Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Now it's "The Butler", and musings from the house on Trayvon Martin.

When will it stop? Now we are told that there is a movie called “The Butler” in the works. Really?!! “The Butler”?!! Boy leave it to Hollywood to find a formula and run that puppy into the ground. I like Forest Whitaker, the man is a fine actor, but I am begging him not to do this flick. I don’t care if my homie Lee Daniels is co-writing and directing it. I say enough of these "Magic Negro roles. This one will focus on the Reagan White House. Lawd help us. "How you doin Miss Nancy, I have your tea for you". "Thank you Eugene, Could you bring my slippers please?" "Sure Miss Nancy, do you want the white ones or the pink ones? " [Source]
I feel like throwing up.

I know who will probably love this movie, my man Juan Williams. Juan is at it again. This time he penned an article for the Wall Street Journal where he pretty much stated the obvious (and what us real black folks have been saying all along) about the tragedy that is black on black crime.

Of course Juan, in typical house fashion, has to make this about black folks not being responsible enough to point out the obvious ills and pathologies in many black communities.  

"The shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida has sparked national outrage, with civil rights leaders from San Francisco to Baltimore leading protests calling for a new investigation and the arrest of the shooter.

But what about all the other young black murder victims? Nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people. Where is the march for them?
Where is the march against the drug dealers who prey on young black people? Where is the march against bad schools, with their 50% dropout rate for black teenaged boys? Those failed schools are certainly guilty of creating the shameful 40% unemployment rate for black teens.

How about marching against the cable television shows constantly offering minstrel-show images of black youth as rappers and comedians who don't value education, dismiss the importance of marriage, and celebrate killing people, drug money and jailhouse fashion—the pants falling down because the jail guard has taken away the belt, the shoes untied because the warden removed the shoe laces, and accessories such as the drug dealer's pit bull....." blah blah blah.

Welcome to the party, Juan. Thanks for inviting your racist friends from FOX NATION to join us . Sadly, you won't get any solutions from them. Just the same old racist crap. Of course you will be pleased to know that you are not like those other Negroes, you ask the tough questions. You are courageous, Juan. You stand up to your own people. You are not afraid to call them out. *throwing up again*

Anyway, what folks like Juan Williams and other racist apologist in A-merry-ca fail to understand, is that this case isn't just about the shooting of a young black man by some out of control vigilante. It's about a system of justice-- and those charged with upholding it--- that does not treat the lives of young black men the same way that they treat others. Most intelligent people in this country (black and white) realize that if Trayvon Martin and the shooter reversed races, George Zimmerman would be eating three meals on the County right now.  

Juan has to understand that this isn't about Civil Rights Inc. rallying around yet another bad whitey cause. This is about other young black men seeing how their lives aren't valued by society as a whole, and then thinking nothing of taking the life of someone who looks like they do. They know where they are in the "pecking order", and when they take the life of someone down at the bottom of the food chain with them they know that it's not that big of a deal. Three lines in the local paper and no mention on the evening news; that's it.

"Supposedly all of this is just entertainment and intended to co-opt the stereotypes. But it only ends up perpetuating stereotypes in white minds and, worse, having young black people internalize it as an authentic image of a proud black person."

I get it , Juan. You have to be very careful about how you are perceived by white folks. *looking for a nice jigging tune*  But the people in authority in A-merry-ca should also be concerned about how they are perceived by all A-merry-cans.
Right now the police department in Sanford, Florida is in the spotlight because they are not looking very good to the rest of us.  And when some of us see what was done in the Trayvon Martin case, we know exactly what kind of signals it is sending: Young black man your life isn't worth a damn thing. And whether you are wearing a Hickey Freeman suit or a hoodie and baggy pants, it doesn't make a damn bit of difference.       

Pic courtesy of Brotherpeacemaker blog.




  1. We shouldn't have something like this happen to march or get every money dipper headed to FL. Lets get back to, "Where is the march for them."

  2. Jeez, you have to work a little bit harder:

    "How youse be doin Miz Nancy ma'am, I done bees havin your tea for y'alls". "Thank you Eugene, Could you bring my slippers please?" "Sho nuff Miz Nancy ma'am, do y'alls be wantin the whiteses ones or the pinkses ones? "

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth7:21 PM

    Black on Black crime don't have anything to do with Trayvon's murder! His murder was not a black on black crime. It was a volunteer watchman stalking a young black male with skittles and a can of ice tea. Black on Black crime still does not excuse Zimmerman from killing that child! ARREST ZIMMERMAN!

  4. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It was a volunteer watchman stalking a young black male with skittles and a can of ice tea

    Can you point out in the police report where it mentions Trayvon was carrying in his hands skittles and ice tea?

  5. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Can you point out in the police report where it mentions Trayvon was carrying in his hands skittles and ice tea?

    Rev AL says so. He's black we don't need no facts or white man laws.

  6. Pointing out the hypocrisy of black folk and white liberals has everything to do with this case.

    There wasn't this much outrage over PFC LaVena Johnson.

    Why not? Its all about justice? Isn't it?

  7. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Most intelligent people in this country (black and white) realize that if Trayvon Martin and the shooter reversed races, George Zimmerman would be eating three meals on the County right now.

    Are you saying Asian and Hispanic people are not intelligent?

    You mean black folks can't get away with killing hispanic people anymore?

    Zimmerman is hispanic. Even though the media was hoping he was white.

  8. Racism field negro won't chase8:13 PM

    Sheriff: Mob Beating Was Racially Motivated
    6 Men Charged In Connection To Incident

    Read more:

    SENECA, S.C. -- Six men have been charged in a mob beating that the sheriff says was racially motivated.

    In a release, Seneca Police Chief John Covington said a North Carolina man was beaten at an Applebee’s in Seneca early March 17.

    Teryn L Robinson, 18; Tray Devon Holland, 19; Justin Dimon Alexander, 20; Derick Lee Williams, 22; Kino Martinez Jones, 25; and Montrez Obrian Jones, 22; are charged with assault and battery by a mob.

    All the suspects are from the Seneca area and were taken into custody early Wednesday by Seneca police officers, State Law Enforcement Division agents and Oconee County sheriff’s deputies

    Covington said since the investigation showed that racial factors contributed to the incident, the case has been forwarded to the FBI to see if it should be pursued further as a hate crime under federal law.

    Most interracial crime is black on white. Not white on black.

  9. In the 1970's Blacks were on the way up and the future seemed bright. Then came the 80's. Iran- Contra replaced COINTELPRO and the CIA, Ricky "Freeway" Ross, Clarence Thomas,and Ronald Reagan started their was against Blacks. At least two generations of minorities were damaged by Ronnie Reagan's germ warfare against minorities. The Republican Party, the CIA, the Reagan family and others owe us an apology and reparations from the damage they did to us. Also every time Blacks start a business it gets destroyed. Garret Morgan's family don't get any money for his inventions like the gasmask and the stoplight. The Ford and Rockefeller family still get royalities.

  10. @AWhite Man trying to survive...

    Sorry that was Dubya that said that the Constitution was a G D piece of paper.This President didn't burn the Constitution. Now Reagan sold crack and helped financed al Qaeda.

  11. Ronnie also made deals with terrorist like the hostage takers in Iran while Jimmy Carter was President. Now how can a two bit actor like Ronnie show up a Nuclear Scientist like President Carter?

  12. BTW, Rev. Sharpton usually goes where he's invited. Sometimes it's Black on Black crime (caused by the Reagan Administration) or Black on White like the incident in Akron a few years ago.If Ronnie hadn't had the CIA dump that crack on minority America how much farther would we have gotten?

  13. Anonymous8:48 PM

    KrackersKoveredupKilling. @White man trying to survive. Fox news not only left you ignorant, you're an idiot. Not many people in America don't know (or are willing to admit) about the Skittles and tea, so what rock did you crawl from under to make such an ignorant statement? "It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt". Right next door, in Mims Fla in the 50's the KKK cowardly bombed Harry T Moore's home while he and his wife slept, killing them both. It wasn't investigated by the authorities and no one was brought to justice. The current state attorney and police chief are probably their descendants.

  14. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Kid Said...

    "Garret Morgan's family don't get any money for his inventions like the gasmask and the stoplight"

    Thats because he didn't invent them.

    Among the early forerunners of the gas mask was a device invented in 1847 by Lewis P. Haslett of Louisville, KY.

    Refs.: US Patent #6529 (1849); Smart (2000).

    In the early 1850s, the Scottish chemist John Stenhouse, who had been investigating the power of various forms of charcoal to capture and hold large volumes of gas, put the science to use in one of the first masks capable of removing toxic gases from incoming air

    In 1871, the prominent British physicist John Tyndall wrote about his new invention: a "fireman's respirator" that combined the protective features of the Stenhouse mask and other breathing devices.

    Some notable early signals, prior to Morgan's 1922 "invention"

    London, 1868
    The first known signal device for regulating street traffic was installed in 1868 in London

    Mr. Wire, who died in 1958, was a Salt Lake police officer who invented the first electric traffic light in 1912.... The first hand-made model was a wooden box with a slanted roof so rain and snow would fall off.

    Cleveland, Ohio, 1914

    On August 5, 1914, several years before Garrett Morgan invented his T-shaped semaphore-type signal, the American Traffic Signal Company installed red and green traffic lights at each corner of the intersection of 105th Street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland (see this 1914 Motorist article documenting the debut of the lights).

    The installation was patterned after the design of Cleveland inventor James Hoge (Sessions 1971; Mueller 1970), whose U.S. patent #1,251,666 describes a system of electrically powered stop-go indicators, each mounted on a corner post.

  15. Anonymous9:02 PM

    At least two generations of minorities were damaged by Ronnie Reagan's germ warfare against minorities. The Republican Party, the CIA, the Reagan family and others owe us an apology and reparations from the damage they did to us. Also every time Blacks start a business it gets destroyed.

    Especially when there are no whites around to run it, keep crime low. Don't be blaming the world for your incompetencies. Nobody owes you nothing and the gravy train for your lazy ass is about to end.

  16. Anonymous9:04 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Black on Black crime don't have anything to do with Trayvon's murder! His murder was not a black on black crime. It was a volunteer watchman stalking a young black male with skittles and a can of ice tea. Black on Black crime still does not excuse Zimmerman from killing that child! ARREST ZIMMERMAN!

    Your right, keep ignoring it. But don't make any demands on white society. We have had enough. If you want to duke it out, look up your local hispanic chapter on this one. AS for your black on black crime, as long as you keep it where you made it, it's all good. You are right, at this point why should anyone not black care, you sure as hell don't.

  17. Anonymous9:08 PM

    And these are the leaders you have elected, the best of the best. Gottdamn they have to be the dumbest people on the planet. I used to think they were just vile racist looking to blame everyone for the job they won't do. Nope, now I know, they are seriously dumb.

  18. Anonymous9:11 PM

    There was no Skittles and tea. It was a lie created by field negro and his ilk.

    field negros are a ill-informed bunch. Just check kids post out.

  19. Anonymous9:14 PM

    and look at the video where the police brought Zimmerman in and bring your vile, ignorant racist ass back on this site and tell us where the blood is on his light-colored shirt (from the broken nose), the wet grass stains on the back of his shirt, and the wound on the back of his head from having it pounded onto the pavement. If he shot the minor child to get him off of him where's the blood splatter? Tell us idiot...who do you then believe White man... FOX or your lying eyes?????

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth9:14 PM

    Anonymous 9:04:

    I don't want to hear that B.S., a child is dead!!! And the ones that don't care are the ones that are trying to cover it up, distract, and justify it, that includes YOU!!!

  21. Video of Zimmerman shows him with no blood on him or a broken nose.

  22. Hey, in this new Butler flick, does Forest Whitaker get to go all 'Ghost Dog' on a white house staffer with a machete and a .45? No? Really? It just "Driving Miss Daisy 2.0"? Word? Then, nah, I'll wait till my cousins or my in laws get it on bootleg.

    As for Juan, good God, if this Negro were any more in the house, he'd be a damn floor board in the living room.

    How many marches, talks, mentoring programs and rallies have we had about stopping the violence? How many hip-hop stars start XYZ foundation these days? How many songs have been pinned about the plague of violence? How many trees have guys like Cornell West and Tavis Smiley killed writing books about the crisis of Black manhood? How this Lawn Jockey can say that Black people need to care about our problems?

  23. GrannyStandingforTruth9:25 PM

    Preach it LAC!

    These lying dogs are bending over backwards with lies to save a murderer of an innocent child. Blood is on their hands too! They're are just as guilty as Zimmerman.

  24. Anonymous9:25 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 9:04:

    I don't want to hear that B.S., a child is dead!!! And the ones that don't care are the ones that are trying to cover it up, distract, and justify it, that includes YOU!!!

    Frankly, I don't give a shit Mrs Drama Queen. No one is surprised that trayvon was a violent negro as the evidence has shown despite all the lies you and the MSM spread, the truth got out anways. So what justice would you like? You cna't stop kids from doing crimes so you want less penalties, you cant make kids go to school so you want less standards and no tests, you cant make men think and be able to pass tests so you want no tests. Now you cant stop kids from being violent so you want to outlaw self defense. Not gonna happen. Take care of your community, teach them love, honor, patience, discipline. Not anger, violence, anger, violence and finger pointing. You reap what you have sown granny, only you Demand the rest of the country fix the problems you created, feed and nourish and refuse to admit are real.

    So, keep them. You made them, you like them, you deny them. They are yours.

  25. Anonymous9:26 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Preach it LAC!

    These lying dogs are bending over backwards with lies to save a murderer of an innocent child. Blood is on their hands too! They're are just as guilty as Zimmerman

    Show one - Just one lie based on the evidence and not your finger pointing dreaming. Just one.

  26. Anonymous9:27 PM

    How many marches, talks, mentoring programs and rallies have we had about stopping the violence? How many hip-hop stars start XYZ foundation these days? How many songs have been pinned about the plague of violence? How many trees have guys like Cornell West and Tavis Smiley killed writing books about the crisis of Black manhood? How this Lawn Jockey can say that Black people need to care about our problems?

    Yet it hasn't done a thing but get worse. Maybe you need someone from a Hispanic community to give you advice on how to raise thinking non violent productive adults.

  27. Anonymous9:28 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Preach it LAC!

    These lying dogs are bending over backwards with lies to save a murderer of an innocent child

    Yeah, you was just lying about skittles and tea.

  28. kid said...
    Video of Zimmerman shows him with no blood on him or a broken nose.

    He was treated at the scene by SFD paramedics. It's in the police report.

    Skittles and tea isn't in the report

  29. Anonymous9:38 PM

    LACoincidental said...

    As for Juan, good God, if this Negro were any more in the house, he'd be a damn floor board in the living room.

    How many marches, talks, mentoring programs and rallies have we had about stopping the violence? How many hip-hop stars start XYZ foundation these days? How many songs have been pinned about the plague of violence? How many trees have guys like Cornell West and Tavis Smiley killed writing books about the crisis of Black manhood? How this Lawn Jockey can say that Black people need to care about our problems?

    Tell me how many black on black crimes have gotten blacks and white liberals this outraged.

    Tell me how many black on black crimes have gotten this much coverage from the liberal media.

    Tell me why ratings for "find our missing" is so low.

  30. Anonymous9:38 PM

    A White Man Trying To Survive In Black-Run America (BRA said...
    kid said...
    Video of Zimmerman shows him with no blood on him or a broken nose.

    He was treated at the scene by SFD paramedics. It's in the police report.

    Skittles and tea isn't in the report

    Funny, I think they are talking about a different kid. The picture I see all over the media is of a 12 year old Black Boy. The one who attacked Zimmerman was 17 6.3 and 160 lbs. Has to be a different kid, they woudn't lie would they?

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth9:40 PM

    Anonymous 9:25:

    You are right about one thing, I am reaping what I sowed because I am TRULY BLESSED and PROSPEROUS!

    And my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are blessed and prosperous.

  32. @A White Man

    On Nancy Grace's show the embalmer said that Treyvon had no bruises on his knuckles. Maybe you need to bring out Zimmerman's Black friend again. If at first you don't succeed, lie lie again.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth9:45 PM

    "He was treated at the scene by SFD paramedics. It's in the police report."

    Did they wash his clothes at the scene too? Didn't they claim he had a broken nose? No bandage????

  34. If Uncle Juan is so scared of Muslim "looking" people how does he shave?

  35. GrannyStandingforTruth9:47 PM

    Hey Kid, granny missed you, but I'm glad to see you back. You too LAC.

  36. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Granny, "Black on Black crime don't have anything to do with Trayvon's murder! His murder was not a black on black crime. It was a volunteer watchman stalking a young black male with skittles and a can of ice tea. Black on Black crime still does not excuse Zimmerman from killing that child! ARREST ZIMMERMAN!"

    *Black-on-Black* crime is a "very serious" problem for Blacks! But FN has yet to read an outraged comment from you about it. You rant and rave about everything else except the consistent monthly rise in black killings across the country. For you, it's always about something or someone else. Our children are killing each other in the streets! One would think it would make your blood boil; that you would be more outraged considering you live in the Oakland area which is #1 in the country, or pretty damn close to it. But you are not.

    Tell me Granny, if you experienced the 60's, how do you manage not to "seriously" talk about the killings, not to be hurt, not to be saddened, not to be angry-- while the slaughter goes on? You always manage to talk about something else, or someone else, while the slaughter goes on. You can talk about justice all you want, but the underlying hurt is Black lives are not worth a damn and WE are the biggest supporters of that!

  37. sistermoon9:50 PM

    Now, Field, you know that Faux News pays Juan a pretty penny to jig. He made the mistake of stepping off the plantation during the early series of GOP debates (remember how Newt smacked him around?). Now he's trying to make up for it.

  38. Anonymous9:53 PM

    kid said...
    If at first you don't succeed, lie lie again.

    You talking about the Skittles and tea?

  39. @Granny

    I missed you too Granny.

  40. Anonymous9:58 PM

    and the report also said the SFD gave him a clean shirt, right? They carry an assortment of sizes and colors I'm sure. Are you racist because you're ignorant or ignorant because you're racist?

  41. Anonymous9:58 PM

    "The Butler" will be a big hit whether Field goes to see it or not. "The Help" was a very successful movie that Blacks and Whites alike enjoyed.

    Just because Field's sick pride moves him to downgrade Forest Whittaker or ANY Black actor who plays a role in such moving movies, doesn't mean the movie is bad. In fact, it is good entertainment and it touches the heart of both Blacks and Whites...except hard-hearted Field and his FN cronies.

    But no one gives a damn what FN feels. They will go see the movie anyway. Why? Because Forest Whittaker is a great actor and the movie speaks to the heart in much the same way "The Help" did.

  42. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Black Culture at it's finest. A new cry for war.

    All Black in my Hoodie!

  43. Anonymous10:05 PM

    You Negroes are slapping Juan around? Wow! We just can't get it together can we?

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth10:07 PM

    Anonymous 9:49:

    I've never said that black on black crime wasn't serious. And I do care about it as an issue in our community and participated in meetings to end the violence in my community and met with George Miller.

    However, right now my focus is on a child who has been murdered and people trying to lie, distract, and cover it up to save a murderer. That' where my focus is going to stay until his murderer is brought to justice.

    You care so much about black on black crime, then why doesn't Trayvon being murdered bother you? Trayvon is black. Look like if black on black crime bothers you, then so would the murder of an innocent black child and his mother and father who are hurting right now because they lost their child.

    Why would you excuse his death because of black on black crime, wasn' this life worth something too? Seeing how you so concerned and care and all. I'm just saying.

  45. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Granny said, "Black on Black crime don't have anything to do with Trayvon's murder!

    Black-on-Black crime "doesn't" the correct verb, Granny.

    I remember you talking about writing a book and going to college. I also remember people on FN encouraging you to do it, esp Field.

    What happened to all those great plans you were going to do? Was it all bullshit? the dream too much for you? Over 50% of us never graduate from HS. Are you one of those?

  46. Yeah, just saw the video of Mr. Zimmerman. Nope, no bruises or blood right after the incident. Hmmmmm. Cops had him arrested, and the DA didn't prosecute. Looks like daddy was hard at work.

    And his made up black friend wasn't his friend after all. Hmmmm.

  47. Anonymous10:20 PM

    @9:04 PM. "You are" right. "You're" right. "your" grammar/understanding/command of the English language needs work. Maybe you should be working on that in lieu of making imbecilic statements here.

  48. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Why can't folks have a decent respectful conversation on FN? Who are you characters, don't you have any compassion for your black and white brothers?

  49. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @9:04 PM. "You are" right. "You're" right. "your" grammar/understanding/command of the English language needs work. Maybe you should be working on that in lieu of making imbecilic statements here.

    10:20 PM
    ????? your comment to 9:04P makes no sense. Are you an imbecile too?

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth10:51 PM

    Anonymous 10:10:

    No, I haven't given up on writing the book. I am still working on it. However, something came up when I went back South that needs to be solved before I finish it. The book will still be written when I get what I need and in my spare time. In addition, I have another project that I've been working on now for about year that takes up my time, which I'm trying to complete.

    FYI, Field is very much aware of what I'm doing right now, but he won't tell you, which I appreciate. What I like about Field is that he is trustworthy and does NOT have a big mouth. But now, you, on the other hand, I don't trust. Besides which, you give me the impression that you are messy, nosy, and have a big mouth.

  51. Anonymous10:52 PM

    "Yeah, just saw the video of Mr. Zimmerman. Nope, no bruises or blood right after the incident. Hmmmmm. Cops had him arrested, and the DA didn't prosecute. Looks like daddy was hard at work."

    Mr. Field, could you provide a link to that video? Thank you.

  52. My Black Snake Make You Moan10:59 PM

    Ain't nuttin' get us negros blood pressure up mo than to read about a fellow negro killed by whitey.

    And you know whitey be ready to take the sheets off dey bed when a negro murders one of them.

    Anyone who try to say they don't get a little mo pissed, is just pissin' in the wind.

  53. Anonymous11:02 PM

    granny, "FYI, Field is very much aware of what I'm doing right now, but he won't tell you, which I appreciate. What I like about Field is that he is trustworthy and does NOT have a big mouth. But now, you, on the other hand, I don't trust. Besides which, you give me the impression that you are messy, nosy, and have a big mouth."

    Yeah, right. You have all these projects which you can't finish. You sound like the typical bullshiting Negro.

    You have some nerve talking about who has a big mouth. Nobody would have known what you are doing if you hadn't been trying to impress people on FN with your BS.

    Now you have mentioned Field knowing what you are doing? Now that was completely unnecessary. Only people with big mouths and full of BS do that.

    What happened to your pursuance of a college degree, or was it a GED? I am not being nosy, it was YOU who was the 'blabber mouth' about what you are doing. Everyone on FN knows about what you are doing because YOU told us. And now you want to blame others as nosy for asking? You need to grow up and take responsibility for your own mouth.

  54. Anonymous11:03 PM

    @10:50. Read it and the statement commented on as many times as you need to (some of us are a little slower than others). If you don't get it after a few times, you're an imbecile as well....which is pretty much evident in your defense of something you don't recognize as incorrect.

  55. Anonymous11:10 PM

    juan is a bigger faggot then alicia kuntlick banks he a uncle tom and a wite assholelicker

  56. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @10:50. Read it and the statement commented on as many times as you need to (some of us are a little slower than others). If you don't get it after a few times, you're an imbecile as well....which is pretty much evident in your defense of something you don't recognize as incorrect.

    11:03 PM
    Anon's statement seemed pretty much ok to me. It was Granny's comment that was grammatically incorrect. Obviously, you missed that part. Maybe you should take a few English courses yourself?

    I won't argue with you about being an 'imbecile'. You seem to be an expert on that.

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth11:31 PM

    Anonymous 11:02:

    I am being truthful! You might think that I am playing games, but I'm NOT! I'm telling you the honest to God truth.

    Nevertheless, you can believe what you want to believe. No skin off my back.

    You keep telling me I live in Oakland, but I don't. I've told you that over and over. So, it wouldn't matter what I tell you because you are going to believe what you want to believe, regardless.


  58. The fishwrapper in Atlanta reports that Jane Fonda will play Nancy Reagan in this new movie. With forty years of White House service, this flick is going to be a public works project for over the hill talent.

  59. @Anon lurkers, if you weren't some Freeper Trolls and actually knew something about Black people, urban violence or anything, you'd know that Black people spend a lot of time fighting against youth violence.

    Here's a list of organizations in LA alone

    But don't let a little thing like facts stop you - too much real data may cause your ears to bleed.

  60. NSangoma11:47 PM

    what us real black folks have been saying all along) about the tragedy that is black on black crime

    You lie field, you have late come to that particular party.

    You field, have always lined up with the miscreant JENA-6, Trayvon Martin type Negroe.

    This fuckin' photo shows where your heart really is:

    You fcuking poseur.

    You fcuking gansta wanna be.

  61. kid said...
    Sometimes it's Black on Black crime (caused by the Reagan Administration) or Black on White like the incident in Akron a few years ago.If Ronnie hadn't had the CIA dump that crack on minority America how much farther would we have gotten?

    You crazy little moron, blaming thousands of years of negro savagery on a a President from 25 years ago.

    Did Reagan make you stupid?

  62. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Trayvon was well down the road of thug life. Zimmerman probably saved someone's life by ending Trayvon's. I think George Zimmerman is a hero.

  63. Slavecatcher Field11:56 PM

    Lookit Field callin' old Juan Williams a House Negro!

    Jig for your democrat Masters field, jig!

  64. kid said...
    Video of Zimmerman shows him with no blood on him or a broken nose.

    It proves nothing … Zimmerman was cleaned up by EMTs before he was transported to the police station. He was treated for a broken nose the next day. There are medical records that would confirm this.

    Ed Schultz is a demagogue. Al Sharpton is a liar and the MSM has no credibility. If the MSM innuendo is true, then the eye witnesses who saw Trayvon beating Zimmerman, the EMTs who treated Zimmerman, the officer on the scene, the Sanford PD, and the doctor who treated Zimmerman for his facial injuries are engaged in a massive conspiracy.

    It is obviously false, but most black people (and the MSM it seems) lack the intelligence to discern this. Black people also believed the government created the AIDS virus and that OJ was innocent and that Crystal Mangum was raped by the Duke Lacrosse players.

  65. Brothers and Sisters.....remember when someone in your family harmed another member of your family.....the pain evoked sorrow and shame for both members. Now when someone outside of the family brought harm...there was only anger and the want for revenge. Our responses to black on black crimes evoke shame and allowances because usually these perpetrators are usually our children or someone that look like me/you. Just like a core of whites want to make the victim the "bad guy"....they are only responding to the sympathy they feel for kind. Way back when....there was no race. That is truly one of the white man's invention. Race was necessary to create an excuse to mistreat people to take all the wealth of the globe. Speaking about you really think that the dominant race would allow a Black to patent anything. My God they were hanging and burning people just for them wanting to vote. Have you ever noticed that wealthy whites rarely be vocal about Black issues.....they let the lessor whites espouse this agenda. Feel sorry for them......they too are being used. To the whites that are concerned about black crime period....the majority of us Blacks have done and continue to do all we can to insure this madness cease. Unfortunately our goals were to be in this utopia called America....have you ever thought that if you can find solutions for the people of Iraq to live in peace....surely you should have the solution for us that can't find the solution. StillaPanther2



    Bring it on … please, for the love of god, please bring it on. “Start a fuckin’ riot.” Burn down Detroit. See what happens.

  67. GrannyStandingforTruth12:04 AM

    "Zimmerman was cleaned up by EMTs before he was transported to the police station."

    Cleaned up??? Why would they clean up the evidence? His clothes are evidence to prove whether he is innocent or guilty. So, did they keep them? There was no blood on his pants or shoes either. So did they give him some shoes and pants too?

  68. Smart Patrol12:12 AM

    GrannySittininginPoop said...
    "Zimmerman was cleaned up by EMTs before he was transported to the police station."

    Cleaned up??? Why would they clean up the evidence?

    EMT = Emergency Medical Technician. They would clean up the wounds of someone they treted.

    Try to keep up, Granny.

  69. GrannyStandingforTruth12:19 AM

    If Zimmerman's nose was broken, he deserved it because he had no business following that boy. Zimmerman was not authorized to follow or stop Trayvon. What part is it that you do not understand that Zimmerman was a SELF-APPOINTED VOLUNTEER neighborhood watch. He is not a police or a security guard, so he was not authorized to do what he did.

    Neighborhood watch people call the police and let them handle the situation. That's all and that's it. They don't play police.

  70. NSangoma12:21 AM

    Trayvon Martin Video Shows No Blood or Bruises on George Zimmerman

    Not long ago in the Walnut Park section of Saint Louis MO:

    A few years back, in the Walnut Park section of Saint Louis, a young lady was leaving her mother's house with her almost 2-year old son; she had taken her son into the city to visit his big-mama; she heard a couple of pops, akin to a couple of firecrackers going off;

    her son slumped over dead in his child safety seat, one
    bullet (not firecrackers) had pierced his chest; a couple of gang
    NGGIERS on one side of the street had decided to float a few rounds at some gang NGGIERS on the other side of the street ; no Al Sharpton, no marches, no nothing

    This kind of SIHT has not changed in Saint Louis and other major U.S. cities; year after year, decade after decade

    Yet you Negroes revel at the thought of Zimmerman going to jail.

    The parents of Trayvon Martin may get some money; Al Sharpton has hyped his MSNBC show

    Yet, the Black-on-Black carnage will continue

    You Negroes have some misplaced fcuking priorities.


  71. GrannyStandingforTruth12:23 AM

    I am keeping up. Okay, so they cleaned the wound now. Why was there no blood on his clothes or shoes or grass stains? Why was there no cut in the back of his head? People who suffer from broken noses don't wait until the next day to get treated. Broken noses are some serious injuries and interfer with breathing. Look like he was breathing alright on the video and full of energy.

  72. In this country of 300,000,000+, it shouldn't be too hard for the national media to come up with actual news stories to illustrate its favorite themes of White Racism, the Invalidity of Stereotypes, and so forth. And yet, when the prestige press decides to go all in on a story to Push the Narrative, like Duke Lacrosse case or Jena Six, they usually seem to wind up with another travesty.

    The Trayvon Martin story was supposed to demonstrate how white people invidiously stereotype young black males and get away with murder because they are white. First, though, it turned out that George Zimmerman wasn't what most people are told to think of as white.

    Then it turned out the poor Trayvon had never gotten the anti-stereotyping message himself. In fact, judging from his Twitter account, Trayvon loved stereotypes of young black males as violent, criminal, and dangerous, and was working hard to polish his own thug image.

    His Twitter handle was NO_LIMIT_NIGGA. He had been suspended three times from school. He dealt drugs. He got caught with a screwdriver and stolen women's jewelry in his backpack. He punched a bus driver.

    If Blacks want to get people to stop stereotyping young black males as thugs, then Blacks should stop trying so damn hard to act like thugs.

  73. GrannyStandingforTruth12:32 AM

    It's amazing how some folks want a man who killed a child walking along minding his own business with a bag of skittles and can of tea to go free. Yet, Trayvon's parents will never see their child again.

    In their minds the call for his arrest should be dropped because of black on black crime. Yet, Trayvon was not a victim of black on black violence. Trayvon's life does not mean anything, it's the murderer who should be protected. I hope that none of these people have any kids.

  74. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It's amazing how some folks want a man who killed a child walking along minding his own business with a bag of skittles and can of tea to go free.

    You are leaving out the part where the 6'3, 17 year old "child" jumped the neighborhood watch guy, slammed his head into the pavement, and tried to take his gun.

    Stick with the facts Granny, and it starts to make sense.

  75. David G.12:44 AM

    Do blacks not see their behavioral sins? Do they really not see what they have done to this society since the Civil Rights movement? I suppose not. After all, if most traditional Europeans and Americans don't recognize the decline of the West, why should an alienated destructive minority recognize their particular role in that decline?
    The Martin case, like the Jena Six case, shows blacks engaged in a collective nostalgia toward a vanished time when they could be seen as innocent. Namely it provides them an opportunity to deny any moral progress on the part of whites, while reclaiming for themselves the moral high ground which they have long since lost through their own atrocious behavior.

  76. Bernard12:48 AM

    We know about Trayvon Martin only because the man who shot him looks white. Actually, Zimmerman’s mother is Peruvian, which makes him half Hispanic, a fact you might not have known if you get your news from the usual places. That would only detract from the storyline: black kid shot by overzealous (and probably racist) white vigilante. For what it’s worth, the New York Times refers to him as a “white Hispanic,” a politically correct description to make sure we know Mr. Zimmerman is a white man — and not “a person of color.” You think the Times would call him a “white Hispanic” if he had won a Nobel Prize for curing cancer?

  77. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Trayvon Martin was killed because he was beating the crap out of a guy who had a gun.

  78. Anonymous1:56 AM

    GrannyStandingAndPoopinAlotTonight Said...

    "I am keeping up. Okay, so they cleaned the wound now. Why was there no blood on his clothes or shoes or grass stains? Why was there no cut in the back of his head? People who suffer from broken noses don't wait until the next day to get treated. Broken noses are some serious injuries and interfer with breathing. Look like he was breathing alright on the video and full of energy".

    Granny please, age is supposed to bring some wisdom with it.

    at 51 seconds the cop looks at the cut on the back of Zimmermans head. Not all broken noses stop you from breathing. Your being melodramatic again. Finally, ask yourself this. Can you see what color eyes any of them in video had? Badge number? Plate of the cop car? Name tag? No of course not, know why? Cause the video is too far away.

    No the EMT's weren't out to fool you and didn't treat him for fake wounds and make up a report.

  79. Anonymous1:59 AM

    LAC, "@Anon lurkers, if you weren't some Freeper Trolls and actually knew something about Black people, urban violence or anything, you'd know that Black people spend a lot of time fighting against youth violence.

    Here's a list of organizations in LA alone

    But don't let a little thing like facts stop you - too much real data may cause your ears to bleed."

    11:46 PM
    You forgot the rest of the real data that your tiny mind can't seem to get: Despite the list of organizations black-on-black killings continue to escalate. This proves that the list of organizations you presented are typically ineffective and useless...much like the CBC.

    Our problem doesn't lie with Whites. It lies WITHIN the black race. Some of us see that black-on-black killings are a wretched problem--physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Some of us can see that clearly. Others outside our race can see that also.

    But don't let facts interfere with your PROFOUND denial, brother. It's because of fellow Blacks like you and Granny who too blind to see the obvious that our race is headed straight to hell. But hey, we all gotta go there sooner or later, right?

  80. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Bernard said...
    We know about Trayvon Martin only because the man who shot him looks white. Actually, Zimmerman’s mother is Peruvian, which makes him half Hispanic, a fact you might not have known if you get your news from the usual places. That would only detract from the storyline: black kid shot by overzealous (and probably racist) white vigilante. For what it’s worth, the New York Times refers to him as a “white Hispanic,” a politically correct description to make sure we know Mr. Zimmerman is a white man — and not “a person of color.”

    So does this mean we start calling mulattos like Obama white negroes? Or is it only Black folk who get to cry racism and make up the races to fit?

  81. Anonymous2:07 AM

    LACoincidental said...
    @Anon lurkers, if you weren't some Freeper Trolls and actually knew something about Black people, urban violence or anything, you'd know that Black people spend a lot of time fighting against youth violence.

    Here's a list of organizations in LA alone

    But don't let a little thing like facts stop you - too much real data may cause your ears to bleed.

    Well than son, you're fired. You are doing a real shitty job. In the real world saying you did it aint enough, we need results and it's worse than ever. Some neighborhoods are just like Africa.

  82. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Granny, "You keep telling me I live in Oakland, but I don't. I've told you that over and over. So, it wouldn't matter what I tell you because you are going to believe what you want to believe, regardless."

    No I did NOT say that. I said you live in the Oakland area. That is what YOU said a long time ago during MORE black-on-black murders by the Muslims at their bakery. You said you lived near there at the time. But maybe you moved somewhere else like Vallejo or Antioch or somewhere else...But they are ALL in the Oakland East Bay Area.

    It sounds like you are ashamed to say where you live, which leads me to believe it's worse than Oakland. Where DO you live? Be like everyone else, like Field...he lives in Philly and he says it unabashed. What's your problem?

  83. Ernesto2:15 AM

    Hey wingnuts on steroids. Listen to the 911 tape again. Key words : "these assholes always get away". He was right, he did get away. Thanks to his old man, he got away three times so far.

    Stop making excuses for a murderer. And FYI...white hispanics (think Marco Rubio) are some of the biggest racists in the world. They could give you stormfront clowns a run for the money.

  84. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Rainywalker said, "We shouldn't have something like this happen to march or get every money dipper headed to FL. Lets get back to, "Where is the march for them.""

    There is no money in "Where is the march for them". We DO live in a capitalistic society. You know?

  85. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Ernesto said...
    Hey wingnuts on steroids. Listen to the 911 tape again. Key words : "these assholes always get away". He was right, he did get away. Thanks to his old man, he got away three times so far.

    Stop making excuses for a murderer. And FYI...white hispanics (think Marco Rubio) are some of the biggest racists in the world. They could give you stormfront clowns a run for the money.

    Hey sweety on hormones. Marco Rubio is Cuban not white. Hispanics sure are racists, they hate negroes and think they are the lowest of the low, you know that Errrrrrrr-nessssssss-toe.

  86. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Northern Spain was invaded and settled by the Hzpzburgs.which is why there are so many blond blue eyed Spaniards.

    The rest of Spain Was made up of Arabs and Meditteraneans.

    The Arabs ruled Spain for a long time and so the architecture is Arabic.

    The mixing of these races produced a lighter Arabic peoples. However many Hapsburgs did not intermarry and these are today's blond blue eyed Spaniards.

    In the case of Mr Zimmerman, his mother is Peruvian and his father is anglosaxon, but his coloring and facial features are clearly not 'white'.

    What does it matter?

    He was told by authorities to not follow the 'suspect' and he disobeyed.

    He wanted to show up the police and prove himself better than them because in his own words "they always get away"

    But "they" weren't going to get away from him.

    So who's on third and what's on second?

  87. GrannyStandingforTruth4:10 AM

    Anonymous 2:11:
    Vallejo is in Solano County, Antioch is in the East County of Contra Costa County, and Oakland is in Alameda County. So now, how are they all in the Oakland Bay Area? Each one of them is in totally different directions and far away from each other.

    You mean to tell me that as long as you’ve been investigating me and keeping tabs on me you don’t know where I live at yet? For the last past couple of years, you’ve been trying to track me down like I’m some criminal or fugitive, and I am neither one of those.

    When Chauncey was murdered by those Muslim Bakery Folks, I never said I live in Oakland. I said I drove pass there on my way going somewhere. BTW, I drive through Oakland all the time on my way to where ever my destination happens to be at that particular time. That does not mean I live there, but you have it fixated in your mind that I do.

    Nevertheless, you got your notes mixed up because I said that I USED to live in Oakland years ago. That was way back in the 60’s and I only lived there for about a year. I didn’t like Oakland as a place to live. BTW, that was in a different conversation on here.
    You mean to tell me that you did not jot down the date and time in those notes you keep on me? Jesus!

    Nevertheless, I do have a bunch of kinfolks that live in Oakland and I know a lot of people that live in Oakland. But then, I know a whole bunch of people from all walks of life in a many places other than where I live.

  88. Anonymous4:17 AM

    "But what about all the other young black murder victims? Nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people. Where is the march for them?"

    Field, Juan is right. Why hasn't there been outrage about all the black-on-black killings? You might not understand but a lot of injustices have been done in those murders and no one has been marching about them. How come? Let me answer that for you:

    Black-on-Black killings always get a pass on justice because Blacks don't care about justice. They only care when a White person kills a Black. Then it's a major injustice that's been wronged on the black community. This is what makes anyone with a sane mind throw up.

  89. GrannyStandingforTruth4:18 AM

    It does not matter what color Zimmerman is! What matters is that a child was murdered behind Zimmerman's paranoia and fixation with stereotypes.

  90. GrannyStandingforTruth4:21 AM

    Murder is murder! Why you folks are trying so hard to excuse the murder of a child is beyond me. However, I wonder if that was your child would you feel that way.

  91. Anonymous4:22 AM

    Granny, wherever you live, it's a whole lot worse than Oakland, and the education is a lot worse. And the BS is certainly deeper and stinkier.

  92. Anonymous4:29 AM

    granny, "Murder is murder! Why you folks are trying so hard to excuse the murder of a child is beyond me. However, I wonder if that was your child would you feel that way."

    Why haven't you been yelling murder! with all of the killings in the streets of our communities over the decades?

    Why have you condoned black-on-black murders all these years? Why are you just now demanding justice when this s--t has been going on for decades?

  93. Anonymous4:44 AM

    What I find amazing is no comment from BD, who supposedly is pro-Black. Just goes to show that you never know who's who in our race.

    Well, I think I'm going to make a list of all who have not commented and I'm going to post it right here on FN. Look for it people for it will tell you who the uncle toms are...

    I hope Field will honor these jiggers in his side bar for the rest of the year.

  94. GrannyStandingforTruth4:59 AM

    Anonymous 4:29:

    I condone black on black murders???? Smh!

    See, I need to quit talking to you because you done lost your mind. I am not a qualified mental therapist, so I can't help you with your problem. Only thing, I can do for you is pray for you and I'll definitely do that.

  95. Now these wingnuts are really looking pathetic. I see this all the time. The facts blow up your case and your meme, and now you don't know what to say. You clowns look worse with every comment you make.

    Not since Tiger Woods have white folks run away so far from an individual like they did Mr. Killerman.:)

  96. GrannyStandingforTruth5:11 AM

    Anonymous 4:22:

    Wherever I live, it must not be as bad as where you live because I'm not living in fear. I can go outside at night and walk around without being paranoid or psychopathic like you.

  97. Sup Gramny? Keep holding it down and doing your thing. Don't let the haters get to you.. That's what haters do, because they have nothing going on in their lives.

    BTW, did anyone see the Skittles in Mr. Zimmerman's hair? I think I saw a couple of red ones. :)

  98. GrannyStandingforTruth5:29 AM

    Field, I'm cool. :)

    Well, I missed the Skittles, but I didn't see these signs on Zimmerman neither. :)

    Broken Nose Symptoms

    It is usually obvious that there is an injury to the nose due to bruising, swelling, and bleeding from the nose. Signs that suggest a person has a broken nose may include the following:
    Tenderness when touching the nose
    Swelling of the nose or face
    Bruised nose
    Bruising under the eyes (black eye)
    Deformity of the nose (crooked nose)
    When touching the nose, a crunching or crackling sound (crepitus) or or creaking sensation like that of rubbing hair between 2 fingers
    Pain and difficulty breathing out of the nostrils

  99. NSangoma5:29 AM

    An anomaly


    a deviation from the common rule, type, arrangement, or form

    The common arrangement, will be 10's of Negroe-by-Negroe deaths across the country this coming weekend; a celebration of sorts.

  100. I was kidding about the Skittles. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I saw a red one, though. Now the wingnuts will say that it was blood. :)

  101. Wesley R5:53 AM


    The Media loves to focus on the negative elements in the Black Community meanwhile Magic lead a group to buy the Dodgers, Shaq is set to receive his Doctorate Degree and MickeyD's just hired a Brother( Don Thompson)as their CEO.

  102. NSangoma5:55 AM

    From South Sudan to Yale
    His class sometimes consisted of 300 pupils meeting under a tree, and Lorem didn’t have his own notebooks or pencils or schoolbooks, but he practiced letters by writing in the dust.


    I wonder if he tweets under No-Limit-Nggier, too?

  103. GrannyStandingforTruth6:02 AM

    Naw, Field, I doubt it. You know that the wingnuts are colorblind. *wink*

  104. Just A Cracker8:34 AM

    Zimmerman is NOT a Caucasian!

    Why do you folks keep insisting someone of Hispanic origin, (Peruvian, I've actually heard), is a White person?

    If you're going to make it a "racial" thing, and blame Whites, blame Obama too. Remember, his mother was some White redneck from the plains.

  105. Anonymous8:38 AM

    field negro said...
    Now these wingnuts are really looking pathetic. I see this all the time. The facts blow up your case and your meme, and now you don't know what to say. You clowns look worse with every comment you make.

    Not since Tiger Woods have white folks run away so far from an individual like they did Mr. Killerman.:)

    Actually the facts and the eyewitnesses blew up your completely fabricated meme and Blacks ran away from Tiger Woods, Whites never claimed him, he rejected Blacks.

    This is the first time under Obama that you tried to make a hispanic guilty of something, so you and the media push it to be he is white. OK so he is white, great, now under your view of the world all Hispanics are "now" white and will vote conservative because the way you see the world , Blacks are Democrats except for their elite masters and conservatives are white.

    The mind of a liberal, scary place.

    Oh Travon tweeted you:

    RT @PrettyMeStarr: White People’(s) Call Police , Black People’(s) Call There Cousin

    RT @KissMeEndlessly: puss ass crackas .

    RT @ReesyyLaTootieB: Hahaha Hoe u got USED fa yo loose ass p*ssy.! Tighten up.! #Literally

    RT @fukunurhoexxx: #youthetype of b*tch that give up your p*ssy for free and think its cool #p*ssyaintfree #fb

    RT @TheSoleManSB: We in need of some trees … Wea tha weed man

  106. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Field, I'm cool. :)

    Well, I missed the Skittles, but I didn't see these signs on Zimmerman neither. :)

    Broken Nose Symptoms

    It is usually obvious that there is an injury to the nose due to

    Granny....What was the license plate of the cop car in that video? The color of the cops nameplate? Heres hoping you will drink the water you have literally been forced to see.

    If you attack someone and start smashing their head into the ground they have every right to shoot to get you off, even if it kills you. Don't ever forget it. Now get out there and police your neighborhood and form neigborhood watches, maybe you too can get rid of the crack houses and stop black on black crime.

  107. Anonymous9:28 AM


    "I am keeping up. Okay, so they cleaned the wound now. Why was there no blood on his clothes or shoes or grass stains? Why was there no cut in the back of his head? People who suffer from broken noses don't wait until the next day to get treated. Broken noses are some serious injuries and interfer with breathing. Look like he was breathing alright on the video and full of energy".

    You know, I think you are right. I don't see any blood on that HD tape. Zimmerman is innocent, he never shot Trayvon - there is no blood and that's a serious injury too right?

  108. Anonymous9:50 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    It's amazing how some folks want a man who killed a child walking along minding his own business with a bag of skittles and can of tea to go free.

    Why do you keep lying about skittles and can of tea?

    No report says there was skittles and can of tea.

  109. T'Mona10:46 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "I drive through Oakland all the time on my way to where ever my destination happens to be at that particular time. "

    I think Granny works for that Muslim bakery. There is no other explanation for always driving through Oakland no matter where she is going. She must their delivery person.

  110. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Granny the amoral sheboon thinks that if someone asks a negro "what are you doing here", then the negro has the right to commit a violent assault. Granny, you truly are a nigger in every sense of the word.

    I imagine that your own grandchildren are thugs with their own arrest records by now - just as I imagine that you will lie and say they don't.

  111. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Wayne shows himself to be a totally deluded racist. Smile in your photo, gutter ape Wayne and show dat ghetto grill.

  112. No More Rosa Parks11:08 AM

    field negro said...
    Now these wingnuts are really looking pathetic. I see this all the time. The facts blow up your case and your meme, and now you don't know what to say

    That is an extreme a case of projection that I've seen in a while, Field.

    It is the false meme of Trayvon the innocent 12 year old with his candy being hunted down like a dog by a White Man that has been "blown up" in the face of Organized Blackness and the Liberal Media.

    Trayvon did not deserve to die that night, but you and all the members of Aggrieved Negro Incorporated have been lying about this case from the get go.

    Trayvon the man-sized 17 year old acted the thug and decided to jump the neighborhood watch guy for watching him. The neighborhood watch guy had a gun. Unhappy ending.

    Why does Black America cling to this kind of story whenever they can, altering the details to accentuate the vicitmhood?

    It is because of nostalgia for the days when everything was clear cut, when they were Saints and White people were to blame for all their problems.

    No, a half century later, White people have turned their society upside down, transfered trillions of dollars to black people, even elected a half-Kenyan as President.

    And black people have trashed that Saintly reputation through abominable behavior and 50 years of failure.

    Things were so much simpler back then.

  113. Felled Negro11:49 AM

    Why do young black males receive extra attention from law enforcement? Because they should.

    According to the Uniform Crime Report for 2009, among people 18 or younger, blacks were charged with 58 percent of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, 67 percent of robberies, 42 percent of aggravated assaults and 43 percent of auto thefts. As for murder, more than 90 percent of the time, their victims were black. These statistics, showing a strong interconnection among race, youth and crime, are a far better explanation for racial profiling and suspicion than simple racism.

    Black males 19 and under make up less than 2% of the U.S. population. Blacks males aged 14 to 19 make up about 1% of the population.

    This 1% commits an extraordinarily high percentage of the violent crime in America.

    This 1% can be narrowed down even further by appearence. Throw in saggy pants, tatoos, gold teeth, the "walk", the sullen stare, the hanging out where they have no good reason to be hanging out, and you can be almost certain who you are dealing with.

    This is an extradordinarily dangerous subset of people we are talking about.

    Trayvon was part of this subset. Trayvon accentuated his membership of the subset by dressing and acting like a member of this subset. When his presence in a crime plagued neighborhood quite naturally raised some concern, he reacted just like you would expect a member of this subset to, by violently attacking someone who dared to question why he was there.

    It is completely rational to look at young black males with suspicion. It is a matter of personal survival to not turn your back on them. Ask Jesse Jackson.

    But now Black America is furious because the rest of us refuse to ignore reality.

    Trayvon didn't deserve to die just becasue he looked like everyone's worst nightmare, but he sure fit the part. If you have a son, and you care about him, advise him that if he is not a thug, then he shouldn't try to look or act like one.

  114. Cattle Farmer11:50 AM

    Before field turns on the moderation bit, I'll give a shout out mating call to AB:


  115. Ditto on that veteran coon juan w


    There is no more magical global house negro than hobama

    How the hell can u be mum about NDAA???
    Yet blast a stellar actor like forest w and a script u have never seen????

    How do u dare ignore all of the REAL NEW black maids and butlers in amerikkka via hobama’s food stamp/pawn shop presidency???????

    Shame on u fn…Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May fw earn and win an oscar just like Octavia!!!


  116. kudos to nancy g or busting zimmerman's lies

    u owe her MANY apologies fn


  117. kudos to nancy g 4 busting zimmerman's lies

    u owe her MANY apologies fn


    see her rock CNN as always for trayvon:

  118. grounded beef assnon:

    we knew your lust rules u...

    i get that a lot

    no moooooooooooooore retarded vulgar redundance is necessarry herein


  119. Anonymous12:28 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 4:22:

    Wherever I live, it must not be as bad as where you live because I'm not living in fear. I can go outside at night and walk around without being paranoid or psychopathic like you.

    5:11 AM
    Yes, it's true. Where I live I live in fear for my life. You see, black kids are killing black kids in the streets. I recognize that Negroes like you look down on Negroes like me. Is that why you don't care about the black-on-black killings? Because you think you are better than your fellow Negroes?

    It's good that you can go outside at night without being on hyper-alert. Good for you, but I can't. I am sure us Negroes are appreciative that you at least want to stand up for one Trayvon Martin. I hope it turns out ok.

    Maybe our black men and boys will get a little 'trickle down' justice from this. As Field said, "keep holding it down, Granny," wherever you live.

  120. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Granny the amoral sheboon thinks that if someone asks a negro "what are you doing here", then the negro has the right to commit a violent assault. Granny, you truly are a nigger in every sense of the word.

    I imagine that your own grandchildren are thugs with their own arrest records by now - just as I imagine that you will lie and say they don't.

    11:04 AM
    Anon, you are completely wrong about Granny. She lives where it is safe and her family of hundreds are all lawyers, teachers, professors, doctors and policemen. In addition, she has been writing a book for decades, and still planning on going back to school to get some credentials. Plus she has let Field know 'other' stuff she is working on. She has indicated these things over the past.

    Anon, get it through your head that Granny is exceptional. Aww, I am going ahead and say it: "Granny is perfect". She makes any accomplished person look small by comparison, except Field of course.

    Now with all that "Granny facts" just given to you, why would you think "GrannyStandingforTruth" could be a LIAR?

    You must be White, or NSangoma in disguise.

  121. Anonymous12:47 PM

    AB, why won't you stand up for your fellow poor Blacks? Why do you remain silent while Granny makes fun of where we live?

  122. Anonymous1:21 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kudos to nancy g or busting zimmerman's lies

    u owe her MANY apologies fn


    Add another potential liar to the fire. Don't you think an autopsy report would be able to tell things better than the funeral director and Black friend of the family?

    They count on people like you being not so sharp and missing the fact that the reason he couldnt "see any bruises on his hands" was because he died moments after injuring them by hitting Zimmermans face - His heart stopped pumping and circulating blood.

    When this is all over there will be another loss of credibility I think this time even more than the four or five hoax's Sharpton has been involved with.

  123. Another hoax debunked, the lie that George Zimmerman weighed 100 pounds more than Trayvon.

    According to Joe Oliver, Zimmerman weighs 170 pounds. Trayvon Martin weighed 160 pounds.

  124. How many times is the MSM going to get caught lying about George Zimmerman? Why do they hate this guy so much? Is it because Obama’s son No Limit Nigga was killed by a Hispanic with a German surname?

    Now there is a “Kill Zimmerman” Twitter account. It has Zimmerman in crosshairs.

    The MSM is creating a “climate of hate” that has already lead to multiple death threats against George Zimmerman and his family, an elderly couple whose address was posted on Twitter by Spike Lee, the Sanford Chief of Police, a professor and students at Florida Atlantic University, as well as the flash mob that struck Walgreen’s in North Miami Beach.

  125. Anonymous1:28 PM

    The Tale of two shootings

    "It would be irresponsible to pit different populations against each other by jumping to conclusions in the more complicated story though. The old tensions are still under the surface and dredging them up for something this uncertain could be tragic. Allowing political forces to use this as a sledgehammer to bludgeon their opponents with, or as evidence of a lack of racial progress would be inexcusable at this point.

    We saw this in the cases of Tawana Brawley, OJ Simpson, the Duke Lacrosse team, Michael Jackson, and in many other instances, where conclusions of racial bias were prematurely drawn, perpetuating the belief that our society has not moved past 1965. We should be happy that these early presumptions proved to be false, as seems to be happening in the case of Trayvon Martin. America has improved drastically since the 60′s. It would be a tragedy if civil rights leaders, with all they accomplished a generation ago, ended their careers by repeatedly crying wolf about racism at a much improved America".

  126. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Another witness saw Trayvon beating zimmerman here is his interview. Oh and the kids Black.

    So now will the liars accept the truth and apologize or will they start demonizing the 14 year old kid for daring to tell the truth about a black youth?

  127. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Looks like poor little 6.3 Tray was a gangsta after all. Yet another of his twitter accounts before he change to No_Limit_Nigga he was T33ZY TAUGHT M3 - nice picture.

    Tweeting in December under the name “T33ZY TAUGHT M3,” Martin sent a message that read, “Plzz shoot da #mf dat lied 2 u!”

    Read more:

  128. "This is about other young black men seeing how their lives aren't valued by society as a whole, and then thinking nothing of taking the life of someone who looks like they do."

    That is a dumb statement, FN. Say this to a typical white person and see what happens (they would laugh at you). Hell, say this to a black person with common sense and see what happens.

    Black men kill each other at such high rates because they WANT to. No other reason.

    Guess what, FN: I am a black man and I have never killed anyone. Never. It's not that hard, FN, to go thru life without killing someone.

  129. Maliki Shabuzzi2:01 PM

    At this point, you could prove that young Trayvon was a serial killer, and the black "community" would still want Zimmerman executed.

  130. Anonymous2:05 PM

    It's not about justice with Blacks; it's about vengeance.

  131. Anonymous2:16 PM


  132. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Maliki Shabuzzi said...
    At this point, you could prove that young Trayvon was a serial killer, and the black "community" would still want Zimmerman executed.

    2:01 PM
    so true. It seems that we want "pay back" for all the injustices and killings of bm. We are a very angry emotional race. Our emotional mind dominates our rational reasoning mind CONSISTENTLY.

    IMO, this incident in Sanford, FL will definitely prove it, althought Tawana Brawley, OJ, the Jena 6 should have brought that to light.

    Why are we so angry and emotional and fearful? Look at our history and the history of America. It's plain as day. No one is going to be free in this country until America's open wound of racism is dealt with.

    But you see, Whites don't feel our pain. Hence, they see no reason to discuss racism. That's always the case:....'the ones in power never feels the pain of the ones below.'

    Blacks are carrying a lot of pain. And So, the beat goes on until the day of reckoning comes. But that day will be too late to save America. Let's pray it never comes.

  133. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Snitches get stitches, Thugs get slugs.

  134. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I'm not a fan of Juan Williams at all. But he happens to be right. Why is it that kneegrows are so in love with emotional and meaningless symbolism? I know. It relieves one of the need to actually do anything. You can wear your hoodie and actually believe you are fighting against racism.

    Psssttt! I have a news flash. Black people get killed by white folks, black folks, all folks no matter what they are wearing. But you run along and get back to your feel good moment.

  135. The video sure doesn't look good for Zimmerman. It's very, hard to believe his story after watching it. As for Trayvon Martin, he is not the angel he's been made out to be by "Civil Rights Inc.," but I don't see any evidence that he deserved to die.

  136. Field, forget Juan, did you check out that jig dancing 'Mingo Tamarin" Joe Oliver? Makes me puke.

    And why won't racist pretentious grinder go fuck himself? Gawd! I'm sure gay bashers also think their victims aren't "angels".

  137. Here is the dancing Joe 'coon goon' Oliver here.

  138. How la-audiobooks. Only one question: Are you ever not on the rag, bitch?

  139. "How la-audiobooks. Only one question: Are you ever not on the rag, bitch?'

    Rags in this day and age? I'd figure you of all people would've been more up to speed on feminine toiletries.

  140. BARBBF10:43 AM

    Why no protests? NATO with the support of Obama and US taxpayer $$$, caused the death of a reported 50,000 Libyan women, men and children. A reported 30,000 were Black Libyans were among those dead..and Obama goes on the Jay Leno show and laughs and pats himself on the back:

    The Butchering of Gaddafi Is America’s Crime

    by BAR executive editor Glen Ford

    “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.
