Thursday, March 29, 2012

A video and eyewitness is not enough.

Just listened to an eyewitness to the Trayvon Martin murder on CNN. Anderson Cooper has an exclusive with the person. Looked in my e-mail inbox and there was an e-mail from CNN's PR person. One good thing about running a popular blog is that you get e-mails from folks in the know and cable news people all the time.

selected sound bite from the interview below -
Anderson Cooper: What did you observe after the shot?
Eyewitness: "As I said it was dark, but after the shot, obviously someone, one man got up and it was kind of like that period of him – I can’t say I actually watched him get up – but maybe it was only in a couple seconds or so that he was walking towards where I was watching. And I could see him a little bit clearer, and see that he was a Hispanic man and he was, you know, he didn’t appear hurt or anything else, he just kind of seemed very, worried or whatever, walked on the sidewalk at that point, with his hand up to his forehead and then another man came out with a flashlight..."
Shimrit Sheetrit
CNN Public Relations
1888 Century Park East - CC12079
Los Angeles, CA 90067

I don't know, maybe if folks hear the problem with the Trayvon Martin killing from a white perspective they will understand. Meanwhile, the racist continue to dig in and double down that somehow Trayvon Martin brought his death on himself.

But back to that article:

"President Obama transformed the Florida shooting that has become a national protest movement with a single sentence: "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." Once again, the president transcended race while addressing it.

Obama spoke as a father - any father. And yet there was no one who read or heard his words who didn't understand that he was also speaking as a black father who could have had a black son resembling Trayvon Martin, the teenager whose shooting death has inflamed black America while reminding white America that the legacy of racial injustice is long, complicated, and always painful.
I am a white father who has a story about his black son - that is, a boy who grew up with my son, as close as two friends can be.

They met in first grade at Meredith School, a public elementary school at Fifth and Fitzwater Streets, in a South Philadelphia neighborhood that people were still getting used to calling "Queen Village." It was the early '70s, and young white families who were buying rowhouses in such neighborhoods, as my family did, were referred to in real estate sections as "urban pioneers" rather than gentrifiers.

We were innocents of a sort in the Philadelphia public school system. Still in our twenties, we initially expected our kids to get the same education we had in the suburbs. Meredith at the time was 80 percent black, with many of its students coming from the high-rise public housing projects five blocks away, where parents fudged their addresses so their children could go to Meredith. We sent our children to Meredith because we liked and believed in it, and we continued to believe in it through grade school. Today, Meredith is one of the success stories of neighborhood public schools in Philadelphia, but back in the day, it wasn't so easy.

Best friends
My son Danny was bullied by a kid from the neighborhood, a mean white kid whom I remember as half my son's size, and yet who terrorized him to the extent that Danny retreated inside at any hint of his presence.

And then came Robert. Robert was Danny's classmate, a black kid who lived in the projects down the street. How they became best friends, I do not know. Robert just showed up one day and never left.
The bullying stopped whenever Robert was around. Danny grew more confident by degrees. By fifth grade, he was unafraid. By seventh grade, he was adventurous.

By eighth grade, he was - well, as he once put it to me, black. He was joking, of course, because he would always be white in the eyes of America. And of the Philadelphia police.

'Next time'
One spring morning in 1985, while Robert was walking to school from his mother's apartment in the Southwark Plaza housing project, at Fourth and Washington, he was stopped by the police and put in the back of a wagon. He was 13 years old.

The officers drove him to Sixth and South Streets, where a woman's purse had been snatched. The woman was waiting there when the police wagon pulled up. When its back doors opened, a bewildered boy in tears emerged.

The woman was furious. "I told you it was a man who did this, 6 feet tall. You've brought me a boy. Don't you know the difference?"

The police officers shrugged, put Robert back in the wagon, and drove him back to Meredith School, where he had told them he was a student. They pulled up outside the front doors on Fifth Street about half an hour after classes had begun. Robert was still sobbing when they opened the doors and left him on the sidewalk alone.

The policemen didn't call his mother, didn't offer to walk him inside to explain why he was late, and didn't apologize for the mistake. They simply let him out and drove away after a four-word warning: "Next time, don't cry."
Those are words that no white father in Philadelphia would ever expect a policeman to say to his son. "Next time ... " - because surely there will be a next time, and boys like Robert should learn how to take it like men. And if I had actually been the father of a boy who looked like Trayvon Martin, I would have known that.

That was all 27 years ago. We moved to West Philadelphia soon afterward. Danny and Robert went to different high schools and drifted apart, though they remained friends.

Robert eventually got caught up in drugs and dropped out of high school. But he came from a strong family, and at 19, he joined the Army, got his GED, and learned a trade. When he died of leukemia at the age of 25, he had started a family and was working for a top chef at a Center City hotel. At his funeral, I heard my son cry like I had never heard him cry before."

I am still waiting on that all important autopsy report. Not that it will make any difference to folks who think that the "thuggish" black youth got what he deserved, but it should make things so much clearer.

Eyewitnesses are sometimes wrong, that is not the same for videos and forensic evidence.


  1. Nice fairy tale Field. You forget to end it with "and they lived happily ever after".

  2. Christian Anderson10:47 PM

    Hans said...
    Nice fairy tale Field. You forget to end it with "and they lived happily ever after".

    Because they didn't. Because Philly is even blacker now then it was then.

  3. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Where is the witness that saw skittles and tea?

  4. Anonymous11:06 PM

    You still have witnesses that saw Zimmerman being attacked.

    You still have a police report that describles Zimmerman's injuries.

    With all that said, i think this video hurts the case more than it helps.

    It puts the police and witness cred in doubt.

  5. Anonymous11:12 PM

    No reason to fear black amerikkka.

  6. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Eyewitness: "As I said it was dark, but after the shot, obviously someone, one man got up and it was kind of like that period of him – I can’t say I actually watched him get up – but maybe it was only in a couple seconds or so that he was walking towards where I was watching. And I could see him a little bit clearer, and see that he was a Hispanic man and he was, you know, he didn’t appear hurt or anything else

    Seriously? This is the witness testimony that convinced you? A witness saying he didn't appear hurt? He had a gash on the back of his head, but he wasn't falling down, he got up dazed? The EMT's placed a bandage on his nose. Are you kidding me?

    What about the other witnesses who say Trayvon beating him?

    What about his father saying that is not my son when he heard the tapes?

    Good thing about todays' MSM MSNBC CNN and all the other Obama/Soros/Media Matters/Black Blogosphere coalition have tipped their hands on matters way to easily disproven. Why in the world would a supposed news network need to tip a Black Blogger about that networks PR? Because everyone has so easily seen how horribly biased these networks are and their ratings are plummeting.

    A lot of folks used to say ok they are left wing nutjobs but surely they won't create the news to fit the white house agenda? Well, know we know better. They do, they lie, twist and squirm.

    Now the MSM and all those linked too it have become Sharpton. Completely laughable and nothing they say is to be taken seriously.

  7. *watching the video tape again of Mr. Zimmerman being taken to the police station.*

    Looking...looking.....looking... Nope, no cuts or bruises. No sign of a broken nose. No sign of a concussion....nothing.

    I guess Oliver Stone doctored the film for those evil libs.

  8. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Field, Glad to see you and Bobby Rush (Black Panther) support hoodies. Yesterday thugs wearing hoodies killed one and shot 6 right in his district in Chicago.
    Funny thing is even with all those people in the store getting shot, no one could defend themselves against the thugs who had illegal guns. Because in Chicago only the criminals have guns, the thugs thank small minded democrats, robberies and murders are just so easy to do. Now if I see Bobby the hood try another stunt in congress over this, I will be impressed. If not, then I guess he is just a hypcocrite or rather he knows this is going to happen again and again and again and again. Who needs a neighborhood watch anyway, just call the police and the coroner when the results of liberal policies have all played out.

    Six shot, one dead in Bobby "Hoodie" Rush's district tonight

    Yesterday Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) donned a hoodie as he spoke on the floor of Congress yesterday, to draw attention to the Trayvon Martin case. But about an hour ago inside a store six people were shot on the 1400 block of West 79th Street on Chicago's South Side-which is in Rush's district.

    One of the victims is dead. This section of the South Side is predominantly African-American.

    Will Rush, a former Black Panther, express outrage over this tragedy?

    Oh, where was his outrage during St. Patrick's Day weekend when 10 Chicagoans were murdered, including 10 year-old Aliyah Shell?

    By the way, ten miles north of where tonight's shooting occurred, Vice President Joe Biden was the star attraction at an Obama-Biden fundraiser.

    UPDATE 8:10pm CDT: The Chicago Tribune has more details. Four of the wounded in tonight's shooting are in critical condition, the ages of the victims range from 16 to 25.

    UPDATE 10:00pm: The Trib expanded their story--and get this, the scumbag shooters were wearing hooded sweatshirts.

  9. Tawana11:51 PM

    field negro said...
    I guess Oliver Stone doctored the film for those evil libs

    Desperation does not suit you Field.

    Whenever the liberal blogosphere and Mainsteeam Media decides to go all in on a story to Push the Narrative, like Duke Lacrosse case or Jena Six, they usually seem to wind up with another travesty.

    They've eaten their own dog food. On the conscious level they actually believe their message. If they didn't, they'd look hard for the extremely rare cases of actual white-on-black rape and unprovoked violence. But since they really do believe the message that they're spouting, they actually think that white racism is everywhere and that they don't have to look hard for it at all. Almost any case that involves whites and blacks will do. And when their message is reliably contradicted by that almost-any-case, they just think that THAT's an exception.

    You and the liberal establishment's assumptions are lazy. And they are wrong. And you have stepped in it again.

    When will you learn?

  10. Field, only five days ago you wrote: And I see that it didn't take long for Mr. Zimmerman's lawyer to use the some of his friends are black defense. His lawyer, Craig Sonner, said that he actually mentored a "black kid....

    So, please tell us, for "next time," what are the rules for mentioning a black friend?

  11. Anonymous12:24 AM

    "Looked in my e-mail inbox and there was an e-mail from CNN's PR person. One good thing about running a popular blog is that you get e-mails from folks in the know and cable news people all the time."

    Wow Field-FN is a very popular blog. I had no idea. I always thought it was just me, you, some regular ID Negroes, one or two White Leftists, a boat load of Stormfront trolls, and Granny.

    Just goes to show there are still too many people in America who are jobless with nothing to do.:))

  12. Anonymous12:28 AM

    field negro said...
    *watching the video tape again of Mr. Zimmerman being taken to the police station.*

    Looking...looking.....looking... Nope, no cuts or bruises. No sign of a broken nose. No sign of a concussion....nothing.

    I guess Oliver Stone doctored the film for those evil libs.

    So let's try this in a logical way. Paramedics, witnesses, police, zimmerman, friends and family all say he got hurt and injured.

    What would be needed for all of these folks to lie and say he was hurt when he wasn't and what would the main point and objective be?

    Are you saying they are all in collusion? For what purpose? Is Zimmerman that magnetic of a man that people he just met put their careers on the line to lie?

    Do you really believe this?

    Are you a Van Jones truther as well?

    Anyway, here are some caps taken from the video and judging by the police looking at his head, what I can see on the video and the paramedics treating him. I would say it could very well be he got injured. Is your alternate theory of what happened that Zimmerman just pulled out his piece and blew him away? And then pulled his body on top of him and grabbed his arms to make it look like he was being hit for the witnesses? Is it?

  13. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Field, you are leaving out Joe Oliver who very important to this case. I can't believe you haven't properly honored Joe Oliver. When are we going to treat each other with respect?

    LAA, maybe you can answer this? And please leave poor Grinder alone. Like Zimmerman, he has gone to Anger Mgmt school and has changed.

    FYI: I am Black, gay and will be moving to Seattle. I hope to meet and marry Grinder one day. We'll send you an invitation.

    Now I know this little tid bit of info has knocked the wind out of you, leaving you speechless. Don't...Don't act like you aren't touched...don't even try it Girl. You know your heart is brimming over with love.

  14. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, has it occurred to you that you could be wrong about Joe Oliver? He's just trying to help out.

    I like his name. It has a nice 'flow' to the name Purple Cow or. Don't laugh. Names are important.

  15. Anonymous12:51 AM

    "FYI: I am Black, gay and will be moving to Seattle. I hope to meet and marry Grinder one day. We'll send you an invitation."

    Grinder is looking for some meat, Grinder want's you to eat.

  16. "So, please tell us, for "next time," what are the rules for mentioning a black friend?"

    Why would a white person think they need to "mentor" a black "friend"?

    And the article originally stated "kid/s", as in youth, non-peer to an adult. But notice how "friend" was used, which could also imply a black adult in need of mentoring from a white person.

    Was it a subconscious condescending slip, we'll never know...

  17. ditto

    hatred is stronger than evidence

    like hobama nazis

    racists are deaf dumb and blind


  18. Why would a white person think they need to "mentor" a black "friend"?

    Maybe because being a "mentor" can be part of any "friendship?"

  19. La♥audiobooks said...
    Why would a white person think they need to "mentor" a black "friend"?

    Because Blacks are so fucking bad at it.

  20. "FYI: I am Black, gay and will be moving to Seattle. I hope to meet and marry Grinder one day. We'll send you an invitation."

    For years I've been planning to move to Seattle (seriously), I need to be in cooler weather, the Carib is too hot. And I would be honored to attend your wedding.

    It's about time a black stud finally notices grinder, that's the only reason he's been plaguing this blog all these years (like maria). You've ignored grinder for too long, the more sexually frustrated he gets, the more he shows his butt on the blog (no pun).

  21. Anonymous1:20 AM

    1. White children who wear hoodies never need to consider them funeral garb.

    White kids don't use hoodies to hide their face whilst they are committing violent crime. Take this injustice up with the criminals who made this happen and look like you.

    2. If Trayvon was a white boy, he would never have been publicly executed on a candy/tea run.

    Trayvon was a white boy? No he was a colored boy who was walking in between houses in the rain with a hoodie on scoping them out. Then he got violent and attacked a Hispanic man.

    3. If Zimmerman was a black man, he would have been immediately arrested, irrespective of the race of the child he stalked, chased, and gunned down like a deer.

    No, he wouldn't have. Same circumstances same evidence. This isn't the 1960's. Wake up.

    4. A bright red bag of “Skittles” never looks like a gun.

    You don't need to have a gun to hurt someone and someone doesn't need to allow themselves to be hurt, hospitalized or worse. Trayvon should not have attacked and tried to kill Zimmerman. Besides the skittles thing was made up. How could anyone know what he went for and then never look for him for a day.

    5. A pastel colored can of “Arizona Iced Tea” never looks like a gun.

    Silliness again - see above.

    6. Zimmerman had no right to stalk, chase, or execute any innocent person who was walking home with candy and tea.

    We all have a right to protect where we live, especially from the widely known black criminal element. If Trayvon had nothing to hide being out in the rain looking at house with his hoodie on (did the find burglary tools yet) then all he had to say was, I am visiting, not you got a problem and then hit the guy.

    7. Innocent victims who evade and run from stalkers can never be regarded as predatory aggressors.

    But non innocent violent drug dealing gangsta thugs who attack can.

    8. Numerous eye/audio witnesses saw/heard Trayvon scream for help with his dying breaths. These persons, combined with superb 911 tapes, clearly constitute a slam dunk murder case. Any other outcome is simply proof of rabid injustice and blatant racism.

    Wrong. One lady came out days later after refusing to talk to police at first. Everyone else including the eyewitnesses actually SAW Zimmerman as he was being pummeled crying for help. Any other lie is simply proof of your racism and blatant disregard for real justice. Two other witnesses SAW Trayvon on top of Zmmerman beating him.

    10. There is a universal court of law. Karma is its judge, jury, and executioner. If Florida’s black gangs had any honor, like New York’s mafia, justice for Trayvon would have been meted out to Zimmerman long ago...

    Pushing race war again are you? Do you see how you are living proof of Negro Lawlessness and violence. This is what you know.

    The mafia wouldn't believe fairy tales and they wouldn't associate with violent non thinking negros. trayvon got justice for his actions.

  22. NSangoma1:22 AM

    F - C - U - K!! spells Negroe madness:

    No representative of any government agency: federal, state, county, local, profiled Trayvon Martin.

    A hoodie won't fly on the House floor, where dress code mandates no hats – and a hoodie counts as a hat, even when its used to bring attention to Trayvon Martin.
    “Racial profiling has to stop, Mr. Speaker,” said Representative Rush while doffing his suit jacket to reveal his hoodie garb. “Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum.”

    What antics did Congressman Bobby Rush demonstrate for these 3-shooting deaths and 14-shootings?:

    3 killed, 17 injured in overnight shootings


    You Negroes and your olde-timey civil-rights-farts are

  23. And Anony, on the previous thread I was telling Field about Joe "coon vs goon" Oliver also. Where I live, we call his kind "Mingo Tamarins" (V.I. equivalent to Slave Catchers).

  24. NSangoma1:41 AM

    No representative of any government agency: federal, state, county, local; profiled Trayvon Martin.

    The query that the North American Negroe must ask themselves is why do our fellow citizens PROFILE us?

    H - E - to the double L; we must also ask ourselves why do we profile our (damn selves) fellow North American Negroes, too?

    No representative of any government agency: federal, state, county, local, can change what our fellow citizens think of us.

  25. It's about time a black stud finally notices grinder, that's the only reason he's been plaguing this blog all these years (like maria). You've ignored grinder for too long, the more sexually frustrated he gets, the more he shows his butt on the blog (no pun).

    Keep it comin' girl!

  26. GrannyStandingforTruth1:47 AM

    Wow! It's insane what lengths folks will take to save a child murderer. Zimmerman's story has changed so many times. Tomorrow, I guess we'll hear from his mom, the court clerk pretty soon.

    Next, we will hear that Trayvon is not dead. He is alive and it was all a hoax to ban hoodies.

  27. Travis4:05 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    He is alive and it was all a hoax to ban hoodies.

    Telling jokes already are we? Trayvon's death is funny to you?

    Have some respect, woman.


  28. "Anyway, here are some caps taken from the video and judging by the police looking at his head, what I can see on the video and the paramedics treating him.."

    Please show me a link to the video of the paramedics treating Mr. Killerman.

    And, while you are at it, please provide a link of the witness who saiod he saw Martin beating Mr. Killerman within an inch of his life. (Not his father or brother, please)

    I will wait..........

  29. At first, I wondered why your blog regularly attracted understandably "anonymous" comments from hateful bigots. Now I see it as something you can regard as a compliment—these people are blinded by racism and their cowardly trolling underscores a self-awareness of that.

  30. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Queen Laa:


    kudos on your perfect read of the gay wigga wannabe grinder!

  31. dn:

    no word on NDAA...still???

    no apology to nancy grace re: trayvon???


  32. Anonymous9:51 AM


    no word on NDAA...still???

    no apology to nancy grace re: trayvon???



  33. zimmerman is a racist liar


    zimmerman hunted and killed trayvon like a deer

    even actual deer stand up and box hunters to defend themselves

    did trayvon not have the same right as a deer????


  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. to the psycho assnon fan who is looping and pasting my columns/posts here...

    welcome to a throng of insane stalkers who hunt and harass me all over the net

    get over me asap

    they have never silenced me
    neither will u


  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Hey La Audio! Long time no see! How you doing? Is it raining by you too? We're having landslides and overflowing rivers over here because of all the rain!!!

    My sugar paste work refuses to dry!;(((. I don know what to do!! :(!

    Desrtrain from the friggin I pod that won't let me log in:(

  41. hey vdlr:

    are u a zimmerman nazi too???

    why the hell would u delete valid posts about him hiding his unbroken nose etc?????

    shame on u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. Anonymous12:12 PM

    alicia banks said...
    to the psycho assnon fan who is looping and pasting my columns/posts here...

    welcome to a throng of insane stalkers who hunt and harass me all over the net

    get over me asap

    they have never silenced me
    neither will u


    Ummm...Hun....You came here and posted that link at 1:06 AM.
    Everyone knows you are a little touched in the head, but you're getting pretty bad. Now you're calling for some dude to kill Zimmerman? How do you think that will play out for Black folks?

  43. vdlr:

    i knew peggy noonan would be way too much hobama truth for u!!!

  44. vdlr/assnon:

    when did killing become an aversion to u?

    before or after zimmerman killed trayvon like a deer???

  45. i am touched by sane vision and truth

    both of which are verbotten to blind racist illiterate hobama nazis like the vdlr

    i thank god for both daily!!


  46. omg vdlr

    do u hate deer too?

    why would u delete a video link of a deer boxing a hunter???

    so u think less of trayvon that a deer u racist turbo breeding bimbo???

  47. why does the vdlr think less of trayvon than a deer?????

  48. omg vdlr

    do u hate deer too?

    why would u delete a video link of a deer boxing a hunter???

    so u think less of trayvon than a deer u racist turbo breeding bimbo???


  49. rabid dl hyena/vdlr:

    i am truly at a loss

    since u r an untamed scrappy beast yourself...why i thought my post featuring your deer kin might be the one post that was secure as all those of the kkk assnons herein...

    ya know????


  50. Some Are More Equal Than Others12:40 PM

    Shawn Tyson could have been Obama's son, too:

  51. zimmerman and all of the "witnesses" being paid by police to talk are LIARS!!!!!!!

    ask mumia and troy davis
    ramona africa and the west memphis 3
    any original bpp member

    A 13-year-old who is one of two key witnesses in the Trayvon Martin shooting felt “pressured” by cops to tailor what he saw, his mom told the Daily News Thursday. The revelation comes as shooter George Zimmerman’s father went public with new claims, including that Trayvon told his son “you’re going to die tonight.”

    Police in Sanford, Fla., have said that Austin Brown, who went out to walk his dog on Feb. 26 near where Trayvon was shot, saw Zimmerman lying in the grass crying for help just before the slaying. But Austin’s mom, Cheryl Brown, told the News that when cops interviewed her son eight days after Trayvon’s death, he told them he saw only one person lying in the grass and he couldn’t tell who it was

  52. Anonymous12:56 PM

    almost got myself killed just now (it’s about 2:30am).

    heart’s beating pretty fast.

    What kind of person goes to pay his rent with a check at 0230 in the morning playing soccer? Wearing a hoodie with the hood up? Either this is a totally made up story or the person is a really dumb negroe.

  53. Anonymous12:59 PM

    alicia banks said...
    hey clueless chickenheaded blog cop vdlr:

    we are all trayvon

    we are all deer

    Hola Alicia, Come Esta?
    Have you ever seen ReinDeer? Yes honey -it was raining the night Tray Von attacked Zimmerman.

    Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disease? Would you like to?

  54. trayvon was peaceful and had no criminal record

    unlike that lying psycho rabid hunter zimmerman
    why is he still breathing?????

    Usually he was just a cool guy. He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us,” he said. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.”

    The source said Zimmerman, who made between $50 and $100 a night, was let go in 2005.

    “He had a temper and he became a liability,” the man said. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”

    The year 2005 was a bad one for Zimmerman: he was arrested for fighting with a cop trying to arrest his friend for underage drinking, and he and his ex-fiancƩe took out protective orders against each other.

    Read more:

  55. What "some" people don't understand was when the Prez said if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon it wasn't meant to invoke race. Anyone who's blah knows he meant he had similar features, complexion, build, height, ect. as a kid Michelle would have popped out. Of course EVERYTHING a blah Prez says is racial to a certain segment of society and they don't even acknowledge the hypocrisy coming from someone like Newt or Pretty Ricky. Either these people are totally uninformed about us or do a good job pretending.

  56. Anonymous1:02 PM

    alicia banks said...
    omg vdlr

    do u hate deer too?

    why would u delete a video link of a deer boxing a hunter???

    so u think less of trayvon than a deer u racist turbo breeding bimbo???


    Are we having venison for dinner tonight Alicia? Or just the plain ole raw tuna with a summers eve salad dressing?

  57. Anonymous1:04 PM

    PilotX said...
    What "some" people don't understand was when the Prez said if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon it wasn't meant to invoke race. Anyone who's blah knows he meant he had similar features, complexion, build, height, ect. as a kid Michelle would have popped out. Of course EVERYTHING a blah Prez says is racial to a certain segment of society and they don't even acknowledge the hypocrisy coming from someone like Newt or Pretty Ricky. Either these people are totally uninformed about us or do a good job pretending.

    Did you ever think a man is responsible for himself and his words and not what others say or do or don't say or don't do?

  58. pilot:

    how vain was that?

    to interject his imaginary son????
    and then say no more???

    Next, a boy of 17 is shot and killed under disputed and unclear circumstances. The whole issue is racially charged, emotions are high, and the only memorable words from the president's response were, "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" At first it seemed OK—not great, but all right—but as the story continued and suddenly there were death threats and tweeted addresses and congressmen in hoodies, it seemed insufficient to the moment. At the end of the day, the public reaction seemed to be: "Hey buddy, we don't need you to personalize what is already too dramatic, it's not about you."

    peggy noonan

  59. joker assnon:

    do u even find the vulgar juvenile bs u spew funny?


    u r as irrelevant and boring to me as your numb fist is to your limp penis


  60. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Witness: Martin attacked Zimmerman


    According to Tampa Bay Fox affiliate WTVT-TV, what the witness says he saw could bolster Zimmerman’s claim that he shot Martin in self-defense:

    “The guy on the bottom who had a red sweater on was yelling to me: ‘help, help…and I told him to stop and I was calling 911,” he said.

    Trayvon Martin was in a hoodie; Zimmerman was in red.

    The witness only wanted to be identified as “John,” and didn’t not want to be shown on camera.

    His statements to police were instrumental, because police backed up Zimmerman’s claims, saying those screams on the 911 call are those of Zimmerman.

    “When I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point,” John said.

    Anonymous Witness Police Used Tells Orlando Station Trayvon Martin Attacked George Zimmerman


    In this speech, he had been blasting Barack Obama for all things real and imagined. Then where this clip begins Santorum continues "We know the candidate Barack Obama...what he was like. The anti-war, government nig... (insert stumble here)." Oh my.

  62. PilotX said...
    What "some" people don't understand was when the Prez said if he had a son he'd look like Trayvon it wasn't meant to invoke race.

    You don't know what obama meant. Judging obama by his past, he did want to invoke race.

  63. Mr. Whitebread1:13 PM

    Hell, I'd string Zimmerman up myself, guilty or not, if it would shut all you up about Trayvon.

  64. Rottnkid said...

    In this speech, he had been blasting Barack Obama for all things real and imagined. Then where this clip begins Santorum continues "We know the candidate Barack Obama...what he was like. The anti-war, government nig... (insert stumble here)." Oh my.


    This will pretty much kill off Rick. With Newt almost broken, Mitt will have this thing wrapped up in 3 weeks tops.

  65. Anonymous1:43 PM

    And Anony, on the previous thread I was telling Field about Joe "coon vs goon" Oliver also. Where I live, we call his kind "Mingo Tamarins" (V.I. equivalent to Slave Catchers).

    1:23 AM
    I like the sound of "Mingo Tamarins" better than slave catchers. Poor Joe. He's just trying to prove to America and the world that he is not like the rest of us, that there are some Blacks who think well of Zimmerman as a "good" man. He just wants the world to love Zimmerman.

    He's probably a devoted Christian Floridian who is thinking about moving to Seattle where it is safe. IMO, it's starting to get a little crowded in Seattle.

    LAA, stay out of Grinder's restaurant. You know how he feels about how lousy Blacks tip.

  66. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Hey La Audio! Long time no see! How you doing? Is it raining by you too? We're having landslides and overflowing rivers over here because of all the rain!!!

    My sugar paste work refuses to dry!;(((. I don know what to do!! :(!

    Desrtrain from the friggin I pod that won't let me log in:(

    That was me. How are you LA! Hope everything is well!

  67. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Now it comes out that his daddy was a judge? and his mom is a county clerk or something like that? Shades of Joran Van Der Sloot?

  68. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Great piece again Field.

    I had to hold back the tears. Truly a heartfelt bit.You do an excellent job, that's why they seek you out. Keep telling it like it is, we love you!

  69. Anonymous2:44 PM

    And some idiotic people wonder why companies move from the U.S. overseas:’re-no-1-highest-corporate-taxes/424571

  70. Anonymous3:15 PM

    alicia banks said...
    joker assnon:

    do u even find the vulgar juvenile bs u spew funny?


    u r as irrelevant and boring to me as your numb fist is to your limp penis


    So to you a witty turn of words is juvenile , versus you saying nothing and surrounding that nothing with gradeschool names - vulgar, juvenile, bullshit, numb fist, limp penis

    Yeah, you have to be looking for affirmative action points in the thinking department. Lord knows you need them.

  71. In Q1 AND Q2 of 2009, homicides plummeted an astonishing 67 % in Minneapolis, 47 % in Seattle, 39 % in Charlotte, 31% in New York, and 17 % in Los Angeles.

    Criminologists are starting to call it “The Obama Effect.”

  72. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Cow, you are an absolute idiot.

  73. Lt. Commander Johnson3:36 PM

    May I compliment you on your choice of the new pic as your avatar, Purple Cow.

    Now, you actually almost look as intelligent as you occasionally manage to sound.

  74. Pistol Pete3:49 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    In Q1 AND Q2 of 2009, homicides plummeted an astonishing 67 % in Minneapolis, 47 % in Seattle, 39 % in Charlotte, 31% in New York, and 17 % in Los Angeles.

    Criminologists are starting to call it “The Obama Effect.”

    Cow's right. Obama has for whatever reason caused more people to be concerned with defending themselves and dramatically increased concealed carry permits and gun sales. This in turn reduces crime as most thugs are cowards and only like facing unarmed sheep while they have illegal guns, or attacking in packs as they extract their "justice". In example Florida crime decreased 58% since the passing of the castle doctrine.

    However Black on Other Races Crime has significantly increased, this is the Obama effect.

    When you live with those who would be savage among you, the only answer is to be able to savagely defend yourself and end the threat.

    The FBI recently released its Crime in The United States statistics for 2010. Overall, murders in the U.S. have decreased steadily since 2006, dropping from 15,087 to 12,996. Firearms murders — which made up 67 percent of all murders in the U.S. in 2010 — have followed this trend, decreasing by 14 percent.

    At the same time that firearms murders were dropping, gun sales were surging. In 2009, FBI background checks for guns increased by 30 percent over the previous year, while firearms sales in large retail outlets increased by almost 40 percent. The number of applications for concealed carry permits jumped across the country as well.

    “There was a huge spike,” NRA spokesperson Rachel Parsons said. “It’s probably mellowed out and gone back to normal now.”

  75. GrannyStandingforTruth3:53 PM

    Looks like Zimmerman is woman abuser as well and has a violent temper. He picked a woman up and threw her and he got fired from his party security guard job.

    Yes, his mother is a court clerk.

  76. Auster4:07 PM

    Blacks, as has been apparent at least as far back to the time of blacks’ mass outburst of joy over the O.J. Simpson acquittal, are largely a criminal or criminal-sympathizing population. When a black Congressman and other black political leaders wear hoodies to express their solidarity with black thugs, they are expressing the essence of their blackness. Let them keep doing it, and maybe a few more whites will finally get it.

  77. Che Guevaraman4:24 PM

    Guess how many times, prior to the emergence of George Zimmerman as America's Most Wanted Man, the New York Times used the phrase "white Hispanic"? Five times.

    This makes sense, as the notion of white Hispanics (e.g., many U.S. Cubans) would not have been helpful to the Times' agenda of promoting nonwhite minorities against the racist white majority.

    In the old days, groups such as Mexicans were generally considered nonwhite and wanted to be considered white. But now that America has gone through a racial revolution, and whiteness has become something bad while nonwhites automatically get various significant privileges from our racial-socialist government and other institutions, it is greatly to one's advantage to be considered nonwhite.

    In other words, privilege in the U.S. has gone 180 degrees from the days when LULAC fought for Hispanics to be considered white. It is now undeniable that in today's America, minorities have the whip hand over the white man.

    Nobody ever calls Obama a "white African-Anmerican", do they? He denies the white half of his heritage, skipping over the 'Mixed Race' box and checking 'Black' on his census form. Why?

    You even get to whip the white man over an incident that doesn't even involve a white man. You should be happy.

  78. Mr. Whitebread4:34 PM

    Che Guevaraman....don't waste your breath. No one on this blog has the balls or integrity to address your very valid points........I know.....I've tried.

    It's an "inconvienient truth", that doesn't fit the Black narrative.

  79. Nobody ever calls Obama a "white African-Anmerican", do they? He denies the white half of his heritage, skipping over the 'Mixed Race' box and checking 'Black' on his census form. Why?"

    The "one drop" rule?

    Maybe he knows YT won't let him forget that he is a black man in A-merry-ca.

    "In other words, privilege in the U.S. has gone 180 degrees from the days when LULAC fought for Hispanics to be considered white. It is now undeniable that in today's America, minorities have the whip hand over the white man."

    I guess you are sorry you didn't live in a time when it was the other way around.

    Oh well, these are the games that life plays.

  80. Che Gueveraman5:37 PM

    field negro said...
    Maybe he knows YT won't let him forget that he is a black man in A-merry-ca.

    Well, that wouldn't be a very effective way to get elected President in a country where 80% of the voters are YT's, would it? Instead there must be an advantage to being "black".

    "I guess you are sorry you didn't live in a time when it was the other way around."

    Actually, i have been taught that that was an unjust time, and truthfully I would not aspire to it. I don't believe it was bad as it has been portrayed, but I know it was bad enough, and it is heartbreaking to see some of the indignities that were heaped on black people before I was born.

    The difference then is that is was not the government from top to bottom enforcing privelege. Today's oppression of the white man has the force of law behind it. You cannot petition the government for justice, becvause it is the government's policy to enforce injustice.

    Justice is not a "game", and those who play with it to their advantage merely defer it. Revenge is a game that necessarily must see-saw back and forth.

    Backlash will be a bitch.

  81. kkkooky nasty silly assnon:

    got envy u lewd idiot???

    where is your blog????

    where is your stellar writing????


  82. GrannyStandingforTruth6:13 PM

    Oppression of the white man????

    He denies the white half of his heritage, skipping over the 'Mixed Race' box and checking 'Black' on his census form. Why?

    And before the census came out, how many times was he referred to as a BLACK male by WHITE PEOPLE? He wasn't referred to as biracial when he was running for President.

  83. LAA, stay out of Grinder's restaurant. You know how he feels about how lousy Blacks tip.

    Yeah, I just made it up, didn't I?

  84. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I had the oddest conversation with a White man about this case. We agreed that Zimmerman should of been arrested since the 'Stand your Ground' law didn't seem valid in this situation. Then he made a comment about Martin being suspended from school due to a small empty bag of weed. He thought that made Martin a 'thug'. So I asked him..."If your daughter was suspended from school for having an empty beer can on her person then walks to & from the store. And while walking from the store, she raped in the street but the cops let the person go then turn around & say 'your kid was suspended from school for having an empty beer can so that makes her suspect in her own attack' Does the suspension make her any less a victim? Doesn't she deserve justice or did she get what she deserve? He said absolutely not, she would deserve justice because she was a victim of a crime. I said the same applies to Martins case.

    Also, I like that bit about Queens Village & the White father. The communities in Philly seem to be changing.everyday, some good, some not so good. But the since of community hasn't.


  85. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I had the oddest conversation with a White man about this case. We agreed that Zimmerman should of been arrested since the 'Stand your Ground' law didn't seem valid in this situation. Then he made a comment about Martin being suspended from school due to a small empty bag of weed. He thought that made Martin a 'thug'. So I asked him..."If your daughter was suspended from school for having an empty beer can on her person then walks to & from the store. And while walking from the store, she raped in the street but the cops let the person go then turn around & say 'your kid was suspended from school for having an empty beer can so that makes her suspect in her own attack' Does the suspension make her any less a victim? Doesn't she deserve justice or did she get what she deserve? He said absolutely not, she would deserve justice because she was a victim of a crime. I said the same applies to Martins case.

    Also, I like that bit about Queens Village & the White father. The communities in Philly seem to be changing.everyday, some good, some not so good. But the since of community hasn't.


  86. Plantsmantx2:57 PM

    When Emmett Till was murdered in 1955, and though all the years of blacks being lynched, some black people killed other black people.

    Now, try to imagine white conservatives in 1922 saying that blacks shouldn't be upset by or concerned about lynching because after all, blacks were killing each other.

    The fact of today's conservative movement advancing that augment is an illustration of the insanity of the conservative movement in 2012.

  87. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Great retelling FN.......Gaz
