Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Uppity Negroes and broke Negroes.

Memo to Jan Brewer, that Obama fellow doesn't forget s*&^.

"Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer came to greet President Barack Obama upon his arrival outside Phoenix Wednesday. What she got was a critique. Of her book.
The two leaders could be seen engaged in an intense conversation at the base of Air Force One's steps. Both could be seen smiling, but speaking at the same time.
Asked moments later what the conversation was about, Brewer, a Republican, said: "He was a little disturbed about my book."

Brewer recently published a book, "Scorpions for Breakfast," something of a memoir of her years growing up and defends her signing of Arizona's controversial law cracking down on illegal immigrants, which Obama opposes.
Obama was objecting to Brewer's description of a meeting he and Brewer had at the White House, where she described Obama as lecturing her. In an interview in November Brewer described two tense meetings. The first took place before his commencement address at Arizona State University. "He did blow me off at ASU," she said in the television interview in November.

She also described meeting the president at the White House in 2010 to talk about immigration. "I felt a little bit like I was being lectured to, and I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid, and this little kid knows what the problem is and I felt minimized to say the least."

On the tarmac Wednesday, Brewer handed Obama an envelope with a handwritten invitation to return to Arizona to meet her for lunch and to join her for a visit to the border.

"I said to him, you know, I have always respected the office of the president and that the book is what the book is," she told reporters Wednesday. She said Obama complained that she described him as not treating her cordially.
"I said that I was sorry that he felt that way. Anyway, we're glad he's here, and we'll regroup."' [Source]

Yes Jan, some of these Negroes can get a little uppity. That Obama fellow seems to have forgotten his place. Being the president of these divided states of A-merry-ca will do that to you.

Finally, when are some of you Negroes going to learn how to manage your money?

You shouldn't be able to blow eighty millon dollars even if you try.

 "I hate myself for letting this happen. I believed that they had my back when they said, ‘You take care of the football, and we’ll do the rest.’ And in the end, they just basically stole from me.”  [Story]

Who is "they" TO? Like WTF?

The next time one of you Negroes out here balling have a few hundred thousand to throw away, please holla at your boy. I promise that I will put it to good use for you, and I will even have some saved away for you after your playing carreer is over. Promise.


  1. If TO is broke all he needs to do is to write a tell-all book about his life in the NFL, all the craziness, and how he went broke.

    I'd definitely buy it and I'm sure a few million others would too. Wouldn't you, Mr. Field?

  2. "I was a little kid in a classroom, if you will, and he was this wise professor and I was this little kid."

    Well at least Jan Brewer got something right during her onerous tenure as governor of Arizona.

  3. Clearly Jan Brewer has seen the movie "The Blindside" a few times too many and has decided to get a lil'brave.

  4. Anonymous11:53 PM

    RiPPa said...
    Clearly Jan Brewer has seen the movie "The Blindside" a few times too many and has decided to get a lil'brave.

    Sure, I was just thinkin Obama is actin like a big dumb fat football player with a crack mammy from the projects on this one, so see your point.

  5. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Was it that Brewer is fauxtraging about her obvious deficiencies...whining that she am de victimater here..or because she really, really resents that Obama, being AfAm is noticeably her superior in nearly every measure? a Governor?


  6. fn:


    why are u playing???

    how did you miss all the times each of my posts was deleted????

    be a man and ban me
    your rabid bitch vdlr will never bite me solo!!!!

  7. Obama isn't noticeably superior to anyone anymore, except for gibbering idiots like Mold.

    He is the incredible shrinking President.

  8. ps:

    see me here

    i will never be CF


  9. hey fn:

    look closer at NDAA too


  10. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Was it that Brewer is fauxtraging about her obvious deficiencies...whining that she am de victimater here..or because she really, really resents that Obama, being AfAm is noticeably her superior in nearly every measure? a Governor?


    Steven get back in here and do the dishes or YOU gone be payin da bills.

  11. the psych ward12:10 AM

    @ AB: STFU you loon

    Obama 2012.

  12. faceless fugly fool assnon:

    cc that to the vdlr and fn

    they are the ones playing herein...

  13. fn:

    you and the vdlr deleted all of my posts and then dared to ask me why i reposted them???


    spam is not a synonym for selective silencing

    i will never allow you or your blog cop bitch the vdlr to silence me until/unless you have the honor and courage to ban me


    until then
    eff u all

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. doormat dem/hobama nazi assnon:

    ron paul 2012!!!

  17. Spike Lee has a Napoleon complex and never got over being a nerd.
    Regarding,Ms Brewer,women in general (that means NOT ALL) always find a way to play victim when a black man shows a scintilla of dominance in a manner that they disagree with i.e. makes them uncomfortable. If she felt like a "lil kid" it's probably because this former constitutional law professor, who just happens to be President, may have made her realize that her stance makes no sense whatsoever.
    Mr. Owens, athletes and entertainers should all start investing in a few online business classes. If you don't know what the fine print means, don't trust any "interested party" to tell you the truth. You will end up a sob story just like T.O.

  18. Anonymous12:32 AM

    ab, "i will never allow you or your blog cop bitch the vdlr to silence me until/unless you have the honor and courage to ban me"

    Are you saying that vdlr is now the FN blog cop? I have been Field's Assistant and blog police for years. I can't believe he didn't have the decency to tell me he has replaced me. WTF!*&^ this is some cold ass bullshit!

    ab, I know how you feel. Field ain't shit! typical Obama Negro, always doing shit behind the scenes. I hope Newt tears the O man a New O.

  19. Anonymous12:37 AM

    I am sorry those things happened to TO. I bet those people he trusted were all Negroes. It's his own damn fault. Any Negro will tell you not to trust any Negro with that kind of money! A moron knows better.

    That would have never happened if he had a white financial manager. I hope he learned his lesson: stay away from those Negroes. I learned that a long time ago.

  20. Mighty Mo12:39 AM

    Had enough of fat cat Barack Obama, his jet-setting wife and his multi-millionaire Chicago consigliere/real-estate mogul Valerie Jarrett attacking the “rich”? Well, brace yourselves. You’ll be hearing much more from the White House about the “wealthy few” who aren’t paying their “fair share” as Obama’s re-election campaign doubles down on class-war demagoguery.

    As usual, there’s always a set of immunity charms for the privileged friends and family of the ruling class. When it comes to all the Green Robber Barons who’ve reaped an obscenely unfair share of billions of tax dollars from the Obama administration, the envy trumpeteers will be quieter than a nest of mute church mice.

    Obama’s State of the Union address defiantly pitched a new round of clean energy spending orgies to help the “middle class.” But how have the serial bankruptcies and near-bankruptcies of several federally subsidized solar companies — all under Obama’s watch — helped anyone but an upper-crust elite of eco-crats and their lobbyists and consultants?

  21. Anonymous12:41 AM

    The Obama administration is the most corrupt this country has ever seen.

  22. Anonymous12:44 AM

    That photo looks like the O-man and Jan Brewer might have a thing going on.

    Could it be they are planning to elope?

  23. Anonymous12:49 AM

    No, Obama is gay.

  24. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Hey Mold! Always enjoy your posts.

    The Fool-

  25. "You take care of the football, and we’ll do the rest."

    Gee, sounds like something all those white girls must have said. And is that a long tear in his eye? So not becoming of a hyper-sexual Mandingo.

    Well, I'm sure he squandered most of it in America, at least. Dragoslav, Cheng and Pedro would have already figured out how to launder all of it back 'home' before they even attempt to learn how to say "Thank you America" in English.

    Happy belated New Years, Field. Noches.

  26. Anonymous1:14 AM

    This white (bleach) blonde woman is indicative of what's wrong in America. The ability to produce white children has clearly caused white men to loose their damn minds and be clueless (and vagina whipped) about to keep their rabid bitches in check.

    And given how chicken shit women like her type are, I seriously doubt she would have come off on Mrs. Obama like that. In fact, the ONLY things that saved her disrespectful ass was the fact that Prez Obama has a white mother and unlike her, he has class.

    Dr. Queen

  27. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This white (bleach) blonde woman is indicative of what's wrong in America. The ability to produce white children has clearly caused white men to loose their damn minds and be clueless (and vagina whipped) about to keep their rabid bitches in check.

    This has to be a joke right? No one could be this ig'nant hoochie mama-ish? Someone is trying to make Queefa look real bad

    And given how chicken shit women like her type are, I seriously doubt she would have come off on Mrs. Obama like that. In fact, the ONLY things that saved her disrespectful ass was the fact that Prez Obama has a white mother and unlike her, he has class.

    Dr. Queen

    Why Cause Mrs Obama is an "angry black woman" who keeps her mens in check? Most angry Black women keeps they men in so much check they can't even find them especially when it come time for child support.

    In case you missed it Brewer just told off the Prez-ee-dent of dese here united states. She dont sound chicken shit to me. She told the marxist in chief to do his job he didnt like that she told others the truth and threatened her and she told him to stick it. Now hes like a little pissed off boy instead of a leader - all she wanted was the law enforced for him to do his job, all he wants is more democratic voters even if it means losing more economic value for black folk.

  28. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Anonymous(Dr Queen) said...
    This white (bleach) blonde woman is indicative of what's wrong in America. The ability to produce white children has clearly caused white men to loose their damn minds and be clueless (and vagina whipped) about to keep their rabid bitches in check."

    Anon replied, "This has to be a joke right? No one could be this ig'nant hoochie mama-ish? Someone is trying to make Queefa look real bad"

    Whoa! this was a powerful smack down on da queen. the only way she is going to recover from this is go back to school for another Science degree so she can wave another degree in your face and tell you off. LOL

  29. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Dear Field, fyi, I am a private investigator. Now what I'm about to say is serious business. This is NOOO bullshit. That woman's hand on T.O.'s shoulder looks like it could be Lisa Turtle's hand.

    I knew if I followed the money I would find her.

  30. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Brewer is a disrespectful bitch who needs to learn to stay in her place. Hey low class governor, the trailer park called and they want their trash back!

  31. Queen Laa:

    Hello my regal kindred warrior sista!



  32. Dr Vinny BoomBatz2:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Brewer is a disrespectful bitch who needs to learn to stay in her place. Hey low class governor, the trailer park called and they want their trash back!

    Didja ever wonder why they called u first? Funny how they gots your number.

  33. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Well, I see you didn't waste any time answering their call.

  34. hobama nazi assnon:

    2+ false flags
    osama hoax
    somalian war games
    libyan murder and theft
    23 tril to banksters
    cbc cursings
    mongrel slurs
    dadt waffling
    same sex marriage lies
    predator drones
    dna arrests
    PIC cash boon
    MIC cash boom
    7 eternal wars
    rabid racism
    rabid elitism
    food stamps 4 45 mil
    BP oil bs
    fema's martial law
    black farmers robbed

    hobama has failed!!!

    what sane person wants 4 more years of failures????


  35. Woo boy. That pic of Jan Brewer giving the president a good scolding is probably making the rounds around Free Republic as I type! More grist for the conservative mill.

  36. "If she felt like a "lil kid" it's probably because this former constitutional law professor, who just happens to be President, may have made her realize that her stance makes no sense whatsoever."

    Well yes. But then there is that Negro thing.

    "Dear Field, fyi, I am a private investigator. Now what I'm about to say is serious business. This is NOOO bullshit. That woman's hand on T.O.'s shoulder looks like it could be Lisa Turtle's hand.

    I knew if I followed the money I would find her."

    Please send me a rate quote. It might be worth it to use your services.

    "That photo looks like the O-man and Jan Brewer might have a thing going on.

    Could it be they are planning to elope?"

    Nah, even though he is only my half brother,I think I can speak for O and say that she isn't his type.

    O was never a football player.;)

  37. Reminds of the interview with soccer star George Best shortly before his death. The reporter asked him where all his money had gone, and he answered

    "Most of it went on drink, fast cars, and beautiful women. The rest I wasted."

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "By the time ex-president Obama lands in Chicago," he said, imagining the first day of a Gingrich presidency, "we will have dismantled about 40% of his administration".

    In response, some in the crowd started chanting "Kenya, Kenya" - saying that Obama should go back to where his father, and some say he, was born.

    Others took up the chant.


  40. Anonymous8:14 AM

    field negro said...
    Could it be they are planning to elope?"

    Nah, even though he is only my half brother,I think I can speak for O and say that she isn't his type.

    O was never a football player.;)

    No doubt on that, Steve Erckel always loved Baseball - he said he always admired men who could actually walk with four balls, while the wookie has his.

  41. Ooh, look at this, the WSJ, (The in-house journal of the Republican elite) is not happy with the Republican candidates.

    Some selected quotes...

    Above all, it doesn't matter that Americans are generally eager to send Mr. Obama packing. All they need is to be reasonably sure that the alternative won't be another fiasco. But they can't be reasonably sure, so it's going to be four more years of the disappointment you already know.


    As for the current GOP field, it's like confronting a terminal diagnosis. There may be an apparent range of treatments: conventional (Romney), experimental (Gingrich), homeopathic (Paul) or prayerful (Santorum). But none will avail you in the end. Just try to exit laughing.

    Double Ouch!!

    A primary ballot for Mr. Gingrich is a vote for an entertaining election, not a Republican in the White House.

    Stop it, you're killing 'em!

    On the evidence of his campaign, Mr. Romney is a lousy CEO.

    This is just unfair!!!

    What about Rick Santorum and Ron Paul? They are owed some respect, especially for the contrast between their willingness to take a stand for principle against the front-runners' willingness to say anything. But Messrs. Santorum and Paul are two tedious men, deep in conversation with some country that's not quite America, appealing to a devoted base but not beyond it. Sorry, gentlemen: You're not going anywhere.

    " conversation with a country that's not quite America." I'll have to remember that one.

    And the U.S. will surely survive four more years. Who knows? By then maybe Republicans will have figured out that if they don't want to lose, they shouldn't run with losers.

    Man, this is what there own team thinks about them! What chance have they got?

  42. Anonymous8:33 AM

    PC you never cease to amaze me the lengths you will go for Obama and you aren't even American. I guess black skin is an attraction, no matter how incompetent one may be, huh?

    But tell me. Why did you marry an uneducated white farm woman from Duluth?

  43. Anonymous8:41 AM

    dear mr purple cow, The WSJ is completely wrong. Did you listen to Obama's SOTU message. FYI: Here in America it can't get any worse.

    Hence, either Newt or Romney will be the next President. We just cannot stand another 4 years of Obama.

    I swear. Some of you FN Negroes need to WTFU.

  44. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Purple Cow Hi-Ho Cherry-O Said..

    "Man, this is what there own team thinks about them! What chance have they got?"

    The word is "T-h-e-i-r" being used as an attributive adjective, before a noun.

  45. The Purple Cow8:51 AM

    Anonymous Said...

    "But tell me. Why did you marry an uneducated white farm woman from Duluth?"

    She just loves Buttercup and enjoyed practicing sheep "husbandry".

  46. and this deed too shall backfire on that blackish joker hobama

    argument trumps arrogance always


    unlike hobama
    she penned her own


    what else has hobama done to help AZ or any other state since he bilked them all for his beloved banksters???

    ndaa is worse than any AZ laws for EVERYONE of every race!!!!!


    ron paul 2012!!!

  47. Queen Laa:


    i care even less about TO than his formerly broken off beckies do!

    karma is as real as insane whore expenses...

  48. "But tell me. Why did you marry an uneducated white farm woman from Duluth?"

    She's from Wisconsin, her Dad was vice chancellor of U.W. she has a degree in psychology and was an award winning feature writer on a Mid Western newspaper.

    Other than that, spot on.

  49. hobama was born in kenya

    as his harem step granny said...

    the truth is its own defense
    even when spoken by that racist newt and his kkk posses

  50. Anonymous10:05 AM

    UK heading for first double-dip recession since 1975

    Bankers, lawyers, accountants, retailers and hauliers are expected to be worst hit in the "shakeout". Even manufacturers, which have enjoyed strong growth, "reported they were taking a pause from further recruitment" the Bank said.

  51. "“The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalised and expansive empire is – and I mean this seriously – the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.”

    Fidel Castro 23 January 2012

  52. more proof that reps = dems:

    the reps are roasting that racist pig newt!

    only newt can roast hobama
    mitt is too rich and too tame

    they all need hobama and the banksters to reign anew
    and they must destroy newt to make sure that happens


  53. the tony mitt makes that millionaire hobama look like that pauper al sharpton


  54. kudos to a chi town warrior!

    cc this to hobama and his
    legendary prison/dna arrest/ndaa funds

  55. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "“The selection of a Republican candidate for the presidency of this globalised and expansive empire is – and I mean this seriously – the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been.”

    Fidel Castro 23 January 2012

    It is so great when someone finds a kindred spirit in this world. Aren't you and Fidel like two peas in a pod, how nice. I am happy for you.

    I am not a communist and neither is the revolutionary movement.

    Fidel Castro

    I am a Marxist Leninist and I will be one until the last day of my life.

    Fidel Castro

    The universities are available only to those who share my revolutionary beliefs.

    Fidel Castro

    I think that a man should not live beyond the age when he begins to deteriorate, when the flame that lighted the brightest moment of his life has weakened

    Fidel Castro

    I would not vote for the mayor. It's not just because he didn't invite me to dinner, but because on my way into town from the airport there were such enormous potholes.

    Fidel Castro

  56. Excellent quotes, thanks anony

  57. "this former constitutional law professor, who just happens to be President"

    During the presidential campaign Obama claimed he was a “Constitutional law professor” at the University of Chicago Law School, but this is not true. He was listed on the Chicago Law School website as a “Senior Lecturer in Law.” That is not the same as a law professor.

    Obama had an associate position where he taught one course, ostensibly on constitutional law. According to students, he spent much of his time talking about community organizing and his hero, Saul Alinsky, because that's all he knew anything about.

    A review of his exam questons from that time reveal a man obsessed with group identity and other bogus legal theories and woefully unable to construct a coherent sentence in English.

    The other professors uniformly described him as "lazy and unqualified".

    The "Constitutional Law Professor" label, like everything else with Obama, is fraudulent.

  58. hobama lies more than newt!

    but has hobama EVER admitted one lie like newt has????...HELL NO!!!

    hobama is worse than newt and gwb!
    more racist
    a MORE of a soulless liar


  59. ditto!

    my fav castro quotes:

    "This is how the empire responds to the increasing demand around the world for their freedom," Castro wrote. "If it weren't so, the empire would cease to be an empire and Obama would cease to be stupid."

    “In spite of the shameful monopoly of the mass information media and the fascist methods of the United States and its allies to confuse and deceive world opinion, the resistance of the people grows, and that can be appreciated in the debates being produced in the United Nations,” Castro wrote over the weekend on the website.

    Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro ended a long writing hiatus Monday, penning a three-page essay printed in state media slamming U.S. President Barack Obama's speech to the United Nations last week.

    "Who understands the gibberish of the President of the United States speaking before the United Nations?" Castro wrote in his so-called "Reflection

  60. Boycott AB10:43 AM

    If it's true that AB's posts are being deleted, you need to fire that individual, FN, because he or she is doing a piss-poor job.

    Maybe they san find another job at the TSA.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. silly assnon:

    debates trump whiny evasions



    the vdlr has to tend to serial baby hair and henessy etc

    she cannot police me every moment of each day

    boycott hobama 2012!!!


  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. hey fn:

    more from hero rebel glen ford:

    President Obama had hoped to put on a big show – a huge con, really – at his State of the Union address, by announcing a monetary “settlement” of massive banker criminality in housing foreclosures. “Obama’s operatives have doggedly pressed for a settlement that would effectively give banks immunity from prosecution.” But he was thwarted by a small group of state attorneys general that wanted a real investigation into “the crime of the century.” So the president “was finally forced to set up a federal unit of his own.” Since Obama’s own law enforcers have failed to send a single banker to jail, Wall Street immunity is likely to remain the real State of the Union.

    Empire and the banks. President Obama’s State of the Union address, bracketed by imperial bombast, made actual news with yet another administration maneuver to protect Wall Street from the wrath of the states. The remainder of his speech was mainly a rehash of previous policies, heavy on tax tinkerings that would have made a previous generation of moderate Republicans – a now extinct breed – proud.

    We’ve put in place new rules to hold Wall Street accountable, so a crisis like that never happens again,” said the president. Nonsense. Obama fought tooth and nail to defend the fatal derivatives market from serious tampering by progressive Democrats. The crisis of 2008 was set off by the multiplier effect of derivatives on the collapse of toxic mortgage securities. At the time, at least $600 trillion dollars in derivatives loomed over the planet. Today, derivatives have rebounded to…over $600 trillion. The banks that were “too big to fail” are even bigger, and there are fewer of them – meaning, capital is more concentrated than before. Obama’s “new rules” have preserved and further consolidated the hegemony of finance capital over U.S. economic and political life. The world economy teeters on the brink.

    But, “America is back!” says the president. It is the “indispensable nation” – the one that treats the rest of the planet, and most of its own citizens, as entirely dispensable. Hail to the Chief!

  66. Sergei Brin11:03 AM

    Hey AB: Why don't you post somehting on your own blog?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. blind clueless blogless inept assnon:

    got envy?
    got glasses??

    you are late as always


    cc that to all the other bloggers herein?

    they vex u too???

  69. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Two players missing from Cuba's women's soccer team for its final game at an Olympic qualifying tournament in British Columbia reportedly may have defected from the Caribbean nation.

    The Vancouver Sun, citing unconfirmed reports, says star forward Yesenia Gallardo Martinez, 20, and midfielder Yisel Rodriguez Llanes, 22, have defected from Cuba while playing Olympic qualifying matches in Vancouver. Both women were listed as absent from the team for Cuba's game Monday night against Haiti at BC Place.

    I wonder why would these women want to defect and leave Cuba? After all it is such a marxist/communist/leftist nation with a wonderful leader(s) in the Castros.

  72. kudos to ray lewis!

    i love him

    he is speaking for many abused/bilked dads

  73. Loans Me Five Dollah11:50 AM

    Finally.....some GOOD news!

  74. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "What she got was a critique. Of her book."

    How can Obama critique a book he hasn't read?

    Obama proves he is a man-child.

  75. I din do nuffin12:01 PM

    Loans Me Five Dollah said...
    Finally.....some GOOD news!

    Its about to catch on like wildfire. Record number of Concealed permits issued in 2011 following all the "youths" gang attacks. It's about time. If you man enough to try and kill someone with 10 of your friends, make sure you have enough friends left over to carry your coffin. No one will do anything about the mahagony mobs so citizens must protect themselves. Next news - Asian man shoots and kills three looters....oh wait they call them flash mobs.

  76. purple lamb chop12:02 PM

    purple ewe...

    She's from Wisconsin, her name is Buttercup and her Dad was a teacher at the school for sheep. He taught counting and race relations, stressing that it wasn't true what people said about black sheep.

    Her mother's name was Mary, and let it be known that my Buttercup had the whitest wool in the midwest, but I like to call it her golden fleece.

    Furthermore, it devastated her to read that I might have sent her to the slaughterhouse. She refused to believe my explanation so I know it will take a long time for her to trust me again.

    She nodded her head in fear and bleated that I'd seemed different the last few weeks. We weren't playing our favorite barnyard games, and that got her to thinking there was someone else in my life.

    I could see the heartbreak in her eyes. I feel awful.

  77. uptownsteve12:16 PM

    2 things.

    First off, BO shoulda saaaalapped the $hit out of that brain dead trollip. How dare she treat the leader of the free world in such a disrespectful fashion.

    Second, I have no sympathy for Terrell Owens who has shown himself to be an asskissin Tom and an unabashed buffoon.

    Dissing his black quarterback Donavan McNabb while in Philadelphia but actually crying on camera when the white quarterback Tony Romo gets injurred.

    Then the fool had the nerve to cry again on camera when he dumped by some white skank on his reality TV show.

    This clown has no shame.

    Well now I guess it's back to Alabama to live out the rest of his life as another dumbass broke ex-pro athlete with no marketable skills.

  78. NSangoma12:20 PM

    AB, you're so vain, I bet you think this song is about you:

    AB, put your cape on.

  79. n:

    u a dj like me?

    r u mad because u do not debate like me too?

    fix both asap

  80. the vdlr is an unsung unlicked unchecked slacker dreg hater...shame!!!!

    i am never vain

    i am always convinced


  81. hey fn:

    the deletions and reposts have begun anew

    check your email


    the vdlr is an unsung unlicked unchecked slacker dreg hater...shame!!!!

    i am never vain

    i am always convinced


  82. uptownsteve said...
    2 things.

    First off, BO shoulda saaaalapped the $hit out of that brain dead trollip. How dare she treat the leader of the free world in such a disrespectful fashion.

    Second, I have no sympathy for Terrell Owens who has shown himself to be an asskissin Tom and an unabashed buffoon.

    Dissing his black quarterback Donavan McNabb while in Philadelphia but actually crying on camera when the white quarterback Tony Romo gets injurred.

    Then the fool had the nerve to cry again on camera when he dumped by some white skank on his reality TV show.

    This clown has no shame.

    Two things.

    First off, advocating violence towards women? How black male of you.

    Second, Tony Romo is hispanic, you racist buffoon.

  83. Sandy2481:13 PM

    Everytime I see Jan Brewer I have the urge to throw a bucke of water on her and watch her melt.

  84. No Thanks1:14 PM

    AB, "debating" you is like arguing with an idiot.....the idiot brings you down to his level, and then beats you with experience.

  85. SandyBalls1:46 PM

    Everytime I see Barak Obama, I wish his black daddy had stuck around to whup some sense into his mulatto ass.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. thankless lying moron assnon:

    each "post" proves you are projecting your own idiocy and envy..

    i sincerely thank u u wannabeeme

  88. Eldridge Cleaver2:15 PM

    In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

  89. Anonymous2:37 PM

    "Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women." (Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice, McGraw-Hill, 1968, p. 14).

  90. The Silence Of The Hams3:01 PM

    IF the world really DOES come to an end 1n 2012, it will be worth it just to SHUT AB'S FAT F*UCKING MOUTH.

  91. Anonymous3:04 PM

    She has to be a lesbian; no man could put up with that much shit.

  92. uptownsteve3:10 PM

    "First off, advocating violence towards women? How black male of you."

    I guess this fool never heard of Joran VanderSloot and NYPD officer Curran.

    Just for starters.

    "Second, Tony Romo is hispanic, you racist buffoon."

    There are white hispanics you freakin idiot.

    What ares Bob Menendez, Marco ubio and Fidel Castro?

    Don't strain anything attempting to answer.

  93. Jose Queervo3:20 PM

    "What ares Bob Menendez, Marco ubio and Fidel Castro?"

    The three amigos?

  94. fat fugly sexist lying assnon/uts:

    thanks 4 the backhanded compliment

    u insecure ignorant inept beta male bitch

    u breed superior intelligent lesbians
    thanks for that!!!

  95. Man Butter3:37 PM

    Lesbians can't breed - not without outside help.

  96. Anonymous3:42 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    What ares Bob Menendez, Marco ubio and Fidel Castro?

    Don't strain anything attempting to answer.

    dey "ares"....wait...wut?? WTF sense do you make. Speakin of "strainin anything" have you ever gotten hurt making these leaps of logic that justify your bad behavior?

  97. uptownsteve3:46 PM


    "fat fugly sexist lying assnon/uts:"

    What are you yapping about AB?

    If you've noticed I don't even attempt to converse with you anymore.

    You've become totally irrelevant.

  98. Muffin Gobbler3:53 PM

    Those dykes pay some guy to whack- off, put his spunk in a turkey baster, and then ram itfome, and give it a good squeeze.

    No frills test tube baby.

  99. UptownGoneBlowMySneaker4:03 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "fat fugly sexist lying assnon/uts:"

    What are you yapping about AB?

    If you've noticed I don't even attempt to converse with you anymore.

    If'n you don't converse with her would you at least nike air jordan with her?

  100. Man Gravy4:04 PM

    Do you want me to baste your turkey, you big brown butterball?

    You may receive my seed Alicia, but I must be paid in gold.

  101. Anonymous4:06 PM

    1:14 Nothanks said: "...idiot brings you to its level, then beats you with experience..." LMAO... That's funny:)
    God's cruel and macabre trick: Tyranny of idiots in 21st century "new a-merry-kkka". Evangelicalism and its idiot twin, conservatism; gross failure to evolve beyond the reptilian-brain stage suffocates 21st century "citadel on the hill". Meanwhile, back on the plantations the nigs are lustly devouring each other... God's cruel and macabre trick, indeed.

  102. Gobble De Goop4:12 PM

    Muffin Gobbler said...
    Those dykes pay some guy to whack- off, put his spunk in a turkey baster, and then ram itfome, and give it a good squeeze.

    No frills test tube baby.

    you gettin me hot i wants me a turkey samwich wit gravy now

  103. Quote Eldridge Cleaver

    "In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man"

    So, do you have any documentary evidence for that?

    Loved your BBQ cookbook, by the way.

  104. Uncle Turkey Tom4:17 PM

    "Man Gravy said...
    Do you want me to baste your turkey, you big brown butterball?

    You may receive my seed Alicia, but I must be paid in gold.

    4:04 PM"

    AB has one of them little pop-up timers that pops out her butthole to let you know when she's done.

  105. The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Eldridge Cleaver

    "In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man"

    So, do you have any documentary evidence for that?


  106. uptownsteve5:10 PM

    A bogus link of course.

  107. Big Putter5:19 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    A bogus link of course.

    Where is this bogus link course? I feel like a spot of golf this weekend.

    It isn't around any streets named MLK Blvd is it?

  108. Eldridge Cleaver5:28 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    A bogus link of course.

    Steve is pathologically unable to process information that conflicts with his manufactured reality.

    The rape statisitcs are from the Department of Justice. Similar statistics are available from the FBI. Unless you think the government is manufacturing these numbers, something very strange has happened to American society.

    The truth is, the are tens of thousands of Black on White rapes every year in America, and virtually no White on Black rapes.

    Why is this so?

    And why is such an amazing disparity in interracial rape statisitcs unknown to the wider public? Is this not a peculiar situation that should be examined?

  109. Beaver Cleaver6:38 PM

    Shame on the Cleaver that rapes!

  110. Anonymous8:16 PM

    download a free copy of "down low baller I" at
