Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Still free.

Another day has passed and George Zimmerman is still free. *shaking head* Anyway, a grand jury will convene in early April and unless the people of Florida are as dumb as their local law enforcement officials, criminal charges are sure to follow. I also have to commend the Department of Justice for getting involved. It's amazing what a little pressure can do. All you people who helped to blow up this story should be proud of yourselves. Nancy Grace isn't going to pick up our stories, so we have to make it a story and hope that the main stream media will chase it.

Sadly, I continue to learn more about what happened on that night in Central Florida, and the more I learn the angrier I get. It's getting harder and harder for the enemies of justice to justify the actions of the racist vigilante masquerading as a protector of law abiding citizens. Florida's seven year old self- defense ("stand your ground") law was made for the victim in this case, not for the shooter. But the shooter hid behind the law and avoided being charged by inept local law enforcement officials.

Still, there are some who do not believe that all the hoopla over one teenager getting shot to death in Florida is justified. (Just read the comments after this Will Bunch column in my local paper) To them it's just another black teen who was profiled and lost his life because of the actions of others in his community. "If young black men weren't so dangerous and didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes, upstanding law abiding citizens would not be in such fear of them."  That's the latest narrative from the clueless A-merry-can crowd. Get used to it; you will be hearing it over and over again. This is a crowd who is more upset over the TSA pat down of a toddler than they are about a teenager actually losing his life. (BTW, way to go dad. Posting a video of your kid all over the web for the world to see and scrutinize.)

“They always get away,” Zimmerman told dispatch in a 911 call released Friday, and he kept tracking Martin. Zimmerman had a gun. Martin was carrying only an ice tea and the Skittles he’d just bought at the store. The two had a struggle that no one saw. Hearing shots, neighbors called 911. In one call that’s hard to listen to, a woman anxiously says she can hear someone calling for help while in the background, a terrified, wailing voice pleads, "No! No!"

I heard that "wailing voice". And it didn't belong to George Zimmerman. 





  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    THANK YOU THANK YOU, FIELD, FOR STAYING ON THIS! I'm ready to send the family a donation to fight this fucker.

  2. Patti9:57 PM

    That "stand your ground" law is what we get when we let the NRA write our laws.

    This story just breaks my heart. That young man, taken away from his family because Mr. Cop-Wanna-Be was carrying a gun instead of pepper spray, and ignored the 911 dispatcher who told him not to follow the young man.

    But as I'm thinking about it just now - the 911 recording has the shooter saying "He's running now." How the hell does that give rise to a right to "stand your ground" deadly force??

  3. What ever happen to the " lets not habve a rush to judgement" meme that blacks use to shout when the commit crimes against white people?

    "Nancy Grace isn't going to pick up our stories"

    Really? NG has black missing/ murder people all the time.

    You should try watching her before you post.

    Than again, when has facts ever matter in the fields?

  4. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "racist vigilante"

    I thought minorities can't be racist?

  5. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "If young black men weren't so dangerous and didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes, upstanding law abiding citizens would not be in such fear of them."

    Brother Field, we all know Whites are afraid of us. We also know that even some Blacks are afraid of black men AND black women. This problem runs deep in America and I don't expect it to change as long as we are killing each other in the streets.

    I hope they get Zimmerman. It is obvious he murdered that boy and it's obvious the Sanford police covered it up. They just don't value black lives. In fact, it's been that way since slavery.

    We are considered less than human; we are Chimpanzees- as so many racist caricatures of President Obama has indicated. But this is just more proof, more "in your face" proof...that Blacks in America won't ever be accepted by Whites OR browns.

    Field, we are on our own to fend for ourselves...we ARE the scapegoats for everything in America.

    1. Awww, whites love chimpanzees, so idk about that comparison. Don't you think we're beautiful? I just really am enamored with black men. I really don't see a problem. Your perception is your reality. And black women? The antithesis of weakness. You really have to prove yourself worthy of their time and attention. When white men hit on me, I kind of feel sorry for them because I can't help but compare them to black men---and after politely declining because I'm married, I think, gosh they must really be intimidated by black men...this has to be the reason why so many white women choose them (BM)-I know my grandmother did...and it leads to more black children (like meeee)--Yes, I am pro-black, so was my white grandma--but I can champion my race while still recognizing the great characteristics of ALL other races. If you dare to point out the ills in my race, I will certainlty direct you right back to the ills in yours. I am only attracted to black men(not asian, hispanic, white, arab, etc...) but I would never withhold an employment opportunity from any race---I would never go to a majority caucasion blog and hurl racist epiteths toward its editors and readers...and I don't sit around with other blacks condemning my own. I had a pretty long back and forth email discourse w/a conservative black radio host out here in AZ, and after a few heated debates, he wrote, "you have no idea what it's like to be hated by your own people" and I realized that his venom toward his own people was merely a self-defense mechanism based upon his perception that black people hate him. Understand that people ARE intimidated by US...they are outsiders looking in and they feel threatened by our tenacity-our tough and spirited disposition confuses and unfortunately angers them. But, it's okay because we're going to keep perservering, celebrating, educating ourselves, and reaching out to those of us who need enlightenment. Don't overwhelm yourselves with the whole journey...every tiny step toward uplifting our community has a domino effect. If you can't tell, I'm bursting at the seams with positivity. When our community PRAYS, mountains shift...pray for justice, pray for the disease of hatred to be cured within and without our community. Vote in EVERY election, donate (even $5), volunteer, remember to smile at one another (its contagious)...feed the trolls if you must (I give them a s**t pie now and then) but keep your humor...I imagine our detractors look quite hideous, and probably smell even worse. Attractive people don't hole up in a room attached to the computer, trolling blogs...they just don't, imo.

  6. D'Andre10:41 PM

    Field Negro said...
    "If young black men weren't so dangerous and didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes, upstanding law abiding citizens would not be in such fear of them."

    Amen, Field. You have gotten to the gist of the matter. Until we clean up our act, these incidents will continue to happen.

  7. Anonymous10:44 PM

    "If young black men weren't so dangerous and didn't commit such a disproportionate number of crimes, upstanding law abiding citizens would not be in such fear of them."

    This is a true statement. Look at the black mob attacks over the past 2 years.

    Most interracial rapes and murders are done by black males.

  8. Reuben10:50 PM

    I thought we might get justice in this case, but then Zimmerman turns out to be hispanic! What a terrible break! He is untouchable now.

    1. Trust! I'm Hispanic and know many to be racist towards black people.

  9. fiona domingo10:57 PM

    I think when all is said and done, this will turn out to have been a simple misunderstanding. Might even be comical, except for the death part. I think Zimmerman gets a medal in the end.

  10. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Reuben you are right. That hispanic privilege is a bitch.

  11. I see that the FOX NEWS idiot brigade has arrived.

  12. Anonymous11:03 PM

    after "U" cool down a bit .give the good brother (there lawyer)some big city advice on how to talk to the
    MSM..he was better tonight then this morning but help he needs...as always
    great job on this story...

  13. Anonymous11:03 PM

    after "U" cool down a bit .give the good brother (there lawyer)some big city advice on how to talk to the
    MSM..he was better tonight then this morning but help he needs...as always
    great job on this story...

  14. Anonymous11:09 PM

    field negro said...
    I see that the FOX NEWS idiot brigade has arrived.

    So says the media matters mouthpiece.

    Seriously Field, what have you seen that convinced you the kid didn't attack and that Zimmerman shot him in cold blood? The added girlfriend phone call story with her coming forward a couple of weeks later is pretty useless and not very credible. So far if I were a cop with Zimmerman bleeding from his nose and the back of his head and having grass on his back AND eyewitness actually on the phone with 911 reporting the kid was on top beating Zimmerman, leaves me to say it was self defense wether you like his motives or not.

    The Black liberation army is making a lot of noise, I hope they don't start a race war with Latinos and or get surprised if the show up armed when a few other latinos are also armed.

  15. Hey, wasn't there a War on Women being waged just last week? What the hell happened with that? Did we win?

  16. Anonymous11:19 PM

    If blacks tried to start a race war with latinos, they would get their asses kicked back to the motherland.

    Just look at what latino gangs are doing to black gangs in LA and Obamaland.

    ooo How the Liberal media and the left wanted Zimmerman to be white.

    I would like to read uptownsteves' thoughts on this matter. I hear steve is still having problems at work and he had to move out of that gated community he once lived in.

    1. Unfortunately, hispanics and asians often buy into white supremacy--I see it out here all the time-they'd rather be white trash, than to be lumped with blacks, because their self esteem is lacking and they buy into anti-black propaganda. Many of them want so badly to be accepted by whites, except when whites talk about shipping their butts back across the border--that's when they want us to join their cause--and we do to an extent--oh well, their loss--Zimmerman will probably have to flee to South America, as he will be one of the most hated men in the free world. He will one day have to beg for his victim's forgiveness at the Gates...and he might just be granted it. We forget, life doesn't stop at death, and this murder will be a plague on his life here and possibly in the afterlife.

  17. Anonymous11:20 PM


    Seriously Field, what have you seen that convinced you the kid didn't attack and that Zimmerman shot him in cold blood? The added girlfriend phone call story with her coming forward a couple of
    weeks later is pretty useless and not very credible. So far if I were a cop with Zimmerman bleeding from his nose and the back of his head and having grass on his back AND eyewitness actually on the phone with 911 reporting the kid was on top beating Zimmerman, leaves me to say it was self defense wether you like his motives or not.
    What is it that you don't understand about the kid running away? What is it that you don't understand about the 911 operator telling Zimmerman not to pursue?

    The racist mindset is a curious contraption. Please seek help.

    Black Momba-

  18. The Slut Brigade said...
    Hey, wasn't there a War on Women being waged just last week? What the hell happened with that? Did we win?

    No, it's over bitches. We won. Now make me a drink and put on that teddy I like.

    "We shall fight women on the beaches, we shall fight them on the playgrounds, we shall fight them in the streets, the supermarkets, shopping mall parking lots, we shall never surrender." - The GOP

  19. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Brother field, has a bm i am worried about the effect this shooting will have on black/brown solidarity.

  20. Anonymous11:42 PM

    What is it that you don't understand about the kid running away? What is it that you don't understand about the 911 operator telling Zimmerman not to pursue?

    The racist mindset is a curious contraption. Please seek help.

    Black Momba-

    Yes your racist mindset is curiously devoid of logic. Obviously at some point he stopped running and started punching, evidence Zimmerman getting beat on the ground, bloody nose, back of head, witness saw the kid beating him. What is it about civilization that escapes you? Just because you are black and angry doesn't give you the right to start beating on someone and then excuse it because you were pissed off and someone else recommended you not do so? in your skin color driven mind it's ok for a black kid who got "dissed" to start beating on someone? Is it? Are you saying he could stomp zimmerman because who was Zimmerman to challenge him? Did you beat your moms everytime she yelled at you and followed you because she knew you were up to no good?

    Polish Sausage.

    1. An overweight man gets beat by a slim 17 year old? So you agree, without weapons non-black men cannot win in a fist fight? Or do you just want this child's murder to be justified? Whatever your gender, whatever your race, I feel sorry for your mother--either she failed in raising you, or you're just a bad seed.

  21. Did anyone see the Obama movie Tom Hanks did? I heard if you are a liberal, you're gonna need kleenex, and not because you're crying.

    Now theres a Biden movie too, "I am Joe".

  22. Anonymous11:52 PM

    The Slut Brigade said...
    Hey, wasn't there a War on Women being waged just last week? What the hell happened with that? Did we win?

    Leftard women are all part of the transtesticle hardly anyone would do me sober brigade and this makes them bitter and smell bad.

    I feel sorry for Black Women. They are getting roped into the leftard brigade while Black men don't want them either and look for the white girls.


    1. As a descendant of a white woman/black man marriage (grandparents), white women seek out black men as a BETTER option against their OWN men. If I was a white woman, I'd want a black man too...so run along pesky troll, you are WRONG again. Over 90% of black men have black partners--the interracial couples are primarily the females chasing the males...I'd run from your kind too:-P

  23. The REAL reason Rosie O'Donnell's show got cancelled is that she’s expecting!

  24. If you are upest about the Trayvon Martin case, boycott the Men's Wearhouse, which is owned by George Zimmer.

  25. I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    I am only attracted to black men

    Because you have ben rejected by white men. It's Ok, you are not alone.

    1. Your picture against mine? Yes? No? You'd cheat--stop hating me, I'm full of love;-)


    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    they feel threatened by our tenacity-our tough and spirited disposition confuses and unfortunately angers them.

    Um, no, they are probably just backing away from the loudmouth delusional black woman spouting ignorant nonsense.

    Just sayin'

  27. Anonymous12:08 AM

    11:53 PM

    I guarantee it said...
    If you are upest about the Trayvon Martin case, boycott the Men's Wearhouse, which is owned by George Zimmer.

    Or Boycott the White House which is presently owned by GEORGE Soros.

  28. Anonymous12:09 AM

    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    Unfortunately, hispanics and asians often buy into white supremacy

    Doubtful, but at least they know they are better than negroes.

  29. I KNOW WHAT I HATE said...
    "--Zimmerman will probably have to flee to South America, as he will be one of the most hated men in the free world"

    Wrong. Zimmerman going to get a medal for stopping that criminal.

  30. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Dear Field, I know you have been a BIG SUPPORTER of Latinos. So, do you think there will be a big showing...no cancel that question...do you think there will be a small showing?

    Cancel that. Do you think ANY Hispanics will support show up, demanding justice? I bet no Cubans will show up. What do you think?

    I am praying the Latinos don't end up in charge of this country. Blacks might as well kill themselves.

  31. Crispy Creme12:14 AM

    I KNOW WHAT I ATE said...
    If you can't tell, I'm bursting at the seams with positivity

    I think you mean donuts.

  32. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Awww, whites love chimpanzees, so idk about that comparison. Don't you think we're beautiful?

    Sorry dear but no. Most men don't including Black men. Genetically You have too much testosterone and without lipstick you look like the brother behind you. Add to that the extremly high incidences of aids and other diseases that Black women have and there is no question at all. I really don't like fake hair, don't touch it, fake nails, fake eyelashes, different smell (even pisses dogs off) and for some reason really thinking that being fat and stuffing into clothes that make you look like a dried out sausage - it isn't attractive at all. Add to that the manly permanently angry attitude mixed with always knowing you are right no matter how dumb you are, no wonder Black guys compete for the white sluts and fat rejects.

    1. That is JUST how I look! Can we see how you look, now that you've described me to a T?

  33. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I Know What I Like-"Unfortunately, hispanics and asians often buy into white supremacy--I see it out here all the time-they'd rather be white trash, than to be lumped with blacks, because their self esteem is lacking and they buy into anti-black propaganda."

    No, they have hated Blacks in the countries they came from. Your ignorance of Hispanics and Asians is astonishing. It sounds like you are making excuses for them to justify their racism. Typical Negro, always finding ways to defend perpetrators.

  34. Anonymous12:26 AM

    anon11:25pm, "Brother field, has a bm i am worried about the effect this shooting will have on black/brown solidarity."

    Anon, there never has been black/brown solidarity. When have you heard ANY Latino speak up for Blacks? Let me answer that for you: NEVER.

    You see, Latinos are for Latinos, like Mexicans are for Mexicans. They don't give a damn about Negroes. In fact, they consider us less than human.

    1. Some hispanics are right there in the civil rights struggle with us...the ones who aren't (the zimmermans) of the world--their loss. The world is a different place when you pay more attention to the people who LOVE you...put the venom spitters in their place and keep it moving;-)

  35. I see ignorance is still bliss.

  36. Anonymous12:38 AM

    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    As a descendant of a white woman/black man marriage (grandparents), white women seek out black men as a BETTER option against their OWN men. If I was a white woman, I'd want a black man too...so run along pesky troll, you are WRONG again. Over 90% of black men have black partners--the interracial couples are primarily the females chasing the males...I'd run from your kind too:-P

    You appear to have the black IQ and seem to think because your grandmoms went slummin everyone wants to. You say Over 90% of Black men have Black partners - yet your grandad has a white wife. Is your head hurting yet? And you then go on to use your family to prove that white women want black men...your head must really be hurting now. What about the baby daddy drama, 72% of black women are unwed single moms - is that a partner?

    Go on any dating site, you will find most white girls specifically state no African Americans, White guys do the same, As do Asians etc, etc, google it. As many black women and men complain about this all the time. Don't base your thoughts on your limited experience as you are obviously confusing yourself and as far as how much bad seed you have had in your life, that sound personal, keep it to yourself.

  37. Anonymous12:46 AM

    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    An overweight man gets beat by a slim 17 year old? So you agree, without weapons non-black men cannot win in a fist fight? Or do you just want this child's murder to be justified? Whatever your gender, whatever your race, I feel sorry for your mother--either she failed in raising you, or you're just a bad seed.

    How immature and telling. Now you try to appeal in an animalistic way of false comparisons saying the kid may have beat him but he was bigger and should have just had a fistfight with him. Maybe, but nevertheless in civilized society no one has the right to touch you no matter how angry and Black they are. The minute that kid started pounding him and he yelled for help, he had the right to defend himself and he did. How was he to know that he was a so-so violent kid and would stop before he needed life support or serious medical attention? Negros rarely fight fair, they typically attack in packs, so don't impose non black morals into the discussion, you don't understand them.

  38. I'm sorry, I don't have to use dating sites so I don't frequent them like you do. Your logic with the 90% stat tied with my family's racial makeup is weird--what does one have to do with the other? The "black IQ"? Keep trying--you must be sooo happy the internet allows you to have a social life, is this happy hour for you? I must say, I was quite unaware how jealous people still are of us--only jealousy can lead to this kind of unabashed hatred. It's okay if you don't find blacks attractive or intelligent--but it begs the question, "why are you here?" We get it, and yet, life goes on:-P

  39. Mr. FN, I apologize for attracting so many drooling trolls to this post--it's probably the same person, but still, didn't mean to detract from the topic at hand--I'll refrain from feeding them further and look forward to your next post.

  40. Anonymous1:06 AM

    So who's attracted to what's, and who's on first and what's on second? and what about us calabasians???

    Lawd this blogs beginning to sound like a dating site!

  41. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Rottnkid said...
    I see ignorance is still bliss.

    Cosign. Where did this ignorant I KNOW WHAT I LIKE bitch come from?

  42. Anonymous1:25 AM

    and what exactly is it she likes?

  43. Ernesto1:27 AM


    5. Martin weighed 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs 250 pounds. [Orlando Sentinel; WDBO]
    6. Martin’s English teacher described him as “as an A and B student who majored in cheerfulness.” [Orlando Sentinel]
    7. Martin had no criminal record. [New York Times]
    8. Zimmerman “was charged in July 2005 with resisting arrest with violence and battery on an officer. The charges appear to have been dropped.” [Huffington Post]
    9. Zimmerman called the police 46 times since Jan. 1, 2011. [Miami Herald]
    10. According to neighbors, Zimmerman was “fixated on crime and focused on young, black males.” [Miami Herald]
    11. Zimmerman “had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics” [Huffington Post]
    12. A police officer “corrected” a key witness. “The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help.” [ABC News]
    13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]
    14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]
    15. The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. A law enforcement expert told ABC that Zimmerman sounds intoxicated on the 911 tapes. Drug and alcohol testing is “standard procedure in most homicide investigations.” [ABC News]

  44. Anonymous1:29 AM

    and what about us calablasians? who wants us? I'm beginning to worry..

  45. This sad tale of Trayvon Martin is all over the media, from the internet to the New York Times to network TV.

    Here's another sad tale from America, except, as usual, you have to go to the foreign press for the story:

    An 85-year-old woman was sexually assaulted and battered to death by a home invader who also shot her 90-year-old husband in the face with a BB gun.
    Nancy and Bob Strait, who had celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in December, were discovered by their daughter at their home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

    Both the pensioners were rushed to hospital where Mrs Strait, who was nearly blind, died from her injuries.

    Mr Strait, who served in the 101st Airborne Division in World War II, suffered a broken jaw, broken ribs and severe bleeding. He is in a serious condition in hospital.
    Police have arrested 20-year-old Tyrone Dale David Woodfork in connection with the case.

    The Straits' distraught family today paid tribute to the pair, who grew up in poverty in rural Oklahoma during the Great Depression.

    They met each other on a blind date on Thanksgiving 1946, married a month later and went on to have six children, 18 grandchildren and about 50 great and great-great grandchildren. They had recently welcomed a great-great-great grandchild.

    It was not enough to rob the poor, old couple of $200, their television, and their Dodge Neon. Tyrone beat the 90 year old man to within an inch of his life, and beat the 85 year old blind woman to death after raping her. That's right, he raped an 85 year old woman and then beat her to death.

    Right now, the outrage of Black America is focused on justice for Trayvon Martin. But once George Zimmerman has been lynched, the focus should turn to ending the incarceration of poor Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, a new Mumia.

    That's life in Black run Obamerica.

  46. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Ernesto said...

    Oh think progress. That wonderfully unbiased factual site.

    5. Martin weighed 140 pounds. Zimmerman weighs 250 pounds. [Orlando Sentinel; WDBO]

    So what, a hammer is only ten pounds but can hurt you. Sounds like Zimmerman was way out of shape and could have caught a beating just like witnesses saw and happened.

    6. Martin’s English teacher described him as “as an A and B student who majored in cheerfulness.” [Orlando Sentinel]

    Did she mention why he was suspended for a week and at daddies girlfriends house late sunday night 4 hours away with school the next morning? Propaganda much. No, kids don't get a weeks suspension for being late.

    7. Martin had no criminal record. [New York Times]

    Neither do millions of other kids at 17, so what. or is this unusual for a Black kid?

    8. Zimmerman “was charged in July 2005 with resisting arrest with violence and battery on an officer. The charges appear to have been dropped.” [Huffington Post]

    So he was innocent?

    9. Zimmerman called the police 46 times since Jan. 1, 2011. [Miami Herald]

    He was the neighborhood watch captain. Keeps thugs away, try it sometime.

    10. According to neighbors, Zimmerman was “fixated on crime and focused on young, black males.” [Miami Herald]

    Hmmmm, doesn't sound good, was he gay? Who's the source? Name or more progressive made up stuff.

    11. Zimmerman “had been the subject of complaints by neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics” [Huffington Post]

    Names, Sources or lies?

    12. A police officer “corrected” a key witness. “The officer told the witness, a long-time teacher, it was Zimmerman who cried for help, said the witness. ABC News has spoken to the teacher and she confirmed that the officer corrected her when she said she heard the teenager shout for help.” [ABC News]

    Lie, this witness refused to get involved then 4 days later after her qoute was getting attention that she didnt get involved she said no one wanted to talk to her then changed her story four times. This was sent in a press release and writing to her from the police.

    13. Three witnesses say they heard a boy cry for help before a shot was fired. “Three witnesses contacted by The Miami Herald say they saw or heard the moments before and after the Miami Gardens teenager’s killing. All three said they heard the last howl for help from a despondent boy.” [Miami Herald]

    Yeah only thing those three witnesses in Miami were four hours away from Sanford and maybe didn't hear to well. The guy on the phone SAW Trayvon on Zimmerman and any fool can hear it's Zimmerman howling as he gets hit. The guy on the phone right there also said it sounded like the guy on the ground. He sounded just like when he was speaking only adding in hysterical pain and fear. Besides how do you get on top of someone and yell without jerk in your speech as you punch someone in the head repeatedly.

    14. The officer in charge of the crime scene also received criticism in 2010 when he initially failed to arrest a lieutenant’s son who was videotaped attacking a homeless black man. [New York Times]

    Yeah and he masturbated once. Gimme a break with this bullshit.

    15. The police did not test Zimmerman for drugs or alcohol. A law enforcement expert told ABC that Zimmerman sounds intoxicated on the 911 tapes. Drug and alcohol testing is “standard procedure in most homicide investigations.” [ABC News]

    Lawyer gobblygook, it is not standard if the victim is clearly not under the influence. Just like the glove shit with OJ. who by the way did it.

    Which side will you be on Ernesto if there is a race war between Hispanics and The Black Liberation Nation of Islam dudes?

  47. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Right now, the outrage of Black America is focused on justice for Trayvon Martin. But once George Zimmerman has been lynched, the focus should turn to ending the incarceration of poor Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, a new Mumia.

    That's life in Black run Obamerica.

    But his English teacher said he was a good kid and his mom said he was a good student and had dreams of becoming a football star. He was a good man who just changed his life as he was expecting a baby by his fourth baby mama and was planning on enrolling in nursing school so he could become an aide to the elderly and get off the welfare. He was just a victim of white society who never understood or loved him so he was forced to lash out. The policeman who arrested him once bumped a black guys head on the car as he was putting him in the back and has arrested as many as 100 Black people in his 20 year career so is probably racist.

    His girlfriend just called and said she was busy so didn't get to call last week when it happened but she was on the phone when they say he raped that old woman and thats not possible because he wasnt breathing hard and would have sound like he was pushed if he was doing that.....

  48. Failed Negro said...
    Right now, the outrage of Black America is focused on justice for Trayvon Martin. But once George Zimmerman has been lynched, the focus should turn to ending the incarceration of poor Tyrone Dale David Woodfork, a new Mumia.

    That's life in Black run Obamerica.

    No one cares when whites are victimized by blacks. They must not, because the American press refuses even to report it.

    Who cares that white people were pulled from their cars in the summer of 2011 at the Wisconsin State Fair in Milwaukee by scores of Black people and beaten; Who cares that white people have been targeted by Blacks in Philadelphia, Columbia, Peoria, Akron, St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago, and a number of other cities since Mein Obama’s election to the White House, all under the impression that “This is a Black world”; who cares that interracial crime is basically a one-way street, with white people the targets of Black criminality 9 out of the 10 times; the answer is no one.

    The Mainstream Media (MSM) continues to utilize “undated” photos in showing young, innocent, straight out of Walt Disney's "Mickey Mouse Club" central casting Trayvon Martin, with the hopes that sympathy can be garnered from a public still convinced that Kony 2012 is a cause worthy of starting a war over.

    This whole story merely showcases the absurdity of our time, an age where we have become so desensitized to Black crime that the shootings of 40 Black people in Chicago over this past weekend, and the killing of a six-year old Black girl (one of nine to die over the weekend) is nothing new in a metropolis more dangerous than a war-zone. How many other cities sport violence – courtesy of Black people – that rivals Chicago’s? No one cares that Black people kill each other in shockingly high numbers in New Orleans, Atlanta, Memphis, Baltimore, Cincinnati, or other heavily Black cities.

    In the case of Trayvon Martin, the whole world must tune in as if something extraordinary has happened.

    On the contrary, a Black kid was shot by a Hispanic, which is something that has happened on an almost daily basis in places like California, where the emerging majority of Latinos have ethnically cleansed Blacks from their neighborhoods.

    It’s just a story of an overzealous Hispanic - volunteering as a neighborhood watchmen - who was well aware of criminal patterns and the fact that it is Black people who commit the majority of the crime in America.

    The transparency involved in Eric “My People” Holder’s DOJ getting involved in the George Zimmerman – Trayvon Martin story, but refusing to even look at the horrible rates of Black-on-white violence that swept America in the summer of 2011 shows that white people have no rights in BRA, save the right to continue paying for their own dispossession.

  49. SickupandFed2:58 AM

    Maybe Black folk should start hunting folk in Fl. That way we can hide behind that stupid stand your ground crap.

    Trayvon's only mistake was in being a good kid and not having his own gun when he stood HIS ground.

    BTW, I wish you anonymous assholes had some guts and would quit hiding. If you really believed what you say, say it in the open. You gutless bunch of moronic, knuckle dragging, inbred mouth breathers.

  50. NSangoma3:05 AM

    You're a baby-daddy and your son is in town for a visit, you focus on your son, not on one of your BISHES.

    field; the query is this, if one were to take his son by one of his BISHES' homes:

    Would she not go out of her way to make him feel welcomed; pizza, sugar-water, iced-tea, hot-wings, chips, ... , whatever baby-daddy's young prince desired?

    If she did not have what he desired within her household, wouldn't she get up and go out and get it for him?

    Or, would she send him out into the dark rain to get it for it himself, because she wanted to get busy stroking, baby-daddy.

    And field, what's up with baby-daddy not recalling that his son had not returned to girlfriend's crib, until the next day?

    Just axing?


  51. ~
    field, if Tracy Martin and girlfriend were busy getting busy, and Trayvon Martin decided to go out for skittles and a can of ice-tea, and was shot by a blood or a crip for walking through their territory.

    Would we be having this conversation?

    Tracy Martin was more concerned about getting his dcik wet than about his son.

  52. "What ever happen to the " lets not habve a rush to judgement" meme that blacks use to shout when the commit crimes against white people?"

    You didn't read the comments? We're long beyond that point.

    "Amen, Field. You have gotten to the gist of the matter. Until we clean up our act, these incidents will continue to happen."

    Those were not the Field's words. The italicized indicate a quoted sentence or paragraph. It does a lot to absolve Zimmerman of his crime while allowing conservatives and clueless white Americans to blame nigg....ahem...dangerous young black men for bringing these troubles upon themselves.

    We know about the problems with violence in the black community. We know about the crime statistics. We know about the stereotypes the mainstream media and Fox News crowd are eager to perpetuate. We're working on our own to solve the problem.

    The black community is not a monolith. We don't bitch about crimes that go on in the redneck/methhead community and conflate that as being normal for all whites.

  53. Anonymous3:31 AM

    SickupandFed said...
    Maybe Black folk should start hunting folk in Fl. That way we can hide behind that stupid stand your ground crap.

    Ohh a tough guy. C'mon down. Us cowpoke always love a good shootin match. Do you think you can come down with the Black Liberation Army? They seem to have a lot of guns and even uniforms and a web page and stuff, this will make it a little more fun.

  54. "Tracy Martin was more concerned about getting his dcik wet than about his son."

    Ever notice how no one's entertaining your special brand of bullshit?

    The Sanford P.D. had Trayvon's cell phone. Why didn't they simply contact the father or mother instead of waiting for the father to come down to the station the next day to file a missing persons report?

  55. "Maybe Black folk should start hunting folk in Fl. That way we can hide behind that stupid stand your ground crap."

    That's what they're expecting. Best thing to do is let the legal wheels turn as far as they'll go.

    "Ohh a tough guy. C'mon down. Us cowpoke always love a good shootin match. Do you think you can come down with the Black Liberation Army? They seem to have a lot of guns and even uniforms and a web page and stuff, this will make it a little more fun."

    See what I mean? Gotta love keyboard commandos.

  56. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Sorry folks new here, whats a Trayvon? Is that a new GM car or a TV dinner table?

    Oh by the way great show coming up in Tallahassee If'n Y'all are interested.

    Tallahassee, FL

    April - 28 - 29, 2012

    Bring your gun and trade for the gun you've always wanted!

    See the hundreds New and Old Guns, Ammo, Gun Parts, Reloading Supplies, Books, Knives, Knife Sharpening Equipment, Coins, Camouflage and other related items at Discount Prices.

  57. "Sorry folks new here, whats a Trayvon? Is that a new GM car or a TV dinner table?"

    I wonder if I could track your IP address would it trace back to that gun show you're advertising. Come to find out you're an employee or promoter affiliated with that event...well, it wouldn't be good for your business, now wouldn't it?

  58. "Mr. FN, I apologize for attracting so many drooling trolls to this post--it's probably the same person, but still, didn't mean to detract from the topic at hand"

    We are used to them around here. Sadly for them they can't have klan rallies in public anymore so this is their new meetng place.:)

    BTW, I will always be in solidarity with brown people and people of color. And I could give a damn how they feel about me.

    Sometimes you have to help others even when they are too ignorant to help themselves.

    Mr. Zimmerman thought he was white, and fed into the backwards mindset of many Cuban Americans in South Florida. Hopefully he will soon see what real justice looks like.

  59. Mack and others, please trod on and ignore the ignorance. This is what happens when you get folks on the Internet who use the family photo album as a dating site.

  60. Best Buy Manager8:46 AM

    Get ready for the riots if Zimmerman isn't indicted & convicted.

  61. hey fn:

    u r an increasingly racist hypocrite... tragic!!!

    what has BET/TV One featured re: trayvon????

    why are you harping on nancy/holdinig her to a higher standard to tell black news than black networks???????


    cnn has bee all over trayvon

    see anderson cooper etc

    wtfu and get over nancy!

  62. fn:

    this was a cold blooded murder

    and your denial is colder

    people who are not racist admit that we equally fear black thugs

    and we admit that most of them are nothing like trayvon

    ask jesse jackson

    shame on u!!!!

    how much better would the world be if black men like you
    spent as much time taming and mentoring thugs as you do bashing ALL who fear them?????

    how many more trayvons could you fashion and protect????

    shame on u!!!!


    http://aliciabanks.xanga.com/743856470/toxic-amoral-parents-are-worse-than- the-horrid-child-rapists-they-breed/


  63. ask jesse jackson!!!

    There is nothing more painful to me ... than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved. -- the Reverend Jesse Jackson, as quoted in US News, 3/10/96

    Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/mark-finkelstein/2008/03/18/msm-must-investigate-could-jesse-jackson-be-obamas-grandmother#ixzz1pl4JpRYe

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. rushing!!!!

    hey fn:

    u r an increasingly racist hypocrite... tragic!!!

    what has BET/TV One featured re: trayvon????

    why are you harping on nancy/holding her to a higher standard to tell black news than black networks???????


    cnn has been all over trayvon

    see anderson cooper etc

    wtfu and get over nancy!

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Curious George10:07 AM

    Hey AB.....why don't you go take a stroll thru some neighborhoods in Sanford, Florida?

  69. BARBBF10:21 AM

    The NAACP and the majority of Blacks in this country are outraged by the death of Trayvon..BUT..where was the outrage over the deaths of a reported 30,000 Black Libyans? Is it because the first Black President of the USA was complicit in their deaths? So it's OK?

    From Glen Ford of BlackAgendaReport.com:

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.

  70. wow!




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  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. Anonymous10:49 AM

    13yr old white boy set on fire by knee grows in k.c. at the eurging of failed knee grow teachers in a failed knee grow school.no racism to be seen here,move along.

  74. Shabazz10:55 AM

    This is precisely why I tell all Black folks to get as many guns as you can. And if you're a Black male with a felony, get one in your wife's name. Their goal is to disarm us and control and/or wipe us out. This shit is not a game. DO WHAT YOU CAN TO PROTECT YOU AND YOURS!!!

  75. shabazz:


    my gun is my police officer
    and the only one i need!

    trayvon was a fighter
    i wish he could have shot first in REAL self defense...

    even though he would have been arrested and convicted immediately
    he would be alive

  76. Har, Har11:13 AM

    "Shabazz said...
    This is precisely why I tell all Black folks to get as many guns as you can. And if you're a Black male with a felony, get one in your wife's name. 10:55 AM"

    That's hilarious, Shabazzie-Boodle.

    If you're a convicted Felon, getting a gun in your wife's name, is known as a "straw purchase"....which would make her a Felon, too.

    Besides....when did you guys ever need to get a gun in "someone's name", anyway?

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. rushing today!!!

    more than usual!!!

    excuse all the typos!!!

  81. field negro said...
    "BTW, I will always be in solidarity with brown people and people of color. And I could give a damn how they feel about me."

    Amen brother Field, as long as it ain't white, it's right.

    Zimmerman only did this because he "thought he was white".

    Please donate to my defense fund.

  82. kosher kkk:

    pookies rule the world

    and they love fatal alcohol even more than unsafe sex

    why so mum????


  83. sharon from ct12:12 PM

    According to one report I read this morning, Zimmerman has not been seen in public for many days. For all we know, he may have left the country by now.

  84. Gone To Mexico12:17 PM

    I know I would have hauled ass outta there! He's got a snowball's chance in hell of a fair trial now.

  85. moron from ct12:18 PM

    I heard he was in Cuba getting a medal form Raul Castro.

  86. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  87. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "Sorry folks new here, whats a Trayvon? Is that a new GM car or a TV dinner table?"

    This can only come from a cold adapted mind set.

  88. this is a slam dunk hate crime

    rip trayvon

    ONE word from hobama yet???

    ask troy





  89. hey fn:

    why are you holding nancy grace to a higher standard than hobama?????

    his silence should vex you more!!!

    ditto for his NDAA!!!!!!!

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "Sorry folks new here, whats a Trayvon? Is that a new GM car or a TV dinner table?"

    This can only come from a cold adapted mind set.

    12:26 PM
    This is the generational outgrowth that has been passed down from slavery to Jim Crow to today's white generation. That is, the life of a bm isn't real. A bm's death is to be laughed and joked about. It doesn't count as a life of a human being.

    I remember such white minds during the days of Jim Crow. My Uncle was hanged so their families, children included, could be entertained at an all-White picnic. The poster is probably one of those kids at such picnics.

    Blacks must understand that Whites don't give a damn about their lives and neither do the Cubans, even though Field says he will continue to love them.

    It makes me wonder if Field loves the Whites as well? Afterall, they have been brainwashed as well. Furthermore, no amount of "justice" has changed their minds or behavior toward us. They still kill us, and degrade us.

  93. Anonymous1:47 PM

    AB, "hey fn:

    why are you holding nancy grace to a higher standard than hobama?????

    his silence should vex you more!!!

    ditto for his NDAA!!!!!!!"

    12:36 PM
    Dearest AB, thank you for this truth. But you must know that Field and his cronies will NEVER say or admit to the truth.

    When it comes to supporting justice for Blacks, Nancy Grace has already surpassed Obama by a long shot. Obama has done NOTHING when it comes to Blacks, except ignore us as if we don't exist.

    Our lives have actually become less secure and unsafe under his Administration. And yet, there are fools on FN who defend him through their silence. Go figure.

  94. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Jesus, Field. You have been removing a lot of comments. Are they that terrible?
    Let me guess, they are all White with the one same dumb-ass filthy mentally Negro who attacks AB, right?

    I remember the days when you wanted everyone to see the kinds of Americans in America. What happened to change your mind? Well, the least you can do is post Frank Drake's posts...I have always considered him as Black who hates himself.

  95. "..where was the outrage over the deaths of a reported 30,000 Black Libyans?"

    Good question. Where is the conservative "pro-life" outrage or are they only concerned about zygotes? Either that or conservatives don't care about the lives of people of color. Hypocrites.

  96. "I know I would have hauled ass outta there! He's got a snowball's chance in hell of a fair trial now."

    Like the fair trial he gave Trayvon? Don't worry, America has a long history of letting off people who kill Black men. Newt the historian can tell you about that.

  97. I look forward to this guy being arrested and having to prove he felt threatened by skittles and an iced tea. SN: There is a lot going on in here, isn't there?

    Peace, Love and Chocolate,

  98. "Yes your racist mindset is curiously devoid of logic. Obviously at some point he stopped running and started punching, evidence Zimmerman getting beat on the ground, bloody nose, back of head, witness saw the kid beating him."

    What logic have you shown? Why was his fat ass chasing him in the first place? He was not a cop and the dispatcher told him not to follow. Trayvon was defending himself! If one of your children is followed and then chased by an older bigger man what would you want them to do? Then again in this country of conservative cowards that have to carry guns everywhere this will become more standard, that is until white people start getting shot.

  99. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Read Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow".

    On page 184 (hardcover edition) Ms. Alexander writes "... The total population of black males in Chicago with a felony record (including both current and former felons) is equivalent to 55% of the black adult male population and an astonishing 80% of the adult black male workforce in the Chicago area." ...

    In other words, the MAJORITY OF black males in some urban areas (like Chicago) with large black populations are FELONS. No wonder people (including black people like myself) see young black males today as PREDATORS.

    These days when I'm walking down the street and I see a black male coming toward me, I cross the street all the while trying to look like I didn't cross the street because of him.

  100. Anonymous6:24 PM

    this is a slam dunk hate crime

    This is NOT a goddman "hate" crime. ALL VIOLENCE IS HATE. Or fear. Or being fed up with being a victim and snapping and taking it out on the wrong person. We don't know the background to the story. It is horrible on its face, just like all the other violence we read about (and don't read about) in the MSM.

    But to call Zimmerman a "white wanna-be" is just fucked up and racist. Fooled Knee-Grow, you are truly an odious racist.

  101. Anonymous7:15 PM

    "My Uncle was hanged so their families, children included, could be entertained at an all-White picnic."

    This never happened.

  102. Anonymous8:16 PM

    "My Uncle was hanged so their families, children included, could be entertained at an all-White picnic."

    anon replied, "This never happened."

    7:15 PM
    Of course. And neither did any lynchings of Black men. Neither did slavery happen neither did the genocide of Native Americans, and neither did the Holocaust.

    All Whites are innocent; they are a godsend and pure. It's the Blacks, Native Americans and Jews who are the problem. Ultimately, It's GOD. If HE hadn't made them, life would be so much better for Whites. maybe you can be helpful to the future generations by killing off GOD?

  103. Anonymous7:09 PM

    And if he is no billed by the grand jury, then what? Riots and mayhem for what? What will that cure?

  104. Anonymous3:25 AM

    By Ratoo
    (to Funky Rap Beat)
    Here is the Tale of Tough guy Trayvon
    Thought he was gangster, but now he is gone
    Someone Trayvoned his ass
    Someone Trayvoned his ass
    Drug dealing, watch stealing
    Crime is what he did
    Creepin round in the dark,
    With tools and loot hid
    Went to the store to buy Skittles and Tea
    So if he was caught, he'd have de-ni-abil-ity
    Jumping over fences, walking through the hood
    Looking into windows, up to no good
    (very brief silent pause)
    Who will Trayvon his ass?
    Who will Trayvon his ass?
    Casing out a house, he met a guy named Zimmer-MAN
    Thought he was a honky, but he were a badass Mexi-CAN
    Trayvon talking tough, threw a couple blows,
    Knocked him to the ground, broke his freakin nose.
    Grabbed him by the head, pounding into the ground
    Zimmer-MAN made his move, then there was a sound
    (very brief silent pause)
    He Trayvoned his ass
    He Trayvoned his ass
    Take then this lesson, learn it if you can
    Do not mess around, with a badass Mexi-CAN
    A badass Mexi-CAN
    (very brief silent pause)
    He will Trayvon your ass
    He will Trayvon your ass
    Final verse, spoken:
    Run away punk: don’t make me Trayvon your ass.
