Thursday, February 16, 2012

Take an aspirin, stick it between your legs, and call me in the morning.

Look at that picture. Do any of those people sitting at that table look like they might have a vagina? (Well the guy on the left, maybe) I am going to take a wild guess and say that none of them have to sit on the urinal before they tinkle.

So anywhoo, those are the individuals who the republicans down in Washington decided to trot out to explain to us why A-merry-can women do not need birth control.

“What I want to know is: Where are the women?” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) asked the committee chairman, Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) before walking out. “I look at this panel and I don’t see one single individual representing the tens of millions of women across the country who want and need insurance coverage for basic preventative health care services, including family planning. Where are the women?”
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton and Rep. Mike Quigley also walked out of the hearing."

Come on now ladies. Why would we need a women to tell us about a woman's body and how it works? Those men in that picture have years of experience when it comes to these issues. They are family planning experts. Just look at them.

 "Imagine they're having a panel on women's health, and they don't have any women on the panel – duh!" Pelosi said during a press conference. "What is it that men don't understand about women's health and how central the issue of family planning is to that?"

Democrats said they tried to invite Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University law student, to the hearing as a minority witness, but were blocked by Issa, who said she was not qualified." [Source]

Yes, her vagina does not qualify. It's a democratic vagina; apparently they are different.

One guy who would have made a great guest today in Washington would have been Rick [I should be in a] Sanitarium. Rick, like his fellow wingnut male travelers, do not believe that there should be any form of contraception in our society. He believes that all sex should be to procreate. No contraceptive sex for you! All you poor slobs who had a vasectomy will never have sex again. Ha!

 “One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country.” And also, “Many of the Christian faith have said, well, that’s okay, contraception is okay. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”  

Rick, how exactly are things "supposed to be"? Maybe his biggest benefactor will give us a little insight.

"Appearing of MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell today, Foster Friess, the main donor to the Super PAC backing Rick Santorum’s presidential bid, dismissed the controversy surrounding President Obama’s new birth control rule by suggesting that women should just keep their legs shut. Asked if he worried that Santorum’s Puritanical views on sex and social issues could hurt the candidate in the general election, Friess offered a more home-spun family planning scheme:
FRIESS: On this contraceptive thing, my gosh, it’s so inexpensive. 'You know, back in my days, they used Baer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly."' [Source]
Hmmm, the old "Baer Aspirin" contraceptive. "Gals", please take note.


  1. I'd really like to talk to a real conservative (not the hyperbolic Faux News types) to understand why they are republican. What in the current republican party ideology appeals to them? I cannot believe that there are reasonable people out there silently standing by while Rush, Sean and these idiots in Congress make them look like racist, sexist neanderthals.


  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    "Take an aspirin, stick it between your legs, and call me in the morning."

    The last advice someone gave whitney houston.


  3. I think a more interesting phenomena are Blacks who are democrats in young adulthood, then morph into Repubs by middle age. And increased wealth.

  4. WeShallNeverSurrender9:43 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I think a more interesting phenomena are Blacks who are democrats in young adulthood, then morph into Repubs by middle age. And increased wealth.

    It is a scientific fact as we mature we gain knowledge, experience and wisdom.

    Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”

    Winston Churchill

  5. Anonymous9:47 PM

    The "gals" and the "blahs". Those GOP's are so quaint

  6. her vagina does not qualify. It's a democratic vagina; apparently they are different.


  7. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I thought you and I had this thing about religion and Heaven nailed down in your previous post. From your replies to me about Heaven it sure sounded like you would rather go to Heaven than hell any day and I don't blame you.

    So why would you write a Post like this one indicating that you are for contraceptives when everyone on that panel is a God send? Why mess up your chances of getting into Heaven over contraceptives which is against Divine Law? Why must you give in to such sin?

    Don't you remember what happened to Adam when he listened to Eve? God put his ass out of the Garden of Eden and we men have been having trouble ever since.

    It was EVE, a woman who ate that damn apple and caused us ALL to be the fix we are in today. Mr. Field, don't be foolish. Don't ruin your chances of getting into the Garden Eden when you die because there is a VAST difference between Heaven and Hell..........Think about it.

  8. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "'You know, back in my days, they used Baer Aspirin for contraceptives. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly."' [Source] "

    BS...That never worked.

  9. And back in what day was this? I don't remember no one doing that. If I remember correctly, they used a withdrawal or calculation method, but funny how people had more children back then too using both methods, ten and up.

    He couldn't be referring to back in my mother or my grannies's day because one of my grannies had 23 children, another had 18, and the other ones no less than 16 and my mother's generation wasn't too far behind them.

    So either it was a shortage of baer asprins, or he's telling one of those fish that got away stories. Me, myself, think it's one of those fish stories.

  10. BTW, Anonymous, Adam left Eve alone in the garden. That just goes to show you if you leave your woman alone too long, some snake will come along and entertain her.

  11. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Love how the 'experts' are all middle-aged wite dudez. As if. What exactly qualifies them? Agreement with the boy-raping CONservative Catholic priests? The desire to remove women from all public life?

    And Friess...he seems rather used to having genuflecting toadies laugh uproariously at his not-funnies. If he had friends...they would have told him he lacked all semblance of wit. On the other hand, he does appear perfectly capable of being the sugar Daddy to the practice of Santorum.


  12. BabbleOn10:50 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, Anonymous, Adam left Eve alone in the garden. That just goes to show you if you leave your woman alone too long, some snake will come along and entertain her.

    In other words women are inherently evil and can't be trusted to turn away when the snake is offered. Maybe thats why hardly any women get married anymore.

  13. Anonymous10:52 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    And back in what day was this? I don't remember no one doing that. If I remember correctly, they used a withdrawal or calculation method, but funny how people had more children back then too using both methods, ten and up.

    He couldn't be referring to back in my mother or my grannies's day because one of my grannies had 23 children, another had 18, and the other ones no less than 16 and my mother's generation wasn't too far behind them.

    Damn what did they do for a livin to feed all those children? How many do you have? Hell after feedin them all they probably didnt have any money left over for aspirin and it sure looks like your grannies "never had a headache"

  14. Anonymous, I don't recall seeing any women caught with their panties down in the headlines, lately. I could be wrong, but well...

  15. Naw, anonymous, they were successful farmers and businesspersons with various investments, and lived pretty good, so they could afford it.

    As for me, I was not trying to stay barefoot and pregnant. I looked at it like this, if my husband would have even thought about having that many children I would have handed him a hammer, nails, and wood and told him to get busy and build some. :)

  16. Wesley R11:13 PM


    The wingnuts like women as much as the Taliban does. Maybe we should send the wingnuts over there so they can switch places with the Afgan Women. The wingnuts and Taliban would be a match made in Heaven.

  17. "it sure looks like your grannies "never had a headache"

    Btw, anonymous, that was funny! :)

  18. Nevertheless, as for the baer asprin thingee, I guess it never occurred to Mr. genius that sticking something an asprin between their legs would more than likely cause a bacteria infection, but that's what happens when men who do not possess a vagina know more than women with vaginas. Smh!

  19. DeepFried11:28 PM

    Wesley R said...

    The wingnuts like women as much as the Taliban does. Maybe we should send the wingnuts over there so they can switch places with the Afgan Women. The wingnuts and Taliban would be a match made in Heaven.

    Now, Now Wesson, remember you are a democrat and the Taliban are "your friends" We all love women, in fact you can prove it, next woman you see, give her your wallet and credit cards to prove you aint part of the "Taliban"

  20. Anonymous12:17 AM

    I was told that aspirin was a male contraceptive. Put it in his shoe and it makes him limp.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Googleproblem Headline of the day:

    "Romney Smears Santorum Across Michigan"

  23. Anonymous12:47 AM

    granny, "BTW, Anonymous, Adam left Eve alone in the garden. That just goes to show you if you leave your woman alone too long, some snake will come along and entertain her."

    Thank you for validating that women can't be trusted.

  24. "Thank you for validating that women can't be trusted."

    I take it you have your woman chained up "Black Snake Moan"-style, with the chain only being long enough to reach the kitchen. Good thing the bedroom isn't that far away *snicker*.

  25. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Thank you for validating that women can't be trusted."

    I take it you have your woman chained up "Black Snake Moan"-style, with the chain only being long enough to reach the kitchen. Good thing the bedroom isn't that far away *snicker*.

    You got some evil fantasies Mack and a small house too.

  26. Some of these comments I swear.

    Anyway, BrooklLyn, I would love to meet a real conservative for a sit down as well. Just to find out what drives their way of thinking.

    Wesley, if Ricky wins and he has a republican house and senate, I am afraid that we will have our own American style Taliban.

  27. SL Meyer5:35 AM

    The bazillion pound elephant in the room that no one wants to come out and admit to: The problem is that in the US, white women are the biggest users of birth control. And the white birth rate shows it. That's what this is about. And the well fed mate to that elephant standing next to the couch: Religious institutions are yammering, crying, moaning and bitching about how government has NO RIGHT to dictate to them how to conduct their religious business (and yes, it's a business) affairs. Okay, fair enough. But that means it also works conversely: Religious institutions have NO RIGHT to dictate how government conducts it's governmental business. Goose/Gander. It's fowl and needs to be plucked and cooked. (pun intended)

  28. Anonymous7:22 AM

    anon 535 u rite they afraid of going extinct and of the browning of this country the mexicans and asians seem to have their growth rate on lock the asians are the higher tiered professionals and the mexicans form a slave class racism and structure of racism still exist but black white bullshit wonte exist anymore its going to be mexicans suing their asian overlords for discrimination trust me

  29. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I think a more interesting phenomena are Blacks who are democrats in young adulthood, then morph into Repubs by middle age. And increased wealth.

    9:39 PM

    says the person who is neither a doctor nor a queen who is lower then shit on the bottom of your shoes after being around the farm sweetie learn to keep your mouth shut when u ain ha nothing to say oh wait that would be all the time dummy!

  30. ditto!!!

    until human men give birth (as males of other species do)
    no man should ever dare police any woman's womb

    this entire issue is a racist ruse
    brand hobama is great at PR
    women who vote are being magically pimped by this issue...

    this bs makes hobama look like a saint bearing birth control pills/patches/condoms....
    shame how well this bogus ploy is working!!!

    immediately after women rush to the polls for hobama
    that racist bankster hobama and his repub=dem peers will rush to make sure more white babies are born by law asap after nov

    all of these one elitist party racists agree that banning birth control will force the births of white babies...

    politicos should rep the people by class/race/gender etc indeed...
    that is yet another reason that amoral millionaire cia baby hobama is so ruthless and

  31. but

    kudos to cm for calling out these sexist posers/buffoons

    she is my new shero!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. all of the swirled duo/colorist media blitz is also timely and by design

    hobama runs all msm


    decoded =
    "too many mongrels = impure blended races = necessary birth control asap to demongrelize all"


  34. I see the repugs managed to find one black male to sit on the panel so they could say it was diverse. Snark

  35. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Lies, Lies, Lies. Why is it that Liberals have to plot, plan and lie about everything? Can't they let the issue that Obama is mandating choices to religion and to businesses stand on its own merits?

    "Think Progress predictably reported that the Republicans would not allow any females on the panel. Not true. Rep. Darrell Issa (R_CA) the committee’s chairman explained to Greta Van Susteren On The Record tonight that the minority party historically is allowed one panelist at a typical hearing. The democrats picked Christian-hater Barry Lynn. Then they switched and chose a young woman to come in and talk about birth control. That was not the topic of the hearing so Issa told democrats they could not bring her in to represent them. Then they walked out. It was all planned.
    Of course, the state-run media will never report these important facts.

    After the hearing started democrats still tried to disrupt the proceedings and turn it into a sideshow. They were determined to hide from the American people their disdain for religious freedom."

  36. Anonymous10:38 AM

    “It is absurd for someone to come into a kosher deli and demand a ham sandwich. But it is beyond absurd for that private demand to be backed up with the coercive power of the state.”

    --The Rev. William Lori

  37. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Urinalysis - Shouldn't you have to pass one to get a welfare check, since I have to pass one to earn it for you?

  38. Facts and the truth never matter in the fields.

    Democrats first invited Christian-hater Barry Lynn. Democrats than withdrew invitation. They invited a law student to talk about birth control. That was not the topic of the hearing. Democrats were given a chance to call someone else.

    Democrats, instead, acted like 5 year olds who didn't get their way.

    Nothing but a attempt to deflect attention away from Barack Obama’s assault on religious organizations.

    CNN poll shows majority opposes HHS mandate, 50/44

  39. News you won't read on fns' blog.

    The U.S. unemployment rate, as measured by Gallup without seasonal adjustment, is 9.0% in mid-February, up from 8.6% for January. The mid-month reading normally reflects what the U.S. government reports for the entire month, and is up from 8.3% in mid-January. …
    Underemployment, a measure that combines the percentage of workers who are unemployed with the percentage working part time but wanting full-time work, is 19.0% in mid-February. This is higher than the 18.7% recorded for January, and is up significantly compared with January’s mid-month reading of 18.1%.

  40. Dr. Moneybags11:56 AM

    Ms.Queen said...
    I think a more interesting phenomena are Blacks who are democrats in young adulthood, then morph into Repubs by middle age. And increased wealth.

    Well, you won't have to worry about increased wealth turning you into a Republican.

    You will never be a doctor.

  41. bk:

    i would like to know how anyone sees any dif between a repub and a dem

    especially post hobama???

    see very sane conservatives here
    neocons disgrace them

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. i love this man!!!


    he drops sci on all including hobama daily!

    kudos to dr. boyce watkins!!!

    Whitney’s family will also be eating away at massive debt for many years, since she was always the singer and never the publisher of many of her biggest hits. “I Will Always Love You,” arguably her greatest song ever, is going to put millions into the pocket of Dolly Parton, who wrote the song, while Whitney’s estate will receive chump change. Dolly was more than happy to let Whitney soak up all the “shine” because she soaks up all the cash every time the song is played on the radio.

    The Bobby-Whitney experience teaches quite a few lessons, starting with the reason we should all say “no” to drugs. But one of the broader lessons being taught from Whitney’s legacy is the importance of education and ownership. Far too many Black athletes and entertainers are so caught up in the performance of their craft that they learn nothing about the management of it. Artists like Fantasia, who was illiterate for years and skipped high school to practice her singing, are sitting ducks for managers who got their MBAs at Harvard.

    The point is that education is king when it comes to finding resources. The worst thing that Black people can do is walk away from education, because when we do that, we are signing up for slavery. It’s time for entertainers to consider a new paradigm that goes deeper than sitting around waiting to be discovered. There’s a difference between a wealthy, fully empowered entertainer and a well-paid prostitute. All of us must learn the difference.

  44. Anonymous1:28 PM

    "Whitney’s family will also be eating away at massive debt for many years, since she was always the singer and never the publisher of many of her biggest hits. “I Will Always Love You,” arguably her greatest song ever, is going to put millions into the pocket of Dolly Parton,"

    So she was just a voice and not a creative talent. That explains a lot. You would have thought she had millions form all that success.

  45. kudos to Susie Tompkins Buell


    NOBAMA 2012!!!

  46. "The Pew Center on the States estimates nearly 2,000,000 dead voters are on the rolls, and 2,800,000 people are registered in more than one state. This is precisely the mess that the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) was designed to prevent.

    The Justice Department refuses to enforce Section 8 of the NVRA because, as political appointee Julie Fernandes revealed in a Voting Section meeting in 2009, removing dead people from the rolls “doesn’t increase turnout. It stops people from voting.”

    That is, it stops dead people from voting. Dead people are the Democrats’ most reliable constituency after illegal aliens and welfare recipients — speaking of which:

    "In the meantime, the Obama DOJ has vigorously enforced Section 7 of NVRA, the welfare agency voter registration provision."

    Under Section 7, the government aggressively encourages dependent people to register to vote when they come in to feed on other people’s labor by collecting their welfare checks. The obvious conflict of interest explains why the right to vote was originally limited to property owners. When you reach the point where the looters and moochers outnumber the producers — and we are approaching it now — you have naked slavery.

    Therefore the Obama Regime enforces Section 7 with verve:

    "Justice Department sources familiar with Voting Section tactics have revealed that DOJ has been sending investigators wearing wires and electronic surveillance equipment into state welfare and food stamp offices across the country to see if state officials are pushing voter registration on investigators posing as recipients."

    Hey, Field how would you have reacted to the Bush administration using wires in a civil voting case?

    "Because of heavy lobbying by Acorn’s Project Vote, the DOJ is now engaged in an effort to stuff the voter rolls with the maximum number of welfare and food stamp recipients, and even public methadone treatment center users. …

    At the same time, deliberate decisions have been made to ignore Section 8 of NVRA."

    Throw in Eric Holder's policy of fighting any attempt by the states to prevent voter fraud so that ilegal aliens can vote and the Democratic party's campaign to corrupt the voting process is as clear as day.

    Democrats have one overwhelming advantage in elections: since they have no moral principles, don’t need to worry about media scrutiny, and couldn’t care less what becomes of the country, absolutely no tactic is beneath them. I'll bet you just love it.

  47. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Nothing like being TOLD what is my place by wite dudez who smirk when they repeat the very old Bayer aspirin not-joke on contraception.
    Or having an all wite dudez hearing on manly men thoughts on male concerns about males TELLing women what should be the use of contraception.

    While I support your Constitutional Right to your religious belief...I don't accept that you can apply it to me. What is in your faith...stays in your faith. The moment you stray into secular areas...your are under the same consideration as everyone else.


  48. Sue You Good3:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Nothing like being TOLD what is my place by wite dudez who smirk when they repeat the very old Bayer aspirin not-joke on contraception.
    Or having an all wite dudez hearing on manly men thoughts on male concerns about males TELLing women what should be the use of contraception.

    While I support your Constitutional Right to your religious belief...I don't accept that you can apply it to me. What is in your faith...stays in your faith. The moment you stray into secular areas...your are under the same consideration as everyone else.


    So sorry charlie me no pay so you can play go fuckee you-self you dont like my religion then dont come for treatment at my hospital dont come for job and dont ask me to pay for your daddy diddling your dirty places ok you see you do as you weesh but you stay far away from me fuckee son go ask lemont at the barber shop for a job and to pay for your free fuckee care pills

  49. Moldicide4:49 PM

    Asprin? Mold's so stupid, she used to stick anal suppositories up her hoo-ha, and she thought those turds she was crapping were little brown fetuses.

  50. I think Santorum and his backers underestimate how much this dinosaur comment by Friess underscores the true agenda of the right wing GOP.

    This is a good thing.

  51. Morning...everyone should have the right to vote. Yes, even people on welfare. Next.

  52. Anonymous5:14 PM

    field negro said...
    Morning...everyone should have the right to vote. Yes, even people on welfare. Next.

    Absolutely, only if they are alive. Bring ID.

  53. field negro said...
    Morning...everyone should have the right to vote. Yes, even people on welfare. Next.

    Why? That's like letting non-shareholders vote on corporate boards.

  54. No it isn't.

    The difference is, everybody is a member of society, even people on welfare, even felons. So everyone should get a say in how that society is run. Most particularly, those people who are hard done by that society.

    Because that's how you judge the true value of a society, how it deals with those who struggle to take care of themselves.


    Didja miss me?

    Tough day, on my birthday, driving back from Amsterdam to Manchester in time for the boys to do their county cricket training , but we got the job done.

  55. Newt, no wonder you are getting your ass handed to you in these primaries. You are out of touch. :)

  56. Anonymous7:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    No it isn't.

    The difference is, everybody is a member of society, even people on welfare, even felons. So everyone should get a say in how that society is run. Most particularly, those people who are hard done by that society.

    Wrong - Society is a community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations. Someone breaking the laws of the society and harming that society do not have the right to decide how it is governed for the good of all until they are redeemed, having chosen to put themselves outside of society.

    Those needing assistance after having tried should get it. No one should get a thing for refusing a job within their skill levels and or not following societal guidelines for self improvement such as attending school. School and achievement should be mandatory or you get no support. Most definitely those taking drugs or wasting aid they get on non survival items should be cut off from societal support without question. One cannot vote until they have regained gainful employment or start contributing to society again, otherwise they might be tempted to vote themselves the fruit of others labors (Democrats)

    Because that's how you judge the true value of a society, how it deals with those who struggle to take care of themselves.

    No, how it helps those who are struggling and taking all roads of opportunity to help themselves. One is not taking care of themselves if everyone else is. If a need is lifelong there is a major problem, there are jobs for all. In example, if someone can blog all day and collect welfare, well surely they can work on the computer. If they elected not to go to school and can barely read or write they can become farm workers or similar. No one should get a free couch ride on the back of society because they chose to lead a life of non productiveness.

  57. "They invited a law student to talk about birth control. That was not the topic of the hearing. Democrats were given a chance to call someone else.

    Democrats, instead, acted like 5 year olds who didn't get their way."

    So let me get this straight, the Republicans get to choose the witnesses the Democrats get to call? Sounds a bit like over reach no?

  58. "No one should get a free couch ride on the back of society because they chose to lead a life of non productiveness."

    Agreed but the right to vote is guaranteed in the constitution. We should not restrict the franchise by any means, we've done that before and the results were not good. It's almost as if being poor is a crime in America. There are some who want to decide who gets to vote, use contraception, have certain medical procedures ect and the conposition of this group stays the same. We've been down the road of restricting who gets to vote and I'll fight like hell to prevent repeating this history. The poor need representation the most.

  59. Instead of condenming what his sugar daddy said Santorum played the typical conservative victim card. This fools does what the trolls here do, never answer for their actions but point to others. He cried about how the prez got a pass but if you remember he didn't. Barack had to quit his church and make a huge speech for those of us with working memories. Just like Palin blamed the media for her inability to simply state what she reads or Newt simply admitting he cheated and that's why he's getting hounded about it but they blame the media or whomever and never admit fault. This seems to be a conservative trait. Has anyone else noticed this?

  60. Yes Pilot, few are willing to take responsibility for much of anything these days. Romney is another example.

  61. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Field, "Anyway, BrooklLyn, I would love to meet a real conservative for a sit down as well. Just to find out what drives their way of thinking."

    Why would a real conservative want to talk to Brooklyn or even Field? You have proven you have closed-minds, while real conservatives have open reasonable ones. There is no way far left folks like you could connect or sit long enough to 'hear' what is being said, given your preconceived notions about the way the universe should be.

  62. Anonymous10:57 AM

    you negroes are all full of crap because this is just heathen commies assualting rump swabs want birth control,pay for it your self.

  63. Anonymous3:17 AM

    EiH vbFU h mvQL WvG hhDG b jqNV [url=]chloe バッグ[/url SgX g ceRT LyX d lbLG [url=]クロエ バッグ[/url] YzV hnLC a rvZT QaH kpNI w vcYD [url=]セリーヌ アウトレット[/url] FeY h gkJG GhX l pxCX [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] GgO u pxRC GtQ k nzRK [url=]セリーヌ ラゲージ[/url] KuN shPJ l nkVG IxC plQR o zjXU [url=]セリーヌ ラゲージ[/url] RbL ugJI k kcQM FfY ouPC x lwQW [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] IhB swCX a czSU FyT iuMF j kaXV [url=]クロエ バッグ[/url]
