Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Breitbart and Cebull post.

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ”  ~Wayne Dyer~ 

I hear you Mr. Dyer, but I thought about another quote after learning of the death of Andrew Breitbart: "The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter."

I would like to remind everyone of the actions of Andrew Breitbart following the death of Teddy Kennedy. He immediately took to twitter and said the most evil vile things about the man before his body had even turned cold. 

If there is really a place called hell I am quite sure that Andrew Breitbart is there right now.  The good news for Andrew is that he can join his friend Lee Atwater and maybe try to run the devils campaign to take over the world.

Honestly, for all of you people whose lives were destroyed by this despicable prick, I would love to join you for long slow waltz on his grave.

Finally, my racism chase takes me all across the country to the wonderful state of Montana. 

I am sure you all have heard by now about the federal Judge who was caught sending racist e-mails which made fun of the president of the United States.

Of course this comes as no surprise to those of us who understand the nature of certain folks here in A-merry-ca. But this is not some red neck in an Alabama trailer park; this is a senior FEDERAL JUDGE. If that doesn't send a wakeup call to you Negroes in "post-racial" A-merry-ca, I don't know what will.  

As is always the case, the judge is now sorry that he is being seen as a racist. I am sure that if he didn't live in Montana he would tell us that some of his best friends know. He only meant his ignorant hateful e-mail towards Obama because of his profound disdain for the man. (BTW, that profound disdain is building. If O wins four more years they will have to double the Secret Service budget.)  

"Richard Cebull, chief US district judge in the state of Montana, said he sent the email to a small group of friends because he is opposed to Obama. He acknowledged it was racist, but denied being racist himself.

"Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this," said the email containing the offensive joke.

The judge admitted that he sent the email to six "old buddies," the paper reported.

"It was not intended by me in any way to become public," Cebull said. "I apologize to anybody who is offended by it, and I can obviously understand why people would be offended."

"The only reason I can explain it to you is I am not a fan of our president, but this goes beyond not being a fan," he added. "I didn't send it as racist, although that's what it is. I sent it out because it's anti-Obama."

And here is the truly hilarious part:

"I have never considered myself that way," he said. "All I can emphasize is I've treated people in my courtroom all these years fairly. I don't think I've ever demonstrated racism. Nobody has ever even implied it." [Source]

Yes, I am sure that all those black people who came before you in Montana will attest to that.



  1. SickupandFed7:32 PM

    Hey Field!

    I used to live in Montana and I know there are folk like him out there. IMO though, most of the folk there are OK.

    I noticed this prick didn't include the President in his apology.

  2. SickupandFed7:34 PM

    Oh! BTW, fuck not-so-bright-bart. I hope Ms. Sherrod shows his estate no mercy.

  3. sharon from ct7:39 PM

    Breitbart was a fraud and a political terrorist and a sorry excuse for a human being. When his entrapment schemes failed, he falsified the records. And he looked a heck of a lot older than his 43 years.

    Ms. Sherrod, on the other hand, is a very classy woman to express only concern about his family. I would not have been so classy.

  4. Field, I know their are a lot of racist in ALabama, but I'm a redneck who lived in a trailer park for years. I grew up in Birmingham, I have NO desire to return to the "good old days." The Montana Judge is making the trailer park folks look bad. I do admit to being a minority in my state, not by race but by my beliefs, such as keep the government out of our bedrooms, our wives bodies, and get the knuckle draggers out of our legislature and let parents teach morality at home.I won't claim that I was never racist, but I grew up. Alabama is my home, it's all I know. I like it here. I wish we would look at what's really important, such as moving into the 20th century, then maybe we can reach the 21st century before it is over.

  5. Millions of silent wishes granted



    I remember a Montanan in boot camp calling the Indigenous Americans in his home state "prairie nl&&3R$." They might never have seen a black person in person, but they're as Amerikkkan as trees and ropes.

  6. So Drew dropped dead. Karma is a bee-oytch!!!

  7. Wonder If They'll Bury Breitbart in his full hood and robe!

  8. LiberalsAreDisgusting9:28 PM

    I despise fucking liberals. Breitbart did nothing but show the film and peoples own words only in Liberal land can somene who says racist things be a victim and the person who shows the film the real racist.

    In case you forget Field, Weiner was the one who attacked Breitbart while he lied to him, you and all of us until he got exposed. Weiner was FORCED to admit it due to the evidence. He lied until he was forced.

    Liberalism is a mental disease. Moral outrage of those who live completely without morals. Have no standards this way no one can ever call you a hyprocrite. Disgusting people.

  9. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Ms. Sherrod, on the other hand, is a very classy woman to express only concern about his family. I would not have been so classy.

    Shes a piece of shit racist who is crying because her own words got exposed. I hope she goes all the way and they get a real judge. You show me how the words you said defame your character. You said them no one else.

  10. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "I am sure you all have heard by now about the federal Judge who was caught sending racist e-mails which made fun of the president of the United States"

    Yeah, yeah, spare the world your uber sensitive bullshit. We all know if you say the truth to a Black person they get outraged and don't you dare make a joke, nothing funny about being Black. Heh. It was a fucking joke, just like millions of jokes everyone makes about every other races.

    What makes it ok for you to say "some redneck in an alabama trailer park" and bad for someone to say some spook in the hood?

    You want to talk about judges and real impact talk about the judge who is practicing Sharia Law in Pennsylvania. Why, that will even impact the uber sensitive dontcha be sayin no truth that be racist black people.

  11. Field Negro: "If there is really a place called hell I am quite sure that Andrew Breitbart is there right now"

    Hell must be the place liberal bootlickers like yourself want to send people who speak Truth to Power.

    Bretbart had two things you lack: talent and integrity.

    Andrew Breitbart took on the lapdog media establishment by publicizing the stories they sought to bury. Thanks to Andrew Breitbart, that cesspool of corruption and fraud know as ACORN had to slink away back into the shadows.

    A "despicable prick" is someone who demeans a heroic figure like Andrew Breitbart by slavishly parroting the slander handed him by the plantation masters. Someone like you.

  12. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    She (Sherrod) is a piece of shit racist who is crying because her own words got exposed. I hope she goes all the way and they get a real judge. You show me how the words you said defame your character. You said them no one else.

    It was a video tape of sherrod admitting she was a racist and screwed over white farmers whenver she had the chance.

    MF shirley sherrod.

  13. Dr. Breitbart10:05 PM

    Ms.PorkReine c/o 1982 said...
    So Drew dropped dead. Karma is a bee-oytch!!!

    So all your medical school applications got kicked to the curb.

    Stupidity is a bee-oytch!!!

    You will never be a doctor.

  14. There is nothing wrong with a joke that portrays Obama's mother as a whore. She was a whore.

  15. If you think this guy was a "heroic figure" you might want to do a serious reassessment of your life. Just a thought.

    "Bretbart had two things you lack: talent and integrity."

    Well he has neither now; he is dead.

  16. Fuck You Whitey10:13 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Millions of silent wishes granted


    You are lower then the roach on the bottom of your shoe.

  17. "There is nothing wrong with a joke that portrays Obama's mother as a whore. She was a whore."

    And I heard reagan was a pedophile.

    ....See how that works?

  18. Did anyone else hear Dr. Drew blabbing on about Breitbart? I USED to watch his show, but NO more!!!

  19. Anonymous10:27 PM

    If I remember correctly st reagan was accused of being a rapist...back when women could not bring charges.

    Why are the wingnuts so terrified?

    I did note the very unusual speed for the 'natural causes' meme to be sent. How much time is required for a thorough autopsy and chemical assay? Seems this was already decided.

    Odd that a not-racist judge would send a somehow not-racist email to totally not-racist friends. Wonder if the judge would like such conjecture about the women in his life...or is it only acceptable to say this about 'race traitors'?
    Call me cynical...but it does occur to me that a Federal Judge might have the sense to not place such idiocy in an arena open to public scrutiny.
    White man be much stoopid.
    Mayhaps this will change the concept of wite least Whitney was paid to say outrageous entertainment.


  20. So lemme get this straight. Saying hate full, prejudice, mindless crap gets you 98 year old face in 41 year old body( except the heart), a drop dead/ no need for a defibrillator card, and a first class ticket to hell to be the devil's bee-oytch!!!

    See, good things REALLY do happen to people who need a F'king education, lol!!!

  21. Robert Kopechne10:36 PM

    "I would like to remind everyone of the actions of Andrew Breitbart following the death of Teddy Kennedy. He immediately took to twitter and said the most evil vile things about the man before his body had even turned cold."

    Breitbart said of Kennedy "Look, this man was granted absolution for nothing. Class, life station played a part but PARTY was everything".

    That is completely true.

    Ted Kennedy really was "a special pile of human excrement". He was a fat drunk who groped and raped his way through life. He was the son of a billionaire who became a lifelong Senator because of who his brother was. He got drunk, picked up a young secretary, drove his car into the bay, and left her there to drown while he got his lawyer to lie him out of jail. He spent his life paying for his sins with the money of working class citizens. Ted Kennedy was the vilest, evilest figure in American politics of the last 100 years, if not ever.

  22. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Ms.PorkReine c/o 1982 said...
    So lemme get this straight. Saying hate full, prejudice, mindless crap gets you 98 year old face in 41 year old body( except the heart), a drop dead/ no need for a defibrillator card, and a first class ticket to hell to be the devil's bee-oytch!!!

    See, good things REALLY do happen to people who need a F'king education, lol!!!
    Is that you got that 98 year old ass on your 48 year old body?

    I hope some good things REALLY do happen to you. And soon.

    Lord knows, you need a fucking education.

    You will never be a doctor.

  23. I wonder if Bruetbart's obsession with Weiner's penis is what ultimately did him in.

  24. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Reagan was never accused of rape.

  25. Dr. Got Your Number10:43 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o hell freezes over said...
    I wonder if Bruetbart's obsession with Weiner's penis is what ultimately did him in.

    I wonder if you can breathe and count to three at the same time.

    You will never be a doctor.

  26. Anonymous10:47 PM

    If there is a hell ted kennedy and that crack ho whitney houston would be there.

  27. "Anonymous said...
    Reagan was never accused of rape."

    Read what mold posted again.

  28. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Reagan was never accused of rape. Who reads what that gibbering idiot mold writes? You know Reagan was as good a man as Ted Kennedy was an evil one. As a liberal, you hate the good and venerate the evil. It's how you roll.

  29. If I remember correctly st reagan was accused of being a rapist...back when women could not bring charges.
    If I remember correctly st reagan was accused of being a rapist...back when women could not bring charges.

    Why are the wingnuts so terrified?


    By who? Links please. Provide proof that women could not bring charges.

    Who is terrified?

  30. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Mold can't remember correctly which one is a spoon, and which one is a fork.

  31. ted kennedy killed a woman and sexually assault another. Thats just what we know of.

    Search the term "waitress sandwich"

    How many women have been raped and murdered by the kennedy mafia?

  32. "By who? Links please. Provide proof that women could not bring charges."

    Provide proof that Obama's mother is a whore. And please don't say because she slept with a black man.

  33. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Provide proof that Obama's mother is a whore. And please don't say because she slept with a black man.

    Google 'Obama's momma nude' for starters

  34. Field, Great Post as usual...

  35. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    So lemme get this straight. Saying hate full, prejudice, mindless crap gets you 98 year old face in 41 year old body( except the heart), a drop dead/ no need for a defibrillator card, and a first class ticket to hell to be the devil's bee-oytch!!!

    See, good things REALLY do happen to people who need a F'king education, lol!!!

    What the hell is the ghetto trash tryin to say? For a woman who claims 30 years of education you have to be one of the most illiterate hoochie mommas I have run across on these here interwebnets.

    You can bring the hoochie ghetto slut to school but you can't make her think, no one can, she doesn't have the tools.

  36. Anonymous11:43 PM

    field negro said...
    "Anonymous said...
    Reagan was never accused of rape."

    Read what mold posted again.

    Turn your head around straight and stop playing exorcist and you won't be able to understand him anymore just like the rest of the human race.

    Oh and Obama's Momma was a baby Mamma and a slut. I know you liberals keep lowering standards but any woman back then who let a Kenyan she just off the plane that she just met fuck her brains out and give her a baby was a whore.

    Then she moved on to the next one that would have her, some guy in indonesia. Once the guys in Hawaii knew all about her they wouldn't give her a lei and she was ugly as sin so she didn't have a choice.

  37. Anonymous11:54 PM

    If I remember correctly st reagan was accused of being a rapist...back when women could not bring charges.

    That's just a story your momma told your daddy so he wouldn't know she fucked the retard down the street....and then you came out.

    Why are the wingnuts so terrified?

    More like outraged and had it up to our necks with this racism/liberal fucking insanity day in and day out. Time to tell you to go fuck yourself Steve.

    I did note the very unusual speed for the 'natural causes' meme to be sent. How much time is required for a thorough autopsy and chemical assay? Seems this was already decided.

    Yeah, pretty quick. Eerily similar to the 3 gay guys killed in 2008 that were members of the church of trinity. 2 were executed and one committed suicide. Wonder who "blew" them away.

    Odd that a not-racist judge would send a somehow not-racist email to totally not-racist friends. Wonder if the judge would like such conjecture about the women in his life...

    Stop being a pussy, fuck you and your racism. We don't care anymore you little girl. Man up. It was a joke. What are you a sensitive little bitch? Are you that insecure and inferior?

    or is it only acceptable to say this about 'race traitors'?

    You mean the Black people you call Tom's?

  38. Field, you used to have high quality commenters - what has happened?

    This all indicates that racism isn't dead, and racists are vulgar.

  39. Field, maybe, you shouldn't discuss deaths on here, unless you hand out soap as a mouthwash because it seems to bring out the worst in the anonymous posters. Their language tends to get real coarse and verbally abusive towards women.

    It's obvious that rightwing men have no respect for women.

  40. Anonymous12:09 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It's obvious that rightwing men have no respect for women

    Unlike Ted Kennedy and Bobby Brown.

  41. Ted Kennedy and Bobby Brown don't post on here! You should have more respect for the women who do and for yourself than to call women that you do not know personally, nor have you ever been in their company before all those vile and despicable names. You call yourself an educated man, but you use low-class language.

    You tired? You not half as tired as a lot of folks on here who would like to come on here and discuss topics with some type of decorum without the vulgar namecalling and calling women out their name.

  42. Breitbart was right12:38 AM

    If you watch the entire undedited Shirley Sherrod video it's much worse than the original part Breitbart showed.

    Sherrod's lawsuit is a joke. She's a racist piece of shit that is going to go down hard.

  43. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Field, "The good news for Andrew is that he can join his friend Lee Atwater and maybe try to run the devils campaign to take over the world."

    Haven't you heard? The devil took over the earth eons ago. In fact, he rules the earth.

    Field, you Liberal Fundamentalists don't know anything, do you?

  44. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Justice has been served. I'm sure doctors offices are going to be jammed with wingnuts for the next few weeks.

    Enjoy those prostate exams fellas.

  45. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Field, are you saying in your post that Andrew is dead? I ask because you didn't exactly say he died or what happened to cause his death.

    I am stunned and shocked. Field, are you sure he is dead? Please say it ain't so. Please say it is a mistake on the part of MSM.

  46. Anonymous1:01 AM

    BrookLyn said...

    Justice has been served.

    Justice will be served when you live out the rest of your pathetic life alone and broke after your EBT card stops working.

    You are as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside.

  47. I am thrilled that I've offended you.

    Go back to Fox Nation bitch.

  48. Two blacks set a 13 year old White kid on fire yesterday while saying “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy,”.

    The time of reckoning is approaching.

    Some day a real rain is going to come, and wash all the scum away.

  49. Anonymous1:17 AM

    There is enough hatred on this blog toward Breitbart that it makes Satan cringe.

  50. Anonymous1:18 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    I am thrilled that I've offended you.

    Go back to Fox Nation bitch.

    This is Fox Nation, bitch.

  51. Some day a real rain is going to come, and wash all the scum away.

    Scum's gone. Now all we need is a brush to get you and your ilk from the crevices.

  52. This is Fox Nation, bitch.

    Fox Nation has a Black president...

  53. Anonymous2:39 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    Some day a real rain is going to come, and wash all the scum away.

    Scum's gone. Now all we need is a brush to get you and your ilk from the crevices.

    Heaaaaaa scum met wit de egg and made you. damn you a poster child for abortion

  54. "Breitbart collapsed outside of his house, and died at Reagan UCLA Medical Center. Aged just 43.

    It's what he would have wanted

  55. Z, the wingnuts are still here and are as ignorant as ever. Living in your mama's basement will do that to u.

    When the only sound you look forward to hearing is "Attention Wal-Mart Shoppers", you know that your life is pretty f****d up.

    Brooklyn,I loved the Fox Nation president line. Classic!

  56. "You tired? You not half as tired as a lot of folks on here who would like to come on here and discuss topics with some type of decorum without the vulgar namecalling and calling women out their name."

    Amen Granny!

    But these are the same [right]wingnut types like rush limpboy, who called that poor college student from GTown a whore for his 20 million listeners to hear.

    Their war on women continues.

    Any woman who votes GOP should have her head examined.

  57. I'm predicting that a record number of Blacks are going to vote for the President this Fall.

    Still I wish he would have run for VP under Hillary in 2008, then run for the first time THIS year. His first four have for me, been a lesson on why people of primarily European decent are responsible for the greatest atrocities known to man.

    Many are just a nasty and vile group of people when their "entitlement" issues aren't addressed. I'm just so glad my soul has been saved by having both African and Cherokee blood running through my veins as well.

  58. Brooklyn, I think you need a political satire show on satellite radio, lol!!!

  59. Anonymous6:53 AM!

  60. Kenny B7:28 AM

    "Reagan was never accused of rape"

    ...Please kill yourself before your brain does the job for you.

  61. Andrew Breitbart7:32 AM

    You know, being dead isn't so bad! Sure it's pretty hot here, but at least I'm reunited with lots of old friends!

  62. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Nothing about TOXICOLOGY tests(ON THE 24/7`S) Which
    are MANDATORY.

  63. Take A Breath8:12 AM

    Man, I understand your hatred of the man, especially for destroying ACORN, (who fed Frannie & Freddie like a fat pig), but your comments are on the border of being as vile as you perceived Breitbart to be. He had four kids.

    Not typically your style, field.

  64. In Awe8:36 AM

    " Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I'm predicting that a record number of Blacks are going to vote for the President this Fall."

    Wow. That's deep.

    Just how many years of "education" and tax payers dollars did it take for you to come to that amazing conclusion?

  65. dyam fn!

    ditto and kudos on andrew!!!


    how we react to evil is also a testament to our character

    real warriors are never doormats

    cc this to hobama's black nazis

  66. re: that racist flipper hobama

    much worse jokes/hate/death threats etc were spewn at gwb for 8 yrs...

    hobama is worse than gwb

    both blue blooded bloody warmongers/amoral liars/rabid racists EARNED/EARN all they get

    one good joker deserves another!


  67. When I heard of his death, Ms. Sherrod immediately came to mind. The reaction on the Internet is interesting--from wails and tears of wingnuts on the right to off-the-rails accusations that the President somehow is responsible for this miscreant's death. I will not be shedding any tears for Mr. Breitbart any time soon.

  68. What is up with all the name calling?

    To those of you saying that the email was "just a joke" is there _any_ evidence that you could be presented with that would make you believe that this judge treated defendants of color unfairly? Also, kudos to whichever one of his "old buddies" leaked the email to the press.

    As far as Breitbart is concerned, I don't understand speaking ill of the dead. He was someone's husband and had 4 young children. Yeah, he didn't show other people the same compassion, but two wrongs don't make a right, YKWIM?

  69. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I'm predicting that a record number of Blacks are going to vote for the President this Fall.

    Still I wish he would have run for VP under Hillary in 2008, then run for the first time THIS year. His first four have for me, been a lesson on why people of primarily European decent are responsible for the greatest atrocities known to man.

    Many are just a nasty and vile group of people when their "entitlement" issues aren't addressed. I'm just so glad my soul has been saved by having both African and Cherokee blood running through my veins as well.


    Wow. That is just about the most racist comment I have ever read on the internet. Those are the kind of sentiments that are used to justify genocide of those with the wrong 'blood'.

    A white person with those views gets relegated to the Stormfront fringe, but you feel comfortable enough to come out with that on a lefty political blog.

    What is in your heart, Queen? And how prevalent is that in the hearts of your people that you feel it is acceptable discourse?

    The black medical proffesionals that I know are decent people. I am sure that people like you get weeded out of the medical school applicant pool.

    You most definitely will never be a doctor.

  70. Interesting but not surprising. White men typically can only see things from their own experiences which is usually as being viewed as an authority on any said topic. The e-mail probably didn't strike the judge as racist because to white males racism doen't exist and if a blah person is offended or expresses the idea that it IS racist those ideas are ignored. Nothing to see there, move along. Field, maybe you can concentrate on the REAL racists, you know the oppression the white male has to endure. It comes down to the old saying that if I step on your foot and you tell me it hurts I should give you the benefit of the doubt.

  71. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Jeez Field, I recommended long ago to get a handle on your comment section. To allow posters to call the president's mother a whore on your site, you are no better than the judge.

  72. So the judge didn't think the e-mail was racist? Nothing new, wm's have been deneying their racism for centuries. It comes down to the old saying, if I step on your foot and you tell me it hurts I should give you the benefit of the doubt.

  73. thanks for the refreshing words re: Breitbart, field. I didn't get the teary-eyed Arianna Huffington and all the other mournful liberals--either they were hypocritical or just demented!

    I assume the Cebull email was the pic of Obama with the ring in his nose, or some other super-hilarious pic. Nobody shows the actual email.

  74. Anonymous1:52 PM

    "THIS year. His first four have for me, been a lesson on why people of primarily European decent are responsible for the greatest atrocities known to man.

    Many are just a nasty and vile group of people when their "entitlement" issues aren't addressed."

    I agree. There is a vile and nasty group of white privileged people who are an offense to God and humanity.

  75. Anonymous1:58 PM

    "I'm predicting that a record number of Blacks are going to vote for the President this Fall."

    I DON'T agree with you on this. Obama has stuck it to us and if Romney wins the GOP nomination I predict 25-50% AAs will vote for him. Obama is NOT trustworthy and doesn't give a damn about Blacks. He has proven this again and our face!

  76. Anonymous2:06 PM

    "The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter."

    Field, very good qoute. Unfortunately you seem to be living it much more then you feel others have.

    Liberalism, like all forms of leftism, is genuinely evil, as are most liberals. The most important thing is always the truth, and leftism is based on lies enforced in a humiliating and sometimes brutal manner.

    It is based preposterous, idiotic ideas asserted with anger, cruelty and contempt. You are expected to obey, and believe or at least shut up.

    Black people love the feeling of power that menacing others gives them. They hurt each other with it more than they hurt white people- they have embraced violence and all the secondary evils that go with it, like arrogance, willful stupidity, the faux-aristocratic charm and condescension that makes their own community far cruder than it needs to be based on their baseline levels of intelligence and impulsiveness. It’s fun being a bully, if you’re of a more sociopathic nature. The loyalty of black people belongs only to other black people. To criticize or try to control another black person would be disloyal, so they don’t do it. White people are always there to be blamed, so it’s not necessary.

    -Chuck Tades

  77. kosher kkk:

    re: all those lies you tell about white on black crimes...

    why so mum???????

  78. most could not care less about 2 dead black gay/dl men

    but if hobama slew andrew b
    as he slew donald young and larry bland then

    hobama will pay


  79. Anonymous5:29 PM

    "Man, I understand your hatred of the man, especially for destroying ACORN, (who fed Frannie & Freddie like a fat pig), but your comments are on the border of being as vile as you perceived Breitbart to be. He had four kids.

    Not typically your style, field."

    I agree that Field is being as vile if not more than the person he hates. He charges others with violating the Golden Rule while doing it himself. That is called narcissistic self-centeredness. While I like Field, one of his shortcomings is he becomes like the people he criticizes. His hateful insensitive criticism of Breitbart is cruel and crude. It shows a scary dark side of Field that will rival Breitbart or Limbaugh anyday.

  80. "if Romney wins the GOP nomination I predict 25-50% AAs will vote for him."

    Now THIS is hilarious.

  81. Anonymous8:34 PM

    PilotX said...
    "if Romney wins the GOP nomination I predict 25-50% AAs will vote for him."

    Now THIS is hilarious

    You are right X, 98% of blacks are way too racist to vote for a white candidate running against a black, or even half-black candidate.

  82. Rush has no honor. Remember. This is the coward who made his housemaid score Oxycontin for him.

    He has no balls, and can only hide behind his wealth, which he earns by slandering liberals.

    Never forget that the GOP made this wormbag an honorary member of Congress, and VP Cheney said he never misses his show.

    Apparently swine attracts swine.

  83. I did not hear about the federal judge email til just now. Is there a movement to remove him from his seat?

    As for Breitbart, I really had to resist the urge to not smirk when he croaked. Sorry but I feel that way. He was more than a muckraker. He was another one of those guys profiting from the vitriol of their own beliefs and the ignorant assholes who believe them. Who listens to guys like Brietbart, Rush, Beck, etc? Unfortunately, alotta people.

  84. Anonymous2:42 PM

    house boy your nog racism is showing when you call your betters like rush and beck names.then you have the nerve to call a journaljizim respected,by whom you commies?then you clam up when it comes to real racism like what happened to that white 13yr old in K.C.who was lit on fire by niggers.the worst part is that failed nigger teachers put them up to it because the white boy was the smartest person in that failed nigger school.this realy pissed off the sheboons who were always harrassing the better whites.some good came out of this and that is six white families know niggers are scum.
