAA, SOPA, and ACTA, but he chooses not to. Instead he defers the vote by pushing back the date so that the issue loses the public's attention and passes more easily.

    So why is Obama not doing the things he could do to improve issues he says he cares about? Because he is a war-monger or a puppet used to pump the military. He makes token gestures towards education but actually intends to put students into more debt ($7 billion in loans versus $1.055 billion in direct funding) contributing to the education crisis and to America's worsening military-industrial complex. He serves other people who want to see education perpetuate the current system of inequality and militarism, through token gifts without actually doing the things he could be doing to solve the root problems.

    Wake up America. Your government is drafting students to help build the next generation of robot drones. Obama's proposed military budget cuts are a double-speak sham in the same genre as his promises on education, see sources below. With the Federal Reserve accused of giving $16 trillion in shadow loans to financial companies, are we really going to expect that no military organizations are receiving funding on the side?

    Obama sounds good when he talks, but his actions (and his lack of action on many issues) speak volumes. If Americans fail to protest and demand change now, the crisis will be much worse when a new president is voted in in November.

  115. no slappz2:43 PM

    purple buttercup says about cars:

    Nope, not all running on fossil fuels. Even YOu admitted that a couple of posts ago.

    Yeah, not ALL, just 98% of the new cars.

    I do not drive a car of any kind. I've never owned a car in my life.

    You don't drive a car? Perhaps a pick-up truck or a motorcycle. Doesn't matter. Or your wife owns the car and you pretend something else. That's probably the case.

    As you mentioned, Mrs Buttercup, the Wisconsin milkmaid, grew up in the Dairy State, a car-owning state, and one in which her family undoubtedly had a car.

    And the two of you live in society that would not exist without individual transportation in the form of cars.

    Kids go to school, often on a bus. My kids went by school buses operated by the Dept of Education. But in NY City school bus service ends in 5th grade. Starting in middle school kids ride the subway or take city buses.

    Subways are great. But they don't exist outside cities, and they never will.

    Trains are limited. If the land for trackbeds wasn't acquired 100 years ago, it won't be acquired now. That's one reason air travel works. No roads needed, no right of way for tracks -- just a runway.

    Anyway, there's 250 million cars registered in the US. Considering there's 310 million citizens, and you have to be at least 16 to drive, there's at least one car for every eligible driver in this country.

    The Indians, Chinese and a lot of Africans look forward to similar immersion into cars. And due to the way the world works, most of those cars will run on gasoline.

  116. Another content-free No Slapzz post

    "As always, you cough up a fraction of the figures relating to the subject."

    At least I cough up FIGURES you simply pass off your opinions as facts without bothering to even look for proof.

    "Wind power -- you are a gasbag, but you are uninformed. It's clear you don't want to believe that bearing replacement is a key impediment with wind generators. Oh well. That's evidence of your ignorance of mechanical engineering reality."

    I don;t believe it, because there's no EVIDENCE that says it is true.

    "Second, like most nitwits, you post numbers about the cost of wind power/solar power, etc that reflect the operations of these uncompetitive technologies during the brief periods of time when they actually function."

    Not true, those figure related to the entire lifetime of the turbine, as you would know if you had read the piece.

    "Like when the wind blows. But few places on the earth offer steady enough wind to matter."

    Typically turbines need a wind-speed of 7 mph, to generate electricity. Many many places in the world regularly have wind speeds of 7 mph or more.

    "Or when the sun shines, which, as most of us know, is only a fraction of the day, and then the quality of the sunlight varies by the hour."

    Sweet Jeezus you are stupid. Solar panels don;t need sunlight numbnuts, they use daylight.

    "If wind power were as low-cost as you think, millions of Americans would buy wind generators and put them to use powering homes and buildings. But they don't. Only a handful of Americans buy them. I wonder why?"

    Well I'm guessing they are as ill-informed as you.

    "Another point about wind generators -- storms destroy them."

    No they don't, turbines have automatic blade feathering systems to prevent that happening.

    "There's a lot breeze in the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico region. You'd think -- considering the shortage of fossil fuels in Cuba -- that those Cubans would put up wind generators along the coast and power the island prison. But...

    Cuba currently has four wind farms, and they plan to grow wind energy production.

    "Of course you'd think that if the US can find massive quantities of oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico, the same might be true of Cuba. But...
    Cuba can't give away something that can't be subsidized by a foreign government. In other words, Venezuela can give oil to Cuba, but Venezuela can't make wind power cheaper for Cuba. So in Cuba, they don't bother with it."

    Yes they do - see previous answer.

    "Anyway, your dopey cost estimate for wind power does not include all the actual costs of acquiring land, building a transmission system from the windy areas to the populated areas and maintaining all of it."

    The costs I quoted include all those things, if you had read the article you would know.

    "We'll use some wind power, but, as I said, because we know how much the wind blows, we know the maximum amount of energy that can be extracted from the wind -- and it ain't that much."

    Up to 30% according to your own Dept. Of Energy.

    "We will, out of absolute necessity, replace oil and gas with something else. Coal supplies, meanwhile, are estimated at a 400-year supply in America."

    Because nobody with a brain wants to use it anymore.

    "You can be sure nuclear power will play a larger role over time."


    "As bad as things are in Nigeria today, they would become many times worse if the country were forced out of the oil business."

    They will be forced out of the oil business soon enough, when their reserves start to run low.

    No idea why you think this is relevant.

  117. Anonymous2:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Meanwhile, even with its vast supplies of oil, Nigeria is a backward cesspool"

    Has Slappy ever been to Nigeria?

    Has Slappy ever visited the African continent?

    If not then how the fuck is such an authority on the subject?

    This guy is a neurotic obsessive sociopathic racist blowhard.

    Why does anyone pay attention to him?

    Lagos, somalia, Zambia, Detroit, Camden, Philly, Compton, Princes Georges county they are all the same for the same reasons.

  118. no slappz2:52 PM

    dem chilluns was misbehavin'

    Dalisha Adams Arrested For Abandoning Daughters With Diapers In Brooklyn

    Posted: 01/30/2012

    A woman was arrested on Sunday for allegedly abandoning her two young daughters at the intersection of Shore Parkway and E. 102nd Street in Canarsie.

    The children showed no signs of physical abuse but were taken to Brookdale University Hospital for observation.

    An elderly couple called 911 after noticing the two girls, 5-year old Dominae and 3-year old Dioni, stranded and each holding extra diapers.

    A witness nearby said, "They were wandering up and down the sidewalk for a while, just playing by themselves. It's horrible. How could you leave your own children out there?"

    After being taken into custody, reporters from The Daily News were able to talk to the two girls who said, "Mommy just left us on the sidewalk and drove away."

    Investigators were able to use records from the city's Administration for Children's Services to identify the mother, 26-year old Dalisha Adams.

    Police officials say she is being charged with two counts of endangering the welfare of a minor.

  119. Quote No Slapzz

    "Yeah, not ALL, just 98% of the new cars."

    For the moment.

    "You don't drive a car? Perhaps a pick-up truck or a motorcycle. Doesn't matter. Or your wife owns the car and you pretend something else. That's probably the case."

    We don't own a car, though my wife has owned a few BMW's in the past. Between the four of us we own 11 bicycles. My wife is thinking of getting a second hand Beamer again, because taxis out here are not as reliable as in the city.

    "As you mentioned, Mrs Buttercup, the Wisconsin milkmaid, grew up in the Dairy State, a car-owning state, and one in which her family undoubtedly had a car."

    How is that relevant?

    "And the two of you live in society that would not exist without individual transportation in the form of cars."

    Nonsense, our nation existed for a couple of thousand years before the car came along.

    "Kids go to school, often on a bus. My kids went by school buses operated by the Dept of Education. But in NY City school bus service ends in 5th grade. Starting in middle school kids ride the subway or take city buses."

    Mine cycle or walk, depending on their mood.

    "Subways are great. But they don't exist outside cities, and they never will."

    Not true, de Noord-Zuid Lijn in Amsterdam will eventually lead from villages north of Amsterdam all the way to Schipol.

    The rest was too tedious to respond to.

  120. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Purple Nitwit says..

    Bearings last a lifetime....
    Only in li-li-beral la-la land.

    Encouraging results from recent up-tower testing at a wind farm in Oregon indicate that a conductive-microfiber bearing protection ring designed to protect wind turbine motor bearings has solved a chronic bearing failure problem of wind turbines.
    The generator bearings installed in one of the wind farm’s turbines first failed in May 2006, 11 months after the turbine was brought online. The company that owns and operates the wind farm replaced the bearings and slip rings, but the new bearings failed after five months. Once again, new bearings and slip rings were installed. The third bearing failure came 11 months later, in September 2007. This time, in addition to replacing the insulated bearings and slip rings on both ends of the generator......

  121. hey kosher kkk:

    u missed this???

    pookies rule the world

    and infanticide is a global sport they adore!

  122. hey kosher kkk:


  123. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Subways are great. But they don't exist outside cities, and they never will."

    Not true, de Noord-Zuid Lijn in Amsterdam will eventually lead from villages north of Amsterdam all the way to Schipol.

    Amsterdam is a city nitwit, it is the capital of the Netherlands.

  124. no slappz3:09 PM

    purple buttercup in his dreamland:

    Today, there are four wind farms in Cuba with 20 wind turbines that contribute 11.7mw to the national system

    11.7 megawatts? And that's ONLY when the wind is blowing, which is a variable.

    11.7 megawatts? I guess you have no idea how little that is.

    Al Gore's house draws about that much.

    As I've said, you're so lacking in knowledge of engineering and economics that you think these drop-in-the-bucket effects actually matter.

    Like I said, if Cuba was able to produce cheap energy with wind generators the country would be the wind-power capital of the world. It's not. Cuba can't even get this program to work.

    Poor countries -- even breezy ones -- don't switch to wind power because it's less reliable and more expensive than conventional power.

    Meanwhile, every wind-power site in the world has some generators that are turning, and some that are not. Why? Because something is always breaking inside these monstrous contraptions.

    They are high-maintenance, and repairs take place way up in the air.

  125. kosher kkk:

    ditto for sean schwartz!!!
    is he jewish kin?

  126. Anonymous3:13 PM


    Please address my question why are you an ally with NS on this issue of FN not posting the story about a JEWISH NEWSPAPER accounts on intell to kill our president?

  127. no slappz3:14 PM

    purple buttercup says about coal:

    Because nobody with a brain wants to use it anymore.

    Coal is the chief energy source for electricity-generating plants in the US, and it will remain the leading fuel source until nuclear catches up. Natural gas will become a bigger part of electricity generation as soon as hydraulic fracturing gets into high gear.

  128. Anonymous3:15 PM


    Why are you in bed with Uptown on agreeing to give FN a pass for not blogging about the JEWISH NEWSPAPER??

  129. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Why are you in bed with Uptown on agreeing to give FN a pass for not blogging about the JEWISH NEWSPAPER??

    Because they love bagels and don't want to threaten the supply. Ok are you happy now?

  130. Anonymous3:29 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk:

    ditto for sean schwartz!!!
    is he jewish kin?

    Alicia the KKK is democratic not Jewish. They are the equal to the National Socialist Democratic Party - Nazi's. Having Nationalized socialism and "democratic" in common. They killed jews so why are you saying the Nazi Democratic KKK party has something to do with kosher beef?

  131. "Coal is the chief energy source for electricity-generating plants in the US, and it will remain the leading fuel source until nuclear catches up. Natural gas will become a bigger part of electricity generation as soon as hydraulic fracturing gets into high gear."

    Yep, as I say....nobody with a brain.

    That's why America is the largest per capita polluter in the world.

  132. no slappz3:31 PM

    purple buttercup -- from the wind-power link:


    The Myth: “Wind power is expensive”

    The Facts:

    Wind power ... can compete with other power generation options at good sites.

    •Wind CANNOT compete with the cost of producing electricity from an existing power plant that has already been depreciated and paid for by taxpayers or electricity consumers.

    At good windy sites, however, it is increasingly competitive with other new-build generation technologies, especially given the dramatic rise in oil and gas prices.

    Oil, which influences the price of gas, has increased from an average of $14 in 1998 (in real terms) to around $100 in 2008.

    •The current cost of producing electricity from wind energy ranges from approximately 6 to 8 €cents/kWh at sites with low to medium average wind speeds down to 4 to 5 €cents/kWh at good coastal sites.

    •The power utility Hydro-Québec in Canada, for example, has agreed contracts with wind developers to install a total of 1,000 MW of wind power in the period 2006-12 at an average tariff of 4.08 €cents/kWh over a 20 year lifetime.

    In other words, if only utility companies would destroy their existing power generation facilities, wind power might have a chance.

    Of course we know that's not true, and in any case, destroying low-cost facilities to make wind-power nuts happy is not likely.

    Moreover, there is the problem of quantity. Even on the best days, only a limited amount of power from wind is avaiable. Whereas, with conventional sources, we can always build another power plant to meet growing base demand.

    As for your solar nonsense -- here's some news -- daylight is sunlight.

    At night, when there's no sunlight, there's no daylight.

    And, yes, the directness of the rays of the sun matter. As even you might imagine, noon is the best time of day for solar energy, while daybreak and sunset mark the beginning and end of the "solar energy day".

    A few watts of energy are available at those early and late times. But not enough to power a light bulb.

    Whne it comes to energy, you uninformed nitwits are all the same.

  133. no slappz3:39 PM

    purple buttercup says:

    Yep, as I say....nobody with a brain.

    That's why America is the largest per capita polluter in the world.

    Not that I care if your claim is true, but it's one of those claims that falls apart on examination.

    Becasue America consumes more energy per-capita, a lot of other matters follow.

    But pollution as a percentage of our per-capita energy consumption is impressively low.

    Whereas, Africans burning every stick of wood they can find are a big problem. Virtually ALL the energy they consume is highly polluting. There's no such notion as energy efficiency when wood is burned, especially in an open fire.

    Meanwhile, China, due to the primitive state of most of its energy consuming sites, is already surpassing the US in aggregate pollution. But because there are 1.3 billion Chinese, the Chinese per-capita figure is lower than ours.

    Thus, you're showing yourself as the huckster, spinmeister you truly are. But you ain't smart enough to fool more than a handful of people.

  134. Anonymous3:42 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Coal is the chief energy source for electricity-generating plants in the US, and it will remain the leading fuel source until nuclear catches up. Natural gas will become a bigger part of electricity generation as soon as hydraulic fracturing gets into high gear."

    Yep, as I say....nobody with a brain.

    That's why America is the largest per capita polluter in the world.

    Me chinese me play joke me put Co2 in your coke....followed by the US and then EU right behind. The UK being in such a miserable state of welfare since the 40's and unfettered immigration, in comparison to its' former glory is a pinprick on the worlds stage so irrelevant.

  135. uptownsteve3:54 PM


    What party did active KKK Grand Wizard David Duke hold office and run for Governor under during the 90s?


    It wasn't the Democrats.

  136. Anonymous4:02 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    What party did active KKK Grand Wizard David Duke hold office and run for Governor under during the 90s?


    It wasn't the Democrats.

    Robert Byrd???

    Has the democratic party ever elected a black Senator? I know Republicans have three.

  137. Is assnon asking about Dems electing a black senator?

    What an idiot!

  138. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Another one from the city of brotherly thugs. Three "yoofs" pull a cab passenger out of a cab stopped at a red light near the mayors office, then attack the cabdriver too.

    Soon enough these kids are going to start getting whacked once the Disengenious White liberals realize its on for real and no amount of pandering is going to save them.!

  139. memo to hobama:

    there was no there there!!!

  140. Anonymous5:12 PM

    I shall return later and tomorrow as well with my same posts until FN has the courage to issue a formal reply for his lost of integrity...

    Gotta go get those bagels before the negroes and coloreds think they are donuts and buy them all...

  141. Obama was a half black Senator

  142. Anonymous5:40 PM

    The Sacred Halfrican said...
    Obama was a half black Senator

    Ok, OK, you ruined my plan...too bad I already had a whale bite too right queefa? yes there have been a total of 5 1/2 black senators in all of the US history.

  143. No Slapzzz

    Your post of 3:31 shows that you finally done some Googling and are desperately trying to save face by backtracking on your previous nonsense.

    But you are still throwing nonsense and Slappyfacts into the mix

    "...we can always build another power plant to meet growing base demand."

    Nonsense, there are only finite supplies of carbon based fuels.

    "Even on the best days, only a limited amount of power from wind is avaiable"(sic)

    21% in Portugal, potentially up to 30% in the USA according to your very own Department of Energy

    "As for your solar nonsense -- here's some news -- daylight is sunlight."

    Yes I know, that what I was saying. It was you that claimed solar cells need sunlight to function not me.

    "At night, when there's no sunlight, there's no daylight."

    Yes, I said that as well.

  144. Quote Anonymous 3:04 p.m.

    "Subways are great. But they don't exist outside cities, and they never will."

    Not true, de Noord-Zuid Lijn in Amsterdam will eventually lead from villages north of Amsterdam all the way to Schipol.

    Amsterdam is a city nitwit, it is the capital of the Netherlands."

    Yes I know it's a fucking city numbskull I lived there for twenty five fucking years. Amsterdam is a city, Schipol is a different city. Therefore if the new subway line is to stretch from villages north of one city to another city further away, there must be a time when it isn't in a city doncha think?

    [Geemig de peemig, wat en stelletje eikels zeg!]

  145. Quote No Slapzzzzz

    "Not that I care if your claim is true, but it's one of those claims that falls apart on examination."

    Do you see the problem with your logic there, No Slapzzz?

  146. "But pollution as a percentage of our per-capita energy consumption is impressively low."

    Not true, yet another Slappyfact.

    Nighty Night

  147. no slappz6:25 PM

    purple buttercup:

    regarding coal-fired plants:

    Nonsense, there are only finite supplies of carbon based fuels.

    Hey bonehead, China is opening about one new coal-fored base-load electricity generating plant per week.

    The nations of the world can and will build more and more power plants until the fuel cost is higher than alternatives.

    But wind isn't one of the alternatives simply because the growing global demand for electricity is already many times the maximum theoretical limit for wind power.

    As for what's possible in Portugal, again, so what? It's a poor country with a tiny population. Ergo, its energy demands -- both per-capita and in the aggregate -- are nothing more than a rounding error relative to world energy demand.

    As for the US producing 30% of its electricity from wind power, yeah, sure, if we go back to 1912.

    There is no statement suggesting the US can obtain 30% of its power needs from wind.

    Some joker might try to claim some absurd figure for the construction of new energy production faclities.

    But that won't happen either, because wind power costs more, is not reliable and the necessary transmission facilities to carry electricity from windy areas to non-windy areas does not exist. The cost of those transmission lines is prohibitive.

    Anyway, as you will see, as you can see now, the construction of wind power systems is purely political. There's no economic advantage to wind power, unless you live so far out in the hills that no other options exist. But few live so far from civilization.

    Sunlight = daylight = sunlight = daylight.

    If you lack one, you lack the other.

    And, as some of us know, there's no sunlight = daylight at night.

    So half the day is shot. What do you propose we should do at night when the solar cells are useless? When demand is high?

    Something tells me you have heat and light in your barn. And I'll bet you derive neither from solar cells or wind. Maybe you burn peat, a real non-pollutant.

    Maybe you burn a little firewood, another exercise in non-polluting.

    Oh, as far as Cuba goes, the fact that it reported making only 11.7 megawatts of electricity from wind is like GM reporting sales of the Chevy Volt -- the numbers are disastrously bad.

    But in Cuba's case, they may be worse because you have no idea if the government numbers are anywhere close to the truth. If anything they are way too high.

    Then there's Cuba's non-existent fishing industry. Like its non-existent oil industry, Cuba is in the Gulf Stream where the fish are jumping.

    But, the Castros are deathly afraid of letting Cubans have access to motorized boats that could reach Florida in several hours. So, they don't let Cubans go offshore in anything more advanced than the boat Santiago sailed in The Old Man and the Sea.

    Can't let something like a failed communist state get in the way of retaining power till the Castros are dead.

    Fortunately Fidel is close to dead and when he's gone, maybe Cuba will throw off its yoke of oppression and prosper.

    Everything's in place, except the leadership.

    When will modern times reach all those failed African states?

    Why isn't Nigeria the Norway of Africa?

  148. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Geemig de peemig, wat en stelletje eikels zeg!]

    You spelled it wrong dippy its Jeemig de peemig wat een..

    Als je van assholes dan zeker schoon te maken boterbloemen vanavond

    and may the fleas of one thousand camels infest your armpits

    Que tu madre tiene relaciones sexuales con la cabra atada en su patio trasero, para que pueda tener un hermano.

  149. no slappz6:30 PM

    purple buttercup,

    As if it matters that a few subways run like short-haul commuter railroads into Amsterdam.

    But frankly that story sounds bizarre. Sounds about as likely as docking blimps at the Empire State Building, the plan when at the time of construction -- 1932.

  150. no slappz6:51 PM

    Hey, those cops mean business:

    Off-duty NYPD detective fatally shoots man during botched robbery

    January 30, 2012

    An off-duty detective on his way to work fatally shot a cane-wielding teen who had attacked him during a botched robbery in Brooklyn last night, police said.

    The officer, Detective Benjamin Cintron, was walking on Grove Street in Bushwick toward the J train station at 11:50 p.m., when the 15-year-old suspect grabbed him from behind and simulated a gun in his pocket.

    Meanwhile, a second suspect, Antoine White, 17, smashed the cop in the face with a cane possibly knocking him to one knee, sources said.

    "Run your pockets," White barked.

    Cintron quickly identified himself and ordered White to "drop it," police said. When White continued to lunge towards him, the cop pulled his gun and fired a single shot, killing him, police said.

    Cintron called 911 and stayed with White until an ambulance arrived. White, who lived on Vernon Avenue in Brooklyn, was a member of Muckers, a street crew responsible for robberies and assaults in Bed Stuy and Buswick, cops said.

    White's cohort fled but was captured a short time later. Police did not immediately release his name.

  151. Nice shot, Benjamin.

  152. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Iwish President Obama would make a CD. I'd play that recording 24/7/365. That would be heaven for me. I'm tired of this warmongering between the Caucasian woman's sons. Too bad the voting for president couldn't have ended yesterday!!!!!!!
