Monday, January 02, 2012

Now it's Rick's turn, and Obama is just like Kim.

Congrats to former Pistolvania Senator, Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium, for being the latest republican presidential flavor of the month. I am from Pistolvania, so I know a thing or two about Rick. (Even met him once.) And, how do I say this? Rick is crazy!

'"One of the criticisms I make is to what I refer to as more of a libertarianish right...This whole idea of personal autonomy, well, I don’t think most conservatives hold that point of view. Some do. They have this idea that people should be left alone, be able to do whatever they want to do, government should keep our taxes down and keep our regulations low, that we shouldn’t get involved in the bedroom, we shouldn’t get involved in cultural issues. You know, people should do whatever they want. Well, that is not how traditional conservatives view the world, and I think most conservatives understand that individuals can’t go it alone. That there is no such society that I am aware of, where we’ve had radical individualism and that it succeeds as a culture.” '

'I’m a pretty tolerant guy, but beyond his ideology, some of Santorum’s behavior is just a little bizarre. For example, Santorum has six children. In 1996, he had son born prematurely who lived for only two hours. He and wife brought the child home and introduced the dead infant to the rest of their children as “your brother Gabriel” and slept with the body overnight."' [Source]

Yesterday, on national television, Rick pretty much confirmed to the rest of A-merry-ca that he should not be the man we trust to hold the highest office in the land and the most powerful position in the world.

"Rick Santorum said today he would bomb Iran's nuclear plants if international inspectors aren't allowed inside, the Wall Street Journal reports. "You can't go out and say, 'This is what I'm for,' and then do nothing," Santorum said on Meet the Press. "You become a paper tiger." [Source]  

Oh ohhh, we have seen this movie before: No "international inspectors" means we will have to take "action". Well we just pulled our troops out of a country after taking "action" against another one of those "evil" Middle Eastern countries. 

Rick, you might want to start loading up those B2's right now, because Iran might have already started

Another one of those republican candidates just compared his Oness to Kim Kardashian. 

 "I’ve been looking at some video clips on YouTube of President Obama, then candidate Obama, going through Iowa making promises," he said at a campaign stop in Iowa. "I think the gap between his promises and his performance is the largest I’ve seen, well, since the Kardashian wedding and the promise of 'til death do we part."    

Poor Flipper, he is trying so hard to come off as being in touch with popular culture.

"The Huffington Post notes that Romney has lately been making more attempts to seem in-touch with pop culture, referring to I Love Lucy last week and Twilight (his favorite book, apparently) in May. He also recently compared Obama to Marie Antoinette."

"I Love Lucy"? OK, I guess if you are still jonesing to live in 1950's A-merry-ca, using "I Love Lucy" to make a point would make sense.

Finally, you have to feel sorry for Newt. I actually saw the poor guy crying the other day after talking about his now departed mama.

Newt says that he has been "Romney-Boated". I guess that's kind of like being "swiftboated"  without the military connection.

"I probably should have responded faster and more aggressively,’’ Mr. Gingrich told reporters here Sunday. “If somebody spent $3.5 million lying about you, you have some obligation to come back and set the record straight.’’

Mr. Gingrich acknowledged that his campaign had underestimated the damage inflicted by ads and mailers that accused him of influence-peddling because he had earned $1.6 million in consulting work for Freddie Mac.

The Iowa race, he said, was still in flux, and his “experiment” in staying positive – a promise he has not always stuck to – could still pay dividends at the caucuses on Tuesday.

As the campaign moves to New Hampshire and South Carolina, Mr. Gingrich said he would direct ads that point up Mr. Romney’s relatively moderate record as governor of Massachusetts — not attacks, he insisted, but a look at the record.
“I think you can do very calm, very pleasant ads,’’ he said. “The nature of the Republican Party is such that a calm, pleasant ad that says he was for tax-paid abortions, I’m against it” would have an impact." [Source]

You gotta love these "calm and pleasant" republicans. I can't wait to see the "calm and pleasant" campaign the republican nominee runs in the general election.




  1. Wesley R10:55 AM

    Santorum lost his Senate seat by 19 points if I'm not mistaken so he wouldn't even win his home state if it came to that. Gingrich is getting what deserves, he can dish it out but he cant take it. Romney is a phoney and the folks on the right know it which is why they keep trying to get others to jump in the race.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Man, the picture of Ricky, is that really his suit and tie or is the photo retouched?

  3. Wayne's daddy11:38 AM

    only a low IQ type like Wayne would believe that when a child dies the parents are allowed to just take the body home. What a dolt.

  4. Serena Williams11:49 AM

    I nominate myself for honorary field-chimp. I just gave an interview bragging about my on-court sheboon tantrums. We, as negroes, must always resist the racist pressure to be civilized and insist instead that we "get our chimp on" at every opportunity. Peace out.

  5. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Congratulations on your black weblog award! Let's face it, with upwards of 30 regular readers, you have triple the following of your nearest competition and so you were a shoe-in. Keep up the mundane work!

  6. Wayne's daddy12:00 PM

    Quoting from yesterday: "So goodbye 2011; it was fun while it lasted."

    Wayne, I will try in 2012 to at least get you to learn how to properly use a semi-colon. You are an embarrassment.

    I swear, it's so fortunate that I bought you that Caribbean law degree because you surely could never make anything of yourself on your own abilities. Thank God for Affirmative Action, too.

  7. Barry Soetero Obongo1:23 PM

    You gotta love these "calm and pleasant" republicans. I can't wait to see the "calm and pleasant" campaign the republican nominee runs in the general election.

    I bet you are really looking forward to the racist campaign Obama runs. "it aint my fault they racist" just like his boy Eric done already said.

  8. LeftistsAreADyingMisbreed1:50 PM

    At the same time, just 32.7% of adults said they were Democrats, down from 34.9% in November. The previous low for Democrats was 33.0% in August of this year.

    Oh my....what a surprise I guess you could say "unexpectedly"

  9. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Wayne's daddy, "Wayne, I will try in 2012 to at least get you to learn how to properly use a semi-colon. You are an embarrassment."

    What's important is that Wayne has a heart and it shows by his commitment to the blogosphere on a DAILY basis. That takes CHARACTER, something Wayne you might learn from Wayne 2012.

    Hope the in Year 2012 you will learn what's character and wisdom, which no vast knowledge of semi-colons can provide.

  10. CheetahIsDead1:55 PM

    "I think the gap between his promises and his performance is the largest I’ve seen, well, since the Kardashian wedding and the promise of 'til death do we part."

    You gotta admit it fits Obama promised many he gone be payin dey lights and heat and instead he fucked em and left em high and dry. Now why would anyone want other working americans to pay expenses they incur? What kind of people want others to take care of them and demand it?

  11. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Newt is a human being with a lot of feelings. I just wish you FN Negroes would quit trying to make him look like a bad person. He is not. If Newt does not become President this country will have lost a great leader who could get us back on our feet.

    To re-elect Obama is to elect a total of 8 more Bush years of war and economic disaster.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. rick and hobama agree on

    unlike hobama, blacks will check rick and any wm as prez...

    nobama 2012!!!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. “President Barack Obama: President Obama makes Judicial Watch’s “Ten Most Wanted” list for a fifth consecutive year. (The former Illinois Senator was also a “Dishonorable Mention” in 2006.) And when it comes to Obama corruption, it may not get any bigger than Solyndra. Solyndra was once known as the poster child for the Obama administration’s massive “green energy” initiative, but it has become the poster child for the corruption that ensues when the government meddles in the private sector. Solyndra filed for bankruptcy in September 2011, leaving 1,100 workers without jobs and the American taxpayers on the hook for $535 million thanks to an Obama administration stimulus loan guarantee.

    Despite the Obama administration’s reticence to release details regarding this scandal, much is known about this shady deal. White House officials warned the president that the Department of Energy’s loan guarantee program was “dangerously short on due diligence,” nonetheless the Obama administration rushed the Solyndra loan through the approval process so it could make a splash at a press event. The company’s main financial backer was a major Obama campaign donor named George Kaiser. While the White House said Kaiser never discussed the loan with White House officials, the evidence suggests this is a lie. And, further demonstrating the political nature of the Obama administration’s activities, the Energy Department pressured Solyndra to delay an announcement on layoffs until after the 2010 elections. Despite the public outrage at this scandalous waste of precious tax dollars, President Obama continues to defend the indefensible and has refused to sack anyone over the Solyndra mess.

  16. Anonymous2:39 PM

    AB, "mitt makes hobama look like jfk/mlk

    warts and all

    ron paul 2012!!!"

    You should be praying for Newt to be the nominee.

  17. hobama was selected thru 2016

    i will waste no prayers for that demonic dreg joker newt

    i reserve my prayers only for ron paul

    as he is our final hope to save us all from that blackish joker hobama and his banksters


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. hobama makes mitt look like jfk/mlk

    warts and all

    ron paul 2012!!!

  20. Citizen Wells2:52 PM

    “Why did Obama, prior to occupying the White House, employ Robert Bauer of Perkins Coie, to assist him in avoiding the presentation of a legitimate birth certificate and college records?"

    “Why has Obama, since taking the White House, used Justice Department Attorneys, at taxpayer expense, to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?"

    “Why is Obama now employing private attorneys to keep his name on state ballots, despite compelling evidence that he is not a natural born citizen?"

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Stormfront must have a comment link up today; the place is lousy with hooded trolls parading their inferiority complexes, trying to convince themselves that they're superior to someone, anyone.

  24. I just find it soooooo hilarious to see conservatives stuck with Romney thanks to the Citizens United decision and the utter incompetence of their preferred candidates. So much for the old adage that if you run as a conservative you win! LOL! All things conservative fail.


  25. no slappz4:04 PM

    Ron Paul may get some votes, but he'll win no primaries.

  26. more proof that hobama and his banksters have no souls


  27. Anonymous5:59 PM

    That's all Rick is the flavor of the month!!


  28. Anonymous6:15 PM

    All of you are underestimating Romney. He will win in 2012, hands down!

  29. hobama has expanded his own new gitmo...


  30. Anonymous6:48 PM

    AB, "hobama is the new hitler indeed...per ndaa.


    It's a new year and you haven't changed a bit.

  31. stupid assnon:

    did i lie mf?

    it is the unchanged hopeless hobama who should vex u hobama nazis as i do...


  32. Must be election season.

  33. "All of you are underestimating Romney. He will win in 2012, hands down!"

    The M.I. Double Tizzle may win the GOP nomination but Barack will beat him like a conga drum in the West Village on Friday night.

    Thank God for Republicans.

    They make you feel good to be a Democrat.

  34. Kentucky Negro8:32 PM

    Rick Santorum doesn’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.

    Amen Rick. Its this way of thinking that keeps blacks on the plantation and away from Republicans.

    Republicans need to start offering blacks free stuff. That way, more blacks will vote Republican.

    No mention of the Kentucky Negro colored boot, fn?

  35. Yeah, Santorum, like other Republicans, only wants white people to get free stuff.

    According to righties, the Pigford settlement is "welfare" but white folks getting big money grants from the Dept of Agriculture is "good policy".

    We KNOW what the deal is.

  36. IdontLikeit-ItMustBeRacist9:00 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Stormfront must have a comment link up today; the place is lousy with hooded trolls parading their inferiority complexes, trying to convince themselves that they're superior to someone, anyone.

    Actually I thought it was a link to NationofIslambuttfucksalittle whitefaggotwhothinksheisbetter

    So tell us Pappy liberal whats best for Black folk?

  37. Whitey is just here to drum up business for his shyster operation. He gets useless negros to sue their employers and then takes 80% of the settlement for himself.

    Hey, it's a living.

  38. Anonymous9:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "All of you are underestimating Romney. He will win in 2012, hands down!"

    The M.I. Double Tizzle may win the GOP nomination but Barack will beat him like a conga drum in the West Village on Friday night.

    Thank God for Republicans.

    They make you feel good to be a Democrat.

    Thank god for Obama and his mindless supporters like you. We wont see a democratic president for ages after having Barack Dwayne Alozando Mountain Dew Herbert Soetero Obama Camacho for President. This is the closest we have ever come to a complete idiocracy. I know, I know, it's all someone elses fault and you like Grape Brawndo it give you electrolytes.

    •Every day, the U.S. government takes in $6 billion and spends $10 billion. This means that every day the federal government spends $4 billion more dollars than it has.

    •The real unemployment rate is a jaw-dropping 11 percent.

    •Every fifth man you pass on your way to work is now out of work.

    •College graduates are now 34% less likely to find a job under Obama than they were under President George W. Bush

  39. AgentX10:31 PM

    All these economic problems are due to Republican economic policies and intransigence. The President's jobs bill would have employed millions of Americans and put our economy on a better recovery track than it is currently.

    Ron Paul won't fix the economy. Hell he voted FOR Glass-Stengall to be repealed, which is one of the 5 reasons the economy is in the tube. He IS RESPONSIBLE for the mess we are in, though not as much as Gingrich.

    Of course, Rick Santorum would say this in a group of friendly white people. Let him say this in the hood.

  40. Anonymous11:08 PM

    AgentX said...
    All these economic problems are due to Republican economic policies and intransigence. The President's jobs bill would have employed millions of Americans and put our economy on a better recovery track than it is currently.

    Ron Paul won't fix the economy. Hell he voted FOR Glass-Stengall to be repealed, which is one of the 5 reasons the economy is in the tube. He IS RESPONSIBLE for the mess we are in, though not as much as Gingrich.

    Sure you mean Glass-Steagall. Well, Republicans are defintely at fault as well they should have never given in to the insane ideas of continuing failed liberal policies and not have pandered and agreed to the community reinvestment act and allowed mortages to be given to people who clearly NEVER would be able to pay them back and then have those mortgages backed by taxpayers.

    As for Steagall and your claim, why? Do you understand the connection between democrats in senate and the congress and fannie, Freddie and how this popped the housing bubble and thus caused the economic crash? What makes you believe besides Rachel Madcow that if the Glass-Steagall act were reimplimented the crash would have been averted. You still would have as you do today people demanding that folks on taxpayer funded lives get loans they cannot afford and this is what will crash any monetary system.

  41. Redeye11:30 PM

    Santorum's right. It's not government's job to favor one group over another. In any event, it's impossible for politicians "to make black people's lives better". The more you give people, the less able they are to fend for themselves.

  42. no slappz11:51 PM

    Gimme dat ole black magic:

    Video shows Queens firebug hurling Molotov cocktail

    By JAMIE SCHRAM, Police Bureau Chief

    January 2, 2012

    Police today released surveillance video of the suspect in a string of possible bias-related firebombings in Queens on New Year's Day and announced $12,000 in reward money for information leading to his arrest and conviction.

    One clip shows the arsonist tossing a lit Molotov cocktail that spilled its flaming contents onto the lawn in front of a home at 88-20 170th St. that also houses a Hindu temple.

    Cops say the firebug is also behind similar attacks that took place at the Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation Islamic center, the 179th Street Deli and a home at 146-62 107th Ave.

    The suspect in the Queens cases was described as a black man between 25 and 30 years old, about 5-foot-8 and weighing 200 pounds.

  43. Falaffel11:54 PM

    AgentX said...
    All these economic problems are due to Republican economic policies and intransigence. The President's jobs bill would have employed millions of Americans and put our economy on a better recovery track than it is currently.
    Really? Millions of Americans? You are a fucking retard.

    The President's policies are why real unemployment is still over 11%. You have to be a moron to buy the Obama campaign line that somehow this is the fault of the party who controls 1/2 of congress. Voters need to forget about those two years when Democrats controlled the elected branches of government, during which time Congress passed and the president signed into law bills that continued the bailouts, spent a trillion dollars on stimulus, and overhauled the health care and financial systems. History actually began on January 5, 2011, when the 112th Congress was sworn into office.

    The stimulus failed. The democrat congress failed. The democrat senate has failed, and will be replaced in 2012. Obama has failed and will be kicked to the curb as well.

    Failure has consequences. Ask Bush.


  44. Larry Sinclair12:35 AM

    Obama is like Kim - He take it in da butt too.

  45. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Rick Santorum said today he would bomb Iran's nuclear plants if international inspectors aren't allowed inside, the Wall Street Journal reports. "You can't go out and say, 'This is what I'm for,' and then do nothing," Santorum said on Meet the Press. "You become a paper tiger." [Source]

    Oh ohhh, we have seen this movie before: No "international inspectors" means we will have to take "action". Well we just pulled our troops out of a country after taking "action" against another one of those "evil" Middle Eastern countries.

    Ohh and what do liberals do besides condemn reality? Another ten years of phony sanctions? Wait until the mushroom clouds arise?
    Sheez liberals do nothing, but always complain about what others do.

  46. "“President Barack Obama: President Obama makes Judicial Watch’s “Ten Most Wanted” list for a fifth consecutive year. "

    Wow, so you're saying that a hard-right Conservative pressure group financed by a billionaire conservative doesn't approve of President Obama??

    Now there's a shock!!

  47. it has been said that you can tell the character of a person by the quality of the friends he keeps if that statement is axiomatic then it would also apply to the blogosphere

    only in cyberspace it is not the friends you keep but the trolls who live under your bridge Thank You Field and congrats on your reward!!

    the kindest words
    are those unsaid
    they lie dormant
    and are never read

    yet their power
    is most profound
    silence is golden
    the absence of sound

    notions are stillborn
    never to coalesce
    an unhealthy condition
    that will cause stress

    that's why I endorse
    no, I must recommend
    feed the trolls daily
    the applecart you upend

    keep building that bridge
    so the trolls can gather
    your blog is sustenance
    from otherwise inane blather

  48. Anonymous6:21 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "“President Barack Obama: President Obama makes Judicial Watch’s “Ten Most Wanted” list for a fifth consecutive year. "

    Wow, so you're saying that a hard-right Conservative pressure group financed by a billionaire conservative doesn't approve of President Obama??

    Now there's a shock!!

    5:16 AM

    Alinsky Alert!! Alinksy Alert!!What a perfect example of pointless leftist rhetoric. No view given to the laws that Obama has not followed, rather accuse the person writing about it of partisanship and ulterior motives. Right..Cause it's like so EXTREME to want the laws followed equally by all -especially the leader of the nation sworn to uphold and defend the laws. Oh those rightwing extremists expecting a law abiding president of all things rather than a partisan incompetent hack.

  49. The bias of Judicial Watch is evident in their own results. 8 of their 10 "most corrupt" politicians are Democrats.

    Do you really want me to list every single Republican politician who has not behaved ethically?

    We would all be here for a very, very long time.

  50. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Do you really want me to list every single Republican politician who has not behaved ethically?

    Well first off it is quite strange that a non american resident has such strong partisan views of American politicians and how laws are applied to "special" groups.

    Apparantly in your partisanship you have forgotten how to count, have another look. Although, what matters is the literal name of the article "ten most wanted corrupt politicians" you might be confused thinking the article is entitled : Affirmative action diversity training wishlist. You don't get to alter reality to create a balanced list with equal percentages.

    Of significant importance to non partisan weenies is the president and his attorney general being corrupt and kicking the constitution and US laws to the curb.

    As for he list of Republicans indicted or corrupt for "2011" (not throughout history as you may be inclined to list for impact and to falsely skew the discussion) go for it. Be sure to compare your conservative list with the democratic list for corrupt, indicted or charged democratic politicians for "2011". Little hat tip, you can start with the CBC where over half are under or have been indicted -to the point they want to repeal the independant Ethics committee because it is finding the rampant corruption of the CBC and that is "racist" because they are Black. Now isn't that a hoot, they want to nullify the independant Ethics Committee because it is finding so many violations and that is "racist" if you are Black - I guess they think being a democrat provides assurances they can loot and plunder using the race card as a illegal activity pass if they get caught and how dare anyone hold them accountable.

    Oh and feel free to leave out anyone just being a freak and sending pics of his penis to folks and then lying about it. Conservatives have lower standards for leftists - and expect that you will apply a strict moral code to conservatives, while totally disavowing any sense of moral culpability for leftists - after all you have no morals, morals and laws are for "someone else"

  51. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Dumpocraps - Change that splatters

  52. Tomorrow is like Christmas Day for us in Iowa. The idiots will all be gone!

  53. AgentX10:31 AM

    This coming from a Rethugican kiss ass called Falaffel? What planet have you been living on for the past decade dumbass?

    Time for you to get educated before you and your Ron Paul droids run your mouth at me, dumbass.

    The Republicans in Congress filibuster everything, even simple judicial appointments. We would be in a lot better position economically if these filibusters would not have occurred.

    Instead of offering an effective jobs plan, the Republicans in the House have wasted time on Austerity measures which DO NOT create jobs. Ask Greece if their economy is growing under Austerity measures. Ask Spain with its 24% unemployment. Oh wait, I forgot- you're special ed. You can't speak Greek or Spanish.

    The Bush tax cuts have NOT, repeat, NOT grown the economy at all. In fact, they have shrunk the economy.

    The stimulus was not big enough, but it did create a huge amount of jobs. "The nonpartisan CBO has confirmed that the Recovery Act delivered as promised, lowering the unemployment rate by as much as 2 percent, boosting GDP by as much as 4 percent and creating and saving as many as 3.6 million jobs."

    So tell me Fallafal, where is Ron Paul's jobs plan? Up your ass?

  54. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Field, where do these storm front trolls come from? Jealously is a bitch.

  55. someone should really tell that rabidly racist fool rick s that most welfare recipients are white clones of himself...


  56. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Field is not participating in his posts lately. Could that be a sign that he is backing away from blogging? I hope not. That could ruin 2012 for me.

    no_slappz this 2012. Why are you still posting negative things about Blacks? Don't you know there are positive things as well? Why must you denigrate your Jewish ancestry?

  57. Mr. Field, here is a link about Santorum talking about welfare and Black people yesterday in Iowa.

  58. Anonymous4:27 PM

    On Santorum's comments. Why is that liberal lamestream media can not think? In example they say in the Huffpo article

    "While his reasoning about entitlement spending is normal by conservative standards, the fact that he singled out black people as the recipients of welfare is sure to raise eyebrows. According to CBS News, only 9 percent of food stamp recipients in Iowa are black"

    What they fail to display is any credible reporting by also mentioning that Blacks are a mere 2.8% of the Iowa state population. Wonder why they spin things this way? Especially when the entire democratic party agenda is about taking things from some and giving it to "protected groups" who always represent more than the fair share of percent to population ratio.

    I mean conservatives believe in lifting yourself up and creating wealth. Democrats want the wealth everyone else creates because they tell you that you are not and will never be capable. Who is the racist in this formula?

  59. I think Alicia Banks must have a LOT of warts!
    She can't stop talking about them!
    Maybe she IS a wart.

  60. "So tell us Pappy liberal whats best for Black folk?"

    No mystery there. A social democracy that lives the Golden Rule, and the Declaration of Independence is best for all of us.

  61. Folks, I told u Rick was crazy.

  62. Bucky8:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Wonder why they spin things this way?

    Beacuse democrats don't understand statisitics. I'm not kidding. I have liberal democrat friends with PhD's (in English, admittedly) who don't understand the difference between tax rates and tax payments. Liberals think because blacks only commit half all murders, it means there is no difference between black and whit murder rates. They can't understand that there are 6 times as many whites as blacks in the country.

  63. Tsyrl Turen8:44 PM

    field negro said...
    Folks, I told u Rick was crazy.

    Alan Colmes had mocked the Santorum family tragedy, saying: "Once [voters] get a load of some of the crazy things he's said and done, like taking his two-hour-old baby who died right after childbirth home and played with it for a couple of hours so his other children would know that the child was real."

    In response, Santorum said: "It was so important ... for the family to recognize the life of that child and for the children to know they had a brother. To some who don't recognize the dignity of all human life, who see it as a blob of tissue ... this is somehow weird, recognizing the humanity of your son. Somehow weird, somehow odd and should be subject to ridicule."

    Shame on you Field.

  64. Anonymous8:48 PM

    It's your blog, Field. But why haven't you mentioned that Obama encouraged and signed a bill that allows law enforcement to lock up American citizens forever without charges? Just wondering.

  65. Actually in this field Rick is the rational one. How reasonable would Perry or Bachmann be if elected? He is a clown but no more or less than the other GOP choices. Romney isn't but has to play the part to get a sniff from the crazy hyper-religious GOP primary voters. Oh I'm sorry I meant the "hyper-moral" GOP primary voters.
    See, now the trolls don't have to remind me religious=moral. No need to thank me.

  66. "Shame on you Field."

    He brings home a dead fetus to show his children and I should be ashamed? I don't think so.

    "It's your blog, Field. But why haven't you mentioned that Obama encouraged and signed a bill that allows law enforcement to lock up American citizens forever without charges?"

    You just did it for me. BTW, do you have a link?

  67. I did not make this comment.
    Redeye said...
    Santorum's right. It's not government's job to favor one group over another. In any event, it's impossible for politicians "to make black people's lives better". The more you give people, the less able they are to fend for themselves.

    11:30 PM

  68. NSangoma7:12 PM

    Rick Santorum likes his coffee bluh.
