Monday, February 13, 2012

OBL, Whitney, and the rise of American Theocracy.

Oh my! It seems my girl Whitney had quite a few admirers all over the world.

"Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden is so obsessed with singer Whitney Houston he thought about killing her husband, Bobby Brown, it was claimed last night.

"The suggestion is made by Sudanese poet and novelist Kola Boof, who claims she was bin Laden's sex slave for four months 10 years ago.

In her autobiography, Diary of a Lost Girl, she writes: "He told me Whitney Houston was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen."

Boof, 37, who claims bin Laden raped her and held her prisoner in a Moroccan hotel, says he could not stop talking about the songbird, even though he disapproved of music.

"Osama kept coming back to Whitney Houston," she says in the book, excerpted in the magazine Harpers' Bazaar. "He asked if I knew her personally when I lived in America. I told him I didn't.

"He said that he had a paramount desire for Whitney Houston, and although he claimed music was evil he spoke of someday spending vast amounts of money to go to America and try to arrange a meeting with the superstar.

"It didn't seem impossible to me. He said he wanted to give Whitney Houston a mansion that he owned in a suburb of Khartoum.

"He explained to me that to possess Whitney he would be willing to break his colour rule and make her one of his wives.

"Whitney Houston's name was the one that would be mention constantly.

"How beautiful she was, what a nice smile she has, how truly Islamic she is but is just brainwashed by American culture and by her husband Bobby Brown, whom Osama talked about having killed, as if it were normal to have women's husbands killed." [Source] (h/t to Susan)

Damn, OBL had more love for Whitney that some of the racist mofos in this country. (And people wonder why I despise FOX and everything they represent so much.)

Anyway, tonight I want to blog about the "occupy woman's vagina" folks who have hijacked this contraception debate. Because we all know that blocking a woman's right to reproductive services is the republican thing to do.

President Obama, much to my displeasure, compromised with the Catholic Church in this debate. I hate to break it to him, but if he thought that the folks who are trying to score cheap political brownie points from this would back off, he would be wrong.  And the Catholic Church certainly isn't giving any ground. (Why should they? It's not like we are talking about pedophile priests or anything.)

"It's still clear that President Obama does not understand this isn't about cost--it's about who controls the religious views of faith-based institutions," Blunt said in a released statement. "President Obama believes that he should have that control. Our constitution states otherwise."

And who should have the control over a woman's body? If a------ fill in your religion other than Catholic--- woman chooses to work for a Catholic hospital or university and wants to buy birth control pills for whatever, are you telling me that she shouldn't be allowed because she works for a Catholic institution? (One that most likely gets some kind of public funding.) What about individual freedoms in this country? If a non Seventh Day Adventist man works for Andrews University and wants to buy a bucket of chicken in Berrien Springs, Michigan on a Saturday night, are you telling me that he shouldn't be allowed to because Adventist don't believe in eating meat? And if the poor guy gets a heart attack because of his love for the Colonel's cooking, are you saying that the Seventh Day Adventist health plan shouldn't have to pay for his hospital visit to clear out his arteries? Should an employer who is Jehovah's Witness be allowed to deny blod transfusions to one of his or her employees? Of course not. We all know a stretch when we see one.

The hierarchy of the Catholic Church and their political soul-mates are trying to pull a fast one on the American people. This is not about religious freedom, it's about religious tyranny. Do you honestly believe that if men had to give birth to children we would even be having this debate?

I love what Wendy Kaminer wrote in The Atlantic:

"What accounts for the rhetorical excesses of the Catholic Church and its advocates on the campaign trail and in the media? They reflect some genuine outrage, no doubt. But, in part, the rhetoric is an organizing tool (which may succeed in wresting new concessions from the administration). And in part, it reflects larger rhetorical trends: We inhabit a culture of hyperbole, especially during election years. Every argument is a gunfight (to which someone mistakenly brings a knife), every gunfight is a war, and every war a potential apocalypse.

Still, while the fate of American civilization doesn't depend on this debate about the obligations of church-affiliated institutions to abide by secular law, the stakes are relatively high. As government workers are laid off and government programs shrink, the public role of private, tax-exempt non-profits expands. The stronger their right to dispense public funds and deliver public services according to sectarian religious dictates, the weaker our rights to a non-sectarian public sphere. It's a zero-sum game." [Source]

I disagree with her about one thing: the outrage expressed by church officials might be genuine, but the outrage expressed by the poli-tricksters rallying around this issue are as phony as a W's cowboy persona.


  1. How is Obama Handling Muslim Institutions with all the health care mandates? What are your thoughts on that?

  2. I still say Barack wins on this one. Sure he compromised but as some pundits pointed out now the argument moves from religious liberty to reproductive rights. If he engages in the first he loses if he engages in the second he wins. He led the rightwing nut jobs into a trap and now he will gain the moderate/independent woman vote.

  3. Kingnut11:27 PM

    "Boof, 37, who claims bin Laden raped her and held her prisoner in a Moroccan hotel, says he could not stop talking about the songbird, even though he disapproved of music."

    Man, that's cold. Not only are you a sex slave, getting raped for four months, but the dude doesn't even have the common courtesy to stop talking about some other woman.

    I'll bet he didn't even give her a nice parting gift when it was all over.

    It just goes to show you the kind of manners someone has who would send airliners into the World Trade Center.

    The nerve.

  4. Kingnut11:36 PM

    "And who should have the control over a woman's body? If a------ fill in your religion other than Catholic--- woman chooses to work for a Catholic hospital or university and wants to buy birth control pills for whatever, are you telling me that she shouldn't be allowed because she works for a Catholic institution?

    Do you really not understand this issue? Not one person, not even the Goddamn Pope, has said anyone shouldn't be allowed to buy contraception, only that the Catholic Church should not be required to pay for it.

    There is a huge difference in having control over a woman's body and insisting on the right not to fund an activity that violates a basic tenet of your faith.

    Talk about "inhabiting a culture of hyperbole".

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "Terror mastermind Osama bin Laden is so obsessed with singer Whitney Houston he thought about killing her husband, Bobby Brown, it was claimed last night."

    Too bad he didn't carry through on that thought.

    The Fool-

  6. "Not one person, not even the Goddamn Pope, has said anyone shouldn't be allowed to buy contraception,"

    Not true. Santorum wants to overturn the ruling that made contraception legal and return this choice to the states. Google Santorum, better yet don't do that, who knows what you'll get.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @Field POTUS wins on the issue of health insurers paying for contraception. Head wingnut Mitch McConnell and his cronies have already proposed a bill that would allow ALL employers to deny coverage for contraception. The Komen dust up was nothing compared to what will happen if republicans try to tell American women they don't have the right to decide what's best for their health.

    Nothing against TaNehisi but I hate the Atlantic. Sullivan is a disingenuous creep.

    @Field carrying over from the prior disrespect meant but I really do miss this blog as it was a year and a half ago. The trolls probably don't realize they're creating Obama supporters with their race-based attacks. Honest debate would be a welcome change. Republicans tell us we're on a plantation yet they haven't made an honest effort to change our minds about POTUS.

  10. The Catholic Church did something similar with DC Government. A lot of mental health services are run by the church and if DC government was going make them do something similar, then the Church was going to stop offering services to needy residents. I'm talking about thousands of people getting help from them, that they were getting government funds to use, and if they didn't get their way, they were going to take their ball and go home. Losers.


  11. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Field, this is about the morals and ethics of the Catholic religion....SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLES...something you wouldn't know about because you still have yet to experience them. You are so politically far left that you couldn't possibly understand what's going on. But I must hand it to you. You are a courageous soul even if it means showing a low spiritual

    Far left wingnuts are at the other extreme of far right wingnuts. But 'extremism is extremism'. Which means both extremists have a lot in common. They don't get it but will argue for extremism.

    Yesterday you gave a great post but today's post is off-the-charts. You should have left this one alone. I bet when you were writing there was a little voice whispering, "there is something wrong with the picture you are doesn't feel right. Leave this one alone."

    Brotha Field, I think you are going to take a beating on this one.

    I am still depressed about Whitney. In singing the National Athem, Whitney set an unreachable bar for those singers that follow her. And, she sang it with such ease and grace! Truly God gifted her with a voice unmatched by any human being.

  12. Anonymous2:20 AM

    I held my nose and checked out John Gibson , and Glen Beck on the radio yesterday and their take on Whitney Houston's death was that all Black folks that are wealthy spend their money on Crack and party's. The coverage of her death was so respectful. I thought it was disgusting .Down right shameful.

  13. Anonymous2:24 AM

    It is amazing that some people in America could degrade Whitney Houston's death with racist comments.

    Some Americans are evil and come from the bowels of hell. Their brains are twisted and filled with the stench of hatred and degradation toward Blacks. They have white skin but their hearts are black. Yet, they are unconsciously trying to be God. Sick, very sick.

    Fox won't last. It's just a matter of time before they destroy themselves.

  14. Anonymous2:37 AM

    "I held my nose and checked out John Gibson , and Glen Beck on the radio yesterday and their take on Whitney Houston's death was that all Black folks that are wealthy spend their money on Crack and party's. The coverage of her death was so respectful. I thought it was disgusting .Down right shameful."

    If you were White, you would think the same as Glen Beck and Gibson. Whites don't have good images of Blacks like Blacks would like. It's hard to be White and superior to think otherwise. It's called White Privilege.

    Unfortuately, Blacks aren't doing much to change that "crack image". I love Whitney but between her and that asshole Brown they displayed the typical crazy drug Negro image.

  15. Anonymous3:15 AM

    something to think about:

  16. I thought Marvin Gaye's national anthem performance was better than Whitney's for the record.

  17. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Kola Boof's "I screwed Bin Laden" story is a hoax perpetrated by a crazy person. Only chumps believe it. She's claimed to have had sex with a dozen famous men, including one who died before she was born.

  18. If men could give birth to children they'd be women.. it's a meaningless hypothetical.

    The Catholic Church wasn't trying to outlaw contraception; it was trying to insist on its right not to be forced into paying for it. Huge difference.

    The same group of people who smugly shout "if you don't like abortion, don't have one" also say "if you don't like contraception, pay for mine anyway". That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    The right to do something does not automatically become the right to make someone else pay for it.

    Why should contraceptives have no co-pay while drugs to treat cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc still have a co-pay? This is pure political posturing on both sides.

  19. PC, I loved Whitney as well,but Marvin's rendition of the anthem was in fact better.

  20. Interesting story about Ms. Kola Boof

    ”Alicia Banks, a former talk-show host in Atlanta, now living in Arkansas, said she has met Ms. Boof, the first time in 1997. ''My biggest concern for Kola is that she is haunted by some deep, dark secrets,'' Ms. Banks said.”

  21. OK all, me and my little family are off home to Amsterdam for some well earned R & R, I'll see you all at the weekend.

    Try and get by as best you can without me.

  22. Have fun PC! And stay away from those cafes.

  23. Shady_Grady said...

    The Catholic Church wasn't trying to outlaw contraception; it was trying to insist on its right not to be forced into paying for it. Huge difference.

    The same group of people who smugly shout "if you don't like abortion, don't have one" also say "if you don't like contraception, pay for mine anyway". That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    The right to do something does not automatically become the right to make someone else pay for it.

    Great point. This is often lost on moonbats like fn and his ilk.

  24. Diversity Kills8:37 AM

    Changing {lowering} Standards To Encourage Minority Admissions To Medical School

    Economist Mark J. Perry:

    1. For those students applying to medical school with average GPAs (3.40 to 3.59) and average MCAT scores (27-29), black applicants were almost three times more likely to be admitted than their Asian counterparts (85.9% vs. 30%), and 2.4 times more likely than their white counterparts (85.9% vs. 35.9%). Likewise, Hispanic students with average GPAs and average MCAT scores were about twice as likely to be accepted as white applicants (68.7% vs. 35.9%), and more than twice as likely as Asian applicants (68.7% vs. 30%).

    2. For students applying to medical school with slightly below average GPAs of 3.20-3.39 and slightly below average MCAT scores of 24-26 (first column in the table), black applicants were more than 8 times as likely to be admitted as Asians (67.3% vs. 7.7%), and more than 5 times as likely as whites.

    Bottom Line: In my previous post, I concluded that the medical school acceptance data suggest that medical schools must have admission policies that favor blacks and Hispanics over Asian and white students. Even if factors other than GPA and MCAT scores (which are probably the two most important ones) are considered for admission to medical school, wouldn’t it still be very hard to conclude that admissions policies to medical schools are completely “race-neutral” and completely free of any racial preferences?

  25. osama never met kola and all that bs is a fantasy from a pathological liar

    i know that better than anyone because kola has also lied on me!!!

    hobama and kola are 2 blackish global hoaxes


  26. fn:

    i know u missed me
    kola's whitney lie is ancient


    have a great day

  27. Turns out, Kola Boof is quite the liar.

    But hey, when does facts and truth ever matter in the fields?

  28. Crystal Mangum10:00 AM

    Now, now.....ya'll lay-off Kola. As any feminist will tell you, women NEVER lie about rape.

  29. kola is global trash who will trash/lie about anyone globally

    including whitney/me/osama/djimon hounsou/maya angelou etc



    we will always love u!!


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. pc:


    cc that nyt pc to all the haters and liars herein...

    kola had me hoaxed about her life once too...

    i should have ignored her like all of my peers in media/publishing did back then

    trusting and advertising kola and her work was one of my greatest errors in life...

    it left an eternal wound via the same insane lies she tells about osama

    kola boof

    this psycho hoax/whore has been busted all over the internet

    my wife knows kola lied
    and she is the only person who truly matters to me in this bs


    kola even lied on the rapper wales

    and anyone who looked at his video for 15 seconds could see she was lying


  32. The AMA11:36 AM

    "For students applying to medical school with slightly below average GPAs of 3.20-3.39 and slightly below average MCAT scores of 24-26 (first column in the table), black applicants were more than 8 times as likely to be admitted as Asians (67.3% vs. 7.7%), and more than 5 times as likely as whites."

    So there's hope for Ms. Queen yet.

    But it's a very, very slim hope.

    She will never be a doctor..

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Hey Alicia, were you ever raped by anyone famous like your girl Kola was? I would think hanging out with her would be pretty dangerous, the way she gets raped all the time.

    Is there anyone famous you would like to get raped by?

  35. Union dues at work:

    Welcome to "Change".

  36. Alicia Banks12:28 PM

    Zola said...
    Hey Alicia, were you ever raped by anyone famous like your girl Kola was? I would think hanging out with her would be pretty dangerous, the way she gets raped all the time.

    Is there anyone famous you would like to get raped by

    Gene Simmons he has got a tongue dat is de bomb I dreamz about sittin on dat face while he "kiss" me

  37. Ellen Degenerate12:48 PM

    There are rumours of a sex tape featuring Alicia Banks and Rosie O'Donnell.

    Religious groups are trying to get a hold of it so they can use it as "shock therapy" in curing lesbians.

    By all accounts, it is horrific.

  38. This is an excellent example of how the liberal media is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Democratic Party:

    Think about that the next time you fill up your tank.

  39. RachelMaddow1:10 PM

    Ellen Degenerate said...
    There are rumours of a sex tape featuring Alicia Banks and Rosie O'Donnell.

    Religious groups are trying to get a hold of it so they can use it as "shock therapy" in curing lesbians.

    By all accounts, it is horrific.

    Where can I get dis?

  40. Anonymous1:38 PM

    "It is amazing that some people in America could degrade Whitney Houston's death with racist comments."

    Did you ever watch the wretched reality show she did with her ex-husband Bobby Brown? Whitney DEGRADED herself by showing all her warts and imperfections with her vile, felon ex-husband.

    Years ago a white guy on my job, who once was a fan of Houston, said she looked like a CRACK WHORE which she did at the time he said it. There was NOTHING I could say. I had to agree. I sure a lot of white people said the same thing. Just like a lot of white people wondered why she married the baby daddy thug Bobby Brown.

  41. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The Catholic Church retains the religious right to have any person working in the actual church to not have contraception. What the Law did was place all the non-church activities on an equal footing with comparable secular functions.
    Essentially, the Bishop/Cardinal secretary may not have coverage...but the 20-something woman working in the church-owned parking lot/rental agency/etc would have contraception covered.

    You do realize, young wingnut welfare posters, that you are repeating the tired canard of 'landlord rites'...where Goober claims they don't have to rent to 'miggers'?

    Somehow, I do believe this explains your dateless situation.


  42. "In my previous post, I concluded that the medical school acceptance data suggest that medical schools must have admission policies that favor blacks and Hispanics over Asian and white students."

    And I thought all minorities majored in sociology and ethnic studies in college.

    Go figure.

  43. This Bitch Kola Boof lying to y’all, you have been bamboozled why a woman selling snake oil y’all thick lipped flat nosed west African faced women are having your money stole from you, why because she is telling you things you love to hear ‘white men secretly want you’ the Aryan woman ain’t shit to the white man deep down he wants you by his side, Kola Boof has no white daddy she is a liar and a fraud she is very typically Somali looking and has that horn of Africa look (genetic studies show that Somalis have a common cluster of Y chromosomes E36 a haplotype unique to the horn of Africa) if she has white daddy then so does Iman and Waris Dire.
    Kola Boof is about as Black as the Dalit people of India.
