Sunday, January 15, 2012

The republican candidates and the three letters you will never hear them say. (MLK)

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's life here in A-merry-ca. I will wait to hear all the republican candidates for president give us a nice speech about King's contribution to our great republic while they are on the campaign trail. I will wait, but I doubt if I will hear it.

Republicans are running against Barack Obama, and contrary to what you might hear them say in thirty second sound bites, they are not trying to unite the country; they are trying to unite their base. They cannot do that by acknowledging those other people who have voted by a huge majority for the man their base despises and fears.

Sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it's not. And, sometimes, as in the case of Flipper, the silence speaks volumes.

"In the last few months, the Republican Party has spoken to many ideas. Many of them very important to the GOP. They speak freely on the economy, foreign policy, education and government spending. What they do not talk about very often, is their plan on how to unify an America so much more diverse than what the founding fathers created. They steadily evade any deep discussions on race (unless it is in direct proportion to a cost they don’t approve of).
For many this is frustrating. For others it is proof of their bigotry. But as one New York Times article says, it may be all by design. Especially for Mitt Romney:
Of course, I’m not talking about a strict count of melanin density. I’m referring to the countless subtle and not-so-subtle ways he telegraphs to a certain type of voter that he is the cultural alternative to America’s first black president. It is a whiteness grounded in a retro vision of the country, one of white picket fences and stay-at-home moms and fathers unashamed of working hard for corporate America." [Source]

Mitt Romney knows what he is doing. His constant talk of making A-merry-ca great again, and going back to what it used to be pushes all the right buttons on all the right people.

"In this way, whether he means to or not, Mr. Romney connects with a central evangelic fantasy: that the Barack Obama years, far from being the way forward, are in fact a historical aberration, a tear in the white space-time continuum. And let’s be clear: Mr. Obama’s election was not destiny, but a fluke."

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would have been 83 today, and I am pretty sure that if he were alive the republican candidates for president and the folks who support them would be spinning history to put him in quite a different light than we see him in now. (Martyrdom will do that to you.)

I give the American Civil Liberties Union credit for monitoring how we deal with the issue of race in the upcoming elections, and of course there are no surprises in their study:

  • Many of the candidates invoke the concept of “states’ rights” in the 10th Amendment to support efforts to undermine Constitutional rights, such as access to the ballot, as well as contraception and reproductive rights.

  • Paul has not adequately answered deeply disturbing questions about racist comments in newsletters published under his name in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

  • Gingrich continues to make veiled racist references to “food stamp recipients” and ending poverty by putting kids to work in poor “urban” areas. And Santorum said he didn’t want to “make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”

  • Martin Luther King Jr. said “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” For too many of the presidential candidates, the arc is broken."

    "And the church said, 'Amen!'"





    1. I'm white, but Mitt's so white that even his turds look like chalk sticks.

    2. Wesley R9:02 PM

      Alot of Black Folks used to be Republicans until the Civil Rights Bill was passed.

      Damn Field 19 murders already?

    3. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Martin Luther King Jr. said “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” For too many of the presidential candidates, the arc is broken."

      "And the church said, 'Amen!'"

      It's gonna be a long year. Amazing how democrats who live in disney make believe land can hear so clearly things people aren't saying but can't for the life of them see logic and the inevitable outcome of ridiculous policies.

      MLK also said the proverbial judge a man by his character and not his skin, judging by democrats if they don't cry fake racism they have nothing else. It isn't like you can actually talk about our president and the shithole we are in, nope - it's all because he is half white and was raised white/muslim only now can only get the foolish racist black vote.

      You think it's bad now, wait to see whats left if he does get in again. Can't squeeze blood from a stone now can ya.

    4. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
      I'm white, but Mitt's so white that even his turds look like chalk sticks.

      Are you drawing on the chalk board with Mitt's turds or you eating them?

    5. Funny what hicks focus on when it comes to the MLK memorial......

      The architect and civil Engineering firm responsible for building the memorial, is Black woman owned and operated, founded by 2 Howard University grads.

    6. Anonymous10:56 PM

      "The architect and civil Engineering firm responsible for building the memorial, is Black woman owned and operated, founded by 2 Howard University grads."

      That figures. I knew some of us had to be involved in this fiasco. We can't blame the WM for this. The egregious error was done by Howard University "ignorant" grads. Highschool students know better! This ought to give people an idea what Howard U teaches...

    7. Anonymous11:19 PM

      I don't blame old whites for missing the days of having living wages and retirements. I do wonder why they beleeverate all the money somehow went to the AfAm citizenry...when simple math shows the wages and benefits were removed by Willard and the rest of the st reagan/bush corporate brigands.

      Some, like Paul and Frothy, are Troo Beleevers in Wite betterness...some of the others are simply selling idiocy to a base that pretenderates that ignorance and racism are positives.

      Too late...every AfAm child and every white child KNOWS that the promise of America is for all. :)


    8. Anonymous11:53 PM

      UTS just read this article and thought of you.

      Made me realize some of us have been really hard on you and should just let your dumbassness pass.

      How do you deal with this and trying to pass yourself off as a man, must be tough.

    9. Anonymous12:21 AM

      Well, well, well. The Help won quite a few awards. I guess those awards are a big fat "up yours" to Mr. Field who refuses to watch a great movie. This does me good- just like when the Giants kicked the shit out of those sorry ass Eagles.

      Fields, you have been wrong on so many levels about movies and the NFL. What do you have to say about yourself? As AB says, "shame, shame, shame." Hang your head Field and eat crow.

    10. Chiang12:27 AM

      Ms.Queen said...
      Funny what hicks focus on when it comes to the MLK memorial......

      The architect and civil Engineering firm responsible for building the memorial, is Black woman owned and operated, founded by 2 Howard University grads.

      No wonder it so messed up.

    11. As conferred by your caption, we expect the GOP candidates to remind us tomorrow of King's alleged commonalities with them and the conservative ideal. It doesn't matter to them that the GOP of today is far more socially conservative than it was in the 50's and 60's.

      It's ironic for Romney, who's father's Mormonism meant less to conservatives in the 60's than it does today.

      It's further ironic, as your post mentions, that Romney represents a sort of throwback to that very time in America!

      But I believe all this is lost on socially conservative voters.

      Just like today.


    12. Barnaby12:57 AM

      Thanks for keeping the emphasis on the dog whistling.

    13. Jones1:23 AM

      Cause if you ain't paying, you raciss!

    14. Anonymous1:26 AM

      Jersey McJones said...
      .. the GOP of today is far more socially conservative than it was in the 50's and 60's

      Not really, it just the dominant culture has become so much more decadent than it was in the 50's and 60's

    15. Field, I take issue in regard to that sign stating that Dr. King was a republican. During the struggle of the 60's the dixiecrats ran the democratic party which was quite racist at the time and had been for ages. When the democratic party began changing and supporting equal rights for all folks...they (dixiecrats) joined the republican party in droves.The party of Lincoln(which is an overstatement) is not what we're witnessing now.

      I think it's disingenuous for black republicans to use that as the straw man. I've not seen so much race baiting and code words used by the republican party to appeal to right wingers, bigots and extremists since the Bush regime.

      Frankly, I wish all the states would allow one to register as an independent and vote in the elections for the candidate that they trust despite party affiliation.

    16. Anonymous2:54 AM

      "Alot of Black Folks used to be Republicans until the Civil Rights Bill was passed."

      Nonsense. Although they were a numerical minority, Republicans supported Civil Rights by a larger proportion that Democrats.

      Republicans favored the bill 138 to 34 (80%-20%); Democrats supported it 152-96 (61%-39%).

      Frankly, it's stunning that you don't know this.

      Blacks vote Democrat because of Lyndon Johnson's well-crafted strategy create a massive welfare state. I'm sure you're all familiar with his most famous quote:

      “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years” Lyndon B. Johnson

    17. Happy MLK Day folks. Just remember what happened down in DC back in the early eighties when republicans like Jessie Helms ttried to prevent this day from happening.

    18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    19. ditto

      mlk was not a repub


      hobama is not a dem

      who cares in 2011 when both are synonyms for amoral politicos in a clandestine solo elite party system???

      Dr. Martin Luther King was made to suffer the indignity of being drafted into a corporate president’s campaign and corporate sponsors’ image-making. At the memorial ceremony in Washington, “it was clear Obama’s re-election bid was to be a primary function of the spectacle.” The edifice itself is stripped of any quotes that the race-neutral might find discomforting. “The words ‘Black’ and ‘racism’ make zero appearances at a memorial dedicated to a man who spoke of the essentialness of Black pride and an end to White supremacist notions of race.”

    20. hey fn:

      re: aclu

      do u give them credit for their take on hobama's ndaa too???

      hobama proves he is worse than raygun and bush each day!!!

      especially with ndaa

    21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    22. "The republican candidates and the three letters you will never hear them say. (MLK)"

      Just like you will never hear blacks and white liberals talk about king's womanizing, his plagiarizing of his PhD thesis, and his socialism.

      Or why mlk blvd. are the most dangerous places in this country.

    23. Dr.Queen said...
      The architect and civil Engineering firm responsible for building the memorial, is Black woman owned and operated, founded by 2 Howard University grads

      Thats why is was so f'd up.

    24. More black Savage Attacks10:29 AM

      Mich. Family: Grandmother Assaulted at Chuck E. Cheese's
      DEARBORN, Mich. (WJBK) - A woman is in the hospital after witnesses say she was assaulted at a Chuck E. Cheese's restaurant in Dearborn over the weekend.

      Family members tell FOX 2 the woman was celebrating her grandson's seventh birthday Sunday afternoon when she asked patrons at a nearby table to clean up their language. "She said, 'please don't use that language with children,'" siad the victim's daughter told. "They told her to 'shut the f--- up and turn around.'"

      That's when the daughter says a man jumped over tables and started swinging at people. "He punched her in the face and dragged her by her hair," she added.

      The 50-year-old victim was taken to nearby Oakwood Hospital where family members say she underwent a CAT scan and was treated for lacerations to her face and mouth.

      But blacks are not savages and very civilized people. Yeah right.

    25. tp:

      not true


      many blacks speak openly and explicitly re: mlk's carnal/human flaws

      they do not degrade his angelic noble/peaceful hobama does


    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    27. mlk would hate hobama and mitt

      mitt is a kinder gentler clone of hobama
      killer apped black hobama nazis will FORCE mitt to be so!!!...

      hobama and his banksters (ie goldman sachs/boa et al)
      make mitt and his bain peers look like slackers/paupers...shame!!!

    28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    29. no one who respects king would dare ignore how

      both this opulent corp owned monument and that blackish hoax hobama disgrace mlk horribly!!!!

      kudos to dr. b watkins!!!

      But there’s another part of me that becomes saddened and even disgusted by our decision to celebrate Dr. King’s life in a way that would probably insult him. Economic inequality has actually worsened over time, and the very politicians who claim to admire the life of Dr. King are quick to urinate on the ideals for which he stood. In fact, I venture to say that if he were alive, King would not attend this ceremony himself.

      As it stands today, Black male unemployment is now over 40 percent in many urban areas, African Americans are being incarcerated at holocaust proportions, and inner city children are leaving school without even learning how to read. All the while, the political predators who care nothing for our issues are more than happy to stand and smile at the dedication ceremony for a man they would ignore and ridicule if he were alive right now. The truth is that they are glad to honor Dr. King with a memorial, as long as both he and his spirit remain in the grave.

      We commemorate the life of Dr. King without having the license to do so, like the pastor who recites the word of God as he molests his children and cheats on his wife. We don’t deserve Dr. King, and our decision to memorialize him while rejecting him is entirely reflective of the hypocrisy to which our nation has become accustomed. One must also wonder how Dr. King might feel about a country that continues to oppress the people he claimed to represent. We can’t profess to love a man and simultaneously destroy the people he cares about the most.

      Right now, the imagery of a Martin Luther King memorial is as false as a church built in the middle of a brothel. We must earn the right to honor Dr. King in the same way that a man must complete his course work in order to put a degree on his wall. Dr. King gave us an assignment many decades ago, and we have failed miserably. So, it is out of respect for Dr. Martin Luther King and his memory that I will pass on the dedication ceremony altogether.


    30. tp:

      here is more on the flawed human hero king


      Read it Now

      Happy MLK to All

    32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    34. ditto

      kudos to maya a!!!

      WASHINGTON — A quote inscribed in stone on the new Martin Luther King memorial will likely be changed after complaints it didn’t accurately reflect the civil rights leader’s words.

    35. "Just like you will never hear blacks and white liberals talk about king's womanizing, his plagiarizing of his PhD thesis, and his socialism. "

      Well I'm talking about his Socialism - sadly he wasn't one.

      He did recognize that an economic revolution would be necessary for African-Americans to be liberated, but that was about as far as he ever went. That's my single criticism of MLK, his failure to properly embrace Democratic Socialism as the only key to liberation. His god certainly wasn't about to help him.

    36. mlk was a poor and humble man
      who evaded wealth and opulence etc...

      what would mlk/coretta think of the horridly elitist gauche hobamas???

    37. tp:

      more on the human hero mlk

    38. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Thrasher said...

      Read it Now

      Happy MLK to All

      But they won't open the FBI files until 2027 - why are they sealed and hidden again?

    39. parvenu12:53 PM

      If Dr. King were to cast an opinion as to the state of African Americans today as compared with the state of the Negro during his time, he would be shocked! MLK would not be shocked over the fact that America had elected a Negro president; rather he would be shocked at the destruction of democratic voting rights at the polls in more than 30 states here in America.

      He would be shocked at how it was that millions of Americans sat on their hands and meekly let powerful corporate lobbys use the power of state legislatures to take these basic rights away from many American citizens without the slightest resistance.

      The Republican sponsored voter suppression laws recently passed in Virginia were designed to block/reduce/frustrate African American voter participation in the 2012 election. HOWEVER these new laws actually wound up inadvertly causing four of the six presidential Republican candidates to be kept off the Republican primary ballot in Virginia. The ALEC voter suppression laws that have been copied and passed into law in over 30 state houses around the country represent a DIRECT ATTACK on democracy whether you are black or white.

      The codification of these voter suppression laws in over 30 States and the lack of public outcry against them is what would shock Dr. King if he were present among us on his birthday.

    40. Anonymous1:06 PM

      The Purple Cow said...
      "Just like you will never hear blacks and white liberals talk about king's womanizing, his plagiarizing of his PhD thesis, and his socialism. "

      Well I'm talking about his Socialism - sadly he wasn't one.

      He did recognize that an economic revolution would be necessary for African-Americans to be liberated, but that was about as far as he ever went. That's my single criticism of MLK, his failure to properly embrace Democratic Socialism as the only key to liberation. His god certainly wasn't about to help him.

      Someone clearly has eaten to many magic mushrooms and taken to many LSD dots.

    41. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I find it amazing that Field won't acknowledge that the MLK memorial was screwed up by Blacks, not Whites!

      Thanks to Dr. Queen for the truth, which is rarely embraced here. Guess it is too painful to handle.

    42. Anonymous1:21 PM

      Poor widdle wite boys...all jealous that Dr King was considered more manly by women...and that must upset their Santorum parties.
      Still smarting after all those conservatives were revealed to have been pure plagiarists...they feel they have to smear Dr King with the same sin. Do you have proof of this...or are you just repeaterating to show how loyal a good Nazi you are?

      Perhaps the greatest fault you-all find with Dr King is that AfAms can now compete on a more equal footing...and you are relegated to the low status/no future work once delegated solely by skin colour.


    43. Anonymous1:21 PM

      PC, "Well I'm talking about his Socialism - sadly he wasn't one.

      He did recognize that an economic revolution would be necessary for African-Americans to be liberated, but that was about as far as he ever went. That's my single criticism of MLK, his failure to properly embrace Democratic Socialism as the only key to liberation. His god certainly wasn't about to help him."

      Thanks for honoring MLK on MLK Day. Your comments are well received and certainly important. According to your mind, King fell way short on what he could have done, which was to preach on Socialism in a society whose life blood was capitalism. Thanks Mr. PC. You are a UK black genius.


    44. Anonymous1:23 PM

      mold, "Perhaps the greatest fault you-all find with Dr King is that AfAms can now compete on a more equal footing...and you are relegated to the low status/no future work once delegated solely by skin colour."

      you misspelled "colour". It's "color", w/o the 'u', fool.

    45. I think the memorial is beautiful, a very peaceful place to just sit and think of everything Blacks have accomplished since King's death.

    46. Quote Anonymous 1:06 p.m.

      "Someone clearly has eaten to many magic mushrooms and taken to many LSD dots."

      Someone clearly does not have the capacity to make a valid point, so must resort to lame ad hominem attacks to camouflage their intellectual failings.

    47. "Thanks for honoring MLK on MLK Day. Your comments are well received and certainly important. According to your mind, King fell way short on what he could have done, which was to preach on Socialism in a society whose life blood was capitalism. Thanks Mr. PC. You are a UK black genius. "

      I completely agree.

    48. Anonymous2:12 PM

      The Purple Cow said...
      Quote Anonymous 1:06 p.m.

      "Someone clearly has eaten to many magic mushrooms and taken to many LSD dots."

      Someone clearly does not have the capacity to make a valid point, so must resort to lame ad hominem attacks to camouflage their intellectual failings.

      You spouting Democratic Socialism is all that is necessary for a thinking person to know about your intellectual failings. If things truly were equal, truly were fair, truly met the needs of people based solely upon contributions and what they must do to be a part of the society, the Black race would be decimated.

    49. "You spouting Democratic Socialism is all that is necessary for a thinking person to know about your intellectual failings. If things truly were equal, truly were fair, truly met the needs of people based solely upon contributions and what they must do to be a part of the society, the Black race would be decimated."

      I wonder if you even see the irony of your ignorant statement.

    50. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Read it Now

      Happy MLK to All

      Posted by Thrasher to field negro at 11:48 AM

    51. Quote Anonymous 1:23

      ”you misspelled "colour". It's "color", w/o the 'u', fool.”

      Listen sunshine it’s our language, we invented it, so you don’t get to lecture us on how to spell our language.

      We’ve been trying to teach you dimwits for a couple of hundred years that the words are correctly spelled COLOUR, CENTRE, CATALOGUE, JEWELLERY, MANOEUVRE, GRAY and DEFENCE, but there’s just no teaching you people.

    52. This comment has been removed by the author.

    53. Quote Anonymous 2:12

      "If things truly were equal, truly were fair, truly met the needs of people based solely upon contributions and what they must do to be a part of the society, the Black race would be decimated."

      Errrrm, you haven't thought this argument through, have you?

    54. Anyone else wonder how long poor whites like those who attempt to trash this blog daily, are going to continue to vote red when it's clearly NOT in their best financial interests to do so?

      Do they all think they;re gonna wake up one day and be Ronald Reagan?

    55. "Blacks vote Democrat because of Lyndon Johnson's well-crafted strategy create a massive welfare state."

      Um, I know aloy of Black people and not one votes Democrat because of Johnson's massive welfare state. Stereotype much? Most Black people vote Democrat because the Republican party is full of racists like yourself.

    56. "Not really, it just the dominant culture has become so much more decadent than it was in the 50's and 60's"

      Because nothing says family values like Jim Crow laws and blowing up little girls.

    57. Anonymous8:28 PM

      "Um, I know aloy of Black people and not one votes Democrat because of Johnson's massive welfare state. Stereotype much?"

      That's because most blacks have never heard of Lyndon Johnson or his massive welfare state.
      Yes, I stereotype much.

      "Most Black people vote Democrat because the Republican party is full of racists like yourself."

      Your auto-response play of the race card suggests a lack of original thought, or perhaps mental laziness.
      Blacks mindlessly vote with the party whose motto is “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years”.


    58. Anonymous8:32 PM

      "Because nothing says family values like Jim Crow laws and blowing up little girls."

      If you are concerned with family values, here's some food for thought:
      1. Blacks commit more than half of all murders in this country.
      2. More than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.
      3. More than half of black males do not finish high school.
      4. Almost half of all prison inmates are black.
      5. Blacks have the highest abortion rate.
      6. More than half of all new AIDS cases are blacks, who spread AIDS like wildfire.

    59. "Your auto-response play of the race card suggests a lack of original thought, or perhaps mental laziness."

      Auto-response huh? Calling a person who suggests that all Black people vote Democratic for free stuff a racist? Yeah, you're actually right not thought needed.

      "If you are concerned with family values, here's some food for thought:"

      Funny, as if those problems do not touch white communities. Even if all of your stats are accurate it is still better to live in the modern age than a time when there were laws preventing me from exercising my rights as an American. You also might wanna check the STD and teen pregnancy rates in the "family values" states. Interesting how that works.

    60. 1. Blacks commit more than half of all murders in this country.
      2. More than 70% of black children are born out of wedlock.
      3. More than half of black males do not finish high school.
      4. Almost half of all prison inmates are black.
      5. Blacks have the highest abortion rate.
      6. More than half of all new AIDS cases are blacks, who spread AIDS like wildfire.

      Uh, well seeing as only about half of all murders are solved methinks white people are doing their fair share of murder.And the only reason so many brothas are in jail vice good white folk is because of the unequal justice in this here country as deftly illuminated by none other than Ron Paul.


    62. Anonymous9:51 PM

      "Anyone else wonder how long poor whites like those who attempt to trash this blog daily, are going to continue to vote red when it's clearly NOT in their best financial interests to do so?"

      This may come as a shock, but you are not qualified or capable of determining what is in my best interest.

      Perhaps you should question the black citizens of Detroit (or Birmingham) who watched their city go from thriving metropolis to third-world shithole, all while continuing to elect over and over the exact same Democrats who oversaw the entire descent into hell.

    63. Blacks mindlessly vote with the party whose motto is “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years”.


      What year did LBJ say that? And didn't he sign the CRA that guaranteed civil rights for Black people? Ha, opposed to a party that in 1980 the annointed GOP savior started his campaign in Philadelphia, MS on the guise of "states rights" or used the southern strategy to win white votes or when Nixon suggested that one of the only reasons to get an abortion (which you seem to see as bad) was being impregnated by a Black man, or tonight cheering Newt Gingrich when he suggests Black people are all on food stamps and should demand jobs. Play the dozens all you want but notice you had to go back almost 50 years to find a quote offensive to Black people while the GOP is doing it as we speak. Maybe you should talk to a few Black people and find out why we vote the way we do instead of using tired racist stereotypes to form your opinion but then again that would force you to see us a humans and not characters. Your choice son. We're not as dumb as you think.

    64. "Your auto-response play of the race card suggests a lack of original thought, or perhaps mental laziness."

      And as far as your obvious use of the so-called race card is a sign of intellectual heft? You people are comical.

    65. And let's not forget all the Republican governors re-establishing confederate history month and/or defending the flying of the confederate flag. Yeah anon, way to get my vote. And I'M the one playing some kind of card. If the collective IQ of the GOP ever rises above about 20 I might reconsider. I'll leave the forcing public schools to perform religious ceremonies and the teaching of creationism for another time. At least Republicans are amusing.

    66. No one will ever tear down Dr. King for me. He wasn't a saint & I never considered him one. It's That what he did was for greater good. Ir's that what he did would ultimately be good for everyone, not just African-Americans. The first three people I understood as "World Citizens" were Dr. King, Malcolm X, & Muhummad Ali. Later, I realized that World Citizen was the highest "nationality" to which one could aspire.

    67. Anonymous8:28 AM

      "Auto-response huh?"

      "Calling a person who suggests that all Black people vote Democratic for free stuff a racist?"
      Blacks (upwards of 90%) do not vote for candidates who don't offer freebies. That's a fact, and it's difficult not to notice.

    68. Anonymous8:57 AM

      "What year did LBJ say that?"

      1964, aboard Air Force One.

      "And didn't he sign the CRA that guaranteed civil rights for Black people?"

      Lyndon Johnson voted against every civil rights bill during his tenure in the Senate. But by the time he became president, he had flipped 180 degrees.
      Of course, it wouldn't make sense to veto the bill while pursuing a goal of having "those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years”.
      He was a smart politician, he controlled blacks like puppets, and bragged about it.

      You have to admit, it's funny.

    69. Anonymous9:00 AM

      "And as far as your obvious use of the so-called race card is a sign of intellectual heft?"

      I didn't play the race card.
      That was you, and it was definitely not intellectually hefty.

      "You people are comical."

      I try.

    70. Anonymous9:07 AM

      "defending the flying of the confederate flag."

      You must be referring to Governor Fritz Hollings of South Carolina, who outraged blacks by raising the confederate flag over the SC statehouse in 1962.
      He was a Democrat.

      Apparently, locking in the "nigger vote" was less important to him.

      "If the collective IQ of the GOP ever rises above about 20 I might reconsider."

      If the topic of "collective IQ" concerns you, you should consider the high-school dropout rate of black males, which is over 50%.
      It certainly suggests a rather low collective IQ.

    71. Anonymous9:09 AM

      "Maybe you should talk to a few Black people and find out why we vote the way we do"

      It's already been done.


    72. Anonymous9:12 AM

      "Uh, well seeing as only about half of all murders are solved methinks white people are doing their fair share of murder."

      Any law enforcement officer will tell you that black murders are much more likely to go unsolved because of the difficulty in getting witnesses to talk.

      Try again.

    73. Anonymous9:25 AM

      "And the only reason so many brothas are in jail vice good white folk is because of the unequal justice in this here country"

      LOLOL Keep repeating that, if it makes you feel better.

      High black violent crime is worldwide. Every place on the globe that black people exist has a high black crime rate.
      The wealthiest black county in the entire US (Prince Georges County) has a crime rate significantly higher than poor Asian neighborhoods.

    74. Anonymous10:26 AM

      "you had to go back almost 50 years to find a quote offensive to Black people"

      LOLOL Are you serious??

      My favorite is DNC chairman Howard Dean assuming that menial jobs are for blacks:
      “You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here.”

      Howard is hilarious!!

      Here's more, enjoy!

    75. "This may come as a shock, but you are not qualified or capable of determining what is in my best interest."

      Exactly. This is why there is so much pushback when white people tell us what is in our best interests. You're starting to catch on.

    76. Anonymous8:33 PM

      "Exactly. This is why there is so much pushback when white people tell us what is in our best interests."

      But when black people govern themselves, the result is Detroit, Birmingham, or Haiti.

      In other words, third-world shitholes.

      If black people want to pushback in order to maintain this primitive, filthy lifestyle, then I would definitely encourage all whites to leave them alone.

    77. "But when black people govern themselves, the result is Detroit, Birmingham, or Haiti."

      And beautiful places that white people flock to Jamaica, Bahamas, Senegal, ect. Let's not forget white third world shitholes like Mississippi, West Virginia and Kentucky. You probably live in a trailer park married to your cousin/wife/sister so you probably don't notice it's a shithole. I'll take Detroit over your shitty trailerpark anyday.

    78. Fences are a decorative piece that helps make the home have great curb appeal. When putting up a fence, often one does not realize that there will be maintenance.

      Fences Toronto
