Thursday, February 23, 2012

A new low.

What Newt did today was low even by his lousy standards.

He hastily called a news conference to politicize the deaths of two American soldiers who lost their lives in Afghanistan. Newt used the killing of those poor soldiers to score cheap political brownie points with his base.

Of course, for him, it was a twofer. Bash those evil Mooslims and the Commander in Chief with the evil Mooslim name in one fat swoop. (Pun intended)

" GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich said Thursday a U.S. apology to Afghan authorities for burned Qurans on a military base was “astonishing” and undeserved.Gingrich lashed out at President Barack Obama for the formal apology after copies of the Muslim holy book were found burned in a garbage pit on a U.S. air field earlier in the week"

Newt couldn't wait to jump on Obama for apologizing to the Afghans for that inadvertent book burning. There will be more to follow. Mr. Obama, the programmers over at FOX NEWS would like to thank you for giving them some red meat for their voracious viewers.

 "The president apologized for the burning, but I haven't seen the president demand that the government of Afghanistan apologize for the killing of two young Americans."

In his rush to be first, Newt forgot that those soldiers were killed after Obama apologized to the President of Afghanistan. I suppose that if Newt or one of his cohorts were running things no apology would be forthcoming. Anger the Afghans even more and put more American lives at risk. 

"There seems to be nothing that radical Islamists can do to get Barack Obama's attention in a negative way, and he is consistently apologizing to people who do not deserve the apology of the president of the United States, period," Gingrich said." [Source]

Newt should be apologizing to the families of those two dead soldiers. They will get a phone call from Obama. (If they haven't already) If Newt called, however, I am sure they would just hang up the phone.

Finally, the tape never lies.

If you dumbocrats want to learn how to cheat in politics you might want to start taking notes from your republican friends:

"Yesterday in Wisconsin, a hidden camera caught a certain Republican voter ID law advocate violating the assembly rules to cheat and vote for colleagues who were not present. This is also referred to as vote fraud."

Oh my! You mean to tell me that a republican voter ID law advocate was actually caught cheating, himself? Nooooo! [Source and video tape]

The cheating poli-trickster caught on tape actually looks like he uses Newt's personal trainer. Hey, maybe the guy was just reaching for a donut.


  1. kudos to that racist fool newt
    for calling out 2 more corpses that serial warmomger racist hobama ignores!!!

    the hobamas are buckdancing and singing upon the graves of poor black people globally....shame!!!!!!!

  2. shame!!!!

  3. yauncey8:29 PM

    "In his rush to be first, Newt forgot that those soldiers were killed after Obama apologized to the President of Afghanistan. I suppose that if Newt or one of his cohorts were running things no apology would be forthcoming. Anger the Afghans even more and put more American lives at risk."

    I guess apologizing to those fucking savages didn't do much good, did it? Obama apologizes and bows to everyone. His only regret so far is that Kim Jong-il died before he could bow to him.

    I wish we had a President that answered the murder of the soldiers he put in the field with cluster bombs instead of apologies.

  4. Newt is disgusting.

  5. Balzafiar8:58 PM

    Bill Maher describes Gingrich best: "...the biggest, fattest turd from the '90s."

    That pretty much sums up my opinion of him too.

  6. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Field, you and some of your cronies are wrong about Newt. The reason he cheated on his two previous wives is because he has the disease of sex addiction.

    How many times must I tell you about this terrible addiction? It has taken down many people, both men and women. Newt's disease is worse than Tiger's, Clinton's or Cain's disease.

    However, because it is a disease must you keep talking about his previous wives? Where is your compassion? Clearly this is racism on your part.

  7. NSangoma9:24 PM

    Alicia,pay your bill:

  8. Balzac9:55 PM

    I'm for burning every Koran on the planet. We should build Koran-fired power plants and use the electricity to fry terrorists. That's 'sustainable' energy.

  9. When you do something stupid, and stuff that gets people hurt, you apologize. That is what a normal, decent person does.

    Crazy people may take it to the next level... though fortunately, cooler heads usually prevail. Usually.

    Meanwhile we Americans can call Obama a Commie or Romney a Liberal, and there are millions of people out there who believe it!



  10. Jersey McGenius said...
    Obama is a Commie.

    To wit:

  11. Gentile Ben10:57 PM

    To a liberal, the State is God, which is why even bankrupting the country as Obama is openly doing is not too high a price to pay to increase its power.

    In a word, what is the State? It is coercion. For all their nauseating metrosexual sissiness, liberals worship brute force. They are by definition thugs.

  12. Yep, hard to get lower than a newt without going underground.

  13. How about a white 'civil rights' lawyer who goes to black blogs to suck up to potential customers?

  14. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Jersey McJones said...
    When you do something stupid, and stuff that gets people hurt, you apologize. That is what a normal, decent person does.

    Crazy people may take it to the next level... though fortunately, cooler heads usually prevail. Usually.

    Meanwhile we Americans can call Obama a Commie or Romney a Liberal, and there are millions of people out there who believe it!


    It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.

    You piece of shit Disengenious liberal. I hope they come for you and cut your head off first should you dare to disagree with anything in Islam and there will be no one to protect you as you made them all enemies - twat.

  15. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Wonder why all the vote fraud has been of the R (wingnut) variety?

    Obama acts like an adult...and some are appalled? Why are they so upset that adults exist? Isn't it better to be nice to your neighbours?

    Or do they all have 15 yo psyches?


  16. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "There seems to be nothing that radical Islamists can do to get Barack Obama's attention in a negative way, and he is consistently apologizing to people who do not deserve the apology of the president of the United States, period," Gingrich said." [Source]

    Newt should be apologizing to the families of those two dead soldiers. They will get a phone call from Obama. (If they haven't already) If Newt called, however, I am sure they would just hang up the phone.

    Why? Why should Newt Apologize? Why isn't the president of the United States standing up for freedom against an insane religion? You think because he deigns to call the families of two murdered soldiers who were killed by Islamists because they burned a book makes Obama a Hero after he apologized to the murdering scum? You accept Islamic beliefs of hatred, intolerance, savagery over American ones because someone didn't bow and bend knee well enough to avoid them engaging their normal violent nature?

    I don't recall anyone getting murdered when a number of bibles were burned in Afghanistan where if bibles got out to the Afghani people they would again start killing as any other religion requires conversion or death.

    Newt is 100% right and I am appalled that demonrats NEVER stand up for America but ALWAYS play as if they are not part of this country. Where is our leader? Why isn't he at least saying something about the horrific murders?

    Maybe you should join all the Islamicist's killing christians everyday, you obviously hate Christians and support the insane faith of Islam. Start with Nigeria. You already started with American bashing so now just move on to honor killings, stoning women and then head over to start killing christians.

    MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Police discovered the body of a 79-year-old Christian woman killed in northeast Nigeria, with a note in Arabic left on her chest reading: “We will get you soon,” a witness said Thursday.

    The slaying raises religious tensions in Nigeria as a radical Islamist sect increasingly targets Christians in its bloody attacks. While police said they knew of no immediate suspects in the killing, witnesses blamed the attack on the sect known as Boko Haram, which has been blamed for killing at least 305 people this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.

  17. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I can always tell when the wingnuts are right. Field and his cronies are noticeably absent..

  18. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "I'm for burning every Koran on the planet. We should build Koran-fired power plants and use the electricity to fry terrorists. That's 'sustainable' energy."

    Sounds like you are itching for a war. Are you willing to fight for your country or are you one of those big mouth cowards who expect others to die on your behalf?

    Where do you get your self-righteousness from that you can judge the Islam religion as wrong and yours right? Why not burn all the bibles and yourself, while you are burning the Korans? You see, if one religion is not good for humanity, then NONE are.

  19. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I want you to know that I take my job very seriously.

    Respectfully Submitted,
    Your Assistant

    PS. It's been years since you have given me a raise. Isn't that against the law? I mean, my girlfriend at McDonalds make more than I do and she doesn't have to wear a suit and tie to work like I do.

  20. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Welcome the the bird brained USA created by leftards. Pennsylvania - Muslim attacks atheist - Muslim judges dismisses the case and tells the victim that if he were in a muslim country he would be put to death.

    All leftists who do not support Americans should be made to live under Sharia law, then don't come looking for any American Military to save you after you spit on all of us, simply because you are a coward.

  21. my own personal troll said:

    "How about a white 'civil rights' lawyer who goes to black blogs to suck up to potential customers?"

    thx troll, I'm flattered by the attention, but not fishing for clients. I don't advertise, disclose my truID online or live in filly, and I still turn away more work than I can accept: in fact, as you're no doubt aware, tortious discrimination's a surging phenomenon in the US of KKK.

  22. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    my own personal troll said:

    "How about a white 'civil rights' lawyer who goes to black blogs to suck up to potential customers?"

    thx troll, I'm flattered by the attention, but not fishing for clients. I don't advertise, disclose my truID online or live in filly, and I still turn away more work than I can accept: in fact, as you're no doubt aware, tortious discrimination's a surging phenomenon in the US of KKK.

    Sure because as a white disengenious liberal you know it's your fault for every pimple on someone else's ass. People like you will suffer tortious discrimination in hell; then you will have justice. Hope you are looking forward to an eternity of tortious discrimination.

  23. Anonymous2:22 AM

    field, "What Newt did today was low even by his lousy standards."

    Now, now. Aren't we being a little overreactive? Newt isn't that bad. He is neither worse nor better than Rick, Romney or Obama.

    Admit it, are afraid of Newt because he is so smart. He would tear Obama limb from limb in a debate and that 's why you and some of your fn cronies are praying he won't win.

  24. Anon , the only thing that scares me about Newt is that he might eat up all the food in America and not leave enough for the rest of us.

    WC, too bad u don't advertise, I would be glad send some clients your way. :)

    Amon@ 12:47 , you are a very good assistant and I want to give you a raise. But the leader of Anon Inc. is a republican and he says that workers should only get min.wage.:(

  25. Anonymous5:51 AM

    field negro said...
    Anon , the only thing that scares me about Newt is that he might eat up all the food in America and not leave enough for the rest of us.

    WC, too bad u don't advertise, I would be glad send some clients your way. :)

    Amon@ 12:47 , you are a very good assistant and I want to give you a raise. But the leader of Anon Inc. is a republican and he says that workers should only get min.wage.:(


  26. @12;05 Goober, successful and well adjusted people have far better things to do than post on a political blogg all day, everyday, especially one that seconds as a cess pool of ignorance and hate like this one does.

    LIFE. Try it one day instead of smoking meth and surfing the net all day. Then agin, never mind!!

  27. Dr.Queen said...

    Then agin, never mind!!


    That should read,

    Then again, never mind!!

    "seconds as a cess pool"

    Cesspool is one word.

    Talk about a cesspool of ignorance.

  28. omg

    pookies rule the world

    and they are all filthy like the kkk trolls & the vdlr herein


  29. So this Wisconsin deal is pretty shameful, but the Republican Secretary of State in Indiana - the guy in charge of elections, and who has pushed voter id at the polls to cut down on voter fraud, has been convicted - wait for it - of 6 felony counts of voter fraud and will have to leave office.

    So I guess when he couldn't actually document fraud to justify the voter id bill, he just took it upon himself to go out and create some for the record.

  30. pookies rule the world

    and many are politicos

    ask that cia kenyan pookie hobama

  31. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Why is it that anything that might be exciting and bring a few people together causes Negros to Riot?
    Is it something missing?

    At least footlocker got smart and cancelled all promotional releases in all Black Hoods after being reminded what Blacks do.

  32. WhoIsQueefyTheQuiffyQueefaSow10:17 AM

    Queefy the Quiffy Queefa Sow said...
    @12;05 Goober, successful and well adjusted people have far better things to do than post on a political blogg all day, everyday, especially one that seconds as a cess pool of ignorance and hate like this one does.

    LIFE. Try it one day instead of smoking meth and surfing the net all day. Then agin, never mind!!

    You think after 30 years of taxpayer funded schooling....

    it is Blog not "Blogg"
    it is Again not "agin"
    it is Cesspool not "cess pool"
    Anywhere you go there will be the ignorance and hate that you carry.

    You will never be a Doctor

  33. Election fraud is a central tactic of the democrat party:

  34. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I have a great idea!! Let's pretend not to notice rising gas prices, black unemployment, black crime, blacks rioting over Nikes, black illiteracy...

    Let's also pretend no to notice that our cowardly president apologized to the savages who murdered American soldiers...

    Because nothing is more important than what Newt Gingrich says.

  35. Dr. Crystal Hodad11:30 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    @12;05 Goober, successful and well adjusted people have far better things to do than post on a political blogg all day, everyday, especially one that seconds as a cess pool of ignorance and hate like this one does.

    My, you have quite low bar for measuring success, don't you? And judging from your poorly spelled and cognitively challenged rants banged out on spittle-covered keyboard, you are anything but well-adjusted.

    Be careful you don't drown in the deep end of the "cess pool".

    You will never be a doctor.

  36. John King11:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I have a great idea!! Let's pretend not to notice rising gas prices, black unemployment, black crime, blacks rioting over Nikes, black illiteracy...

    Let's also pretend no to notice that our cowardly president apologized to the savages who murdered American soldiers...

    Because nothing is more important than what Newt Gingrich says.

    Yes! And, and....contraception!

  37. Centurion11:59 AM

    You know, I decided I am tired of working hard and beating myself up and struggling to improve and rise to maintain basic morality when I see how easy my liberal friends have it. No standards, no morals, nothing to worry about. So I am thinking of becoming a liberal.

    Looking to convert to being a hypocritical far lefist I still have to overcome my ability to think and apply logic and am hoping someone can help me with this. In example, can you explain how Liberal Logic works on jobs?

    If a company Outsources it increases competition in the American job market by expanding potential employee base to foreigners and is very bad

    But on illegal immigration increasing competition in the American job market by expanding potential employee base to foreigners is good?

    Can someone break down this liberal logic for me.

  38. Anonymous12:32 PM

    AB, "omg

    pookies rule the world"

    dearest ab, please help me to understand. Who are the "pookies" of the world? You use the word "pookie" almost everyday and I wonder, what is a "pookie?" Is it another name for Goober? for Negro?......what is it???

    Please help me. Thank you.

  39. Anonymous12:34 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon , the only thing that scares me about Newt is that he might eat up all the food in America and not leave enough for the rest of us.

    dont you worry about offending African Americans with all of your fat hate? Especially some readers like Queefa Da Sow?

    African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. About four out of five African American women are overweight or obese

    In 2009, African Americans were 1.5 times as likely to be obese as Non- Hispanic Whites.
    In 2009, African American women were 60% more likely to be obese than Non-Hispanic White women.
    In 2007-2008, African American children were 30% as likely to be overweight than Non-Hispanic Whites.

    Source: : CDC, 2010. Health United States, 2009. Table 72.

  40. Kingnut12:35 PM

    Centurion said...
    Can someone break down this liberal logic for me.

    Liberalism is leftist thought for the masses.

    Leftist thought is based on childish resentment - not logic. It has no absolute morality. Instead, whether or not something is "good" or "bad" depends on who is doing it.

    "Who? Whom?" is a leftist moral slogan sometimes attributed to Lenin. The idea is that to know if an act is moral, one has to know who is committing the act, and upon whom the act is being committed.

    This is based on a rejection of ethical rules that make general claims like "stealing is bad" or "murder is wrong". For Lenin, no acts exist separate from their class condition. So stealing from the bourgeoisie is OK if it is done by proletarians.

    For the modern left you can switch bourgeoisie with "white christians" and proletartians with "liberals (or progresssives) and minorities".

    Does that help?

  41. Anonymous12:43 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon , the only thing that scares me about Newt is that he might eat up all the food in America and not leave enough for the rest of us.

    WC, too bad u don't advertise, I would be glad send some clients your way. :)

    Amon@ 12:47 , you are a very good assistant and I want to give you a raise. But the leader of Anon Inc. is a republican and he says that workers should only get min.wage.:(

    Desertflower said, ":)"

    5:51 AM
    Oh that's just great, Desert. After all these years all you do is laugh at my suffering and low salary Field pays me. You make me want to cry.

  42. pookies are horrid abusive irresponsible turbo breeding fertile fatal amoral parents/persons of all ages/races

    they rule the globe

    fn has posted about "pookie" often...were you lost then too???

    the vdlr is a pookie

    see much more on pookies here:

  43. here is yet another pookie

    cc this to the kosher kkk

  44. pookies rule the world

    and they stunt and scam cosmically!


  45. Anonymous1:04 PM

    anon12:34p, "African American women have the highest rates of being overweight or obese compared to other groups in the U.S. About four out of five African American women are overweight or obese"

    Anon, you are touching on a sore point in our community. Please don't ever do that again. Yesterday, I went to a famous restaurant/bakery near Lake Merritt in Oakland. The majority of black women I saw were grossly overweight. And, they were eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn bread, hamburgers, french fries, and sweet potato pies, and pecan pies for desert. Some were even having milk shakes with their food! With the exception of one, all black women there must have weighted 250-350 lbs.

    But I understand why this is so. They represent the emotional trauma of being Black in America. Food provides 'temporary' relief. It's not easy being Black in this country. It hurts and is almost intolerable.

    Maybe Field will dare to "post" about obesity among Blacks? Nah... He's no fool.

  46. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Top Ten Alternatives to apologizing to Afghanistan. Nice and how ironically fitting.

    1. Dedicate a round of golf to the people of Afghanistan.

    2. Send Michelle for a symbolic vacation to Jalalabad.

    3. Ask the Afghans if they’d like the Russians back instead.

    4. Head to a local Afghan restaurant and bow to the wait staff.

    5. Offer to make Afghanistan’s heroin “The Official Heroin of the United States.”

    6. Give Afghan children a permanent exemption from Michelle’s “Let’s Move” school lunch offerings.

    7. Provide unlimited, free doses of Prozac to the entire adult population of Afghanistan.

    8. Change the lyrics of O Tannenbaum to O Taliban.

    9. Set up a program to provide virgins to Afghan men who refuse to commit suicide bombings.

    10. Demand an apology from Afghanistan for the more than 1,800 U.S. forces killed since the start of the war.

  47. Anonymous1:09 PM

    AB, "pookies are horrid abusive irresponsible turbo breeding fertile fatal amoral parents/persons of all ages/races

    they rule the globe

    fn has posted about "pookie" often...were you lost then too???"

    I must have missed Field's posts on "pookies". and you are right: when it comes to 'pookies' I am lost to what it means and HOW that name came about in the first place because it makes no sense.

    Anyway, I gather "pookies" are bad people and the word originated in the ghetto?

  48. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "pookies?" If you were well-educated like ab and Dr. Queen, you would know what it meant.

  49. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "pookies?" If you were well-educated like ab and Dr. Queen, you would know what it meant.

    Will it take 30 years to be able to compete with an average 12 year old?

  50. see fn's archives

    the name came about beccause it is actually a common nickname among actual pookies

    "my cousin pookie nem"

    my cousin pookie and them


    pookies rule the world

    they prefer jackings to jobs

    why did he not just become a driver???????

  51. the world is a ghetto ruled by bad people

    that horrid evil vulgar pookie the vdlr rules this blog


    pookies like newt/hobama rule dc


  52. Pookie1:26 PM

    alicia banks has crazy eyes.

  53. ZedLeppilen1:34 PM

    Remember that dogs are ritually unclean animals to Muslims, and black dogs are considered to be evil devils in animal form.

    Do you think liberal/progressives will still support crazy Afghan Islamics against Americans now that they know they think Obama is a "Black Dog"?

  54. Anonymous1:35 PM

    pookie= piggers?

  55. Anonymous1:39 PM

    AB, "the name came about beccause it is actually a common nickname among actual pookies

    "my cousin pookie nem"

    my cousin pookie and them"

    So "pookie" is another name in the black community such as Willie or LeRoy or Prairie Dog or Loosie goosie or White Hair or Midnight?

  56. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "Anon, you are touching on a sore point in our community. Please don't ever do that again. Yesterday, I went to a famous restaurant/bakery near Lake Merritt in Oakland. The majority of black women I saw were grossly overweight. And, they were eating fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn bread, hamburgers, french fries, and sweet potato pies, and pecan pies for desert. Some were even having milk shakes with their food! With the exception of one, all black women there must have weighted 250-350 lbs."

    Wow. that is so sad. But it is more common in the East Bay than any where else in the country. Go figure. One would think with all of these black bloggers someone would blog about it. But all you get is silence.

    anon, "But I understand why this is so. They represent the emotional trauma of being Black in America. Food provides 'temporary' relief. It's not easy being Black in this country. It hurts and is almost intolerable."

    I cosign. It's emotional food addiction to assuage and medicate fear, loneliness, low self-worth and the feeling of being unwanted. Humans aren't built for that.

  57. Malcolm1:55 PM

    From my experience, most people really should have lower self-esteem.

  58. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Malcolm said...
    From my experience, most people really should have lower self-esteem.

    You don't need to be so hard on yourself, at least in public.

  59. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Malcolm said...
    From my experience, most people really should have lower self-esteem.

    You don't need to be so hard on yourself, at least in public.

    2:06 PM
    Mind your own business.

  60. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Malcolm said...
    From my experience, most people really should have lower self-esteem.

    You don't need to be so hard on yourself, at least in public.

    2:06 PM
    Mind your own business.

    OK,OK just trying to help. If your experience makes you sure you should have lower self esteem, will leave it to you. You are probably right anyway.

  61. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Field, I see that you are supporting the upcoming Latino Conference in Philadelphia, "Blogging While Brown". That is good.

    Is there a conference "Blogging While Black" this year?

  62. Damn comment moderation by 2:30???

    Speaking of Gooobers, will someone PLEASE find this meth head a job correcting typos on the internet so it'll put that damn spelling bee trophy it received in 3rd grade away for once and for all!!!

    BTWGoober, you're a Newt fan aren't you? Well get over it, because Prez Obama is about to breeze into his second term!!!

  63. Dr. Rightside Bellcurve6:15 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    Speaking of Gooobers, will someone PLEASE find this meth head a job correcting typos on the internet so it'll put that damn spelling bee trophy it received in 3rd grade away for once and for all!!!

    Still stinging about that utter humiliation you received in the third grade, Queen? You should have realized then that you would never qualify to go to medical school. The 40 year string of failures since has apparently hasn't been able to get that fact to penetrate your thick skull.

    I guess the situation just calls for humiliation.

    You will never be a doctor.

  64. What a piece of sh*t! After he called President Obama a "proponent of infanticide" I could hardly stand him. Now he's just blatant hypocrisy and racist.

  65. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Dr Queen, "BTWGoober, you're a Newt fan aren't you? Well get over it, because Prez Obama is about to breeze into his second term!!!"

    Even if Obama wins by a landslide, you still spell like a high school drop

    FYI:Spelling is important when writing for your finals, Masters, and PhD dissertation.

    I am afraid anon is right: "you will never be a doctor"

    Of course, you already know that, right? You have been trying to make yourself feel better on FN by pretending to be somebody successful.

    Unfortunately, your bad spelling and ghetto phraseology exposes you as a fraud. Does it hurt to know everyone knows you are a fake? Well, you did it to yourself.

  66. Anonymous9:04 PM

    thee_stupid, you and Field are wrong about Newt. He really is a nice guy, and honest too. I see no reason why he wouldn't make a good Prez.

  67. How dare you Field, talk about Newt and GOP voter fraud when there;s poor Black people out there to bash. Thank my invisible friend in the sky that we have so many conservative trolls to set you straight. Get your act together.

    BTW, I have a Philly turn Monday. Maybe have enough time to hit Pizza King for a couple slices.

  68. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Damn Field, assnon gets the last word??

    Dr. Queen, class of 2017

  69. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Here's a thought assnon. Why don't you pretend to have an identity, and a college education, then get a job so you can stop collecting disability insurance to sit on your ass and post on the net all day.

  70. Obama is Pro-death10:18 PM

    thee_stupid said...
    What a piece of sh*t! After he called President Obama a "proponent of infanticide" I could hardly stand him. Now he's just blatant hypocrisy and racist

    But Obama is for infanticide. He voted two separate times against a bill that would have prohibited killing babies that survived abortion.

  71. PilotX, if your hotel is anywhere near Center City holla at me and we will do lunch.

  72. Just a turn. I'll be there about an hour or so.

  73. Ok, cool. Give me a shout the next time u have a layover.

  74. Email address
