Wednesday, February 22, 2012

CNN Laughfest.

I should have followed O's example and skipped this republican debate, but I just couldn't pass up the laughs.

Mitt is talking religion, Ricky is talking earmarks, and Newt is going after the moderator. (What else is new?) There is Ron. Ron is talking....well I actually don't know what Ron is talking about.

This might b the worst debate yet. I have no idea what any of these guys are talking about, and I am guessing that John King is having a hard time understanding them as well. This might explain why he is doing such a horrible job tonight. Maybe he is still scared of Newt. I am still scared of Rick. He thinks Satan has his "sights set on America". And he likes to talk about Nazis.  The whole Satan Nazi thing is not a good combination. At least he doesn't have on a sweater vest tonight.

Now they are talking about foreign policy. Sadly, they are as clueless in this area as all the others. Newt says that he would bomb Iran; they all have reservations about women serving in combat, and Mitt says that he would be expanding all areas of the military, not shrinking it. I guess his friends from Bain Capital will pay for it.

Rick is saying that Obama is helping the Muslims in the Middle East, and the implication is that he is one of them. Rick and Mitt agree on an Iran policy. Now I know there is no hope for the GOP. I actually thought that Mitt was the sensible one in the group. Now I am not so sure we can trust him with the red button. 

"Hamas is going to smuggle dirty bombs over the border into the US, says Mitt Romney. He repeats his line about if he is president, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon, but it will if Barack Obama is president."

On and on they go. Now Newt is talking about opening up America's energy sources.

I really should have followed Obama's example. John, please put us out of our misery.


  1. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Fn, you must watch this:

  2. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Reminds me of the nursery rhyme 'Three Blind Mice'

  3. Cristo10:09 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Reminds me of the nursery rhyme 'Three Blind Mice'

    So you voting for Ron Paul?

  4. Anonymous10:11 PM

    When you listen to these people , you know why the Government is F$$Ked up.

  5. Jon Corzine10:15 PM

    Under Bush, 5% unemployment was a disaster. Under Obama 8.5% is a boom. Affirmative action.

  6. Peter Von Schlong10:18 PM

    Whoever the republicans nominate will win. The 40% of Obama voters who don't have jobs aren't getting out of their beanbags to vote this time around.

  7. Martha Stewart10:20 PM

    The Obama administration has single-handedly revived the layaway industry.

  8. Pretender10:21 PM

    Media Matters' David Brock runs from questions on organization's war on Fox

    Media Matters for America (MMFA) founder David Brock refused to talk to the Washington Times affiliated radio show America's Morning News on Tuesday morning about the series of stories The Daily Caller has been reporting on for the past week regarding his organization's aggressive plan to go after the Fox News Channel.

    According to the Media Matters documents obtained by the Daily Caller, part of the 2012 strategy was to treat the cable news channel like a political opponent and hire private investigators to look into the personal lives of Fox News employees who work both on the air and behind the scenes.

    Typical Liberal coward.

    Fight the power? Not so much.

  9. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Cristo said...
    So you voting for Ron Paul?
    We can't vote for the president of the US here in PR.
    The little I've heard, Mr.Paul does sound way more logical than the other three on a lot of the issues.

  10. Cristo10:28 PM

    Desertflower said...
    We can't vote for the president of the US here in PR.

    Well I am sorry my dear lady that you cannot vote however I must admit that is good news about the rest of Puerto Rico....

  11. "Whoever the republicans nominate will win."

    Well if they get somone other than the four we saw on stage tonight they might have a shot.

    Tampa should be interesting.

  12. I wouldn't talk to the "Washington Times", either. That's a wingnut rag.

    Good for Mr. Brock.

  13. Anonymous10:53 PM

    field negro said...
    I wouldn't talk to the "Washington Times", either. That's a wingnut rag.

    Good for Mr. Brock.

    and Mr Brock is a leftard. Wingnuts are quite useful devices...what's a Leftard good for? Telling everyone else how bad they have done..?

  14. Buchanan10:55 PM

    Think about how much higher unemployment stats would be if so many black guys didn't call themselves 'entrepreneurs.'

  15. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I wonder what the Germans think of all these Nazis in A-merry-ca?

  16. Anonymous11:39 PM

    FN-- pray that Governor Christie does not enter the race. That would be an immediate win for the GOP AND the country!

  17. Paul Pelosi11:49 PM

    I don't know about you, but I hope this recession just keeps going and going. I'm all for Obamanomics. The tuna population can't support a middle class.

  18. Anonymous12:02 AM

    When the Tea Baggers got a lock on the primaries for the GOP, all candidates had to pass the litmus test for stoopids.
    Makes the Goobers feel important and like their views were shared...but it was simply a small group of folks who never had real jobs and are able to be pains in the tuckus for others.

    Didn't the neo-cons sell this dreck with Iraq? And how correct were they? Oh, and how many heroic, brave heroes of the Cons ever enlisted or accepted a commission for their Grand Game?

    While the current crop of GOP candidates pass the litmus test for stoopid...they seem only acceptable to a very small subset of wite male dudez.


  19. I dint do nuffin12:03 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I wonder what the Germans think of all these Nazis in A-merry-ca?

    Ah vell I vill tell you, moistly we are amazed at how high black peeplez can do the goose step for Herr Obama.

    Black America

    One guy getting arrested, another runs up and attacks the cops, another films it and complains about getting handled while the guy getting arrested is fighting and saying the usual " I didnt do nuffin" Why do they do this?

  20. I dint do nuffin12:04 AM

    gott un himmel I forgot ze link

  21. Malcolm Turnbull12:08 AM

    Reading Mold's comment gives me hope that this country can put aside our differences and unite. The fact that most people are too stupid to know how dumb they really are is the fabric holding our society together.

  22. NSangoma12:21 AM

    field, you just do not love the USA.

    Shoot the Negroe with the cell phone camera:


  23. Anonymous12:30 AM

    "One guy getting arrested, another runs up and attacks the cops, another films it and complains about getting handled while the guy getting arrested is fighting and saying the usual " I didnt do nuffin" Why do they do this?"

    To confuse stupid goobers like you. You see, you stupid goobers are like the ones in this video that has gone viral in America:

  24. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Mr. Field, I heard that Jamaicans are NOT looked upon as Black in A-merry-ca. You are looked upon as White.

    I find this quite disturbing considering you are running a blog called "Field Negro", plus you claim to be chasing the big R.

    Since you are considered White in America, what qualifies you to be an R chaser in Philly?

    I swear, you folks from the islands...PR included... ought to quit trying to run a game like you are some Negro cause it's weak, very weak.

    I am going to write my boss about this. I believe Anon Inc has some kind of policy somewhere about this shit.

  25. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Anon 12:30am thanks for the video. One of the girls was Cuban. In case you didn't know, Cubans in Miami are very racist toward Blacks like the Mexicans.

    Yep. don't move to Miami cause you WILL be discriminated against BIG TIME.

  26. Super Zimmel Goober1:15 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "One guy getting arrested, another runs up and attacks the cops, another films it and complains about getting handled while the guy getting arrested is fighting and saying the usual " I didnt do nuffin" Why do they do this?"

    To confuse stupid goobers like you. You see, you stupid goobers are like the ones in this video that has gone viral in America:

    Vait I am not a owww you zay "stupid goober" I am germun. Ahh so then maybe I be Super Zimmel Goober to you from today on.

    But you no make the sense you say two spanish cuban no? girls talking about ze very thingz blacks do and why they don't like them iz the reason zey do the very thingz they do. Maybe if zey dont do theze things the girlz didnt make the video. You must be Uptown Steve pretending to be zee Mold again, not owww you say zo smartt.

  27. Cristo1:39 AM

    "I swear, you folks from the islands...PR included... ought to quit trying to run a game like you are some Negro cause it's weak, very weak."

    Do not confuse people from other islands with those from Puerto Rico. They are a nation of onion-eaters and mango shavers who would sooner repackage soap than burnish a nickel. They would walk a mile to paint a burro when their own well runs dry. They judge a man by his feather hat rather than by his moustache. I would no sooner sell a Puerto Rican a cable stay than I would ride the hurricane home. That is how I feel.

  28. Manny1:45 AM

    Every disaster movie has a black guy as President to save the day, and now when we get a real disaster, look what happens.

  29. Remind me again who took down bin Laden?

  30. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Captain Badass said...
    The Navy Seals

    and bush and cheney planning. Obama just said yes after the usual hemming, hawing and inability to decide delaying it for over year. The General pushed it.

  31. "At least he doesn't have on a sweater vest tonight."

    Field, didn't I tell you that I was agreeing with you in prayer about that last night? The prayer worked!

    If only they would produce an "Unreality" show. The whole GOP party could star in it. They are such a delusional bunch of people. It would be the first time in history that even I would vote for them to Oscar.

  32. Granny, I might have to start going to your church. :)

    Bob, that would be O. Isnt it funny how W had 8 years to get him and couldn't deliver?

    Speaking of W, I wonder if folks remember where this country was heading when he left office? The black president, just like in the movies,saved u A-merry-cans from disaster again.

  33. Buchanan, what is the name of your company?

  34. Anonymous6:29 AM

    "To confuse stupid goobers like you."

    While we're on the topic of "stupid goobers"...are you aware that more than half of all black males do not finish high school??

  35. Anonymous6:36 AM

    "Remind me again who took down bin Laden?"

    Personally, I was much more impressed that Obama gave the order to execute those 4 black teens who tried to hijack the ship off of Somalia back in '09.

    Four dead black thugs, awesome!!

  36. Quote I dint do nuffin

    "gott un himmel"

    Gott im himmel, dummkopf

  37. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Cristo said...
    "Well I am sorry my dear lady that you cannot vote however I must admit that is good news about the rest of Puerto Rico...."
    Care to expound?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Anonymous9:36 AM

    LOL @ The comments on here. Field, you are a genious my man! Game recognize game!

  40. hobama 2008 = gwb 2.0

    hobama 2012 = gwb 3.0


    may god have mercy on us all


    may each hobama nazi be most cursed!!!

    karma is real

    The last refuge of Obamaphiles is that no matter how many times the First Black President double-crosses us by cutting Medicare and Medicaid, no matter how completely be betrays his voters us by ignoring black unemployment, by deporting one million Latinos, by protecting the banksters responsible for the foreclosure crisis and by invading, bombing, occupying and subverting even more countries than the Cheney-Bush regime, his white supremacist tea party opponents are far worse. But what if Democrat Barack and the Republican tea partyers are just playing different positions on the same team?

    The corporate moguls who run the US empire and its political processes are not fools. So when the Republican party deliberately pushes forward certifiable clowns like Michelle Bachman, Richard Perry, Herman Cain and Rick Santorum as its presidential contenders, we can be certain that matters are not quite what they seem. These pandering lunatics are only inmates of the asylum, which is run by the corporate entities that fund the careers of Democratic and Republic politicians alike --- the energy and insurance industries, corporate media and real estate, military contractors, and of course, Wall Street.

    In the words of economist and financial historian Michael Hudson [6], the job of corporate American politicians is not to enact the policies their voters want. The corporate politician's job is to deliver those voters, those constituencies to their campaign contributors, so they can enact the policies their financiers desire. The fact therefore, that Democrats compared to Republicans, and sometimes even Democrats compared to other Democrats appeal to varied groups of voters accounts for why they sound different from each other. But the fact that they all depend on the same class of wealthy corporations and individuals to finance their political careers means that no matter what they tell their voters, the policies they enact once in office are pretty much the same.

  41. newt and rick and romney et al are doing precisely as scripted by that evil blackish hobama...

    they will all be rewarded

    ron paul 2012!!!

    Since the forces financing Republicans are the same as those financing Democrats the directors of US political theater have the power to play games with us. For them, Obama is the preferable alternative. Only the First Black President could have disbanded the peace movement and rolled into town promising to “cut entitlements” without provoking a firestorm of protest. Only the First Black President could have accepted a Nobel Peace Prize with a war speech, and invaded an African country without millions of protesters in the street worldwide. Only the First Black President with a strong Democratic majority in Congress could have resumed offshore drilling after the Gulf BP disaster, and blocked any new regulation on the oil industry. Only the First Black President could have given GM back to its managers after sticking the unions with its underfunded health care and pension load. Only candidate Obama could have come in off the campaign trail in September 2008 to whip Democratic votes in the Democrat-dominated congress for the $3 trillion Bush bailout, and only the First black President could have quintupled down on that bailout, giving the banksters $15 trillion more once in office.

    From their standpoint, Obama needed, and continues to need two things. First, Obama needs running room to his right. In order for Obama to enact the neoliberal policies of his militarist and bankster sponsors, the policy demands of Republicans had to move further and still further rightward. In other words, he needs Republicans to play crazy and crazier, so that wherever he lands can credibly be claimed to be a little better than what might have been under a Republican regime, even when Obama's position is actually to the right of Bush or Reagan. Secondly, the bankster favorite Obama needs to distract the attention of his voter base with a loud and persistent clamor over cultural issues and sustained furor over instances of personal [9] (but not institutional) racism among Republican candidates and supporters. Like in any production, every actor has a job to do, and everybody does their job.

    When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?

  42. Anonymous10:37 AM

    granny, "If only they would produce an "Unreality" show. The whole GOP party could star in it. They are such a delusional bunch of people. It would be the first time in history that even I would vote for them to Oscar."

    Well, your prayers seem to be heard by the Father. Why not pray for those you think are delusional to be able to think straight like you leftists? Just think. You could save the world with your prayers and the Angels in Heaven will sing.

  43. what recovery?
    what jobs?

  44. Mrs. Fibonacci10:41 AM

    "Under Bush, 5% unemployment was a disaster. Under Obama 8.5% is a boom. Affirmative action."

    More stupidity from the Stupids.

    The financial disaster happened under Bush, bled and then hemorrhaged into Obama's first and second years.

    Only a wingnut wouldn't understand that simple fact.

    The wingers actually believe that an administration can turn a colossal financial disaster in a country of 300 million people around in 1 1/2 years while dealing with GOP leaders that say NO!to everything it proposes?

    Simple-minded idiocy.

  45. Anonymous10:46 AM

    ab, "what recovery?
    what jobs?

    You must be blind, child. A moron can see the recovery. WTFU.

    Jobs are everywhere. You have been brainwashed by the far right and lost your faith by the far left.

    Can't you see that everything is going to be alright in America, Home of the Free? thanks to Obama.

    Thanks to Obama, he has saved the day! Wake up and smell the coffee, ab.

  46. Dr. Queen 2/22:

    i just read your post sista...

    this blog is the worst kkk blog online!
    that is truly tragic!

    i ban all kkk fools on all of my radio shows/blogs/websites etc
    always have
    always will

    real field negroes would have shut these vulgar retarded mofos down long ago!!!

  47. ChChChChia10:51 AM

    Mrs. Fibonacci said...
    "Under Bush, 5% unemployment was a disaster. Under Obama 8.5% is a boom. Affirmative action."

    More stupidity from the Stupids.

    The financial disaster happened under Bush, bled and then hemorrhaged into Obama's first and second years.

    Only a wingnut wouldn't understand that simple fact.

    The wingers actually believe that an administration can turn a colossal financial disaster in a country of 300 million people around in 1 1/2 years while dealing with GOP leaders that say NO!to everything it proposes?

    Simple-minded idiocy.

    @Mrs I boned a Chia pet. Is this a talking point from 2009? Obama has been president for 3 1/2 years, not 1 1/2. There are 307 Million Americans not 300. Democrats took the house and Senate in 2006 and controlled the purse strings including the Fannie and Freddie debacle that caused the economic crisis. Obama had the house, the senate and the presidency all democratic for the first two years and did whatever he wanted ,American people be damned.

    Now what was your talking point about simple minded idiots again?

  48. Brian Williams10:57 AM

    Marching orders for the media in 2012, 'everything is a sign of a recovery.'

  49. Cristo11:03 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Cristo said...
    "Well I am sorry my dear lady that you cannot vote however I must admit that is good news about the rest of Puerto Rico...."
    Care to expound?

    Dear lady, please see my posting of 1:39 am of yesterday. I think then you will have the uderstanding of my position.

  50. The White House11:11 AM

    Alicia Banks, The White House would like to inform you that your continuous slandering of the president is perfectly acceptable under the First Amendment, but the president and his staff have the right to say whatever they wish about you. Like below dummmmmmy!

    alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is retarded
    alicia banks is a liar
    alicia banks is incompetent
    alicia banks is on medications
    alicia banks is a dummy
    alicia banks has cob webs
    alicia banks smells like hot dog water
    alicia banks smells like chimp feces
    alicia banks is stoopid
    alicia banks has no brain
    alicia banks is a waste of space
    alicia banks is the same as kola boof
    alicia banks is the same as wanabe dawktaw da queefkim
    alicia banks is uncooth
    alicia banks stinks
    alicia banks smells like stinky cat shit
    alicia banks is an attention whore
    alicia banks is duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb!alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is retarded
    alicia banks is a liar
    alicia banks is incompetent
    alicia banks is on medications
    alicia banks is a dummy
    alicia banks has cob webs
    alicia banks smells like hot dog water
    alicia banks smells like chimp feces
    alicia banks is stoopid
    alicia banks has no brain
    alicia banks is a waste of space
    alicia banks is the same as kola boof
    alicia banks is the same as wanabe dawktaw da queefkim
    alicia banks is uncooth
    alicia banks stinks
    alicia banks smells like stinky cat shit
    alicia banks is an attention whore
    alicia banks is duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb!alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is retarded
    alicia banks is a liar
    alicia banks is incompetent
    alicia banks is on medications
    alicia banks is a dummy
    alicia banks has cob webs
    alicia banks smells like hot dog water
    alicia banks smells like chimp feces
    alicia banks is stoopid
    alicia banks has no brain
    alicia banks is a waste of space
    alicia banks is the same as kola boof
    alicia banks is the same as wanabe dawktaw da queefkim
    alicia banks is uncooth
    alicia banks stinks
    alicia banks smells like stinky cat shit
    alicia banks is an attention whore
    alicia banks is duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb!alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is retarded
    alicia banks is a liar
    alicia banks is incompetent
    alicia banks is on medications
    alicia banks is a dummy
    alicia banks has cob webs
    alicia banks smells like hot dog water
    alicia banks smells like chimp feces
    alicia banks is stoopid
    alicia banks has no brain
    alicia banks is a waste of space
    alicia banks is the same as kola boof
    alicia banks is the same as wanabe dawktaw da queefkim
    alicia banks is uncooth
    alicia banks stinks
    alicia banks smells like stinky cat shit
    alicia banks is an attention whore
    alicia banks is duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb!alicia banks is not a genius
    alicia banks is retarded
    alicia banks is a liar
    alicia banks is incompetent
    alicia banks is on medications
    alicia banks is a dummy
    alicia banks has cob webs
    alicia banks smells like hot dog water
    alicia banks smells like chimp feces
    alicia banks is stoopid
    alicia banks has no brain
    alicia banks is a waste of space
    alicia banks is the same as kola boof
    alicia banks is the same as wanabe dawktaw da queefkim
    alicia banks is uncooth
    alicia banks stinks
    alicia banks smells like stinky cat shit
    alicia banks is an attention whore
    alicia banks is duuuuuuuuuuuuuumb!

  51. Mr. Truthanucci11:12 AM

    Mrs. Fibonacci said...
    "The financial disaster happened under Bush, bled and then hemorrhaged into Obama's first and second years."

    Why did the financial crisis happen? Because democrats had spent years creating the subprime mess. Barack Obama himself had participated in lawsuits to force banks to lend money to people who couldn't afford to pay it back.

    More importantly, three and a half years later, things still suck. We should be at least two years into a boom. Despite a huge boost from the oil and gas industries due to Bush-era drilling leases and advances in technology like improved fracking, we still have high unemployment and anemic growth.

    Why? Because Obama's policies have been a huge drag on the economy.

    He's got to go.

  52. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Why did the financial crisis happen? Because democrats had spent years creating the subprime mess. lyicci


  53. Mr. Truthanucci11:20 AM

    Under capitalist oppression, you got rich by providing the public with something it wanted at a price it could afford. Now you get rich by sucking up to the corruptocrats in Washington.

    The whole point of America was to prevent what we now call Obamanomics.

  54. Mr. Truthanucci11:22 AM

    The word stimulus is avoided by Demorrhoids, because it evokes mordant laughter from anyone who follows current events. Before this farce has played out, the same will be true of the name Barack Hussein Obama.

  55. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Field, "Bob, that would be O. Isnt it funny how W had 8 years to get him and couldn't deliver?"

    Well, he didn't exactly get him in 8yrs. It took 10 1/2yrs but the Bush still got he said, "dead or alive".

    Those Navy Seals had orders from Bush to find Bin Laden for as long as it takes.

    My God, Field--give credit where credit is due. we have changed the status of Jamaicans to White. That gives you white privileged status. what more do you want? be grateful.

    Stop hangin out with some these Negroes. They ain't going no where in life.

    Look at Dr. Queen, where is that she-Negro going? NOWHERE...stay away from bullshiting people like Queen and use your white status judiciously before it is taken away from you. In other words, make the most of it before it's too late.

    Now I am telling you this because I care about you, brother. I love you and don't want to see you dragged down by the likes of AB, Dr Queen, PC, and PilotX.

    Field, these Negroes are jealous of you and want to keep you down from your rightful place in society. DON'T LET THEM. Remember, you are White, and they are not.

    Brother Field, Do you now understand what you must do, and what America is about? As Winnie the Poo said, "It's the greatest human experiment in history!" It's like the blog FN. It too is the greatest experiment in blog history!

    Therefore, Brother Field--act like you are White!

    member of Anon, Inc.

  56. Anonymous11:29 AM

    The Obama administration is a joke and horribly classless.

    Now you too can attend a Senior Campaign Staff meeting if you give 10k to the Mooch. With a meet and greet and photo session. Do they think they are rock stars?

    First Lady Michelle Obama is expected to make an appearance in Cincinnati today at a campaign fundraiser. The reception at the Westin Hotel in Downtown Cincinnati will kick off later this morning.

    Donors who pay $10,000 will get to attend a senior campaign staff meeting, a meet and greet with the first lady and a photo reception. A $2500 donation will get you the photo reception and a general reception, $1000 will get you into the VIP general reception and $25 will get you into the general reception.

  57. Hopefully, this was the last one. Even the candidates seem tired of the whole tawdry spectacle. Except Newt.

  58. LOL! Your commentors are interesting! I am not watching the Repub debates. I'll wait until they fight it out and have a last man standing and then I'll tune in to watch the really good stuff!

  59. someone call an exterminator, please:

  60. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Hey Ho Obama's got to go


    Chart: 'America’s Per Capita Government Debt Worse Than Greece'

    and Each child born today will inherit 1.5 million in debt. As if the republic would last that long the way it is going.

    Each Child born today will inherit 1.5 million in debt

  61. Anonymous2:10 PM

    where is field? why is that dude hiding?

    you must stay strong for us, brother. never give up! how's that for inspiration? do you feel new power flow into you from my words? I thought so. I'm considering going into politics.

    Those repubs never give up. Field, you must show them a progressive liberal can be strong too and that every once in a while even a liberal progressive dem will get up off the couch to vote.:) I will pray for you like a tough caring Granny from Oakland/Richmond.

  62. Anonymous2:13 PM

    field, are you moderating fn today? in the middle of the daytime? now that ain't right.

  63. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Desert, I enjoy reading your blog and how you enjoy life. Very few can do that. Thank you.

  64. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Cristo said...
    "They are a nation of onion-eaters and mango shavers who would sooner repackage soap than burnish a nickel. They would walk a mile to paint a burro when their own well runs dry. They judge a man by his feather hat rather than by his moustache. I would no sooner sell a Puerto Rican a cable stay than I would ride the hurricane home. That is how I feel."
    Oh, okay....doesn't sound too good....

  65. Obama's political success rests on the outrageous notion that he is a moderate, a centrist, non-ideological, coolly rational, and uncommitted to any particular view of the world beyond what "the facts" say is best for America. People on the right have always been stunned that anybody could believe this, but it is exactly what millions of people believe.

    The bad news is that he is extremely good at what he does. People who believe he is a bumbler, or has a low IQ, are engaged in wishful thinking, or perhaps they are victims of confirmation bias. Anyway, what Obama has mastered is using words, phrases, and images to mean more or less the exact opposite of what a conservative means when he says them, or indeed what most anyone means when he says it. He is able to couch self-evidently socialist ideas in language that most people identify as fuzzily conservative.

    For example, he often speaks of Americans being able to "do great things," to "innovate," to "be leaders," to "pull ourselves up," and he decries "those who say America has lost its edge." This sounds like a paean to American exceptionalism and the ability of Americans to form private associations to achieve all sorts of productive and creative wonders. That is what people hear. What he actually means--what he always, always means--is that the U.S. government is capable of great things, that "coming together" in the form of Federal agencies is Americans' peculiar gift. He speaks of government in terms that most people reserve for the private sector, and sometimes in terms that people reserve for God Almighty. So independents and self-described liberal Christians are constantly "surprised" by what he does.

    He speaks of our ability to innovate, to take care of ourselves, to care for our neighbors, to remain a people of faith, to be a force for good. What he means by all of these things is that faith in government is what makes us great, that the Federal government is the reason we can put our pants on in the morning, though of course people hear the exact opposite. Obama intentionally delivers speeches that steal the language of American post-war conservatism, and is very desirous of being compared to Ronald Reagan (many leftist writers have duly complied and made the comparison, stupid as it is). This is why, in my opinion, he is so lost without his teleprompter--it's because his entire shtick is based on a foul deception, and on using words to mean their exact opposite. It is why whenever he is off-camera or in a comfortable setting he constantly makes gaffes such as his "God and guns" remark. It is why he is so reluctant to do press conferences (has there been a president in our lifetimes who has talked so much and yet been so inaccessible?).

    This "Marxist trick" may be old, but I'm sure we have never seen anyone so practiced and skillful in the art as our current president. Perhaps I ascribe too much importance to this element in Obama's public speeches, but it seems to me to explain a lot of otherwise confusing things, such as Timothy Dolan's shock and surprise at Obama's HHS mandate. Whatever Obama told him, I'm sure it sounded very much like, "We won't force you to provide anything you object to," while what it really meant was, "We're going to shove this down your fool throat whether you like it or not. More tea?"

  66. Although I've only voted Democrat in my lifetime i will be the first to admit when there is a viable Republican candidate...

    In 2012 there isn't not one.

    Just three stooges. Attacking Obama. Yawn.

  67. The Greek catastrophe is filled with lessons for the U.S. Like their counterparts in Greece, Democratic politicians are driven by a simple, irreducible desire, the desire to keep expanding the public sector no matter what, whether for the sake of their pet ideologies, their client groups, their friends, or themselves. They've demonstrated this in the last three years more clearly than ever before. Despite the financial crisis, they are coldly, shockingly unrepentant about wasting inconceivable amounts of taxpayers' money, as seen for example with the stimulus and the Solyndra fiasco, and they want--greedily, passionately want--to do more of the same. Consider their recently revealed requirement under Obamacare that the government provide totally free birth control to every woman in the country who wants it, and their notion, never heard before in this country, that 'access' to birth control, by which they mean totally free birth control, is an essential principle that no one may question. The Democrats have thus revealed the essence of their political being, which is that they will accept no limit on public spending, including the most wasteful, ruinous, and ideologically driven public spending, so long as they are not forced against their will to accept a limit by some power greater than themselves. Left to their own devices, leftist politicians will never behave rationally. Their ideology--and their greed--forbids it.

  68. Anonymous5:26 PM

    i see you commie niggers are still whinning about bad old whitey. you know if you coons got off your dead asses and got a real job you would not have time to bitch about your betters.i mean a real job instead of a nigger at the door job like house nigger.

  69. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Desert, I enjoy reading your blog and how you enjoy life. Very few can do that. Thank you.
    Thank you, I try! :)

  70. What are these crackas gonna do when they eliminate affirmative action completely and it doesn't affect us at all? Let's see how white women do without it.

    GWB said "I don't know where he is. I don't spend that much time thinking about him"

    Why do republicons continue in their attempts to rewrite history when there's a such thing as the internet?

  71. Sammy Davis III7:36 PM

    People are dumb. Don't forget, Barack Obama has the same view on gay marriage that all of the GOP candidates have.

  72. Anonymous4:26 PM

    there is no suce thing as fagget marriage because that word means a union of one man and one can call it a fagget hook up but is is not a marriage. it is the same with the word gay it does not mean fagget. this recession was caused by the community reinvestment act and the national socialist democratic workers party out of control spending.bush did his part by not using the veto pen on spending bills but the major damage was done by affirmetave action leanding. do your home work before mouthing off about the democrats recession.tea party people are not racist but you dark skinned people are.

  73. "Why do republicons continue in their attempts to rewrite history when there's a such thing as the internet?"

    Good question. Same as when Newt threatened to sue anyone who used his own words. These guys are insane.

  74. Die White Devil8:33 PM

    Anon 5:26 PM:

    F*ck off, you palefaced, glass-eyed honky!! I know you're upset because you can't have your way with us anymore like your ancestors did; WAAAAH! Cry me a goddamn river, you stupid peckerwood. Why is it anytime you conservaturd KKKrackers show your hoods and swasticas in public you need police protection?? Because you're terrified of blacks, know we are more powerful and will beat the living shit out of all of you at the first opportunity. Fascist Repunklikkkan honkies have been redlining our neighborhoods for decades and then laughing at us for being unemployed; while at the same time allowing foreigners from all over the world to slip in this country and steal every open job in sight.
    So slither back to the trailer park get drunk on Jack Daniel's and puke all over your dirty little children just like a good ol' Bo-honky troll.

    "Everywhere the pig white man goes, he leaves behind a trail of blood and misery"


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