Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Negro threat.

I swear you can't make this stuff up. Did Jan Brewer really say that she felt " a little threatened" by Obama?

 “I was in the middle of a sentence and he walked away. I wasn’t angry at all. I felt a little bit threatened, if you will, in the attitude that he had.” [Source]

"Threatened"?!!! Let's see now, he is the President of these divided states. Those football player looking dudes with the earplugs in their ears are protecting him, not your drug addicted looking ass.

Republicans no longer have any respect for the presidency because they don't respect the person currently holding the office. It's that simple. That's sad, because I thought that republicans loved A-merry-ca and what the office of the president represents. *shaking head*

Then there is this new study out of Canada which confirms what I have suspected all along.

"There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults. These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario. Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found. Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote in an email to LiveScience.

"Prejudice is extremely complex and multifaceted, making it critical that any factors contributing to bias are uncovered and understood," he said.

Earlier studies have found links between low levels of education and higher levels of prejudice, Hodson said, so studying intelligence seemed a logical next step. The researchers turned to two studies of citizens in the United Kingdom, one that has followed babies since their births in March 1958, and another that did the same for babies born in April 1970. The children in the studies had their intelligence assessed at age 10 or 11; as adults ages 30 or 33, their levels of social conservatism and racism were measured. [Life's Extremes: Democrat vs. Republican]

In the first study, verbal and nonverbal intelligence was measured using tests that asked people to find similarities and differences between words, shapes and symbols. The second study measured cognitive abilities in four ways, including number recall, shape-drawing tasks, defining words and identifying patterns and similarities among words. Average IQ is set at 100."

Social conservatives were defined as people who agreed with a laundry list of statements such as "Family life suffers if mum is working full-time," and "Schools should teach children to obey authority." Attitudes toward other races were captured by measuring agreement with statements such as "I wouldn't mind working with people from other races." (These questions measured overt prejudiced attitudes, but most people, no matter how egalitarian, do hold unconscious racial biases; Hodson's work can't speak to this "underground" racism.)

As suspected, low intelligence in childhood corresponded with racism in adulthood. But the factor that explained the relationship between these two variables was political: When researchers included social conservatism in the analysis, those ideologies accounted for much of the link between brains and bias.

People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.

"This finding is consistent with recent research demonstrating that intergroup contact is mentally challenging and cognitively draining, and consistent with findings that contact reduces prejudice," said Hodson, who along with his colleagues published these results online Jan. 5 in the journal Psychological Science." [Source]  *h/t to Greg Fuller for the pic and story.*

I bet Jan Brewer doesn't have a very high IQ. 

Still, the moral of this story is that racism is just a bad thing all around for everybody.

Finally, shout out to David Honig and the folks at MMTC who are once again hosting a wonderful summit here in D.C.

David, I promise that I will try to attend all of the sessions tomorrow.  



  1. Brewer is the perfect example of what happens when a Hick gets a little power.

  2. All IQ, like all hunger,m is political Field. Those "
    less intelligent" white kids who grow up to be racists are the ones marginalized by the system just like their "less intelligent" black colleagues.

  3. Brewer has a low IQ?

    Hell, she's practically brain dead.

    Remember this embarrassment?

  4. This isn’t the first time Barry Soetoro abused his status as a guest. On arriving in Louisiana after the BP oil spill, he berated Governor Bobby Jindal over some trivial bureaucratic letter related to food stamps. As Jindal wrote,

    Somehow, for some reason, President Obama had personalized this. And he was upset.

    There was not a word about the oil spill. He was concerned about looking bad because of the letter. “Careful,” he said to me, “this is going to get bad for everyone.”

    McCain was not a very good campaigner, but he was right about one thing: character matters. Thin-skinned narcissists who think they are the center of the universe make poor leaders.

    Hopefully, we can get rid of this loser in 2012.

  5. Dr. Brewer8:56 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Brewer is the perfect example of what happens when a Hick gets a little power.

    And Ms. Queen is a perfect example of what happens when someone mistakes Affirmative Action for actual accomplishment.

    You will never be a doctor.

  6. Brewer Goober

    Jan Brewer wasn't thin-skinned and totally out of line?

    Oh yeah.

    Gingrich is real example of personal "character".


  7. Goober McPeanut9:01 PM

    Wow, yet another liberal study group concludes that people who disagree with them are stupid.

    Whaddya know?

    Hmmm. If low intelligence correlates with being racist, then blacks would be much more likely to be racist, right?

  8. What's that you say racist?

  9. uptownsteve said...
    Brewer Goober

    "Jan Brewer wasn't thin-skinned and totally out of line?"

    I don't know about Brewer, but Obama actions have surely not been presidential.

    Gingrich is real example of personal "character".

    No, he is not, which is why I hope he never becomes President. We already have a thin-skinned, petty narcissist as President that we need to get rid of.

  10. no slappz9:07 PM

    field, engaging in that search for views that he believe legitimize his deeply held bigoty:

    Then there is this new study out of Canada which confirms what I have suspected all along...says field:

    The research finds that children with low intelligence are more likely to hold prejudiced attitudes as adults.

    Whoa. Already this looks like a criticism of blacks and muslims.

    These findings point to a vicious cycle, according to lead researcher Gordon Hodson, a psychologist at Brock University in Ontario.

    Whoa. Looking more critical of blacks and muslims.

    Low-intelligence adults tend to gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, the study found.

    Yeow. The centerpiece of black and Islamic life -- religion.

    Those ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that can contribute to prejudice, Hodson wrote...

    Yikes. That pretty well sums up the reasons blacks and muslims have developed such profound hate for people unlike themselves.

  11. Goober McPeanut9:07 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    What's that you say racist?

    I said, you dumb coon, if low intelligence correlates with being racist, then blacks would be much more likely to be racist.

    That seems to be backed up by real-world evidence, for example: you.

  12. puh-leeze

    You're offended simply by the fact that a black man is President.

    He doesn't know his "place".

  13. "That pretty well sums up the reasons blacks and muslims have developed such profound hate for people unlike themselves."

    And the reason why you hang around here yelping 24/7 is because you love black people?

    Get real fool.

  14. uptownsteve said...

    You're offended simply by the fact that a black man is President.

    If that man is Barak Obama, yes I do find that offensive.
    As one cannot not disapprove of anything a black person does without being called a racist, I'll just focus my animosity on his white half.

    He is an awful President and unrelenting partisan who doesn't know how to be a leader.

  15. Okay Goober.

    What black man would you approve of as President?

    And tell us which President in our lifetime has been "unpartisan" according to you?

  16. George Bush was "unpartisan", so much so he destroyed the Republican Party.

    I can't think of a qualified Republican Black candidate who is ready (there aren't many white ones either), but if he makes it through another 8 years of national politics with a distinguished record, I'd vote for Allen West.

  17. "Yeow. The centerpiece of black and Islamic life -- religion"

    This fool must have never heard of Christian Conservatives.

    Or maybe the state of Israel.

    Created by stealing the land of others to accomodate a..........RELIGION.

    Slappy, you're an imbecile.

  18. "I'd vote for Allen West."

    Yeah, a war criminal and a Tom.

    He has a real future in national politics.


  19. no slappz9:33 PM

    The field guide to bigotry and prejudice says:

    Earlier studies have found links between low levels of education and higher levels of prejudice, Hodson said...

    As if we didn't know. Of course this fits right into the fact that black academic achievement everywhere on the planet lags far behind the academic achievement of asians and whites. studying intelligence seemed a logical next step.

    As if "The Bell Curve" has failed to explicate this issue.

  20. Slavecatcher steve never fails to call an independent negro a "Tom". You really have feelings of inadequacy, don't you?

    As far as his record in Iraq," war criminal" is the vile slander of a chickenhawk. West was exonerated in that matter. It is hard to judge form the comfort of a desk in America the realities of a war zone, and you probably didn't encounter very many such situations in the Coast Guard.

    He is a fiercly intelligent advocate of traditional American values and someone who with enough experience might be a good leader.

  21. Feeled Kneegrow9:34 PM

    "I bet Jan Brewer doesn't have a very high IQ."

    I'll bet you don't have a very high IQ.

  22. Field, I'd like to know if you ever plan on confirming the fact that bitch slaps uses various usernames on your blog.

  23. You probably bet on solitaire games.


  24. Does anyone know that there's affirmative action for Hicks ie admissions under "disadvantaged status"?

    And that it still didn't help the seashell lady get into grad school?


  25. Dr. E.B. Tea9:42 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Field, I'd like to know if you ever plan on confirming the fact that bitch slaps uses various usernames on your blog.

    I'd like the government to confirm the fact that you use multiple names on your food stamp applications.

    You will never be a doctor.

  26. Queen,

    "Field, I'd like to know if you ever plan on confirming the fact that bitch slaps uses various usernames on your blog."

    Yeah it's obvious.

    He's one sad human being.

  27. queen can't spell9:45 PM

    That should read i.e. not ie.

  28. no slappz9:47 PM

    The field guide to bigotry and prejudice says:

    People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.

    Yes. The preceding is another way of saying that several centuries ago whites got in their sailboats and explored the African coast and Africa itself, while black Africans never ventured more than a short distance from their huts.

  29. Dr. Advantaged9:47 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Does anyone know that there's affirmative action for Hicks ie admissions under "disadvantaged status"?

    I'm all for giving a leg up for those who are disadvantaged, but no, "hicks" do not get affirmative action if they are white. I guess you can try to sell the fact that you are a dumb country negro. That might help.

    But your primary disadvantage is that you are stupid.

    You will never be a doctor.

  30. YES!!! SPOT ON FIELD!!!

    This explains why blacks are so violent and racist.

    J.B. had a right to be scared. Most interracial rapes and murders are committed by blacks.

    Educators Alarmed: Black, Latino High School Students Perform at Levels of 30 Years Ago .

    On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students.

    "Republicans no longer have any respect for the presidency because they don't respect the person currently holding the office. It's that simple. That's sad, because I thought that republicans loved A-merry-ca and what the office of the president represents."

    This coming from someone who showed Bush zero respect.

  31. Black Pamper9:52 PM

    "On average, African-American and Latino high school seniors perform math and read at the same level as 13-year-old white students."

    Yes, but the are much better at robbery.

  32. Thanks libs!! J.B.'s book went from 285,568 to 21 on !

  33. "J.B. had a right to be scared. Most interracial rapes and murders are committed by blacks."

    Slappy and Pretender are just trying to rationalize why they can't get laid.

  34. Eldridge Cleaver10:05 PM

    Raping someone isn't getting laid.

  35. uptownsteve you must be dumb.

  36. What would you know about getting laid?

    You're just trying to reason why you ain't.

  37. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Does anyone know that there's affirmative action for Hicks ie admissions under "disadvantaged status"?

    And that it still didn't help the seashell lady get into grad school?


    What in the hell is this Hoochie Mama ghetto slobbering no doubt weave wearing fake nail sportin chicken eatin weave pattin dumbass bigass fat ass nasty woman trying to say?

    Why do you sign your name on every post? We know you are STUPID.

    The truth is honeycakes. I can get shitfaced drunk, puke my brains out, get hit in the head with a hammer, not eat for five days and my IQ still would dwarf any capability you could ever envision. You know it, I know it we all know it. So who the fuck you kiddin with your hoochie mama act. Just sayin...

  38. "Yeow. The centerpiece of black and Islamic life -- religion."

    "This fool must have never heard of Christian Conservatives."

    Exactly Steve, these fools ignore the same pathology in their own race as if the four GOP Presidential candidates didn't pander to white religious hicks. Newt even going so far as to say Christians are somehow under attack. Pot needs to meet the kettle.

  39. "Yes. The preceding is another way of saying that several centuries ago whites got in their sailboats and explored the African coast and Africa itself, while black Africans never ventured more than a short distance from their huts."

    Somebody should read "They came before Columbus" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Black people were exploring these lands while white people were digging in their noses in caves. Funny how Slappz has to defend low IQ racist conservatives. Must have hit close to home.

    HA, my secret word was Rimus.

  40. "Wow, yet another liberal study group concludes that people who disagree with them are stupid."

    So are you acknowledging that racists disagree with liberals?

    Hmmm, methinks this study is a little too close to home for the google man. :)

    Yes, there is a direct correlation between ignorance and racism. Just take a glance at some of the comments above.

    "I bet Jan Brewer doesn't have a very high IQ."

    I'll bet you don't have a very high IQ."

    Sorry, if you divide my IQ by three it's still higher than Jan's.

    But no bets, save your money. I suspect that you might need it.

  41. Nah Field, Brewer doesn't look like a drug addict she looks insane. She has that Republican woman look, you know the crazy eyes that appear to be spinning like pinwheels ala Michele Bachmann, Pickles Bush and Christine O'Donnell. The GOP likes their women crazy, nothing wrong with that cause some dudes like their chicks a bit touched but most of us don't elect them to positions of power.

  42. Osama bin Dyin10:17 PM

    PilotX: Are you seriously contending that Christian conservatives are as dysfunctional, dangerous, and violent as Islamic extremists?

  43. Anonymous10:18 PM

    PilotX said...

    Somebody should read "They came before Columbus" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima

    That would be like reading about black invention myths. Or tuskegee airmen myth.

    No thanks.

  44. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Steve, your comment @ 10:04 was too funny, and probably true!

    And to the grammar bitch, why don't you ask Apple's new CEO why the iPad2 doesn't have auto corrections for abbreviations.

    Then go f*** yourself in the a** with a broken broom handle.

    Dr. Queen

  45. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The GOP likes their women crazy, nothing wrong with that cause some dudes like their chicks a bit touched but most of us don't elect them to positions of power.

    No you just elect the really dumb semi illiterate angry nasty vile and crooked ones like Maxine Waters, Shiela Jackson Lee, Joan Conyers. Yeah they are lookers allright.

  46. Goober McPeanut10:21 PM

    field negro said...
    "So are you acknowledging that racists disagree with liberals?"

    Part of being a liberal is being very vocally 'anti-racist".

    The hypocrisy of liberals is legendary. They favor the public schools, but send their children to private schools. They favor integrated neighborhoods, but live in white neighborhoods. They proclaim that morality is just a manifestation of culture, but bitterly denounce their opponents as “evil.”

    The liberal, so often into psychobabble, is unwilling to face his real feelings and has suppressed them. Again, as he is not genuine in his altruism, he is not genuine in his anti-racism. Can one consciously feel the exact opposite of what one really feels? Yes. It is common. It’s called “over-compensation” as in “The lady protests too much, methinks.” And when what one really feels is something one has been taught is abhorrent, like racism, one must fight mightily to overpower those feelings. One becomes a rabid anti-racist. It is partly because liberals are so terrified of their own racist feelings that they so fervently hate racism.

  47. That is the best study EVER!!!!

  48. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Steve, your comment @ 10:04 was too funny, and probably true!

    And to the grammar bitch, why don't you ask Apple's new CEO why the iPad2 doesn't have auto corrections for abbreviations.

    Then go f*** yourself in the a** with a broken broom handle.

    Dr. Queen

    Cause he didnt invent it for illiterate sheboons dirtbag. What a lowlife bitch with absolutely no class you are. FUnny a women who has made her life a fake career of going to school having NO CLASS.

  49. Dr. Class10:23 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    "Then go f*** yourself in the a** with a broken broom handle."

    Someone who would speak this way would never become a doctor.

    You will never be a doctor.

  50. Anonymous10:26 PM

    lol, hilarious all these white people on a blog by a black man trying to clown him for his opinion. as usual just typical white folks behavior. suffocating individual thought differing for the majority aka white folks. they only blindly listen, respect and praise the folks who have sold them wolf tickets over the decades. maybe i should say centuries.
    please dont talk about intelligence or lack thereof when all you freepers have been flooding most liberal geared sites to get your jollies off with asinine comments. you look like idiots. last time i checked idiots were stupid... like smokers who now have to smoke at a designated spot usually out in the street lol.
    continue looking foolish and racist as you already are.

  51. Brewer Goober

    "It is hard to judge form the comfort of a desk in America the realities of a war zone, and you probably didn't encounter very many such situations in the Coast Guard."

    Yeah, we were too busy saving lives at sea, towing shipwrecks, dealing with drug smugglers, breaking ice so ocean commerce can flow and protecting the hundreds of thousands of American shoreline.

    You're an idiot.

    And it's obvious you never served this country in uniform.

  52. Anonymous10:27 PM

    The naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.

  53. uptownsteve said...
    And it's obvious you never served this country in uniform.
    It's obvious the only thing you served was lunch.

  54. "They favor integrated neighborhoods, but live in white neighborhoods."

    I'm a liberal and live in a Black neighborhood. Also myself and my liberal friends mostly went to public schools and send our kids to the same. Conservatives love to stereotype huh?

    "It is partly because liberals are so terrified of their own racist feelings that they so fervently hate racism."

    Which is a helluva lot better than being an outright bigot like many conservatives. Such a defense of racism because people opposed are the "real" racists. Nice try though. Same argument that Newt was the real victim when he cheated on his wife. Conservatives really do live in bizarro world.

  55. "As far as his record in Iraq," war criminal" is the vile slander of a chickenhawk. West was exonerated in that matter."

    West was reprimanded and accepted early retirement to escape court martial.

    Get your facts straight goober.

  56. "Or tuskegee airmen myth."

    Who knew Tuskegee Airmen were a myth? Field, your anons are just so smart. I'll bet it went to school in Texas with the new conservative history in which blah people didn't exist and the founding fathers were really like superheroes. Gotta love these fools.

  57. What Anon. @10:26 PM said.

    Anyway, I am bumming tonight. My man Newt got his ass kicked in the republican debate. Moon colonies? WTF?

    Damn Newt, I was hoping you would drag this thing out a little bit.

  58. "Get your facts straight goober."

    Facts don't matter to conservatives.

  59. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Yeah, we were too busy saving lives at sea, towing shipwrecks, dealing with drug smugglers, breaking ice so ocean commerce can flow and protecting the hundreds of thousands of American shoreline.

    You're an idiot.

    And it's obvious you never served this country in uniform.

    Sing to the tune of Mighty Mouse

    Here I come to save the day...
    Semen Steve is on the way...
    On the sea or on the land..
    Mighty mouth will engulf your gland..

  60. "Who knew Tuskegee Airmen were a myth? Field, your anons are just so smart. I'll bet it went to school in Texas with the new conservative history in which blah people didn't exist and the founding fathers were really like superheroes. Gotta love these fools."

    Yes, it's kind of scary. :(

  61. Anonymous10:40 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "As far as his record in Iraq," war criminal" is the vile slander of a chickenhawk. West was exonerated in that matter."

    West was reprimanded and accepted early retirement to escape court martial.

    Get your facts straight goober.

    Mr Chimp - You are a disgrace to a man who like to fool people he served in uniform. You don't know what leadership is, just coonin like a mudshark.

  62. Goober McPeanut10:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I'm a liberal and live in a Black neighborhood. Also myself and my liberal friends mostly went to public schools and send our kids to the same"

    I was describing white liberals. I don't think a black person can be liberal in the same sense. A black person who espouses what are accepted as 'liberal' beliefs can be considered rational; a white person cannot. White liberals are fulfilling some dark inner need while black liberals are acting in their own self-interest.

    The altruism of liberals is a very peculiar sort of altruism in that it lacks sincerity and genuineness - there is something phony about it. The altruism of liberals very often does not actually help those people it is supposed to help. In fact, very often it is destructive to their interests. Does giving money to a beggar help the beggar? Well, in a sense it does because now he can achieve his main goal in life - getting drunk again. But it does not help him overcome his alcoholism and it will likely shorten his life. The donation has taught him that he can continue to live by begging and that he need not make changes in the way he lives.

    Similarly, to take a few issues liberals support to help the less fortunate, rent control may lower the rent of a few people, but in the long run it will destroy their homes, as it will no longer be profitable for landlords to repair and rent them. Minimum wages laws will raise the wages of a few people, but some will lose their jobs because they are not worth the higher wage and many more will not be offered jobs in the first place because the minimum wage exceeds the value of their labor. Regulations billed as helping the consumer actually raise prices, outlaw less expensive products as unsafe or inferior so that only the rich can afford the products, and sometimes even backfire and force an inferior product onto the market or a superior product off the market. Unions obtain higher wages for the unionized workers, but fewer worker are hired at the higher wage rate, increasing the number of non-union workers and depressing their non-union wage rate, and the company becomes less competitive than it would be at the lower wage rate, perhaps ultimately closing down. The Americans for Disabilities Act means fewer employers will risk hiring a disabled person. Gun control may prevent a few shootings, but a larger number of people, especially women and blacks, will be attacked and killed because the criminals know their victims lack guns to defend themselves. And let’s not forget “urban renewal,” which destroyed more low income housing than it created.

    Moreover, much of the “help” that liberals want to bestow on others is not help that they, themselves, offer. (It has been found, for example, that charity is lower in the most liberal states.) Rather, their “help” consists of using the government to force their enemies to “help” others, with little or no personal sacrifice from themselves - tax the Republicans to pay for welfare and the like.

    Liberals sometimes even acknowledge that their altruism is unproductive or even harmful, but justify it nevertheless on the grounds that they have “good intentions,” and that is what counts. I cannot help comparing that justification to the religious fanatics who tortured or killed people to save their souls. They were not murderers, but highly moral altruists, from the liberal viewpoint, because they sacrificed their time and resources for the benefit of others - to save their souls. When the altruism of liberals is injurious to the very people they purport to want to help, the inescapable conclusion is that their altruism is insincere and hides another goal, a goal more important to liberals than helping others, a goal of which no liberal would be proud to admit.

  63. "the inescapable conclusion is that their altruism is insincere and hides another goal, a goal more important to liberals than helping others, a goal of which no liberal would be proud to admit."

    Or in essence it's just better to be selfish and acknowledge selfishness, kinda like Newt's defense of infidelity. Once again, nice try.

  64. Goober McPeanut10:56 PM

    It is better to act rationally and speak the truth.

  65. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races."

    Well, Hitchens certain didn't hang around Blacks or Latinos. And Field devoted half a post to that racist!

  66. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I bet there is a direct correlation to racism and the Bell Curve. Lord have mercy.

  67. Anonymous11:01 PM

    uptownsteve is the clapper of the bell curve.

  68. no slappz11:03 PM

    The field guide to bigotry and prejudice says:

    People with lower cognitive abilities also had less contact with people of other races.

    Which explains what happens when blacks fail to graduate from high school, fail to attend college and graduate school.

    Moreover, the preceding also explains why blacks have so little contact with scientists and engineers, who are either white or asian.

  69. no slappz11:09 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    I'm a liberal and live in a Black neighborhood. Also myself and my liberal friends mostly went to public schools and send our kids to the same. Conservatives love to stereotype huh?

    Obama's a liberal and lives in a black neighborhood. But his kids go to private school.

    Al Sharpton's a liberal and was my neighbor until he ditched his wife and daughters. His daughters went to Poly Prep, one of Brooklyn's top private schools.

    Moreover, their tuition was paid by James Brown.

  70. no slappz11:22 PM

    pilot xyz dreams of an imaginary world:

    Somebody should read "They came before Columbus" by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima.

    Yeah. Dr. Ivan Insertinginmyanus. As if blacks built boats other than canoes.

    Black people were exploring these lands while white people were digging in their noses in caves.

    Yeah, and blacks tracked the stars, developed the compass, invented the sextant and mapped the world. Sorry for overlooking those well known black achievements.

    Funny how Slappz has to defend low IQ racist conservatives. Must have hit close to home.

    There's lots of low-IQ racists in Brooklyn -- in nearby neighborhoods. Their anti-white sentiments are regularly displayed, often by black politicians, like Charles Barron and Yvette Clarke.

  71. Anonymous11:44 PM

    @ Dr. Advantage

    Why do you end each statement with Dr. Queen with: You will never be a doctor?

    Just curious, because it's kinda like you've singled Dr. Queen out from the rest of the commenters. Just asking.

    The Fool-

  72. Dr. Advantage11:58 PM

    Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.

  73. Anonymous12:20 AM

    @ Dr. Advantage

    OK. I see your point. Sorta like no slappz. But tell me. What's wrong with aspiring to be a doctor? Doctors, as a matter of course ARE high strung. They need to be, dealing with life or death situations on a daily basis. Have you ever looked at a prescription from a doctor? Horrible spelling and writing. And you have no idea what her mental capacity would be under a stressful situation.

    Anyway. It's her dream. Your reasons are not logical and are not justified for stalking her, if you are basing those opinions on what she writes on a blog on the Internet. That's just my humble opinion.

    The Fool-

  74. Dr. Advantage12:34 AM

    You have a point. One cannot discern the true nature of a person based on an internet persona. And I begrudge no one their dreams, as long as those dreams don't involve pissing on other people.

    But her false pride is just so damn annoying....

    And it's fun as hell.

    And the truth is, she will never be a doctor.

  75. In my opinion this study is fraught with danger if people take refuge in it. It reminds me of the folly of broke people putting down the new money versus old money crowd.

    What matters is who comes out to vote and who's got the resources. Who figures out how to thrive in this new economy and who creates the more powerful legacy.

    In short, it's possible to be ruled by people who are much less intelligent than you. That makes the situation more heartbreaking but not any less true.

  76. Anonymous12:42 AM

    How dare the popularly elected President of the United States not defer to the Governor of a State best known for selling off public buildings...then repurchasing at a loss. Doesn't he know that her skin colour entitles her to being it am wite skin?

    Maybe some of you like to pretend to have attended college...but you might want to ask when a Professor treats an obvious dullard like a waste of skin and time.

    And why do simpletons feel entitled to TELLing others...pretty much anything? Is it because nearly everyone does give them orders?


  77. Anonymous12:54 AM

    @ Dr. Advantage

    So. Am I to conclude that your idea of "fun" is to harass other people who do not meet your expectation- ions, based on an Internet persona?

    That's a very interesting thought. And your truth that she will never be a doctor is just that. Your truth. Not THE truth. And certainly not her truth.
    The intelligent person would either remove the annoyance or move on with their life. That is the rule in a civilized society. To obsess over said Internet persona, which in all probability has nothing to do with the "real" person is just "attacking windmills" and shows a lack of psychological discernment (weak mindness). By the way. I'm going to bed now. I'll wait for your next comment. And will be happy to answer any comments you have in the next post on Field Negro.

    The Fool

  78. Anonymous12:55 AM

    Anonymous said...
    How dare the popularly elected President of the United States not defer to the Governor of a State best known for selling off public buildings...then repurchasing at a loss. Doesn't he know that her skin colour entitles her to being it am wite skin?

    Maybe some of you like to pretend to have attended college...but you might want to ask when a Professor treats an obvious dullard like a waste of skin and time.

    And why do simpletons feel entitled to TELLing others...pretty much anything? Is it because nearly everyone does give them orders?


    Go get some sleep Steve. The president is supposed to lead and the governers are the bosses of the states this isn't a sales meeting its a republic. Besides why is Obama breaking the law and then fighting with states not to follow laws?

  79. Jan Brewer is such a moron. I bet she gets threatened by all sorts nonthreatening things. Like when someone doesn't answer the phone, or when a cab doesn't pull up, or when a Mexican walks by without wearing a placard stating their immigration status.

    God, what a moron.


  80. Dr. Advantage1:04 AM

    "So. Am I to conclude that your idea of "fun" is to harass other people who do not meet your expectation- ions, based on an Internet persona?"

    You are fee to make your own conclusions, but that one would be wrong.

    It is fun to counter pomposity; fun to spotlight the fool.

    She will never be a doctor.

  81. Skippy McFuck1:06 AM

    Jersey McJones said...
    God, what a moron.

    You're so schmart Jersey!

  82. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Jersey McJones said...
    Jan Brewer is such a moron. I bet she gets threatened by all sorts nonthreatening things. Like when someone doesn't answer the phone, or when a cab doesn't pull up, or when a Mexican walks by without wearing a placard stating their immigration status.

    God, what a moron.


    So you invent little stories in your head to fit what you want people to be as liberals do and then you call someone else a moron? Naw, you are a liberal, which do you think is worse?

  83. mold said..
    "Maybe some of you like to pretend to have attended college..."

    Mold, you never went to college, unless it was to mop the floors.

    You have never had a job that required the ability to read.

    You have never had a thought in your conical, little head that was not twisted by your peculiar, warped racist hangups.

    Go huff some more gasoline and go to bed in your cardboard box before I scrape you down the drain.

  84. @Quote Eldridge Cleaver


    I asked for documentary evidence, what you served up is a link to a neo-nazi website which contained dead links.

    That's not evidence of anything, other than your membership of the white supremacist community.

    Do better in future, numbnuts.

  85. "So you invent little stories in your head to fit what you want people to be as liberals do and then you call someone else a moron? Naw, you are a liberal, which do you think is worse?"

    Some anonymous sob, Brewer is a moron, her supporters are morons, wake up and realize that.

    Don't be a moron.


  86. Field this research backs up research carried out in Sweden a few years back. It suggested that social conservatism was a psychological condition rather than a political orthodoxy, I'll see if I can find the reference.

  87. respect is always earned!!!

    what has that hoax hobama done to earn ANY respect???

    hobama was dead wrong and sexist...

    what does that have to do with racism???

    hobama has thin skin

    he attacked bobby jindal too for the same thing


    kudos to jan for bucking up to that arrogant bully hobama

  88. jan finished what hobama rudely began

    and she did so well


  89. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money, and greed.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over "hicks" over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, poor grammar and spelling, and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a physician.

    If she would stop using the honorific "Dr." I would let it rest. But she never will.

    Just like she will never be a doctor.Ms. Queen falsely represents herself as a doctor.

    She wants to be a doctor for all the wrong reasons - status, money,

  90. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Ms. banks falsely represents herself as a scholar among other things.
    She wants to be seen as a scholar for all the wrong reasons - status being the main one.

    She is constantly asserting her superiority over others over whom she lords her supposed high education and wealth. She views whatever good fortune she has received as her birthright, and any aspirations she has as her entitlement.

    Her lack of reasoning ability, obvious shilling and inability to control her emotions indicate she has neither the temperament nor the intellect to be a scholar.

    If she would stop lying about herself eye would let it rest. But she never will. so eyell continue bothering this nasty nut until she stop bothering this blog.

    Just like she will never be a scholar.

  91. Fool, i can appreciate a good conversation as much as the next person. But did you really expect my stalker/resident butt sucker to rationalize, mentally deviant behavior?

    Underachievers, professionally, personally, and obviously academically,will ALWAYS envy the success of others, especially those thought to have stepped outside their "place".

    Thus, they will always be nothing more than STUPID!!!

  92. One last thing fool. The idea for my username came from AB. And I use it because it fits.

    And when I do get accepted to med school, I'll let you know, post!

    Make it a great day everyone!

  93. Queen Truth Squad7:45 AM

    OOOOHHHH the truth comes out! Faker! You claimed you were already accepted and were going somewhere on the east coast--like Philly...I knew it!

    As your stalker keeps saying, "You will never be a doctor."

  94. uptownsteve9:05 AM

    "PilotX: Are you seriously contending that Christian conservatives are as dysfunctional, dangerous, and violent as Islamic extremists?"

    Every bit.

    Remember Oklahoma City, The Atlantic Olympics 96, numerous abortion clinic bombings, the murder of Dr. Tiller.........

  95. uptownsteve9:12 AM

    Goober McPeanut sez:

    "A black person who espouses what are accepted as 'liberal' beliefs can be considered rational; a white person cannot. White liberals are fulfilling some dark inner need while black liberals are acting in their own self-interest."

    There it is in a nutshell folks.

    Proof of the racism of the right.

    They believe that any white who believes in the equality of man and respect for every human life regardless of race is filled with "guilt" or "fulfilling some dark need".

    Conservatism at it's core is about the promotion and perpetuation of the myth of white supremacy.

    Thanks for saying it out loud McPeanut.

  96. This research on the psychological causes of 'Conservative Syndrome’ is fascinating stuff.

    "The conservative syndrome was found to include religious dogmatism, right-wing political orientation (in Western countries), militarism, ethnocentrism, intolerance of minority groups, authoritarianism, punitiveness, anti-hedonism, conformity, conventionality, superstition and opposition to scientific progress.”

    To put it in layman's terms, the primary sub-conscious motivation of Conservatism is fear.

    "Fear of supernatural forces is the partial determinant of superstition, fear of death is identified with religious dogmatism, fear of anarchy and social disruption with right-wing political attitudes, fear of complexity with conventionality, fear of novelty with conformity, fear of losing control of emotions and feelings with anti-hedonism.”

    Wilson (1973) argues that this fear comes from a variety of genetic and environmental factors including low intelligence, parental coldness, punitivness, rigidity, inconsistency and membership of lower classes give rise to feelings of insecurity and inferiority which in turn leads to this generalized fear of uncertainty.

    He further argues that conservative attitudes serve as an ego-defensive function.

    ”They arise as a means of simplifying, ordering, controlling and rendering more secure, both the external world (through perceptual processes, stimulus preferences etc.) and the internal world, needs, feelings desires, etc.) Order is imposed upon inner needs and feelings by subjugating them to rigid and simplistic external codes of conduct (rules, laws, morals, duties, obligations, etc) thus reducing conflict and averting the anxiety that would accompany awareness of the freedom to choose among alternative modes of action." (pp. 263-4)


    Given that the description of Conservative Syndrome given above fits posters like No Slapzzz, Liberal Tormentor and Anony to a ‘Tee’ we can now have a pretty good idea of what motivates them to come here and express their hatred for us every day.

    To summarize they are of low intelligence, from a lower class (read trailer-trash) background and their parents were cold and unloving*. This leads to feelings of insecurity and inferiority which manifests itself in an all-consuming fear that has lead to this condition of Conservative Syndrome.

    Now I plan to research if there is any chance of a cure for Conservatism.

    *Not that you can blame them, if you’d given birth to No Slappzz or Anony wouldn’t YOU reject them?

  97. Anonymous10:03 AM

    I'm constantly amazed that modern Democrats have evolved beyond living in caves. I mean what other animal on this planet can disregard all common sense and logic and survive? Scientists have recently discovered that even giant sea slugs that do not possess a brain as such can learn from past experiences. That puts them a leg up over the current crop of liberals in this country. I used to subscribe to the adage that liberalism was a mental disorder, but even Rainman would have a hard time buying into the standard mantra of the present day Democratic Party. In order to believe that Democrats have the answer today, you would have to believe:

    That you can grow the entitlement class beyond the taxpayer class and never hit critical mass where there is no money left.

    That using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2003 was criminal, and using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2011 was noble.

    That the best way to grow the wealth of the private sector is to take all the money out of it.

    That the best way to make us energy independent is to block any effort to produce more petrocarbons in this country.

    That the best way to create jobs is to increase taxes and regulations on the job creators.

    That the best way to stop arms from this country from getting into the hands of the drug cartels in Mexico is to provide arms to the drug cartels in Mexico.

    That all the ills of the economy are due to the fat cat banks and other corporations, and the best way to deal with that is to provide billions in bailouts to the fat cat banks and other corporations.

    That more unemployment checks create more jobs.

    That investigating the background of George W Bush to the point that you have color photographs of his colon is proper vetting of the Chief Executive, but asking for Barack Hussein Obama's college records or for information on his association with a known terrorist is racist.

    That somehow making firearms illegal will prevent criminals from using them.

    That the life of a murderer on death row is sacred, but an unborn baby's is not.

    That the best way to overcome our racist past is to enforce racist affirmative action policies.

    That people who are too ignorant to get a free state issued I.D. card are smart enough to vote.

    That the best way to overcome our current spending crisis is to spend more money.

    That the federal government with no competition can provide a better health care product than the private sector with competition can.

    That a grandma in a wheelchair is a bigger potential threat on an airplane than a guy with a name that takes phlegm to pronounce.

    That we need to be sensitive to the feelings of people that subscribe to a religion that teaches that we all should submit to their version of righteousness or face beheading, but should demean and diminish those that believe in the religion that teaches we should love and embrace our neighbors no matter what religion they belong to.

    That poll watchers who want to ensure that election laws are observed and the vote is without fraud are intimidating voters, and black radicals with clubs in front of a polling place are not.

    That ice ages and the warming periods in between were not caused by man's influence on the earth but a half degree rise in average temperatures over 30 years is.

    That using the equivalent of two gallons of fossil fuel to produce one gallon of ethanol makes sense because it is "renewable."

    That a picture of a female guard in Abu Ghraib pointing at the genitals of a terrorist and laughing is deplorable but those same goofballs setting off an IED and killing our troops are just freedom fighters.

    That a 70 year old woman with a Gadsden flag is a radical but an OWS protestor that defecates on a police car and breaks windows of businesses is a frustrated citizen.

    That in spite of the fact that one third of the world is hungry it makes more sense to use food for fuel than drilling for a fuel source that nobody can eat.

  98. Anonymous10:03 AM

    The simple fact is that Democrats are the Dodo birds of the human race. The Dodo was discovered by Portuguese explorers in the late 1500's. The name comes from the Portuguese word "Doudo" which means simpleton. They called this bird a simpleton because in their minds it lacked any common sense whatsoever. That lack of common sense or survival instinct eventually led to its demise as a species.

    Wait a minute, that's not really fair of me, I shouldn't equate Democrats to a simple minded flightless bird that was too stupid to run from predators. The Dodo had a job foraging for food.

    Read more:

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. ignorant lying uneducated envious assnon:

    thanks for the retarded kudos!
    u lie like hobama

    it is truly tragic that your life is so empty that you imagine Dr. Queen and i are lying...

    it proves that you truly are an abject failure because you cannot even imagine success

    how horridly pathetic is that???


    Dr. Queen:

    Stay brilliant and regal as you reign over the legions of manic moron nigs herein...

    They will never be doctors or anything else because they waste their dreg "lives" via perpetually exhausting ENVY!!!


  102. anon:


    dems are doormat drones


    each time they vote for/defend/coddle/excuse hobama

    they get muddier and more moronic


  103. Goober McPeanut10:31 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    "They believe that any white who believes in the equality of man and respect for every human life regardless of race is filled with "guilt" or "fulfilling some dark need"."

    Completely wrong, uptown.

    It is conservatives that believe in the equality of man under the law; it is liberals who profess to believe certain groups are unequal and therefore require their altruism to survive.

    Does a liberal who tells you that you need the affirmative action and government assistance he offers do so because he "respects" you?

  104. O.K. everybody, take a look at that Anonymous post of 10:03, he's constantly amazed that democrats have evolved beyond living in a cave.

    Because he's not the only far-right type to be so amazed.

    By an amazing coincidence 'American Thinker' had exactly the same thoughts word-for-word THREE days ago.

    And by an even more amazing coincidence
    Milton Conservative had exactly the same thoughts FOUR days ago!

    Now it's no surprise that our very own anonymous numbnuts plagiarized someone else's work and tried to pass it off as his own. That happens here about five times a week. But it does all go to back up those conclusions from the research into Conservative Syndrome (CS). CS sufferers seem incapable of original though, because they fear innovation and new ideas.

    All they have left to hide their fear is to copy the work of others and hope we won't notice how intellectually inferior they actually are.

  105. uneducated unlicked turbo breeding overbred blog copper hater wild rabid stray bitch the vdlr:

    "eye" would try to avoid posting "eye"
    if "eye" was a trifling faceless fool like you


  106. uneducated unlicked turbo breeding overbred blog copper hater wild rabid stray bitch the vdlr:

    "eye" would try to avoid posting "eye"
    if "eye" was a trifling faceless fool like you


  107. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  108. uneducated unlicked turbo breeding overbred blog copper hater wild rabid stray bitch the vdlr:

    "eye" would try to avoid posting "eye"
    if "eye" was a trifling faceless fool like you


  109. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Purple, Purple - Your take on the New Zealand psychological review is both contradictory to the authors actual words it is also laughable. You attribute the very facets of being liberal to conservatives.

    “To summarize they are of low intelligence” – Really?Who is scientifically shown to have the lowest intelligence the world over time immemorial? Who denies these scientific proven facts simply because they do not like the reality and what party do they belong to?

    "from a lower class (read trailer-trash) background and their parents were cold and unloving*" ---Are you joking? Wasn’t the tea party all white, all wealthy and all selfish? Have you looked at urban anything? Africa? Your dodo bird- ism manifests itself. How can conservatives be poor trashy and dumb, when they control the wealth, run the country and hold you down? Are liberals so inferior that even the dumb and low class have a leg up on them?

    "This leads to feelings of insecurity and inferiority which manifests itself in an all-consuming fear that has lead to this condition of Conservative Syndrome" --- Insecurity, inferiority and denial of science and reality are all liberal strongholds

    At a later date and time we shall dissect your ridiculous attempt to project that you are actually intellectual and not simply a hate filled self loathing liberal driven by envy and hate. This will be done thoroughly and concisely.

    In the meantime ask yourself one thing. Why do you propose that there is a deficiency in someone having principles and morals? What kind of mind sees the world around him, yet says this is the way? The only thing you are consistent in is your hate, you have no principals. How can you when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All you have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as a shirt.

    Fear? There is nothing in leftism but anger, hate, envy and more envy of others. For leftists like you beliefs serve your ego rather than reality, you just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence and boy do you get angry when your ridiculously already proven false views are challenged.

  110. Goober McPeanut10:53 AM

    Purple Cow said...
    This research on the psychological causes of 'Conservative Syndrome’ is fascinating stuff.

    Yes, it is fascinating to witness the contortions liberal academics go through in their attempts to pathologize people who think differently from them. There has always been a market for learned shamans to provide justification for the ostracization and persecution of heretics to the prevailing orthodoxy.

  111. Anonymous10:57 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    O.K. everybody, take a look at that Anonymous post of 10:03, he's constantly amazed that democrats have evolved beyond living in a cave.

    Because he's not the only far-right type to be so amazed.

    By an amazing coincidence 'American Thinker' had exactly the same thoughts word-for-word THREE days ago.

    And by an even more amazing coincidence
    Milton Conservative had exactly the same thoughts FOUR days ago!

    Now it's no surprise that our very own anonymous numbnuts plagiarized someone else's work and tried to pass it off as his own. That happens here about five times a week. But it does all go to back up those conclusions from the research into Conservative Syndrome (CS). CS sufferers seem incapable of original though, because they fear innovation and new ideas.

    All they have left to hide their fear is to copy the work of others and hope we won't notice how intellectually inferior they actually are.

    HAHAHA and all liberals have are the hate anger and envy of not being competent or intelligent enough to actually understand things they read and miss the entire picture.

    I guess in your eagerness to prove your worth and how clever by being able to google, you somehow ridiculously assume someone thinks they are outsmarting you by copying an article and you with your incessant hangup of someone anonymous claiming credit for someone anonymous feels grand. Lets review the liberal mind shall we.

    You think you are superior and intelligent because you used google and oh so cleverly undercovered a dastardly plot by someone to gaspp....fake morals and outrage steal something and have it all credited to his name of "anonymous.

    Now, a thinking man might say, what the hell kind of drugs are you on and are you truly that much of a Dodo.

    Also, a man not leaping to his doom might think and check before he spouts drivel and noticed that in part two of the link that you certainly put together as you referenced DODO's it specifically says.

    Read more:"

    Now, we don't need more proof of liberal antics and inferiority with your everpresent examples do we.

    I am starting to suspect you get accused of stealing a bit as you always seem to try and make this your sole argument, how sad, how pathetic, how liberal.

  112. "Purple, Purple - Your take on the New Zealand psychological review is both contradictory to the authors actual words it is also laughable. You attribute the very facets of being liberal to conservatives. "

    Another classic example.

    Blanket statement is made, no attempt at providing evidence or logic to back up the case.

    Conservatives think they only have to say something, anything, and that should be accepted without question.

    Then they follow up with the classic "that's not us that's you" line.

    "At a later date and time we shall dissect your ridiculous attempt to project that you are actually intellectual and not simply a hate filled self loathing liberal driven by envy and hate. This will be done thoroughly and concisely.

    Dream on, baby.

    "At a later date and time..." is code for "when I've had the time to desperately Google through my collection of right-wing blogs looking for something relevant to ask."

  113. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Purple Cow

    You are quite the emotional chap.
    Far lefties are known for this. People like you have a tendency to let your emotions run away with you, especially those of envy and hatred. Due to some mental defencies you absolutely re author yourself as someone who see himself better than others -- certainly two mental conditions that feed off each other.

    I think leftists such as you are evolutionary leftovers from a more primitive past.

  114. Trade A Rock For A BJ, Maxine?11:15 AM

    If Jan Brewer is "drug addicted looking", then Maxine Waters has GOT to be a crack 'ho.

  115. Anonymous11:22 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Purple, Purple - Your take on the New Zealand psychological review is both contradictory to the authors actual words it is also laughable. You attribute the very facets of being liberal to conservatives. "

    Another classic example.

    Blanket statement is made, no attempt at providing evidence or logic to back up the case.

    Conservatives think they only have to say something, anything, and that should be accepted without question.

    Wow, I no longer think you are just a liar, you truly aren't that bright. Did you purposely cut off the next paragraphs with the examples and hope that every reader is a dumb as you want them to be, or are you autistic? This is the second time in a short period you have made claims that were either obfuscation techniques or you truly are rain-man. Liberals have no shame do they.

    Then they follow up with the classic "that's not us that's you" line. Oh I provided examples here as well.. do you deny them? Why?

    "At a later date and time we shall dissect your ridiculous attempt to project that you are actually intellectual and not simply a hate filled self loathing liberal driven by envy and hate. This will be done thoroughly and concisely.

    Dream on, baby.

    "At a later date and time..." is code for "when I've had the time to desperately Google through my collection of right-wing blogs looking for something relevant to ask."

    No actually rain man, I am not the one known as Captain Google around here, the one who stupidly and continuously having nothing intelligent to say hits Google the first time he reads a post looking to invalidate the hard hitting facts by claiming someone else is a plagiarist, funny this is all you can ever say to the facts, and even then you are wrong and prove you jump to conclusions without having a modicum of reading comprehension. You are a joke and you know it that is why you envy and hate others.

  116. Quote anonymous 10:57

    "HAHAHA and all liberals have are the hate anger and envy of not being competent or intelligent enough to actually understand things they read and miss the entire picture."

    HAHAHA, you don't understand it, which is why you haven't been able to write a refutation, simply reverting to your standard ad hominem attack.

    "I guess in your eagerness to prove your worth and how clever by being able to google, you somehow ridiculously assume someone thinks they are outsmarting you by copying an article and you with your incessant hangup of someone anonymous claiming credit for someone anonymous feels grand. Lets review the liberal mind shall we.

    Do you know what a comma is? Don't they teach punctuation in the trailer parks any more?

    "You think you are superior and intelligent because you used google and oh so cleverly undercovered a dastardly plot by someone to gaspp....fake morals and outrage steal something and have it all credited to his name of "anonymous. "

    I don't think I'm superior, but I never claim to have written something I didn't write. I always quote sources. That goes to be basic intellectual honesty, a concept that I'm sure is alien to you.

    "Now, a thinking man might say, what the hell kind of drugs are you on and are you truly that much of a Dodo. "

    A better thinking man might say, what kind of a gobbledygook sentence is that? What is this lesser-thinker trying to say?

    "Also, a man not leaping to his doom might think and check before he spouts drivel and noticed that in part two of the link that you certainly put together as you referenced DODO's it specifically says. "

    Jeeze, are you drunk? This is total gibberish. It's a little early in the day to be out of your tree isn't it?

    When did I reference Dodo's?

    What ARE you talking about?

    "Now, we don't need more proof of liberal antics and inferiority with your everpresent examples do we."

    errrrrrrrr, what???

    "I am starting to suspect you get accused of stealing a bit as you always seem to try and make this your sole argument, how sad, how pathetic, how liberal."

    Well I don't know many liberals, but I've not noticed that they have the penchant for plagiarism that you neo-nazi types do.

    But as I said earlier, we now know why that is.

  117. no slappz11:37 AM

    The field guide to bigotry and prejudice states:

    "There's no gentle way to put it: People who give in to racism and prejudice may simply be dumb, according to a new study that is bound to stir public controversy.

    Yes. I see. The Japanese are one of the world's best known racist societies. But they also score highest on IQ tests -- Japan's national average is 105.

    Meanwhile, as reams of statistics have shown over and over, the average IQ of American blacks is a lot lower.

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. no slappz11:41 AM

    If there's one group in America that hates with unlimited energy, it's the Naton of Islam.

    As Louis Farrakhan has said many times, he hates whites and carries an extra dose of hate for Jews.

    In this case the Canadian study on prejudice holds true. Members of the Nation of Islam are dumb and they subscribe to a rigid hierarchical order.

  120. "The Japanese are one of the world's best known racist societies."

    I don't suppose you have any evidence for this assertion at all?

  121. Quote No Slapzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    "If there's one group in America that hates with unlimited energy, it's the Naton of Islam.

    As Louis Farrakhan has said many times, he hates whites and carries an extra dose of hate for Jews.

    In this case the Canadian study on prejudice holds true. Members of the Nation of Islam are dumb and they subscribe to a rigid hierarchical order."

    For fuck's sake Slappy, make your mind up. You've just told us that you believe racism to be a sign of intelligence, in which case by your own logic Farrakhan must be a genius...

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. "Purple Cow You are quite the emotional chap."

    Nope, not at all. I come here for a laugh, primarily.

    "Far lefties are known for this. People like you have a tendency to let your emotions run away with you, especially those of envy and hatred. Due to some mental defencies you absolutely re author yourself as someone who see himself better than others -- certainly two mental conditions that feed off each other."

    What are "mental defencies"? You are going to have to explain that word to me.

    Again, this paragraph points to the truth of Conservatism Syndrome. The writer is only capable of responding with a lame copy of my post. No original thought at all.

    "I think leftists such as you are evolutionary leftovers from a more primitive past."

    All the scientific evidence points to the opposite being true.

    Of I forgot, you C.S. sufferers don't trust scientific progress do you?

  124. Anonymous11:54 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous 10:57

    "HAHAHA and all liberals have are the hate anger and envy of not being competent or intelligent enough to actually understand things they read and miss the entire picture."

    HAHAHA, you don't understand it, which is why you haven't been able to write a refutation, simply reverting to your standard ad hominem attack.

    No your attacks are ad hominem, I refuted your silly statements and asked you point blank questions you ignored - WHY are you running from reality again?

    Do you know what a comma is? Don't they teach punctuation in the trailer parks any more?

    Liberalism 101 - revert to dodo type behaviour to mask your inferiority and envy. You can't handle the content so you focus on the superficial. Here lets clear this up so you never again waste my time and everyone elses patience - I could give two fucks about your pretentious use of MS word and commas and anything else. If you cannot hang intellectually simply say so instead of wasting everyones time with this liberal diversionary drivel. You constantly fail to use punctuation, misspell words yet somehow seem to think nobody notices and that you can focus only on others posts. But go ahead if this is all you have to provide self worth, keep at it. Obviously something has to stand in for the thinking process.

    "You think you are superior and intelligent because you used google and oh so cleverly undercovered a dastardly plot by someone to gaspp....fake morals and outrage steal something and have it all credited to his name of "anonymous. "

    I don't think I'm superior, but I never claim to have written something I didn't write. I always quote sources. That goes to be basic intellectual honesty, a concept that I'm sure is alien to you.

    Are you truly that dumb, no don't answer that. First of all a source was provided, secondly now read carefully dodo...this is another of your avoid the content tactics. IF I listed a name other then anonymous maybe you could make the argument I was attempting to steal or take credit, but I dont do I? This again is liberalism101 you are only worried about attempting to paint someone negatively and obviously getting credit, when realistically you simply can't handle the content so laughingly develop morals and make this the sole issue. More liberal drivel tactics designed to run from facts and focus on idiocies.

    "Now, a thinking man might say, what the hell kind of drugs are you on and are you truly that much of a Dodo. "

    A better thinking man might say, what kind of a gobbledygook sentence is that? What is this lesser-thinker trying to say?

    A "better thinking man"? Really is this like betterer? Well its easy to see that you are a man who seeing the name anon just accused anon of stealing something and claiming credit for it as anon, even though you just lack reading comprehension skills and missed the posted source. More liberal drivel and simplemindedness to avoid answering the real questions. Shows how feeble and lacking in logic your mind truly is.

    "Now, we don't need more proof of liberal antics and inferiority with your everpresent examples do we."

    errrrrrrrr, what???

    You really dont understand? How sad.

    "I am starting to suspect you get accused of stealing a bit as you always seem to try and make this your sole argument, how sad, how pathetic, how liberal."

    Well I don't know many liberals, but I've not noticed that they have the penchant for plagiarism that you neo-nazi types do.

    Bullshit, no escape hatch for you. You ARE as liberal as they come as proven by your posts a few days ago.

  125. Anonymous12:06 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Purple Cow You are quite the emotional chap."

    Nope, not at all. I come here for a laugh, primarily.

    That’s good, as do I and I thank you for many in days gone by.
    In fact, many, many laughs. I always get a heartfelt chuckle out of rainmen type personas.

    "Far lefties are known for this. People like you have a tendency to let your emotions run away with you, especially those of envy and hatred. Due to some mental defencies you absolutely re author yourself as someone who see himself better than others -- certainly two mental conditions that feed off each other."

    What are "mental defencies"? You are going to have to explain that word to me.

    Oh that’s easy it’s when someone like you seeing a hard hitting comment cannot handle it and chooses to focus on a misspelled word as if he never commits this oh so egregious sin. Liberalism 101 hypocrisy. Why not try and refute the comment, nah you can't - you are a DODO.

    Again, this paragraph points to the truth of Conservatism Syndrome. The writer is only capable of responding with a lame copy of my post. No original thought at all.

    Your entire shtick is liberalism101 you skim over hard hitting facts and questions and then claim nothing was put forward. What a Dodo do you really think I won't answer or that no one sees the facts you have not replied to thus to those of us who can and do think revealing your "defencies".

    "I think leftists such as you are evolutionary leftovers from a more primitive past."

    All the scientific evidence points to the opposite being true.

    Really? Please provide some, I can provide genetic proof, scientific intelligence studies, real world modern studies - can you outside of wish I were theories?.

    Of I forgot, you C.S. sufferers don't trust scientific progress do you?

    Now should I focus on your typo as a DODO would what does "of I forgot" mean. See how infantile that is?

    Again hypocrisy, you are the type that discounts all science with emotions, we like facts and real world results.

  126. Goober McPeanut12:39 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    For fuck's sake Slappy, make your mind up. You've just told us that you believe racism to be a sign of intelligence,

    This depends on your definition of 'racist'. I would agree that someone who blindly hates people of another race based on emotion, ignorance and misinformation is more likely to be less intelligent than average. This is irrational, and stupid people are less capable of being rational.

    But the liberal definition of 'racist' also includes those who think maybe there are some differences between people of different races, and while 'different' is not necessarily better or worse, and while group characteristics should mean nothing when judging any indvidual member of that group, recognizing such differences is important when you live in a society that is obsessed with enforcing equality between groups.

    Being this kind of 'racist' frees you from ascribing to oppressive societal intervention designed to engineer a world where every group is equally represented in every occupation and societal strata based on their proportion of the population (except of course for the NBA and the Post Office). It also allows you to judge people as indviduals free of any preconceptions of what they are supposed to be good at or what they are owed on account of their group membership.

    Thinking like this gets you branded a "racist" in today's world, but I believe that thinking like this is a sign of higher intelligence.

  127. Quote Anony 12:06

    "Oh that’s easy it’s when someone like you seeing a hard hitting comment cannot handle it and chooses to focus on a misspelled word as if he never commits this oh so egregious sin."

    Amuse me for a moment...

    What do you consider the "hard hitting comment" here, that you would like me to respond to? I see a lot of comments, none of them hard hitting, or for that matter - soft.

  128. Goober McPeanut

    "But the liberal definition of 'racist' also includes those who think maybe there are some differences between people of different races...

    I'm not a liberal, so i can't comment. What I will say though is that there is no such thing as race. Race is a social construct designed by racists. What we choose to call black, white and chinese people are not of different races.

    "...and while 'different' is not necessarily better or worse, and while group characteristics should mean nothing when judging any indvidual member of that group, recognizing such differences is important when you live in a society that is obsessed with enforcing equality between groups."

    I'm not forcing equality between groups, I am saying there are no groups. Some humans happen to be more melanin challenged than others, but that doesn't make them more or less intelligent.

  129. Quote anonymous 11:54

    "First of all a source was provided, secondly now read carefully dodo...this is another of your avoid the content tactics..."

    Read carefully numbnuts THERE WAS NO SOURCE PROVIDED.

    Go back to the post of 10:03 - look for the source. There isn't one.

    So a lying (now twice!) dishonest plagiarist is what you are.

  130. uptownsteve12:57 PM

    Deluded McPeanut

    "Does a liberal who tells you that you need the affirmative action and government assistance he offers do so because he "respects" you?"

    The problem with this argument is that NOBODY has receieved more affirmative action and government assistance than white folks.

    Welfare, 0% housing loans guaranteed by the government, suburban housing, unlimited access to jobs and empoloyment were all off limits for black folks until very recently.

    You white righties refuse to accept all the favors and slidebyes that you've received at the exclusion of blacks who could trace their ancestry in this nation a whole lot further than you.

  131. uptownsteve said...
    "PilotX: Are you seriously contending that Christian conservatives are as dysfunctional, dangerous, and violent as Islamic extremists?"

    Every bit.

    Remember Oklahoma City, The Atlantic Olympics 96, numerous abortion clinic bombings, the murder of Dr. Tiller.........

    Only in the minds of plantation negros and their democrat masters is this true.

    Fact 1

    muslims are responsible for most of the terrorism in this world.

    Fact 2

    The OKC bomber has more in common with louis wolcott and Rev. j. wright than Christian conservatives. {think chickens coming home to roost and America getting what it deserved.}

    Fact 3

    Most acts of terrorism in this country has been committed by the left.

  132. Another hobama record1:11 PM

    New-Home Sales Were Worst Ever in 2011

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Fewer Americans bought new homes in December. The decline made 2011 the worst year for new-home sales on records dating back nearly half a century.

  133. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anony 12:06

    "Oh that’s easy it’s when someone like you seeing a hard hitting comment cannot handle it and chooses to focus on a misspelled word as if he never commits this oh so egregious sin."

    Amuse me for a moment...

    What do you consider the "hard hitting comment" here, that you would like me to respond to? I see a lot of comments, none of them hard hitting, or for that matter - soft.

    HAHA Amuse you? No you amuse me, greatly.

    More liberal contortions. So now you are justifying your previous ridiculously infantile comments of specifically stating points that you originally claimed you failed to see, now were in fact there, but none elicited any type of retort other than focus on a typo.
    Avoiding the difficult questions that you knew truthful answers would expose the hypocrisy of your idealogy, so you put on your little league outfit and bunted.

    Is it that you do not have the capacity to answer or choose to be misleading and disengenious? I would say a combination of both.

    Well, thats liberal logic for you.

    You are again the quintessential liberal. A rainman Dodo in the flesh using every tactic you know to put up as much smoke and as many mirrors as he can.

  134. Goober McPeanut1:16 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "You white righties refuse to accept all the favors and slidebyes that you've received"

    Man, have I been missing out here. Maybe you could point me in the right direction Steve. All the companies I've worked for seem to have had diversity hiring goals for everyone but people who looked like me. All the colleges my kids applied to seemed have enrollment goals for everyone except people who look like they do. I didn't notice any "majority scholarships" either.

    I really want to get in on this gravy train. Where do I sign up?

  135. uptownsteve1:21 PM

    "muslims are responsible for most of the terrorism in this world."

    Tell that to the 100,000 Iraqis who died under Bush's unnecessary and immoral invasion.

  136. uptownsteve1:23 PM

    "Man, have I been missing out here. Maybe you could point me in the right direction Steve. All the companies I've worked for seem to have had diversity hiring goals for everyone but people who looked like me."

    Funny I have been in the corporate world for 24 years and have not worked for one company with a diversity "goal".

    And MOST of the people at the company looked like you.

    BTW what is the name of your company and what is the diversity goal?

    I BET your lying racist ass does answer.

  137. Goober McPeanut1:32 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    What I will say though is that there is no such thing as race. Race is a social construct designed by racists. What we choose to call black, white and chinese people are not of different races.
    --------------- there is no such thing as 'race'. Anyone who believes this is a 'racist'.

    So when Eric Holder sues a fire department because he says members of one 'race' don't do as well on the qualifying exam as members of another 'race', that just shows that he (and the rest of the federal government) are just racists.

    And when school districts across the country state their primary goal is reducing the "achievement gap" between students of different races, they are showing us just how racist they are.

    Or when the government asks you check what race you are on a census form, or a college asks you to do so on a entrance application, they are asking for a non-existent classification that merely belies their racist intent.

    I don't know cow. Sometimes race seems like a real thing to me. For instance, I think if you put a Irishman, a Chinaman, and Bantu in a line up, and asked a million people to pick which one was 'white', which on was 'asian', amd which one was 'black', you wouldget about 999,900 or so consistent answers.

    Anything so obvious must be real, right?

  138. Goober McPeanut1:39 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Funny I have been in the corporate world for 24 years and have not worked for one company with a diversity "goal".

    What is funny is how clueless you are. Every major corporation has a Diversity program, and every small business must be prepared defend its workforce composition should the fedeal government demand it.

    And you are fucking crazy if you think I'd tell you who I work for.

  139. uptownsteve1:43 PM

    "What is funny is how clueless you are. Every major corporation has a Diversity program."

    You're a goddamn liar.

    I'll challenge you ONCE AGAIN.

    Name your company and it's diversity goal.

    You won't because you know you're lying.

    I'll call the damn company and inquire as to their "diversity" policy which if it like most others, broad and vague.

    "We are committed to equal opportunity and employment without regards to race, color, sex or religion".

    "And you are fucking crazy if you think I'd tell you who I work for."

    Okay, I'll make it easy for you.

    Name a company that you KNOW has a diversity and proof of it.

  140. uptownsteve1:45 PM

    make that "diversity goal".

  141. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Okay, I'll make it easy for you.

    Name a company that you KNOW has a diversity and proof of it.

    No, lets make it real easy for you, what is affirmative action and what is required by companies under the law to comply with affirmative action?

  142. uptownsteve2:06 PM

    Lying damn goober.

    Busted again.

    Let me embarrass you still AGAIN.

    How about producing this affirmative action LAW that all companies are supposedly required to comply with.

  143. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote anonymous 11:54

    "First of all a source was provided, secondly now read carefully dodo...this is another of your avoid the content tactics..."

    Read carefully numbnuts THERE WAS NO SOURCE PROVIDED.

    Go back to the post of 10:03 - look for the source. There isn't one.

    So a lying (now twice!) dishonest plagiarist is what you are.

    Well it seems I lost a whole post, lucky for you anyway look below a post at 10:03 with a link to american thinker qouting the article I posted. My, My. SO saul, you attempted to discredit the source, failed, refuse to tackle the content - because you cannot handle the truth and create this nonsense with faux morals about not citing sources.

    Last time and I do mean last time I will engage you on this rainman.

    Read carefully.

    If someone gives me five dollars and I donate that to your favorite mental institution anonymousely I am not trying to steal credit for the five dollars.

    Similarly qouting something anonymousely is not trying to gain credit as a no name person now is it? Especially you fucking autistic moron when the source was provided.

    Now, don't waste my time with your idiotic nonsense any more. If you have nothing more of value to say other then to accuse someone of trying to anonymously get credit for someone anonymously you are worse than a DODO.

    Anonymous said...
    The simple fact is that Democrats are the Dodo birds of the human race. The Dodo was discovered by Portuguese explorers in the late 1500's. The name comes from the Portuguese word "Doudo" which means simpleton. They called this bird a simpleton because in their minds it lacked any common sense whatsoever. That lack of common sense or survival instinct eventually led to its demise as a species.

    Wait a minute, that's not really fair of me, I shouldn't equate Democrats to a simple minded flightless bird that was too stupid to run from predators. The Dodo had a job foraging for food.

    Read more:

    10:03 AM

  144. Anonymous2:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Lying damn goober. your mama bitch

  145. Anonymous2:20 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Lying damn goober.

    Busted again.

    Let me embarrass you still AGAIN.

    How about producing this affirmative action LAW that all companies are supposedly required to comply with.

    No, you answer my question first. You don't get to hide your stupidity. What is affirmative action and what are companies required to do by law under affirmative action, no liberal twisting of word definitions will slant this fact.

    What is affirmative action
    How do companies comply
    How do they know if they are in violation
    How do they fix this
    How is it measured

    Answer those questions or just bend over and grab your ankles to see if your ass makes any sense you racist prick. This is reality, answer honestly.

  146. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Dr. Queen, "And when I do get accepted to med school, I'll let you know, post!"

    Please stop! You are embarrassing yourself and your race. You took the test months ago and claimed you were accepted. You are such a liar and a fake. Do you feel so inept that you must lie on FN to Field, and to the world? My God woman, you are a really sick person who needs a lot of help before you become suicidal.

    The phrase by your stalker, "You will never be a doctor", IS TRUE. My God, you must feel very low by that phrase, esp now that everybody knows that you lied.

    Please don't harm yourself, GO GET HELP! Don't let that stalker cause you to jump in the Potomac, or do something worse. Seriously, Queen GO GET HELP!

  147. uptownsteve2:31 PM

    "Answer those questions or just bend over and grab your ankles to see if your ass makes any sense you racist prick."


    Goober is getting upset because he knows he's busted.

    You are obviously squirming and deflecting and its hilarious.

    There is no definitive affirmative action law, only an anti-discrimination law.

    And their damn sure aren't any diversity goals in corporate America.

    You questions are bogus and irrelevant.

    If they had any validty you would answer them here yourself.

  148. uptownsteve2:39 PM

    Affirmative Action

    "In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required federal contractors to take "affirmative action" to hire without regard to race, religion and national origin. In 1968, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list."

    That's it. That's all Affirmative Action is about.

  149. Goober McPeanut2:41 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Name your company and it's diversity goal.

    I really don't kow how someone could work in America for 24 years and not be aware of hiring practices.

    My previous employer made everyone in the company take a course on diversity, and how we were all supposed to do what we could to increase it in our departments. In you didn't know, increasing diversity means not hiring white people. There is good lack of diversity and bad lack of diversity situations. A surplus of minorities is a not a problem in the diversity world.

    I was involved in hiring engineers for company I worked at in the 90's. HR made it clear we had to hire a black person. They kept sending us people with associate degrees when we were looking for four year engineering degrees. They were filtering out any white applicants. We would have hired the first qualified black candidate, but there were none; degreed black engineers were not that abundant and those that there were had plenty of better job prospects than we could offer. Eventually, after a year, we gave up, and decided not to hire anyone.

    Now you will call me a "liar", but this is a true story.

    In the company I work for now (offices in the UK and And US), I am one of only three white males out of a staff of 17. I don't mind, and I work with some good people, but given the demographic pool of experienced people they had to pick from, there was some other priority at work.

    In my experience, going on 30 years now, I have never been hired because I was a white male, and in some cases despite of it.

  150. uptownsteve2:48 PM

    "I was involved in hiring engineers for company I worked at in the 90's. HR made it clear we had to hire a black person."

    You're a liar.

    You can't produce any facts or evidence to back up your previous assertions so you make up stories.

    Since this was a "previous" employer as you claim who made you hire an underqualified black, why can't you name the company?

    Cause you know you're full of shit.

  151. uptownsteve said...

    And their damn sure aren't any diversity goals in corporate America.

    Meeting The Challenges Of Achieving Diversity Goals

    Diversity-Law Firms Recruiting To Meet Your Diversity Goals

    Diversity Strategic Plan

    FedEx Corp. Donates $1 Million to Teach for America
    $1 Million Pledged Over the Next Four Years to Support Teach For America’s Diversity Goals

    You should leave the plantation sometimes, steve.

    Got more links about those goals you claim don't exist.

  152. Anonymous2:50 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Affirmative Action

    "In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246 which required federal contractors to take "affirmative action" to hire without regard to race, religion and national origin. In 1968, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list."

    That's it. That's all Affirmative Action is about

    Heh this is comical.

    So what you are saying is the only people who practice Affirmative action is the federal government. Do you really feel this is complete and accurate? Does the EOC look at minority hirings and achievements for private companies other then government contracts, make rulings and determinations?

    How do companies comply?
    How do they know if they are in violation?
    How do they fix this?
    How is it measured?

  153. uptownsteve2:56 PM


    If you can.

    All this "affirmative action gone wild" is all in your mind, racist.

    For instance, the Fair Employment Council of Washington has done studies over the last 20 years that proved when blacks and whites with IDENTICAL RESUMES apply for the same private industry job the white is hired 80% of the time.

    Resumes with "black sounding names" or indicating attendance an HBCU are routinely trashed.

  154. uptownsteve said...
    That's all Affirmative Action is about.

    AA is about forcing companies to hire/ promote less qualified minorities over more qualified whites.

    Example A.
    Patricia Steffes

  155. What fn won't tell you.

    JB was so scared of the "negro threat" that she gave Obama a
    handwritten letter asking him to lunch.

  156. Anonymous3:05 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    If you can.

    All this "affirmative action gone wild" is all in your mind, racist.

    For instance, the Fair Employment Council of Washington has done studies over the last 20 years that proved when blacks and whites with IDENTICAL RESUMES apply for the same private industry job the white is hired 80% of the time.

    Resumes with "black sounding names" or indicating attendance an HBCU are routinely trashed.

    So now you are justifying affirmative action, well we haven't gotten that far yet first we need to establish 2+2=4 and that it and preferential hiring prerequisites are mandated by law.

    Again, I ask:

    So what you are saying is the only people who practice Affirmative action is the federal government. Do you really feel this is complete and accurate? Does the EOC look at minority hirings and achievements for private companies other then government contracts, make rulings and determinations?

    How do companies comply?
    How do they know if they are in violation?
    How do they fix this?
    How is it measured?

  157. uptownsteve3:11 PM

    Round and round we go with the goobers.

    They won't produce any facts.

    Won't name any companies.

    Won't produce any numerical goals.

    According to these fools Barack Obama's election was affirmative action.

    Even though he competed head to head with his white rivals and bested them in every area including winning the most votes in a national election.

    But to the resentful racist goober, the mere presence of a black in what they consider a "white" job is evidence of affirmative action.


  158. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Can't read uts? Talk about pathetic.

  159. Anonymous3:27 PM

    the Diversity Goals program was established in 2003.

    Most companies have diversity goals/programs/strategies.

    You should stop showing your ignorance, steve.

  160. uptownsteve3:36 PM


    Are the diversity goals numerical or theoretical?


  161. Quote anonymous 1:14

    ” You are again the quintessential liberal. A rainman Dodo in the flesh using every tactic you know to put up as much smoke and as many mirrors as he can.”


  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Quote Goober McPeanut

    ” So when Eric Holder sues a fire department because he says members of one 'race' don't do as well on the qualifying exam as members of another 'race', that just shows that he (and the rest of the federal government) are just racists.”

    Possibly, or just dumb.

    ”And when school districts across the country state their primary goal is reducing the "achievement gap" between students of different races, they are showing us just how racist they are.”

    Possibly, or just dumb..

    ”Or when the government asks you check what race you are on a census form, or a college asks you to do so on a entrance application, they are asking for a non-existent classification that merely belies their racist intent.”

    Possibly, or maybe they are just dumb.

    ”I don't know cow. Sometimes race seems like a real thing to me. For instance, I think if you put a Irishman, a Chinaman, and Bantu in a line up, and asked a million people to pick which one was 'white', which on was 'asian', amd which one was 'black', you wouldget about 999,900 or so consistent answers.”

    True, but that proves fuck all. The point is, there is no such thing as race. The labels ‘black’, ‘white’ ‘yellow’ ‘red’ or a convenient short-hand. Nothing more.

    "Anything so obvious must be real, right?"


    There was a time when "everybody knew" the world was flat. There was a time when "everybody knew" stomach ulcers were caused by stress. There was a time when "everybody knew" Ronald Reagan reduced taxes.

    We now know better.

  164. Goober McPeanut3:47 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    You're a liar.

    And you're an idiot. A willful idiot.

    But at least you're consistent.

  165. Quote Anonymous 2:13

    ” Well it seems I lost a whole post, lucky for you…”

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    You’re fucking hilarious you dumb shit.

    It occurs to me though, the next time I debate someone with a brain I’m gonna have to up my game. The problem with debating people as dumb as you, it’s easy to get careless.

  166. Goober McPeanut4:02 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ”I don't know cow. Sometimes race seems like a real thing to me. For instance, I think if you put a Irishman, a Chinaman, and Bantu in a line up, and asked a million people to pick which one was 'white', which on was 'asian', amd which one was 'black', you would get about 999,900 or so consistent answers.”

    True, but that proves fuck all. The point is, there is no such thing as race. The labels ‘black’, ‘white’ ‘yellow’ ‘red’ or a convenient short-hand. Nothing more.

    So what would everyone be noticing?

    A recognizable set of characterisitcs that people whose ancestors originated from different parts of the globe share in common? The visible component of the genetic differences these indviduals inherited form their forebears?

    Why yes, that would be it. All of that.

    Or, to use the word for these sets of characterisitcs, they would be noticing the race of these individuals.

    Tell me cow, are you one of those advanced thinkers who doesn't believe in gender, either?

  167. "Similarly qouting something anonymousely is not trying to gain credit as a no name person now is it? Especially you fucking autistic moron when the source was provided."


    Is that a Mickey Mouse word?

    You did not provide a fucking source, you dim-witted lying cunt. The evidence is right there on the post of 10:03 - remember??

    And the fact that you post anonymously doesn't affect plagiarism you dimwit. You were trying to pass off someone else's fucking idiotic assertions as your own. Why? Fuck knows, but you were. Posting under some made-up name you saw sprayed on the toilet wall back in your trailer park wouldn't suddenly make it plagiarism now would, dog breath?

    No, of course not.

    "Now, don't waste my time with your idiotic nonsense any more. If you have nothing more of value to say other then to accuse someone of trying to anonymously get credit for someone anonymously you are worse than a DODO."

    Dodo is obviously the FoxNews talking point of the day, you are all using it, obviously your C.S. affliction prevents you from coming up with anything original.

    Again, it doesn't matter if you posted "anonymousely" (!), you are still a lying, plagiarizing twat.

    "The simple fact is that Democrats are the Dodo birds of the human race. The Dodo was discovered by Portuguese explorers in the late 1500's. The name comes from the Portuguese word "Doudo" which means simpleton. They called this bird a simpleton because in their minds it lacked any common sense whatsoever. That lack of common sense or survival instinct eventually led to its demise as a species."

    EXACTLY, the Dodo trusted that white men would be good and kind, and treat them as a resource to be treated with respect. Of course those white men hunted them to extinction.

    As indeed another white man - Adolf Hitler attempted to do with Jews, Gypsies, Socialists and Gays a couple of hunred years later.

    Naive indeed.

    "Wait a minute, that's not really fair of me, I shouldn't equate Democrats to a simple minded flightless bird that was too stupid to run from predators. The Dodo had a job foraging for food."

    Well, I don't know any democrats so I'm going to have to leave this argument between you and them. But €100 says the Dems will win any debate with the likes of you.

    "Read more:"

    Too fucking late mate.

  168. no slappz4:12 PM

    purple buttercup said:

    There was a time when "everybody knew" the world was flat.

    No. In fact that moment never arrived.

    Why? Because it wasn't possible to measure the planet.

    However, as billions of people always do, they "believed".

    That's you, Buttercup. One who believes without proof, without evidence. Moreover, because you believe whatever suits you, you deny objective proof that erases all possibility that your silly beliefs hold water.

  169. Quote Goober McPeaBrain

    "So what would everyone be noticing?

    You tell me, Mr. Gump.

    "A recognizable set of characterisitcs that people whose ancestors originated from different parts of the globe share in common?"

    We didn't originate from different parts of the globe you dim-witted twat. We originated in the Rift valley - all of us.

    Don't they teach any history in the trailer park?

    "The visible component of the genetic differences these indviduals inherited form their forebears?"

    The genetic differences between us humans are miniscule. 98% of our DNA is shared with gorillas. (In the case of your brain it's about 99.9%)

    "Or, to use the word for these sets of characterisitcs, they would be noticing the race of these individuals."


    "Tell me cow, are you one of those advanced thinkers who doesn't believe in gender, either?"

    What the fuck is that supposed to mean you dumb shit?

  170. solyndra # 2????

    hobama and his banksters have truly perfected the art of bilking the poor!


  171. quote No Slapzzzz

    "No. In fact that moment never arrived. Why? Because it wasn't possible to measure the planet. However, as billions of people always do, they "believed".

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr thanks No Slapzzz...

    ...that was actually exactly the point I was trying to make. I would like you to explain that again to your terminally dim anonymous(e) buddy. He doesn't get it.

    I do enjoy debating with the likes of you, slappy.

  172. no slappz4:19 PM

    purple buttercup, re Japanese:

    I don't suppose you have any evidence for this assertion at all?

    Undoubtedly you don't suppose.

    But, like the fact that in the US blacks commit murder at 8 times the rate of whites, the evidence of Japanese racism is well known to anyone who cares to look into it, even a provincial clown like you.

  173. kudos to jan!

    i told u hobama nazis so!!!

    that cia baby hobama now has yellow eggs all over his blackish face!!!

    karma is real

    wtf has hobama done for AZ or any other state????????

  174. no slappz4:27 PM

    purple buttercup:

    ...that was actually exactly the point I was trying to make.

    Whereas, there's plenty of objective proof that among humans, intelligence varies.

    Moreover, when examining the data by race, it's obvious blacks underperform whites and asians in every academic category.

    Results of achievement tests and aptitude tests repeat the same old story year after year.

    Later in life, when people are no longer in school, other measures come into play.

    Nobel Prizes, for example. Blacks do not win Nobel Prizes. Okay, sometimes blacks win the Nobel Booby Prize for Peace, but that's to make up for the total absence of black winners in the sciences and math.

    Meanwhile, I think there's been on winner of the Nobel in Literature who was black. And one black won the Economics Prize.

  175. hobama is a loyal bankster uber nepotist...


  176. Goober McPeanut4:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "We didn't originate from different parts of the globe you dim-witted twat. We originated in the Rift valley - all of us."

    Well I didn't, I came for Ohio. My ancestors came from western Europe. It's been a long, long time since any of my folk lived in the Rift Valley. There's been a lot of change since then.

    "The genetic differences between us humans are miniscule. 98% of our DNA is shared with gorillas."

    So obviously, a small difference in DNA can make a huge difference, if 2% is all the space there is between Coco and Angelina Jolie.


    So what is it that allows people to instantly recognize the difference between an Ethiopian and a Korean? You may not want to use the word, but a race by any other name would still be a race.

    I'll bet you know different families (maybe all from the Rift Valley) where you can tell who belongs to each group, despite only extremely miniscule genetic differences.

    What's wrong with that?

    Just to let you know cow, you are exhibiting some profoundly dysfunctional dogmatic thinking.

    I'm here to help.

  177. pookies rule the world

    some are elders


    ALL love alcohol!!!


  178. Mr. Field~

    This is a sad, sorry set of racist shit on this fine blog today.
    I'm sorry you have to put up with such ignorant, arrogant assholes.
    I love your posts, I put them on my FB Page daily.
    But I'm not going to read the racist bastards comments anymore.
    WTF?? Don't any of you racists know what the word, "RESPECT" means?
    If you're so offended by what Mr. Field posts, why then do you even bother to read them??

  179. uptownsteve5:09 PM

    Lawd, McPeanut is all over the place today.

    First he says,

    "It is conservatives that believe in the equality of man...."

    Now it looks like he's resorting to psuedo genetics to claim the "differences" in the races.

    Which we all know is code for white supremacy.

    Their little peabrains are just a cauldron of chaos.

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. attn:
    real parents

    please cc this to any young gifted high schooler you know


    rsvp wishes!!!

  182. Retarded kudos, AB?!!

    That's just too damn funny!

  183. Goober McPeanut5:31 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Lawd, McPeanut is all over the place today.

    First he says,

    "It is conservatives that believe in the equality of man...."

    Now it looks like he's resorting to psuedo genetics to claim the "differences" in the races.

    I do believe in the equality of man under the law.

    Why is recognizing the simple fact that there are differences among the people of the earth tantamount to racism?

    The truth is that there are races of man. There are differences between the races. This is interesting only as it applies to understanding these group differences, not in judging, limiting, or discriminating against any one person.

    All people should be treated as individuals.

    What is wrong with that?

  184. This comment has been removed by the author.

  185. Dr. Queen:

    Sad that these uneducated envious haters are too ignorant to even compose a coherent

    Keep surgically slaying them all Sista Sage!

    Have a regal weekend Doctor!

  186. memo to thieves:

    karma is real

    even when you rob a Lotto!


    cc this to hobama and his global serial thieving banksters!

  187. Anonymous6:28 PM

    ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    You’re fucking hilarious you dumb shit.

    It occurs to me though, the next time I debate someone with a brain I’m gonna have to up my game. The problem with debating people as dumb as you, it’s easy to get careless.

    Not sure why you had a hissy fit and laughed so hard, even though I lost the post I still commented and asked you things you STILL did not answer.

    You can front all you want. You live in a liberal delusional land and if you saying you are getting careless is the way you apologize for being wrong again. Fuck that, next time make sure you are right before you go off on tangents you weak kneed slack jawed vacant stared liberal.

  188. Anonymous6:38 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Similarly qouting something anonymousely is not trying to gain credit as a no name person now is it? Especially you fucking autistic moron when the source was provided."


    Is that a Mickey Mouse word?

    Yes it is, did you notice I used it several times just for you? Keeping with the animal theme for the farmer in the dell moron

    You did not provide a fucking source, you dim-witted lying cunt. The evidence is right there on the post of 10:03 - remember??

    Fuck you, look again, last time 2 posts 10:03 american thinker referenced anyway you dumb twat who give a shit with your smoke and covering for your intellectual weakness.

    And the fact that you post anonymously doesn't affect plagiarism you dimwit. You were trying to pass off someone else's fucking idiotic assertions as your own. Why? Fuck knows, but you were. Posting under some made-up name you saw sprayed on the toilet wall back in your trailer park wouldn't suddenly make it plagiarism now would, dog breath?

    Even your intellect has taken a dump here. What a shitty person you are. Fuck you and your insanity. You are really a stupid man.

    "Now, don't waste my time with your idiotic nonsense any more. If you have nothing more of value to say other then to accuse someone of trying to anonymously get credit for someone anonymously you are worse than a DODO."

    Dodo is obviously the FoxNews talking point of the day, you are all using it, obviously your C.S. affliction prevents you from coming up with anything original.

    Oh look another liberal talking point, who said anything about FOX news? FoX news makes you the illogical liberal you are? How weak and shameful for you. Then in the same paragraph you even have the ball to mention originality? You are nuts arent you.

    Again, it doesn't matter if you posted "anonymousely" (!), you are still a lying, plagiarizing twat.

    Like I said, fuck you nutjob.

    "The simple fact is that Democrats are the Dodo birds of the human race. The Dodo was discovered by Portuguese explorers in the late 1500's. The name comes from the Portuguese word "Doudo" which means simpleton. They called this bird a simpleton because in their minds it lacked any common sense whatsoever. That lack of common sense or survival instinct eventually led to its demise as a species."

    EXACTLY, the Dodo trusted that white men would be good and kind, and treat them as a resource to be treated with respect. Of course those white men hunted them to extinction.

    Oh another weak mindless point - now its all back to your encompass all card - the white man held me down. Fuck you again you pathetic intellectual DODO

    As indeed another white man - Adolf Hitler attempted to do with Jews, Gypsies, Socialists and Gays a couple of hunred years later.

    You would know, he is a man that outlined the very socialist, facist, left wing democrat beliefs you follow today. But again really are you this much of a sad sack? You managed to bring up FOX, Hitler, Make Nazi references, blame the white man and still haven't said a fucking thing. YOu are a walking talking point and oh so obviously intellectually inferior.

    Naive indeed.

    "Wait a minute, that's not really fair of me, I shouldn't equate Democrats to a simple minded flightless bird that was too stupid to run from predators. The Dodo had a job foraging for food."

    Well, I don't know any democrats so I'm going to have to leave this argument between you and them. But €100 says the Dems will win any debate with the likes of you.

    Oh again you try to escape what you defend and live by, through claiming you are not one, remember you exposed yourself, you are as liberal as they come whacky.

  189. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Goober McPeanut said...
    In my experience, going on 30 years now, I have never been hired because I was a white male, and in some cases despite of it.

    Oh go cry me a f****** river!!!

    Dr. Queen

  190. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Goober McPeanut said...
    In my experience, going on 30 years now, I have never been hired because I was a white male, and in some cases despite of it.

    Oh go cry me a f****** river!!!

    Dr. Queen

  191. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Queen Truth Squad said...
    OOOOHHHH the truth comes out! Faker! You claimed you were already accepted and were going somewhere on the east coast--like Philly...I knew it!

    FIND this post, then post it bitch.

    Then go f*** yourself in EVERY orifice you have with a broken broom handle.


    Dr. Queen

  192. "the evidence of Japanese racism is well known to anyone who cares to look into it, even a provincial clown like you."

    So go ahead No Slapzzz, look into it for me.

    Otherwise I might be forced into thinking you are making this shit up as you go along, as usual.

  193. Dr. Securitichek7:19 PM

    Ms. Queen screeched...
    "FIND this post, then post it bitch.

    Then go f*** yourself in EVERY orifice you have with a broken broom handle."

    Not only are you not medical school material, you couldn't pass the background check to get a job washing bedpans.

    You will never be a doctor.

  194. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "the evidence of Japanese racism is well known to anyone who cares to look into it, even a provincial clown like you."

    So go ahead No Slapzzz, look into it for me.

    Otherwise I might be forced into thinking you are making this shit up as you go along, as usual.

    I've been to China and to Japan; they don't even consider Africans human. Hell, I don't think they consider white people human either.

  195. Goober McPeanut7:25 PM

    "Oh go cry me a f****** river!!!"

    I'm not crying. Unlike you, I have a job.

  196. Quote No Slapzz

    "Whereas, there's plenty of objective proof that among humans, intelligence varies."

    No shit, sherlock.

    "Moreover, when examining the data by race..."

    There's no such thing as race.

    "... it's obvious blacks underperform whites and asians in every academic category."

    Gosh really? Do you have any evidence for that?

    "Results of achievement tests and aptitude tests repeat the same old story year after year."

    Gosh really? Do you have any evidence for that?

    "Later in life, when people are no longer in school, other measures come into play."

    Gosh really? Do you have any evidence for that?

    "Nobel Prizes, for example. Blacks do not win Nobel Prizes. Okay, sometimes blacks win the Nobel Booby Prize for Peace, but that's to make up for the total absence of black winners in the sciences and math."

    So you are saying that Nobel Prize is a valuable indication of intelligence?

    Wow, that's really odd No Slapzzz.

    You wanna know why?

    Because when I posted articles by two Nobel prize winning economists (Krugman and Stieglitz) that demonstrated that current right-wing economic theory about deficit reduction was nonsense, you went out of your way to tell me that the Nobel Prize was a meaningless piece-of-shit award handed out by Swedish Socialists to their Liberal buddies.

    So which is it, No Slapzzz?

    Why can't you ever make your fucking mind up?

    "Meanwhile, I think there's been on winner of the Nobel in Literature who was black. And one black won the Economics Prize."

    "On winner"???

    ON winner???????

    Well I guess we can say with certainty that that wasn't you, now can't we?

  197. Anonymous 7:23

    "I've been to China and to Japan; they don't even consider Africans human. Hell, I don't think they consider white people human either."

    Well I've been to Japan, China AND Korea, I never picked up on any of those vibes.

    Have you considered that maybe they just hated you?

    Can't say that I blame them.

  198. no slappz7:39 PM

    purple buttercup:

    Even my Word program is capable of completing words like "one" when "on" is grammatically wrong.

    AS far as your recollection of comments about Krugman and Stiglitz and Nobel prizes in Economics, well, I never said what you claimed.

    But that's you prancing around your imaginary world.

  199. no slappz7:41 PM

    purple buttercup:

    If you want to know about Japan and its racism, you can Google the topic and you'll get a lifetime of reading material.

    It's real.

  200. no slappz7:43 PM

    purple buttercup:

    Inasmuch as you believe that academic work, standardized tests and achievements for intellectual efforts are NOT evidence of intelligence, how about telling me what IS evidence of human brain-power?
