Monday, March 26, 2012

Let the push-back begin.

"Damn field! Why do you allow all those racist trolls to comment on your site?"

 I get that a lot. And my answer is always the same: Get used to it. Those trolls could be your neighbor, your co-worker, or even the person you set next to in church.

The thing about the Internet is that allows folks who couldn't always do it to hide behind an anonymous label and call you all kinds of vile things. He or she can do it from the safety of their trailer park or the Wal- Mart bathroom, and they can send it out to thousands of people reading every day with one push of a button to a black run website. Isn't technology beautiful?

The thing is, far too many of you so called progressive thinking people have been fooled into thinking that A-merry-ca is this forward thinking place full of enlightened people. You watch too many commercials with hip interracial friends getting along while sipping beer and playing with puppies. That is not A-merry-ca. That is what Madison Avenue wants A-merry-ca to be.

The real A-merry-ca is a place filled with the kind of folks you see commenting on this web site on a daily basis. The real A-merry-ca is full of envy,hate, and "color aroused" angst brought on by ignorance and prejudice. It's why you are seeing the blow- back from right wingers and some folks in the majority population with the Trayvon Martin case. Now you will hear what a bad kid he was. You will hear that he might have been kicking his killer's ass before he was slaughtered in that housing development like roadkill on a Florida highway. You will hear that Mr. Zimmerman actually had a black friend, and that he mentored black boys. And you will hear that if George Zimmerman didn't kill Trayvon Martin, the seventeen year old was going to beat him to a bloody pulp with those "street hardened" fists of his.

You will hear it, but don't believe a word of it. And even if you do, it should not affect how you feel about this case one little bit. The truth of the matter is that an unarmed seventeen year old was lawfully walking down the street to go and watch a basketball game at the home of a friend. He was spotted, profiled,  hunted down, and eventually killed.   

Trayvon Martin is dead, and George Zimmerman is free. Therein lies the problem. Justice has not been served. George Zimmerman has not even been arrested for a lessor crime than murder. Most A-merry-cans see the injustice in this. Most.

Sadly, in the dark hearts of many A-merry-cans, this is exactly how it should be. Because the person who died is a "young black thug". The hoodie wearing suspect fit a profile and fit our perceptions of what people who end up dead when there is a violent confrontation should look like. This fits the narrative. All the protesting and calls for justice does not.

So what's a good knuckle dragging racist to do? Well,for one, they can comment  and troll on black websites. Or, if they are fortunate enough, they can tell the world how it should be or manipulate the facts from their own websites. Or, thanks to their very own 24 hour cable news channel; they can go on television and tell millions of like minded people to ignore the calls for justice because justice was already served.

"Field, by allowing these trolls to leave these nasty comments and say all those vile things, you make it hard for me to go to your website."

I will miss you. But remember, you not reading the Field Negro blog and me blocking their comments won't change how they feel in their hearts or how A-merry-cans, in general, feel about you and me.

I just want you to understand what is happening here in the land of only some are free. It's been here all along. But we have a black president now, and black people, people of color, poor people, and progressive whites, are now demanding  that A-merry-ca lives up to her claim of exceptiona ism. The rest of the people in A-merry-ca want to know why. "Haven't we been exceptional all along?"

No, we haven't. And our actions and words lately prove more than ever why we have not.

"It's clear the president has been not a uniting figure on an issue that, I think many Americans thought he would be. And it’s very tragic and to take a horrible situation like that and inject this issue, which, you know, may be a factor, may not be a factor, but even if it is a factor, it’s one… If it is a factor, it’s obviously one sick man and to use that instead of just saying, as a healing president would do, try to bring people together, but instead try to divide people is really a sad, tragic legacy of this president.”

Wrong again Mr. Santorum. The "tragic legacy" of this presidency will be the behavior of those who thrive on division and are driven by hatred.

 “What the president said, in a sense, is disgraceful,” Gingrich told conservative talker Sean Hannity. “It’s not a question of who that young man looked like. Any young American of any ethnic background should be safe, period. We should all be horrified no matter what the ethnic background.”

We should "be horrified". But we are not. Not at the killing of that young man.  Instead we make excuses for justice denied to a dead young man and his family.

“It is a tragedy this young man was shot. It would have been a tragedy if he had been Puerto Rican or Cuban, or if he had been white, or if he had been Asian-American, or if he’d been a Native American,” he continued. ”At some point, we ought to talk about being Americans. When things go wrong to an American, it is sad for all Americans. Trying to turn it into a racial issue is fundamentally wrong. I really find it appalling.”

What I find "appalling" Mr. Gingrich is the fact that you would politicize the death of a human being to score cheap political points with like minded people.

You all deserve each other.



  1. "Troll"9:07 PM

    You will hear it, but don't believe a word of it.

    Because the truth doesn't matter, right Field? Because if it is true that Trayvon wasn't the sweet 12 year old in the pictures, if he was a troubled 17 year old with a history of violence, if he initiated the altercation with Zimmerman, then that complicates things. Then you can't pull up your hoodie, shake your fist, and blame the white man. Or in this case the "white enough" man.

    So ignore it if it you will, but the truth will win in the end.

  2. NSangoma9:11 PM

    Rev Al,

    $500K per year, from MSNBC, is a lot of money to lose because you jumped into this SIHT too, soon.

    POTUS Obama, a beer summit will not help here; you should have waited for more info prior to the empathetic:

    if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin

    Did Michele, press you to say that; let us all hope that all is forgotten by the time of this year's national election.

    FCUK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I been done tole you Negroes that you were rushing to judgement.

    JENA-6, did not teach yall no kind of nophthin.

    Stop looking for racism North American Negroes, and get on with the business of taking care of your business.

  3. Your comments make feel feel a teeny-tiny bit better about why I don't get in the faces of people whom I know or whom I am related. They still send me the crap I know how they feel, and all I meekly say is that I don't agree with them if it comes to it. You are right, you want to know what the sweet faced little grandmother really things. Sigh....


  4. SpartacusLaw9:17 PM

    Well said Field, and true to form, you have once again awoken the ignorant amongst the masses.

  5. Anonymous9:20 PM

    that's what Field does best: spread ignorance among the masses

  6. "The thing about the Internet is that allows folks who couldn't always do it to hide behind an anonymous label and call you all kinds of vile things."

    Field no truer words have been spoken! I read your posts and ignore the comments because the ignorant vile things that people feel free to say here that they can't say on their job, at their church or out in public amongst decent people is not something that I want as part of my world. BUT I do acknowledge that it exists and that it's aimed at me, my children and my family because we are Black in America.

  7. Brother Field...continue what you know is right. Let the commenters with different racial innards speak. You must know your enemy to fight your enemy. Yes, I said enemy because some Americans are not at the point of having any feelings of good about "made in America" people. About the Brother Martin cause... For 60 years it has been the same...unarmed Black gets killed.....some marches and protest...then some higher white agency investigate the white agency that did the shooting... Not enough evidence...Black people bury your dead and go on. To the trolls, other whites and blacks who want to be loved by the people that see you as lower,continue to accept this behavior, your day will come and you will surely want someone to do the right thing. America will never see us as worthy until we see ourselves as worthy. The longer they "investigate"... Well don't expect the justice that they have never given.

  8. "Well said Field, and true to form, you have once again awoken the ignorant amongst the masses."

    VERY true, the ignorant among the masses of racists Goobers in America.

    As for Field's "special" trolls", what was it Field told me before, if the racists Assnons are coming at you, it MUST mean you're doing something RIGHT!!! Of course, the other issue with this is that it's NOT just racists saying dumb $hit, it's those Black folks who have a LOT in common with a bucket of crabs. But you know what, that's okay too!

    Dr. Reine, Class of 2017

  9. NSangoma9:53 PM

    A Black Panther Forever,

    I am not trying to please no punk-gawd-damn body.

    I knew that something was off with this Trayvon SIHT, when it was reported that his father did not seek his where-abouts for a full 12-fcuking hours.

    What the fcuk kind of father is that, you do not notice that your son is missing for 12-gawd-damn hours.

    field booty, you just do not want to admit that you again fell for the oki-doke.

    field booty, most Carib Negroes keep their distance from North American Negroes and their drama; field, you might want to consider doing the same.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Field, I've always supported your efforts and many of your poignant, straightforward analyses of what's going on in our country and the world.

    The comments from the trolls are disturbing and I, too, have asked why you allow them to take over the comment section. Your post today cleared that up. As I've said in the past;I will continue to read your posts daily and there will be times when I will ignore those comments that are offensive and continue to read the ones that offer insight, a different viewpoint and civil perspective.

    Peace and Respect.....

  12. Remember Niemoller white America: they may establish the principle on the scorned and marginalized, but sooner or later your turn will come.

  13. NSangoma10:15 PM


    I always thought that that 10-school days suspension for tardiness was kinda weak.

    For tardiness they make your dumb-ass go to either before school detention or after school detention.

    10-days suspension is kinda light too, for marijuana residue.

    field, aren't schools supposed to be no-drug zones.

    field, most Carib Negroes normally maintain a distance betwixt themselves and the North American Negroes and their drama; again field, you may want to consider doing the same.

  14. Thank you field... I too hated the fact that these trolls find their way to a black run site to spew their hate and ignorance.

    You know none of these ASSHATS would be honest enough to say this to any of our faces. We can discuss race issues without being ignorant but it's proven daily here in these posts by these special trolls that they don't know how to do that.

    Don't you all see that once you start feeding these bottom dwellers they keep coming back to argue, once you start ignoring them they start calling us outside of our names, Don't fall for it.

    Support the FIELD, stand strong we've been through worse these ignorant ASSHATS don't get it.

  15. After weeks of the Liberal media telling us what a angel he is, field negro gets pissed that we learn he's a drug dealer/user and he tried to punch a bus driver.

    Yeah. Field negros, don't you believerate them facts.

    "You will hear that he might have been kicking his killer's ass before he was slaughtered in that housing development like roadkill on a Florida highway."

    MIGHT? Are you implying witnesses are lying?

    Yeah. Field negros, don't you believerate them facts.

    "Or, if they are fortunate enough, they can tell the world how it should be or manipulate the facts"

    What facts are being manipulate? Note field negro doesn't list examples.

    "color aroused"? Whatever bullshit field negro tells you, remember this, its much safer for a black person to walk through a white neighbor at night than it is for a black person to walk through a black neighborhood at night.

    Funny we don't see field posting about this

    When did black people start calling hispanic people cracker?

    Or this

    Black Panther Party wants George Zimmerman dead.

    “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” leader Mikhail Muhammad

    Read more:

    Yeah. Field negros, don't you believerate them facts. Its best you stay ill-informed and keep believerating obama gonna pay yo rent.

  16. Well Field you got me to change my opinion about trolls but now when you delete the most disturbing it makes me wonder what was written. I said it before, you need a special outtake section so those interested can see what gets deleted.

  17. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Great post Field! goodnight all!

  18. The Obama Campaign just started selling hoodies on their website.

    Never let a serious crisis go to waste. Indeed

  19. Anonymous10:42 PM

    "Damn field! Why do you allow all those racist trolls to comment on your site?"

    Field, "I get that a lot. And my answer is always the same: Get used to it. Those trolls could be your neighbor, your co-worker, or even the person you set next to in church."

    You are exactly right. Racists are everywhere and it has nothing to do with class. Field, it is not: "Those trolls could be your neighbor, your co-worker, or even the person next to you in church"-it IS:

    "those trolls ARE your neighbors, co-workers, and the people in church. And they permeate all of the human realm from top to bottom.

    So you can dispense with the notion that all the nasty stuff is coming from trailor parks. They are coming from the rich Whites, White Catholics and White gays moreso than they are from poor Whites.

    I KNOW about white gays. I live in the Bay Area. They are some of the biggest racists in America. Make no mistake about it, they probably would be happy if ALL Blacks were wiped out. Remember, gays and lesbians are fighting for "white" same sex marriage. NOT for racial equality....they have never been for that.

    Get the picture?

  20. Damn that rightwing push back10:46 PM

    The Orlando Sentinel :

    With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered, law-enforcement authorities told the Orlando Sentinel.

    That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say.

    Trayvon was visiting his father’s fiancée, who lived there. He had been suspended from school in Miami after being found with an empty marijuana baggie.

    Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

    Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, “Well, you do now” or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.

    Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.

    Zimmerman began yelling for help.

    Several witnesses heard those cries, and there has been a dispute about whether they came from Zimmerman or Trayvon.

    Lawyers for Trayvon’s family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.

    One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.

    Zimmerman then shot Trayvon once in the chest at very close range, according to authorities.

    When police arrived less than two minutes later, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a swollen lip and had bloody lacerations to the back of his head.

  21. Anonymous10:49 PM

    OHh my, field is pissed. Must be because the false narrative that the left has been pushing is falling apart.

    Trayvon is looking like fields' Tawana Brawley.

  22. Anonymous10:58 PM

    PilotX, "Well Field you got me to change my opinion about trolls but now when you delete the most disturbing it makes me wonder what was written. I said it before, you need a special outtake section so those interested can see what gets deleted."

    Aren't you the one complaining about the trolls and their nasty comments? And Now you want to read more?

    Face it. You love what they say and you can't get enough of it. Isn't that why you come to FN? You and PC. You both are full of shit.

  23. To the commenter that question the father,s action...the father lack of parenting has nothing to do with the actions of Mr. Zimmerman. Evidently you are a good father like myself who has parented two Blake male sons never going to prison nor jail. Back to Tayvon son....sometimes your sons go over friends house or tens of other situation. Mr Martin may have gone to bed after aan extra lovemaking session and just assumed his son was asleep or even walked back to the father,s house. Focus on the actions of the man with a gun and the tall boy without a gun. If only it was a tall white boy.....your focus would be on the actions on "that brute" of a Negro. Commenter.... Have you raised a 17 year old. Sometimes they stay out late and and and they can be unpredictable about coming back. They do get their groove on too. Stay on task....Man kills young man. Period. Father's action secondary. Ask yourself...if the police had so much evidence..why wait a month to bring it out. my 60 years the police fabricate situations to make themselves right. Where are the questions about the action of this police force ......remember a homeless Black was beat down by the main man's trust them......not me.

  24. It's not a troll if it's the truth11:07 PM

    Carolyn said...
    "The comments from the trolls are disturbing "

    Why, because they are true?

    Because you weren't there that night Trayvon got shot, yet you are ready to burn down Orlando if they don't let you hang Zimmerman!


  25. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I thought Trayvon was a clean cut kid. But now some things are coming out that he might have been a drug dealer and suspended from school.

    I am praying that with all of the protests and marching that it doesn't turn out to be something like the Jena 6 or Tawana Brawley. I don't think another national scene where it turns out negative for Blacks.

    Field, you had better be right on this one. However, whenever Sharpton gets involved, it turns out to be shit. Surely, you have to be concerned?

  26. Anonymous11:07 PM

    I said it before, you need a special outtake section so those interested can see what gets deleted.

    Probably is just the turbo-posting of AB. I mean, how much more disgusting and disturbing can you get than some of these posts that we have read? Maybe violence, but I would not want to read that in an "outtake section."

  27. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Carolyn said...
    "The comments from the trolls are disturbing "

    I think comments from people like Carolyn and PilotX are disturbing. They lack the empathetic skills to communicate with trolls. At least Field is sophisticated and skillful and knows how to talk to sophisticated border-line genius trolls.

    However, some of you "resident IDs" like Carolyn and Pilot couldn't talk to a dog. YOu are nothing but psycho-Clowns. And please don't assume I'm White, because I am not. I am Black and well-off. So You folks really should STFU.

  28. Know your limitations11:22 PM

    The Orlando Sentinel has the whole story on the death of Trayvon Martin:

    Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.

    Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police. Trayvon then said, “Well, you do now” or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose, according to the account he gave police.

    Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.

    Zimmerman began yelling for help.

    One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him — and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.

    If Trayvon wasn't a criminal, he sure tried to make himself look like a probable threat to the neighborhood – by the hoodie, the gold teeth, the tattoos, the thuggish appearance, and his overall suspicious behavior. Like it or not, that's what criminals in America look like.

    This is nothing more than a case of a violent "youth" reacting like a typical thug when asked about his presence in a crime plagued neighborhood. Trayvon initiated violence against Zimmerman unaware that he was carrying a concealed weapon.

    If Zimmerman hadn’t been armed, Trayvon would have probably murdered him.

    If he had walked away from Zimmerman, he would still be alive today. Instead, Trayvon (aka “No Limit Nigga” on Twitter) confronted Zimmerman and violently assaulted him, which is why Zimmerman shot and killed the angry kid in self defense.

    Case closed.

  29. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Field, at least say something about Trayvon getting kicked out of school or having a bad temper or something. Do you really believe he was an angel?

  30. I don't read the comments.

  31. Jena 711:29 PM

    Poor little Trayvon didn't just look like a burgler, he was one:

    Close your eyes tight Field!

  32. NSangoma11:30 PM

    field, What happened to the baby-faced kid:

    Regardless, Trayvon's swinging on a school bus driver has not been verified.


    This is why African Negroes, Asiatic Negritos, Oceanic Negritos, and Carib Negreos distance themselves from North American Negroes. Get on that bus, too; field.

  33. Dumbeye11:31 PM

    Redeye said...
    I don't read the comments.

    That's OK. Nobody reads your blog.

  34. Hit Your Limit Nigga11:34 PM

    The MSM has a narrative: poor little Trayvon, a mere child armed only with an Arizona iced tea and a pack of Skittles, was murdered in cold blood by a White racist vigilante.

    It turns out Zimmerman saw a suspicious acting thug prowling the neighborhood, reported him to the police, and is guilty of nothing more than asking poor little Trayvon what he was doing … WHEN HE WAS APPROACHED BY TRAYVON.

    Trayvon viciously attacked Zimmerman, broke his nose, tried to bash his brains out, and then went for his gun.

    Someone called “No Limit Nigga” is trying to fucking kill you for asking a question … and they are the victim?

  35. George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch crime captain who shot dead 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, originally told police in a written statement that Martin knocked him down with a punch to the nose, repeatedly slammed his head on the ground and tried to take his gun, a police source told ABC News.
    Zimmerman had claimed he had called police about Martin, whom he found suspicious, then went back to his car when Martin attacked him, punching him.

    The new information is the most complete version yet of what Zimmerman claims happened on the night of Feb. 26 when he shot and killed the teenager.

    In addition, an eyewitness, 13-year-old Austin Brown, told police he saw a man fitting Zimmerman's description lying on the grass moaning and crying for help just seconds before he heard the gunshot that killed Martin.

  36. NSangoma11:38 PM

    Multiple suspensions

    field gawd-damn,

    Now I'm ready to kick some Rev Al, ass!!

    In October, a school police investigator said he saw Trayvon on the school surveillance camera in an unauthorized area “hiding and being suspicious.” Then he said he saw Trayvon mark up a door with “W.T.F” — an acronym for “what the f---.” The officer said he found Trayvon the next day and went through his book bag in search of the graffiti marker.

    Instead the officer reported he found women’s jewelry and a screwdriver that he described as a “burglary tool,” according to a Miami-Dade Schools Police report obtained by The Miami Herald. Word of the incident came as the family’s lawyer acknowledged that the boy was suspended in February for getting caught with an empty bag with traces of marijuana, which he called “irrelevant” and an attempt to demonize a victim.

    Trayvon’s backpack contained 12 pieces of jewelry, in addition to a watch and a large flathead screwdriver, according to the report, which described silver wedding bands and earrings with diamonds.


  37. just thoughts...11:41 PM

    Gingrich can't have it both ways, he can't peddle to the southern strategy method, and then cry foul when the President points out an obvious fact, yes, our brown skinned President and his dark skinned wife would have more than likely produced a child that looked like's a simple fact, didn't Gingrich take science? If Gingrich so desired for Americans to stop labeling themselves, shouldn't he have chastized Fox News? Or possibly himself for all those years he's played the race card? Didn't he comment on black unemployement rates as opposed to the American poor?

    America has a race problem, and because of it, Trayvon was profiled by a color aroused man who stereotyped him into someone dangerous, and the results were tragic. Pointing out what blacks also do to whites, or vice versa isn't going to solve the problem, but it will continue to divide.

    Villifying Travyon or somehow making effort to depict him as a troubled youth still does not take away the facts that he was hunted like a dog and slain.

  38. Brother Sanderson11:43 PM

    Meanwhile, in Mississippi … three African-American thugs have murdered a White student at Mississippi State University in Starkville.

    CNN is calling Sanderson’s death “an isolated incident” and has deliberately omitted the race of the victim and suspects.

    In the cartoon world of Black Run America (BRA), The Standard has made Trayvon Martin into a civil rights martyr for violently assaulting someone, the Hispanic George Zimmerman into a White racist stalker and vigilante, and John Sanderson into a local news story and statistic no one cares about.

    No one cares about John Sanderson in Mississippi, Nancy and Bob Strait in Oklahoma, the victim of “Knockout King” in St. Louis, or the 13-year-old White boy in Kansas City who was doused in gasoline and set on fire by the Black Undertow while saying “you get what you deserve, White boy.”

    Now Jesse Jackson is talking about how Trayvon Martin’s “innocent blood” justifies a movement that ought to “go to war.”

    Be careful what you wish for.

  39. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "It turns out Zimmerman saw a suspicious acting thug prowling the neighborhood, reported him to the police, and is guilty of nothing more than asking poor little Trayvon what he was doing … WHEN HE WAS APPROACHED BY TRAYVON."

    Well, IF Zimmerman had followed police orders, nothing would have happened and Trayvon would be alive today and Zimmerman wouldn't be going to trial.

    Obviously, you didn't listen to the 911 calls. You should do so.

  40. Anonymous11:54 PM

    "Villifying Travyon or somehow making effort to depict him as a troubled youth still does not take away the facts that he was hunted like a dog and slain."

    Your comment reminds me of the Jim Crow days where bm were hunted down and hung like dogs. Hell, they even hung bm for entertainment at white picnics. Of course, during those days it was the wm who were the violent ones. But the law protected their savagery on Blacks.

    It is for this reason, no national discussion about race will ever happen. Racism is a persistent evil that won't be eradicated in America. Quite frankly, I doubt if Whites are interested in ending racism. It has no benefit to them. So, the beat goes on until racist America ends. And someday it will.

  41. If Zimmerman hadn’t shot Martin, would Martin have still been the innocent victim? I think the answer to that question changes only because the gun was fired and Martin was killed. Since Zimmerman would have been the victim if he hadn’t shot Martin, Zimmerman had a right to defend himself by shooting Martin.

  42. Anonymous12:00 AM

    "Hell, they even hung bm for entertainment at white picnics."

    This never happened.

  43. Anonymous12:01 AM

    " Racism is a persistent evil that won't be eradicated in America. Quite frankly, I doubt if Whites are interested in ending racism"

    It's not racism to want to avoid contact with young black males. It's common sense.

  44. anon 112:09 AM

    Our so-called black "leaders" know, or should know, that the stakes are always high in racially charged situations such as the Trayvon Martin case. Especially with Obama being president.

    I hope our black "leaders" haven't made a strategic mistake by making Trayvon out to be something he may not have been: a GOOD BOY and therefore, the PERFECT VICTIM. Right wing voices are now in overdrive trying to discredit Trayvon and by extension his family and by further extension the black race here in America.

    If it turns out that Trayvon is not "perfect", it will diminish Obama's statement about his demise AND cement the black man's image in white American's mind as a deviant predator. This will be devastating to the black collective for decades to come. A typical black man would then be in the position of always having to PROVE he's not a "thug".

    I hope Trayvon turns out to have been, when all is said and done, a GOOD BOY. It matters whether he was or not.

  45. "I hope Trayvon turns out to have been, when all is said and done, a GOOD BOY. It matters whether he was or not."

    Whether or not he was a "good boy", his death is still a tragedy. But that's no excuse for putting a bounty on Zimmerman's head, calling for violence in the streets, or using this incident to help you ger re-elected.

    God is watching.

  46. That's what I'm talking about Field!

  47. All this focus on the physical mechanics of the confrontation obscures the larger, more important point about the current reality of relations between U.S. blacks and everyone else. The #1 operating law of black life these days is: “nobody can talk to me.” This applies to women as well as men, and to employed, middle-class blacks as well as to dropouts and street types. It has nothing to do with traditional slurs, or with tone of voice or “rudeness.” Blacks demand to be exempt from questioning by non-blacks, period. If you haven’t realized this yet, it’s because you’re “successful,” and have a routine consisting mostly of going from safe suburb to glass tower and back, and doing your shopping by catalogue or over the web. Hell, I wouldn’t know this stuff myself if I hadn’t fallen off the success track long ago.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth2:57 AM

    I did some checking into why I couldn't sign into my google account and this is the message I got from them:

    It’s likely that someone has stolen your account.

    About the Trayvon case, they are lying through their teeth. The rightwing racist call themselves trying to start some mess between black and Hispanics, to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. That picture they are flooding the Internet with is fake produced by non other than rightwing folks. They want to enforce that stereotype of blacks. They plan to try and muddy that young boy, but the boy was really a good kid. Nevertheless, these evil people want to cover up what Zimmerman did. Zimmerman has changed his story more than once with a little coaching from some of those good old boys and crooks. Instead of the New Panther Party wasting their money hunting for him, they should use it to pay some top notch lawyers because these people play dirty and they are evil!

  49. I hope I'm not misunderstood, but I want to say this. Nearly all innocent young black men who are shot & killed are murdered by other black men, in their own neighborhoods, it continues unabated & nobody knows how to stop it. Racism is a big problem in America, but white civilian vigilante murders are rare, which is why the entire world can focus on Trayvon. Field's KILLADELPHIA count is up to 81. How many of them were innocent young black men? Plenty, I'm sure. Need some justice there, too. Maybe need it even more.

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth3:28 AM

    Trayvon's real facebook picture.

    Yes, black on black murders are committed regularly, but that still did not give Zimmerman the right to take that child's life or play cop. He did not have the authority to play cop or even rent-a-cop. Nevertheless, I understand what you're trying to say.

  51. "Anonymous said...
    "Hell, they even hung bm for entertainment at white picnics."

    This never happened."

    Yes it did.

    "Hell, I wouldn’t know this stuff myself if I hadn’t fallen off the success track long ago."

    This might explaion a lot.
    Did a blah person take your job?

    Nsangoma, we don't need Rosa Parks anymore. Get over it. Look outside. It's 2012 my brotha.

    "In addition, an eyewitness, 13-year-old Austin Brown, told police he saw a man fitting Zimmerman's description lying on the grass moaning and crying for help just seconds before he heard the gunshot that killed Martin."

    Riiiighht. And I saw Lark Voorhies snooping around my window.

  52. This is a great posting I have read. I like your article.

  53. Zimmerman should have never owned a gun and accepted the ass kicking. that way, both people would be alive and Zimmerman would be able to charge Trayvon Martin with some kind of assault charge. I'm not against the 2nd amendment or anything, but...

  54. NSangoma6:47 AM

    Nsangoma, we don't need Rosa Parks anymore. Get over it. Look outside. It's 2012 my brotha.

    Please translate, and that's NSangoma, not Nsangoma.

    We who??

    Please recall that you are Caribbean, field; you ain't not one of us.

    And field, you do not want to be one of us.

    field, join your fellow Caribbean Negores, African Negroes, Asiatic Negroes, and Oceanic Negroes; and isolate yourself from the contagion of the US Negroe.

    FCUK, even Condi Rice got on the Trayvon train:

    She like POTUS Obama, is going to regret that.

  55. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "a man fitting Zimmerman's description lying on the grass moaning and crying for help just seconds before he heard the gunshot that killed Martin."

    Por que no quiero Taco Bell!

  56. Skipped right over all the comments to just simply note that we don't need to read the trolls on your blog, Field, to know just how many bigots, lowlifes, and braindead fools are out there in the heartland. If a progressive wants a reality check, all it takes is looking at the comments following almost any article on CNN.

    As for the Trayvon Martin case, the only thing that surprises me at this point is that the Sanford PD hasn't pulled a throw-down gun with the kid's prints out of their collective ass in their frantic attempts to make it look like Trayvon Martin was the aggressor and not the victim. They're probably kicking themselves now for not managing to get prints from the cadaver on a weapon before they released Trayvon's body to his parents.

  57. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "What I find "appalling" Mr. Gingrich is the fact that you would politicize the death of a human being to score cheap political points with like minded people."

    Teh Won has done that every single day since he occupied the WH. That's all he knows how to do - use race to deflect from the lies he told while on the campaign trail. People think he's been ineffectual, but the opposite is true. He has been very effectual in moving America towards a totally tyrannical totalarian socialist country. And he is using race to do it.

  58. Anonymous8:36 AM

    "They're probably kicking themselves now for not managing to get prints from the cadaver on a weapon before they released Trayvon's body to his parents."

    You don't know if that's true or not. What is coming out is that a full autopsy was done on Martin. Lawd knows they had enough time to complete their investigation, his family certainly wasn't looking for him. He was "John Doe" for several days before the family was notified.

    The information that is coming out now is supporting Zimmerman's self-defense claim. And "No_Limit_Nigga" isn't exactly the angel Sharpton et al have been trying to portray.

  59. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "If a progressive wants a reality check, all it takes is looking at the comments following almost any article on CNN."

    It's refreshing, isn't it, that mainstream Americans are waking up to the daily propaganda campaign being waged against them by the lying "Progressives" (communists) who control the mainstream media and are pushing back.

    What's funny is how the Progs don't like it and are now squealing to have the inner tubes "regulated".

    It's hard to keep selling the "Big Lie" when independent bloggers can dig up in a few hours the critical pieces to the story that the lying Liars don't want you to know.

  60. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Your comment, Field, about the misleading commercials in which blacks and whites do everything in harmony, struck me how it misleads as effectively as any propaganda. You know it's a lie but it seeps into your conscience anyway. Just like in NYC - sure, my neighborhood and friends are "post-racial", but Ray Kelly's cops aren't, in fact among the worst at profiling, stopping-and-frisking, spying on Muslim students, etc. We are so primitive, really, still in the 1950s.
    Colbert last night raised the other big point in this case: not race but access to/laws about GUNS. BECAUSE we're pre-post-racial thugs.


  61. Seems like Martin tweeted under the handle “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”.

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    About the Trayvon case, they are lying through their teeth. The rightwing racist call themselves trying to start some mess between black and Hispanics, to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. That picture they are flooding the Internet with is fake produced by non other than rightwing folks. They want to enforce that stereotype of blacks.

    Who is lying through their teeth?

    What are the names of these rightwing racist?

    What are the names of these rightwing folks that produced the photo?

    "Zimmerman has changed his story more than once with a little coaching from some of those good old boys and crooks."

    Really? Proof that he has changed his story. What are the names of the people doing the coaching?

    This is so typical of the left. When the FACTS don't fit their false narrative, they lie and go on the attack.

    They attack witnesses, play victim and play the race card.

    Remember the Duke rape hoax? Tawana?

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. only racist fools will pretend a fat racist slob with a gun was no threat to trayvon

    and only blind fools will pretend that candy and tea are guns


    The second thing I noticed about the case of Trayvon Martin is that he was unarmed. This wasn't a shootout. It wasn't some innocent victim being robbed at gunpoint. This was the case of an armed security guard shooting a black man who had nothing to defend himself but his fists.

    The next thing I noticed about the Trayvon Martin shooting is that it appears that the boy was simply being stalked by the security guard on his way to his father's house. Zimmerman felt that Martin somehow had a suspicious profile and then proceeded to follow him on the way home. So, if anything, we can say that this unarmed black teenager was being terrorized by a night watchman who somehow thought that he "looked suspicious" for inexplicable reasons. There is nothing illegal about Martin fighting Zimmerman if he was indeed being harassed or physically assaulted for no reason. Martin wasn't hitting a police officer -- he was hitting a security guard.

    Finally, there is the fact that neighbors have long complained that Zimmerman was an overzealous security guard who took his job entirely too seriously. Rather than doing anything about it, the management of the gated community chose to leave the lives of its residents in the hands of an unprofessional stooge. Now, an innocent life is lost because of this decision.

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. i understand why u allow teh kkk to rule your blog

    but i vehemently disagree

    they are slaying trayvon anew

    just as they slew henrietta lacks anew etc


    i will always ban the kkk from all my blogs/shows etc

    they have enough arenas to spew their racist bs

    kkk on the www

  67. kudos to the dreadlocked bro the tee!...FNOTD!!!

    see the smears here

    no matter who trayvon was/was not
    he never deserved to be executed like a deer by a piglet


  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Anonymous10:40 AM


    Its just that simple.

  70. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. kkk assnon:

    2 more hoodieless LIVING white teen "safe" murderers

    why so gd mum??????

  73. Suspended THREE times for drugs, truancy and graffiti and 'caught carrying a burglary tool': New picture emerges of Trayvon Martin (and did he attack a bus driver too?)

    The teen was suspended from school three times
    He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
    Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
    Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness

    The teen was suspended from school three times
    He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
    Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
    Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness

    Read more:

    Facts are just so racist.

  74. sane white people know that trayvon was murdered because of his black skin
    NOT his hoodie


    Well I certainly don't feel calm and measured, and it's not because my kids "could have been Trayvon." No, they could not have. My kids are white. They lived in the suburbs. They could wear their pants anyway they liked. They could have worn hoodies to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and nobody would have looked askance at them, let alone blown them away with a handgun. (As I recall, I once wore a black hoodie to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.) The worst threat to my children's lives in the big wide world was that some suburban matron who couldn't see over the steering wheel would run them down in the family SUV. They didn't have to worry about running into some trigger-happy, half-mad wannabe on the way home from the convenience store. And that's what keeps me from being calm and measured.

  75. Anonymous10:57 AM

    alicia banks said...
    i understand why u allow teh kkk to rule your blog

    but i vehemently disagree

    they are slaying trayvon anew

    just as they slew henrietta lacks anew etc


    i will always ban the kkk from all my blogs/shows etc

    There is no KKK. Truth isn't slaying someone, being a liar is. You haven't had a show in over 15 years and that's about how long it's been since someone commented on your blog, other than yourself so WTF are you talking about. Who exactly have you had to ban ever?

  76. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  77. vdlr:

    u r one illiterate mf

    no wonder u envy me
    and cannot find my bios/shows etc

  78. Gimme Sum Muny11:10 AM

    Might as well make a little money on your dead "honor roll student".

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. It's the White Man's Fault11:17 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    The rightwing racist call themselves trying to start some mess between black and Hispanics, to kill two birds with one stone so to speak

    Wait a minute Granny, let me get this straight: A hispanic guy shoots a black guy, and the incident gets grabbed up by Aggrieved Negro Incorporated as evidence of black oppression by whites, and your take is that this is all the work of rightwing racists?

    What a strange, twisted thing the black liberal mind is.

  81. Gimme Sum Muny11:18 AM

    Yeah. Right, AB.

  82. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  83. kkklown assnon:

    how will her income affect your trailer pk welfare/meth cash anyway???

  84. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Myron, "All this focus on the physical mechanics of the confrontation obscures the larger, more important point about the current reality of relations between U.S. blacks and everyone else. The #1 operating law of black life these days is: “nobody can talk to me.” This applies to women as well as men, and to employed, middle-class blacks as well as to dropouts and street types. It has nothing to do with traditional slurs, or with tone of voice or “rudeness.” Blacks demand to be exempt from questioning by non-blacks, period. If you haven’t realized this yet, it’s because you’re “successful,” and have a routine consisting mostly of going from safe suburb to glass tower and back, and doing your shopping by catalogue or over the web. Hell, I wouldn’t know this stuff myself if I hadn’t fallen off the success track long ago.

    12:30 AM
    Myron, you are exactly right. You have nailed a very important point and a problem for us. Like you, many of us have fallen off the success wagon--or blocked our potential because nobody could talk to us.

    "Nobody can talk to me" is so true but until you mentioned it, has gone unnoticed. I don't know of any other race where they can't be talked to except Blacks. Quite often, we isolate ourselves with our anger, and our "you-can't-tell-me-nothing" attitude. We aren't the best listeners or best learners, you know?

    Of course Field's reply to your comment proved your point:

    "nobody can talk to me." Generally that is a big problem for Blacks in the corporate world, our American society, and America period. Hell, we can't even talk to each other. We usually end up talking past each other with our tit-for-tats. Which is what Field's reply to you was. It's quite frustrating and hopeless.

  85. kudos to the new bpp in sanford

    i bet you faceless kk bitches will never rule their blogs/spew bs to them EVER also

    ditto for me u kkkowardly!!!!

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. I've noticed the common attitude of blacks that their response to any white authority figure who asks them anything is to resist, fight, ignore, or run away. But Myron puts it better: Non-blacks may not talk to blacks, period. To say anything to a black is to step into his territory, it is to dis him, and thus to provoke his righteous vengeance (an extreme example being the beating to death of Christopher Kernich in Kent, Ohio in 2009 because Kernich or one of his friends cried out, "Watch where you're going," after a car driven by blacks almost hit them). And this black attitude is directly relevant to what happened between Zimmerman and Martin. While we do not have the whole picture yet, Zimmerman probably approached Martin or called out to him and asked him what he was doing in the neighborhood, and this is what set Martin off and drove him to assault Zimmerman, as several reports have indicated that he did.

  88. Gimme Sum Muny11:28 AM

    Travon was the dope head & jewelry theif, with a history of attackig people......not me.

    This isn't turning out quite the way it first was portrayed, is it?

  89. Gimme Sum Muny11:31 AM

    Sorry...forgot the link (as if you haven't alreay seen're already in "denial" mode)

    Why doesnt field post the photo in this link on his clog?

  90. Police: Zimmerman says Trayvon decked him with one blow then began hammering his head

    With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered, law-enforcement authorities told the Orlando Sentinel.

    That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say. There have been no reports that a witness saw the initial punch Zimmerman told police about.
    Zimmerman has not spoken publicly about what happened Feb. 26. But that night, and in later meetings, he described and re-enacted for police what he says took place.

    In his version of events, Zimmerman had turned around and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from behind, the two exchanged words and then Trayvon punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground, and began beating him.

    Zimmerman told police he shot the teenager in self-defense....

  91. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Someone should show the picture in that link to Obama, and ask him, "is this what your son would look like?"

  92. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Maybe we should get the DOJ to investigate this shooting murder of an unarmed teen.

    Just yesterday, Ervin Jefferson was unarmed and shot by two men who posed as police officers. Ervins moms name was Candy Grimes (stripper baby mama) the shooters were was shot by Curtis Scott and Gary Jackson who were also being shot at by Bobby Hubbard Jr from inside a building who was also arrested.

    Negros what the hell kind of culture do you have?

  93. Anonymous11:45 AM

    alicia banks said...
    kudos to the new bpp in sanford

    i bet you faceless kkk bitches will never rule their blogs/spew bs to them EVER also

    ditto for me u kkkowardly!!!!

    Why must you perpetuate the dumb angry black woman theme? Can't you speak english without adding in more pejoratives than thought?

    Forgive me, I forgot you had the brains of a sand flea, let me break it down to your level. Why you actin crazy bitch? Yo momma.

  94. 08:25 am

    March 27, 2012

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    by Mark Memmott

    Brian Blanco/EPA /Landov
    This photo of Trayvon Martin was held by a supporter during a recent rally in the Goldsboro neighborhood of Sanford, Fla.

    Brian Blanco/EPA /Landov This photo of Trayvon Martin was held by a supporter during a recent rally in the Goldsboro neighborhood of Sanford, Fla.
    While this morning's Miami Herald concludes that emerging details about Trayvon Martin's life paint "a complicated portrait" of a boy with "a spotty school record," anyone who has guided their child through the teenage years may be more likely to see a fairly typical kid who had some brushes with authority and lots of dreams about the future.

    According to the Herald, Martin was suspended from school three times in recent months, for incidents ranging from tardiness to writing graffiti on school property to having a plastic bag with marijuana residue in his backpack. He had never been arrested.

    Martin was also, as The Associated Press has reported, "a swift athlete" who was active "in the Miramar Optimist Club, an organization that runs sports and academic programs for young people." He volunteered "six days a week from June through November of last year to help run the team's concession stand." He "dreamed of becoming a pilot. He had flown on school vacations to various places around the country with his mother, skiing in Colorado one year, going off to Texas another."

    Martin's parents were divorced — also something that's not unusual.

    When he was nine, as the Herald has previously reported, he helped his father escape their burning home.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. hey racist foolish lying kkklown mf:

    kkkiss my anger
    2 times on each cheek u kkkruel kkklueless bitch

    “Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change.”

    "The same rebellion, the same impatience, the same anger that exists in the hearts of the dark people in Africa and Asia is existing in the hearts and minds of 20 million black people in this country who have been just as thoroughly colonized as the people in Africa and Asia."

    Malcolm X

  97. Backlash is a Bitch12:06 PM

    The MSM is caught lying again … ala Troy Davis, the Jena 6, Duke Lacrosse, OJ Simpson, Rodney King, and Tawana Brawley … to promote hatred of Whites and the myth of black victimhood.

    Better buy your Trayvon Obama hoodies while you can...

  98. kkkoward mf:

    why do YOU never get angry enuf to show your fat fugly face???

    like hoodieless/sheetless and in person before the new bpp in sanford????

  99. kkklown assnon:

    why is it always ONLY rabidly racist vulgar infuriating uneducated abusive mfs like you who are perplexed about anger????


  100. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  101. Hoodies for Obama and Trayvon:

  102. NSangoma12:14 PM

    Learn from our forefathers:

    Brown v Topeka:
    Brown, because the Brown family was the only intact Black family with a male head of household. The other plaintiffs in the case were baby-mama Negroes; the school children had their mothers maiden names as their last names.

    Thurgood Marshall et alia, did not want to stand in front of the SCOTUS with a bunch of baby-mama Negroes.

    Rosa Parks, was chosen because her record was squeegee squeaky clean. She had never had any issues with the Birmingham authorities.

    There had been others, both male and female, who had been arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus; but they all had previous issues with the Birmingham authorities. The irony is, Rosa Parks considered herself to be more AmerIndian than Black.

    IMHO, for what ever point that is trying to be made here, Trayvon Martin, is not the one.

  103. kkkaped kkklown:

    try this one on for size u faceless feckless fool,r:1,s:131&tx=40&ty=-81

  104. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  105. Anonymous12:21 PM

    @White Man Trying To Survive...Re: Remember the Duke rape hoax? Tawana? Yeah we do. Do you remember the McCain campaign worker, Bernard Goetz,the Central Park jogger case??? your point is???? The thing everyone here needs to remember is that in these racists minds ANY White on Black crime is justified. No one should be under the delusion that the cowards who performed lynchings had a change of heart instead of a fear of imprisonment. It's also very important to realize that people like these posters hold positions such as judges, jurors, police officers, HR managers, loan officers, principals, teachers, legislators, supreme court justices, etc.

  106. just thoughts again...12:22 PM

    So, let me get this straight, Treyvon Martin occasionally depicted himself as a tough guy on his twitter account, he was suspended from school for having marijuana residual in his back pack, he wore a hoodie, especially when it rained.... To me he sounds like many suburban white kids who experiment with light drugs and boastfully fancy themselves a tough guy behind their phone or keyboard... oh, and they occasionally wear hoodies too, except if one of those teens likely crossed paths with Mr. Zimmerman, I'm sure unlike Treyvon, they'd live to tell about it....

    For those of you who wish to side track the issue by pointing out that white people are victims too! There is no denying that. However, please stop making effort to minimize or erase Travyon and constructively learn to deal with the fact that America has a race problem, and avoidance doesn't make you part of the solution, you are a part of the problem......

  107. kkkoward fool assnon:

    kkkiss my anger!!!

    Like Jill, I embrace my anger and express it regularly. I will do so ALWAYS. My anger is as much a part of my being as my joy. To deny my anger, or any other part of my truest self, would be suicidal.

    Anyone who can live in this cruel, elitist, sexist, racist world and not be angry is insane/in denial. It is righteous to be angry in an evil world. Anger MUST be expressed. If I ever stop penning my anger, I may begin to express it in other ways. I may use fatal sex, bombs, crack, cocaine, alcohol, guns, or knives instead of my pen…

    From “Straight, No Chaser” : “I write because I am angry. Angry at either being ignored or defined and spoken for by others… When we look in the mirror, it's hard to put on a happy face, since no matter what we do we remain who we are, black women in America, invisible at worst, unattractive at best. When was the last time you saw a black male public figure with a brown or dark-skinned wife whose hair wasn't conked or woven?
    I used to try and escape my rage in notions of love, sex, orgasm, but even that does not work very often anymore. My rage's appetite has grown over the years, become more specific. Now it can only be satisfied by action, and not the pelvic kind…Recognize, understand, and put your rage to use…My rage is often so tangible I can have a conversation with it…There is no way to stay alive, a black woman in this culture and not feed my rage. Fed regularly, my rage grows stronger, wiser, more cunning…My rage is always present, never late, short or full of maybes...My rage, like Papa, don't take no mess. My rage says nothing to me but yes! yes! yes! And why not? What a host she has found in me, in this nation, in this moment...What better feeding ground for my rage than right here, with me, a black woman existing in a culture that despises women, and black people most of all. I am a two-fer in American hell. I have no intention of burning silently.”

  108. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Re: nsangoma..."There had been others, both male and female, who had been arrested for refusing to move to the back of the bus; but they all had previous issues with the Birmingham authorities"...Perhaps because they had the foresight to know that even if the infraction was as minor as a traffic infraction the racists were going to use it to destroy the person's character as is done in Trayvon's case.... "The irony is, Rosa Parks considered herself to be more AmerIndian than Black." You are a blatant, spineless liar, too ignorant to know how stupid that statement is. Racism and ignorance go hand in hand, one feeds the other.

  109. Anonymous1:50 PM


    Thanks, for providing us a forum where we can comfortably express our views about these important issues. I'm keeping an eye on this blog, as inspiration for my own (?)

  110. Anonymous2:29 PM

    And so it begins.

    Justice we demand justice and free stuff. Hopefully the police will arrest all the future Doctors who dropped their ID while ransacking a Walgreens in MIA

    Buy bulk ammo

  111. GrannyStandingforTruth7:03 PM

    I have no respect for adults who try to justify murder of a child who was armed with a bag of skittles and Arizona Ice Tea, who was walking along minding his own business, until a retired Judges' violent, murdering ass son decided to play cop or rent a cop because he lives by a stereotype code.

    They have stereotypes for Hispanics too as rapist and child molesters, so should someone confront Zimmerman every time they see on the street because he is Hispanic and because of steretypes and kill him too? Or better yet, the stereotype for whites is cannibalism and serial killers, so should every time a white person is walking down the street, should they be confronted and killed too?
    Eliminate stereotypes and it will eliminate premeditated murder!

    The killer wasn't a rent a cop or a cop. He was just a VOLUNTEER neighbor watchman!

    AB is not acting crazy, she is angry and with good reason to be. That's something to be angry about. However, we have people in this world so full of hate that they would stoop so low in the gutter that they gloat over and go to great lengths to try to justify the murder of a child.

    You can call me whatever you like because I could care less. None of you put any bacon and eggs on my table in the morning, clothes on my back, or a roof over my head. I don't need or want anything from any of you!

    I'm going back to my corner. AB continue on Sistah.

  112. NSangoma7:12 PM


    I'm getting the greatest push-back with regards to my opinion on the Trayvon Martin case, from friends, acquaintances, and associates whose children attend/ed private schools so they would not be around Trayvon Martin type Negroes.

    Or, who moved their family to some far outer ring suburb so that their children would not have to attend public schools with Trayvon Martin type Negroes.

    These Negroes do not want the Trayvon Martins walking through their neighborhoods either.

  113. Anonymous8:56 PM

    NO cop suspended for trolling internet making racial remarks in regards to Trayvon Martins killing.

  114. GrannyStandingforTruth9:04 PM

    I don't care if Trayvon was walking around with a bone in his nose, there was no justifiable reason to kill or stalk him!

    It makes those who want to use it to justify murder just as guilty as the one who pulled the trigger.

    That's just like saying a rape victim had it coming because of what she had on. Smh!

  115. Any Black arrest during Jim Crow is suspect. I living during that period know the white man could arrest and convict you at his whim... N...commenter You don't know our history during Jim Crow... I have pleaded with commenters .....don't apply today's legal/social norms with Jim Crow era. The whites could dou what they wanted to gosh they hung and burned Blacks out in the open with no care. Please..stop talking about Rosa Parks...she was super light skin...some whites had pity because she may have been their sister. ONCE AGAIN. We had no "baby daddies" in the 50's 60s That came about with us following your race with that free love period..........Look at the litigants in the Brown case. StillaPanther2

  116. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Leaving the racist comments stand on your blog is just uncle tom. It's why I seldom come here. Lots of hits. Most of them from crazies like Alicia and storm front. I'll leave you to wallow in your uncle tom mud bath.
