Friday, March 09, 2012

Skittles, the new weapon of choice among young black males.

That seventeen year old in Florida who was armed to the teeth with Skittles, lost his life because a "color aroused" neighborhood watch captain decided to take the law into his own hands and issue a death sentence. (h/t to Tia for turning me on to the story) We should get used to this, because more citizens are arming themselves in post- racial A-mery-ca. Fear will do that to you. As Negroes continue to take each other's lives in urban A-merry-ca and white folks read about it or watch it on the local news, their fear intensifies and they believe that they could be next. I suppose that a bag of Skittles could be like a dangerous weapon if it's in the right Negro's hands. Poor Trayvon Martin must have seemed like a trained Skittles assassin to that neighborhood watch captain.

Well, the authorities are investigating; let's see where this investigation takes us. I don't want to pass judgment on those fine public officials down in South Florida until I see what they do with the case. Some of you Negroes are already anticipating that there will be no charges. Or, if the Paul Kersey wannabe is charged, it will be for a lesser offense. (Can you say self-defense boys and girls?) 

"The police department told the Miami Herald that the case was still under investigation.

"We need to get all the facts and circumstances straight so that we can determine what truly happened," police chief Bill Lee told the Herald.
The Martins’ attorney said the family is running out of patience.
"We need answers," Crump told the Herald. "The neighborhood watch was supposed to protect him, not kill him."

On Trayvon's Facebook page, his friends and family mourned the teen's death.
"I just want to cry my heart out," one commentor wrote. "I can't believe you're really gone."

Oh believe it. And you could be next if you don't watch where you go with a pocket full of Skittles.

Finally, I see that Mitt's boy in South Jersey, Governor Krispy Kreme, is at it again.

"... Christie called on 34-year-old law student William Brown. The two got into a debate over a plan to rename Rutgers University, Rutgers Camden-Rowan. Brown, who is active in Democratic Party politics, says the merger and name change would negatively affect the university's reputation.

After Christie says that Brown and his fellow classmates who are already enrolled at the university will still receive a Rutgers diploma, Brown interrupts him, shouting back, "What about my son? What about my neighbors? What about my friends?"

Christie then appears to lose his temper, saying, "If you decide what you want to do is put on a show today, let me tell you, I can go back and forth with you as much as you want. And let me tell you something; after you graduate from law school, you conduct yourself like that in a courtroom, your rear end's going to get thrown in jail, idiot."

Christie then tried to explain his behavior to the receptive audience, saying, "I tried to be patient with the guy. Every time I tried to answer, he's like, yelling over me again." And he received applause for what may turn out to be a regrettable follow-up quip, when he said, "I mean, damn man, I'm governor, could you shut up for a minute?" [Source]

Governor, that's not a good look calling a man who served his country with honor an "idiot". You really should do something about that temper.

Hey, I know; maybe you can give some of that fire and passion to your boy, Mr. Starch Jeans, and see if he can finally connect with the A-merry-can people.  





  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    When police they arrived, they found Zimmerman on his back, covered with grass and bleeding from his nose and the back of his head, the AP said. He admitted he shot Martin, who was found with $22 in his pocket, some Skittles and an Arizona Iced Tea that his family told the Miami Herald he had bought for his stepbrother.

    Field, Do you think Zimmerman hit himself in the face and back of the head and then shot the "youth"? No idea what happened lets see the police investigation. But in Florida there is a no retreat/Castle Doctrine if someone gets violent and attacks you. you can shoot in self defense, as it should be. I mean if someone is attacking you violently you sure aren't required to say, ok I will take 10 stitches and a concussion IF HE stops because I don't think he has a gun adn doesnt really look like he wants to kill me. No one is required to get hurt by anyone even a little bit, if they attack, they might just lose their life.

  2. Diversity Kills.8:07 PM

    Blacks commit most interracial crime in this country.

    Most lynchings are committed by blacks. Most of their victims are white.

    8 out of the last 9 mass murderers were black. Almost all of their victims were white.

    Can't be to careful around negros. Just ask Todd Hotis.

  3. racism fn won't chase8:13 PM

    'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'"

    A 13-year-old boy who police say was doused with gasoline and lit on fire last week while walking home from school is recovering from first-degree burns to his face and head.

    The boy was just two blocks from his home in Kansas City Tuesday when two teenagers began to follow him and then attacked him, his mother, Melissa Coon, said.

    Police have described the suspects as black 16-year-olds, while the victim is white.

    "We were told it's a hate crime," Coon told KTLA.

    "They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open," Coon told KMBC. "(One of them) poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, 'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'"

    By lighting the gasoline, the second attacker "produced a large fireball burning the face and hair" of the boy, according to a Kansas City Police Department report obtained by KCTV.

    "It was pretty bad stuff," Detective Stacey Taylor told the TV station, adding that police are concerned the boy may have suffered damage to his eyes and lungs.

    Coon said her son put out the fire with his shirt and called 911 himself. He was rushed to the hospital and was treated for his injuries.

    She believes the students also attend East High School with her son, and said he will not be returning to the school. She also told KMBC her traumatized family plans now plans to move.

    "My 5-year-old came in and asked me, 'Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?'" Coon said. "I was in tears."

    Read more:

  4. Anonymous8:17 PM

    What is amazing me is this story is all over the press, fair enough it is newsworthy and definitely an investigation is needed. But why the supression and absolutely minimum news coverage of youths wilding, still playing the knockout game and most recently 2 youths setting a kid on fire telling him this is what you deserve whitey, because he was the smartest kid in class.

    Oh and more on the unarmed skittles kid. He got violent. When you are in a gated community in Florida Walking you are very suspicious, almost no one walks, due to large open areas and distances. There aren't even entrances for foot traffic. All the kid had to do was say I am visiting, thanks for keeping the neighborhood safe.

    "Zimmerman told the police that Martin noticed that he was being followed and asked, “what’s your problem?”

    That's when a physical confrontation ensued, Lee said. And moments later, Martin was shot.

    Lee said that Zimmerman has a legal permit to carry the weapon used in the shooting, and that he told police that he shot Martin in self-defense.

    “He felt the need to defend himself,” Lee said. “ I don’t think it was his intent to go and shoot somebody” that night".

  5. Glazy McFucnut8:30 PM

    Governor, that's not a good look calling a man who served his country with honor an "idiot".

    No, he was acting like an idiot, so it is acceptable. Besides, he is "active in democratic politics", so you know he is an idiot.

  6. This week in Obamerikkka8:37 PM

    Hate Crime Roundup:

    White high school students chanting USA!, USA! after winning a basketball game: HATE CRIME

    Black high school students pouring gasoline on a 13 year old white kid's face and setting him on fire while saying "this is what you get, white boy": NOT A HATE CRIME

  7. Diversity Kills, do u have any links to those stories of those evil blacks lynching whites?

    Take all the time u need. I will wait.........

  8. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Field, "Finally, I see that Mitt's boy in South Jersey, Governor Krispy Kreme, is at it again."

    Field, I am getting real tired of you calling my Governor Krispy Kreme. Maybe you need to 'moderate' your own comments on FN...

    And furthermore Gov Christie isn't as fat as you make him out to be. He's just a little chubby, that's all. So stop exaggerating.

  9. Sorry Anon, I will respect the office of Gov of NJ from now on. May I at least call him Gov. Twinkie? I don't believe that' they have as much calories.

  10. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Look it was in the paper and the same one, the Daily News.

  11. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Field I sincerely hope you will address those black hoodlums who set that poor white boy on fire in St. Louis.

    How can you be a racism chaser and ignore such an horrendous crime? I also have noticed Desertflower has been mum about this wretched deed. She always has something to say when it's the other way around.

    BTW, has anyone seen or heard from Desert lately? I swear, she is becoming harder and harder to track down. She's becoming more like Lisa Turtle every day. I sure hope she isn't strung out like LT while making those cakes and cupcakes. Wait...they might be good.

  12. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Almost the same. Diabetes Here we come....

    An original glazed Krispy Kreme doughnut contains 22g total carbs, 10g sugar, and 200 calories

    A twinkie has 27g total carbs, 19g sugar, and 150 calories

    Field just a heads up though, you pissin off some of the ladies with all your fat jokes. You sure seem to have an anti-fat bias, we are going to have to get Eric Holder after you.

  13. parvenu9:16 PM

    Tough to say but in reality Trayvon Martin's father is the one in the final analysis who is at fault in this event. Trayvon's father was responsible for bringing his son into the "Gated Community" where he lived. Now the key words here are "Gated Community". It is common knowledge that the reason there is heavy obsession with security in "Gated Communities" is the residents that live there desperately want to keep the riff-raff out; and in their opinion a black face is the most dangerous riff-raff on earth. It is a recipe for a disaster to take a young black man full of life, swinging along with all of his self-assured macho attitude; and bring him into an uptight security conscious environment and then casually let him loose.

    I don't live in a gated community, but I live in a new private development in a suburban town that does not have many African American residents. At the time we moved in I noticed that anytime I happened to pass a parked police car on my way home the cop would profile me, and swing out onto the roadway following me all the way to the entrance into my development.

    My granson was living with me when we moved into the complex, and I personally had many one on one sessions with him to KEEP HIM SCHOOLED about how he was NOT to deal with the local cops. As much as I was concerned for his personal safety the cops still came after him and during one serious incidence they actually followed his car into the development complex. My grandson parked his car in our driveway and while the cops were trying to get him out of the car he used his cell phone call our house phone and told us to come outside right away. My wife and I ran outside to observe the two cops banging on my grandson's car yelling for him to step out of the car. My wife and I immedately took control of the situation and after a brief conversation with my wife and myself the cops soon got in their patrol car and left. That was four years ago and I am still thankful that my grandson used his head and did not stop on the town roadway with those cops, but came directly home to deal with the situation.

    Without being dramatic heavy dose of concern and caution can many times mean the the difference between life and death for our youth. Trayvon's father not only should have known this but should have acted with all of the responsibility necessary to protect protect his son under all conditions accordingly.

  14. Anon @9:10pm, was he lynched as well? I asked for examples of lynchings. Did u read that part?



    Skittles? No, no it's still gasoline or tire irons used on YT...


  16. Anonymous9:18 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @9:10pm, was he lynched as well? I asked for examples of lynchings. Did u read that part?

    Oh, I misunderstood, sorry.

  17. Sorry Anon@9:16 pm. I did not mean to seem like I have a fat bias. If there is a big person who feels offended holla at me personally via e-mail and we will talk. I find all people to be beautiful. Except, of course, wingnuts.

  18. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Field, "Sorry Anon, I will respect the office of Gov of NJ from now on. May I at least call him Gov. Twinkie? I don't believe that' they have as much calories."

    Stop being a smart ass. Making fun of fat people, esp a Governor is like Rush calling some woman a slut. It is not acceptable and can be very traumatizing, which causes them to eat more...which causes them to gain weight. Do you see how one thing leads to another all because you called the Governor Krispy Kreme?

    And don't give me that "twinkie" bullshit. I know what you are trying to do. Do you think we folks in NJ are stupid? Calling him Twinkie is just as bad as calling fatso or Krispy Kreme. You are going to rot in hell for this. You leftists are all the compassion. Thank God for the GOP. It has heart!

  19. Dear President of, please make Anon@9:22pm stop.

  20. Anonymous9:33 PM

    "Field just a heads up though, you pissin off some of the ladies with all your fat jokes. You sure seem to have an anti-fat bias, we are going to have to get Eric Holder after you."

    Brother Anon, you are so right. However, the only fat ladies Field will be pissing off are bw. And that is probably the majority. And believe me, there are a LOT of them in Oakland and Richmond. Granny is from that area and you should see her!

    Yep. Field done gone and dun nit this time! Lord have mercy.

    Field, if I were you I would moderate my comments on this one and remove, delete, remove, delete. You don't want Al Sharpton on your ass in the Courthouse where you work! Just sayin.

  21. NSangoma9:35 PM

    Trayvon, field, Trayvon.

    The fuck kind of name is that?

    A name like that means that both of his parents are some low information Negroes; a made up, mammy-made name.

    What kind of g.p.a. did Trayvon have?

    Who the fcuk memorializes a Negroe with a picture of him wearing a hoody?

    Trayvon's daddy is at fault; he should not have let his wild looking low-pants wearing Negroe son a-loose in that gated community.

    Did Trayvon have walk to the store?

    If daddy can afford to live in a gated community, his son should have driven.

    field, you do not like to see strange looking Negroes sauntering through your hood, do you?

    Trayvon, should have been taught how not to be confrontational.

    Did Trayvon's daddy tell him of the neighborhood watch?

    MotherFcuk Trayvon.

  22. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I demand that NSangoma identify himself as Black or White. He sounds like a white rapper from a trailer park to me.

    I could be wrong and apologize if that is the case. I know you love his comments otherwise you would have thrown his nasty heartless ass off of FN a long time ago.

    That kid was somebody's son who loved him. Surely Trayvon's parents deserve some respect? This could happen to anyone's child, even NSangoma's.

  23. NSangoma9:46 PM

    field, leave Governor Sammich alone.


    You are just envious of his massive girth.

    You, field, should be ashamed.

    SHAME, Shame, shame.

  24. NSangoma9:50 PM

    Anonymous 9:44 PM, you must have been wearing acrylic nails when you wrote that comment; for it was a btich-ass thing to write.

    MotherFcuk you too, Anonymous 9:44 PM.

    Anonymous 9:44, you ({}).

  25. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Field, "After Christie says that Brown and his fellow classmates who are already enrolled at the university will still receive a Rutgers diploma, Brown interrupts him, shouting back, "What about my son? What about my neighbors? What about my friends?"

    Christie then appears to lose his temper, saying, "If you decide what you want to do is put on a show today, let me tell you, I can go back and forth with you as much as you want. And let me tell you something; after you graduate from law school, you conduct yourself like that in a courtroom, your rear end's going to get thrown in jail, idiot."

    Field, you are making nothing out of nothing. New Jerseyans always yell at each other. That's just the way they's no big thing. It's just that Gov Christie can yell louder than most. It's one of the requirements of being Governor.

  26. Anonymous9:54 PM

    NSangoma said...
    field, leave Governor Sammich alone.


    You are just envious of his massive girth.

    You, field, should be ashamed.

    SHAME, Shame, shame.

    I just gave my lady a girth sammich I don't think it has a lot of calories it wasn't krispy but it sure was creamy, got it right in the twinkie.

  27. Anonymous9:56 PM

    NSangoma, "MotherFcuk you too, Anonymous 9:44 PM."

    I still don't know if you are Black or White. But guessing from your replies with a bunch of MF's in it, I would say you are of the "uncle remus" type who curses a lot. I sincerly hope your children by some miracle have not picked up such horrific language. My God, you are the WORST parent on earth. I feel sorry for your children.

  28. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Mr. Starch Jeans? Romney may not be the flash some of you folks are looking for but he can get the job done as President without "teleprompters".

  29. NSangoma10:02 PM

    MotherFcuk you too again , Anonymous 9:56 PM. I had kids jsut so I can tell em to hate mothers and fcuk em.

    You like peanut butter?

    It make your ass sticky. I bet you like fluffanutter sammiches.

  30. welcome to hobama's new world order

    dissent is a treason/idiocy

    ask the tea party
    or any black person like me...who is NOT a hobama nazi

    shame that baby was gunned down

    killer kkkops rule all under hobama's ndaa


    here is more proof that cia baby hobama is an illuminati hoax


  31. and here is more on hobama's illuminati peers

  32. NSangoma10:33 PM

    Aleeba B-bb-bbanks

    Do lezbeans like fluffanutta? Or it get to sticky?

  33. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Dear AB, I know how you can slay just about anybody. I am begging you to slay that ignorant imbecile NSangoma.

  34. Anonymous11:16 PM


    Did you drink too much tonight? You are more feisty than usual.

  35. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Florida is still back in the Jim Crow days where a black man or kid can get killed by Whites. That neighborhood watch killer did not have to shoot that boy. Of course, by the long delay the justice system is already finding the shooter innocent. It's pretty easy to do in Florida. Like Texas, Blacks are second class citizens in Florida.

  36. NTacoma11:22 PM

    parvenu said...
    At the time we moved in I noticed that anytime I happened to pass a parked police car on my way home the cop would profile me, and swing out onto the roadway following me all the way to the entrance into my development.

    You can be glad for that. Your local police know what trouble looks like and are out to protect your community.

  37. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Where is Field tonight? I was hoping to have a nice Friday night dialogue since I don't go out anymore. Field is way too old to be going out either.

  38. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Where is Field tonight? I was hoping to have a nice Friday night dialogue since I don't go out anymore. Field is way too old to be going out either.

    He went to buy some peanut butter and fluffanutta

  39. Anonymous12:37 AM

    One wonder why the buy gun program only targets the urban area and not rural A-merry.

  40. Rudolph1:17 AM

    Margaret Sanger, George Bernard Shaw, and all of the other cool people promised that free love and artificial contraception would make society so much better. Instead, we have good-for-nothings breeding like…well…good-for-nothings and the hard-working smart people barely have children at all.

    Pope Paul VI made four predictions about the effects of artificial birth control: it would lower standards of morality, it would make men disrespect women, it would make infidelity more common, and governments would start shoving them down everyone’s throats. That’s four for four. Once again, what the cool people promised did not happen while what the bigots prophesied came to pass.

  41. Anonymous1:48 AM

    NTacoma, "You can be glad for that. Your local police know what trouble looks like and are out to protect your community."

    Sounds like you know from experience. Does the cop ever pull you over?

  42. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "He went to buy some peanut butter and fluffanutta"

    On a Friday night? I don't believe it. Jamaicans don't do shit like that.

  43. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Field, why haven't you posted about "Good Deeds"? It is Tyler's first worthy movie and you haven't said a word about it. That movie will at the very least get mentioned at the Academy Awards. For the first time Tyler has made a worth while movie he can be proud of.

  44. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Dear Mr Field, I demand that NSangoma identify himself as Black or White. He sounds like a white rapper from a trailer park to me.

    News is out NSangoma is Black and lives in Atlanta. That werent no lady he gave his donut to last night

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Man it was a wild Friday night in the fields. Some of you need to seek help ASAP.

  47. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Young negro thugs also prefer AK-47's.
    You probably missed this story of two violent negro males who abducted and raped a white teenager, while also committing a string of armed robberies...

  48. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "and in their opinion a black face is the most dangerous riff-raff on earth."

    Statistically, blacks are the most dangerous riff-raff on earth.

    Black cab drivers have verified this.

  49. Anonymous11:47 AM

    "Florida is still back in the Jim Crow days where a black man or kid can get killed by Whites."

    Florida's black-on-white crime rate is significantly higher than the national average, whereas the white-on-black crime rate is virtually nonexistent.

    You are a clueless idiot.

  50. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "One wonder why the buy gun program only targets the urban area and not rural A-merry."

    Most gun crime is urban.

    Coincidentally, most blacks are also urban.

  51. pervanu, it's called living in color aroused A-merry-ca while black. You just make the best of it. Glad you schooled the young one, but I can't be mad at this kid's father; he thought that he was raising the kid in the USA. Not
    South Africa circa 1970.

  52. field negro said...
    he thought that he was raising the kid in the USA. Not
    South Africa circa 1970.

    South Africa circa 1970 was a walk in the park compared to South Africa in 2012.

    And as for the USA, as we keep importing more and more of the Third World, we will of course become more and more like the Third World, gated communities and all.

  53. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Field, "Man it was a wild Friday night in the fields. Some of you need to seek help ASAP."

    You should have been around and participating. If you had, things wouldn't have gotten out of hand. Serves you right....what kind of Fraternal blogger leaves his posters all alone?

    Without a doubt you are definitely Black. I have never heard of a white blogger abandoning his posters.

    Field, your paternal instincts really suck.

  54. Farley2:11 PM

    Sometimes this world makes me want to throw the fuck up.

  55. Titus2:40 PM

    Rudolph said...
    Pope Paul VI made four predictions about the effects of artificial birth control: it would lower standards of morality, it would make men disrespect women, it would make infidelity more common, and governments would start shoving them down everyone’s throats. That’s four for four.

    From the Wikipedia page for George Akerlof:

    In the late 1990s Akerlof's ideas attracted the attention of some on both sides of the debate over legal abortion. In articles appearing in The Quarterly Journal of Economics,[4] The Economic Journal,[5] and other forums Akerlof described a phenomenon that he labeled "reproductive technology shock." He contended that the new technologies that had helped to spawn the late twentieth century sexual revolution, modern contraceptives and legal abortion, had not only failed to suppress the incidence of out-of-wedlock childbearing but also had actually worked to increase it. According to Akerlof, for women who did not use them, these technologies had largely transformed the old paradigm of socio-sexual assumptions, expectations, and behaviors in ways that were especially disadvantageous. For example, the availability of legal abortion now allowed men to view their offspring as the deliberate product of female choice rather than as the chance product of sexual intercourse. Thus, it encouraged biological fathers to reject not only the notion of an obligation to marry the mother but also the very idea of a paternal obligation.

  56. "Without a doubt you are definitely Black. I have never heard of a white blogger abandoning his posters.

    Field, your paternal instincts really suck."

    Don't be so hard on me, life was calling. :(

  57. Anonymous5:01 PM

    field negro said...
    "Without a doubt you are definitely Black. I have never heard of a white blogger abandoning his posters.

    Field, your paternal instincts really suck."

    Don't be so hard on me, life was calling. :(

    Field, you have a lot of patience and a good sense of humor. I think I would have just said something like "who's your daddy"

  58. Anonymous7:51 PM

    anon, "Without a doubt you are definitely Black. I have never heard of a white blogger abandoning his posters.

    Field, your paternal instincts really suck."

    Field, "Don't be so hard on me, life was calling. :("

    4:02 PM

    You see? this is what I'm talking about. You have placed life ahead of your posters. Whites never do that, but they always do it to Blacks.

    The only other two bm who are doing the same to Blacks as Whites are YOU and OBAMA. Why must life come before me? I am tired of being last. I am worn out and grieving, waiting for you to finally say to yourself,

    "OK, I am gonna give the anons some play because they deserve to be first class citizens too, considering some are from Jamaica."

    But NO! You have said nothing of the sort. Do you know how many times a day I come to FN looking for that? Hell, it's been years and still not a peep from you. That's enough to piss off Christ.

  59. Anonymous7:55 PM

    "Field, you have a lot of patience and a good sense of humor. I think I would have just said something like "who's your daddy""

    Anon, where is your pride? Have you no shame? Anon, Inc gave Mr. Field a deep discount on his contract this year. Surely the man could give us some play.

  60. "Jesse was right. Black racists like the Panthers, PilotX, TSC, Dr Reine, Brooklyn, UTS, etc. voted for Obama and will vote for him again simply because of the color of his skin."

    Whatever ignorant anon who wrote this check facts first. I did not vote for Barack. Typical conservative, facts don't matter.

  61. "Diversity Kills, do u have any links to those stories of those evil blacks lynching whites?"

    C'mon Field. You know how white males do. They committ the most vile acts known to man with impunity but then cry if someone looks at them funny. Same people who asked Dr. King why he wasn't demonstrating against those evil blah people who discriminated against whites. They love to compare apples to oranges and throw around terms like "racist" while ignoring the simple fact that they are 1000% more likely to be racist than any person of color. It's a way of excusing their own racism. Sad but they all do it.
    Didn't you just love the exchange between Hannity and Palin in which they tried to tell us Barack was trying to take us back to pre civil war race relations? The stupid is astounding. Last I recall Barack campaigned in all white towns all over while Palin never set foot in an event that wasless than 90% white. When Palin and/or Hannity go to the south side of Chicago, Watts, Detroit or D.C. and hold an event like Barack does in white towns then MAYBE I'll take their claims seriously.

  62. Professor Bell literally wrote the book on race, racism and American law. His casebook still guides me in my practice.

  63. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Heheheh. The 'kid' fought with the guy and was in the process of trying to bash in the guy's brains when the 'kid' got shot. So much for YT having in for the 'kid'. Perhaps YT failed to show the kid the 'respect' the kid felt he had coming to him. Oh well. Another one for the funeral home to deal with.

  64. Wow, Field how have you gathered so many followers angry with you?? Crazy!! Out here in Cali we have Oscar Grant whose killer felt threatened when Grant was face down on the cement hands cuffed behind him. Oh yeah he mistook his gun for a tazer, so I guess he is innocent. (Not) why do these people have guns is what I want to know.
