Saturday, March 31, 2012

A partisan view of a killing.

Fred Clark over at the slacktivist wonders why conservatives have made the killing of Trayvon Martin political.

"I don’t understand the partisan response to the killing of Trayvon Martin.
Yes, many liberals are upset that a child was gunned down with impunity. (It’s been more than a month now.) But they are not upset for partisan reasons or for “liberal” reasons or for Democratic Party reasons.

They are upset because a child was gunned down with impunity. That ought to upset conservatives too. I appreciate that the Republican Party ca. 2012 has a knee-jerk opposition to anything that President Barack Obama says, but just because Obama is saddened by the senseless killing of a child shouldn’t have to mean that Republicans should reflexively take the other side.

This shouldn’t be partisan. Those saddened and angered by the killing of Trayvon Martin are not fighting a partisan battle. This child’s death does not advance some liberal or Democratic agenda. Those of us upset by this are not saying, “A child has been shot and therefore we must restore parity between taxes on labor and taxes on capital gains.” We are saying that it is horrifying and wrong that a child can be gunned down with impunity.

There is no reason that conservatives shouldn’t completely agree with that.
Well, there’s one reason, but there’s no decent, moral, legitimate reason." (Source)

I wonder what Fred is thinking of. I bet he and I are thinking of the same thing.

Finally, have you ever heard those wingnuts complain about the liberals and leftist teaching their kids in America's colleges and universities? It has gotten so bad that they have actually started creating their own personal wingnut institutions of higher learning complete with their own wacky curriculum.

Anyway, I am here to tell you that America's colleges and universities are full of right wingnuts and racist. Just because you are smart enough to get into college, doesn't mean that you can't carry around a certain amount og ignorance with you.

I give you exhibit A, the editorial board of the University of Texas student newspaper.

"The University of Texas‘ student newspaper, The Daily Texan, was accused of being racially insensitive when it printed a bias cartoon on Tuesday that belittled the

The cartoon depicts a Mother reading a book to her child and referring to Martin as a “colored boy,” with an underline and three arrows pointing to it for added emphasis. The title of the book also labels the coverage of the Martin case as “yellow journalism,” which is journalism that is sensational or crudely exaggerated. 

The editorial board of the paper — who first stood behind the cartoon’s artist — has now apologized for printing the controversial cartoon. The artist has also been given the boot, reports the Los Angeles Times.
When word began to spread about the racially insensitive cartoon, tempers began flaring. How could The Daily Texan sanction such blatant racism and make light of an unarmed teen being brutally shot to death by a trigger man who felt threatened by a youth who was minding his own business?
Working on a school paper should offer lasting teachable moments, but a few people made some very poor judgements, and the editorial staff are now being called on the carpet. Seemingly backing up their cartoonist, the paper initially printed the following statement late Tuesday evening:
The views expressed in the cartoon are not those of the editorial board. They are those of the artist. It is the policy of the editorial board to publish the views of our columnists and cartoonists, even if we disagree with them.
Not good enough.

The media soon got wind of the blatantly racist cartoon. Its artist, Stephanie Eisner, who also spelled Trayvon’s name incorrectly, got lambasted as a racist about her tongue-in-cheek depiction of the Martin case. Eisner put forth the following apology on the day after the cartoon was published:
I apologize for what was in hindsight an ambiguous cartoon related to the Trayvon Martin shooting. I intended to contribute thoughtful commentary on the media coverage of the incident, however this goal fell flat. I would like to make it explicitly clear that I am not a racist, and that I am personally appalled by the killing of Trayvon Martin. I regret any pain the wording or message of my cartoon may have caused." [Source]
"Ambiguous cartoon"? OK, we get it. The Trayvon Martin killing has not made A-merry-cans collectively look and see injustice. It has caused folks who view certain people in society as less than human to double down and defend their position and a child's killer. 


  1. I am really curious to hear from people who are so adamant that they are not racists, what their definition of a racist is.

    Also, I did not win the megamillions last night, so no windfall for you--sorry (:

    1. Anonymous8:40 PM

      I asked a friend this question today after reading yahoo comments on the Trayvon case. 95% of the comments made derogatory statements about blacks and in so many words claimed blacks always use the race card for nothing.

      My conclusion was that unless there is a public lynching where the lyncher personally stated "this is because you are black", there is no racism.

  2. I don't exactly know which is worse...

    Is it worse to hate Trayvon Martin and defend his killer because you're a racist?

    Or is it worse to hate Trayvon Martin and defend his killer because you are a Republican and you saw Democrats mourn Trayvon's death and automatically took the side of his killer?

    Which one is sicker and crazier? I'm sure both are at play, and form the combination of most Republican's thinking on the subject.

  3. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Wait for the saner minds to sort through the evidence. The inflammatory rhetoric flowing from the race pimps and professional agitators does no one any good.

    What if Zimmerman gets no billed? Going to riot over that? What good would that do other than to verify what whites already believe about blacks?

  4. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Ay Field! When will it end??? :(

    Mans inhumanity to man. Mans barbarisms committed against man...

    Makes me want to curl up under the covers and retreat from the world...

  5. If Barack ever comes out convincingly against butseks, I want the lube concession in Dixie.

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    So what was the kid supposed to do???

    Followed by this creep, accosted...pushed perhaps, by a person that is NOT in a uniform of authority, an unknown...

    Now he's bad because he fought back???
    What would you have done????

    With a creep like that in civilian clothes following you in the rain???

    You think, can it maybe occur to you, that he might have felt fear???

    What woud you have felt?????????

  7. NSangoma12:17 AM


    Let us hope that the POTUS' words do not come back to bite him in the A-S-S:

    If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon (Martin).

    Hell to the mothrfcuking no; please say that ain't not so.

  8. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Desertflower said...
    So what was the kid supposed to do???

    Followed by this creep, accosted...pushed perhaps, by a person that is NOT in a uniform of authority, an unknown...

    Now he's bad because he fought back???
    What would you have done????

    With a creep like that in civilian clothes following you in the rain???

    You think, can it maybe occur to you, that he might have felt fear???

    What woud you have felt?????????

    What you feel and what you DO as a human being living in civilization are very different things. Any one KNOWS there is a ton of crime and in neighborhoods where they care about stopping crime and protecting each other they have neighborhood watches. If I was a kid walking in the rain in between houses and not on the concrete walkway provided to keep people off the grass and someone said who are you, what are you doing here I would have simply said I am here visiting my fathers girlfriend over in that house. Law abiding citizens don't mind others caring about stopping bad guys, they join in. This is civilization.

    You don't need to get up in peoples face everytime you feel disrespected. If you do, your life will be very short and if not ended prematurely it will make you an angry asshole who jumps to conclusions that people don't like you or have a problme with you because of your skin color, not because you are just an asshole.

    The Black folk in congress, the lawmakers of the CBC, the MSM all have defiled themselves beyond redemption with this cause.

    Nation of Islam/Panthers who issued the dead or alive bounty and or get this guy reward should immediately be arrested, this isn't Africa there are laws in this country and if somebody gets their head blown off trying to illegally kidnap someone, then there will be a race war.

    The MSM pandering and outright lying about everything from presenting Trayvons 12 year old picture to lying about evidence including falsly editing the 911 tapes to paint him racist shoudl be sued after this no one will give any credibility to the race hustling channels.

    The CBC people calling for arrest and other measure need to be thrown out of congress for not asking for the real evidence, playing narrator and calling for illegal actions. This is not Africa, this is a nation of laws, not emotional morons who can barely connect two thoughts or speak one sentence without stuttering.

  9. Unfoolable Roy12:36 AM

    Improbable Joe said...
    Which one is sicker and crazier?

    Neither one is real, they are liberal fantasies projected on the people they hate.

    Grow up, Joe.

  10. Felled Negro12:38 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Mans inhumanity to man. Mans barbarisms committed against man

    Are referring to Trayvon's attack on Zimmerman?

    Or perhaps on the race hustlers like sharpton calling for Zimmerman's lynching?

    I would suggest reviewing the facts on this situation.

  11. That cartoon told the truth about the media's handling of the Trayvon Martin case, and the UT administration are craven worms for throwing Stephanie Eisner under the bus.

  12. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Improbable Joe said...
    I don't exactly know which is worse...

    Is it worse to hate Trayvon Martin and defend his killer because you're a racist?

    You must be a liberal. Only liberals would equate seeking the truth and exposing facts as to what really occurred as hating "Trayvon" Do you hate all white people that you joined in the fray to create a anti white agenda for a Hispanic man who was obviously a good citizen defending his neighborhood and got attacked by a thug who was outraged because he was questioned?

    Or is it worse to hate Trayvon Martin and defend his killer because you are a Republican and you saw Democrats mourn Trayvon's death and automatically took the side of his killer?

    Now I know you are a liberal. What republican has made this an issue? I see a lot of violent illegal anti-US law rhetoric coming from many Black members of congress, nothing from any other lawmaker. Democrats aren't mourning Trayvon, they are promoting the old meme of woewees me, the poor black kid, can't even beat the shit out of someone and hospitalize them without getting shot anymore - thats racist.

    Which one is sicker and crazier? I'm sure both are at play, and form the combination of most Republican's thinking on the subject.

    You tell us, they are both sick and depraved fantasies you created in your demented liberal mind.

  13. Enough about Trayvon, y'all need to work on getting my ass out of prison.


  14. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Yellow Journalism said...
    That cartoon told the truth about the media's handling of the Trayvon Martin case, and the UT administration are craven worms for throwing Stephanie Eisner under the

    Yes, but to point out racism against blacks makes others racist in a mentally fucked up retarded affirmative liberal action sense. The very ones who politicized and are continuing to politicize this now double down and try to make this is a republican democrat theme. These people have to be some of the stupidest folk I have seen in a years. As if anyone but someone already demented and agreeing with them will believe this for a minute.

  15. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Anonymous Felled Negro said...
    Are referring to Trayvon's attack on Zimmerman?

    Or perhaps on the race hustlers like sharpton calling for Zimmerman's lynching?

    Actually I was referring to ALL of the hatred that men have against each other.

    All the injustices and barbarisms that have taken place over the centuries...

  16. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Field, what the hell, I know you are smarter than this.

    What republican stand? By whom?
    The president never should have gotten involved because of the typical black group demands. He hasn't done so in dozens of cases especially those where little black kids were murdered by others right after his announcement or elderly old ladies were raped and murdered by young black kids or on and on...should whites demand the same amount of response from the president? Hell ya, if he is representing all of us.

    Besides, like everything liberals have said, this has been one huge craptastic lie and smear job from the beginning. I may never really know what happened that night, but I do know I have been lied to and manipulated by the MSM and people like you to the point that I am pissed. I saw the facts, I saw the truth, yet I still hear the bullshit spin. Now , it's political. Your right, Zimmerman is HISPANIC and always was, ZIMMERMAN is a registered DEMOCRAT and always was.

    Whats your next attack point instead of viewing FACTS? ZIMMERMAN was a closet homosexual or something?

  17. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Actually I was referring to ALL of the hatred that men have against each other.

    All the injustices and barbarisms that have taken place over the centuries...

    Only civilization can deter most of that barbarism. If you have a group of people that cannot control impulses of violence with intellect, we have Africa and very high crime rates.

  18. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Okay I get it! I understand now...thank you soooo much for 'splainin ;)

    So any and all young 17 year olds that have tattooed arms and may be selling weed, and have been suspended for a minor infraction of a high school regulation, can/should be accosted by any civilian, followed on foot intervened with and shot and killed if they put up a fight?

    Okay, now I understand. Well I guess that's just how it is in the good ole U S of A.

    Lawd we got so many of those young kids'd have a blast, pun intended ;)

  19. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Anonymous said
    Only civilization can deter most of that barbarism. If you have a group of people that cannot control impulses of violence with intellect, we have Africa and very high crime rates.
    What then is the explanation for the violence attributed to the Norsemen, Vikings, the Huns, the Mongols,the Spaniards, the Romans et al???
    S'il vous plait...

  20. Fuck Tyrone, I am the innocent victim of racism y'all need to be worried about. Somebody call Jesse quick.

  21. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Okay I get it! I understand now...thank you soooo much for 'splainin ;)

    So any and all young 17 year olds that have tattooed arms and may be selling weed, and have been suspended for a minor infraction of a high school regulation, can/should be accosted by any civilian, followed on foot intervened with and shot and killed if they put up a fight?

    Okay, now I understand. Well I guess that's just how it is in the good ole U S of A.

    Lawd we got so many of those young kids'd have a blast, pun intended ;)

    Ridiculous. Ask yourself, if you looked out your window right now and saw a kid you have never seen before in the rain, walking in between yours and another home, is there any harm asking him who he is? IN A GATED RESTRICTED COMMUNITY? The kid didn't "put up a fight" he attacked Zimmerman and was beating his head into the concrete, this isn't defense. He wasn't physically assaulted. If someone doesn't like what you say, tough, there are laws in this country. If you start hurting them, they sure as hell have the right to stop you in any way they can. The facts about who Trayvon was only came out after the MSM and others lied through their teeth.

    I saw a guy rooting around in my neighbors yard yesterday. I have never seen him before and asked him if I could help him, he ran. My neighbor thanked me for saving his house from perhaps getting robbed again. . If this guy attacked me and started pounding my head on concrete, I would have aimed for his head. Now, that is a civilized nation of laws. Not one where the violent angry one who cannot control impulses enough to be part of civilization becomes the victim because he wasn't allowed to hurt the guy who pissed him off with impunity.

  22. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Anonymous said
    Only civilization can deter most of that barbarism. If you have a group of people that cannot control impulses of violence with intellect, we have Africa and very high crime rates.
    What then is the explanation for the violence attributed to the Norsemen, Vikings, the Huns, the Mongols,the Spaniards, the Romans et al???
    S'il vous plait...

    1:10 AM
    You must be kidding. That was eons ago...This is 2012. Civilization has advanced although I must admit as a bm violence is rampart in urban areas.

    Desert, are you justifying violence in black communities by referring to the violence of the medieval days? IMO, that is so weak.

    Bottom line: the killing of our children in our streets need to stop. excuses.

  23. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said
    Only civilization can deter most of that barbarism. If you have a group of people that cannot control impulses of violence with intellect, we have Africa and very high crime rates.
    What then is the explanation for the violence attributed to the Norsemen, Vikings, the Huns, the Mongols,the Spaniards, the Romans et al???
    S'il vous plait...

    Not enough cupcakes. If these people had cupcakes with plenty of frosting I am sure they never would have looked to conquer anyone else.

  24. Anonymous2:49 AM

    That night: Given the extremely high rate of crime in the neighborhood, over 20 violent crimes and one shooting in the past year, George Zimmerman had the courage and sense of community responsibility to protect the neighborhood by patrolling as watch captain. Zimmerman notices a loitering, potentially high young black man Trayvon Martin, from a racial and age cohort that commits crime at a rate of over seven times that of whites, wearing a hoodie, a wise choice for drug dealers and criminals who want to hide their faces. He calls the police to report the activity, implicitly understanding his limited duty at watch captain. The police had been called to the neighborhood over 400 times in the past year; the dispatcher advises Zimmerman to stop trailing Trayvon Martin. From the police phone call, Trayvon Martin runs away and Zimmerman returns to his vehicle after losing sight of him and asking the police to meet him near his truck.

    According to Zimmerman's testimony, Trayvon then confronts Zimmerman and (justifiably) inquires as to why Zimmerman is following him. Zimmerman responds, "what are you doing here?" According to Zimmerman, Trayvon then challenges Zimmerman by asking, "You got a problem with me?" Trayvon then exclaims, "now you do" and sucker punches Zimmerman and immediately breaks his nose. Zimmerman falls on the ground, with a wet back to corroborate his claim. Trayvon jumps on top of Zimmerman and begins banging his head against the concrete. 911 calls from the evening and Trayvon Martin's own father's testimony (@1:15) confirm that Zimmerman is loudly and desperately yelling for help. At this point, it's unclear what happened, but likely Trayvon began reaching for Zimmerman's gun, for which Zimmerman has a permit and would justifiably carry for safety if confronting criminals as watch captain. In grave danger given a towering 6'2" football player straddling him, having a broken nose and lacerations on the back of his head, and possibly losing control of his gun, Zimmerman shots Trayvon once in the chest at close range.

    Police arrive and conclude that the evidence fully suggests that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, his story matching eyewitness testimony and his own injuries.

    Their backgrounds: Fully grown, aged 17 Trayvon Martin went by the Twitter handle "NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" and had a gold grill and a large tattoo covering almost his entire right arm. He had been suspended from school at least twice in the past year, once for stealing 12 pieces of jewelry and once for dealing drugs. Given a tweet from his cousin, it's also likely that Trayvon had punched a school bus driver only days before his death and gotten into another physical altercation within the past six months. Additionally, Trayvon and his friends, some of whom flash gang signs on their social media profiles, apparently vandalized school property with graffiti and shot paintballs at passing cars. Tweets from Trayvon and his close friends reveal a cohort with ample racial animus (the term "cracker" is used frequently), an admiration of aggressive and decadent behavior, and an affinity for violent rap lyrics and guns.

    George Zimmerman is a Spanish-speaking Hispanic. He is a married father who owns his own home. According to friends, even a black one, he is an affable and caring man who had mentored "troubled" youth in the region. His previous "arrests" were for nonviolent resisting an officer after potentially drinking underage (against an undercover cop at a bar) and a domestic dispute in which he had the only actual injuries. At the time of Trayvon's death, Zimmerman was attending community college taking law enforcement classes. He took his neighborhood watch position very seriously and sought to protect his crumbling neighborhood from nefarious individuals and rampant crime.

  25. There is only one group of people rushing to Zimmerman's defense and we all know why.

  26. NSangoma, saw the video, and there is no evidence of the brutal beating Mr. killerman wants us to believe was being administered to him. Still no hospital record of a broken nose. Still no blood on his clothes...I could go on, but I think u get the point.

    Desertflowr,don't go so far back. Give your racist friend Mr.Hitler,Mr.Lenin, and the plethora of serial killers we have had in this country and tke it from there. Start with John Wayne Gasey.

  27. BTW,Desertflower, your racis friend keeps pointing to Africa as uncivilized when it comes to laws. Ask him/her/it if they have ever traveled to Eastern Europe.

  28. NSangoma8:15 AM

    And using the photo of a 14-year Trayvon to represent a 17-year old Trayvon:

  29. Anonymous8:31 AM

    "Desertflowr,don't go so far back. Give your racist friend Mr.Hitler,Mr.Lenin, and the plethora of serial killers we have had in this country and tke it from there. Start with John Wayne Gasey."

    Field, Hitler was just a little mixed up in the head. But no where in history was he ever accused of using the N-word. As a matter of fact, he might have had nothing against Blacks.

    Lenin didn't even talk about Blacks.

    John Wayne Gassey? He was mentally sick and did not know what he was doing.

    Why don't you tell Desert to list the killers in PR? Did you ever think of that! Let me answer that for you: "NO." That's because you and Desert have a thing going on. That pisses me off and I will never court her again.

    At least Hitler and Stalin did not fool around on their wives. So you have some nerve talking about them.

  30. Shady, thanks for sharing that link, it was a good read. Steven Barnes is the husband of one of my favorite authors, Tananarive Due.

    Hey DesertFlower, how have you been? You still trying to fight the whackadoddles with common sense? And yes the rains were wonderful to me, I always enjoy cool weather, even if I have to shovel rocks and dirt out my drive way :)

  31. To the first poster on the thread - My definition of racism doesn't matter. My actions based on race are what matters. Which is good news, because then I can be sure there are none.

    To Field - I'm sickened that Trayvon got shot. I'm also sickened children in Syria have been shot.

    I do NOT believe racism is clearly established in the Trayvon Martin case - yet or that it ever will be. I haven't seen enough evidence of that - yet and maybe I never will.

    Nor, do I think it has been established Mr. Martin was "minding his own business." Wasn't he trespassing on private property? At night? And, yes, wearing a hoodie? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Please, don't do me or the rest of the world the disservice of saying that suspending judgment and wanting to learn more facts first makes me a racist.

    It is possible Trayvon had enough hassles that day, completely lost his temper, jumped a horrified and foolishly surprised Zimmerman, and proceeded to beat the man's head into the ground. It is POSSIBLE, and there's even reportedly some evidence to that effect. I also suppose it's possible Trayvon unknowingly smoked a joint laced with angel dust and got weird and violent. And to take it to the extreme, I also suppose it's POSSIBLE Zimmerman was acting on the orders of a shadow government in reprisal for some secret shit having to do with Trayvon's mom's government job.

    Point being, all those things are possibilities just like Zimmerman being a profiling overzealous racist vigilante man-hunter.

    Just as it would be wrong not to investigate this case, or to keep it from trial, it would be wrong to jump to the racist explanation if that really wasn't the motive.

  32. Anonymous12:59 PM

    News from Trayvon's Neighbor-Hoodie.

    Don't touch a dead thief in a disrespectful way or we kill yo ass and shoot five year old girls.

    “Grandma, I’ve Been Shot” Said Girl Hurt In Gang Related Mass Shooting

    NORTH MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Fourteen people have been shot and two are dead in what may be one of the worst mass shootings in South Florida history.

    The shooting took place around 9:30 p.m. outside the Funeraria Latina Emanuel funeral home at 14990 W. Dixie Highway Friday night

    Aventura Police Sgt. Chris Goranitis told CBS4 News the funeral was for 21-year-old Morvin Andre who died on March 16th, one day after he jumped from the 4th to 2nd floor of the Aventura Mall parking garage in an effort to escape pursuit by Bloomingdale’s loss prevention employees.

    Al and Jesse wanted to come and demonstrate the wonderful culture that is raising some to levels they have never seen before, but they were busy telling everyone that Trayvon was Jesus Christ and overall race pimpin in another part of Florida. Al was possibly overheard sayin, shit, aint be no papa in that, I stayin here where Jesse is at , so resist we much can and I can hustle me some dollahs.

    Obama was also heard sayin If I had a son he would look like the Bloomingdales thief, or the shooters, or the victims...damn which one gets me more play?

  33. The populist authoritarianism that is the downside of political correctness means that anyone, sometimes it seems like everyone, can proclaim their grief and have it acknowledged. The victim culture, every sufferer grasping for their own Holocaust, ensures that anyone who feels offended can call for moderation, for dilution, and in the end, as is all too often the case, for censorship. And censorship, that by-product of fear - stemming as it does not from some positive agenda, but from the desire to escape our own terrors and superstitions by imposing them on others - must surely be resisted. ~Jonathon Green, "Did You Say 'Offensive?'," as posted on

  34. Anonymous1:18 PM

    field negro said...
    NSangoma, saw the video, and there is no evidence of the brutal beating Mr. killerman wants us to believe was being administered to him. Still no hospital record of a broken nose. Still no blood on his clothes...I could go on, but I think u get the point.

    Desertflowr,don't go so far back. Give your racist friend Mr.Hitler,Mr.Lenin, and the plethora of serial killers we have had in this country and tke it from there. Start with John Wayne Gasey.

    Your post is about making Trayvon political - spinning stories again. Is that why you bring up socialists/communists or those that would be better known as todays democrats?

  35. NSangoma1:52 PM

    FCUK justice for Trayvon Martin.

    Justice for all the Black children that have been killed by all the Trayvons is of more importance.

    That SIHT in Sanford FL is all about Rev Inc's MSNBC ratings and his $500K per yer contract.

    Where I live, to many little girls have been mowed down while out playing jump rope; a boy sent by his mother to the corner store to pick up a loaf of bread, shot dead because he had on a blue fall jacket; a member of a church shot dead because he used red marker to make a sign announcing his church's Friday fish-fry; a baby sitting in his car seat shot dead by a stray round from a gang-banger; a teen working after school at Pizza-Hut to help out his family, shot dead because he came home wearing his red work shirt. ...

    Are you Negroe NUTS?

    MotherFcuk Trayvon Martin; do you hear me, motherfcuk Trayvon Martin!!

    Trayvon was out that night casing his future step-mother's neighborhood; if a Negroe had shot him dead there, for being in the wrong gang territory, you Negroes would not give a FCUK!

  36. I look at the Martin killing from the standpoint of a mother. I don't know what facts have been released to the public. It's all so murky. He looks like a sweet kid but I no longer want to rush to judgment on anyone even though it's tempting.

    Hillsdale has been around a while. My conservative father signed me to their mailing list when my sons were born. I'd never heard of it but after a few years and endless approaches from their newsletter, Imprimus. It took years to get off the mailing list. They are very aggressive. That said,they are a private school and they don't take government money and have more freedom calling their own shots. When I wrote emails to a variety of Rush Limbaugh advertisers, requesting they no longer market through him, I didn't even try Hillsdale. I knew it was pointless.

  37. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Black Racist double standards. If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all. The Racism Industrial Complex at it's finest.

  38. It was inevitable that when people started asking for simple justice--for a man to be arrested which would be normal while his "self defense" was investigated, the Right would start with the smear campaign against the murdered child, all the while talking about Black people "playing the race card" which is just code as we all know. So now we are embedded in this who had the worst background when we should be debating why a child is suspect because of his skin color and what he wears. We should be debating the proliferation of NRA sponsored "right to kill" laws around the country. We are a nation with a FALLING crime rate, yet everywhere we are being told we must arm ourselves to mow the lawn. It's horrific.

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth4:16 PM

    Field, I was thinking about what the funeral director said concerning the bullet hole in Trayvon's chest. He said it was a big hole. Isn't it true that the bigger hole is usually where a bullet exits? Because if I'm correct, wouldn't that mean that Trayvon was shot in the back. He was shot at close range. If he wasn't shot in the back and was shot in the front than with a large bullet hole, Zimmerman should have been covered in blood. One witness said Zimmerman put his hands up to his head, than he should have had blood around his head. Why would they clean him up at the scene before taking pictures?

    The funeral director also said that he couldn't tell where the bullet entered or exited because of the autopsy. He was shot close range.

    Another thing I found odd was that Zimmerman claimed Trayvon called him homie. Evidently Zimmerman does not know what homie means, which throws up a red flag in my mind. Zimmerman was not a close friend of Trayvon, nor did Trayvon know him, so therefore Zimmerman's use of the term is way off. Besides which, the younger generation does not use that term. That's another reason why you know Zimmerman is lying.

  40. GrannyStandingforTruth4:18 PM

    Preach it Sherry!

  41. "This child’s death does not advance some liberal or Democratic agenda."

    Than why is the left blaming Rush Limbaugh and editing tapes to make it soumd like Zimmerman is saying something he is not?

    What agenda are ypu pushing field? Posting that pic that tries to show this boi was killed by republicans, NRA, and wall street.

  42. "We are a nation with a FALLING crime rate,"

    We are a nation in which minorities commit more crimes against the majority, than majority commits against the minority.

    From 1974 and 2004, 52% of crimes were committed by blacks.

  43. Anonymous5:13 PM

    doesn't mean that you can't carry around a certain amount og ignorance with you.

    You mean "of"? Talk about ignorance.

  44. Those of us upset by this are not saying, “A child has been shot and therefore we must restore parity between taxes on labor and taxes on capital gains.”

    Those of you that are upset are using this death to push your anti-gun, anti-Republican agenda. See Joe bite me on CBS morning show.

  45. Travian5:41 PM

    California Girl said...
    "It took years to get off the mailing list"

    You should have stayed on.

  46. Sherry Peyton said...
    We are a nation with a FALLING crime rate, yet everywhere we are being told we must arm ourselves to mow the lawn. It's horrific.

    The crime rate is FALLING because we armed to mow the lawn, and because there are a million negroes in jail.

  47. "Those of us upset by this are not saying, “A child has been shot and therefore we must restore parity between taxes on labor and taxes on capital gains.”

    No, you are saying that a child has been shot but it's his own fault.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth6:08 PM

    If someone is punched in the face several times and has their head slammed repeatedly into the concrete they are going to have visible bruises and bleeding. If they are treated then they are going to have a number of bandages about the head at at the very least a cold compress to reduce swelling. In fact the idea that he was treated at the scene is rather silly. Why? It is a universally held Emergency policy that in the case of head trauma (as Zimmerman claims) that the injured must be handled with care and given a neck brace and taken for an evaluation by a doctor. Why? because people have been known to die days later due to head injuries. That is why in such cases the professionals ask that you dont move the victim because if their head is moved in the wrong fashion they could die. In the case of someone whose head had been repeated smashed on concrete there is no question that a neck brace and hospital transportation would have been standard procedure.

  49. Anonymous6:11 PM

    ield negro said...
    "Those of us upset by this are not saying, “A child has been shot and therefore we must restore parity between taxes on labor and taxes on capital gains.”

    No, you are saying that a child has been shot but it's his own fault.

    Well, not exactly. At first it was like, awful, hope they investigate this. Then a month later when the democratic Racism Industrial Complex kicked in and tried to nail all of White Society for a Hispanic Neighorbhood watch guy do what appears to be self defense - by lying and twisting all the media coverage - now it's like enough of this racism bullshit. I had nothing to do with it and the only thing I want to do is make sure my rights to defend myself against maurading criminals not be infringed and the rule of law. The rule of law shall not be set aside because negroes cannot or will not abide by it. It is completely fair if you decide to savage someone that they blow your brains out. You should think before you attack. If you do not, don't come crying to me that you didn't raise them properly but know the loved one is gone.

  50. The lies about Trayvon's past (and even his tats, FFS) originated by a Klansman by the name of Klanklannon, who alleges that he has hacked Trayvon's Twitter and Email accounts.

    If you Google his name you'll see that many of his claims have already been proved to be lies.

  51. Klanklannon posts here too.

  52. Drear.Reine, I do believe that he does. In fact, he posted right before PC.

  53. Ernesto10:10 PM

    Wingnuts have no connection with reality to begin with, so it's easy for them to twist things into a pretzel. If this ever goes to trial all they have to do is play the full 911 tape and if there are any black people allowed on the jury it is over. Case closed. Even some white folks would recognize this guy was an unbalanced psycho who had a racial animus, although they might not be honest enough with themselves to admit it. Like the wingnuts on here aren't. I don't mind them being fools, or even being racist as much as I despise their lack of honesty and historical illiteracy, which I only hope is intentional because NO ONE can be that stoopid.

  54. "this guy was an unbalanced psycho who had a racial animus"

    Impossible. He was Hispanic.

    Sorry, but without a whit eguy, the whole case falls apart.

  55. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Anonymous said..
    Ask yourself, if you looked out your window right now and saw a kid you have never seen before in the rain, walking in between yours and another home, is there any harm asking him who he is?
    No harm. and I would ask him from the safety of my window. Not follow him!
    I would call the popo who are the ones in authority.

    Face it, Killerator is an itchy fingered, trigger happy, wanna be cop, discontent, who wanted to play cowboy hero in his head. That's what all the evidence points too.

    Thanks Field, I couldn't answer cuz been without internet service till just now! :( Thanks!

  56. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "That's because you and Desert have a thing going on."
    LOL! Don't I wish honey chile! LOL!

    The Field is indisputably a fine looking man and he's obviously got it going on baby!

    But no, he's a happily married man and I'm a cranky old lady!

    But you just jealous...and you, on the other hand sound more like an old man! and cranky too. So get out that leaky sailboat and come on down to the tropics and get mellow baby !;)

    PS:I've got cupcakes in the oven...

  57. Anonymous12:09 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Hey DesertFlower, how have you been? You still trying to fight the whackadoddles with common sense? And yes the rains were wonderful to me, I always enjoy cool weather, even if I have to shovel rocks and dirt out my drive way :)"
    Girl, I been without internet since Saturday because of these rains:( Couldn't answer all my whackadoodles :) I like that name ....hehehehehe
