Saturday, January 14, 2012

We should be Bradying instead.

I guess the big gal upstairs must like New England and Tom Brady as much as they do Tim Tebow. Although I don't know why. The tight end that has been catching everything thrown his way tonight was hanging out with a porn star for crying out loud! That is not very christ like.

Somehow I don't think that there will be any "Tebowing" on the Denver sidelines tonight. I don't know how I got tricked into thinking this game was going to be close by the A-merry-can hype machine. Tebow is who he is: A below average football player who happens to be a good guy. Brady, on the other hand, has a child out of wedlock, and doesn't strike me as a guy who pays his tithe on Sunday mornings. And yet the big gal allowed him to throw six (Six!) touchdowns so far tonight. (There is still seven minutes left in the third quarter as I write this post.)

Tebow just got sacked again. This is getting ugly. I wonder what the forty three percent of A-merry-cans who believe that God helps Tim Tebow win football games think she is doing tonight? Tebow just got sacked again. I think I will change the channel now. Maybe ESPN is showing clips of the Saints Forty Niners game.

Finally, what would a Saturday night post be without chasing the Big R a little bit?

MJ, I know that you are firmly in the house these days. (Well you always have  been more of a house Negro) But I sure hope that you step up to the plate and issue a statement or get with the people at Hanes about the ignorance that went on at that company. As their number one spokesperson you owe us that much.

"Former employee Yunusa Kenchi has filed a racial discrimination lawsuit against Hanesbrands — most known for its Michael Jordan underwear commercials — after being terminated from his role as creative designer at the company, according to the Village Voice.

Lawyer Patrick Boyd of the Boyd Law Group said that Kenchi faced “consistent insults and ridicule from a hostile supervisor.” The abuse carried on until Kenchi intercepted an e-mail from his boss describing him as a “N*gger.”
The e-mail stated:
Kenchi is seeking “a meaningful apology from Hanes” and unspecified compensation from the company “in excess of $1 million.
Attorney Boyd expressed his feelings regarding the undergarment company:
A company this large, dealing with a diverse community, is not taking responsibility. [The e-mailer] was a designer for the Michael Jordan line of clothing for many years! It goes to show you that even companies with prominent African-American spokespeople can have racist elements at a high level.
Since then, Hanes has issued an apology:
Hanesbrands Inc. is proud of its diverse worldwide workforce and does not tolerate discriminatory behavior. After allegations emerged of improper conduct in the termination of Mr. Kenchi, Hanesbrands conducted a thorough investigation and found evidence of an offensive attitude and use of language that is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. We sincerely regret that the situation arose and are troubled that Mr. Kenchi’s termination process may have been tainted by unacceptable attitudes. In lieu of these findings, Hanes brands took decisive disciplinary steps, including the termination of a supervisor, and made Mr. Kenchi an unconditional offer of employment to return to the company." [Source]

I'm a Unico man myself.



  1. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Field, I have noticed that you keep calling God "the gal upstairs". Now you know that's wrong but I suspect you do it to insult and stir up emotions in those who have faith in the Father.

    I swear, some days you can be pretty mean and anti-God. Do you think Tebow prays to a "gal upstairs"? NO he does not. At least show respect for the Judeo-Christian religion.

  2. Wow, Hanes actually admitted it? That's very unusual. Most of the time companies deny everything no matter what. And they fired the supervisor too. Good for them.

  3. Anonymous12:07 AM

    The reason the Broncos lost was they forgot about God and believed more in their fear of the Patriots than they did in God. Had they kept the same faith that got them there, they would have won.

    But that's typical of the faithful. There are times where they have faith in their fears than in God. God has ways of testing human faith.

  4. "Now you know that's wrong but I suspect you do it to insult and stir up emotions in those who have faith in the Father."

    So are you saying that God is a man?

    "The reason the Broncos lost was they forgot about God and believed more in their fear of the Patriots than they did in God. Had they kept the same faith that got them there, they would have won."

    No, the reason they lost is because they got their asses kicked in the trenches and NE has a better coach and QB.

  5. T-Bone12:35 AM

    You seem glad to see Tebow lose. But you are right that being "good" has nothing to do with winning, only being better does.

    Tebow is not a very good quarterback, but is a great football player. He is also 24. He will be back.

  6. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Field, "No, the reason they lost is because they got their asses kicked in the trenches and NE has a better coach and QB."

    My dear blind Field, you just don't understand how God works. The Broncos could have won much like the 49ers won against the Saints. You see, all of SF actually had prayer sessions for a week before taking to the field to play.

    And where in the Bible does it say that God is the "gal upstairs?" didn't you say you used to be a 7th Day Adventist and your father is a minister? Then you know better, and should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. "And where in the Bible does it say that God is the "gal upstairs?" didn't you say you used to be a 7th Day Adventist and your father is a minister? Then you know better, and should be ashamed of yourself."

    Where in the bible does it say that God is a man?

  8. Anonymous1:27 AM

    "Where in the bible does it say that God is a man?"

    Read the 23rd Psalms or the 91st Psalms or simply the Lord's Prayer. You will find the pronoun 'He' expressed several times. Throughout the Judeo-Christian sacred texts, The Father or HE or HIM are used. Your "gal upstairs" is off the chart and is very disrespectful.

  9. "Read the 23rd Psalms or the 91st Psalms or simply the Lord's Prayer. You will find the pronoun 'He' expressed several times. Throughout the Judeo-Christian sacred texts, The Father or HE or HIM are used. Your "gal upstairs" is off the chart and is very disrespectful."

    Let me guess, you are a man.

    Hey, so I see God as a woman. Is there something wrong with that? Have you ever seen him/her?

  10. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Where in the bible does it say that God is a man"?

    Seventh Day adventists believe that Jesus is one of the three persons, called the Holy Trinity the father,the son....

    "Let me guess you are a man"?

    Let me guess you are Whoopi Goldberg?

  11. "Let me guess you are a man"?

    Let me guess you are Whoopi Goldberg?"

    Are you a comedian or a Theologian?

    Maybe you should preach in a comedy club.

  12. Anonymous3:16 AM

    I believe Whoopi Goldberg is retarded.

  13. Hey man, in Chicago Michael Jordan is God so yes God is a man.

  14. Val said...
    Wow, Hanes actually admitted it? That's very unusual. Most of the time companies deny everything no matter what. And they fired the supervisor too. Good for them.

    Uh, did you read where there was an email?

    That would be very difficult to deny.

    What I want to know is what happened to the author of the email.

    I bet he is still employed by Hanes.

  15. Opps I guess I should have read more also.

  16. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Field said...
    Hey, so I see God as a woman. Is there something wrong with that? Have you ever seen him/her?
    That's right! Tell him/her/it/them field! What exactly IS wrong with that?
    When everyone with half a brain KNOWS that we women are stronger and more resilient than men will ever be. Of course you guys have your strengths too, but they don't compare!So I believe either God is female or asexual.

    On another note...Wow use Unico? I went to that sight and wow....them's some kinda briefs there guy! If you weren't happily married, I'd cougar you like you've never been cougared before!!! ;p...

  17. Wesley R9:11 AM


    Brady was apparently tired of hearing about Tebow.

    The Saints/49ers game was off the charts.

    House Negro, MJ could care less.

  18. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Field, "Let me guess, you are a man."

    No, I am not a man, I am a Christian woman who has practiced Christianity and has studied the Bible for most of my life.

    'HE' IS, and is sacred. 'HE' is the Father, the Principal and the Source of all Life and Existence. All sacred texts speak to that. But YOU chose to diminish and stain the sacred by calling HIM "the gal upstairs". I am certain you know better.... what is it in YOU that makes you do such a thing to yourself and others?

    PS. To avoid confusion, I am not the anon who replied at 1:43am. Although I must admit it was a funny reply.

  19. Father Guido Sarducci12:21 PM

    field negro said...
    "Let me guess you are a man"?

    Let me guess you are Whoopi Goldberg?"

    Are you a comedian or a Theologian?

    Maybe you should preach in a comedy club.

    Field, My Son, Why have you forsaken me?

    I know I promised at your last reincarnation request ceremony I would make you a White guy with blue eyes and Blonde hair, but that was all full and so....Hey at least I made you A Jamaican lawyer and the world can't have to many Jamaican lawyers now can they?

    Next go round we will give your elegant Indian Princess request a look how's that?

    No problem Piece of Cake...piece of crumb cake.

  20. Dear "Father Guido Sarducci", I am just glad that you didn't make me an altar boy as a child.;)

    "HE' IS, and is sacred. 'HE' is the Father, the Principal and the Source of all Life and Existence. All sacred texts speak to that. But YOU chose to diminish and stain the sacred by calling HIM "the gal upstairs"

    Is that why only women have to go through child birth? I always thought that was kind of unfair. Now it makes sense. Thanks for explaining.

    LOL@ Desertflower. Now you know those are all models in those pics. :)

  21. Being a Bronco fan since moving to Colorado in 84 I have to say that Tim has given us a reason to watch them this year. We were quickly relegated to another rebuilding season with Orton under center until restless fans demanded that Elway and Fox insert Tebow. There were even billboards erected calling for the Broncos to play him. I believe the Broncos relented and played him to prove to the fans he was not worthy of the position and would soon fold under the pressure and his inability to pass the football. Elway and Fox had both previously distanced themselves from Tebow by pointing out it was the previous coach (ironically Josh McDaniels formerly and again of the Pats) and GM that wasted the #1 draft pick on amazing QB who could not throw. Case over, boy wonder fails and the team moves on. Then the most amazing thing happened as Timmy and the Broncos provided one dramatic last minute win after another with Tebow himself providing much of the fireworks. You could almost see Elway in his luxury suite watching his plan backfire wondering what the heck he was going to do with Tim now. Things came back down to earth in the last three games as Tebow and Co. floundered and looked as if they were not going to make the playoffs. Devine intervention (or whatever) had Oakland lose to the Chargers in the last game backdooring us into the playoffs only to face sure destruction from Pittsburgh. 316 receiving yards later for an average of 31.6 yards a catch and biblical references galore we win a playoff game for the first time in a decade. On the arm of the QB who can not pass in OT. Wow. The Pats who are a for real team with a for real QB and a somewhat soiled genuis for a coach rightly asserted their overwhelming superiority and beat the bejesus (pun intended) out of the Broncs. But I can tell you that here in fanville we are not lamenting the loss but are celebrating the most fun we have had watching football and pulling for the home team since 97 and 98. Though it would have been cool to go another week I am a happy man this morning and the humiliating loss yesterday has not dented my mood. The Pats are the AFC's best answer to Green Bay, if of course they get past NY today, and I hope they play well next week. Hats off to a great team. And thanks to Tim and the rest of the Broncos for a wonderful ride.

  22. Geaux 49ers!

    BTW "geaux" is a homonym spell check b*tch!

  23. YouSeeWutI'mSayin2:55 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Geaux 49ers!

    BTW "geaux" is a homonym spell check b*tch!

    The eternal hoodrat as always keeping it classless and gutterish. I bet you had "homonym" grits for breakfast.

  24. Lol@Roderick


  25. Riding While White3:10 PM

    Another riding while white attack.

    'He just kept screaming 'Mommy, I don’t want you to die’'

    PORTLAND, Ore. – A woman said she stepped in to help de-escalate an argument on a TriMet bus when she was physically attacked herself.

    Natasha Van Wormer was riding the bus through Southeast Portland on Thursday afternoon when she said a woman and her daughter tried to get on near 122nd and Division Street.

    She said the two were arguing with the bus driver because the driver said they didn’t have the proper transfer. They refused to get off the bus and continued yelling.

    When another passenger tried to help the bus driver, Van Wormer said the mother and daughter got up in his face and kept yelling.

    Van Wormer was with her five-year-old son and saw he was getting scared, so she decided to step in and help break things up.

    “So I stood up and was like ‘you know this doesn’t have to happen, you don’t have to keep yelling. Just calm down, go to the front of the bus like you were told and just listen. ’ (The daughter) came and got in my face,” she told KATU News.

    Listen to the emtional interview with Van Wormer

    While the daughter was yelling, the mother came over and put her arm on Van Warmer’s throat, she said. In the scuffle that followed, Van Wormer lost a fingernail and suffered bruises on her arms, face and head.

    Another woman on the bus grabbed her young son to protect and comfort him.

    “My son was right next to me the whole time and he just kept screaming ‘Mommy, I don’t want you to die,’” Van Warmer said.

    During the attack, her friend and other passengers came to her aid before finally getting the suspect and her daughter off the bus. The friend called police and pointed out the pair to officers.

    Police said two suspects were taken into custody, although they did not release additional details.

    Earlier this week, video surfaced of a seemingly unrelated attack on a TriMet MAX train where several girls assaulted another girl. In that case, nobody stepped in to help the victim.

  26. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Sorry, I don't have to accept your limited version of religiosity. No matter how much you NEED to beleeve, I am under absolutely no constraints to be as benighted.
    Freedom of Religion IS Freedom FROM Religion...feel perfectly fine to practice whatever makes your lowly status and lack of effort/capacity more bearable.

    Maybe you-all should, like, read the teachings of Jesus...and leave the incestual pedophile Lot and the schizophrenic Abraham for the Fundies to emulate.


  27. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry, I don't have to accept your limited version of religiosity. No matter how much you NEED to beleeve, I am under absolutely no constraints to be as benighted.
    Freedom of Religion IS Freedom FROM Religion...feel perfectly fine to practice whatever makes your lowly status and lack of effort/capacity more bearable.

    Maybe you-all should, like, read the teachings of Jesus...and leave the incestual pedophile Lot and the schizophrenic Abraham for the Fundies to emulate.


    Oh Stevey you are such a vile character, you have got to hate yourself so, so much and feel so , so disconnected from the rest of humanity. Are you that funny looking that people hate you on sight or is it just your poison like personality?

  28. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has ordered a correction to a badly mangled quotation from Martin Luther King Jr. inscribed in granite on the Tidal Basin memorial to the slain civil rights leader.
    Salazar has told the National Park Service to consult with the memorial foundation and the King family and to report back to him within 30 days with a plan to fix the carved excerpt. Yet for many this is not enough instead of just some minor clerical repairs to the quotation additional quotes and words that reflect the total work of MLK which included a focus on racial injustice most be a part of the National Park Service's repairs to the monument.

    What many people don't know is that presently none of the quotes on the King memorial mention race nor any words about King's body of work in America's civil rights movement. King's work which encompassed major protests against racial injustice and inequality are not reflected nor present as quotes on the King Monument. To officially ignore the core work of Dr. King is not only a national disgrace but almost orwellian in construction and design. This omission of Dr. King's civil rights legacy is an affront to the holiday and the King Memorial.

    It is shocking to discover that this was deliberate and intentional to not insert any verbiage or words, quotes which recognize the real life work and mission of MLK. This deliberate omission and acknowledgment of King's body of work in the arena of racial justice reflects a contempt in part for Black Americans . The mission of MLK encompassed more than a cum ba ya cultural drive by feeling. MLK's work was all about racial injustice as well as concerns about the poor and ending the war in Vietnam.

    Instead of minor clerical repairs to the King Memorial is it is incumbent that the King Memorial reflect authentic truth and the reality of King's life and body of work. We must demand a complete portrait of MLK on his memorial not a pc driven almost censored view of the truth about the mission of MLK.

    Happy MLK Holiday1

  29. The "gal upstairs" must have been with T Sizzle and the Ravens today, huh?

    Whassup Thrash?

  30. Colon8:23 PM

    Thrasher said..."MLK's work was all about racial injustice as well as concerns about the poor and ending the war in Vietnam."

    Don't forget getting drunk and slapping around prostitutes. That was pretty important to MLK too.

    And stop bitching about the memorial. That's what you get when you outsource it to China.

  31. Colon, I think your handle is apropos.

  32. Apropros10:13 PM

    Field, handle your own colon.
