Monday, March 19, 2012

Why Trayvon Martin is not "America's problem."

So I was listening to a talk radio host here in Philly on my drive home today talk about the Trayvon Martin case. Dude was saying that he has sons who are Trayvon's age and that they are prone to wear hoodies every now and then. "But for the grace of God go I" is what he said. Sorry Mr. Smerconish, with all due respect, your sons would have not been shot to death on that fateful day in Central Florida. Your sons do not look like Trayvon Martin.

This is one of the benefits of white privilege that most whites take for granted. In a "color aroused" society, you don't have to worry about how you will be perceived by Joe Public. I am fortunate enough to be able to go to some very nice establishments, and I am always aware of what I wear to certain places. It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is. Unless you are a famous black person (and even when you are), you just do not get the benefit of the doubt. Those "color aroused" instincts always take over and makes things uncomfortable for certain people. Unfortunately, sometimes the results can be deadly. 

Some pundits worry and wonder why this particular case is not "America's problem" and why it is only a black one:

"Trayvon Martin, like so many “suspicious-looking” young black males with similar "fates, did not have that luxury. No one can hide his or her skin color and, in the context of vigilante violence, the false threat of black skin is a uniquely black male problem. That doesn’t mean that those who have not experienced it cannot see why it is so obviously troublesome, nor does it exonerate non-black people from the responsibility of demanding a more just legal system that sends a clear enough message that murders like Martin’s are so unacceptable that they will, for the most part, go away. That lack of joint responsibility may be the single most troubling part of this story.

When Caylee Anthony disappeared, Nancy Grace almost single-handedly decided for us that this was America’s Problem. For a good year, this was America’s Problem. This was America’s Problem despite the fact that, by the time Caylee’s mother was arrested and acquitted, there really wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. Black media leaders had to cover Casey Anthony’s trial, too. And Joran Van Der Sloot’s. And Amanda Knox‘s. The lack of reciprocity, particularly in cases with black victims, is stark and needs to be addressed."  [Source]

It "needs to be addressed", but believe me, if it's not, we won't be surprised.
As Americans we do have a lot in common, but unfortunately, problems like this isn't one of them.

Finally, Rick Santorum came out against pornography the other day; and he has been forceful in his condemnation of this particular phenomenon in A-merry-can life.

I admire the guy's passion, but if he really wants to do away with pornography he has to stop posing shirtless for all the world to see. I, like, Justice Stewart, know obscene pornography when I see it. That pic, my friends, was obscenely pornographic.

*Pic courtesy of The Grio.


  1. Reality10:18 PM

    "This is one of the benefits of white privilege that most whites take for granted. In a "color aroused" society, you don't have to worry about how you will be perceived by Joe Public."

    That privilege is earned by the fact that people's experience tells them they don't need to be "aroused" by white skin.

    White privilege = White success.

    1. Oh my goodness, surely you jest. I live in a predominantly white neighborhood (only because this is AZ and OUR numbers here are negligible) and I drive my kids to and from school even though its a 15 minute walk because I do fear some psychotic white man will try to abduct them...and because of you guys' proclivity to hate crimes, my husband advises against us wearing any gear supporting the president's campaign. I worry because under-educated whites are plenty in numbers out here and they're often the most bitter and violent kind. I worry that one of these children drugged up on all the pills their parents have them on, will bring a gun to school and take out their angst on my children & others. I've lived in Atlanta and New Orleans, and never have I considered my children's lives to be in as much danger as I do now living amongst these people who have yet to seriously confront the calamities in THEIR hood. And white success shouldn't be touted as such a blanket term...theres a s**tload of whites who are utter and complete failures...and YOUR history is marred by intolerance, bigotry, and violence. F**k affirmative action, under qualified whites get undeserved opportunities affirmative action on speed. Like Jan Brewer's dumb ass doesn't even have an effin bachelors degree--screw that, Brewer doesn't even have an associates degree--the idiot has a CERTIFICATE from a community college!
      Just, take a breath, and understand that your equation is wrong. It's just that simple. Stop coming on here trying to convince us of who YOU are and who WE are not. You are weak, your character is severely flawed and all those like you. Geez, I can't imagine my husband trolling the internet, your family is so unfortunate to have someone like you-coward.

  2. NSangoma10:23 PM

    Benjamin Crump, a lawyer for Martin’s parents, said the teenager had not been using drugs or alcohol and would have had no reason to confront Zimmerman. Martin had been watching the National Basketball Association
    All-Star game at his father’s girlfriend’s house in the neighborhood when he ventured out to a nearby 7-Eleven store for a snack, Crump said. A bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea were on his body when police
    arrived on the scene.

    P - U - whuh??, whuh??, whuh??; PSSUY.

    Negroe PSSUY?? White PSSUY?? Latino PSSUY??
    Asian PSSUY??
    Enquiring minds want to know.

    Now, that must be some fantabulous pssuy for a Negroe not to notice until the next fcuking day that his son had not returned from the convenience store; but then again, he is a fcuking pitiful baby-daddy-ssa-Negroe.

    As I stated earlier, baby-mama is visibly pssied at this poor excuse for a baby-daddy ssa MoFo'n NGGIER.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    I agree :) Man needs to do some serious push ups! I think even the mosquitos stayed away! LOL

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I admire the guy's passion, but if he really wants to do away with pornography he has to stop posing shirtless for all the world to see. I, like, Justice Stewart, know pornography when I see it. That pic, my friends, was pornographic.

    It's only porn if it aroused you. Guess it did, was it the man nipples that got ya?

  5. ------------------------------------------
    Field Said:

    This is one of the benefits of white privilege that most whites take for granted.

    Unless you are a famous black person (and even when you are), you just do not get the benefit of the doubt.

    That's the deal in a nutshell: I get benefit of the doubt, but if I were black all I'd get would be the doubt.

  6. Too bad Prez Obama can't comment on this knowing the wingnuts would use it against him.

  7. Santorum's known for going all "man on dog," and now he's bashing Willard for going all "dog on car."

  8. "It's only porn if it aroused you. Guess it did, was it the man nipples that got ya?"

    Actually, it did arouse me. It reminded me of a wonderful whale watching trip I have planned to Sarah Palin country in the near future.

  9. Scratch a lie, find a psycho occasionally posting as Assnon.

  10. Reality11:14 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    That's the deal in a nutshell: I get benefit of the doubt, but if I were black all I'd get would be the doubt.

    You are almost getting it, Whitey, almost.

    The reason you get the benefit of the doubt is that white people are much less likely to cause someone harm.

    This is a fact.

    Another fact: Young black males are many times more dangerous than any other demographic group.

    Therefore, it is much harder (and much more dangerous) to give black males the benefit of the doubt.

    This is not racism; this is logic.

    Jesse Jackson figured this out:

    "“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”

    Why can't you?

  11. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Black Mamba said-

    As a former resident of E. Mesa, AZ, I can attest to everything that "I Know What I Like" said. Apart from the temperature hitting upwards to 117 in the summer, a black person must also deal with color aroused whites. And as an aside, meth is the drug of choice among those whites and those whites can legally drop out of school at 16. But they do have extraordinary sunrises and....oh yeah, Wallmart.

  12. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Most interracial crimes are committed by blacks. No wonder this hispanic guy was scared.

    If Smerconish's sons were killed, chances are they would have been killed by blacks.

  13. Whats funny is I listened to the Ben Ferguson show Sunday evening and one of the topics was the Santorum pornography bit--now, on any other topic (Obama, Obama, Michelle, Obama), the caller-ins to the show side jeff whatever is supportive of the conservative candidate of the moment, and knock anything liberal, left, Obama (just like good little parrots)--NOT SUNDAY! These callers were very very very very concerned about their pornography being limited/ caller even said, "well he won't get the nomination" Of course not.

  14. Anonymous2:28 AM

    Clearly the Teen was murdered because he was Black. I think having Obama as President has unleashed a backlash against all bm.

    I like the title of your post: "Why Trayvon Martin is not "America's problem." It's true. As a matter of fact, it never has been.

    What's interesting about the comments tonight is that not one poster commented about your headline. It is precisely because Blacks are unable to stand together where they become part of the justice system instead of being different and separate from it, that the "black problem" is a black problem and not America's problem.

    I said it before and I'll say it again: "It's a bitch being Black in America. It's depressing. I doubt that NOT ONE AA is not depressed. Some will deny it, but they are lying to themselves.

    Field, why don't you do a post about the ineffectiveness of this nation's first black President when it comes to the injustices to Blacks? Of course, I don't expect him to say or do anything because this case involves a white-on-black killing. He only criticizes Blacks.

    1. I refute this-there are many-MANY-happy black people, black families, black college students, black professionals, black celebrities--and when you add in the biracial black people, that number multiplies significantly. You are baiting, and I'd be willing to bet you aren't even black. It's our happiness, high self-esteem and resiliency that keeps us standing tall in the face of all our adversities (and adversaries). We have a pretty RICH history of coming/standing together to fight injustice--like the picture above illustrates--so, what the heck are you blubbering about? YOU should look into counseling, and should avoid projecting YOUR shame and depression onto others (if indeed, you aren't just a pathetic troll)--Stop grouping us into these categories that justify and prolong ignorance of our solidarity & pride. If you can't already tell, I feel very lucky to be a black american, to have a kinship w/this amazing group of intellectuals--creative and inspiring (and might I add, badass) group of human beings. I do not feed into the hype that I am atypical as a wife to a hard working, tax paying black man; daughter to a black american veteran; mother to a black honor student...because I see it everywhere I look-but maybe thats because thats what I look for, so that's what I see.
      Further, I don't expect a black president, white president, or other to do anything about the black community or answer to perceived injustices--that is not his/their job--should a white president answer to the economic hardships of the trailer parks; should a white president appoint a committee to address the phenomena of white suburban school shootings; if we were to elect a latino president, should we expect him to award amnesty to all illegals and open all of our borders, and then funnel tax money into our country's barrios???
      American presidents don't operate like that--they have to maintain a racially neutral position for the most part...the goal is to further the initiatives of the party--not a racial segment of the party--people vote their economic interests (except for poor republicans), and hopefully would be politically intelligent enough not to expect our government (specifically the executive branch) to directly address a minority demographic--that would be political suicide.
      So now, why are YOU unhappy? What are YOU going to do about it? How are YOU volunteering your time & energies to effect change? Have YOU even donated to or volunteered for the campaigns of your chosen political candidates?
      Commenters DID address the topic and the subtopics within the post-did YOU?
      It's not a "bitch being black in America"; your perception is skewed and it is casting a dark shadow on your reality.
      Lighten up, talk to someone professional, (theres supposed to be some pretty decent meds for depression)-but exercise & fresh air works just as well (if not better)

  15. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Field, "Sorry Mr. Smerconish, with all due respect, your sons would have not been shot to death on that fateful day in Central Florida. Your sons do not look like Trayvon Martin."

    That is true. I still wonder why Trayvon would have walked in the rain through a predominately white neighborhood IN SAMFORD, FL where Whites and Latinos hate Blacks!

    I don't care if he did live in that community, if you are Black, you must get back....That has been the rule since slavery and it still stands today. Mell, shut your mouth.

    BTW, Miami is far worse than Samford. Those Cubans in Miami are known haters of Blacks.

  16. Anonymous2:46 AM

    "“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.” --Jesse Jackson

    It pains me but it is true. I am just afraid of most of my people as some Whites are. That is just the reality of life.

    I drove downtown Oakland today. While sitting at a red traffic light, some scary drunk drugged out brother started to approach my car, demanding I give him a cigarette. I don't smoke, so he curse me out, and called me a nigger, and threatened to kick my ass while all the white folks watched.

    I was the only bm at that traffic light and there were plenty of other cars with Whites but he singled me out. I have said it before and I'll say it again:

    "It's a bitch being Black in's depressing." And that's a fact. If the Whites don't get you, the Blacks will.

    1. Ugghh, you're taking up precious space and oxygen--grow a pair! MEN of ALL races can be dangerous, women too, and as of late, children! Please, I feel embarrased for you! Now go to your room, and think about what you've done!

  17. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I hope Santorum gets rid of pornography. It is filthy and nasty. It offends the moral mind while furthering the callousness of the corrupt mind, and soul. It needs to be destroyed.

    Field is all for pornography but is against racism because he thinks it's wrong. Go figure.

  18. Anonymous2:54 AM

    It's a bitch being Black in's depressing." And that's a fact. If the Whites don't get you, the Blacks will.

    Whites dont want to get you they want to get away from you

    1. By all means, go far far far far far far awaaaaaaaaaaay!

  19. If Trayvon had been a white guy, Zimmerman would've said, "Sorry, with that hoodie I thought you were a black guy." Zimmerman wasn't outraged by a hoodie.

  20. Hey Y'all
    heard ya missed me I'm back.
    First of all, with a name like "Trayvon" you might as well walk around with a target on your back, whats wrong with "Willie"? If it was good enough for the Say-Hey Kid, its good enough for your future felon.
    Second of all, 2 words
    "Ballistic Armor".
    Third of all, only reason this is a story is the "Dog Bites Man" slant. and heres a number.
    4,000, which I just pulled out of my ass, but is probably close to how many other Tray-vons have been shot by Ja-quil'-tavius's since Tray-von got his ticket punched.
    Fourth of all, whats with Al Sharpton's Nostrils? Damn, if Bin Laden hid there he'd still be alive.

    Frank "Don't be Hatin"

  21. Anonymous8:30 AM

    over a month now and no arrests in the K.C. hate crime where two negroes lit a 13yr old white boy on fire at the urging of negro teachers.negro police chief says not a hate crime.duh

  22. ~
    field, tell these Heauxes to cross their legs and to use their mouths and they will not end up birthing another Trayvon Martin:

  23. I want to preface what I'm about to say with the fact I'm horrified, sickened, and saddened by what happened to this young man. Please pause and realize that's the 100% truth. Please let it linger all the way through your outrage at what I say next.

    Because . . . it wouldn't surprise me (having seen it so often before) if Trayvon's behavior, appearance, mannerisms, and yea even his actions while out alone were COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the way he presented himself and behaved around his parents or teachers. On goes the hoodie, up comes the hood, down come the pants, hand to the crotch, on with the shades, up with the attitude, badass walk . . . and hell, maybe even making some kind of threatening gesture at a fat white guy with a staring problem. Maybe even pretending those Skittles in his pocket might be a gun.

    Let's not pretend there aren't ways of dressing that do look more suspicious than others, even with complete disregard to skin color.

    I won't even BEGIN to discredit those have rightly said skin color is an important issue - a vital issue - but don't you guys try acting like hiding in a hoodie with your pants around your thighs isn't a message saying "I'm a thug." I could cite cases where kids were killed by assholes for wearing a motorcycle jacket or having a mohawk, too.

    Let's not be simplistic about this. It doesn't have to be so simple for it to still have been wrong. What happened to Trayvon WAS still unquestionably wrong.

    And, while we're at it, let's not deny that Zimmerman is a disturbed individual. His super hero trip was a little unbalanced and inappropriate to begin with, wasn't it? It would hardly be surprising if he shot a kid with a mohawk in his quest to be Charles Bronson in 'Deathwish' would it? You think a guy like that wouldn't shoot a skate punk who's in the wrong place at the wrong time acting like a punk, think again.

    Are there racial inequities, injustices, and outrages in our country? Certainly, and all of you have said your piece, and rightly so. But let's not pretend this couldn't have happened without race being a factor. That's adding one more logical fallacy to the pile, and it's another injustice to Trayvon.

    It certainly could have been about a teenager acting like a punk when away from his authority figures running into a grown ass man with childish, paranoid, republican fantasies of being a lone crusader against evildoers and having the "guts" to stand up against thugs "taking over our streets."

    It's naive and depressing to think that had Trayvon been white the guy would've just apologized and walked away. Again, I won't even say race definitely had nothing to do with it - but it's an unjust obfuscation to say that it definitely did, as well.

    Yesterday my gf and I met a young white guy on the sidewalk with his hand on his crotch, pants around his thighs, giant over-sized sports jersey, and gold chains. Everything about this guy said, "I'm a gangsta." He was slouching and bopping and twitching around enough to make Flava-Flav jealous of his punk ass "I don't give a fuck" routine.

    You bet your ass he looked suspicious. He was trying to and it worked. We crossed the street to avoid him - and this dude was as white as Ann Coulter clogging . . . naked.

    Now, back to reality. What happened to Trayvon was STILL plain wrong, and the kid deserves justice. Because here's the deal - even IF he was acting like a thug, and even IF he was acting tough or seeming indirectly menacing somehow, those acts are not, should not, and must not be crimes punishable by death at the hands of a self-appointed neighborhood executioner.

  24. Anonymous9:46 AM

    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    By all means, go far far far far far far awaaaaaaaaaaay!

    are you off your med's again? Who are you talking to?

  25. fn:

    why do u hate on nancy g so???

    she features MANY black incidents
    on her show...always!

    and yes

    all of these wiggas in their hoodies are safe
    they don all blackishness without the burden of will

    just like that blackish PIC/dna arrests/kkkiller kkkop fan hobama


    still no word on NDAA????

    hobama's ndaa has just begun!!!!!!!

    ask trayvon!!!!

  26. df:


    i love this quote too!

    “I am black; I am in total fusion with the world, in sympathetic affinity with the earth, losing my id in the heart of the cosmos -- and the white man, however intelligent he may be, is incapable of understanding Louis Armstrong or songs from the Congo. I am black, not because of a curse, but because my skin has been able to capture all the cosmic effluvia. I am truly a drop of sun under the earth.”
    ― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

    u may be looking for:

    dr. jewell pookrum - a premier melanin scholar


    dr. marimba ani - a gender/cultural scholar


    good luck

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. i revere and adore both intellectual african scholar queens/vegan idols

  29. Anonymous10:51 AM

    alicia banks said...
    i revere and adore both intellectual african scholar queens/vegan idols

    I think I saw a Vegan Idol in a porno movie once. She like cucumbers and carrots

  30. kudos!!!

    rip trayvon

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  34. Anonymous11:26 AM

    alicia banks said...
    911 + cell records = slam dunk murder case

    "Trayvon said, 'What are you following me for?'" the girl said. "And the man said, 'What are you doing here?' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the [phone’s\] headset just fell."

    Yes I am sure he said. "Excuse me sir, what are you following me for. Then the tapes show the Hispanic guy screaming for help while other witnesses SAW TrayVon on top pummeling Zimm and then later a warning shot and then the presumed fatal shot Serving Tray woudln't stop beating him (as proven by the lacerations on his face and back of his head from being slammed into the ground) he shot him.

    The department of justice's only goal is to grab control of guns. Holder has wanted this since day one. They don't like that people can defend themselves or that crime and murders were reduced 58% in florida since the Castle Doctrine was introduced.

    What a coincidence with Obama just signing that new Martial law executive order.

    They want all cities to be crying for martial law to defend itself from the Black undertow where only criminals have guns just like every city that has been screaming for martial law last year to overcome the violence. All of these cities have strict gun control law and a high population of Black violence and asked for help declaring martial law: Chicago, New Orleans, Detroit, Newark, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Atlanta, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Memphis, Houston, Dallas, Columbia (S.C.), Milwaukee, Peoria, and Cleveland

    Strange isn't it. In states where open and concealed carry is law, crime is nothing compared to those states that literally ban law abiding citizens from having protection.

    Maybe it just wasn't the Spanish Guys fault and maybe he was defending himself and maybe if there were neighborhood watches in the cities crying for martial law and the citizens stopped the thugs instead of enabling them, they wouldn't see so many people killed and things would change. Time will tell.

    1. I live in Detroit and it's easy to get your ccw in Michigan, crime is still ramped, so your wrong on that fact buddie

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. more on hobama's/rahmbo's voter fraud

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  39. Marlin Perkins12:04 PM

    OMG someone shoot a tranquilizer dart into the ass of that raging hippo AB!

  40. mellaneous12:23 PM

    What up Field, good post.

    People who are well meaning have to ask why is there this kind of double standard in our society. In Florida whites, Latinos (Hispanics) and Blacks have acknowledged that there is something wrong with what happened. Very few would honestly argue that there would have been no consequence had Zimmerman been black and Trayvon were white or white Hispanic.

    Only the real racists overlook the fact that a man was following another young man who objectively had done nothing wrong, that is absolutely nothinig wrong.

    And only the narrow minded and short sighted can ignore that the guy Zimmerman was following this kid and that even if he was meaning and felt he was just watching out for his neighborhood, he would have still had no good reason to exit his vehicle.

    It was if folks are honest the young man's color that aroused suspicion and little else.

  41. George Zimmerman12:29 PM

    I was not "color aroused". I am a hispanic male. As we all know, minorities can't be racist.

  42. Anonymous12:32 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Very few would honestly argue that there would have been no consequence had Zimmerman been black and Trayvon were white or white Hispanic.

    Really? So a special law would have been created?

    What ever happen to the black folks " lets not rush to judgement" meme?

  43. Only in Obamas Amerkkka12:33 PM

    Father's outrage as TSA subjects his wheelchair-bound three-year-old son to humiliating search... on his way to Disney

    A vacation in the Magic Kingdom should be enough to make a child giddy with excitement, but one young boy was left trembling with fear after he was subjected to an invasive TSA pat-down.

    The three-year-old, confined to a wheelchair due to a recently broken leg, was with his family at O'Hare Airport in Chicago, on their way to board a flight to Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
    Despite constant assurances from his father that 'everything is OK', he physically trembles with fear and asks his parents to hold his hand.

    Read more:

  44. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Ashleigh Jacobs is another example of what happens when white women date black males.

  45. mellaneous12:39 PM

    Field yall I think there is a good chance that Zimmerman is going to get away with what he did. Folks in Florida in the Sanford area have already been speculating that he has left the country.Not that he could really escape prosecution if the feds come after him,but it could make it difficult.

    But more importantly I think there is a good chance the Sanford police will stick to its original position. And the feds are already indicating that they won't be able to bring him to justice.

    Check out their statement below and note the terms "reasonable doubt" and "specific intent"

    According to a statement by the Justice Department, "The department will conduct a thorough and independent review of all of the evidence and take appropriate action and the conclusion of the investigation. … The government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person acted intentionally and with the specific intent to do something which the law forbids. Negligence, recklessness, mistakes and accidents are not prosecutable under the federal criminal civil rights."

    Nuff said! This one may wind up with a lot of weeping and knashing of teeth, but no justice.

  46. Kellan12:52 PM

    mellaneous said...
    In Florida whites, Latinos (Hispanics) and Blacks have acknowledged that there is something wrong with what happened

    Well hell yes there is something wrong, a 17 year kid is dead.

    And from the facts at hand, there is probably "something wrong" with Zimmerman as well.

    However if this kid did attack him, then he probably will not be charged with murder. That has nothing to do with race.

    But we have to wait for the facts.

    The lack of information is not stopping the usual suspects from crying racism though. It is just another pathetic case of the black community externalizing the blame for what is primarily a black dysfunction.

    Because it's a new day today, and about eight young black men in America will be killed by other young black men, same as yesterday and same as tomorrow.

  47. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  48. NSangoma1:20 PM

    Son, I know that I'm supposed to spend this weekend with you; but you don't mind, do you, if I run by here real quick, so I can check on this BISH?

    You know how it is; heh, heh, heh.

    It won't cost you no kind of nothing for me to do so; but you life.

  49. Anonymous2:06 PM

    anon, "Whites dont want to get you they want to get away from you"

    2:54 AM
    This is true. But Blacks chase after Whites, want to be around Whites, want to live in White gated communities....IN SAMFORD, FL. Go figure.

    After thinking about it, sometimes Blacks want to get away from Blacks. I know I do. For instance, I don't like it when I go to the movies and there are 'too many' of us in the theatre.

    You can count on Negroes talking loud at the screen and maybe even shooting at the screen. It's depressing.

  50. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I Know What I Like, "..Further, I don't expect a black president, white president, or other to do anything about the black community or answer to perceived injustices--that is not his/their job--.."

    Baloney. If a President can start a war, he can speak up about racism in America. Hell, even George Bush went to LA and held court on those white officers who were found "not guilty" in Orange County.

    You just can't face the fact that Obama doesn't and hasn't given a damn about us. All he has done has cater to Whites. Hell, even Nixon signed legislation to help Blacks. Why? because he recognized how racist America is. But NOT OBAMA. He won't say a word.

    Good luck in your stay in a White neighborhood IN AZ! I truly hope you will be able to move to a less racist state before something happens.

  51. Brother Field....Just a line or two to say "thank you" for staying on the case for Brother Martin. I know you and other bloggers and Internet commenters have kept this tragedy in the open. Again Brother.......Thank you.

  52. Bronxtale Diver4:49 PM

    Field I know you are a man of the law, so please tell me if I'm off base or what.

    In my eyes, Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law should be the reason
    why Zimmerman should be locked up. He completely incriminates himself in the 911 tapes. He's not an officer of the law, yet he says he's following an innocent person walking the streets. Trayvon wasn't breaking any laws but
    is being pursued by an unknown man (Zimmerman) in a car. The unknown man (Zimmerman) jumps out of the car and chases Trayvon. Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law certain applies to Trayvon. He felt he was being confronted by an unknown assailant and stood his ground. However, unknown to Trayvon, the assailant (Zimmerman) is carrying a weapon.
    Trayvon, on the other hand is carrying Skittles and and an iced tea. So, essentially, Zimmerman is saying, I attempted to attack an unarmed man because i didn't like the way her looked after I was told not to by police. That man stood his ground and fought me and I killed him because I could not win in a fair fight.

    This is how I see it.

  53. NSangoma5:03 PM

    (we need more BLACKFATHERitis)

    Trayvon Martin was 17, visiting his father in Sanford, Florida. He was also black.


    Trayvon Martin may have been in Sanford FL to visit his father, true. But, the problem arises from whom his father was visiting:
    Martin had been watching the National Basketball Association
    All-Star game at his father’s girlfriend’s house in the neighborhood
    when he ventured out to a nearby 7-Eleven store for a snack,



    et tu Jonathan
    There was also being mindful that you are being watched in stores.
    Watched turned to followed as I got older. To this day, if a sales
    person is overly attentive to what I might be looking for I leave the
    store. Never to return. And then there was keeping a distance of
    deniability from white women when walking on the street. Lest you be
    accused of any number of offenses, from trying to snatch her purse to
    sexual assault.



    No Problem with anything that they've written, my siblings and I got a similar talk when we were youngsters. I gave the same talk to both my daughter and my son when they were younger.
    As an adult of some maturity, I often find myself followed in stores. At my son's so-called exclusive prep school, the guards, the Black ones, have on several occasions asked him what he's doing there. But, I digress.

    Trayvon Martin's parents must not have given him the talk; do they even know what Blackmotheritis and Blackfatheritis are?

    Trayvon, is dead because his father wanted some pssuy:
    That was Feb. 27, one day after Trayvon was shot. The father thought
    that he was missing
    , according to the family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump,


    Trayvon, is dead because of NGGIERitis.

    Yes, baby-sis; your son is dead because your baby-daddy was thinking with his wrong head:

  54. Anonymous5:39 PM

    mellaneous said...
    What up Field, good post.

    Only the real racists overlook the fact that a man was following another young man who objectively had done nothing wrong, that is absolutely nothinig wrong.

    Only the real racists would forget that just because someone looks at you, you don't have the right to attack them. Even if they speak to you, curse you, call you names, you still cannot touch them. This is still a christian-judeo based nation. Only the racists want to convict the killer without the full investigation and despite evidence and eyewitnesses that he did attack the Hispanic guy. Meaning YOU.

    And only the narrow minded and short sighted can ignore that the guy Zimmerman was following this kid and that even if he was meaning and felt he was just watching out for his neighborhood, he would have still had no good reason to exit his vehicle.

    Bullshit, that's why Black neighborhoods are no mans land. I see this all the time from Black folk. Why did that boy get involved, mind your own business. He had no right. WRONG, he lived there and he had every right to walk around and look at people in his gated community. This is how you stop Black on Black crime, but that takes courage, you would have to face the thugs and hoods and actually do something, stop them from hanging out on your corners, dealing drugs, shooting children, destroying property, bringing in people that have no regard for your or family into the neighborhood. Why do you think even the poorest non black neighborhoods do not have the same violence as Black neighborhoods of all classes do? Ask yourself this.

    It was if folks are honest the young man's color that aroused suspicion and little else.

    Lets try and make this simple for the simpleminded. He was in a gated community in florida. Florida is huge and everything is wide open. No one walks to the corner store normally anywhere and especially in a wide open gated community. So to see someone walking and it raining is unusual and anyone would say hey, maybe this guy broke down etc or is he up to no good...add to that he was wearin a hoody now try and tell me a lot of crimes arent committed by guys wearin the favorite you cant ID hoody? and questionably looking into peoples houses as Zimmerman calmly described WHEN he called the police. Yes he is Black and Blacks do have a reputation for being violent and committing a hugely disproportionate number of crimes in our society, look at any police report in the US, hell the world. So Yeah, Jesse Jackson would be looking twice and you know it. You want to fix things? Cut down on the crime rate committed by Blacks. Until then how dare you tell me not to be intelligent and protect myself when the odds are so much higher that there will be a crime or violence when a black is around. How dare you insist that I play stupid and not know how dangerous Blacks are but never say or do anything to protect myslef. You are a fool. The kid could easily have diffused the situation by saying, no I am staying at my daddies girlfriends house over there...instead of getting angry because he has been brainwashed by the likes of you that he should get angry if confronted it's not the fault of those offending society so much, it's the fault of society.

  55. Jim Tucker5:51 PM

    Field, while I understand your point about white privelege, this is very much America's problem.

    I hear we must not rush to judgement. I think most people really mean let's not rush to Justice, for a black kid. That's why it is America's problem.

    The threat came from a suspicious person, someone who escalated this beyond all reasonable bounds. He murdered that young boy (IMHO) with no evidence of illegal behavior, and no right to accost him. The fact that we all know it has happened before, and will happen again, and yet good men (and women) don't do enough to stop it means it is America's problem.

    That we have amped up people carrying guns around on the street, apparently itching for a confrontation, and people see someone wearing a goddam hoodie and carrying Skittles as a greater threat means it is America's problem.

    Trayvon was just a kid walking down the street, looking at houses, maybe imagining himself owning one in the future, looking at how they were built so maybe he could build one. He did nothing wrong, could have done nothing different. All he did was show up in black skin, and his attacker, (and the community through their inaction and tacit approval), did all the rest. THAT makes it America's problem, and we will all be poorer until we figure out how to fix this broken culture.

    "I KNOW WHAT I LIKE", you are not alone. I'm not shy about confronting racism or the things that cause poverty when it's my own safety, (I'm a white guy), but I won't put campaign stuff for my president on my wife's car. (She is frail, and I am concerned about the potential threat from some psychotic, probably white, and probably male).

    Offensive force isn't the answer, of course. You have to create a situation where people's minds are opened to reconsider what they think, and that's hard to do by yourself. My pitiful efforts are too small, like a teaspoon against a tsunami, and I wish I was more effective. But we do what we can, and it makes a difference once in a while.

    I know Trayvon's parents have a pain in their stomach today. I hope over time they will be better able to manage it. It seems they are getting good counsel. There are a lot of people out here want the best for them, and I hope they know that.

    Rest in peace Trayvon.

    Thank you for your work Field.

  56. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Thanks Alicia! I checked out those links and they were very interesting and informative. I enjoyed them!

    I'm continuing my search until I find her. She has a very interesting theory and perspective.

  57. Brothertucker8:00 PM

    Jim Tucker said...
    I won't put campaign stuff for my president on my wife's car. (She is frail, and I am concerned about the potential threat from some psychotic, probably white, and probably male).

    LMAO!!! Like the unhinged violent ones aren't all Obama voters!

    You aint white, and if you are, you ain't a man.

  58. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Jim Tucker, "Field, while I understand your point about white privelege, this is very much America's problem."

    If this were America's problem the MSM would have been on this story from the beginning like white on rice(no pun intended).

    Secondly, there would be twice as many Whites marching in Sanford, FL. Instead, there are none.

    So please save the bullshit. You white privileged folks could care less about about the injustices and murders to Blacks. Whites are too far removed from the link that connects to humanity, God, and the human heart to be outraged by ANYTHING the police or a neighborhood watchman does to a Black.

  59. Anonymous9:17 PM

    field have you noticed that every media outfit is running the Trayvon story with a picture from when he was 12 and not the one you have up that looks more recent with the hoodie? Maybe they should show the Hispanic guys baby picture so everyone feels sorry. It's things like this that make no one trust the media.

  60. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Mr. Field, have you checked out that Bill Moyers video I sent you?


  61. Jim Tucker1:46 AM

    "If this were America's problem the MSM would have been on this story from the beginning like white on rice..."

    But they weren't. Not enough people are outraged, not enough have a fire in their belly about this. It's odd, too, because we played fine together when we were kids, then we got older and learned to hate each other. And that's why it's America's problem.

    Kinda off topic - as a kid I wondered why some men (and women) thought they were stronger when they shouldered more of the load than they had to, when someone else was willing to help carry, get the job done. But they aren't stronger. There is something missing in them, or perhaps something injured so badly they can't fix it. That explained a lot, and lets me keep trying.

    But petty little disagreements and cheap shots ain't gonna help stop the hate, and they ain't gonna prevent the next innocent kid from being killed.

    And Trayvon ought to be the only subject right now.

  62. I'm sorry, but I thought blacks in America are considered American. So in essence it is America's problem.

  63. Anonymous3:51 AM

    More white privilege...

    I swear so many people living in the prison of their own mind.

    Where is the outrage???

  64. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Why do some of these black people responding sound as racist as some of their white racist counterparts? I'm a little confused by all of this black poems etc, are they saying that somehow being black is better than anyone else? It's like people love themselves so much. Maybe people should be proud of who they are white,black,asian, hispanic etc. It's sad even stupid people found a way to use a computer.
