Sunday, March 25, 2012

Notes from a Mormon.

As most of you reading this know, I am not a very religious person. So, as a result, I always try to watch my posts when it comes to religion. Having said that, I have some issues with the Mormons; not because of their religious beliefs, but because of how blacks have traditionally been treated in their church.

So anyway, when a friend of mine who happens to be Mormon sent me an essay that he wrote, I asked him if I could re post it on my blog. He said that I could if I didn't use his name, as he happens to have an important position in the church.

If you don't mind I will honor those wishes.

Here is what he wrote:

"We Need to Wake Up
A recent Pew survey of 1,000 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints revealed, among other things, that 49% of Mormons say they (we) experience “a lot of discrimination”, while only 31% of Mormons believe Black people experience “a lot of discrimination.” In other words, Mormons think it is harder to be Mormon than it is to be Black.
I get it. At one time I may have answered this question the same way. I would have been wrong.

You see, Mormons, especially those in the West where the religion predominates and where the people are predominantly white, race is an abstract. It exists on TV, in the news, occasionally with an individual (though we love to say we never even noticed they were Black), and mostly it is in history books. I, and I would guess most like me, were taught that Martin Luther King Jr. fought for rights, won, and now things are better. We watch the old news reels, we would never do something racist ourselves, and we assume this is just how it is. That is what I used to think. Why would I think otherwise? I knew a couple Black people, they seamed popular, I never heard anyone call them that one word. Everything was fine right?
On the other hand my local newspaper had lots to say about how horrible Mormons are. We made it too hard to drink, we meddled in politics, we were just mean. A cursory look at the Salt Lake Tribune would never leave one lacking in ammunition to disparage the LDS church. Every now and then national news or events would dig up some polygamy or related scandal or question what goes on in our mysterious temples. Living in the hot bed of Mormonism has a polarizing effect, you are in or you are out, you love them/us, or hate them/us. In the coming weeks the church will hold a semiannual conference in Salt Lake City that will be broadcast around the world. At the gates to temple square and on the sidewalks surrounding the conference center, there will be people with large signs shouting in megaphones about how horrible Mormons are. How do I know they will be there? Because they are always there. No one growing up in Salt Lake City will likely ever see someone holding a sign complaining about Black people. We would never do that.
Then I left Utah.
Having lived in Georgia, South Carolina, and now Philadelphia, I have learned a thing or two about not just Black people, but my being a Mormon “back East” as well. First lesson, racism is alive and well. Second, there is little social consequence for publicly mocking Mormonism. The two are not the same.
Driving around the south it is not uncommon to see confederate flags on bumper stickers, on clothing, and waving in front of homes and in public places. These flags, despite what those flying them may say, serve as a visual reminder of a horrible past. The past I'm talking about isn't slavery, its the 60's. This is when people waving these flags sprayed well behaved college kids with fire hoses and sicked police dogs on peaceful protesters. This flag flew over a battle in Mississippi when a qualified Black man tried to enroll in college. The message that flag intended then, is not forgotten by Black people today, yet many people still fly it with pride.
My father never got sprayed with a hose by the Police for being Mormon.
But of course, this was in my history book and MLK won that fight, right? The legacy of that last generation carries over to now. National statistics show that this history of direct and legal oppression, which again lasted into my parent's life time, means that being Black means you will more likely be poor, get arrested, go to a cash strapped under performing school, find it harder to get a job even when you are qualified, have a broken family, be judged negatively by your appearance, and die younger than the national average. There are absolutely no statistics showing any of these challenges in the lives of Mormons. Some individuals have made great strides, even becoming president, but expecting every Black person to be Oprah or Obama is just like expecting every Mormon to be Mitt Romney or John Huntsman. Funny enough, the statistics show the average Mormon is more likely to be Mitt Romney than a Black person is to be Oprah.
But remember I said racism's existence was only my first lesson. I began my second when I wore a name tag and pedaled a bike around an American city. I was called hurtful names daily and pelted with debris from passing cars almost as regularly. Being struck by half eaten muffins and bagels was sort of amusing, being hit by beer bottles, not so much. In my professional life I have been the sole sober person at a corporate event when my superiors began making jokes about the number of wives I must have or my magic underwear. I have had perfect strangers vocally question my sanity immediately upon our introduction and on numerous occasions when visiting other denominations heard my own condemned as evil over the pulpit. A play mocking Mormonism swept the Tony's, and every other day I see a news report reminding me that most Americans really don't want to vote for a Mormon. Make no mistake, mocking Mormons is publicly acceptable.

Finally, again, these two lessons are not the same. It is human nature to view one's own struggle as paramount, but not all mountains are on the same scale. Let us not confuse Pikes Peak as comparable to Kilimanjaro. They simply aren't the same. I fear the protection of the Wasatch front has left Mormon's ignorant of the reality that lies beyond. This is in no way a problem specific to Latter Day Saints, it's an American problem. The national nature of the problems with race is why I'm writing this now. I have great pride in my faith, my Utah roots, and in my nation. I love them all and want all to be better. As a Mormon I am forced into the work of bettering the image of my faith in the public's mind. I live it every day. But I am not just Mormon, I'm also white, and to ignore the tangible unearned obstacles faced by those in my country who may not look exactly like me, would set me up as an obstruction to the discovery of a solution.
If anything, the persecution Mormons do face, which is very real, should wake us up to how horrible the effects of racism could be, and in fact, are."
We might have a Mormon president soon. And now, because of the killing of Trayvon Martin, A-merry-cans are once again calling for a serious conversation about race.
If Willard Romney happens to become president of these divided states, this essay should be required reading for him. 



  1. Balzafiar7:16 PM

    I wish to let you know you have nothing to be fearful of. Mitt Romney will never be President. Period.

    Not because he's Mormon, but because he's Republican and too damned rich. He cannot comprehend what ordinary people face in their daily struggle to make it to the next day.

    So there.

  2. NSangoma7:29 PM

    field negro

    Yes field, as I've mentioned to you several times in the past; you are tweet.

    fierld, from your photo, you look to be epicanthic.

    field, I seriously doubt that you know what the word, epicanthic, means.

    Do you or any of your low information Negroes know what epicanthic fold means, field?

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Do you or any of your low information Negroes know what epicanthic fold means,

    aint dat de rolls under Queenie Queefa's Va-J-J?

  4. @7:29, Hey "genius", did you know that there were large numbers of Asians living in the Carribbean and that MANY Black Carribeans have some Asian ancestry??


  5. Actually assnon, those are the folds in your DADDY'S vagina!

  6. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Actually assnon, those are the folds in your DADDY'S vagina!

    You shouldnt talk bout daddies that way even though you old and fart dust and shit grease you might be one some day

  7. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    @7:29, Hey "genius", did you know that there were large numbers of Asians living in the Carribbean and that MANY Black Carribeans have some Asian ancestry??

    Wai u so dim? asians no like de negros they smell funny

  8. @7:52 Assnon, you mind repeating that in English? If you can.

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    @7:52 Assnon, you mind repeating that in English? If you can.

    I see you picture Hu Yu Hai ding? Is sum ting wong?
    or you just lei ying lo?

    Ok I try again better english -
    Yu stin ki pu and you chin tu fat you Wun Fat Girl

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    You shouldnt talk bout daddies that way even though you old and fart dust and shit grease you might be one some day

    No, no, no. She can never be daddi she not really man she just look like one

  11. @8:41, EVERYONE'S ancestors trace back to Africa, including wet dog smelling, sibling screwing hicks like YOU, STUPID!!!!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. And you should be embarrassed for your damn self for spending EVERY minute of EVERY day talking stupid $hit on black blogs all day, you lifeless motherf****r!!

  14. NSangoma9:09 PM

    Again, Dr.Reine c/o 2017, it is you who woefully demonstrated your ignorance of Africoid peoples:

    @7:29, Hey "genius", did you know that there were large numbers of Asians living in the Carribbean and that MANY Black Carribeans have some Asian ancestry??


    7:45 PM

    And, you are too undereducated to know how to spell Caribbean.

  15. Dr. Phat Wong9:27 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 20never said...
    Actually assnon, those are the folds in your DADDY'S vagina!

    Still classy, Reine, still classy.

    You wish you had some Asian in you. That way, you'd have a chance in hell of getting into medical school.

    But no, you are a purebred dumbass.

    You will never be a doctor.

  16. Actually assnon, I simply know tat spell checking log entries on a blog is a pretty pathetic thing to do with ones life.

    But then again, you've never had one of those now have you?

  17. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    @8:41, EVERYONE'S ancestors trace back to Africa, including wet dog smelling, sibling screwing hicks like YOU, STUPID!!!!

    Ho you stoopid more and more everwee day. You know keep up wit science yu stink kee pu.

    Early man not out of Africa or else we all it shit rice. Afreekans are sub species of human like basset hound yu the dimmest dog

  18. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Queen of Da Queefa's said
    "Actually assnon, I simply know tat spell checking log..."

    you got a "tat" that says "checking log entries on a blog is a pretty pathetic thing to do with ones life." ?

    Thats one hell of a long "tat" oh right with your ass you have room for another paragraph in between the rolls of blubber and cellulite. Does pig grease make the ink run?

  19. @9:31, so lemme guess you're trying to sound like a "rice" cake?

    "Good-a job-a", in my voice from the movie Hancock!

  20. The Stormin' Mormon9:39 PM

    It's understandable how Mormons might misread the black experience. White people who live in areas with very few blacks get their ideas from TV and the movies, where blacks are always presented as brilliant CSI people, or doctors, or lawyers, the President or God. They are always the good guys, the victims, the props for white liberals to act out their morality plays. Every white woman's best black friend, Oprah, is just so wonderful. And they are really good at sports, too.

    White people in these areas (think Pacific Northwest, Vermont, Minnesota) tend to be very liberal and soft-headed, because they don't know any better.

    White people who actually live in close proximity with black people tend to know better.

    So, from your perspective, such ignorance is a good thing.

  21. @9:31, so lemme guess you're trying to sound like a "rice" cake?

    Yeah VDLR, that rice cake voice you're so fond of speaking in explains a LOT about your appearence. And also about why so many light skinned women with EPICANTHIC, light colored eyes are FAR from attractive, contrary to popular belief.

    Now go back to posting your "you'll never be a doctor comments" because I'm sure it appeases your "I was too much of a dumb ass to finish my college degree" pathetic, existence!

  22. @9:49, unlike you, I don't have the time or motivation to read your links. Now why in the hell can't you get that through your thick, hick, skull???

  23. Anonymous10:01 PM

    "If Willard Romney happens to become president of these divided states, this essay should be required reading for him."

    Field, do you think it would make a difference? Of course not. There is nothing in having a national conversation about racism that's worthwhile for a privileged white person. There is no benefit whatsoever.

    As tragic as it is in Florida, NOTHING has changed and won't. In fact, things have gotten worse since Obama became President.

    It is obvious NOTHING will change until the next MLK or Malcolm X comes along that will shake the very ground America stands on. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be anywhere in the cards. We Blacks just don't have the desire or passion anymore. And neither do the Whites.

    America will end the way it started: Confused, Contradictory, and Soul-less. And you can't solve the problem of racism with reason and logic. This is a deep spiritual problem, which people like you and the majority of Whites don't give a damn about.

  24. Dr. Organized10:06 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    @9:49, unlike you, I don't have the time or motivation to read your links.

    No wonder you can't get into medical school.

    You will never be doctor.

  25. ~
    Dr.Reine c/o 2017, do not read them BISH, just listen to them.

  26. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Field, you look like a thug and a criminal in that hoodie. You really should listen to Geraldo. At least he is not naive. You are just unable to face the reality of what a hoodie could mean for a bm's life. You just don't get it.

    I hope YOU read your Morman friend's essay, took it seriously, and applied it to wearing hoodies as very dangerous for BM!

  27. Anonymous10:16 PM

    I hope Mitt wins, I really do. He won't have to ignore or mince words about Trayvon Martin. He can squash the hell out of the Sanford police and Zimmerman without being called a racist or a President favoring Blacks.

    Let's face it. Obama lacks the power to do anything about what happens to Blacks. I am very leery and weary about Obama. He has shown he lacks the power and moral potency to stand up for what's right.

    It's going to take a White President to do that. I think Mitt is the one.

  28. @10:07, get a fcuking life.............then GET A FCUKING EDUCATION!!

  29. Dr. Superior10:20 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    @10:07, get a fcuking life.............then GET A FCUKING EDUCATION!!

    Someone around here should. Thirty years of college have been a waste on you.

    You will never be a doctor.

  30. Dr. Reine in one photo, one hoodie, one goal!!

    From Scientist to thug, with ONE garment change!!!

  31. Karl D.10:23 PM

    Much of the discussion about the Trayvon Martin case is conducted oblivious to the common attitude in the black community that blacks should not respond to police and other authority figures who ask them questions, but should automatically resist them.

    At 17 if a police officer, or in this case a neighborhood watch volunteer, had inquired as to why I was in the neighborhood at that time of night or who I was, I simply would have answered him. It would not have been any more complicated than that. And if cell phones were around back then and I had felt uncomfortable I would have called the police. As a 17year old I might have thought it was strange to be asked questions and probably would have even gotten annoyed, but I would have complained to my friends and family about it later, and my initial response certainly would not have been nuclear. Something which seems to be almost standard operating procedure for blacks when dealing with authority figures. It is well known that you are taking your life in your hands if you politely ask a black to do something as innocuous as lower his voice in a movie theatre. Granted, it is still not clear what was said preceding the attack. But merely to question this young man could easily have been enough to set him off.

  32. Ms.Reine c/o 198210:25 PM

    Ms. Reine in one photo, one hoodie, one goal!!

    From moron to retard, with ONE garment change!!!

    I never will be am doctor.

  33. Obama's Bastard Son10:28 PM

    The Orlando Sentinel reports today:

    Trayvon Martin: New Black Panthers offer $10,000 bounty for capture of shooter George Zimmerman
    SANFORD—Members of the New Black Panther Party are offering a $10,000 reward for the “capture” of George Zimmerman, leader Mikhail Muhammad announced during a protest in Sanford today.

    When asked whether he was inciting violence, Muhammad replied defiantly saying: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.”

    The bounty announcement came moments after members of the group called for the mobilization of 5,000 black men to capture George Zimmerman, the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who shot Trayvon Martin last month.

  34. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Whites are being savagely assaulted, raped, and murdered every week in this country by white-hating blacks, and the mainstream media and official opinion never deign to notice it. But one black hoodlum gets killed by a neighborhood security guard, and the nation becomes transfixed on the problem of anti-black racism.

  35. Zimmerman is innocent10:34 PM

    “The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.

    Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

    His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

    “When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

    Zimmerman says the shooting was self defense. According to information released on the Sanford city website, Zimmerman said he was going back to his SUV when he was attacked by the teen.

    Sanford police say Zimmerman was bloody in his face and head, and the back of his shirt was wet and had grass stains, indicating a struggle took place before the shooting.

  36. @10:23, what bullshit!

    BTW, what in the hell is "authoritative" about a overweight, short Mexican looking dude? According to Travyons girlfriend, he was being chased by this overweight flashlight cop, and Travon probably clocked his ass to defend himself.

    And how would Travon know Mr. Rollie pollie was part of the community's watch program?


  37. Ok, magic underwear IS funny.

  38. A teen attacks a man walking to his van with a bag of skittles and a glass of iced tea?

    Awww hell, da' man is gonna ban skittles and tea from da' hood! My bad, he wasn't walking in da' hood now was he?

  39. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    You are racist, stupid, and at heart, a thug.

  40. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Trayvon attacked Zimmerman.

    Zimmerman shot Trayvon.

    End of story.

    Leave the man alone.

  41. Actually, a SHORT, fat, Mexican dude would NEVER be mistaken for a cop!!!

  42. Anyone who spends time looking at crime statistics will discover the basics of race and crime before too long, but you better be careful not to talk about them in polite society. They are protected by a taboo even stronger than the Victorian taboo against public discussions of sex, but with good reason. The facts are painful. No one can take joy in publicizing them.

    Murder is the crime which has the greatest “clearance rate,” i.e., it is the crime most frequently resolved and prosecuted. We know a lot about the victims and perpetrators of the crime of murder.

    Murder is largely an intraracial crime. Almost all murders of blacks are committed by other blacks.

    Blacks as a group commit murder at a rate astronomically higher than other groups. The rate of murder committed by blacks exceeds that committed by whites by approximately seven times.

    If race hustlers like Al Sharpton really had the interests of the black community at heart, they would devote themselves to doing everything in their power to have violent black criminals separated from the community of law-abiding black citizens. The criminals are serial tormentors of law-abiding members of the black community.

    Take the case of Lineten Belizaire. He is the chief suspect in the killings of Natasha Plummer, 25, her 6-month-old son, Carlton Stringer Jr., and Octavia Barnett, 21. Belizaire is black, as were all three of the victims.

    Belizaire was being held without bond while the Broward State Attorney’s Office went to a grand jury in the hope that it would come back with an indictment. The grand jury had 40 days to do so. The circumstantial evidence incriminating Belizaire for the murders is powerful. Deputies were led to Belizaire by a Facebook status update Barnett had posted just before the shootings are believed to have taken place. The grand jury nevertheless ruled there was a lack of evidence in the case and Belizaire was released on his own recognizance, with no conditions or monitoring devices, from Broward County Jail on March 2.

    At last word, Belizaire was charged after a 9mm Ruger semi-automatic was found in his car (and he lied to the police about it).

    Justice has yet to be done for Belizaire’s most serious crimes, but none of the hustlers calling for the head of George Zimmerman in Sanford will be swinging by Fort Lauderdale to declare the absence of peace until Belizaire is put behind bars. President Obama will not be calling for a round of soul-searching about his case. Life goes on.

  43. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, please ban Reine from FN. She is truly bad for Black and White racial harmony. Please. She is one ignorant hood rat. She is an embarrassment to our race.

  44. Anonymous11:08 PM

    And how would Travon know Mr. Rollie pollie was part of the community's watch program?


    Who mistakes a overweight ghetto hoochie mama for a woman. You didnt need to put on a hoodie to show your black oozes out your mouth like sludge and matches your shit colored skin - can you tell when you need to wash or you just use your big broad nose to sniff 'round

  45. "but none of the hustlers calling for the head of George Zimmerman in Sanford will be swinging by Fort Lauderdale to declare the absence of peace until Belizaire is put behind bars."

    No wories, we have the thousands of white people commenting on this case to point out other crimes committed by blah people. Rest assured stormfront has all the details.

  46. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Actually, a SHORT, fat, Mexican dude would NEVER be mistaken for a cop!!!

    you is racist piggie

  47. Dr. Tranny c/o 201711:11 PM

    Reine has man hands.

  48. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "BTW, what in the hell is "authoritative" about a overweight, short Mexican looking dude? According to Travyons girlfriend, he was being chased by this overweight flashlight cop, and Travon probably clocked his ass to defend himself."

    What makes you think he is Mexican? He looks Cuban to me. Afterall, Zimmerman is a common name among Floridian Cubans. You see, no German would marry a Mexican in Florida. It just isn't Kosher.

  49. NSangoma11:18 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017,

    You are toxic Heaux, raised by toxic Heauxes, to be a toxic Heaux.

  50. Anonymous11:18 PM

    PilotX, "No wories, we have the thousands of white people commenting on this case to point out other crimes committed by blah people. Rest assured stormfront has all the details."

    Are Black people that blah? They must be, because you use that term all the time. Are you using the term "blah" to honor Blacks or to insult them?

    I once thought you had a high regard for Blacks but you really don't. Why not just call us Nigs?

  51. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Field, you look like a thuggish fool in that hoodie. Take that damn thing off before you get shot!

  52. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Field, after reading your Mormon friend's article, I can only conclude that Mormons are the most advanced Whites in America. I hope Mitt wins. Maybe for the first time in a long time we will take racism head on.

  53. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Where the hell is Desert? Everytime I come on this blog she disappears. She is playing hard to get and I am getting real tired of chasing her. At some point I gotta ask, "where's the cake?"

  54. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Where the hell is Desert? Everytime I come on this blog she disappears. She is playing hard to get and I am getting real tired of chasing her. At some point I gotta ask, "where's the cake?"

    Queenie Queefa ate it WTF it wuz free just how she like it

  55. Anonymous11:50 PM

    11:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX, "No wories, we have the thousands of white people commenting on this case to point out other crimes committed by blah people. Rest assured stormfront has all the details."

    Funny ting mon the majority of crimes are done by blakc folk. So you want everyone to be stupid lie and say it aint so this way we don't hurt your feelins? Nah thats been going on long enough. we lost enough american cities to blacks and you too busy tellin the world its everybody elses fault for noticing

  56. My dear SO wears a size 16 shoe, so he NEEDS a woman with big hands, LOL!!!

    Besides, why do you think our kid "be killing ya'll" on the tennis court???? And on the violin too!!!! Large hands make playing a piano less of a chore too and were an advantage on the college Judo team as well. And while I could palm a basketball back in the day, and thus your head, I wasn't a very good b-ball player.

    YOUR problem is that you have small feet to match your pea sized brain. Yeah, short and stubby. Like a Mexican with a gun.

  57. BTW, please don't get my large hands confused with your Mammy's Adams apple, okay Hun?

  58. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    BTW, please don't get my large hands confused with your Mammy's Adams apple, okay Hun?

    You confuse hands with adams apples? Hottdamn you will NEVER be a Doctor. Just cause uncle leroy tole you he was just playin doctor dont mean it was true and psssttttttt her werent your real uncle

  59. Geez assnon. I guess my last post was lost on you!! Well no wonder you post assnonymously, you're a dumb ass!!

  60. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Reine is a tranny?

  61. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Geez assnon. I guess my last post was lost on you!! Well no wonder you post assnonymously, you're a dumb ass!!

    right it was YOUR post that was LOST on me hahahahaha. Just curious are you post or pre op?

  62. Anonymous12:55 AM

    I am guilty of being a bigot; cannot seem to forget that former LDS strictures upon A/A s

  63. If I worked with a Mormon (BTW, I used to work for Mormons), why would I necessarily know that person was a Mormon? There's a few church people in my apt building who don't drink or swear. They're Baptists. & if I did know that person was a Mormon, why would it have any impact at all on our working relationship? If a Mormon pestered me about converting, of course that would have an effect.

  64. Anonymous2:11 AM

    First of all, Field you look great in the goodie!
    The essay is great but it perplexes me as to why the author is so fearful of revealing his name?he's written nothing but the truth!?

    Aaaaaanooooon! I was busy making a Mickey mouse figure for a cake. For next week!!!! It was spool hard! And all I have is the iPod today and I haaate it!!!

    Sleepytime now. See y'all later!


  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. NSangoma5:09 AM

    Charles Blow, easing back a little taste there. You next field?
    The key is to determine who was standing his ground and defending himself: the boy with the candy or the man with the gun. Who was winning the fight is a secondary question.

    That said, we’ll have to wait for details of the investigation to be revealed to know for sure. But while we wait, it is important to not let Trayvon the person be lost to Trayvon the symbol. He was a real boy with a real family that really loved him.


    Thugnificent and his crew are not to be emulated:

  67. "it is well known that you are taking your life in your hands if you politely ask a black to do something as innocuous as lower his voice in a movie theatre. Granted, it is still not clear what was said preceding the attack.."

    And there you have it. That last sentence made your entire comment illogical and moronic.

    Why should any A-merry-can have to answer to a so called authority figure if they are not breaking the law and minding their own business?

    This is what's wrong with A-merry-ca, not a lack of religion or Obama being president; it's people like you.

    "I am guilty of being a bigot; cannot seem to forget that former LDS strictures upon A/A s"

    You are not alone. But work on it. Take each Mormon as an individual.
    The one who happens to be running for president might be a decent fellow, but he makes for a scary politician.

    He just flat out lies too much and wants the presidency so bad that he will do anything to get it.

    "Whites are being savagely assaulted, raped, and murdered every week in this country by white-hating blacks,.."

    Please show me links for the last five weeks. I will wait.....

  68. NSangoma6:20 AM

    field's hoodie, cost $2495, too.

    Who initially placed a negative spin on the hoodie, the Klan or the Gansta-Rapper?:

    In wake of killing, hoodie becomes Rorschach test of racial perceptions
    Out of tragedy, the utilitarian hooded sweatshirt, which first
    gained popularity in the 1930s as a practical pullover for workingmen, has emerged as a Rorschach test of racial perceptions.

    Hoods were worn by monks and scholars in the Middle Ages. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has a child’s hooded tunic that dates back to the seventh century.
    The hooded sweatshirt was commercialized in the 1930s by
    Champion, the American sportswear company, to protectworkingmen from the elements. And Daniel James Cole, professor of fashion history at the Fashion Institute of Technology, says that later in that decade, American high fashion adopted the hood: “The American designer Claire McCardell popularized it for women in the early 1940s. One really popular coat style was an A-line swing coat with the hood on it, and there were hooded playsuits and even hooded wedding dresses.”

    A hooded jacket by Altuzarra will cost you $2,495.

  69. BARBBF9:19 AM

    FN: I wish someone would have time and the inclination to remove the numerous post which include so much profanity and personal insults. They add nothing to the discussion..and are very offensive to some.

  70. ditto fn

    the mormon religion is racist
    no more than christianity!!!

    the black skinned curse of Ham
    slaves obey thy masters
    the abuse moses suffered for his interrracial marriage/ethiopian wife etc
    a white jesus
    a white god
    sinless whiteness

    MOST religions are racist and sexist
    because they are created by racist sexist human men
    that is why i have no use for ANY religion

    and i am CERTAIN that mitt will be less racist than the blackish hobama
    because black racists will FORCE mitt to be so
    why look at u herein even now...see?

    mutabaruka says it best:

    With the bible and gun, you robbed, raped, murdered our foreparents in the name of Jesus...The first charge is for misleading Black people into their color blind blindness.You have Black people worshipping everything white as good. White Jesus. White-winged angels. White Christmas. Even the songs talk about ‘whiter than snow I long to be...’ you trying to tell me that if my sins are white instead of scarlet, God will accept my sins? Michaelangelo’s painting of his uncle, for years Black people keep revering this picture as the picture of Christ...all of your religious holidays originate in Europe. Everything in heaven is white? Everything in hell is black?..You are also charged with misinterpretation. You have twisted the bible to suit white supremacy. You have taken stories and culture of other books much older than the bible and made them into myths. Have you ever read the Egyptian Book of the Dead? It is because of you that the DJ’s have no respect for our Black woman. You have painted a picture of woman as the originator of sin. You have made woman look inferior in all of your religious books. You have been preaching a sexist doctrine to our people from Eve til now. You have blamed woman for the downfall of the world. You blamed Delilah for Sampson’s stupidity. You have even placed sin on sex. Saying that Mary was a virgin all her life. With these images, what do you expect from our people? You even have the earth as only 6000 years old. Maybe the history of Europe is only 6000 years. But Black people have been here long long before

  71. mutabaruka's irie wisdom on racist religions


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  76. Kingnut10:33 AM

    As Donna Brazile pointed out yesterday, in the 28 days since Trayvon Martin was killed by George Zimmerman, over 200 young black men have been killed by other young black men, while exactly zero have been killed by an overzealous neighborhood watch guy of another race.

    What is it about Trayvon's death that makes it so much more special than those other young men?

    What we are witnessing in the Trayvon Martin movement is an attempt by the Obama campaign to fire up his black base and to further divide an electorate so that it may be conquered. Like last month's phony "War on Women", this was a narrative in search of characters. The slight problem that Zimmerman wasn't white enough is being handled by calling him a "white Hispanic".

    However, this is very dangerous water to tread into by the Democrats. They must be very certain of their control of public information to risk discussing a topic - interracial crime - that they have so successfully obscured for so many years.

    Most people are completely clueless as to the true nature of interracial crime in America, where Black on white crime is an epidemic, and White on black crime is almost nonexistent.

    Is America ready for a truthful an open discussion of the issue? Will the MSM broach a discussion of the actual statistics? No way. But this will open a few more eyes. I'm hoping it's more than a few.

  77. Anonymous10:35 AM

    well old tray is now a good negro and maybe we can get a mexican doesn,t get any better than that.all though negroes shooting negroes is always a good thing.racism is alive and well amoung negroes who are far more racist than whites.just take a look at the school where that white boy was set on fire at the urging of negro teachers in a failed negro seems all the white students were harrassed by negroes and nothing was done to stop it by failed black administrators.but you will never say any thing about it because it does not fit your bull shit fn.

  78. Quote Kingnut

    "What is it about Trayvon's death that makes it so much more special than those other young men?"

    What makes it more special is that the Police wanted fuck all to do with it until pressurized.

    "What we are witnessing in the Trayvon Martin movement is an attempt by the Obama campaign to fire up his black base..."

    Obama does not need to fire up his black base, his black base have been fired up for some time now. They will vote more than 90% for Obama as they always have done for democratic candidates.

  79. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Trayvon Martin: Even though the Obama MSM will not report the truth, eventually it gets out and we know for sure why his family deleted his myspace and twitter accounts, legally sealed his school suspension record and the MSM media is using a picture of him from when he was 12.

    He was a tattooed, grill wearin, violent drug dealing negro.

    His twitter name was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA

    The reason he was at his fathers house was he was just suspended for 10 days for "swinging" on a school bus driver.

    This has been a serious stain on the Black community with it's demand for racist injustice. Ridiculous alignment, offering bounties for dead or alive and a huge blow to the media who engaged in complete trickery.

  80. NSangoma11:22 AM

    Well damn!!, Zimmerman must be gansta, too:
    No mention from Geraldo about the fact that Zimmerman was also wearing a hoodie?


  81. NSangoma11:23 AM

    Oliver, who is black, said Zimmerman, whose mother is Peruvian, is not racist. He said those who believe they can hear Zimmerman mutter “f----g coons” in a tape of his 911 call are mistaken.


    No indication here, if she is a full-blooded Peruvian AmerIndian;
    or a Peruvian AmerIndian-AfricanPeruvian-Spanish mix.

  82. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Chief U.S Traitor in action:

    SEOUL – President Barack Obama offered a private request Monday to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev for some “space” on missile defense ahead of November’s elections.

    “On all these issues, particularly on missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space,” Obama said, referring to incoming Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a TV pool reporter who heard audio recorded by a Russian reporter who was in the room moments before the two leaders spoke to reporters after their 90-minute meeting.

    “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you,” Medvedev responded.

  83. Anonymous11:29 AM

    A U.S. pool video camera in the room caught part of the audio, but not the piece about missile defense.

    “This is my last election,” Obama said in audio that could be heard on the TV pool’s recording and that POLITICO listened to. “After my election I have more flexibility.”

    Medvedev told Obama he understood and “will transmit this information to Vladimir

  84. If America re-elects Obama, it deserves to be destroyed.

  85. Anonymous12:13 PM

    hey Wayne, you dimwitted black racist - why not post Trayvon's gangsta photos? We all notice that no mainstream media will post any of them, not even once. And you negroes claim that the establishment is against you?? What liars you all are.

  86. Anonymous12:15 PM

    and now wwe have you dimwitted negroes denying that the hoodie is the clothing of choice amongst 'gangsta' criminals because it offers the immediate ability to hide their faces. Nobody lies more than you negroes - except for white liberal suckups

  87. Anonymous12:21 PM

    hey Waynie, you'd better get a gangsta grill, too - to be more like your hero, criminal boy Trayvon. plus, you have to wear your pants as if they're falling off, prison style like Trayvon did. God, you are such a freaking racist dimwit, Wayne Bennett. You make a hero of a gangsta lowlife.

  88. Field Cuban12:47 PM

    Meanwhile, where is the justice for George Zimmerman? Is there a chance he is innocent? Is there a chance he will get a fair trial, when the Nation of Negroes is threatening riots if he is not hung?


  89. hey racist fool assnon:

    why is a hoodie ONLY safe when a white kid wears it?


  90. U. racist fool12:57 PM

    Beacuse white kids are generally much less dangerous.

  91. Quote SOS

    "If America re-elects Obama, it deserves to be destroyed."

    I think you need to start packing, son.

  92. Anonymous12:58 PM

    alicia banks said...
    "hey racist fool assnon:

    why is a hoodie ONLY safe when a white kid wears it?"
    Amen Alicia!

    I guess we gotta get rid of all the hoodies and not buy Skittles and Iced tea!!!

    I mean really!

    This tragedy is also about the right to really be able to feel free in the land of the "free"!

  93. Racism field negro won't post about1:01 PM

    Since the only reason the media is covering this is because they thought George Zimmerman was white, i don't expect this to get much attention.

    Expanding the definition of “cracker,” a t-shirt featuring the photo of the man who shot Trayvon Martin is now available for purchase.

    As seen at right (click to enlarge), the shirt has a picture of George Zimmerman and the words “Pussy Ass Cracker.” Zimmerman, a 28-year-old Hispanic, killed Martin, 17, last month while acting as a neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida.

  94. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study

    Current theories of the causes and impact of global warming have been thrown into question by a new study which shows that during medieval times the whole of the planet heated up.
    It then cooled down naturally and there was even a 'mini ice age'.

    A team of scientists led by geochemist Zunli Lu from Syracuse University in New York state, has found that contrary to the ‘consensus’, the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ approximately 500 to 1,000 years ago wasn’t just confined to Europe.
    In fact, it extended all the way down to Antarctica – which means that the Earth has already experience global warming without the aid of human CO2 emissions.

    Read more:

  95. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Just wanted to comment on Geraldo Rivera. I'm so surprised at the turn he's taken.

    When he first started in news he was the epitome of the anti establishment.

    He exposed so many of Americas sins, and did a lot of good. He was all for the underdog and espoused many causes.

    What happened Geraldo? I guess you got tired of fighting huh?

  96. Toronto: A local bookstore has sold out of a controversial marriage guide that advises Muslim men on how to beat their wives

    The 160-page book, published by Idara Impex in New Delhi, India, is written by Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi, who’s described in the book’s foreword as a prolific writer on almost every topic of Islamic learning. The store’s manager, who didn’t give his name, said that the book had been sold out for some time, and the store’s owner, whom the manager identified as Shamim Ahmad, refused to comment. It wasn’t clear whether the shop has ordered more copies of the book, but it’s available at online Islamic bookstores and even through eBay. In the book’s opening pages, it is written that “it might be necessary to restrain her with strength or even to threaten her.” Later, its author advises that “the husband should treat the wife with kindness and love, even if she tends to be stupid and slow sometimes.” Page 45 contains the rights of the husband, which include his wife’s inability to leave “his house without his permission,” and that his wife must “fulfil his desires” and “not allow herself to be untidy ... but should beautify herself for him ... ” In terms of physical punishment, the book advises that a husband may scold her, “beat by hand or stick,” withhold money from her or “pull (her) by the ears,” but should “refrain from beating her excessively.”

  97. Tacoma Ted1:17 PM

    Desertflower said...
    This tragedy is also about the right to really be able to feel free in the land of the "free"!

    No one can feel "free" when there is so much black crime.

    Trayvon was killed in part becuse he looked like the true face of crime, and also because he foolishly acted like it.

    Negroes have earned their reputation.

  98. Democrat group Black Panthers Call For Lynching Of George Zimmerman

    In 2009, DOJ stats showed whites killed 209 black people. The same DOJ stats also show blacks murdered 454 white people- more than double.

    Between 1974 and 2004, 52% of all murders where committed by blacks.

  99. I appreciate your friend sharing his thoughts.

  100. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Will Obama talk about John Sanderson?

  101. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Trayvon was violent and attacked from behind;

    With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times, leaving him bloody and battered, authorities have revealed to the Orlando Sentinel.

    That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.

    Zimmerman has not spoken publicly about what happened, but that night, Feb. 26, and in later meetings he described and re-enacted for police what he says happened.

    In his version of events, he had turned around and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from behind, the two exchanged words then Trayvon punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground, and began beating him.

  102. df:

    i knew that racist fool assnon would give that precise racist reply

    he is too stupid to feign racial sanity


  103. fn:

    kudos on the hoodie photo!

    no wardrobe should be jim crowed!

  104. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Trayvon wasn't suspended the last time for swinging on the school bus driver, that was another time. This time it was for having an empty baggie of weed. He was a small time dealer

  105. racist assnon:

    like u
    zimmerman and his friends are LYING

    and probably getting cash from police to do so

    trayvon was not violent or stupid
    he would never have attacked a fat

    slob with a gun

    but he defended himself when chased down, wrestled, and shot like a deer


    such lies are nothing new
    ask mumia or troy

  106. In the end, Trayvon will be exposed as just another punk-ass negro who got himself killed because he couldn't control himself.

    Black America can't even find a believable martyr anymore. How pathetic can it get?

  107. lying kkklown assnon:

    no matter how old trayvon looked

    he was too young to be gunned down like an animal by that racist black male hunter zimmerman!!!

    if he had white skin under his hoodie he would still be alive!!!

  108. and if zimmerman had gunned down any wm of any age in any hoodie...zimmerman would have been immediately arrested at the killing ground!!!


  109. Farmer Cletus2:26 PM

    AB was wearing a feedbag LONG before hoodies became popular.

  110. n an interview set to air on Dateline NBC Monday, Mary Cutcher said that she and her roommate ran out after hearing the shot.


    trayvon was small and skinny

    that fat slob zimmerman shot him like a deer and then crushed him too!

    She said that Zimmerman had ‘his hands pressed on his back’ and ‘never turned him over or tried to help him.’

    The version of events relayed the witness strongly contradicts the characterization by his friend Mr Oliver, who said that Zimmerman is surprised the case has turned into a national issue.

    Read more:

  111. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Yes, we shold all be so lucky to live in Utopia with Purple Cow, and bask in the glories of diversity:

  112. The End is Near3:07 PM

    alicia banks said...
    if he had white skin under his hoodie he would still be alive!!!

    If he had white skin, he would have been inside with his parents rather than walking around in the rain while his daddy was banging his girlfriend.

    If he had white skin, he would have been much less likely to have been suspended for hitting a bus driver and selling dope, because his parents would have straightened him out.

    If he had white skin, he would have not decided the best thing to do was to jump the neighborhood watch guy.

    And if he had white skin, not one of you negroes would give a flying fuck that he had gotten shot, you racist pieces of shit.

  113. Anonymous3:10 PM

    alicia banks said...

    trayvon was small and skinny

    No he wasn't 6'3' and 160 lbs is one fit 19 year old - yeah the media lied about that too.

    that fat slob zimmerman shot him like a deer and then crushed him too!

    Deers don't run out of the woods and kick you in the face then complain you just "don't like the color of their hides" when you shoot them. Zimmerman is not fat just like trayvon is not a kid in the pictures the media is showing they are both very old pictures. Trayvon today as a 19 year old has a couple of big tats, gold teeth, no football helmet.

    In an interview set to air on Dateline NBC Monday, Mary Cutcher said that she and her roommate ran out after hearing the shot.

    She said that Zimmerman had ‘his hands pressed on his back’ and ‘never turned him over or tried to help him.’

    Could be, after getting your head slammed into the concrete by a black thug, when you get him off your first impulse is to make sure he isnt' going to keep hurting you. What planet do you live on?

    The version of events relayed the witness strongly contradicts the characterization by his friend Mr Oliver, who said that Zimmerman is surprised the case has turned into a national issue.

    Not at all. You apparantly have lived life through black reading skills. If someone attacks you and hurts you gashes the back of your head, breaks your nose, piles on you and slams your head into the concrete it might take a few minutes for you to flip the switch from defense to ok let me help this guy who just tried to kill me.

    Only a black would demand and say it isn't fair for an attempted murderer to be cared for immediately when the victim was himself dazed and stunned having just barely survived and having his brains rattled.

    Remember the standards you set here will apply to you. If you aren't outraged at this complete racial hoax developed and supported by the media and the president. If you aren't outraged with shirts being made saying "pussy assed cracker" If you aren't outraged with black groups putting bounties on citizens head, then you can't be outraged if the tables turn when victims of racial hoaxes have had enough. It's here.

  114. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Purple Cow, "Obama does not need to fire up his black base, his black base have been fired up for some time now. They will vote more than 90% for Obama as they always have done for democratic candidates."

    You are so wrong BritMan. I am Black and I KNOW at least 40% of Blacks who will vote will not vote for Obama. They will vote for Romney. But a large percentage of Blacks who voted for Obama in the last election won't bother to vote at all.

    You see, you are ignorant of the fact that Obama ignored Blacks as if they didn't exist. Some of us won't forget that, but some like Field and PilotX will forget and vote for their idol.

    PC, you need to catch up on the news here in America because you are missing too much to be able to make a good decision.

  115. Anonymous3:46 PM

    AB, "hey racist fool assnon:

    why is a hoodie ONLY safe when a white kid wears it?


    12:49 PM
    Sista AB, you know fully well that there is a big difference in meeting a white kid in a hoodie and a black kid in a hoodie: One looks like a harmless white kid in a hoodie, and the other looks like a dangerous black thug.

    Now, I'm not trying to be an uncle tom. I am just trying to keep it a reality in America. Geraldo is right and I am surprised that you and Desert think badly of Geraldo. He only spoke the truth in a sincere effort to keep more Latinos and Blacks from being shot to death.

    AB, you Desert need to get honest about those damn hoodies!

  116. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Let's hope (and pray) that war-criminal cheney's plastic heart was made in China.
    I know a couple of repugnican rea-gun loving mormons who demonstrate unconditional love for our bi-racial grandchild, bless their hearts.
    After the dust settles, zimmerman will continue to hide in open view while young hooded negroes continue their unabashed slaughter of each other; not a peep from anyone... shame!

  117. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Lord, I pray that Trayvon is a clean kid. I pray that when everything is revealed that it doesn't turn out like the incident in Louisiana or that black girl Al Sharpton came to the rescue for, only to find out that she lied.

    This event could leave a permanent black mark on the black pun intended.

    Now that I know Zimmerman is Peruvian, that changes everything. There is no way a Peruvian could be prejudiced.

  118. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "After the dust settles, zimmerman will continue to hide in open view while young hooded negroes continue their unabashed slaughter of each other; not a peep from anyone... shame!"

    You might have a point. Blacks won't stop black-on-black killings because of Trayvon Martin.

    If Zimmerman is found innocent, do you think he will get his old job back? I mean, according to the Sanford police Zimmerman was doing a great job. Also I bet the community he was watchman for thought so too.

  119. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Are you sh--ting me!!? " way a peruvian could be prejudiced"... Chile, please...
    Correction: Let's all hope (and pray)that war-criminal cheney's new heart was farm-raised and harvested in China.
    And negroes - wake the f--k up! Dress and act like convict/thugs, expect to be treated like convict/thugs!

  120. one thing we would never do

    is trash any dead white kid on a white blog as all of u kkk assnons are being allowed to trash trayvon herein

    what a gd shame!!!

  121. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hi Field, I have been reading for a few years, but holy cow I have never read the comments section - now and forever I will believe you when you say it is full of trolls.

    I just wanted to comment on your post - I do not (at all) think that mormons have faced the same discrimination that black people have, but there was considerable effort to dismantle the church when it was established.

    In the early 1800s the Mormon settlement in Missouri was being targeted by violent, anti-mormon mobs, and there was what was called the Mormon War in 1838, where thousands of mormons in Missouri were kicked out by force, and re-settled in Illinois.

    The US military was sent to Utah in the 1850s to control the Mormons, in what was known as the Utah War, which lasted at least a year.
    Anyway, I am not comparing this to the history of race relations in the US, but while this man's father may never have been hit with a fire hose, his grandfather may well have been shot at for his beliefs.

    A good book for the history of the Mormon church is Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer, though it is definitely anti-mormon.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. kudos to joe s!

    cc this to the belated tepid and racist hobama

  124. There's more weed at my kids upper "crusty" high school in Marylands wealthiest county, than there is in ALL of 'hoods in thel local area combined.

    Funny comments to racist assnon, AB!!

  125. Dr. Reine:

    Oui certainement ma soeur!

    Yes..4 sho my sista

    rich white kids smoke and buy nore drugs than any kids always!!!


    cc that to the princes will and harry

  126. "one thing we would never do is trash any dead white kid on a white blog as all of u kkk assnons are being allowed to trash trayvon herein"

    Behavior from the same people who used to take their kids to lynchings, SMDH!!!

  127. Dr. Reine:


    virtual racist wolves still feast and slay and packs!!!

  128. kkkooky kkklown:

    u r projecting your rabid racism again

    fix that asap u bloody fatal fool

  129. Paul Kersey5:07 PM

    So how many times has a Black person walked into an all-white or predominantly white neighborhood and not been shot?

    Now, how many times has a Black person walked into an all-Black or predominately Black neighborhood and been shot?

    Which is more dangerous for the Black person: walking into a white neighborhood or walking into a Black neighborhood?

    If you've read Whitopia by Rich Benjamin you'll know that when this Black writer ventured into almost exclusively white cities throughout the nation, he was treated with complete and overwhelming kindness.

    If you've read your local newspaper from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Atlanta, Birmingham, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Memphis, New Orleans, etc., you'll know that the news (and local nightly news reports on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX affiliates) primarily show a seemingly endless parade of human misery, courtesy of Black people.

    Abductions. Burglaries. Flash Mob attacks. Shootings. Stabbings. Slayings. Rape. It gets depressing watching Black faces fill your screen, confirming immediately why you choose to safeguard your families health by living in a Whitopia.

  130. Anonymous5:10 PM

    The number one killer of African-American women ages 15 to 34 is homicide at the hands of a current or former intimate partner.

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. kudos to all the white warriors who are NOT racist pigs like the troll dogs herein...

    they see their human sons in trayvon

    NDAA will slay all races

  133. alicia banks said...
    one thing we would never do

    is trash any dead white kid on a white blog as all of u kkk assnons are being allowed to trash trayvon herein

    what a gd shame!!!

    Whatever. dead white people are bashed here and on black blogs everyday.

    ab, just because your ghettogaggers video didn't sell well, that doesn't give the right to post your hate here.

    Get over yourself.

  134. Anonymous5:28 PM

    They're not "destroying Trayvon's reputation".

    Thy're just celebrating his street cred.

  135. Paul Kersey5:29 PM

    With the President of the United States interjecting himself into a story - he didn't have anything to say about the white kid set on fire by the two Blacks in Kansas City, did he? - that is being deliberated obfuscated by the Mainstream Media (MSM), we now have actual proof that the 2012 election will be the most racial in American history.

    Well, at least since 1860.

    Black people nationwide are showing their solidarity over a story that we still do not know the basic facts about, nor do we have up-to date pictures of Mr. Trayvon Martin. Instead, we get Mickey Mouse Club-approved photos of a young Black kid with the hopes of immediate sympathy being generated instead of nods of approval over an image of a gang-banging brother being gunned-down by a trigger happy Hispanic.

    Once again, the monochromatic Black community has been galvanized to believe the worst by an overzealous media dedicated to promoting a story that has been completely manipulated to elicit a prescribed reaction. Al Sharpton has joined the fray over George Zimmerman's shooting of the "saintly" Martin, the son Mein Obama never had.

    Jesse Jackson, has now entered the fray, uttering this statement which seeks to exonerate Black people of all wrongdoing and place the blame squarely on white America's shoulders:

    "Blacks are under attack." African American families are facing record home foreclosures and unemployment. Their children are burdened with student loan debt. States, particularly conservative ones, are passing voter laws that leaders know will disenfranchise blacks and other minorities. Meanwhile, the nation's prisons are brimming with black faces, he said, and their numbers that suggest that the legal system is quicker to send blacks to prison than whites.

    Jackson said gunfire in America continues to be a problem for all Americans -- not just blacks. Why, he asked, isn't America outraged, that far more people die of gun violence in one year in America than the number of soldiers killed in the wars waged in Iraq and Afghanistan?

    "Our disparities are great," he said. "Targeting, arresting, convicting blacks and ultimately killing us is big business."

    Wasn't this a story of a Hispanic neighborhood watchmen shooting a Black Mickey Mouse Club extra? When did it become a story of student loan debt, foreclosure, high rates of Black crime necessitating high rates of Black imprisonment, and high rates of Black gun violence?

    None of this matters to Black people, who never even tried to adhere to the concept of "judging by character" and instead found "judging by color of skin" (as long as it was white), blaming all of the problems within the Black community on evil 'whitey' a much more profitable way to go through life.

    We are now entering an era of hyper-instability, where the distrust between the races is growing at a pace not seen since white people fortified themselves in the suburbs of Detroit following the "Black Rebellion of 1967", leaving "the Paris of the West" to be run by Black people.

    How'd that turn out? Oh... not so good.

    We now know this to be true: Obama will burn down our cities this summer if that's what it takes to get re-elected.

  136. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "one thing we would never do is trash any dead white kid on a white blog as all of u kkk assnons are being allowed to trash trayvon herein"

    Behavior from the same people who used to take their kids to lynchings, SMDH!!!

    virtual racist wolves still feast and slay and packs!!!

    Yes you both are. Virtual racist wolves lynching in packs. Based upon nothing more than your racism.

    Your both disgusting vile hypocrites. Now you are trying to spin and become victims of someone telling the truth, simply because your vile disgusting racist lies made up without facts have proven that you are vile and racist and dumb to boot.

    The old double standard, go bury it quick, it is dead and smells.

  137. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Trayvon dead and Rev'und Al said I might as well make me sum paypa.

    MARCH 26 (TSG) — The mother of Trayvon Martin has filed two applications to secure trademarks containing her late son’s name, records show.

    Sabrina Fulton is seeking marks for the phrases “I Am Trayvon” and “Justice for Trayvon,” according to filings made last week with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In both instances, Fulton is seeking the trademarks for use on “Digital materials, namely, CDs and DVDs featuring Trayvon Martin,” and other products.

  138. kkklueless kkkruel assnon:

    how many more millions could she have made had her son lived to be a doctor/lawyer/nfl star????

  139. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    Behavior from the same people who used to take their kids to lynchings, SMDH!!!

    ho-bag goes and votes for the same people who took their kids to lynchings.SMDH!!!

  140. Anonymous6:17 PM

    alicia banks said...

    I have the intellect of a 12 year old so will be sure I display this endlessly by partaking in name calling. I mean what else can I do, I can't make any points without them.

    unkkkempt fat nasty assnon:

    nothing reeks like hatred and ignorance

    Thats our point, you are vile full of hated and completely ignorant. You sound like a grade school idiot who cannot speak a sentence without adding in a childlike name rant.

    no one has ever been more foul than u

    is it too much work to type out a word or can you not spell you lazy mental midget

    the stench is soul deep u lost kkkrazy racist mf

    You don't make sense half the time, the other time you just call names.

  141. Anonymous6:37 PM

    We laugh at the cesspool multiculturalism has caused in the UK.

  142. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Well, it looks like Obama sealed his fate today. He won't be President after what he told the Russian Prime minister, regarding our missiles and politics.

    I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. Mitt is the man.

  143. "Well, it looks like Obama sealed his fate today. He won't be President after what he told the Russian Prime minister, regarding our missiles and politics."

    Really? I think that what he said will actually help him get elected. It sounded totally reasonable to me.

    You weren't going to vote for him anyway, so your opinion doesn't count.
