Sunday, April 01, 2012

You can add Kendrec McDade, and Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. to the list.

It's sad to see that yet another unarmed African American teen lost his life out in Cali due to the "color aroused" actions of the trigger happy po po. This young man was actually a college student and, from all indications, was a good kid. (I know, I know, the smears will come later from the wingnuts, later) He didn't even have a pack of Skittles, so I wonder what what the excuse will be for taking his life?

 "The two officers who fatally shot an unarmed African American college student in Pasadena last weekend are veteran members of the force with no previous record of shooting anyone, authorities said.

Pasadena Police Chief Phillip Sanchez confirmed that Officers Jeffrey Newlen and Mathew Griffin shot Kendrec McDade, 19, on a dark, narrow street last weekend. Sanchez said the only notable incident in their records was Griffin's shooting of a Rottweiler in 2007.

The incident, involving two white officers, has sparked tensions in a community with a long history of divisive relations between the Police Department and African American community.

McDade, 19, was fatally shot shortly after 11 p.m. on March 24 by two officers after they said they saw his hand near his waistband. The officers shot him because they mistakenly believed he had a gun after a theft victim called 911 and lied to dispatchers.

The caller, Oscar Carrillo, told police he had been robbed of his backpack and laptop by two armed men. Police arrested him on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter Wednesday, saying that he deliberately misled authorities in a lie that contributed to the fatal shooting.

Sanchez released the names in a statement under mounting pressure Friday as he prepared for a public forum Saturday at a northwest Pasadena church to try to calm concerns.

Newlen joined the department in 2007 and Griffin joined in 2006.

Their names and backgrounds were made public after The Times and Pasadena Star-News identified them based on police records.
Carree Harper, an attorney for the McDade family, has questioned the police account of the events." [More here]

Noooo! You mean the police could have misrepresented the facts surrounding what happened?

We probably won't be hearing the name of Kendric McDade like we have been hearing the name of Trayvon Martin for the next few weeks, because the police chief in Pasadena, California, unlike the clowns who run the Sanford, Florida police department, have been more proactive and forthright with how they are handling this case. Sadly, though, another young life is lost. And the perils of being a young black male in our country continues to play itself out for us all to see. If some Charles Bronson wannabe neighborhood watch captain doesn't get you; some over zealous color aroused police officer will. (Hell even white women are getting into the act. h/t Nancy Lockhart.) And, to make matters worse, other young black males who don't value your life (or their own) will also take you out.   

Anyway, it's not only young black males who are getting slaughtered here in A-merry-ca; old ones are catching bullets as well. Let's not forget about the case of
Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr., the White Plains, New York man who lost his life because he was the wrong color, at the wrong place, and at the wrong time.

 "On November 19, 2011, my father, 68-year-old Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., was shot and killed in his home in White Plains, New York.
My father was a 20-year veteran of the Westchester County Department of Corrections and proudly served the United States of America as a Marine. He stood about 5 feet, 9 inches tall, and he suffered from a heart condition.
The events that led to his killing began around 5 a.m., when his medical alert device was accidentally set off, sending a call to the City of White Plains Department of Public Safety. Everything that happened after that was recorded by an audio device installed in my father's home as part of his medical alert system.
When the police arrived at my father's home, he and the staff for his medical alert service told them that there was no medical emergency and asked them to leave. And yet they insisted that my father let them into his home, banging loudly on my father's door for over an hour. On the recording, the police can be heard calling my father a "nigger."

Ultimately they broke through his apartment door and first shot him with a Taser. He was wearing nothing but boxer shorts when the police began their assault against him. Shortly after that, he was shot with two 40-caliber rounds and killed.  

My family is asking the Westchester County District Attorney to bring a criminal indictment, and we call on the United States Department of Justice or the New York State Attorney General to prosecute this as a hate crime."

Yes Mr. Holder, you might have to get involved with this one as well.  
If you don't, bloggers like me will be here everyday reminding you about this case until you do. 

*Go here to sign the petition to make sure that this man's family gets justice.  



  1. Speaking of "color aroused"

    7 California boys arrested in attack on teen
    Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office.

    Seneca police have said that they arrested six black men in connection with the beating of a white man outside a restaurant
    According to an incident report, police arrived to find a man lying face down in the parking lot. The report said that a woman told police that there were several black men attacking the 32-year-old white man. The man told police that he didn't know what happened, didn't remember coming to the restaurant and didn't know why he was attacked, according to the report. Police have arrested 18-year-old Teryn Robinson, 19-year-old Tray Holland, 20-year-old Justin Alexander, 22-year-old Derick Williams, 25-year-old Kino Jones and 22-year-old Montrez Jones in connection with the attack. Police have said that all six black men were from the Seneca area, and that they were each charged with assault and battery by mob.

    You won't see field negro post about blacks being "color aroused".

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM


  2. NSangoma6:50 PM

    ummph, ummmph, ummmph

    I am surprised that you sillie Negroes are surprised.

    You Negroes have been profiled since the HAM story of the
    Babylonian Talmud and the Old testament of the so-called Holy

    Judeo-Christian profiling of you Black MoFo has not corrected itself nor renounced itself nor apologized for itself over the last +2500-years, and it never will do so; so STFU!

    Your protesting and marching and singing, ain't not going to change SIHT.

    As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, I did not come here for you Negroe!

    As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, I'd rather feed the dogs than you, Negroe.


  3. Well..... Black folks do carry the "mark of cain".

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    RE the Chamberlain incident:

    If the police respond to an emergency call, they have to come in the house to insure there is no problem. It's happened to me early in the morning when they received a 9-1-1 call I never made. I let them in. They walked around the house, apologized for the inconvenience, and left. I was clearly annoyed since it was early morning and I wasn't even dressed but I was civil. Much later I found out from the telephone company that I had a problem with my phone line and it explained a lot of issues I'd been having with my phone.

    Nonetheless, everything else as reported about this incident appears to be grossly incompetent policing.

    By the way, how is it that white trolls who hate black people so much spend so much time on black blogs? They LIVE on black blogs. I guess white entitlement blinds you to landing where you are not wanted AND making a public ass of yourself. And why are they always so illiterate?

  5. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Judeo-Christian profiling of you Black MoFo has not corrected itself nor renounced itself nor apologized for itself over the last +2500-years, and it never will do so; so STFU!

    Your protesting and marching and singing, ain't not going to change SIHT.

    As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, I did not come here for you Negroe!

    As Jesus told the Canaanite woman, I'd rather feed the dogs than you, Negroe."

    NSangoma, I did not know why so many humans hated bm so much until you explained why. BM have been mistreated, hanged, and killled for centuries. Thanks for making it clear why Lady Justice doesn't protect us. I didn't know the even Jesus, the Son of God, did not love us.

    NSangoma, are you a bm also? You sound like one but maybe you just talk like one but are White.

    Whatever. From the way things are going, you have been right about us. The truth hurts and I am not sure what should be done since law enforcement as well as other bm will kill us.

    Life in America for a bm sucks. It is depressing and I am very tired. One thing for sure is that I have to stop reading FN because it is very depressing for a black man. It feels like we are doomed and the end of the bm is not far off.

    I sure hope Trayvon was on the up and up when he was walking home that day because it's not just the Whites who are watching, the Latinos are watching too.

  6. We Are A Blessed People Under A Curse8:24 PM

    LOL Black people ARE the real Hebrews. That's why Solomon is spoke of as having bushy hair. Why Moses put his hand into his robe and it turned white as a sign from God. Why the people of Lamentations spoke of their skin turning Blacker from famine (White skin does not turn Blacker from starvation. Black skin does), Yah is spoke of as having feet of burned brass. Yeshua and his family hid among the Egyptians. A white JewISH family would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Moses was able to be hidden in the house of Pharaoh because he was dark the African Egyptians.Ashkenazi Jews are not the original people of the Book. Black people are not cursed. We are sublimely blessed. Our tribulations are almost over. Mark these words. :)
    ~Signed A First And Last Time Commentator~

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM

    "Yah is spoke of as having feet of burned brass. Yeshua and his family hid among the Egyptians. A white JewISH family would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Moses was able to be hidden in the house of Pharaoh because he was dark the African Egyptians.Ashkenazi Jews are not the original people of the Book. Black people are not cursed. We are sublimely blessed. Our tribulations are almost over. Mark these words. :)"
    ~Signed A First And Last Time Commentator~

    Thanks for the uplift. I hope you are right because it sure looks hopeless. I find it hard to believe we are 'sublimely blessed' because it really doesn't feel like it. In fact, today more than ever, it sucks to be a bm in America.

    And what is this thousands of years tribulation about anyway? I mean, why us, and only us? We must have done some wicked and wretched crap for God to heap this on us.

  8. My Black Snake Make You Moan9:00 PM

    Has a bm i have seen my share of white racism. However, i have seen over the last few years growing latino racism.

    I've seen many a latino think of themsleves has white.

    I thought racism would die due to white race dying out{ much thanks to the white women who luv da black snake}.

    I'm beginning to think racism will always be a part of America. I also think latino racism is the new white racism.

    We negros are not cursed. We are indeed blessed- in more ways than one.

  9. Anonymous9:02 PM

    does anyone know the percentage of gun owners vs non-gun owners in America?

  10. Anonymous9:07 PM

    "We negros are not cursed. We are indeed blessed- in more ways than one."

    PLEEEZE...We are the poorest, uneducated, abused and murdered race in America. The police or any white citizen can intrude, insult and even kill Blacks without even going to jail. For that matter, Blacks can kill Blacks and nothing happens............GET REAL.

  11. It's pretty clear that Chaimberlain took a death sentence for contempt of cop. McDade, kinda like Travon, he fell victim to 21st century "buck fever" where instead of wishfully sighting non-existent antlers on a doe it's non-existent guns on or threats from black kids.

  12. My Black Snake Make You moan9:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    PLEEEZE...We are the poorest, uneducated, abused and murdered race in America.

    If so, why does most non-black males want to be like us? Their wives and girlfriends wish their bf/hubbys was us?

  13. I'd not heard about that incident in Texas. Ye gods.

  14. Feeled Kneegrow10:01 PM

    I will give the police the benefit of the doubt until the investigations are completed.

    You, on the other hand, will promote racial acrimony and unrest amoung black people, because that is what Obama wants you to do. He can't win on his record, so he is going to start some fires.

    Jig for your democrat masters Field, jig.

  15. Are we still singing Kumbayah? Carrillo, Sanchez, Zimmerman etc. What do these men have in common?

    I hope most of you remember all the times I've been talking about the false unity between Black and non-black Latin/Hispanics. I've been away for a while, but gee, what does PilotX, Steve and Mell have to say about these unfortunate recent developments?

  16. "what does PilotX, Steve and Mell have to say about these unfortunate recent developments?"

    They'd say it doesn't matter. The only thing of importance is to hate the white man.

  17. The Trayvon Martin story has now come within the domain of People Magazine, who have a photo of Trayvon on the cover from when, you guessed it, he was 12.

  18. Anonymous10:27 PM

    My Black Snake Make You moan said...
    Anonymous said...
    PLEEEZE...We are the poorest, uneducated, abused and murdered race in America.

    If so, why does most non-black males want to be like us? Their wives and girlfriends wish their bf/hubbys was us?

    The crazy things Black people tell themselves. How can everyone hate you and want to be you and love you at the same time?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. My Black Snake Make You moan said: "If so, why does most non-black males want to be like us? Their wives and girlfriends wish their bf/hubbys was us?"

    That's all you will ever have in life, the false value of your black phallus.

  21. Ethan Edwards11:00 PM

    If you see a black guy in a hoodie walking through people's backyards in a neighborhood with many burglaries, you are a racist if you suspect something is wrong.

    If you see a white guy in a hoodie doing something suspicious, he might be a terrorist and you should report him immediately.

    That's what the Department of Homeland Security believes:

    They know who their enemy is.

    Don't worry, Negroes. You have the whole government on your side.

  22. Anonymous11:26 PM

    LAA, "I've been away for a while, but gee, what does PilotX, Steve and Mell have to say about these unfortunate recent developments?"

    10:02 PM
    You forgot Field, the great lover of Latinos and esp Mexicans who don't give a damn about us. Of course, Mell love Cubans. I sometimes wonder WTF is wrong with them.

    They talk about the racist views of the wm but give the racist views of Latinos a pass.

    Field has already made excuses Zimmerman's racist views of Blacks. He actually blamed the wm 'if' it turns out that Zimmerman is a racist. He claimed in a prior thread that he will forgive Zimmerman because he was brainwashed by the wm.

    IMHO, that is off-the-chart BS jigging for Latinos. So, let's see. We jig for the wm, we jig for the Latinos...there must be some Negroes jigging for Asians. Give it some time.

  23. Anonymous11:33 PM

    dear ignorant, racist white people, why do you go to a black blog and complain about the author not conforming to your ignorant racist asses? you're mad cuz field negro doesn't post what you want him to. wah wah wah. you're idiots and i hope you all die horrible deaths, the kind you think black people should die from.

  24. Wesley R11:37 PM

    My Black Snake Make You Moan,

    Check out Dr. Gates' Series on about Blacks in South America. You will see why Colored Folks down there have the attitudes they have about black folks. They have been brainwashed big time.


    I got a email from Mr. Chamberlain Jr. today. It's time to turn up the volume on this one, and I'm a big supporter of police and emergency responders.

  25. Anonymous11:48 PM

    My Black Snake Make You moan said...
    Anonymous said...
    PLEEEZE...We are the poorest, uneducated, abused and murdered race in America.

    If so, why does most non-black males want to be like us? Their wives and girlfriends wish their bf/hubbys was us?

    9:18 PM
    Chris Rock once said, "If a white fella without much money had the chance to be me, he wouldn't do it...and I'm rich. Nobody wants to be a bm."

    I think most Negroes know that about Whites.... EXCEPT YOU. By any chance do you spend a lot of grandiose time fantasizing that Whites want to be like YOU, while you are masturbating?

    If so, STOP. It's tormenting your brain, causing delusions and taking you away from the realities of American life.

    Whites imprison and jail us; they kill us just for being Black; they once enslaved us; later they set up Jim Crow laws. Get the picture?

    Take it from me. They don't want to be like us. The sooner we realize that, the sooner we can look out for our own well-being and stop dreaming about the day we are one happy family. What's it going to take for Negroes like you to get that?

  26. Wesley R said...
    Check out Dr. Gates' Series on about Blacks in South America.

    Uh, most Hispanic societies are racist. The blacks are at the bottom and the whites at the top with variations of color in between.

    Its always annoying how Americans think immigrants come here as blank slates and their previous experience in the "old Country" doesn't effect them.

  27. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Blacks don't like Latinos because we work harder and are smarter. It's hurt pride. It must be hard to see all these other people come into your country and surpass you.

  28. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Most Hispanics can pass as white because they are white. Nothing satisfies a negro because they can't have your white skin.

  29. Big Bill11:58 PM

    The old NYT narrative was that Latinos came here to do "work that [black] Americans didn't want to do."

    Vincente Fox made that point explicitly, as I remember, pointing out how lazy black folks were.

    Farrakhan told a black church that Fox was right. Farrakhan said that black folks would not do certain work and were leaving that to Mexicans to do. Apparently dirty, sweaty, hard work is beneath blacks to do. They prefer to leave that to lesser races (e.g. Mexicans).

    As Farrakhan bluntly put it, black folks have "picked enough cotton" [... and presumably roofed enough houses, repaired enough cars, washed enough dishes, mowed enough lawns, and emptied enough garbage cans, too.].

    If Mexicans are doing work that black folks turn their noses up at, is it any wonder that Mexicans look down on blacks?

    As a newcomer to this country, how could any Mexican feel any sympathy for blacks, who expect white folks to pay for their sprogs while they turns their nose up at honest labor as "beneath them" while they wait for that $70,000 per year DC bus driving job?

  30. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Big Bill, "If Mexicans are doing work that black folks turn their noses up at, is it any wonder that Mexicans look down on blacks? "

    Actually Mexicans look down on Blacks in Mexico. It's been that way for centuries. Spain helped them to become racist.

    Hence, they came here with a racist mind set that fits perfectly into American society.

  31. "Actually Mexicans look down on Blacks in Mexico."

    There are no Blacks in Mexico. There used to be, but they got rid of them or bred them out existence.

  32. mellaneous12:35 AM

    Hey Field I thought that the young lady who apologized for her cartoon showed some courage. I don't think she was being expedient I think it was a sincere and heartfelt apology.

  33. NSangoma12:35 AM

    Fills in some gapes:
    For more than two years now, Trayvon’s father, Tracy Martin, a truck driver from Miami, had been dating Brandy Green, a juvenile detention officer in Orlando. She lived at the Retreat with her 14-year-old son, Chad, and it was not uncommon for the Martins to drive up from Miami for overnight visits.
    But Trayvon was a teenager, not an angel. In his last year at his high school in north Miami-Dade County, he had received three suspensions — for tardiness, for graffiti and, most recently, for having a baggie with a trace of marijuana in his backpack.

    This last suspension, for 10 days, was enough for Trayvon’s father, who stayed on top of him about his whereabouts and middling grades; after all, he wanted to go to college, just like his quiet older brother, Jahvaris Fulton, 21, a student at Florida International University.

    Mr. Martin said that he had taken Trayvon with him to Sanford to keep him from hanging around Miami, doing nothing, and to talk some sense into him.

    These recent problems, all nonviolent, hardly reflected the essence of Trayvon Martin, his family and friends say. He was kindhearted, even-tempered and very thoughtful. That night, for example, while his father and Ms. Green were out having dinner in Orlando, Trayvon asked Chad, Ms. Green’s son, if he wanted anything from the store.

    Skittles, the younger boy said.
    Back at the Retreat at Twin Lakes, Tracy Martin and Brandy Green returned to her town house around 10:30 p.m. to find her son, but not his. Trayvon had gone to the store, Chad explained.

    The adults did not panic. Trayvon was 17, after all. Maybe he had gone to visit a cousin in nearby Oviedo, or maybe he had met a girl along the way, and was chatting her up. Mr. Martin called Trayvon’s cellphone, but it went straight to voice mail. Then he called the cousin, who did not answer, but he expected the young man to call back. They went to sleep.


    Negroe, Tracy Martin, your 17-year old son was supposed to live with your Black-ass; what do you think Brandy Green was seeking for her son in you?

  34. Anonymous12:46 AM

    After NBC News' doctoring of the audio tape of Zimmerman's 911 call, which had the whole world believing that Zimmerman said something that he didn't say, NOTHING the liberal media say that is incriminatory of Zimmerman should be accepted on face value.

  35. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Hugo said...
    "Actually Mexicans look down on Blacks in Mexico."

    There are no Blacks in Mexico. There used to be, but they got rid of them or bred them out existence.

    12:20 AM

    Hugo, FYI:

  36. I can't turn up a single online news story about Kenneth Chamberlain within two months of his death. Wasn't it reported at the time?

  37. Auster12:51 AM

    When NBC News played the audio of the 911 call George Zimmerman made prior to the confrontation that resulted in the death Travyon Martin, this is what they played:

    Zimmerman: This guy looks like he's up to no good. He looks black.

    That audio helped fan the nation-wide flames of hysteria over the supposed fact that the police had released an obvious racist who had tracked and killed Martin out of racist motives. Many Republicans, such as Jeb Bush, the highly regarded former governor of Florida, and many "conservatives," such as Rich Lowry, the editor of America's flagship "conservative" magazine, believed it.
    But the audio played by NBC, though it seemed like "fact" (because it was an audio, and isn't audio true?) was false.

    Here is the transcript of the actual audio of the 911 call:

    Zimmerman: This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.
    Dispatcher: OK, and this guy--is he black, white or Hispanic?

    Zimmerman: He looks black.

    As Eric Wemple points out at the Washington Post blog, NBC totally distorted what Zimmerman said, making it seem that he simply equated "looks black" with "up to no good," and concealing the fact that he only mentioned Martin's race when the dispatcher asked him. The doctoring of the tape was brought out by NewsBusters and Fox News, and NBC has now announced it will have an "internal investigation" into the doctoring.

    It's as if the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had announced that it was launching an "internal investigation" into how it had happened that it, the Communist Party, engaged in Communist propaganda.

  38. "Hugo, FYI:"

    No, it is as I have said. They are "hidden" because they have been wiped out. There used to be many; now they are gone.

  39. Roger G.12:58 AM

    Zimmerman did everything, everything we’d want a man to do. He had volunteered to serve his community, and was acting in that capacity—without pay. He alertly perceived, and properly reported, a suspicious individual. Told by the dispatcher to desist following, he did not have to obey, since that person had no authority to dictate his movements, yet he complied. The suspicious individual attacked him with no good cause, but with undeniably vicious—and arguably fatal—intent. Zimmerman did not immediately use deadly force, but resorted to such only when he not only perceived no help to be coming, but also was entitled to conclude that such force was necessary to save his life. He applied that deadly force properly and skillfully. His judgment, and his conduct, were flawless—far beyond what we’d expect of a civilian auxiliary. And aside from the entirely justified benefit his actions were to his own innocent self, what a boon he has conferred upon society! How many prospective victims of Trayvon Martin now never will know that individual’s attentions, and therefore owe Zimmerman their gratitude, and possibly their lives? Yet mighty forces in society are conspiring to hound him into his grave. And we wonder at the Nazis? The Soviets?

  40. NSangoma1:03 AM

    Negroe, damn the poontang.

    Given the supposed criticality of the situation: a 10-day suspension; your son should spent game day, game afternoon, game evening, game dinner, and game night with you.

    FCUK!!, what kind of Negroe myns is you Negroe myns?

  41. Anonymous1:04 AM

    "No, it is as I have said. They are "hidden" because they have been wiped out. There used to be many; now they are gone."

    So Mexico wiped them out? Where are they buried?

  42. Where are they? A few black looking people are all that is left.

  43. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Hugo, I know. There are some here in the states. I guess they managed to cross the border at night. The light skinned Mexicans don't like the dark skinned ones here. But NONE of them like AAs.

    Oh well, that's the way the mop flops in America. Hugo, keep working on your English, it'll come in handy one day.

  44. Anonymous1:40 AM

    Where is granny tonight? I miss her big mouth, which is always wrong. but we have to have wrong people in this world.

  45. Fck racists1:46 AM

    I don't care what color your skin is- if you're a racist, you're a piece of sht. White, black, Hispanic, Asian, we all have racist tendencies. But it's different than someone who spouts racist rhetoric and openly foments conflict. Fcking pisses me off. Fck the police and fck anyone who continues to encourage the division among races.

  46. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Blacks don't like Latinos because we work harder and are smarter. It's hurt pride. It must be hard to see all these other people come into your country and surpass you.

    Ja,Ja, my country we say you know how to starve a negrito to death? You hide his EBT card under his work boots.

    Ever see Star Trek? Ever wonder why there is only one Black Person and that's a women on the original show? Cause even in the future you can' give a negro male a job

  47. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Will say it again: There should be no rock under which zimmerman can hide - no rock anywhere. That he is still alive says more about black "men/children"(man-child[s])abysmal failure to protect us from ourselves. Truth be told, our "hoods", and communities need black zimmermans to rid us of our own hooded/non-hooded predators.
    If you check out Professor Louis Gates' "Blacks in Latin America" series on PBS, it's clear that Africans in the Latin diaspora don't perceive themselves as "Black"; nor do they harbor "racist" belief/feelings re their North American "black brothers and sisters"... In fact, north American "black power" proliferates rather vigorously anywhere you go in Latin America.
    If anything, Mexicans in Mexico perceive ALL of us - black and white - as "gringos" and rich "gringos" at that...

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth3:32 AM

    Anonymous 1:40:

    Oh, I'm sitting right here at the pc watching you being MESSY again. I got that right didn't I? LOL!

    Smh! I know you just can't help yourself, being MESSY that is. I'm praying for you. GBU

  49. Anonymous4:56 AM

    As Farrakhan bluntly put it, black folks have "picked enough cotton" [... and presumably roofed enough houses, repaired enough cars, washed enough dishes, mowed enough lawns, and emptied enough garbage cans, too.].

    Is that why Blacks don't do any of that now. I was starting to think they were just pigs and lazy. So they won't take care of their property or where they live because they did it all enough times already. Is this like inherited? I understand what you are saying but on the garbage front do they have to throw it out their windows and piss in their own hallways? It is depressing the hell out of our property values and I am going to have to move, next thing you know their wont be anybody on the block actually earning money and who is going to pay the taxes to support the Black underclass? There isn't going to be any more Obamabucks, he done spent them all for the next 50 years.

  50. "I can't turn up a single online news story about Kenneth Chamberlain within two months of his death. Wasn't it reported at the time?"

    Probably not. Just another dead black man. You know how it is.

    "Don't worry, Negroes. You have the whole government on your side."

    Bout time. No one else is.

  51. UCantHandleTruth7:20 AM


    People who have made Racism their Religion will never hear your message of love and responsibility. Those with ears will hear, those with eyes will see.

  52. NSangoma8:16 AM



    field, you hooding-up, singing-in, marching, and demanding social justice for those 83, too.

  53. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Chamberlain was 68 years old....what's the deal with showing all the pictures of what people USED to look like, instead of pictures of how they looked when they were killed?

  54. hey fn

    we are all trayvon

    ask hobama's NDAA

    black females too


  55. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  56. ask hobama's dl eff buddy rahmbo in the chi too

  57. kkklueless assnon at 0930:


    an elderly black male would look less like a deer than trayvon?

    it made him no

  58. Snapshot10:18 AM

    Nobody asked your fat, ugly ass AB. old is that pic of you? Old as hell, I'll bet.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Chamberlain was 68 years old....what's the deal with showing all the pictures of what people USED to look like, instead of pictures of how they looked when they were killed?

    With Trayvon, it's to spread the idea in the minds of the 80% of people who don't pay attention that A BIG BAD WHITE MAN hunted down and killed A 12 YEAR OLD BLACK BOY because he was RACIST.

    The story was tragic enough. The fact that the media is lying about it raises questions about the media and WHY they are lying about it.

    If Charlers Manson committed his crimes today, would they use this photo?:

  60. White, killer cops get to keep their jobs. I won't even pretend to be surprised by stuff like this anymore...

  61. lard assed beer gutted moobed bald boob/kkkiller fan assnon:

    That picture was taken in 2008

    You are a hater and a fool

    I am aging like fine wine

    It is in my genes

    My locks and I grow more flawless each year

    I promise to post new photos just for you ASAP...

    We all know what you do with my photos so I am certain you understand my


    where are YOUR photos u fat fugly fool???

  62. peekkkaboo kkklown assnon:

    more 4 u 2 enjoy...

    u owe me ya nasty bastid

  63. Anonymous11:04 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. psykkko fat fugly sexist stupid assnon:

    i get such hate from hater mfs like u who are too ugly to post their own mugs a lot

    ya know?

    i bet you never ever get called ugly huh?...know why?
    because it would be redundant

    we know that you know that your ugliness is bone and soul deep

    you get more HIDEOUS with each post

    what a tragic faceless brainless troll u are.


    thanks for your concern for rekiaall female trayvons though

  65. envious miserable kkkruel fugy fat assnon:

    thanks for your concern for rekia & all female trayvons though



    rip tyisha miller
    eleanor bumpers

    has that racist nazi hobama phoned chi yet???
    the martins yet???

  66. fake assnon/vdlr at 1104:

    u r too stupid to hide herein


  67. pookies rule the world

    and they love to gangbang at funerals


    wtf is that racist kkkiller/hunter zimmerman still free/breathing???????

  68. most people are greedy evil liars


    why would anyone join a lottery pool???

  69. zimmerman's kkkiller kkkousins???

  70. Dick Krinkle12:09 PM

    alicia banks said...
    I am aging like fine wine

    It is in my genes

    Is that your way of saying you wet your pants regularly?

  71. dickless wrinkled assnon:

    no actually

    it is my way of saying that my perfect soft smooth chocolate skin

    is not akin to YOUR pasty ashen weather beaten shriveled prune like scaly fat fugly mug's skin...

    u vulgar pock marked scarred snake...


  72. pissy perv stalkkker assnon:

    i know why you are begging for new pictures and drooling about wetness too....

    u pisssy fat fool fan


  73. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Where is granny tonight? I miss her big mouth, which is always wrong. but we have to have wrong people in this world."
    HEEEEEY! What about missing ME me and my big fat mouth huh???

    Sheeesh, just because I've been without internet service since Saturday and I'm all but forgotten!!! Sheeeeeeessh!!! How soon they forget!!!

    I mean really, I live on an island fer petes sake! These things happen ya know!!!:(((

  74. alicia banks said...
    pookies rule the world

    So says the woman who has never accomplished anything in her life.

    You are Queen of the Pookies.

  75. novyart12:54 PM

    It's the same old story -- blacks are berserk over the Trayvon situation.

    There's more concern about the slow-motion process that will eventually lead to Zimmerman's arrest than there is to the fact of Trayvon's death itself.

    But the lack of concern about the death itself is nothing new for blacks.

    There is virtually NO outcry, NO outrage among blacks when the topic is black-on-black murder.

    There are so few cases of whites killing blacks that the numbers of cases proves there is no social pathology in play.

    On the other hand, blacks kill blacks so often that murder by a black gunman is the leading cause of death for blacks between the ages of 15 and 35. That's a social pathology.

    Who cares? Not blacks. The operative principle is this: don't let a real crisis get in the way of an opportunity to blame black failure on whites.

  76. lying hating mangy hyena/vdlr at 1231:

    your unliked uneducated turbo breeding envy is showing again



  77. unliked unacccomplished vdlr:

    your unlicked uneducated turbo breeding envy is showing again

    fix both asap

    GED programs abound!

  78. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Shouldn't someone with your IQ have achieeved something? Some recognition? A job betond babysitting?

    you are a fraud, alicai

  79. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Do you have your GED Alicia?

  80. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Oh noes here goes a bout of turoposting of resumes no doubt.

  81. Anonymous1:33 PM

    1) if you don't see the difference between a whit(ish) man who stalks in a car then on foot an unarmed black teenager going about his business, then shoots him dead on the basis of "self-defense", and not only is not charged by the police, but doesn't even have his gun taken away temporarily; and six black kids who commit a crime and are apprehended and charged with a hate crime, you may be a racist!!

    2) "Is that why Blacks don't do any of that now. I was starting to think they were just pigs and lazy." I know! Next time we go and enslave some race, it's definitely not going to be Africans! We should have enslaved the Polish, they are hard workers and have a lot of experience being conquered, so maybe they wouldn't be upset about it afterwards.

    3) Why do racists come here to post? Simply because they crave vilification and degradation. Certainly there are many places on the internet where they can post their opinions amongst like-minded individuals and get lots of pats on the back and approval, if they so wished. But there are lots of people out there who, for murky psychological reasons, have a need to be punished; some of them have access to S&M clubs and the like, but the rest have discovered that they can get what they crave on the internet, anonymously. Of course, they tell themselves that they are brave, speaking truth to power, having fun being controversial, etc. etc. etc. Limbaugh and them guys get paid for their output. The guys who put in long hours working hard for no pay just so people they never met can hate them, obviously have no other reward than having people they never met hate them.

  82. Bojangles1:40 PM

    "Why do racists come here to post? Simply because they crave vilification and degradation. Certainly there are many places on the internet where they can post their opinions amongst like-minded individuals and get lots of pats on the back and approval, if they so wished. But there are lots of people out there who, for murky psychological reasons, have a need to be punished"

    This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever read on the internet.


    If you are under 12, I apologize.

  83. Sarkov2:01 PM

    @ Bojangles:

    I guess Anon @ 1:33 came here to be punished.

    Nice job.

  84. hey vdlr:

    i am truly impressed that you even know the word resume....


  85. Anonymous2:05 PM

    At least I have one.

  86. Innocent George2:18 PM

    And the wall crumbles just a bit more:

  87. more on abc's racist lies

  88. NSangoma2:28 PM

    Its the media; the problem is the media:


  89. Please contribute to the George Zimmerman defense fund. It's the right thing to do.

  90. Your Friendly Neighborhood Watcher2:59 PM

    Damn, field. I was looking at that picture of you over on your sidebar wearing that hoodie.

    Shouldn't you have used a picture of yourself from when you were about twelve, instead of a picture after you got all old, mean-looking and scary?

  91. Letta3:03 PM

    Thanks for the link, Celia. I just donated $100.

  92. White people are not now -- nor, except for the tiny percentage who owned slaves, have they ever been -- racists.

    There is a reason why White-on-black violence can only be found in movies and TV shows. There is a reason why the brutal beating of a 32-year-old White man by six black males is never heard of in reverse. There is a reason why history is void of unprovoked White-on-black violence.

    White people are not racists. If they were, there would be no black people in the country.

    White people are, however, burdened with an apparent genetic predisposition to fair play. It's a warm-and-fuzzy factor that curses our gene pool. We want to be nice to others; even those who are not like us.

    That is why White people send billions in dollars to aid Africans and get misty eyed at the sight of TV commercials pleading for donations for little brown children.

    Social engineers, it seems, play on this soggy sentiment and use it against us. They laden our malleable minds with White guilt, spoon-feed us revised history to enhance that guilt, and reaffirm our cult-like zombiness with a steady diet from Hollywood.

    We are told that black crime and economic failures must be our fault. And we actually believe it. We are told that avoiding black thugs is racist. And we fall for it. We are told we have a long history of abusing non-Whites when the opposite is true.

    If only we weren't so racist.

    Still missing is violent White-on-black racial hatred; the kind we saw in recent weeks when blacks doused a White boy with gasoline and set him ablaze, or the six blacks who assaulted a 32-year-old White man last week. The need images of White teens pummeling an innocent black kid on a school bus. Even an occasional White flash mob trashing a Seven-Eleven would be helpful.

    But none are forthcoming. Such racial hatred is always black-on-White.

    Therefore, social engineers must make due with spin. That is, they must present White people who defend themselves against black assault as if the victim were the criminal. George Zimmerman is the most recent in that endeavor.

  93. ubaldo3:19 PM

    Cecilia Munoz said...
    "Please contribute to the George Zimmerman defense fund. It's the right thing to do."

    I just kicked in $50.

  94. Anonymous3:53 PM

    stop wasting your breath with alicia. she is an unemployed, uneducated idiot.

  95. Anonymous4:23 PM

    After further review by ABC news,

    The tape does indeed show "what appear to be a pair of gashes or welts on George Zimmerman's head."

    From the story,

    Former FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett told ABC that the clearer video shows "marks on the back of Mr. Zimmerman's head."

    Course fn won't be posting about this.

  96. NSangoma said...
    "Its the media; the problem is the media"

    When I was teaching summer high school classes, none of my students had ever heard of the World War II, Civil War, or the American Revolution. Several people had heard of Vietnam, but weren't sure where, when or why it happened. A couple of people agreed that the name Hitler rang a bell and even had an inkling that he was probably some bad guy, but they weren't sure if he was white or Mexican.

    I was teaching 11th grade. You have NO IDEA what it's like in ghetto schools. About half of the kids are functionally illiterate and less than half graduates from my district. The black kids I grew up around weren't like this, not even close. You'd think they'd, at least, have heard of the Civil War, right? I asked them what ended American slavery. They said Martin Luther King. One girl said Obama, but the rest of the kids yelled at her for being stupid.

    But, yes, that's what people around the country fail to understand: the ghetto is a different world, not a less educated, poorer, more criminal version of America. It's... indescribable. That's how I, a liberal suburban girl whose favorite high school teachers took pride in their hippy past, ended up a conservative realist after my first year of ghetto teaching.

    Most of my students don't have a single book in the house, not even a bible, even though most identify as Christians. Think about it. The TV is always turned onto some trashy reality show. We don't learn information the first, second or third time we encounter it. But once we learn it, we seem to see it everywhere, so it gets reinforced and is more and more likely to stay with us. These kids only ever get any type of academic information through school. And even in school, they don't stress about paying attention, studying for tests or doing projects if they don't want to.

    A bunch of kids enter kindergarten COMPLETELY nonverbal and don't know their own names. My first year I was amazed that they turned out to not be retarded. They just started to catch up like crazy. The majority of our kids have never been taught colors, seasons, numbers or animals before entering school. Think about it.

  97. moby the dickless at 1549 =

    exhibit A
    Appallingly limp lame Assnon


    what a fat fugly fecal fool you are!

  98. The new "enhanced forensic" pics and video outta shut these lying ass field negros up.

    It is clear Zimmerman was injured.

  99. Moby Dick4:40 PM

    that must have hit near the truth...

  100. Zimmer Man4:50 PM

    It's over now.

    I hope George gets a medal and a reward for all he has been through.

  101. willie4:52 PM

    I always thought Zimmerman was innocent, now the ABC tape proves it.

    Let's all 'Move On'.

  102. meatless moby dickless assnon:

    are u zimmerman's retarded fat blind meat headed cousin?

    thank u for sparing is a similarly fugly fat headed photo then!!!

  103. Moby Dick4:53 PM

    alicia banks said...
    thank u for sparing is a similarly fugly fat headed photo then!!!

    Wish I could say the same to you.

  104. alicia banks said...

    and the screams have been proven to be trayvon also

    1.trayvon's dad says other wise.

    2. Voice Analyst didn't follow their own protocols when they analysis the subject.

  105. Anonymous4:57 PM

    @ alicia banks: stfu you talentless nobody!

  106. Zimmer Man4:59 PM

    The voice on the 911 tape WAS George Zimmerman's.

    This has proven beyond all doubt that it was case of justifiable homicide.

    Case closed.

  107. moby the dickless dimwit:

    u r a liar u kkklown

  108. Big Bill5:35 PM

    Maya said...
    I was teaching 11th grade. You have NO IDEA what it's like in ghetto schools. About half of the kids are functionally illiterate and less than half graduates from my district. The black kids I grew up around weren't like this, not even close. You'd think they'd, at least, have heard of the Civil War, right? I asked them what ended American slavery. They said Martin Luther King. One girl said Obama, but the rest of the kids yelled at her for being stupid.

    I'm sorry, but is this situation the white man's fault too?

  109. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Killerman was/is a bully!

    Make no mistake.he knew that was a kid.
    When he saw the innocent face and the fear in Trayvons eyes,like a predator he zoomed in! That's what his type does.

    He always was and stll is a bully, a murdering bully


  110. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Most white people are in teh USA because the countries they came from sucked and mistreated them because of their ethnicity and/or religion.

    280,000 dark-skinned Indian people with strange cutlure/religion/etc come to the United States every year to get high-paying Computer jobs, while you lazy Knotheads stand on street corners and turn down your 12K/year education.

    If things are really that bad here, you lazy shiftless pieces of shit, save up a thousand bucks, get on a fucking plane and go where you think it is better. You fucking goddamn niggers are so stupid shiftless and lazy it's unbelievable.

  111. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Maya@4:30p, thank you for laying out the truth of the terrible education black kids in the ghetto are getting. For certain, it IS indescribable what is happening to generations of kids educationally.

    Have you noticed how every FN poster except one wm DID NOT respond? It was as if you had not written anything important or meaningful at all. You see, if Blacks really cared, there would be a discussion going on right now!

    The only thing that interests my people are Whites who shoot Blacks. Killing kids' minds isn't that big of a deal. Everything else, which IS indescribable and far from civilization is irrelevant. It makes me sick.

    Thanks for your candid straightforward post.
