Tuesday, March 06, 2012

The Oreos!

It's Super Tuesday in wingut world, and other than the cable news pundits and political junkies, no one really cares. Flipper will continue his inevitable march towards the GOP nomination, and the rest of the candidates will hang in until their fat cat benefactors tell them to go and get a real job.

I actually want to blog about something much more important tonight: the 100th anniversary of the Oreo cookie! That little treat is as A-merry-can as apple pie.

So anywhoo, in honor of A-merry-ca's favorite cookie, I would like to award some of my fellow Negro A-merry-cans with the first ever Oreo. (Kind of like the Oscars but less acting involved.)

1. Beyonce- This Diva gets two Oreos. She would have named that crumb snatcher White Ivy if she had her way.

2. Allen West- Allen gets three Oreos. Allen wants to be on the republican ticket as VP, but I don't think they want to run two white guys this time around.

3. Larry Elder-Three Oreos for Larry. Larry actually wrote a book called "Stupid Black Men." Yes he did.

4. Jesse Lee Peterson- I was just on Jesse's show so I am only going to give him one Oreo. Jesse actually said that "black racists elected Obama." Poor Jesse. I actually feel sorry for the guy.

5. O.J. Simpson-Juice never really cared much for you Negroes until he killed his wife and needed you all to set him free. Now Juice is where he belongs. I wonder if he hooked up with the Aryans in prison. Four Oreos for O.J.

6. Herman Cain- Herman, I notice that all your jump offs had one thing in common. Four Oreos for Herman.

7. Every black Tea Party member in A-merry-ca-What do you think all those Tea Party folks are going to do when they get bored with Obama? Five Oreos for you Negroes. 

8. Thomas Sowell-Thomas probably doesn't even eat Oreos. At least not the cookie part. Four Oreos for Thomas.

9. Tiger Woods- No comments needed. Five Oreos for Tiger.

10.  Niger Innis- Maybe it's his name. Anyway, Niger says that "Obama has failed the country." I am guessing that Niger wouldn't say that about a white president. Three Oreos for Niger.

Congrats on your Oreos, folks! Now go out and drink lots of milk.

BTW, I am live-tweeting Super Tuesday. @thefieldnegro



  1. I knew Niger in high school. We called him just what you think we called him.

  2. Wesley R10:35 PM

    Tiger is more of a punk then a oreo. He needs to get his group of women back, do his thing, get his golf game up and say to everyone who doesn't like it "F You".
    I like Herman Cain more then those Self Hating Bama's, West, Elder, Sowell, Innis, Peterson, and The Black Tea Baggers. At least The Negro hooked up some good pizza. The Jumbo Combo is the Bomb Baby!

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Hahahaha! Very funny!

  4. Sooo you're upset Beyonce allegedly breast fed in public? Why? Breastfeeding your child is the most natural thing in the world.

    I'm not mad at Tiger...he learned an age old lesson from his turn in the hot seat. However I really don't see what the big deal is. Hasn't every athlete had groupies? Tiger just created the first golf groupies.

  5. Nabisco Joe10:38 PM

    Maybe W.E.B. Dubois should be in your Oreo Hall of Fame:

    In the city of Philadelphia the increasing number of bold and daring crimes committed by Negroes in the last ten years [1889-1899] has focused the attention of the city on this subject. There is a widespread feeling that something is wrong with a race that is responsible for so much crime, and that strong remedies are called for. One has but to visit the corridors of the public buildings, when the courts are in session, to realize the part played in law-breaking by the Negro population. [...] Judges on the bench have discussed the matter. Indeed, to the minds of many, this is the real Negro problem. (W.E.B. DuBois, 1899)

    I bet he would be surprised how different Philly is today.

  6. My congressman, Donald Payne, died yesterday. I never had to write Rep, Payne to ask him to vote a certain way. He always voted for the people. Payne's concern for human rights took him to Somalia (despite the warnings of the State Dept) & to Northern Ireland. He recently took the time to visit s senion citizen center in my city. He was a good man. I was proud to be represented by him.

  7. ManHatten11:36 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Sooo you're upset Beyonce allegedly breast fed in public? Why? Breastfeeding your child is the most natural thing in the world.

    I agree. If I ever get offered a last meal, I want to go out like I fucking came in. Breastfed.

  8. Nabisco Joe12:02 AM

    Listen to this Oreo of yore:

    [In Philadelphia] the number of deserted wives, however, allowing for false reports, is astoundingly large and presents many intricate problems. A very large part of charity given to Negroes is asked for this reason. The causes of desertion are partly laxity in morals and partly the difficulty of supporting a family. [...] There can be no doubt but what sexual looseness is to-day the prevailing sin of the mass of the Negro population, and that its prevalence can be traced to bad home life in most cases. Children are allowed on the street night and day unattended; loose talk is often indulged in; the sin is seldom if ever denounced in the churches. (W.E.B. DuBois, 1899)

    If that isn't oreo talk, I don't know what is. I wish he was alive today to see how much Philadelphia negro family life has improved over the last 113 years.

  9. Brooklyn, I am sure that the Oreo Academy of voters did not see her breast feeding as an issue.

  10. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Mr. Field, I specifically asked you in the previous thread to give Romney a good post and you didn't do it. Why is it 'whenever' I make a request you do exactly the opposite? I have asked you for 10 posts over the past 5 years and you have done none. What is it going to take for you to honor me?

  11. Anonymous12:17 AM

    "4. Jesse Lee Peterson- I was just on Jesse's show so I am only going to give him one Oreo. Jesse actually said that "black racists elected Obama." Poor Jesse. I actually feel sorry for the guy."

    Jesse was right. Black racists like the Panthers, PilotX, TSC, Dr Reine, Brooklyn, UTS, etc. voted for Obama and will vote for him again simply because of the color of his skin.

    I admire JLP for speaking the truth. That man is dedicated to the truth. Field, you should model yourself after him. But alas! you aren't fit to carry his jock.

  12. Anonymous12:27 AM

    "6. Herman Cain- Herman, I notice that all your jump offs had one thing in common. Four Oreos for Herman."

    First of all, Herman had NO jump-offs. He was railroaded by those low-down lying white Democrats and Blacks like your jealous ass.

    Herman could have been President if it weren't for you racist leftists. Herman doesn't even like white women or other women who look white. He likes black women that look like his wife....that's why he married her. Logic ought to tell you that.

  13. So according to Jesse Lee Peterson; I have gone from a white cracker to a black racist?

  14. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Lady-Cracker said...
    So according to Jesse Lee Peterson; I have gone from a white cracker to a black racist?

    No, you've gone from somewhat interesting to "uh, not interested".

  15. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Lady-Cracker I am glad you showed up because you prove JLP's point. Thank you.

  16. @Field so why is Beyonce an oreo? I don't get it.

    Have you seen this...


  17. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Why wasn't Shelby Steele listed? Or McWhorter? Or Harvard Prof Gates?

    Or the Greatest Oreo of them all, Clarence Thomas?

  18. What do all of Romney's wins have in common?

    This November they all belong to Obama. He can't take a redstate or repubiklan district by a plurality in a 4 man race.

    He's got a great operation, but they're selling a product no one wants. He's like a blended squid and sardine quiche brunch -no takers.

    He'll never be the Mormon JFK. S&*t, he'll be lucky to make it to Mormon Al Smith.

  19. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Romney is a great guy and deserving of the nomination. He has pursued the Presidency for a long time without ever giving up. He deserves it whether those dumb GOP's recognize it or not.

    Romney is the GOP's best chance of beating Obama and they don't know it and neither do the Democrats. But the closer we get to November, the better and stronger Romney will become. He will carry 40% of the black vote and a large percentage of the independent vote. He'll even carry an astonishing percentage of cross-over Democrats.

    No other Republican candidate has that potential but Romney. He is Obama's biggest threat. That's WHY Field didn't post about Super Tuesday, he is waking up to reality!

  20. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Field Negro - Racist Black Man. Demands a specific code of conduct and blind loyalty to skin color otherwise you are a race traitor and an oreo.

    Even if that conduct has proven to be the reason Blacks have failed the world over, specifically because of this behaviour.

    You might as well list any kid that actually studies and works hard and rejects the majority of Black Culture, they are actin white too. See what you teach your children? Then you wonder why they grow up as they do, as if you had nothing to do with it and white folks are the "racist" ones.

  21. Anon@1:17AM,all those indivituals you mentioned were worthy of at least one Oreo. But, unfortunately, the Academy can only give out a limited amount.

    BTW, Clarence Thomas is a lifetime achievement award winner.

  22. Quote Anonymous

    "But the closer we get to November, the better and stronger Romney will become. He will carry 40% of the black vote and a large percentage of the independent vote."

    This is a joke, right?

    In every Presidential election bar one, African Americans have voted more than 90% for the Democratic Presidential candidate.

    You honestly think that's going to change with an African American incumbent up against yet another white multi-millionaire Republican?

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  24. @12:17 I supported McCain in the previous election, you stupid, ASSumption drawing Hick!!

    And why IS Beyonce on this list? I'm NO fan of her constantly vagina gyrating self, but that was more of a low blow than an actual entry onto the Oreo list IMHO.

  25. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Queen La-La-La-oh-no-you-din't-sha-boom-boom said...

    "@12:17 I supported McCain in the previous election, you stupid, ASSumption drawing Hick!!

    And why IS Beyonce on this list? I'm NO fan of her constantly vagina gyrating self, but that was more of a low blow than an actual entry onto the Oreo list IMHO."

    Nah you more a hoodrat that identifies with Nicki Minaj, maybe thats why you sound like her. You a stupid ho Ice my wrist-es then I piss on b-tches. You could suck my diznick, if you taking shizzes. You don’t like them disses, give my ass some kisses. Yeah they know what this is; givin this some business.” You might be the female wannabe weezy but you aint never gonna be a Doctor.

  26. Happy Birthday Viv Richards!

    The old boy is 60 now, can you believe that? I hope I look as good as him when (if) I get there.


  27. Anonymous8:32 AM

    "In every Presidential election bar one, African Americans have voted more than 90% for the Democratic Presidential candidate."

    Never forget the prescience of Lyndon Johnson, who understood how simple it was to buy black votes...
    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

  28. FN,

    you are hilarious.

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  30. fn:

    what hypocrisy!!!

    phone niger i. and apologize

    you never say anything about hobama... ie ndaa???????

    and hobama HAS failed and duped the country and the globe

    ONLY hobama nazis deny that









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  34. bk:

    bey is an oreo beacuse she is bleaching/suddenly mixed race like mj


    because she wed an illuminati warlock/hobama's best thug pal jay z

    blue ivy =

    blueprint for illuminati's very young etc


    like the vdlr and her clones suddenly lying about their stray black demon seed:

    "errbody wannabe a hobama baby...ya heard?"





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  36. bk:

    everyone who has been paying attn knows that bey faked her pregnancy

    it may be their baby via surrogate mom

    but she was never ever pregnant
    and we all know that

    berry gordy's sister and marvin gaye did the same with her niece who bore their oldest son

    many women/couples use surrogates due to age/vanity/sterility/fertility issues etc


    bey and jay z were on some roman polanski bs





  37. Kingnut10:17 AM

    Field gave Beyonce an "Oreo" because she has lightened her skin and adopted a more white appearence.

    Field apparently views this a race treason, and wishes to express his disapproval.

    But with the lighter skin, how can she be an Oreo? Maybe a Vanilla Oreo award would be more appropriate.

    I think she looks damn good whatever shade she is. Those are some fine cookies.

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  39. more on those warlocks hobama and jay z

    evil is real

    and music is more evil than ever







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  41. buybull toting but never reading assnon:

    no biblical wisdom about hobama/mabus/bragamus etc???

    no cursing of jay z and kanye west and their flagrant demonic games etc????

    no lamenting all the demonic alter egos of pop stars ie

    bey = sasha fierce

    jay z = hova

    nicki minaj = roman zolanki








  42. Percentage of votes cast in Republican Primaries Pre Super Tuesday

    Romney 40.7%
    Santorum 24.1%
    Gingrich 21.7%

    Percentage of votes cast on Super Tuesday

    Romney 37.9%
    Santorum 27%
    Gingrich 22.6%

    So yesterday Romney’s share of the vote actually dropped 2.8%.

    But it gets worse for him, Santorum and the Ging were not allowed to stand in Virginia, so if we take Virginia’s vote out of the equation we get..

    Percentage of votes cast on Super Tuesday (without Virginia)

    Romney: 36.2%
    Santorum: 29.1%
    Gingrich: 24.4%

    A 4.5% drop For Romney.

    So with Mitt Romney it's like the more he wins the more he loses.

  43. Anonymous11:12 AM

    PC, "This is a joke, right?

    In every Presidential election bar one, African Americans have voted more than 90% for the Democratic Presidential candidate.

    You honestly think that's going to change with an African American incumbent up against yet another white multi-millionaire Republican?"

    I know you are joking but I'll play along. First, it is NOT true that AAs have voted Dem by MORE than 90%.

    And yes, more AAs will vote AGAINST Obama this time around than before. Obama has lost quite a few AAs. But you being a Brit, with you inflexible thinking can not comprehend the possibility.

    Mr. PC, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, as AB will attest.

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  45. Dr Queen:

    unlike niger

    bey deserves to be on that list

    she has become a racially morphing bleached witch

    for real

    like that warlock hobama says

    "this is not a game"

    most buybull slurring fools are just too busy exclusively bashing us gays to notice






  46. Dr. Queen:

    seen any kids rap?

    seen bey's fans?

    they are literally hypnotized by demonic music

    it is visible

    most of bey's "music" is horrid techno pop

    yet it sells millions


    lil wayne is the richest entertainer today


    check the lyrics and the spirits they hypnotize


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  50. Sigmund11:47 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Happy Birthday Viv Richards!

    The old boy is 60 now, can you believe that? I hope I look as good as him when (if) I get there.

    You don't look as good as him now, and you won't get there unless you drop the leftist hate politics that are causing you so much stress and anger.

    Embrace reality, look around you and appreciate the good things in life. Human history has marched through millenia to create the society that nurtures you and that will nurture your children. Stop trying to "Change" it to fit the conceptions and desires of the present generation, and satisfy yourself with merely improving it. Rampant utopianism in the last century invariably lead to death camps. The obsession with control that drives progressive ideology fuels your hatred of those who do not agree with you and will drive you to an early grave.

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  53. Anonymous12:00 PM

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  54. Bibi NetanFU12:22 PM

    Even better thatn that.....go get a job at an Iranian Nuclear plant, AB. Maybe Hobama will drop a 30,0000 lb. dildo on your nappy head.

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  59. Butt Doctor12:53 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. i take great pride when morons tell me i am incoherent...

    it lets me know i am speaking too intelligently

    i get that a lot from dumb faceless brainless assnons


    see MUCH more wisdom that will evade u here


  61. Mr. Miyagi1:14 PM

    Since you're awarding Oreos, field.....can you think of any Asians to award a "Twinkie"? (yellow on the outside, but white in the middle)

  62. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Good news, Obama's latest unconstitutional mandate is that women should not mix with men in school, work or other aspects of daily life.

    Actually it's Afghanistan's top religious council. The Ulema Council has also said that women should not travel without a male relative. The BBC's Orla Guerin has been hearing reaction to the ruling from people in Kabul.

    The comments by senior clerics - which have been welcomed by President Hamid Karzai - were included in a statement outlining the rights and duties of women under Islam. I would say going right back to the Taliban.

    Liberal/Feminist outrage in 3..2..1 nah, never happen, they side with Muslims over Americans.


  63. Anonymous2:06 PM

    5. O.J. Simpson-Juice never really cared much for you Negroes until he killed his wife and needed you all to set him free. Now Juice is where he belongs. I wonder if he hooked up with the Aryans in prison. Four Oreos for O.J.

    I knew you were Black when you brought up OJ. I knew you were a liberal when you threw him to the wolves forgetting that everything around his trial was a frame by the racist whiteman and OJ was innocent. I remember those riots/demonstrations.

  64. ”You don't look as good as him now, and you won't get there unless you drop the leftist hate politics that are causing you so much stress and anger.”

    I think I do look as good as him now actually, though I may be biased.

    I have almost no stress in my life, which is can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. Though back in the day I owned the agency and the sound-studio I had enough stress to last me a lifetime. Now, it’s me time. If I have a fault it is that I never get angry, I have tried to learn, but with no convincing success.

    ”Embrace reality, look around you and appreciate the good things in life.”

    I do. Look at this glass of fine Barbados rum I have in my hand right now for instance. I’m appreciating it.

    ”Human history has marched through millenia to create the society that nurtures you and that will nurture your children.”

    This is relevant how?

    ”Stop trying to "Change" it to fit the conceptions and desires of the present generation, and satisfy yourself with merely improving it.”

    What’s the difference between changing it and improving it? I’m not going to set out deliberately to make it worse now am I? I’m not a fascist.

    ”Rampant utopianism in the last century invariably lead to death camps.”

    Nope, that was rampant Romanticism.

    ”The obsession with control that drives progressive ideology fuels your hatred of those who do not agree with you and will drive you to an early grave.”

    I’ve never met a Socialist who was obsessed with control.

    The far-Right on the other hand wants to control everything in the name of freedom. They want to control what goes on inside women’s bodies, they want to control who people marry, they want to control immigration, they want to control which books people read, they want to control how people pay for their health care etc etc. All in the name of freedom.

    And though I do hate you, (as any decent human being would) that causes me no anger. Because here in the real world I don’t mix with the likes of you. So no grief, no anger.

    Notice one other thing, if you go back and read this blog comments over the last three or four days, you will not see me getting angry. It’s the far-Right nutjobs who are screaming, stuttering and foaming at the moment at everything I say. Go on, go and have a look.

    I am calm and serene. Indeed you could argue that I’m as calm and serene and in control of my destiny as Viv Richards on a flat track at Sabina Park.

    I’ll be pissing on your grave one day my little friend, don’t you worry about that.

  65. Anonymous3:42 PM

    i have a good idea for reperations, we whiteys will give all of you nogs 2 million dollars each, but you have to go any where but here.because of the high crime rate, i think you will love south africa because it is rn by commie nog who are committing jenocide against the white population.i thing you nogs would to join in and turn south africa into zem-bob-way.i don't have any oreo cookie negros but i do have some oreo cookie cows you might be interested in but they are not cheap.

  66. Anonymous4:28 PM

    AB, "i get that a lot from dumb faceless brainless assnons"

    anons are NOT brainless you fool. After all I've done for you you call us assnons? You ungrateful ass.

    AB, "IE

    STFU! We are to keep NDAA under wraps so that it can do its thing in accord with Obama's wishes.

    Don't be an ingrate. Obama is doing this for you.

    And WHY have you ignored my comment? ("Mr. PC, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, as AB will attest.)

  67. @AB I don't believe in that Illuminati bullshit. If you strip it down its just another excuse for "crabs in a barrel" minded negroes to hate on anybody that has achieved something negroes with limited imaginations couldn't conceive.

    If the controversy is skin lightening then your beef is with the ad agency or L'oreal for lightening her skin in the photos.

  68. Anonymous6:07 PM

    And though I do hate you, (as any decent human being would) that causes me no anger. Because here in the real world I don’t mix with the likes of you. So no grief, no anger.

    Which anon do you hate? That one? This One? The other One? The one over there? Or me? They all along with many others seem to despise you.

    A Black farmer living off the dole and his wife, of course you can't mix with the likes of me and this is something you certainly never will have availible to you.

    Now your bluster is idiotic. If you hate of course you are angry. As is going around the web there are only three reasons people hate other people.

    1)They want to be them/envy (liberals are famously insecure emotional wrecks)
    2) They hate themselves - With you this is obvious and who can blame you, but it would take much effort to detail all your mental problems and you aren't worthy of the time.
    3) They are threatened by you - Again the very nitty gritty of your emotional being and the core essence of liberals. They fear accountability and needing to measure up so embark on a religion where everyone else is dumbed down and standards are lowered to include people like you.

    Anyway, go back to enjoying your drink and thank all the Europeans who invented the way of life that you, despite so many years of effort, have not been able to destroy or completely suck dry, just yet.

  69. Sigmund7:15 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    I’ll be pissing on your grave one day my little friend, don’t you worry about that.

    I am much larger than you, in a number of ways, and you'd be pissing in your pants if saw me coming.

    Your idle existence is the reason you are out of touch with reality. Socialism is based on resentment. You just have not acknowledged the true source of your resentment.

  70. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Go out and drink more milk? Most African-Americans are lactose intolerant. BUT..if that doesn't cause you concern..please read NotMilk.com..before you take that next glass.

  71. nirrti4:58 AM

    You should've gave OJ a lifetime achievement award for his shenanigans.

  72. nirrti5:01 AM

    "10. Niger Innis"

    Oh this is just too damn easy. *Sits on hands to keep from typing*

  73. nirrti5:05 AM

    Oh, and you should belatedly give Jimmy Walker a whole package of Oreos just for having dated Ann Coulter.

  74. You forgot to award me with some Oreos. How could you have left me out that's not fair at all. I deserve many Oreos. By the way for you and your likes, silence is very golden because when you open your mouth (or write what ever nonsense) all sensible people see how very stupid you are.

    Your not even remotely good enough to light a candle next to the likes of Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, etc.
