Thursday, March 08, 2012

"Lords Of War"

Every person reading this post in A-merry-ca who has an adult child should be scared shitless about the prospects of A-merry-ca electing a republican president.

Lately three of the four republican candidates have been beating their chests at the prospect of a war with Iran. It seems like only yesterday we were all fired up and ready to march into Baghdad. The A-merry-can press remained silent while W and his merry men manipulated the narrative back then. And some, like the clowns over at FOX, actually cheered for it.

Well, here we go again. Once again the A-merry-can press is not explaining the implications of another war to the A-merry-can people. Candidate Romney, for instance, pretty much declares that if he is elected president he will bomb Iran and bring the weight of the A-merry-can army down on them. (This, BTW, from a man who never served in the military. And, in spite of all the men in his family, can't claim a single service member or veteran with the Romney name) Romney lied about Obama's position on war with Iran and continues to go down a very dangerous road that has elder statement of government questioning his judgment.

I love what David Solimini wrote for the post website:

"Mitt Romney’s March 6 op-ed, “How I would check Iran’s nuclear ambition,” betrayed the rhetorical and logical sleights of hand employed by conservatives in barely debated advocacy for war in Iraq. Too many of my friends and colleagues fought that ill-conceived war of choice to let this pass.
Labeling President Obama “feckless” on the international stage is nearly laughable. He has ruthlessly decimated al-Qaeda, taking out 23 of their top 30 commanders, including Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki. Libya is free of Moammar Gaddafi. And today, Iran is isolated — surrounded by friends of the United States and squeezed by ever-increasing sanctions. War there remains risky and uncertain for us and our allies."

Yet sliding breathlessly from the possible actions of a nuclear-armed Iran, a status which intelligence says is no sure thing, to the cynical invocation of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Mr. Romney showed his hand: guilt by implication and insistence on false choices. Americans will not trust this game. President Obama is, according to a recent Washington Post poll, leading Mr. Romney on terrorism questions by 20 points.

Conservatives have lost substantial ground on national security and, in their desperation to regain it, have veered onto a course of great danger for America." [Source]

Pass the offering plate!

Finally, for many of you in the republican party and for some of you who frequent this website, I have some good news for you.

Please take one of these pills every day and get lots of rest.

You can thank me later.



  1. NSangoma9:10 PM



    The gOp has a secret plan to give Obama 4 more years because they have nothing.

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Field, I wonder if you even have mirrors in your home.

    I like to talk about issues, everytime I try with a liberal they bring up race, especially when you try and talk facts, results and common sense, then the old race card, discussion ender comes out. I dissaprove of Obama because he is one of the most radical leftists we have ever had in government, let alone as president. Yet you and those who think similarly never want to be honest and discuss results, it's always blame, blame, blame - race.
    God forbid there is no wiggle room on an issue then you will raise the dead and bring up a long forgotten issue from some point in history to prove why todays person should be excused for their actions.

    Anyway, the last paragraph of the article mentions Eugenics as well as the old socialist democratic liberal party of Germany. Kind of seemed just pasted on at the end, so I am thinking the author is slyly making a nod to you and liberals, as we all know about Margaret Sanger/Planned parenthood and Euginecs supported by liberals then and even more feverishly today.

    From the article.
    " And there's the once-popular philosophy of Eugenics, which sought to improve the human race through natural selection. After gaining popularity with the Nazis during World War II, the term has been relegated to more of a political insult than a serious theoretical practice these days.

  3. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "And today, Iran is isolated — surrounded by friends of the United States and squeezed by ever-increasing sanctions."

    I swear we always say you can't make this stuff up, but liberals do, they really do. Surrounded by Friends of the U.S? Sure, all our friends burn american flags, shout death to america and institute Sharia law. Maybe they are friends of Obama and Liberals who support terrorists over americans and welcome Sharia law in the interest of anything that is just anti american err......religious freedom rhetoric, but they aren't friends of the MAJORITY of Americans who know they will subjugate or kill any american they can even liberals who are not bright enough to realize it.

  4. pierre dortdruben9:42 PM

    anonymous said: I dissaprove (sic) of Obama because he is one of the most radical leftists we have ever had in government, let alone as president.

    my brother, you must have nothing but mirrors in your house, for you seem to be seeing everything in reverse: that is why you call what is way to the right "leftist." peep what bruce dixon recently pointed out:

    President Barack Obama was able to more than double down on the Bush bailout, giving the banksters at least $15 billion where Bush had only given them $3 billion. Obama raised the military budget, just as Bush would have done if he had a third term, passed laws to make torture and kidnapping, imprisonment without trial and presidential murder “legal,” protected BP from any serious liability in the Gulf oil disaster, and invaded an African country, all feats that would have done the Bush-Cheney crime family proud.

    if that is radical leftist, then i'm an ony mous

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "Yet sliding breathlessly from the possible actions of a nuclear-armed Iran, a status which intelligence says is no sure thing"

    The NY Times. Bought by Obama for 1 dollar. Sigh...but ok, not to be liberal and pull an Alinsky, here are the facts.

    Well the IAEA just returning from Iran might disagree. You know the International Atomic Energy Agency.

    As might todays announcement of Iran cleaning up a nuclear trigger test;

    As would German and Japanese intelligence that Iran detonated a test bomb in Korea.

    As Would Barack Obama disagree as he promised Netanyahu to give him bunkerbuster bombs and refueling plans, just please wait until after the election, because the re-election campaign is ALL that is important to Obama.

    This debacle and the Susan fluck nonsense have really highlighted how much the MSM is in the tank for Obama and liberals. Now they are gambling with world security just to avoid reporting the truth and help a Morally corrupt man win re-election.

    As Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama would say taken from rules for radicals

    2. Of Means and Ends [Forget moral or ethical considerations]
    He asks of ends only whether they are achievable and worth the cost; of means, only whether they will work. ... The real arena is corrupt and bloody." p.24

    "The third rule of ethics of means and ends is that in war the end justifies almost any means...." p.29

    The seventh rule... is that generally success or failure is a mighty determinant of ethics...." p.34

    The tenth rule... is you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral garments.... It involves sifting the multiple factors which combine in creating the circumstances at any given time... Who, and how many will support the action?... If weapons are needed, then are appropriate d weapons available? Availability of means determines whether you will be underground or above ground; whether you will move quickly or slowly..." p.36

  6. My, what selective outrage you exhibit Mr. Negro. Our current Commander in Chief is the only one ever to start a war without congressional approval. And not only did he never serve in the military,he didn’t even register for the draft until he was 47 years old.

    View this and tell me any Republican administration could be worse:

  7. Minister Farrakhan10:23 PM

    Yes field, let's drug all the white people with propranolol. It will make them easier to kill.

    Anti-Racism = Anti-White.

  8. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Field, I noticed that you didn't offer any pills to Democrats, Blacks or God forbid, Mexicans.

    In your mind are Republicans the only racists in America? Please, spare me. YOU should be taking 500mg of the drug with each meal daily(3x/day), for the rest of your life.

  9. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Field, "Every person reading this post in A-merry-ca who has an adult child should be scared shitless about the prospects of A-merry-ca electing a republican president."

    Here's the thing: Republicans know how to protect America. There is no question they know how to use America's power in the world. That is why everyone respects us.

  10. Whites have turned our society upside down trying to deal with racism for the past 60 years. One wonders, though, when blacks will play a role beyond voicing complaints and demanding concessions. Much of what is called racism is an understandable reaction by whites to the unacceptable behavior of blacks. For example, whites tend to avoid situations where blacks congregate, out of fear of black violence. Which group can do more to resolve this problem? Would you recommend that blacks be less violent or that whites be less fearful of their violence? Maybe this new pill can help them ignore the danger.

    A great many social problems are attributed to the fatherless homes in which black children are raised; is this a problem that it is up to blacks or whites to address? Many whites withdraw their children from public school because the poor performance of black students lowers the academic quality and their disruptive behavior creates a chaotic environment; would this pill help whites get over these concerns? Examples could continue.

    Blacks are responsible for the behavior out of which most racial friction grows. Whites can only choose their reaction to it--resistance, acceptance, or avoidance. Yet to the liberal establishment, it is only whites who have the power to change the situation.

  11. Forget the pills Field...think you'll need Napalm for this crop of trolls

  12. Auster11:28 PM

    Timothy Carney at the Washington Examiner quotes Sen. Schumer on the birth control mandate controversy:

    This whole debate is an anachronism. Our country progressed beyond the issue of whether or not to allow birth control a long time ago. Yet here we are in 2012, and the Republican Party suddenly wants to turn back the clock and take away contraception from women. Make no mistake: that’s what this debate is about.

    This degree of lying goes beyond the sin of lying. It is lying so gross and egregious that it shows a criminal-type mind at work.

  13. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Paulo, you make some good points. Unfortunately on FN, no one will agree or see Blacks as having ANY responsibility whatsoever.

    BTW, that disruptive ugly violent behavior? Well, I am afraid of it and try to avoid it also. Life is too short to be around that crap. But you won't hear FN folks admitting this. They would rather blame Whitey than to take responsibility themselves. Hey, it's the long term effect of slavery and Jim Crow racism. It ain't ever going away....very ugly stinky messy human crap.

  14. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Brooklyn, "Forget the pills Field...think you'll need Napalm for this crop of trolls"

    Why is it you think only of violence and killing people? You are an example of black violence that perpetuates racism cause nobody wants to be around you, except Mr. Field. But that's his day job.

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    I am still holding out that Newt will somehow come through and win the GOP nomination. He would make a good President. We need someone who is strong, patient and tolerant.

  16. one who is strong, patient and tolerant.

    I know POTUS is awesome isn't he and the first lady is beautiful. Rush is allllways talking about her booty...

  17. Anonymous12:08 AM

    @Paulo & Anonymous@11:32PM

    You both made valid points, but anonymous, you had me thinking until the last part about "human crap" which seems to be the failing of your sort. One way or the other your reptilian brain will assert itself and any logical argument you were trying to present will fall in on itself.

    And Paulo- While you made a very thoughtful post, I have to wonder... aren't the problems of crime, homelessness, rampant pregnancies, etc. American problems? Shouldn't they be addressed by all Americans instead of making them a black problem or a brown problem or whatever?

    Rusty Nale

  18. @ Rusty Nale:

    Of course these are American problems. The issue is who is responsible for the solutions. White people are responsible for taking care of their own pathologies. White people are also respsonsible with addressing black pathologies. After 60 years of equality, blacks are still passive actors in their own demise.

    There are 40 millon black people and 240 million white people in America. Nobody is going anywhere. We all have an interest in fixing American problems, and we should be sharing in the repsonsibility of addressing them.

  19. Irish Spring12:34 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, I noticed that you didn't offer any pills to Democrats, Blacks or God forbid, Mexicans.

    In your mind are Republicans the only racists in America? Please, spare me. YOU should be taking 500mg of the drug with each meal daily(3x/day), for the rest of your life.

    Hey Field be careful, this stuff causes baldness in Black Men. Oh other possible side effects are anal leakage and erectile dysfunction (the wet noodle willy for your Brooklyn type readers), but only in rare isolated cases.

    For those who use it long term, it cause your ears to pop out and make you look like Steve Erckel, your limbs to be gangly and for you to ride girls bicycles wearing a ridiculous girly helmet while wearing Moms Jeans and Michelles Jock strap.

    Manly yes, But Barack likes it too.

  20. Dr. Conrad Murray12:41 AM

    "Hey Field be careful, this stuff causes baldness in Black Men. Oh other possible side effects are anal leakage and erectile dysfunction (the wet noodle willy for your Brooklyn type readers), but only in rare isolated cases."

    Sounds like Field has been hitting the propranolol a little too hard. Be careful, bro.

  21. Anonymous12:53 AM

    According to anonymous sources in Chicago, when Obama frequented Man’s Country he was much too cheap to splurge for rooms like this (which cost $40-60 a night at Steamworks). When Larry Sinclair writes and talks about the two nights he spent with Barack Obama back in 1999, Sinclair insists Obama avoided paying for anything, claiming he “made nothing” as an elected official in Springfield. Word on the street is that Barack Obama only rented lockers at Man’s Country, so if he did spend any times in the rooms it was when other guys rented them and he “hung out” doing whatever it is he did while in there.

    Read more

  22. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Rusty Nale, "You both made valid points, but anonymous, you had me thinking until the last part about "human crap" which seems to be the failing of your sort. One way or the other your reptilian brain will assert itself and any logical argument you were trying to present will fall in on itself."

    Well, Mr Nale, your post to anon was insulting and is typically "human crap". You probably don't recognize crap anymore because you have adjusted to the smell so it is normal to you. And it is normal in America. But it is still "human crap."

    You think there is a 'logical' argument to be debated about racism? I'll let you in on a little secret: "there is nothing 'logical' about racism."

    It has been an exploitative chronic illness in America since its inception. It is without a doubt "human crap" and is an irremovable stain in the psyche of Americans.

    BTW, it exists because of the 'reptilian' brain that you noticed in me. By your condescending illogical remark, your 'reptilian' brain is working just fine.

    Mr Rusty Nale, it doesn't take a genius to recognize how crappy and messy human history has been-- and will continue to be. We are fallible human beings. We make mistakes all the time, daily. Posters such as yourself prove that everyday.

    FYI, there is so much stinky ugly "human crap" that even Field has to moderate some of the "human crap" posters leave on FN. And he believes in free speech! Obviously you are so used to giving and smelling crap that your mind doesn't even notice it anymore, and your nose likes the way it smells.

    Welcome to racism in America where there is White privilege, and Blacks for centuries have been living in this "human crap".... everyday! And that includes President Obama!

  23. Quote Anonymous

    "According to anonymous sources in Chicago..."

    Oh well that's a game-changer right there, isn't it?

    Some alleged anonymous bloke who claims to live somewhere in Chicago thinks Obama is gay...!

    Hold the front page !

  24. A good president never rules out the use of military power against our enemies (it's our Big Stick), & President Obama has not done so. But neither does a good president bluster, bluff & brag. Of the four candidates, only Ron Paul has access to any secret government documents & assessments regarding Iran, & he's hardly beating the war drums.

  25. Quote Percy

    "It is a quote, bracketed by the traditional "Quotation marks", and italicized, just to make it clear.

    Are you retarded?"

    No Percy, you are.

    There were no traditional "Quotation marks" and there was no attribution.

    Which makes you a cheap liar and a plagiarist.

  26. Quote Anonymous 9:22

    "Anyway, the last paragraph of the article mentions Eugenics as well as the old socialist democratic liberal party of Germany. "

    Ahh yes, the old 'Nazis were Leftists' lie.

    Congratulations anony, you are the 5863rd far-Right nut-job who has posted this nonsense on this blog, so much so that I almost got bored constantly re-typing my comprehensive debunking of this bollocks.

    Fortunately I don't have to any more, as I took the precaution of keeping a copy for future use.

    My apologies to regular F.N. readers for posting this yet again, but you can always skip to the next post.

    It's in several parts.

  27. Part One: Hitler, Socialists and the “International Jewish Conspiracy”

    After WW1 Hitler was stationed in Munich, Bavaria. At that time Kurt Eisner, leader of the Independent Socialist Party, declared Bavaria to be an independent Socialist Republic. Hitler was appalled; he viewed Socialism as simply part of what he called the ‘International Jewish conspiracy’.

    Of course Hitler was keenly aware that the father of Socialism – Karl Marx – was a Jew. (This may come as a surprise to you wingnuts, but Adolph was not mad keen on Jews, in fact it’s fair to say, he was a bit of an anti-Semite.)

    Most of the key figures in German Socialism at that time, such as Eisner, Rosa Luxemburg, Toller and Eugene Levine were Jews. Similarly many of the key figures in the Russian October revolution of 1917 had been Jews, such as Trotsky, Radek, Litvinov, Zinoviev and Joffe. Hitler was further outraged in July of 1918, when the Bolsheviks enacted a law that made all discrimination against Jews illegal.

    When the German government regained control of Bavaria in 1919, many hundreds of Socialists were summarily executed without trial. To prove his loyalty to the German government and his opposition to Socialism, Hitler volunteered to rat on fellow soldiers who he knew to have Socialist views. So impressed were the Army officers with Hitler’s fervor and rabid anti-Socialist beliefs that they recruited him to be a political officer, lecturing German soldiers on the dangers of Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism

  28. Part Two – Nazis and Industry

    In the time leading up to Hitler’s election he sought to exploit the massive social unrest in Germany by promising to strengthen Trade Unions, while simultaneously promising Germany’s capitalists that he would destroy the trade union movement. Hitler made good on his promises to Capitalists. The Nazis abolished trade unions, all collective bargaining, and the right to strike.

    The Nazis enacted the "Charter of Labor" this piece of legislation gave employers total power over their employees. It established a legal position of employer as "leader of the enterprise," The law specifically stated:

    "The leader of the enterprise makes the decisions for the employees and laborers in all matters concerning the enterprise."

    It continued..

    "It’s task is to see that every individual should be able to perform the maximum of work."

    Under the new rules between 1932 and 1936, average wages fell, from 20.4 to 19.5 cents an hour for skilled labor, and from 16.1 to 13 cents an hour for unskilled labor.

    So much for the Socialist tenant of giving workers ‘control of the means of production.’ Remember that V.I. Lenin said the first requirement of a Socialist economy is that the “Commanding Heights” of the economy must be taken into worker control. The Nazis did none of that.

    There's one other very important fact that the wing-jobs overlook.

    The very first victims of the Nazis mass killing machines were no less than 400,000 Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists.

  29. Part Three Lebensraum – Nazi Philosophy

    Hitler replaced the key Marxist concept of class conflict and replaced it with ethnic warfare between Aryans on one side and Jews and Gypsies on the other. Within Germany expressions of class-consciousness were specifically banned by law, Germanies 100 year history of Social Democratic philosophy was ruthlessly surpressed.

    The Nazis promoted Völksgemeinschaft, which translates as “folk community.” In this ideology all the economic classes would be united in a struggle to establish a racially pure, Aryan nation, uniquely German in it’s nature and culture. This was in sharp contrast to the prevailing Socialist ideology which was essentially internationalist in nature.
    The Nazis were principally nationalists. They sought to occupy other nations in the quest for Lebensraum - living space – where ethnic Germans would lord over lesser races – untermenschen – in a sort of racist paradise. Again a stark contrast to the prevailing socialist paradigm that postulated in international workers living in a borderless society.

    Finally looking at the key sources of support for the Nazis, these came politically from aging Right Wing nationalists like Luddendorf and Bismarck, and financially from capitalist families such as the Krupps. It’s difficult – if not impossible - to see why these people would support the Nazis if they had a life-long history of opposing leftist ideology, and would be acting against their own financial interests if the Nazis really had been Socialists.

  30. I think we stepped on some toes. Relax folks, the pill isn't the only cure for your color arousal problem; thereby might also help.

  31. Passed through New Hope,Pistolvania once, and there was a biker convention going on there.(they were all white) So I canceled our reservations at this beutiful bed & breakfast and kept it popping. Does that make me a racist?

  32. omg fn

    u r getting bolder and blinder!

    u have ignored SERIAL wars by hobama
    and u have ignored how HOBAMA has provoked iran

    how many parents should fear for their kids in libya/syria/afghan/iran/pakistan etc!!!
    beccause of what hobama has done???????


  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    "The very first victims of the Nazis mass killing machines were no less than 400,000 Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists."

    Well aren't the "first" victims of "Socialist's" always their countrymen - Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists?

    Purple Said
    "So much for the Socialist tenant of giving workers ‘control of the means of production.’ Remember that V.I. Lenin said the first requirement of a Socialist economy is that the “Commanding Heights” of the economy must be taken into worker control. The Nazis did none of that."

    Oh, do you mean the Lenin who when the Factory Committees began to spread and an alternative, non-capitalist economy directed by the workers themselves began to emerge, Lenin dissolved the Factory Committees and placed control of the economy under the state. He was a strong advocate of state capitalism, centralized banks, and imposition of a wage system on the workers (all three in direct contradiction of Marx's theories and the demands of the workers themselves). He even advocated exploitation of the workers in Party print-shops at gunpoint:

    "Not a single rogue (including those who shirk work) to be allowed to be at liberty, but kept in prison, or serve a sentence of compulsory labour of the hardest kind…In one place ... half a dozen workers who shirk their work (in the manner of the rowdies, the manner in which many compositors in Petrograd, particularly in the Party print shops shirk their work) will be put in prison. In another they will be put to cleaning latrines. In a third place they will be provided with yellow tickets after they have served their time…In a fourth place one in every ten idlers will be shot on the spot." Sounds very Nazi-ish to me. In fact, identical actions.

    Oh by the way, just a few estimates of the number of people killed under that system you believe in, gosh darn it. Seems to never come off so well.

    Number Killed:
    Stalin - 23 million

    Mao - 48-78 Million

    Leopold - 8 million

    Ismael Enver - 1,200,000 Armenians (1915) + 350,000 Greek Pontians and 480,000 Anatolian Greeks (1916-22) + 500,000 Assyrians (1915-20)

    Kim Il Sung - 1.6 million.

    and many, many, many more who got to try out the things you believe.

    Anyways, nice essay Purple. Obama called and said you would fit in perfectly in his campaign.

    Do you think you could do an essay on the atrocities committed against lollipops and tootsie rolls next? (make sure not to confuse it with genocide of tutsi's conducted by Hutu who also believed in state control).

  34. Teabagger Killa9:16 AM

    A REAL Field Negro wouldn't let racist pieces of trash come into HIS blog and call him a nigger in the name of "free speech".

    A REAL Field Negro would've taken a machete to these globs of ass juice to allow his fellow field negroes to engage in intelligent discourse.

    Just sayin.

  35. Judge Dredd9:17 AM

    field negro said...
    Passed through New Hope,Pistolvania once, and there was a biker convention going on there.(they were all white) So I canceled our reservations at this beutiful bed & breakfast and kept it popping. Does that make me a racist?

    Applying your own standards to whites I would say to you, yes you are a racist. Remember the white lady who sped away because she saw a black guy knocking on her window in Philly and you called her racist as she shouldnt judge a book by it's cover or something like that. Well, why are you judging all white bikers by their cover? Maybe they would have invited you and your family for a cozy nightcap?

    See when it is you making decisions to protect yourself and your family from widely known potential danger's it is logical, yet when a white does it - you call it racism. So by your own standards - you are racist.

  36. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Teabagger Killa said...
    A REAL Field Negro wouldn't let racist pieces of trash come into HIS blog and call him a nigger in the name of "free speech".

    A REAL Field Negro would've taken a machete to these globs of ass juice to allow his fellow field negroes to engage in intelligent discourse.

    Just sayin.

    Wow - gotta love this stereotype. Proving the points of the racists. You just did what they say you do.

  37. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonymous

    "According to anonymous sources in Chicago..."

    Oh well that's a game-changer right there, isn't it?

    Some alleged anonymous bloke who claims to live somewhere in Chicago thinks Obama is gay...!

    Hold the front page !

    Werent' you one of the many who thought "anonymous sources" was good enough to say Herman Cain was guilty and nothing more than a Tom? Now you want to apply the same standards and logic conservatives were calling for stating an anonymous source isn't good enough? Just imagine living under the standards you impose, that would be ideal. Real morals and not just hypocritical blurbs. But then you leftists would be spinning so fast you might be a fire hazard from the friction.

  38. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Hi I just arrived here. Seems like a very cheery place of people. I am British like Purple Cow, I can tell he is English by his use of the word, "bloke". I never use it because it is not used in the USA and America IS the "power" in the world. One should honor a great nation and its great citizens of all colors, but esp those with white skin in America. That's just good politics.

    I would like to suggest Purple Cow learn to speak America English and not promote Socialism on an American blog. PC needs to brush up on his history too.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. ndaa trumps rush!!!!!!

    why so mum?????????????????????


  41. IRAN IS HOBAMA'S WAR!!!!!!!

    The Obama administration is, arguably, already at war with Iran by most legal and civilized standards – a war of economic strangulation and covert aggression. African Americans have historically opposed U.S. wars against the developing world, but Obama has “blurred the lines between war and not-war,” claiming that his 7-month bombing campaign against Libya was not really a war. Meanwhile, the corporate media “is full of fake news about Iranian threats, when it is the Americans who are doing all the threatening, all the killing.”

    President Obama has blurred the lines between war and not-war. No sane person could deny that the United States and its NATO allies were at war with Libya during seven months of non-stop bombing, until they finally achieved regime change. But President Obama defied U.S. law and the U.S. Congress, denying that a state of war ever existed. He will doubtless make the same claim when and if he attacks Iran with bombs and missiles. This is a lawless government.

    Obama has been as methodical in his buildup to war with Iran as George Bush was with Iraq almost nine years ago, moving step by step to the brink. He might want to avoid pushing gasoline prices to six or eight dollars in an election year, but wars, once set in motion, have momentums of their own.

  42. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Judge Dredd said:
    field negro said...
    Passed through New Hope,Pistolvania once, and there was a biker convention going on there.(they were all white) So I canceled our reservations at this beutiful bed & breakfast and kept it popping. Does that make me a racist?

    Judge Dredge replied, "Applying your own standards to whites I would say to you, yes you are a racist. Remember the white lady who sped away because she saw a black guy knocking on her window in Philly and you called her racist as she shouldnt judge a book by it's cover or something like that. Well, why are you judging all white bikers by their cover? Maybe they would have invited you and your family for a cozy nightcap?"

    Yes, yes! Judge you nailed that slippery Field. I mean, you got him good. He IS a racist and a coward. Herman Cain or JLP would not have cancelled their B&B. In fact, they would have talked with them. That's the difference between a racist like Field and a non-racist-accept-you-as-you-are American.

    Thank you for slamming Field. You made my day. Many thanks. Btw, I am Black and I love to bike.

  43. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  44. Anonymous9:47 AM

    AB, why do you NOT call Obama and FN regarding NDAA? That is terrible....

    SPEAK UP! Show some courage.

  45. HOBAMA IS WAGING WAR ON IRAN NOW....SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    why fret over any repub prez later?????

    your evil apathy is glaring fn!!!!

  46. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Alicia Banks Said...

    "Obama, like all American presidents, is among the slickest politicians of all time, but he is certainly no fool. He knew that Limbaugh handed him a political gift and he ran with it. Obama personally telephoned the aggrieved young woman while his liberal sycophants demanded that advertisers drop Limbaugh’s program. Republicans joined in the beat down and admonished the erstwhile standard bearer for his offensive language. Limbaugh was political toast, and Obama was king"

    Only apparantly it backfired, as most lies ultimately do.

    Now we know that Sandra Fluck was a total liberal scam directly tied to the whitehouse. She is being represented by Anita "Mao" Dunn former Obama Campaign spinster and white house communications war on free speech council.

  47. Margaret Kimberley
    said that

    and i agree totally!!!!

    see more:

  48. fn is king of the balck hobama nazis

    shame on u fn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    an atty who is mum on ndaa????????

    glen ford is my king
    and he hosts a hobama nazi free zone here


  49. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Obama has his own 9-9-9 plan.

  50. memo to every black preacher who is pimping the sheeple for that racist elitist demonic bankster hobama:


    karma is real!!!

  51. Anonymous10:45 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  52. "Werent' you one of the many who thought "anonymous sources" was good enough to say Herman Cain was guilty and nothing more than a Tom?"

    Nope, absolutely not.

    "Now you want to apply the same standards and logic conservatives were calling for stating an anonymous source isn't good enough?"

    If you think "some guy in Chicago thinks Obama is gay" is going to convince anyone with a functioning brain, you are in desperate trouble.

    " Just imagine living under the standards you impose, that would be ideal. Real morals and not just hypocritical blurbs. But then you leftists would be spinning so fast you might be a fire hazard from the friction."

    No clue what that paragraph was supposed to mean.

  53. Arnie Geddon10:55 AM

    field negro said...
    Passed through New Hope,Pistolvania once, and there was a biker convention going on there.(they were all white) So I canceled our reservations at this beutiful bed & breakfast and kept it popping. Does that make me a racist?

    No, it makes you a realist , like Jesse Jackson.

  54. "Hi I just arrived here. Seems like a very cheery place of people. I am British like Purple Cow, I can tell he is English by his use of the word, "bloke"."

    You are not English, so stop lying. If you were you would know that calling someone a bloke could mean I'm English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, South African, Australian or a New Zealander.

    Secondly "a very cheery place of people" ??????? What the flying fuck is that supposed to mean??

    For your information the 19th century ended about 112 years ago.

    Finally, you say "I am British like Purple Cow" - no you should have said 'I'm English like Purple Cow'. Britain is a state, not a nation. Nobody calls themselves British any more, haven't done for decades.

    "I never use it because it is not used in the USA and America IS the "power" in the world. One should honor a great nation and its great citizens of all colors, but esp those with white skin in America. That's just good politics."

    English spellings - Honour and Colour.

    "I would like to suggest Purple Cow learn to speak America English and not promote Socialism on an American blog. PC needs to brush up on his history too."

    This is not an American blog, it's written by a Jamaican, and cyberspace is not America.

    If you think my history is false, why don't you give your perspective?

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  56. John Ray11:04 AM

    @ Purple Cow: Nazi's were Leftists.

    The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

    "Fascism" is a term that was originally coined by the Italian dictator Mussolini to describe his adaptation of Marxism to the conditions of Italy after World War I. Lenin in Russia made somewhat different adaptations of Marxism to the conditions in Russia during the same period and his adaptations came to be called Marxism/Leninism. Mussolini stayed closer to Marx in that he felt that Italy had to go through a capitalist stage before it could reach socialism whereas Lenin attempted to push Russia straight from semi-feudalism into socialism. Mussolini's principal modification of Marxism was his rejection of the notion of class war, something that put him decisively at odds with Lenin's "Reds".

    Mussolini's ideas and system were very influential and he had many imitators -- not the least of which was Adolf Hitler. Fascism was a nationalist form of extreme socialism whereas Trotskyism was/is a internationalist form of extreme socialism -- with Leninism being somewhere in between.

  57. the left has never been more evil than under that dl rightist raygun upgrade hobama

  58. "The Progressive Era is a period of one big lie after another, crafted upon the false belief that modern government somehow could replace a free market, private property order and create an economy marked both by prosperity and "fairness." From "scientific" management to "enlightened" religion (called theological liberalism and, later, secularism) to Prohibition to "objective" journalism, the belief was that modern society had found the key to "onward and upward" progress."

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. hobama is waging war with iran NOW!!!!!


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  62. Don RePardo11:30 AM

    Welcome to another edtion of Alicia Banks Friday, brought to you by the makers of Abilify.

  63. Anonymous11:31 AM

    "This is not an American blog, it's written by a Jamaican, and cyberspace is not America"

    Typical liberal reap the rewards and flip on a dime as needed. No, Field is a Jamaican born man who emigrated to the U.S the land of golden opportunity and is a practising American either resident or citizen . He plans on retiring in JM and returning to his homeland after reaping the wonderful rewards and opportunity American provides to all. You can't eat at my table and then tell me you aren't a friend of mine.

    In any case you are not American, but you damn sure wish you were.

  64. kosher kkk:

    did u miss that wf pookie who won the lottery and still collected on food stamps/snap/ebts????

    why so mum???

  65. blogless clueless silly assnon:

    got envy?

    your "posts" prove why...


  66. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Werent' you one of the many who thought "anonymous sources" was good enough to say Herman Cain was guilty and nothing more than a Tom?"

    Nope, absolutely not.

    Hmmmm, I remember differently but ok surely you recall your thoughts better than I.

    "Now you want to apply the same standards and logic conservatives were calling for stating an anonymous source isn't good enough?"

    If you think "some guy in Chicago thinks Obama is gay" is going to convince anyone with a functioning brain, you are in desperate trouble.

    Nope, I don't think nor do I care, that wasn't the point of the post and you know it. Liberals when faced with their own standards and views, suddenly find themselves conservative and pointing out the flawed logic they usually thrive on.

    " Just imagine living under the standards you impose, that would be ideal. Real morals and not just hypocritical blurbs. But then you leftists would be spinning so fast you might be a fire hazard from the friction."

    No clue what that paragraph was supposed to mean

    Too bad, you are either harnessing a small intellectual machine or you are disengenious. Both liberal traits that I despise.

  67. During the Great Depression, FDR helped prevent recovery by paying farmers not to grow food. Although that insane practice continues to this day, bureaucrats are keeping up with the times. They have begun to pay their cronies not to generate power with wind farms:

    "Wind farms in the Pacific Northwest — built with government subsidies and maintained with tax credits for every megawatt produced — are now getting paid to shut down as the federal agency charged with managing the region’s electricity grid says there’s an oversupply of renewable power at certain times of the year."

    Even infamously inefficient windmills can generate more than enough power — provided it is added atop the energy produced by more sensible hydroelectric plants.

    "The problem arose during the late spring and early summer last year. Rapid snow melt filled the Columbia River Basin. The water rushed through the 31 dams run by the Bonneville Power Administration, a federal agency based in Portland, Ore., allowing for peak hydropower generation. At the very same time, the wind howled, leading to maximum wind power production."

    Better than expected production is a "problem" only in a government distorted situaiton. With wind power, it’s use it or lose it.

    "“It’s the one system in the world where in real time, moment to moment, you have to produce as much energy as is being consumed,” BPA spokesman Doug Johnson said of the renewable energy."

    This is among the primary reasons that wind power could never work as a main supplier of our energy needs. But it serves well as a bottomless pit for the government to throw our money down.

    Wind companies will be handed up to $50 million per year to compensate them for half their lost revenue. That money comes out of your pocket. The other half will be made up with higher power bills. That too comes out of your pocket.

    Heads, the government and those with a seat at its table win. Tails, everyone else loses.

    By the way, the reason they can’t shut down the more productive hydroelectric plants instead of the wind farms, saving the stored water for later, is that environmental regulations forbid it.

    Your government at work.

  68. hobama is gay

    and that is very very old news in chi

    why is that more improtant than his global wars/ndaa??????????

  69. Anonymous11:50 AM

    The results of Socialism at it's finest.

    "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. ”
    ― Margaret Thatcher

    “There are significant differences between the American and European version of capitalism. The American traditiionally emphasizes the need for limited government, light regulations, low taxes and maximum labour-market flexibility. Its success has ben shown above all in the ability to create new jobs, in which it is consistently more successful than Europe.”
    ― Margaret Thatcher, The Path To Power

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Hey Field, another "U.S Friendly nation" whom Barack helped militarily. But he said he was "sorry". I kinda like the eyepatch, stitches and black eye they gave Obama in the photo. It almost makes you forget he is effiminate and gay and that Michelle is his beard.

    "An Egyptian protester hits a portrait of U.S. President Barack Obama with a shoe in front of the U.S. embassy in Cairo, March 9, 2012, condemning the decision of the Ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) to release American activists who were involved in what is known as NGOs foreign fund case. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. bk:

    wtf is awesome about that hitlerish hoax hobama???

    he is slaying black people globally!

    i really need to know what is awesome about that????

  74. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  75. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. alicia banks said...
    if fertile hater hets loved their own kids...

    Why are so many blacks terrible parents?

    I don't think Africans love their children in the way other peoples do.

  78. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Good article on how Obamas ineptness in foreign policy may just save the U.S.

    "With Obama having redefined patriotism as support of his policies, Americans need only oppose him, even on trivial matters, to feel his wrath. Yet, he easily dismisses an enemy's machinations of murderous mayhem as rational reaction to American aggression and its reductionist approach to the national interests of other countries.

    When presented with a war already won in Iraq, our genius bungled the negotiations to leave a token American force in the country as a tripwire against attacks on the nascent democracy. Failing to do so, he declared victory and abandoned the country, ceding it to Iranian domination.

    In Egypt, he discarded Hosni Mubarak, a multi-decade American ally, ceding the nation to the Muslim Brotherhood, and relegating Coptic Christians, to the murderous urges of the Arab spring. Who are we to tell Muslims how to treat infidels? I love the smell of sharia in the morning, it smells like genocide!

    In Libya, he led from behind, prolonging the bloodshed, when a cruise missile into Gaddafi's compound in the first hours of the conflict would have ended it. He eventually turned the country over to al Qaeda -- again declaring victory. Now, as they torture and kill blacks, because Africans made up the bulk of pro-Qaddafi forces, it doesn't matter. They're only Africans.

    In Afghanistan, he changed the rules of engagement, preventing American soldiers from firing first, or returning fire against positions where civilians might be present. Fighting a war and not being able to shoot first or fire back has increased casualties. Does our President believe American lives are worth less than other lives? Withdrawing our troops early, he is well on his way to giving Afghanistan back to the Taliban -- another victory for Barack.

    Syria's Assad, Iran's only ally, so misunderstood by Bush, and "reset" by Obama, is now a killing machine, slaughtering thousands of his own people in a desperate attempt to hold onto power. The fall of Assad would be devastating to Iran and its dream of a naval base on the Mediterranean Sea and regional hegemony. Why help depose a tyrant, when it's much more important to make war on the Catholic Church?

    Read more:

  79. Anonymous1:12 PM

    PC, "Secondly "a very cheery place of people" ??????? What the flying fuck is that supposed to mean??"

    Sorry, my English is still that of an Anglo-Saxon King. That is what was taught in British schools.

    America IS a cheery place, everyone outside of the US knows that, esp in Britain. Have you been living in the UK very long? You sound new.

    BTW, as an exercise in American English, why don't you tell us "how" you managed to marry an American white woman? Most don't want to be bothered with Black Socialists...that is 'extreme' for them. I would love to see a picture of the two of you. It would give post-racial Americans some perspective about you and your taste in women, Mr. Bloke.

  80. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Dear Field, I see you are very busy today as moderator. My God, man! Some of those posters must be manufacturing "human crap" by the ton.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate it. BTW, you missed Purple Cow's comments. I guess it's good to leave his worthless comments's good for American-British relations. You never know when we will need each other for the next war.:))

  81. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Field, I see you are very busy today as moderator. My God, man! Some of those posters must be manufacturing "human crap" by the ton.

    Nevertheless, I appreciate it. BTW, you missed Purple Cow's comments. I guess it's good to leave his worthless comments's good for American-British relations. You never know when we will need each other for the next war.:))

    You mean the Brits will need the Americans to help them stave of Socialism again, just like in WWII, right Purple Cow?

  82. Hey AB
    If Obama is indeed gay wouldn't it be unethical to out him.


  83. ”The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)”

    ”Yes we know, but the point is that Hitler used the word socialist partially to confuse, and partly to outrage the socialist opposition, with the hope of picking up a few new party members on the way. (Remember the party only had 60 members at the time of the name change.) The whole story is related in Mein Kampf, a book I’m sure you have read.”

    "Fascism" is a term that was originally coined by the Italian dictator Mussolini to describe his adaptation of Marxism to the conditions of Italy after World War I.”

    No, Mussolini had long abandoned Socialism and Marxism by this time.

    ”“Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail.”

    Benito Mussolini

    ”Mussolini stayed closer to Marx in that he felt that Italy had to go through a capitalist stage before it could reach socialism whereas Lenin attempted to push Russia straight from semi-feudalism into socialism. Mussolini's principal modification of Marxism was his rejection of the notion of class war, something that put him decisively at odds with Lenin's "Reds".

Mussolini's ideas and system were very influential and he had many imitators -- not the least of which was Adolf Hitler. Fascism was a nationalist form of extreme socialism whereas Trotskyism was/is a internationalist form of extreme socialism -- with Leninism being somewhere in between.”

    ”This is just schoolboy nonsense, clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. Go back and re-read what I wrote earlier, see if you can answer any of the points I raised.

    [Hint: You can’t]

  84. Anonymous3:57 PM

    the knock out game against whites is not racist nore is lighting a little 13 yr boy on fire just because he was the smartest person in racism here right house.does your mudshark help you find all these bad whitey racists and is that why you would not stop where there were a lot of are so full of commie shit i don't think you would recognize the truth if it slapped you in the face.

  85. "
    Sorry, my English is still that of an Anglo-Saxon King. That is what was taught in British schools. "

    You mean English schools, and no it never was. You have clearly never been within 5000 km of England in your entire life. I don't understand why you continue this ridiculous charade.

    "America IS a cheery place, everyone outside of the US knows that, esp in Britain. Have you been living in the UK very long? You sound new."

    I was born here, numbnuts.

    Your failure is that you dont speak how English people speak, you speak how Americans imagine we speak. You have us all saying 'Cheerio' in stead of goodbye, or drinking 'a spot of tea'. It's all fiction, I've never heard an English person say 'Cheerio' or a 'spot of tea' once in my entire life.

    And seeing as you insist on a picture of the two of us, here's one taken on my recent birthday.

  86. Anonymous8:43 PM


    "Hey AB
    If Obama is indeed gay wouldn't it be unethical to out him."

    You have some nerve to talk about ethics. You are the biggest offender, liar and racist on FN. You have proven again and again that you have no morals.

  87. Anonymous10:06 AM

    "Libya is free of Moammar Gaddafi"

    Libya is also "free" of a reported 30,000 Black Libyan civilains who were the subject of "ethnic cleansing"

    The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime

    by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.
