Friday, February 17, 2012

Flying pot, the firing of a racist, and crack hoes and crack pipes.

To my man who was flying that plane that went a little too far into O's restricted airspace, I have some good news and some bad news for you: The good news is that the Secret Service did not find that you were a threat to the President. The bad news is that you are going to have to explain all the good collie weed that you were carrying to the po po.

"Field, how do you know he wasn't carrying it for the President? I wouldn't put it past that Obama fellow. He probably wanted to share it with those fat cat donors up in San Francisco."

Don't laugh, you might actually here that theory floated out on FOX NEWS any day now.  

Speaking of FOX, I am pretty sure that any day now they will be making an announcement that Pat Buchanan has a home over there. Pat is in need of a pay check because he was recently fired by MSNBC for his keep A-merry-ca white manifesto.

"Without a hearing, they smear and stigmatize as racist, homophobic or anti-Semitic any who contradict what George Orwell once called their 'smelly little orthodoxies.' They then demand that the heretic recant, grovel, apologize, and pledge to go forth and sin no more.

"Defy them, and they will go after the network where you work, the newspapers that carry your column, the conventions that invite you to speak. If all else fails, they go after the advertisers."
"The book 'Suicide of a Superpower' contained chapters titled 'The End of White America' and 'The Death of Christian America," David Bauder wrote Thursday for the Associated Press. "Critics called the book racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic, charges Buchanan denied.

"MSNBC President Phil Griffin said last month that he didn't think Buchanan's book 'should be part of the national dialogue, much less part of the dialogue on MSNBC.'

"The network said on Thursday that 'after 10 years, we have decided to part ways with Pat Buchanan. We wish him well.'
"Buchanan, in a column posted on Thursday, called the decision 'an undeniable victory for the blacklisters.'

Pat, I actually agree with you. If it was up to me you would still have a job at MSNBC. I want you right where I can see you. And I want the rest of these Negroes and so called progressives in A-merry-ca to see that folks like you want your country back, and you are not going away.  

Finally, the occupy woman's vagina movement continues in A-merry-ca. This time the state of Vaginaia has gotten into the act.

"This week, the Virginia state Legislature passed a bill that would require women to have an ultrasound before they may have an abortion. Because the great majority of abortions occur during the first 12 weeks, that means most women will be forced to have a transvaginal procedure, in which a probe is inserted into the vagina, and then moved around until an ultrasound image is produced. Since a proposed amendment to the bill—a provision that would have had the patient consent to this bodily intrusion or allowed the physician to opt not to do the vaginal ultrasound—failed on 64-34 vote, the law provides that women seeking an abortion in Virginia will be forcibly penetrated for no medical reason. I am not the first person to note that under any other set of facts, that would constitute rape under state law"   [Source] 

Man it has to be tough to be a woman in A-merry-ca these days. Female music icons are called "crack hoes",  sitting congresswomen are told to stay away from the "crack pipe", and women are being told to pop some aspirins and keep their legs closed for birth control.



  1. NSangoma11:26 PM

    Pat Buchanan, wants whidte wymynz off the pill, bare-foot and pregnant by whidte men.

    Pat Buchanan's concern is that the whidte people here in the U.S. are not fucking hard enough and often enough to replace their numbers.

    Pat Buchanan, sees this country soon going back to the AmerIndians: the immigrants from south of the U.S. border.

    Rick Santorum, is a Pat Buchanan disciple.

  2. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The Virginia 'law' says more about the sick individuals who voted to continue violating a woman's body..than about their beleef in rite to blastocyst existence.

    Pat should stay on MSNBC...but he also should be moderated and Fact-checked.

    Poor, poor victim-claiming wite one suffers anything quite as much as they do.

    As far as Bolling, once Faux had tested his business acumen...Bolling had to be on the no-fact Zone shows. Must be tough to be a wingnut who is sent back to the blonde team.


  3. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Field, I recommend Pat's new book, "Suicide of a Superpower". It is an excellent book which reveals insight into the psyche of our country.

    It's too bad Pat is no longer with MSNBC. There could have been a profound discussion and national dialogue about where we are headed.

    In any case, I will miss Buchanan's political wisdom. He was right most of the time even though I hated to hear the truth.

  4. Anonymous11:50 PM

    When it comes to abortions, i.e. killing babies, the state of VA has the right idea. The murders of so many babies simply because some women find it "inconvenient" to have their child born into this world is a grave sin not only for the mother, but for the nation as well.

    How can we claim to care about life when abortions are rampart and legal in our country? These murderous acts has to stop and I am glad Virginia is defending indefensible fetuses. I hope many other states follow suit.

  5. Anonymous11:55 PM

    That plane carrying all that pot was for medicinal purposes for patients in pain in Cali. It's a shame that so many Californians won't find relief from their suffering.

  6. I thought conservatives were against "big government". Oh, that's right, it's small enough to fit in a vagina. Hypocrisy much?

  7. "explain all the good collie weed that you were carrying"

    Only herb that comes across that line is brik bales of "Jalisco Brown" that's mostly seeds n stems and sells for $50oz in the middle of this MF. Here in Cally-four-knee-ya we'd rather get a gooy 8ball for the same price or, more likely, rely on our own homegrown budzillas.

  8. "That plane carrying all that pot was for medicinal purposes for patients in pain in Cali. It's a shame that so many Californians won't find relief from their suffering."

    That's what I thought....

  9. Anonymous12:26 AM

    When I see the scribblings of teenage wite dudez...I recall the Monty Python sketch, "Every Sperm is Sacred". While it was humour done to highlight the idiocy of Opus Dei and is indeed instructive that some totally missed that it was a joke.

    How, exactly, does a 'rape-by-instrument' prevent abortion? Or does it just give the glee that someone is sticking something into an unwilling woman?

    Pat was right...but hardly correct.


  10. Mr. Field,

    Interesting, the far Right believes that it is in their political interest to say the American automotive industry should have gone bankrupt (it would have been liquidated); that we need trickle down tax policies despite the fact that the rich are getting richer and corporate profits have exploded and jobs are still tight; and that insurance companies should not have to provide coverage for contraception. All of these issues have huge majorties in the Dems' favor. Rush just was quoted as saying if the election were held strictly on social issues, the Right would win overwhelmingly. This is simply DELUSIONAL. What has happened? The GOP used to be at least competent in political matters. Have they really retreated inside the "bubble" Bill Maher talks about, where facts and reason never enter? Amazing how absurd their philosophy has become.

  11. I disagree with ya Field about Pat. He is old and rickety, time for some new and fresh racism. Fox won't take him because they like the young bubble headed bleach blondes. His tie has passed, he needs to stand on his porch and yell at people to stay off his damned lawn.

    BTW, what do you have against Mitt Romney posting on your site. Ha! Your secret word says "prove you're not a robot".

  12. Anonymous1:43 AM

    "Your secret word says "prove you're not a robot"."

    Field, did you know that we now have to type two words to comment? sometimes the letters of one of those words is hard to read.

    Please check this out because I noticed that when two words were required, the number of hits diminished drastically. Could it be that some are having trouble posting?

  13. Vera Cruz4:09 AM

    As Pat Buchanan has found, nothing will bring you more hatred than telling the truth. They don't fire you for going along with the lies.

    Or as Orwell put it, in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

  14. Funny comments PilotX!!

  15. Vera Cruz, white A-merry-ca losing their country is NOT true. So Pat wasn't fired fr telling the truth, he was fired for being a hater of others who do not look like he does. (thank god for that)

  16. Quotes Anonymous Yesterday

    ” Society is a community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.”

    Nonsense. Your definition leaves no room for class struggle. The interests and the customs of the bourgeoisie cannot by definition be the same as the proletariat.

    ”Someone breaking the laws of the society and harming that society do not have the right to decide how it is governed for the good of all until they are redeemed, having chosen to put themselves outside of society.”

    But who decides what the laws are? And again who gets to decide what the interests of society are? Answer of course, the ruling elite.

    So yours is a circular argument, the bourgeoisie gets to decide what’s in their interest and creates laws in their own interest, and jails those who break those laws, thus denying them a chance to change those laws away from the interests of the elite.

    ”Those needing assistance after having tried should get it. No one should get a thing for refusing a job within their skill levels and or not following societal guidelines for self improvement such as attending school. School and achievement should be mandatory or you get no support.”

    So what do you do about people who are incapable of working or studying?

    What do you do about single-mothers who cannot work or study because they can’t afford child care?

    ”Most definitely those taking drugs or wasting aid they get on non survival items should be cut off from societal support without question.”

    OK, so what about the children and dependents of drug users? Would you deny milk to a new born baby of a drug user? Why should an innocent child be denied care just because it’s parent was a drug user?

    Or are you suggesting that the children of drug users be aborted?

    ”One cannot vote until they have regained gainful employment or start contributing to society again, otherwise they might be tempted to vote themselves the fruit of others labors (Democrats).”

    Which of course will drive them straight back into a life of crime, how else are they going to support themselves?

    And if you are going to ban the unemployed from voting, we are getting pretty far away from democracy now, aren’t we?

    So a man can lose his job through inept government policies but cannot vote against the government that put him there?

    ”No, how it helps those who are struggling and taking all roads of opportunity to help themselves. One is not taking care of themselves if everyone else is. If a need is lifelong there is a major problem, there are jobs for all.”

    Jobs for all? Where??

    Not everyone can take care of themselves, which is the point I was making.

    ”In example, if someone can blog all day and collect welfare, well surely they can work on the computer. If they elected not to go to school and can barely read or write they can become farm workers or similar. No one should get a free couch ride on the back of society because they chose to lead a life of non productiveness.”

    Again irrelevant, this isn’t the point I was making. Though I’d love to see the day when a mid-western farmer gives a job to some hopper from West Baltimore. Pigs might fly.

  17. I really enjoy your writing. I have been getting your emails for several months now. I look forward to reading them and have definitely made them a must-read each day. You are laboring at a Sisyphian task, I am afraid,but I wholeheartedly hope I am wrong. Thank you for the good writing, good eye for the absurd and for regular posting.

  18. Thanks L.H. I appreciate that. And I really appreciate the "Sisyphian" reference. See, we do have some educated readers. :)

    Watching Whitney's funeral now.

    Man those Negroes are having church. Even an old agnostic like me is feeling the spirit.

    Good for CNN for letting white A-merry-ca see what you Negroes do every Sunday morning.

  19. Indio2:00 PM

    field negro said...
    Good for CNN for letting white A-merry-ca see what you Negroes do every Sunday morning.

    Now they just need to stop hiding what goes on the rest of the week.

  20. Blank Frank2:08 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quotes Anonymous Yesterday

    ” Society is a community of people living in a particular region and having shared customs, laws, and organizations.”

    Nonsense. Your definition leaves no room for class struggle. The interests and the customs of the bourgeoisie cannot by definition be the same as the proletariat.

    Now there's a committed Marxist: Society does not even exist outside class struggle. The very idea that there can be common cultural ideals is denied in the effort to destroy those ideals. In your world, one's values change with the size of one's banks account. How cynical and bleak. No wonder leftists always wind up killing so many people once they get in charge.

    Typical relatavist nonesense.

  21. NSangoma2:11 PM

    Really, ESPN? ‘Chink in the Armor’?
    “We want to give ESPN the benefit of the doubt here,” writes Cyd Ziegler Jr., “but it’s impossible to believe the person who wrote that headline didn’t know exactly what they were writing. Especially since ESPN previously came under fire for using the same headline…to describe a USA basketball game in China.”

  22. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Your loving Massah Gaernment at work:

  23. As reported at

    Henry Hamilton, principal of the Whitney E. Houston Academy of Creative and Performing Arts in East Orange, calls Houston a role model for his students. Houston attended the school when it was called the Franklin School, the school was later renamed to honor Houston

    I guess Benjamin Franklin was no longer the kind of role model black parents wanted their kids to emulate.

    Whitney Houston, notwithstanding her fine appearance and powerful voice, was a drug addict who died as a result of her addictions. At least from her mid thirties, when she was one of the biggest stars in the world, she was, according to her own account, taking illicit drugs every day, thus destroying her talent, her career, and ultimately her life. But to black Americans she is a role model after whom they name their schools, the schools to which they send their children.

    Many prominent black figures are entertainers and athletes, professions that tend to be involved, disproportionately, in drugs, violence, and criminality, regardless of race. The difference is, white parents don't name schools after Keith Richards or Amy Winehouse.

    We are told to judge people by the content of their character. Black America makes drug addicts its role models. It names its schools after drug addicts. Does that indicate good character? No, it indicates extremely bad character. Is there a lesson here?

  24. Indio, if ignorance is indeed bliss,you must bethe happiest person on earth.

  25. Larry, your biggest hero was a drug addict. Elvis left the building as a fat bloated pill addict. "Ole blue eyes"? Alcoholic. I could go on but I think you get the picture. Lots of buildings and schools in A-merry-ca named after former slave owners. Nuff said.

  26. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Did you go to Elvis Presley elementary?

  27. Anonymous2:42 PM

    No, Field went to Bob Marley Junior High.

  28. No Elvis couldn't read. Why would I go there?

  29. No "junior high schools in the British educational system wingnut, but nice try. I think PC might be right about you wingnuts. Not very smart.

  30. Some wish Whitney would have stayed away from the crack pipe.

    Pat Buchanan got fired for speaking the truth. The left can't handle the truth.

    If msdnc was firing people for being racist and anti-Semitic, they would have fired al sharpton months ago.

  31. Anonymous4:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    His tie has passed,

    His tie has passed?

    You mean,

    His time has passed?

    Wingnuts not very smart, indeed.

  32. Anonymous4:35 PM

    field negro said...
    No "junior high schools in the British educational system wingnut, but nice try. I think PC might be right about you wingnuts. Not very smart.

    What is that town you are from again? Mandingo? :)

  33. "What is that town you are from again? Mandingo? :)"


    Spelling issues as well....

  34. Beau Jaques6:29 PM

    Mandeville, Louisiana? Why ain't you at Mardi Gras, son?

  35. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Field, "Thanks L.H. I appreciate that. And I really appreciate the "Sisyphian" reference. See, we do have some educated readers. :) "

    Mr. Field, You and your educated reader misspelled "Sisyphian". The correct spelling is: "S-i-s-y-p-h-e-a-n". I thought everyone knew how to spell a simple word. I was wrong. LOL

  36. Johnny Nuttshotte7:12 PM

    Correcting Field is a sisyphean task.

  37. C'mon PC, you know there are some in this country who believe they are the "real" Americans and they should be the only people who have any rights. You'd have to ask Field but methinks the big R might have something to do with it.

  38. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Bobby Brown acted an ass at Whitney's funeral. He has to be the biggest asshole Negro on the planet.

    He thinks life only caters to him; it's all about him. He is a sick narcissistic self-centered mofo. Pathetic.

  39. "Mr. Field, You and your educated reader misspelled "Sisyphian". The correct spelling is: "S-i-s-y-p-h-e-a-n". I thought everyone knew how to spell a simple word. I was wrong. LOL"

    Thank god for Google.:)

  40. Field, you assnons are the BEST spell checkers in the world!!

    Too bad they don't get paid for that 'ish!!!

  41. Ms.Queen said...
    Too bad they don't get paid for that 'ish!!!

    To bad you don't get paid "'ish" for washing glassware.

    You will never be a doctor.

  42. And the word Sisyphean is da' bomb!!!!

  43. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Dr Queen, "Field, you assnons are the BEST spell checkers in the world!!

    Too bad they don't get paid for that 'ish!!!"

    Fyi, Anon Inc has a yearly contract paid in full by FN. We had to have the money up front because of credit issues. Do you understand Uneducated One?

  44. Anonymous11:40 AM

    500 years of racial in-fighting. When is this crap gonna end? Can't tell "white" folks from "black" folks; all related, hating each other like pit bulls. I, personally, am tired of this feces.

  45. DuchessDee4:05 PM

    agreed,its hard for my teenage daughters to make good open choices for their bodies..but white men in america want to control my body but cant control their own child molesting, sending pictures of their body parts across the internet, having sex in public bathrooms nasty asses!

  46. I have a question for you Field...can a woman sue her health insurance provider for not covering birth control if they cover Viagra...isn't that sex discrimination?

  47. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Field I am reluctant to post to your site, because you believe that the voices of fools carry the same rights as the voices of the sane, however, I agree with you on this Detroit issue.

    The problem in Detroit is not single parenthood, but poor single parenthood. Halle Berry can afford to not be married to her baby daddy, however, Shaney in the projects can not.

    To end this cycle, is to enlighten these females that it is not cool to be 16, broke and pregnant. I realize that it takes two, however, these females will bare the burden and their children will suffer.

    Preachers should tell them this in the pulpit. Teachers should tell them in the class rooms. Mothers who had their daughters at 16, should discourage this from happening to their daughters. President Obama has fought for free birth control, there is no excuse for black women to not use it.
