Wednesday, February 29, 2012

If tolerance is wrong I don't want to be right.

Two of Mrs. Fields favorite television shows feature interracial couples. So, in a way, I suppose we are making progress on the social front in this country.

Unfortunately, however, we are not there quite yet.

Just look at the picture that goes with this post. What's not to like? Well apparently not everyone shares my views.

"Kenyata White and Aeimee Diaz were celebrating their anniversary at the American Kitchen & Wine Bar in downtown Phoenix this week when they were suddenly asked to leave the restaurant for "inappropriate behavior." But after an uproar on Facebook and other social media sites, the lesbian couple has been welcomed back with open arms -- and free drinks.

The Arizona Republic reports that the couple was asked to leave the restaurant, which is in the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown Hotel, after the two women were seen hugging and kissing at their table. A manager approached them to tell them their behavior was "inappropriate," and making other customers "uncomfortable."
"My partner and I were reminiscing," White told the Arizona Republic. "I had my arm around her neck, and she had her hand around my waist. I gave her a hug for about a minute, pulled myself away to give her a quick kiss, and then we continued talking." [Source]

One step forward and two steps back.

And as bad as that story was it didn't offend me as much as this one:

"As her elderly mother was dying, Barbara Johnson lay next to her on the hospital bed, reciting the “Hail Mary.” Loetta Johnson, 85, had been a devout Catholic, raising her four children in the church and sending them to Catholic schools.

At her mother’s funeral mass at the St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg, Md., a grieving Barbara Johnson was the first in line to receive communion.

What happened next stunned her. The priest refused Johnson, who is gay, the sacramental bread and wine.

“He covered the bowl with the Eucharist with his hand and looked at me, and said I cannot give you communion because you live with a woman and that is a sin in the eyes of the church,” Johnson told ABC News affiliate WJLA.
Her older brother, Larry Johnson, couldn’t believe what he had seen.
“I walked to the side of the church to console her, because she was clearly distraught,” Johnson told ABC News.

Larry Johnson said his sister, who has been in a committed gay relationship for 19 years, composed herself enough to give her mother’s eulogy, but then he was shocked at what happened next. The priest left the altar, Johnson said, and didn’t return until his sister was nearly finished speaking.

Family members added that the priest failed to come to the grave site, and the burial was attended by a substitute priest found by the funeral director.
Larry Johnson and his sister were outraged at what occurred on “what would already have been the worst day of my life,” he said." [Source]

Father, always remember to ask yourself: What would Jesus do? I think that's the whole point of this religion thing. Dogmatic insensitivity to your fellow human beings (regardless of their sexual orientation) will not get you into heaven.

Finally, congrats to Flipper on his big wins last night. Ricky, it was fun while it lasted. But it was just a matter of time before the rest of A-merry-ca found out what we already knew here in Pistolvania: That you are one crazy dude with visions of a theocratic A-merry-ca.


  1. Catholics are hypocrites, everyone already knows that!!!

    And triple lol @ Brooklyn's comment in the previous thread!!!

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    personaly I don't believe in displays of affection in public. Except between parents/children. Def not by persons that are sexually involved.
    It just seems to sexully charged and not correct. My upbringing was such that this was not allowed and I believe it to be the best policy still.

  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Field, that photo in your post is disgusting. Also, adults ought to have enough self-restraint to not display charged passion in public.

    Finally, it's bad enough to witness a man and a woman in a lip lock in public, let alone two gays. It really is ugly, weird, and sinful. It's enough to make any straight human being sick to their stomach. This world is definitely coming to an end.

  4. "Go to hell Barack"on a billboard in a DC metro station? ONLY with a Black man in the whitehouse, SMDH!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:07 PM

    That priest was being true to his religion. He could not give her communion by the laws of his church.

    What would you have him do, break them for her? I don't think so.

    Dr. Reine, If he had made an exception, THAT would have made him a hypocrite. Nevertheless, I understand your ignorance and contempt.

  6. Little Ricky thinks Penn State dissed him because he's a conservative. They probably just ignored him because he's a dickweed.

  7. Dr. Pope11:09 PM

    Ms.PorkReine c/o 1982 said...
    Catholics are hypocrites, everyone already knows that!!!

    And undereducated ghetto hos are bigots, everyone knows that!!!

    They also know you will never be a doctor!!!

  8. Field if that had been a straight couple making out and groping one another in a restaurant, you would have no problem with them being told to find a room. But since it's a couple of lesbians, they deserve a medal.

    That picture does make me hot, though.

  9. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Field, I am appealing: TAKE THAT PHOTO DOWN!

  10. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Dr Love, "That picture does make me hot, though."

    Dr Love, you are a terrible sinner and you are going to straight to hell. So is Field. I am throwing up.

  11. "It really is ugly, weird, and sinful. It's enough to make any straight human being sick to their stomach."

    Why did you have to mention that you are "straight man". That's between you and your significant other. I don't think that the rest of us care.

    BTW,I suspect that you will come to an end before the world does. Just a thought.

    Desertflower, do all PDA's offend you or just those between Gays?

  12. "Field, I am appealing: TAKE THAT PHOTO DOWN!"

    I tried, but something keeps pulling me back. Please pray for me.

  13. To the liberal, there are no standards, no right or wrong, no good or bad.

    You think this woman should be given communion merely because she wants to receive communion. But in fact this is a sacred rite to Catholics and is not be dispensed as though it were hors d'oeuvres.

    Life is full of choices. She could have chosen to live within the moral codes of her religion. Instead she chose a homosexual lifestyle. Now she wants both. How liberal.

  14. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Field, "BTW,I suspect that you will come to an end before the world does. Just a thought."

    That's true. God will remove me before this sinful world ends. And your ass will be headed straight to hell. I am sure brother JLP will agree with me...just a thought.

  15. "Life is full of choices. She could have chosen to live within the moral codes of her religion. Instead she chose a homosexual lifestyle."

    I wonder if some of those priests who were molesting little boys were giving communion while they were doing it.

    Yes, life is about choices, unfortunately some of those little boys didn't have a choice.

    The woman's mother was a lifelong Catholic and a good one. Should she have been punished because of the perceived sins of her daughter?

    Give me a break! If there is such a place, folks like you will be joining that priest in hell. Pack light for your trip; it will be hot down there.

  16. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Catholics are hypocrites, everyone already knows that!!!

    And triple lol @ Brooklyn's comment in the previous thread!!!

    You truly are a dumb ass. You don't know much about anything at all and you aren't a Doctor so why are you calling yourself one? Fraud much? When you earn it, then use the title.

    Field your liberal schtick is on auto pilot. You cannot be gay and catholic and you cannot recve holy communion. Sorry pal but that aint the combinations god and nature picked out. If you want to suck on a pickle its your business and between you and god as long as you don't shove your disgusting depravity in my face, but you don't get to change the rules on this one. She is lucky she wasn't excommunicated on the spot and refused burial rites and or burial in holy ground. Taco munching and burrito chewing by members of the same sex is freaky, sick, depraved, wrong, against nature, against every religion known to man and did i say sick, why it is just a perfect liberal pastime. Perfect for liberals.

  17. Anonymous11:33 PM

    "Field, I am appealing: TAKE THAT PHOTO DOWN!"

    I tried, but something keeps pulling me back. Please pray for me.

    11:19 PM
    Yep, your ass is going to roast in hell, eternally. You are going to regret this post on Feb 29, 2012 because it's the one that closed the gates to Heaven to you.

    I will pray that your soul doesn't end up on the griddle down there. I will pray you will end up in the least heated neighborhood of hell. It's still hot, but it will be more comfortable than the griddle. So long, Smokin' Field.

  18. "You cannot be gay and catholic and you cannot recve holy communion. Sorry pal but that aint the combinations god and nature picked out."

    Can you be a priest and a child molester? Did "god and nature" pick that out?

    "Taco munching and burrito chewing by members of the same sex is freaky, sick, depraved, wrong, against nature, against every religion known to man and did i say sick, why it is just a perfect liberal pastime.."

    You really should get out more.

  19. "I will pray that your soul doesn't end up on the griddle down there. I will pray you will end up in the least heated neighborhood of hell."

    Just don't put me with the priests. :(

  20. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Field, you have NO MORALS! After seeing that sickening photo, I am so sick that I am headed to the ER because my stomach won't stop heaving.

  21. "Field, you have NO MORALS! After seeing that sickening photo, I am so sick that I am headed to the ER because my stomach won't stop heaving."

    Oh no! ()-:

    Are you sure it's your stomach?

  22. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Field, I am reporting you to the Jamaican government for encouraging gay activities. Now, I bet the government doesn't tolerate that mess.

  23. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Field, Rev Jesse Lee Peterson is going to tear you a new one over this post. Just wait and see. Sinner!

  24. Anonymous11:56 PM

    AB is going to love this.

  25. Field Negro said...
    "Yes, life is about choices, unfortunately some of those little boys didn't have a choice."

    So because some have committed horrible violations of their moral code, we should just dispense with the code entirely - is that your point?

    The fact that her mother was a good catholic has nothing to do with dropping all requirements for her daughter. This is no way "punishment" for her mother; her mother was dead. If she really was a good Catholic, she would not want the church to violate its rules to accomodate her daughter. Her daughter should have known better.

    You display a typical liberal inability to understand objective morality.

  26. Field, ask yourself "what would Jesse Lee do" and all of your problems will be solved.

    BTW, didn't you just love Crash's ignorance about the type of insanity Santorum says? Bill Mahr was right, conservatives live in a fact free bubble.

  27. Anonymous3:07 AM

    field negro this anon doesnt understant ur irritation with the priest either as other commentators had said communion is a sacred rite and the catholic church has a strong and vocal stance against homosexual lifestyles in addition to adultery and other sexual immoral things jess cuz a few sick priests decided to molest boys doesn't mean that all priests or nuns are psychos like that and those who truly are faithful to their religion ought to be respected on their turf which is the church and other sacred grounds would u have the catholics change their doctrine which is conistent with leviticus, deuteronomy and romans in the bible?

  28. Anonymous3:08 AM

    and miss wannabe dawktaw who will neva be u never cease to shut ur fat fish lips do u? nasty filthy gutter ho tryin to pose like u some type of intellectual we all see u for the ignint lyin wikipedia stub quoting fool u is dummy!

  29. Anonymous5:04 AM


  30. Field, I truly hope you're still tracking IP addys on your site, lol!!! Me thinks the racists boogie man is coming after you behind this post, lol!!!

    Now if you'd gone with a white couple, things would be okey, dokey!

    "Be a snob and get a F'king education", ROTFLMBAO X 10000!

  31. And I think this is the soonest you've EVER had comment moderation, d@mn ignorant, racists, homophobic, buffoons!!!!!

  32. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt

  33. Anonymous7:05 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Anonymous7:05 AM

    field negro said...
    "Desertflower, do all PDA's offend you or just those between Gays?
    I'm against all PDA's, be they hetero or homosexual.

    Perhaps I should have specified, and I believe I've mentioned this before. I love my gays Field! Make no mistake! The coolest, most intelligent, and nicest people on the planet! Always have, always will.
    Have I mentioned that two of my bestest doctors are gay? My gastro is an eminence in his field and so is my chemo doctor. and I chose them.

    My thing is that I feel that public displays are just too sexually charged.
    It makes me personally feel uncomfortable. Perhaps I'm a very sexually oriented or easily aroused person, and/or coupled with my upbringing, but I don't feel comfortable around people of any sexual orientation kissing and cuddling in public. I immediately start thinking about sex.

    I know, I know, it's crazy, but that's me and I have to be honest. Anybody else feel this way or is it too much information? LOL :P (please don't judge me :)

    My thoughts are that that it's too intimate for public, and should be reserved for the privacy of the home.

    Going to have coffee now,all this talk about sex has made me .... um......hungry

  35. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Let me see if I get this. A privately owned business is pressured into accepting behavior it deems inappropriate. WTF. What ever happened to private property rights and a business owner determining what behavior is acceptable in his/her place of business?

  36. Anonymous7:29 AM

    You are a hypocrite. You see pictures of straight PDA all the time and you never think twice. Get over yourself. This is not about you and what you like, but equal rights. Period.

    Thank you FN for this post.


    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      I don't offer comment unless it's the subject of the post, and comment is called for on this particular topic of PDA. And I reiterate, I don't feel comfortable whether it's coming from straight or gay couples. Sexual orientation has absolutely nothing to do with public displays of affection. To me PDA is a precursor to sexual activity and should be reserved for private.

      I'm not talking about a peck on the cheek to say goodbye or a kiss In a celebratory manner Etc.

  37. Anonymous8:10 AM

    VC "The fact that her mother was a good catholic has nothing to do with dropping all requirements for her daughter. This is no way "punishment" for her mother; her mother was dead. If she really was a good Catholic, she would not want the church to violate its rules to accomodate her daughter. Her daughter should have known better.

    You display a typical liberal inability to understand objective morality."

    I co-sign 100%. Field needs to stop exalting himself as Judge of Catholicism. He needs to stop trying to play GOD. His ignorance of religion is astonishing. Billions of Catholics live by the tenets of their Church and faith.

    For Field to judge the Catholic Church is hilarious, considering he is a criminal lawyer. Criminal lawyers have no morals, beliefs or sensitivity AT ALL. lol

    And you have the nerve to judge Catholicism? You are one blind arrogant sick dude. But you are great entertainment just being your sinful self. lol

  38. fn:




    how about a beautiful black lesbian couple posted here sometime???????

    we see enough black men with white women etc...u know???

    u have way too may kkk posting here...this is not a good combined

  39. anon:

    yes i do love it...amen!!!

    fn made my day!!!

    thank u fn!!!

    here is more on gay catholics etc:

  40. eg


  41. hey fn:

    if u r moderating

    why post thr vdlr's vulgar insanity??

    if the vdlr is still moderating...

    why such deliberate sabotage/ruin?????????

    the vdlr is worse than the kkk

  42. memo to andrew:

    karma is real!!!

    cc this to shirley sherrod


    hey vdlr:

    how r u????

  43. PilotX the Bubble Boy said...
    BTW, didn't you just love Crash's ignorance about the type of insanity Santorum says? Bill Mahr was right, conservatives live in a fact free bubble

    Anyone who takes Bill Maher's word on anything has proven themselves to an ignoramus.

    If you tried some legitimate sources of information, the world would stop loking like a cartoon. Grow up, PilotX.

  44. Would a priest/Have preists refuse(d) communion to people who are known alcoholics, gamblers, liars and/or adulterers? I am asking this as a sincere question, wondering how often refusing to give someone communion happens.

  45. NSangoma11:06 AM

    Say it was you field, and not the mayor:
    PHILADELPHIA-According to reports, Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter was caught on camera spanking a blond woman in a bowling alley on somebody’s camera phone.

    Fox 29 Philadelphia received the video, according to reports, but refused to air it after being consulted by Nutter who convinced them to not air the video. reports:

    A Fox 29 viewer recorded Nutter and his female companion having a blast about 2 a.m. one day last summer, sources say. We’re told the cellphone video is of high-enough quality that you can hear the two butt slaps Nutter delivered to the woman, identified by our sources only as Andrea, as she got up to bowl.

  46. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Some of that in Phoenix had to do with some color issue in some ways.
    Good on the LGBT organizations to be on the spot on this one. Usually when situations involved my LGBT brothers and sisters who share my skin tone, the Gay Rights crow are kinda slow to respond.

  47. Sorry, field, Ricky isn't done yet. As I'm sure you learned, he split the vote with Flipper in Michigan and think he's heading for a shoo-in in Ohio. He's not going away! He's got a mandate! Avanti, the 14th century calls!

  48. Actual headline this week in the New York Times:

    Beheadings Raise Doubts That Taliban Have Changed

    You don't say? Public beheadings of people because they were using cell phones are only enough to cause the NYT to “doubt” that the Taliban are “reasonable negotiating partners” and not the same brutal thugs they were in 2001.


    I wonder, what would it take to create certainty on this score?

  49. Sgt. I'm Gonna Puke1:39 PM

    Field, I think you should post this picture right beside the photo of the two lesbians:

    Isn't that just precious!

    Semper Fi

  50. Quote VoxDay on the Voxday blog 10:00

    "Just doubts, mind you. Sure, they may be beheading people for carrying mobile phones and all, but we don't actually know for sure that they are still totalitarian religious fanatics firmly planted in the seventh century Anno Domini. This article tends to raise an obvious question. If public beheadings are not enough to convince the NYT that the Taliban has not changed over the course of the eleven years of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan, what would suffice?"

    Sound familiar?

    Check this post on this thread...

    Quote Liberal delusions 11:00

    Actual headline this week in the New York Times:

    "Beheadings Raise Doubts That Taliban Have Changed

    You don't say? Public beheadings of people because they were using cell phones are only enough to cause the NYT to “doubt” that the Taliban are “reasonable negotiating partners” and not the same brutal thugs they were in 2001.


    I wonder, what would it take to create certainty on this score?

    The Conservative Soundboard in full flow, it took an entire hour.

  51. wow. not much to say after that.

  52. Wonderful post. The comments adverse to tolerance are abhorrent. How can I tweet this post?

  53. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Wow. I can't hardly believe the meanspirited comments about public displays or affection and/or gays.

    Are so many people so easily offended? Or are y'all just hateful bigots?

    Hate the sin ( if you must hate... ) and love the sinner.

    Oh, and go get your over-sensitive a$$es a box of cookies so you feel better.

  54. omg


  55. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Dr. Reine, "Field, I truly hope you're still tracking IP addys on your site, lol!!! Me thinks the racists boogie man is coming after you behind this post, lol!!!"

    These are not racists boogie men, you mindless ignoramus. These are devout Catholics as well as other Christians responding to his condemning judgment of Catholicism. Anybody with half a brain can see that . However, you have none, so you are forgiven even though you are godless.

  56. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Myblackfriendsays, "Would a priest/Have preists refuse(d) communion to people who are known alcoholics, gamblers, liars and/or adulterers? I am asking this as a sincere question, wondering how often refusing to give someone communion happens."

    A friend of mine served in the Vietnam War, a politically unpopular war. He was a Catholic from Philadephia and the priest of his church would not give him communion because he fought and killed during the Vietnam war.

    The Catholic Church's moral tenets are strictly adhered to. These tenets have levels of sinfulness. Gambling or alcholism is not the same as killing, homosexuality, pedophilia, or sex addiction. If you are a homosexual, don't show up during Mass expecting to receive ain't going to happen. Get it?

    People who are gay and want blessings and communion from their ministers ought to find another religion other than Catholicism. It'll be less stressful than trying to change the Catholic Church, their faith, and God to suit yourself.

    And ALL the bs negative worldly postings by FN isn't going to change Catholicism or Spiritual Laws one bit. It's not in the business of satisfying the ego.

  57. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Desertflower, "My thing is that I feel that public displays are just too sexually charged.
    It makes me personally feel uncomfortable. Perhaps I'm a very sexually oriented or easily aroused person, and/or coupled with my upbringing, but I don't feel comfortable around people of any sexual orientation kissing and cuddling in public. I immediately start thinking about sex.

    I know, I know, it's crazy, but that's me and I have to be honest. Anybody else feel this way or is it too much information? LOL :P (please don't judge me :)

    My thoughts are that that it's too intimate for public, and should be reserved for the privacy of the home."

    I can tell by the way you think you are a good Catholic girl. When's the last time you received communion, or confessed? May I suggest you get over there as soon as possible?

    I like the way you avoided the issue of the post, which is about gays in the Catholic Church. Do you feel they should receive communion?

    BTW, I will be sailing to PR to see you soon... Lord have mercy.

  58. Just to freak these commenters out more, here is a picture of a gay male soldier, in uniform, kissing his boyfriend upon coming home from active duty.

  59. NSangoma said...
    "A little boy said to his mother; 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're
    white?'" the email joke reads. "His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack, my father's friend, Frank Marshall Davis, raped me when I was 16. They sent me to Hawaii where another of my father's friends married me to cover up what Frank did. That's why your daddy didn't stick around, you little bastard"

    Everyone who has had to live under the presidency of that little bastard should get their money back.

  60. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Z, "Just to freak these commenters out more, here is a picture of a gay male soldier, in uniform, kissing his boyfriend upon coming home from active duty."

    6:13 PM
    My God! that picture made my skin crawl and I literally threw up. The Bible says the end would be near when men are sleeping with men and women are sleeping with women....quite sickening.

  61. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I have noticed that Granny is conspicuously absent on this post. She is avoiding telling Field how she feels about homosexuality....COWARD!

    The same goes for PilotX and that Brit called Purple Cow. You Negroes are all COWARDS who suck up to Field. You are unable to stand up and be counted.

  62. I don't wear it on my sleeve, but I was born, raised, and educated Catholic. I served at Alter for 6 years, still attend weekly Mass, and tithe to Catholic Charities.

    Ordinarily, taking communion is a matter between a Catholic and God. No priest can claim to know the state of sin of another soul. If he is not the confessor, he can have no idea; if he is the confessor, he can't break the seal of the confessional.

    Under Cannon law, only a known formally excommunicated Catholic (and that only happens anymore to renegade priests and bishops) can be refused communion.

  63. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I can tell by the way you think you are a good Catholic girl. When's the last time you received communion, or confessed? May I suggest you get over there as soon as possible?

    I like the way you avoided the issue of the post, which is about gays in the Catholic Church. Do you feel they should receive communion?

    BTW, I will be sailing to PR to see you soon... Lord have mercy.
    Can't wait to see you but with your sailing skills, I won't hold my breath ;)Good luck with the sharks!

    On the subject of the denial of communion because of sexual orientation. I should think that by now most everyone here knows my stance on both organized religion, which I do not believe in and sexual orientation which I don't care about.
    I've always said that a persons orientation has nothing whatsoever to do with the kind of human being they are. So I pay no attention to it.

    I agree that the Catholic church is super hypocritical with their "celibate" priests and nuns. My thoughts are that nobody on this earth can be truly "celibate" unless they are physically ill.

    It's a sad day when this woman is denied the Eucharist, and I certainly don't agree with that. As Field said, this was not in Jesus teachings.
    This is the reason many gays are attending churches that welcome them as Gods children.

    The Catholic church and that particular priest, who sounds quite angry and hateful and is, I think, perhaps projecting, simply cannot be counted on to change it's ways at this point. He is angry, hateful, and spiteful, but acting, as did the Grand Inquisitors, what he feels are within the tenets of his religion!

    My thoughts on the two women that were asked to leave is that this was wrong,as according to the news they did not engage in making out or petting or any licentious behavior. It was a hug and a kiss and that's it. This falls under the category of a celebratory kiss and hug and clearly offended the men because it was between two women.

    To have asked them to leave was wrong unless their policy is to expel any couple that does the same. It was entirely discriminatory.

  64. @anonymous: thanks for answering my question. I know you don't speak for all Catholics, but I appreciate your perspective.

    It's interesting to hear that there are different levels of sin; I am more familiar with the Protestant interpretation that is more along the lines of "sin is sin."

  65. Y'all will probably be shocked at the Georgia vasectomy bill, too:

  66. @Anonymous 11:07,

    Say we concede that the priest was only following the rules of the Church by refusing to administer Communion to this woman? What rule was being followed when he failed to show up for her mother's burial?

    You would think that a group of men who have spent decades protecting colleagues engaged in pederasty would be a bit more compassionate towards their congregants.
