Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Coming Apart"

I still can't get over my girl Whitney going out like that. I tried writing about it this morning and posted it with another publication. I didn't feel like hearing it from my resident racist trolls who like to hang in the fields, so if you want to read it you will have to go over there. (From the bad to worse department; her daughter was just rushed to the hospital.)

So anyway, this is Black History Month, and we are indeed living in an interesting time in our nation's history. In a lot of ways, we are even more segregated now than we were during the darkest days of Jim Crow. (h/t to Daniel for that article)
The rights of women are being trampled on by a few powerful people in Washington, and white scholars are openly wondering how the white working class and white bourgeoisie can unite as they were back in the days when they were clearly the the ruling class.

I guess, for Charles Murray (yes, the "Bell Curve" guy) and others like him, white power is slipping away at an alarming rate. 

But all is not lost. I wonderful woman from the majority population sent me an e-mail after reading the story I posted about that basketball team from Pistolvania. It's a letter she penned to that school official who sat by and laughed while this incident was taking place. She has given me permission to share it:

"Dear Sir,

I read with interest of your failure to intervene in the recent "banana suit" incident at the basketball game.

I'm sure you meant well, and thought this was an innocuous form of trash talk from high spirited young people.

Allow me to tell you something about myself.
I am a 60 year old white woman who was born and raised in the deep South, where I still live.

During the civil rights era of the 1960s, my parents never marched or shouted, but they supported equal rights with their own quiet dignity.
Our church in Georgia split because some in the congregation voted to bar the doors to the church if black people attempted to worship with them.
My parents voted against this, and spoke up in church about what a profound ignorance of Christ was being evinced there.

After that, the KKK weekly newspaper published by J.B. Stoner (who killed the 4 little girls in Birmingham)

appeared regularly in our driveway. It was thrown there at night by someone who wanted to convince my parents of the error of their ways.
A regular feature of this paper was caricatures of ape-like black people holding bananas. It had photos of Africans with terrible diseases,
and claimed this was their normal appearance. It had pseudo-science claiming that Africans were not wholly human, but were descended from
matings between humans and monkeys. My parents didn't just throw these papers away---they burned them, but I still remember the images,
the ignorance and the hatred displayed there.

When I read of the taunting at the Brentwood ball game, I was reminded of the KKK newspaper and I was disgusted and angry at you,
the teenagers, and the entire Brentwood administration. I have since calmed down, and reminded myself that you people didn't grow up where and how I did,
so you don't know any better. However, it is now time for you to correct your embarrassing ignorance and your breach of good manners.
You and the student body need to apologize, sincerely, to the opposing team, and take measures that such a disgusting display never happens again.
Brentwood is a school? Educate yourselves!!!


Dena..... "

Thank you Dena. Unfortunately, I am afraid that your wonderful letter will not do much good. But we can hope.




  1. Cardinal Ball4:56 PM

    "The rights of women are being trampled on by a few powerful people in Washington"

    Can you please cite just one 'right' of women that has felt the merest touch of the jackboot of Washington?

  2. NTacoma4:58 PM

    I think Dena is just trying to get away from the fact she subscribed to a Klan newspaper back in the day. MF her racist ass!

  3. Nice post on the other site, Field!!!!

  4. FN said.....
    I guess, for Charles Murray (yes, the "Bell Curve" guy) and others like him, white power is slipping away at an alarming rate.

    Not fast enough, though I've high hopes for the classes of 2018 and beyond.

  5. I've been doing some research about the so called 'racist' past here in America. It turns out there were no problems between the races back in the day. It was an idyllic, prosperous time where kindly old southern gentlemen served happy black families fried chicken and such:

  6. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    FN said.....
    I guess, for Charles Murray (yes, the "Bell Curve" guy) and others like him, white power is slipping away at an alarming rate.

    Not fast enough, though I've high hopes for the classes of 2018 and beyond.

    It sure will be great when the rest of the country is like Detroit or East LA, right Whitey?

    I can't wait!

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    "white power is slipping away at an alarming rate."

    White power has already slipped away in Detroit, Birmingham, and a number of other black-governed, crime-infested hellholes.

    Isn't it great when whites are not in power??

  8. I know Col. Sanders is a humor troll but sadly he mirrors the beliefs of many whites. They are even attempting to rewrite the history books to reflect their beliefs.
    The same "news" that was in KKK newspapers is contained on white supremecist websites like the ones supported by the guys who spoke onstage with GOP pesidential candidates. Sad there are not many honest whites like Dena.

  9. "White power has already slipped away in Detroit, Birmingham, and a number of other black-governed, crime-infested hellholes."

    But is in full effect in trailer parks all over the south.
    Long live white power! Ha!

  10. Anonymous6:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    Long live white power! Ha!

    tell that to your boss, chickenshit

  11. rip whitney

    we will always love u!


    no one has been more uncool to /destroyed more blacks than hobama

  12. "tell that to your boss, chickenshit"

    Well, seeing that my boss is a Black man it would be kinda weird but I'll do it if you want me to.

    Pick a screen name coward.

  13. Anonymous7:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    Well, seeing that my boss is a Black man

    No wonder you haven't been fired. Do you work at the Post Office?

  14. "No wonder you haven't been fired. Do you work at the Post Office?"

    Jeezus, I know white people tend to be fucking stupid but you're beyond the pale. Where do you work genius?

  15. PilotX said...
    Jeezus, I know white people tend to be fucking stupid

    Racist much?

    These the racist trolls fn speaks of?

  16. Anonymous8:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "tell that to your boss, chickenshit"

    Well, seeing that my boss is a Black man it would be kinda weird but I'll do it if you want me to.

    Pick a screen name coward.

    Just call him Massah

  17. Thank you Dena!

    I applaud you and pray that your letter becomes like a mirror and forces that school official and students to see themselves and recognize that the look is not pretty.

  18. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Great entry field!
    can someone actually tell me a good online site where I can watch the actual Grammys online?? please???

  19. "These the racist trolls fn speaks of?"

    I believe he was referring to you sir.

  20. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Poor wite sillies, pretty soon they won't even have the 'at leasts I aints no migger' excuse anymore. about equal treatment under Law? If the insurer covers Viagra for Rush, baldness cures for Santorum, extensions for Romney...I would like by birth control covered as well.
    Odd how it's a 'rite' for wite dudez...but not necessary or worth discussing if it is used by women.

    Remember, these are the brave heroic heroes who provide excuses for the conservative priests that were criminal on underage boys. Wonder if pederasty is a sacrament for them?


  21. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Poor wite sillies, pretty soon they won't even have the 'at leasts I aints no migger' excuse anymore. about equal treatment under Law? If the insurer covers Viagra for Rush, baldness cures for Santorum, extensions for Romney...I would like by birth control covered as well.
    Odd how it's a 'rite' for wite dudez...but not necessary or worth discussing if it is used by women.

    Remember, these are the brave heroic heroes who provide excuses for the conservative priests that were criminal on underage boys. Wonder if pederasty is a sacrament for them?


    Pederasty? Steve your vocabulary is expanding. You still don't make a lick of sense but what the hell....

  22. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Oh look, some mold gurgled up out of the drain. Better flush twice next time.

  23. Anonymous9:21 PM

    NTacoma, "I think Dena is just trying to get away from the fact she subscribed to a Klan newspaper back in the day. MF her racist ass!"

    Way to go, NTacoma. Even people who want to help, your ignorant black ass is unwilling to accept them. Therefore, you are in collaboration with racists Whites by turning the good Whites away. You are one stupid ass.

  24. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Excellent post, Mr. Field. I also thought your article in 360Politico was superb and right on the money.

    Whitney's death, while quite heart-breaking, was timely-this being Black History month. We have been pretty much through the ringer, when it comes to a not wanted race. We have also been blamed for so much.

    In all honesty, we deserved some of the blame. It's not all of Whitey's fault. We still have yet to come together for our own well-being even though there are people such as yourself who are beacons of hope.

    Yet, I believe that most of us are standing on the line that divides hope and hopelessness for us. I pray for hope, but with the increased killings and violence it is frightening. These days if you look at a black person you could be inviting confrontation and even a stabbing or shooting.

    I don't know. To tell you the truth, I haven't the slightest idea of where Blacks as well as this nation is headed. But it doesn't feel like it's going to be good. I hope I am wrong.

    Thank you for this insightful post and the great article in the 'other publication'.


  25. no slappz9:49 PM

    pilot xyz said:

    Well, seeing that my boss is a Black man it would be kinda weird but I'll do it if you want me to.

    Hmmm. I see, in other words, your boss heads the baggage handlers.

  26. Anonymous9:56 PM

    "I guess, for Charles Murray (yes, the "Bell Curve" guy) and others like him, white power is slipping away at an alarming rate."

    If Shelby Steele is correct, then racism is about a power struggle between races. So if Whites feel their power is slipping away, it is only natural that they will try to stop it. Afterall, their identity is bound up with it. To lose it, let alone to voluntarily give it up is a very hard thing to do. One would have to be like a Mother Teresa at bare minimum to give up such power.

    And we know that probably won't happen, considering the anti-God attitude that even Blacks themselves declare. Nope...No love from either race will arise for each other--just fear, hatred and ignorance.

    While there are some

  27. Skipper9:57 PM

    no slappz said...
    Hmmm. I see, in other words, your boss heads the baggage handlers.

    Shhhhh. The Skycap boss told PilotX that everyone who wears a hat is a 'pilot'.

  28. "Hmmm. I see, in other words, your boss heads the baggage handlers."

    Says the unemployed idiot who thinks there's a Nobel Prize for math. Did you misread that in your Math for Dummies book? Poor soul you. My suggestion would be for you to buy a parenting book because the shit you're putting your son through is grounds to get him taken away from your dumb ass. And get a job you lazy freeloader, I'm sure your husband is sick of you just laying around the house.

  29. no slappz9:59 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    The same "news" that was in KKK newspapers is contained on white supremecist websites like the ones supported by the guys who spoke onstage with GOP pesidential candidates.

    I've never seen a KKK newspaper. But every month in subway stations around Manhattan and Brooklyn, I run into Nation of Islam peddlers, wearing their bow-ties, selling copies of The Final Call, the racist rag published and circulated by Louis Farrakhan.

  30. Anonymous10:06 PM

    no_slappz, why do you hate Blacks so?

  31. no slappz10:06 PM

    pilot xyz says:

    Says the unemployed idiot who thinks there's a Nobel Prize for math.

    Apparently, because there's no Nobel Prize in math, you think there's no international prize for mathematics awarded by any organization.

    The math prize that I was thinking of is known as the Fields (amusing coincidence) medal. It's described as the Nobel for math.

    In any case, same old story. No black winners.

    And, as we know, the Black Airline Pilots Association changed its name to the Black Aerospace Professionals to boost its tiny membership and thereby increase the dues it's able to collect. As a result of that change, you joined, I guess.

    Look, it's obvious you're not a pilot, so we don't have to kick it around.

  32. Anonymous10:07 PM

    PilotX, why do you hate Whites so? How does it benefit you?

  33. no slappz10:10 PM

    pilot xyz declares:

    My suggestion would be for you to buy a parenting book because the shit you're putting your son through is grounds to get him taken away from your dumb ass.

    You mean it's bad that I let him ride the subway where black kids sometimes try to take his wallet and he witnesses black kids taking cell phones and money from white kids?

    You sound more like a paranoid white parent who lives in the suburbs.

  34. Anonymous10:12 PM

    While it hurts to hear of Whitney's sudden death, let her death serve as a reminder that our deaths are coming and we don't know when.

    Knowing this, do you really want to spend another minute arguing and name calling each other with degrading words?

  35. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Yes, asswipe.

  36. no slappz10:52 PM

    As for Whitney Houston, well, the way field says it, it's as though Houston herself just had some unfortunate bad luck. A bad break. Something beyond her control.

    But it was the same kind of bad luck that killed Amy Winehouse. Though you get the feeling that Winehouse died from abusing illegal drugs while Houston and Michael Jackson died from illegal abuse of legal drugs.

    In other words, Houston and Jackson were helped toward death by their doctors. Was Dr. Conrad Murray also Whitney's doctor?

    Seems field also felt Houston was regularly beaten by the right man.

    He said "She loved the man she wanted to love, and not the man America wanted her to have. I respected that."

    So field respects women who believe they're so worthless they deserve the beatings they get.

    What a nut.

  37. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Poor Whitney - RIP and for the rest of you I understand now.. I see what happens when you marry a black man. He Fucks up your life, beats you and gets you on drugs until you die.

  38. "Apparently, because there's no Nobel Prize in math, you think there's no international prize for mathematics awarded by any organization."

    Wow, nice dodge. As a supposed math teacher you didn't know a simple fact until a Black man had to tell you. Nice dodge on OBAP too, you're just a garbagecan full of false and useless information.

    Yes, you are a fucking sorry ass excuse for a parent. Instead of shuttling your son to karate lessons so he won't get his ass kicked on a regular basis you're on the computer wasting everyone's time, including your son's. Make yourself useful for a change, make your husband a sandwich and either learn to drive or arrange a ride for your son.
    Well, at least we know you won't win a prize for parent of the year just like you never won an award in mathmatics genius that you are. Now I just feel sorry for your goofy unemployed ass.

  39. "The math prize that I was thinking of is known as the Fields (amusing coincidence) medal. It's described as the Nobel for math."

    Hey Cow, how high on your bullshit detector did this go for you? Mine stopped at 9.5.

    Go sell your b.s. somewhere else, you didn't know WTF you were talking about, as usual, and the Cow had to set you straight. You are one dumb mofo. I feel sorry for your kids, please tell me they didn't get your intellect.

  40. And white men just kill their wives and blow themselves and their sons up.

  41. Brother your article on other site. As usual you are on target...The Marvin Gay song was an anthem for us during my time in Vietnam as well as the decay that represented the life and times of a people that had no vision in our search to be a part of America. the song is still fresh to me and cause me to wonder how long it will be our existence. Again Brother you have that spirit. ( I would say it...but we need no verbal bombs).

  42. Anonymous11:58 PM

    "Poor Whitney - RIP and for the rest of you I understand now.. I see what happens when you marry a black man. He Fucks up your life, beats you and gets you on drugs until you die."

    FYI: same race marriage should not be allowed. There should be Black and White marriages only.

    Anon, change your racial attitude and live! Just think, no more racism!

  43. Anonymous5:09 AM

    retard banks said...

    no one has been more uncool to /destroyed more blacks than hobama

    as usual injecting a toddlers opinion in a discussion between grown folks ya idgit fool!

  44. Anonymous6:43 AM

    @5:09 SHUT up u stalkin' shytestain!!!

  45. Anonymous7:11 AM

    the trolls include AB and no slapzz, and AB of course has to use her fake slang to attack obama, who has nothing to do with field's post...

  46. Field, have you read David Frum's review of the Charley Murray book? It's a very good evisceration of Murray's theories in four parts (the review is almost as long as the book), but well worth a read.

  47. Quote Anonymous 10:06

    "no_slappz, why do you hate Blacks so?"

    Because he hates himself.

  48. no slappz9:00 AM

    Immaculate Contraception

    An 'accommodation' that makes the birth-control mandate worse

    Here's a conundrum: The White House wants to impose its birth-control ideology on all Americans, including those for whom sponsoring or subsidizing such services violates their moral conscience.

    The White House also wants to avoid a political backlash from this blow to religious freedom. These goals are irreconcilable.

    So you almost have to admire the absurdity of the new plan President Obama floated yesterday: The government will now write a rule that says the best things in life are "free," including contraception.

    Thus a political mandate will be compounded by an uneconomic one—in other words, behold the soul of ObamaCare.

    Under the original Health and Human Services regulation, all religious institutions except for houses of worship would be required to cover birth control, including hospitals, schools and charities.

    Under the new rule, which the White House stresses is "an accommodation" and not a compromise, nonprofit religious organizations won't have to directly cover birth control and can opt out.

    But the insurers they hire to cover their employees can't opt out.

    If that sounds like a distinction without a difference, odds are you're a rational person.

  49. no slappz9:15 AM

    White provocateurs wear banana suits at basketball games. Nobody gets hurt.

    Black provocateurs -- Al Sharpton -- use fire and guns. People die.


    "Burn the Jew Store Down"

    By Hy Drusin

    On Friday, December 8, 1995, at 10:12 a.m., Roland James Smith, Jr., 51, a Harlem resident with a criminal record going back 30 years, walked into Freddy's Fashion Mart, a Jewish-owned clothing store at 272 West 125th Street, pulled out a gun, ordered all the black customers to leave, spilled paint thinner on several bins of clothing and set them on fire -- a fire that resulted in killing 8 people including Smith.

    Smith had been part of a group of picketers, led by Al Sharpton , head of the National Action Network and Morris Powell , leader of the 125th Street Vendor's Association, who had been protesting the eviction of Sikhulu Shange, owner of the Record Shack who was subletting from Fred Harari, the Jewish owner of Freddy's.

    The picketing, which had gone on for months, had led Harari to seek relief with the State Supreme Court.

    In papers filed just one day before the fire, he said, "Recently, the protesters have made motions of striking a match and throwing it on outside clothing displays or in the doorway of the store."

    An affidavit by Kareem Brunner, a black security guard killed in the blaze, said that he had been called a "cracker lover" and "would get mine as a traitor [to the black race]."

    Brunner, was the only black that Smith did not order out of the store before setting it afire.

    Besides Smith and Brunner, all the other victims of the fire were Hispanic and Guyanese.

    Store manager, Steve Brodsky, described how a particularly vicious demonstrator called Shabazz would force his way into the store, pushing Brodsky aside and shout "I will be back to burn the Jew store down -- burn, burn, burn."

  50. no slappz9:26 AM

    purple buttercup finds himself confused by Charles Murray, in general, and specifically, with respect to his latest book.

    Frum enables purple buttercup's confusion:

    To understand what Murray does in Coming Apart, imagine this analogy:

    The key word in the preceding instructions for reading the book is "imagine."

    After introducing the dream-state as a pre-requisite for interpreting Coming Apart, it's possible to arrive at any crazy perspective.

    Unfortunately, blacks depend on "imagining" to interpret almost everything.

  51. no slappz9:52 AM

    non-pilot xyz says:

    Yes, you are a fucking sorry ass excuse for a parent. Instead of shuttling your son to karate lessons so he won't get his ass kicked on a regular basis...

    Karate lessons? What a total moron you are.

    There isn't a karate move in the world, including a shot to the testicles, that can protect a 100-pound white kid from the far larger black thugs who intimidate and bully them on the subway.

    Here's a little tidbit of new for you, Spanky, even though any one of these black thugs acting alone could easily overpower the white kids they target, the black thugs generally work in pairs.

    Their targets are not going to win a fight. But you know that, and I get the feeling you like the outcome.

    How do you feel about OJ's double homicide? Are you a little pleased he slaughtered two whites?

    Anyway, as another poster said, whites stay away from blacks mainly because whites want to avoid the violence that blacks bring everywhere.

  52. no slappz9:58 AM

    non-pilot xyz says:

    Nice dodge on OBAP too, you're just a garbagecan full of false and useless information.

    Sure. Yeah. You're in that same state of imagining as that moron dr queen. She's not a doctor and never will be. You're not a pilot.

    It's okay that you're not a pilot. But like I said, due to the expansion of the OBAP into an organization that now includes every employment category at an airport, you were able to join the Black Aerospace Professionals Organization. We know. It's okay. Relax.

  53. no slappz10:24 AM

    non-pilot xyz:

    Global Aviation files for bankruptcy

    Feb 5 (Reuters) - Global Aviation Holdings Inc , the largest commercial provider of charter air transportation for the U.S. military, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy to achieve "industry competitiveness" by cutting costs and debt load.

    "The company needs to complete its comprehensive restructuring due to having too large a fleet, labor costs that exceed industry standards given the current global economic environment, and the necessity to align the capital structure with the size of the company," Chief Executive Robert Binns said in a statement.

    Global, through its subsidiaries World Airways and North American Airlines, is the largest provider of military transport services.

    World Airways was founded in 1948.

  54. Quote Cletus The Slack jawed Yokel

    "The key word in the preceding instructions for reading the book is "imagine."After introducing the dream-state as a pre-requisite for interpreting Coming Apart, it's possible to arrive at any crazy perspective. Unfortunately, blacks depend on "imagining" to interpret almost everything."

    That's it huh, that's the entirety of your in-depth analysis?

    You've read a paragraph and desperately tried to twist a single word, so that you wouldn't have to stretch your remaining brain-cell into action by actually reading something or thinking for yourself.

    And yet you would have us believe that you are our intellectual superior - what a joke you are. A fraud, and a pseudo-intellectual charlatan.

  55. I even know exactly what your reply to my last post will be. As well as a dimwit, you are also mind-crushingly predictable, Cletus.

  56. There are lots of takes out there on Whitney Houston's death and yours is at least different. As per your obesession, it imposes race as the defining framework and even includes a gratuitous a slam on Reagan(!). I guess there's no topic that can't benefit from accusing the Republican Party of genocidal intent toward black people. Whatever.

    But really, was Whitney Houston's life just another sad tale of black people's mistreatment by America? Or was it a lesson on how even being gifted beyond all expectation is not enough to guarantee a happy life?

    Whitney Houston was American royalty, someone who never suffered material deprivation or racial discrimination. She had talent, money and connections and was immediately embraced by millions of fans.

    Her death means more to you because somehow you saw her as authentically 'black". Fine. But on a human level, the tragedy of Whitney Houston resonates with everyone because she was an incredibly talented person of exceptional beauty who grew up in a good family, who still wound up dying alone in a hotel bathroom. A sobering thought for everyone.

  57. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Eat it

  58. Anonymous12:02 PM

    LOL@ you referring to Whitney Houston as "your girl" and implying that, in the eyes of the whole of black America, she was "like family."

    Celebrity worship is weak and pathetic. And when it takes on racialist, tribalist overtones it just becomes even more pathetic and sad.

    Its sad that a person will tend to think they have more in common with a celebrity of the same race than with a person of a different race who grew up in the same town, went to the same school, works the same job, etc.

    Celebrity worship is a disease that destroys just as many blacks as it does whites. We must join together to fight this vapid, mindless affliction.

  59. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Celebrity worship is a disease that destroys just as many blacks as it does whites. We must join together to fight this vapid, mindless affliction.

    @Anon 12:02

    Well said , It's as if everything is being reduced to a reality show.

  60. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Odd how so many wite folks are gleeful at the passing of Ms Whitney Houston. Almost like they hated her talent and success. Of course, the wites do have the rap duo playing the CPAC crowd.

    Murray sells the faux aristocracy theorisms to the gullible. Of interest is his personal move to the 'hinterlands' so as to install himself as petit bourgeoisie. Far better to be pontificating in an area where all the kids leave to find a living wage.

    Since most of the US working class are at essentially Second World wages...where is the excessive pay? Oh, the executives are vastly more 'compensated' compared to the global market.

    Strange that people selling VDare are unaware of their peers on the racist Goober list. Or...they are lying. I'll take the Occam's Razor bet and assume they lie fer Jebus and gawd and the Confederate whine.

    The country is getting better...we elected a right-leaning R AfAm for President. We will in all likelihood re-elect him for a second term. Progress.
    Unless your entire self-worth is bound up in not being a migger


  61. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Who is gleeful over Whitney Houston's death?

    Mold is a disease.

  62. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Odd how so many wite folks are gleeful at the passing of Ms Whitney Houston. Almost like they hated her talent and success. Of course, the wites do have the rap duo playing the CPAC crowd.

    Name one dipshit.

  63. Untermensch2:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Who is gleeful over Whitney Houston's death?

    Mold is a disease.

    You don't know how to read Mold's comments. She writes in a code where everything has the opposite meaning.

    She means white people are genuinely mourning Ms. Houston.

    For example, "right-leaning R AfAm President who all likelihood will be re-elected" means "the most radical left wing President in history who hasn't a snowball's chance in hell of keeping his job".

    She pretends to have read Murray and that she doesn't know American workers are in the 1% of the richest people on the planet. It's quite an act, once you catch on.

    Actually, now that you mention it, it is a rather diseased mental process she exihibits, and it's probably better not to read it.

  64. Obama is a Conservative. He's not even as left wing as Richard Nixon.

  65. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Europe's rejects calling themselves "Americans" practice gangbanging and terrorism against Africa's men and women that they forced here, because they were too lazy to pick their cotton and wash their butts and cook their food. What would "they" do if we got throughly fed up with this jazz and sued "them" for trillions of dollars for extreme racism and terrorism? Bet we'd see a change then. I'll bet we'd start looking like the human beings we are, quick, fast and in a damn hurry!!!

  66. Anonymous3:10 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Obama is a Conservative. He's not even as left wing as Richard Nixon.

    No. Liberal liar. He is all yours.

    The $4.47-trillion increase in the debt since Obama released his first budget is more than the national debt increased from President George Washington through President George H. W. Bush, who left office on Jan. 20, 1993.

  67. Whitbread3:12 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Obama is a Conservative. He's not even as left wing as Richard Nixon.

    Nixon was a centrist who adapted to a very liberal time in American politcs.

    Obama is a Marxist who is forcing the country to adapt to his dreams of 'Change'.

  68. Gross Federal debt as a percentage of GDP in America increased by 27.8% under Gorge W Bush, compared to just over 15% under Obama.

    In the last 40 years only two presidents have presided over a reduction in Gross federal debt, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

    That’s them darn tax-‘n-spend Democrats for ya.

    That’s how I know Obama is a conservative…

  69. Anonymous3:53 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Gross Federal debt as a percentage of GDP in America increased by 27.8% under Gorge W Bush, compared to just over 15% under Obama.


    Not true.

  70. Oh and Whitbread if Obama is a Marxist, how come he does not have one single Marxist policy?

    Where is his demand for worker participation on all executive boards?

    Where is his policy on ending all restrictions on immigration?

    Where is his policy on providing health care for ALL that is free at the point of delivery?

    Where is his policy on shrinking the State and allowing it to 'wither away'?

    Where is his demand for free nursery care for all children?

    Where is his demand to close down the armed forces?

    Where is his demand for workers to assume control of the means of production?

    Where is his policy on an end to private land ownership?

    Where is his policy on collective farming?

    Where is his policy on ending the right to inherit land or property?

    I don't see any of those, what kind of weird Marxist is it whose policies are totally devoid of Marxism?

  71. Quote Anonymous 3:53

    "Not true."

    Totally true.

    Under Bush the figure rose from 56.4% to 84.2%

    Under Obama is has risen from 84.2% to 99.6%.

    The figures are in the link I posted above.

  72. Pretty unfortunate and untimely death for Whitney Houston. I am still shocked. She appeared to be one of those souls that you just hoped the best for, regardless of all else.

    She was a blessed singing talent and will forever remain the voice of my generation.

    Rest in peace, Whitney.

  73. Anonymous4:32 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    The figures are in the link I posted above.

    The figures are wrong and the interpretaiton misleading. No one is in Obama's league when it comes to deficits.

  74. Whitbread4:33 PM

    @ Purple Cow:

    It is obvious you have no idea what a Marxist is.

  75. Damn PC,there you go with facts again. Wingnuts are allergic to facts.

  76. Quote Whitbread

    "It is obvious you have no idea what a Marxist is."

    I was a Marxist for decades, numbnuts.

  77. Che Gots A Bullet In Da Head6:14 PM

    Sow me a Marxist, and I'll show you a loser.

    "Following World War II, Marxist ideology, often with Soviet military backing, spawned a rise in revolutionary communist parties all over the world. Some of these parties were eventually able to gain power, and establish their own version of a Marxist state. Such nations included the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Romania, East Germany, Albania, Cambodia, Ethiopia, South Yemen, Yugoslavia, Cuba, and others. In some cases, these nations did not get along. Rifts occurred between the Soviet Union and China,[35] as well as Soviet Union and Yugoslavia (in 1948), whose leaders disagreed on certain elements of Marxism and how it should be implemented into society.[36]

    Many of these self-proclaimed Marxist nations (often styled People's Republics) eventually became authoritarian states, with stagnating economies. This caused some debate about whether Marxism was doomed in practise or these nations were in fact not led by "true Marxists". Critics of Marxism speculated that perhaps Marxist ideology itself was to blame for the nations' various problems. Followers of the currents within Marxism which opposed Stalin, principally cohered around Leon Trotsky, tended to locate the failure at the level of the failure of world revolution: for communism to have succeeded, they argue, it needed to encompass all the international trading relationships that capitalism had previously developed."

  78. Also funny how Wall Street historically does better under a Democratic prez.

    "The figures are wrong and the interpretaiton misleading. No one is in Obama's league when it comes to deficits."

    See how easy it is to be an internet troll? Just disagree and never provide facts. Technology, gotta love it.

  79. "And, as we know, the Black Airline Pilots Association changed its name to the Black Aerospace Professionals "

    No asshat, you didn't know that. A week ago you used old information and stated previous name of the organization. And as someone who has been a member for years we always had members that were non-pilots thus the name change though I disagreed with the change.

  80. "There isn't a karate move in the world, including a shot to the testicles, that can protect a 100-pound white kid from the far larger black thugs who intimidate and bully them on the subway."

    Wow, your kid is only 100 pounds? So either he is really young or your parenting skills are so pathetic that he's near starvation. I would probably guess the latter. Maybe he wouldn't have to worry about getting mugged if his lazy assed mommy could get her ignorant ass off the computer and could arrange a ride or even, god forbid, drive him herself. You are truly a worthless POS. And since you can't afford karate lessons you can teach him your favorite move, run and scream like a little girl.

  81. "It's okay that you're not a pilot."

    Uh, ok super parent. Just like Romney is under 60, there is a Nobel Prize for math and 2 out of 3 representatives from WV are D's.

    "non-pilot xyz:

    Global Aviation files for bankruptcy"

    And I should give a flying fuck because.............

  82. People who worship Elvis, who died of a drug overdose on the toilet, disparaging the memory of Whitney Houston is crazy to me.

    So Field you are posting somewhere other than your own blog due to trolls yet we, your readers should just dealt with it. Good to know...

  83. no slappz8:24 PM

    Anyone think they'll catch this guy?

    February 13, 2012

    Justice Breyer Is Robbed in the Caribbean


    Associate Justice Stephen Breyer of the United States Supreme Court was robbed by a man armed with a machete while vacationing on the island of Nevis in the West Indies last Thursday, the Associated Press reported on Monday, quoting a spokeswoman for the Supreme Court.

    Justice Breyer was in his vacation home with his wife, Joanna, and guests when the robber entered the home around 9 p.m. on Thursday.

    The assailant took approximately $1,000 in cash and fled, the spokeswomans said. No injuries were reported.

    The robbery was reported to local officials on Thursday night.

    The St. Kitts Nevis Observer, a local newspaper on the island, reported on Saturday that an F.B.I. agent had arrived on the island for an investigation.

    Supreme Court officials would not confirm to reporters who is leading the search.

  84. Brooklyn, I still have much love for you and the fam, but sometimes it's good to get away from the trolls.

    Besides, wherever I go you may follow. :)

  85. Ring that Bell10:38 PM

    Charles Murray’s new book on the evolving American class system, Coming Apart, pulls together strands of his thought going back three decades, a period during which Murray has been the model of a public intellectual. Striving to reconcile contrasting virtues, Murray has displayed a dazzling gift for sophisticated data analysis while remaining devoted to making his books as broadly comprehensible as possible. He’s a social-scientific elitist and a civic egalitarian; a libertarian and a communitarian; a truth-teller and a thinker of the utmost judiciousness.

    Not surprisingly, none of these strengths have made the co-author of The Bell Curve terribly popular, especially because in the 18 years since the publication of that infinitely denounced book about the growing stratification of America by intelligence not much has happened to prove it in error. In 2012, it looks like it’s Charles Murray’s world and we’re just living in it.

    Murray isn’t hated for being wrong but instead for authoritatively documenting the kinds of things that everybody uncomfortably senses are true.

  86. "And, as we know, the Black Airline Pilots Association changed its name to the Black Aerospace Professionals "

    And once again Slappz shows her ignorance. There was never a Black Airline Pilots Association. The name was Organization of Black Airline Pilots. You are certainly a dumb one. Are there ANY brains in the conservative movement? This moron can't even read five words. Ha! White superiority my ass.

  87. Sorry "Ring the Bell", Murray is "hated " for being a somewhat educated racist. Which happens to be the worst kind.

  88. Anonymous9:05 AM


    You're declining to post on your own blog because of the quality of your readership? You have the power to fix it. Why don't you use it?

  89. The late Stephen Jay Gould took Murray's "Bell Curve" apart in a devastating scientific analysis years ago. Don't remember where exactly, but probably Natural History magazine: Gould was a regular contributer.

  90. Anonymous3:53 PM

    These days, since so many deviants love the back door and the front door, in no particular order, "birth" control should be re-named "AIDS" control.
