Sunday, March 18, 2012

What if Charlize Theron had adopted Trayvon and not Jackson?

Congrats to Charlize Theron for joining a bunch of other Hollywood A- list folks in the adopt little black boy game. I sure hope that she knows what she is getting into. I don't care if she is a Hollywood celebrity, raising a young black male in this society is no joke. Just ask the parents of Trayvon Martin. If the young thugs who have no respect for your life or their own don't get you, "some color" aroused citizen or law enforcement officer will. That's how it is here in the land of the [only some are] free.

But I blame some of you Negroes as well. Yes we should be outraged at the killing of Trayvon Martin, but we should be just as outraged at the epidemic of young black males killing each other in urban A-merry-ca. When we don't value the lives of our own children this is what happens: they are slaughtered in the street, and those in authority who are charged with dispensing justice do nothing. Because, to them, it is just another young black male. Unless they are running up and down a basketball court or running with a football, we don't really care about them. Occasionally one will become a glorified family pet to some celebrity, but that's the extent of it. They are at the bottom of the A-merry-can pecking order, so if you are charged with raising one you better get all the help you can. You have a tough job, and unfortunately nothing in our society will make it any easier for you. 

If you have ever been in the unfortunate position of having to visit the emergency room, the crime scenes, and the funerals like I have, you will see what I am talking about. The tears from family members and loved ones are real. The people in those churches and hospital rooms aren't just a quick mention on the evening news; they are real people going through real suffering because they lost a child, a brother, a cousin, or a friend.  

Charlize Theron will never have to see what I have seen, because she is far removed from the mean streets of Philadelphia. The thing is, though, Charlize Theron might have just brought the mean streets of Philadelphia to her beautiful Hollywood home.




  1. “It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
    ― Voltaire

    Perhaps we need to add to that quote "and unless they are self-appointed protectors of the property in an upper crust neighborhood."



    The problem is we generally try to police our own communities because clearly police cannot be trusted to merit justice fairly. When we get the authorities involved we end up with Trayvon Martin situations but at the hands of police instead of jumped up cowboys. Community based organizations exist to channel the energy, frustration and talent of young black men across this country but those programs never get as much media attention (or funding) as bullshit humiliation like Joe Arpaio metes out.

    This was a cop out Field. You let those ignorant ass Anons get in your head. I didn't think you were weak minded but I guess we all have moments.

    1. I agree with Brooklyn, Mr. N. These anon trolls spew their hatred of our race...they deflect attention from the tragedy at hand, and scornfully cite these contrived stats about urban violence...then, we're supposed to turn a wagging finger to our own...naahh, james t. harris already has that job--don't fall into that trap because you see THEY are fabulous at turning a blind eyes to the ills that plague THEIR community--oh, they know how to tout their own self-proclaimed accomplishments while denying ours in the same breath. They love to point the finger in our and other minorities' direction, but how many of THEIR bloggers climbed up onto the proverbial soapbox and publicly called out ALL of the men in their community who engage in child pornography, child molestation, and kidnapping, in light of the recent Sandusky scandal. You see, WE know its a problem in THEIR community, THEY know it too, but I've yet to hear it discussed in the blogosphere--I know there ain't a chance it'll get the national attention it deserves.
      So, I'll take a pass on discussing the real or trumped up plight of our precious black male youth...not in the presence of these vicious immoral trolls.
      I've signed my petitions calling for the murderer's arrest and am confident justice will be served.
      Post script--you ever notice how when THEY'RE faced with their violent, hateful past and present, how quick they are to project their transgressions onto minorities (of all races)--this is why a lot of them can't heal and move past their, again, not gonna play the airing our laundry game--stand strong and proud FN.
      What I did do was show my husband and son the side-by-side photo of that beautiful black child and his ugly fat diseased tortured killer. We have been warned, keep your guard up.

  4. Black people don't care about black on black crime. The only reason why their is outrage from blacks is , they thought the Zimmerman was white.

    1. The murderer identifies as white, so you can mute that, "thought he was white" noise...and, don't presume to know what we care about...when/if we want your opinion, we'll hit up stormfront. Stop Jocking Us, you obsessed bafoon.

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    BrookLyn said...

    The problem is we generally try to police our own communities because clearly police cannot be trusted to merit justice fairly. When we get the authorities involved we end up with Trayvon Martin situations but at the hands of police instead of jumped up cowboys. Community based organizations exist to channel the energy, frustration and talent of young black men across this country but those programs never get as much media attention (or funding) as bullshit humiliation like Joe Arpaio metes out.

    This was a cop out Field. You let those ignorant ass Anons get in your head. I didn't think you were weak minded but I guess we all have moments.

    Key points you have communicated
    --Oh no you didn't
    --You can't trust the police, they are all evil and out to get us. Even all of the Black cops, Sgt's, Captains?
    --We do a lot about these problems even though they are out of control and get worse each day.
    --Its lack of money, we dont' get the funding and you don't know about these programs. Who would you like to pay for what programs specifically?
    --Somehow it's Joe Arpaio's fault - HUH? Are you mixing your talking points isn't he a thorn in the side of illegal aliens?
    --How dare you speak truth Field you are weak minded and it's the anons fault.

    Can you list One program you are involved in and how you see it helping? Seriously.

  6. Sgt. Stedenko10:32 PM

    White liberals have a paradoxical view of the human race. In the first place, everybody is equal, as individuals and even more so as groups. There is no real difference between, say, Swedes and Somalis, in their perception, and when differences are pointed out, they're minimized and/or attributed to environment, usually White racism. On the other hand, they also see the human race divided into two groups — Whites and non-Whites. All the non-Whites are virtuous, vibrant, very intelligent, and, of course, oppressed and held down by White racism. The Whites are divided into White liberals and All Other Whites. The White liberals, themselves, you see, are the Herrenvolk. They alone are truly enlightened, while All Other Whites, often referred to as "rednecks," or the favorite around this site, "goobers," are the absolute worst members of the human species. Now, the paradox comes in here: non-Whites are unspeakably wonderful and good, in contrast to the White race, but White liberals are superior even to non-Whites, because they're assuming all the guilt that belongs to the White race as a whole, and are the most enlightened people on the planet.

    Now we've established that everybody is equal (except for those ignorant rednecks, but never mind), so how to explain all the miserable messes in black runn areas? Well, it certainly can't have anything to do with intrinsic differences, so it must be due to White racism. Well and good.

    Charlize is going to make the world an angry, resentful young black man, kind of like Kanye West, only madder. She is a saint.

  7. NSangoma10:43 PM

    BrookLyn, tell your fellow Angry Black Bishes to keep their legs crossed, so we'd have fewer of these miscreant Negroe youth causing problems for decent folk.

    Trayvon's punk-gawd-damn daddy did not know that his son had not returned from his previous evening's supposed trip to the convenience store.

    What the Fcuk kind of baby-daddy Negroe is that?

    BrookLyn, you Heauxes are the problem, watch who you Fcuk; Scuk Dcik instead, no baby-mama, no baby-daddy drama.

    Whidte myns want their Bishes off the pill because they want to see an increase in the number whidte babies being born.

    Negroes, need to get more of their wymyns on the pill, thus decreasing the number of negligent baby-daddy Negroes.

  8. Desertflower10:46 PM

    I don'T see those stars adopting the causes and struggles of the underprivileged. Just the children....

  9. Desertflower11:02 PM

    I reay must agree with field on this one. Until the community stands up and decrys 'no more killing' ain'nothing gonna happen and the ish will continue.

    The same is happening seems like a subculture where kids get killed every single day and the community accepts it as if this was inevitable.

    We must value ourselves first in order to demand
    respect. I understand the fields commentary on this point.

    Now how this is going to happen is the question,but it has to happen and fast.

  10. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Desertflower said...
    I don'T see those stars adopting the causes and struggles of the underprivileged. Just the children....

    Maybe if others stop focusing on so many causes and focused on raising the children in their life who are their responsibility things would change. Causes do nothing without solid, well raised people. Each person makes a difference. Being a parent is no easy job, but a lot of people tell you how hard it is to excuse their doing nothing.

  11. If this was black on black, fn would have still been posting about Mitt's dog.

    There would have been no outrage at all.

  12. Desertflower11:22 PM

    Yes indeed anon. It does indeed begin in the home!

    And spc the field is Always decrying black on black crime he just did again in this post! :))

  13. Anonymous11:39 PM

    From the previous thread:

    "There is a problem though when a white shoots a Negroe youth; that is when you will hear most vociferously from the field, Rev Hot Comb, and Baltimore evangelist Jamal Bryant."

    This is true. Whenever a white shoots an unarmed bm, esp a teenager, you can expect an outrage from the black community. You see, killing of bm has been going on since the slaves were freed.

    But you are right about one thing: Blacks need to be outraged about black-on-black killing and we are not. IMO, if we were, our image and character as a race would change dramatically. But I am not going to hold my breath on that one."

    Thank you Field, and you too Desert. It's good to know that there are 'some' of us who are willing to face the truth. 'Denial' of the truth never helped anybody but perpetuated the problem. One can never solve one's problem until they are willing to face it.

    Hell, Blacks kill more Blacks in a month than Whites do in a year. Brooklyn's denial is part of the problem, not the solution. Until we own up to our problem, nothing much is going to change.

    Field, keep speaking the truth. Thank you. Your post hits at the heart of the matter. Unfortunately, quite a few think like Brooklyn when it comes to facing the truth. Some of our folks are such WIMPS when it comes to the truth.


  14. Anon 211:54 PM

    Some black people are especially upset that it was a Hispanic person who murdered Trayvon Martin.
    I seen several statements to that effect on another black oriented blog I visit frequently. I not sure why it would a difference to some blacks whether a white racist or a Hispanic racist did the killing.

    FN: When are you going to give us your spin on relations between American blacks and various Hispanic groups. You promised us this months ago. I particularly want you to discuss relations between blacks and Mexicans in the Los Angeles, California area. What about it FN?

  15. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Field, "If the young thugs who have no respect for your life or their own don't get you, "some color" aroused citizen or law enforcement officer will. That's how it is here in the land of the [only some are] free."

    Field, do you know that Zimmerman is Cuban? And do you know what Cubans think of us? You speak quite often about Whites, but what about certain Hispanics/Latinos? Black awareness of Cubans must be addressed. I bet they all voted for McCain in the last Presidential election and they probably support Santorum now.

    I noticed you managed to attract a Cuban in your previous thread.

  16. Anonymous12:04 AM

    FYI-frm the previous thread, a comment by a Floridian Cuban:

    "Jew is el stupido Negrito you don like being "cullud" and want to be cuban. I say too bad for you, you look like shitskin and no look like me. My women fine with nice skin and black hair they not like you puta madre they say you smell like armadillos ass I say you look worse too pendajo"

  17. I've been writing and talking about the auto-genocide among young black men since the mid '90s when it first hit me personally. It still accounts for a third of our murders in my part of calle-fore-kneeya.

  18. Tallulah Tambourine12:54 AM

    Where Queen-Oh-No-You-Din't-snap-sha-boom-boom at?

    Police: Lack of 7-Eleven sausages sends Georgetown woman into frenzy. Police say the woman was disgustingly huge and claimed she wanted to use her tounge and teeth to operate on some sausages as she was practicin for someday being a hot dog doctor.

    Sources say this isn't likely, the woman was very old and nasty, and not very bright. She will prolly never be a doctor of processed meat or any other kind.

  19. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I've been writing and talking about the auto-genocide among young black men since the mid '90s when it first hit me personally. It still accounts for a third of our murders in my part of calle-fore-kneeya.

    Cool, who would have guessed you were the ghost of a Black man. Freaky. California still there? I thought it would have fallen off the face of the earth by now.

  20. Desertflower said...
    And spc the field is Always decrying black on black crime he just did again in this post! :))

    This was a cover your ass post from field. If the killer was black, not one word from him or Al.

  21. Anonymous1:01 AM

    "..Yes we should be outraged at the killing of Trayvon Martin, but we should be just as outraged at the epidemic of young black males killing each other in urban A-merry-ca. When we don't value the lives of our own children this is what happens: they are slaughtered in the street, and those in authority who are charged with dispensing justice do nothing. Because, to them, it is just another young black male. Unless they are running up and down a basketball court or running with a football, we don't really care about them. Occasionally one will become a glorified family pet to some celebrity, but that's the extent of it."

    I agree with you. I also agree that it is at epidemic levels--and has been for some time.

    But I must take issue with the last sentence about an adopted black child being a "glorified family pet" to some celebrity.

    Knowing Sandra Bullock, as well as well as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, their children are not family pets. They are their real life children whom they would fight and die for. That's how deep their love runs for their kids.

    What gives you the right to judge them? Do you know them, or think you do?

    Why not make an effort to get to know them before making a broad sweeping statement about white celebrity parents and their adopted black children? I am sure they would be quite offended at your remarks. IMHO, we already know plenty of racist Whites without trying to make more.

  22. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Quite frankly, I am very glad to see celebrities stepping up to the plate and adopting black children who probably would end up in abusive foster homes or dead on the streets in our communities without a whimper of caring from ANYBODY, Black or White.

    BTW, your Killadelphia meter is off again by two... As usual, it's low. Isn't it ironic that we have a black President and black-on-black killings are going through the roof? One would think and hope that when Obama was elected black on black murders would dramatically drop; that 'all' Blacks would begin to value black lives-- and see their potential in Obama. Instead, the killings have dramatically increased! I swear, we are a very complex-complicated race aren't we? I suppose slavery and Jim Crow have lasting effects that might not ever leave us...and that's a scary and sad thought.

  23. D'Andre1:12 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I've been writing and talking about the auto-genocide among young black men since the mid '90s when it first hit me personally

    Whitey know blacks are dangerous.

    Thanks, Whitey.

  24. mellaneous1:32 AM

    Hey Field, yeah I guess I am back, and thanks for the compliment yesterday no need to let the darkness reign. Besides a little light goes a long way.

    I meant to get back but my friend the pastor emeritus of my church passed yesterday. He was one hell of a pastor and serious freedom fighter in his day.

    I agree with Brooklyn it almost feels like you are pandering to the right wing crowd. And that may be cool to some extent but most have shown that they don't really care about poor and working class humanity and definitely don't have any love for black humanity.

    So hopefully you didn't do this for them, because they will criticize you unless you play the Uncle Tom and blame the victim for their situation here in the US.

    And its not true that black folks aren't concerned about crime in inner city communities. And you know this!

    And the truth is that the haters don't want to know or hear the truth about why there is so much self directed crime in the black community.

    Its not rocket science. What we are witnessing is what all oppressed communities have done, check out the history of the Irish under British domination.

    Frantz Fanon broke in down in his works and Paulo Friere has talked about the violence of the oppressed.

    And if you really pay attention these commentors of yours are not really real they are idealogues and plants.

  25. mellaneous1:45 AM


    I dont understand why you have to tell Brooklyn to grow up because you don't agree with her.

    It is you and others who refuse to understand or accept the fact that black folks aren't just naturally violent toward one another.

    It is you and others who refuse to believe that we live in a society that subtly and not so subtly sends the message that black life is not worth as much as black life.

    NO one ever asks why are their ghettos? Why have black folks wound up in segregated poverty ridden inner cities?

    We still live in a racist society that encourages and reinforces internalized self hatred.

    But for some reason despite the truth of what I said many want to believe in some kind of black genetic defect and they don't really care about so-called black on black crime. What they want is to hold on to their uninformed assumptions and for us to be quiet about black victimization.

    And the real truth is that if black and folks were given real equal opportunity and society was not bombarded with subtle racist propaganda we would do just fine.

    So in truth to stop black folks from killing one another we must change the system that perpetuates black inferiority and sustains institutional racism.

  26. mellaneous1:59 AM

    And I could understand all the concern about black folks killing one another if there were equal concern about the violence that the US government perpetuates around the world almost daily.

    By the government's own admittance over 100,000 civilians have been killed in the conflicts in Afgha nistan and Iraq.

    And the banks have pulled off the Great bank robbery of the 21st century, but we are still stuck on lets kick the niggers around.

    Many of us are struggling to find work or are underwater in our homes or don't know how we are going to pay for college or afford gas to get to and fro from work next week.

    But we won't come together even as it gets more obvious that we are the 99 percent and we have more in common with one another than those who keep trying to make suckers out of us all.

    NO instead as in the case of Fields post lets talk about how Negroes aren't concerned about folks killing their children.

    Lets not talk about why the drugs are so prevelant or law enforcement for drug abuse which exists even more in the burbs is only enforced in black neighborhoods.

    But we have to all apologetic about pointing out that black folks can be victimized for just being in primarily white or upper class neighborhoods.

    We can't even tell the truth, and that is Travon was shot because he was a black kid walking through a ritzy neighborhood. And we have to be all "mush mouthed" about the other obvious truth and that is that the system to reinforce White Supremacy and supposed White privilege hesitates to prosecute white folks (or white seeming folks, BTW in Florida Cubans are considered white and act like it) when they committ crimes against black folks.

    I'm out!

  27. People complain about murder in Newark, I say, what are you worrying about? You don't live there & you're not a young black man.

  28. Anonymous2:14 AM

    NO one ever asks why are their ghettos? Why have black folks wound up in segregated poverty ridden inner cities?

    Because adults like you tell children that everything they do is because they were brainwashed, that every bad thing they do is someone else's fault and they just can't win with some boogeyman they will never meet living just to make them make bad choices. So they grow up irresponsible, angry and with no hope. You cause it, no one else. Not some boogeyman guy with White skin who you want to blame for every bad decision in your life.

    If whites flee when the Black undertow moves in and the crimes start, then how can they having left, be responsible for the crimes that continue? Yet you want them to fund and subsidize these poor ghettos where they don't live, don't have any input, don't go to and yet the crime you try to blame on them. . Have you ever listened to yourself? Have you ever tested your paranoid theories? Have you looked at a Black led, Black run city without any or with minimal input by other races. How's that working out for them? Same issues or is it the utopia you claim it would be without whites?

    1. Yes, yes it is...Atlanta is light years ahead of Arizona. Arizona is FULL of slow, backward, under educated, high-school drop-out white folks. It's sickening--we're only here to be near my aging parents--we've stayed this long because my husband found a well paying job in his field due primarily to the lack of competition in this low skilled populace. Academically, they are so far behind ATL, my son was skipped a grade.
      So to answer, black run ATL vs. white run AZ---->ATL wins hands, yup, I'd say it's working out just fine:-P

  29. Anonymous2:22 AM

    But we have to all apologetic about pointing out that black folks can be victimized for just being in primarily white or upper class neighborhoods.

    Get a grip mell, sanford is 30% Black. When you get to this high a black population the undertow tipping point has been reached.

  30. mellaneous3:14 AM

    Anon reading is fundamental to a written discussion.

    I pointed out that the neighborhood was "primarily" a white neighborhood and talked about the problem of being accused of crime in "upper class" neighborhoods. I also used the word ritzy.

    And Sanford being 30 percent black has not kept them from not getting justice from the Sanford police dept.

    But you know like most folks reading this including Field that black folks are singled out for harrassment in these kinds of

    @ anon

    why can't you stick to the discussion instead of making up stuff? I tell the youth the truth unlike you who is so insistent on believing lies that you spend your free time trying to convince others of your lies.

    And it is you who should pay attention to what is said in the discussion and stay on subject, because you continue to put words in my mouth. And thats so unnecessary considering that I have made myself absolutely clear.

    Black folks don't want anything from you, besides folks like you don't have anything we want anyway. We know you are some poor sad sack that either is unwilling to actually learn from others or is just some bitter backwards worker who doesn't know any better.

    Black folks only need equal opportunity, and I mean real equal opportunity.

  31. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Mellaneous "And I could understand all the concern about black folks killing one another if there were equal concern about the violence that the US government perpetuates around the world almost daily."

    Oh, I see. If there were "equal" concern about the violence that the US government perpetuates around the world, THEN YOU could understand the concern about black on black killings? And HOW and WHEN, Mr. Mellaneous, would you know that there is "equal" concern?

    You are one of those Negroes that want to look at everything else outside your community 'before' you will look at your own stuff. That makes sense since you are the Almighty who obviously advocates taking care of everything else and THEN 'maybe' you'll acquiesce and admit we 'might' have a problem.

    You are full of BS, Negro. You and Brooklyn should get married because you are two of a both have your heads in the sand about all the killing going on in our communities that statistics and people know...

  32. Anonymous4:16 AM

    One can certainly tell when your narcissistic self-centered ignorant ass is back. I wondered where the hell you went, and I actually 'thought' I had missed your dumb ass, but I now know I was terribly wrong.

    Why don't you take another break from FN? This time make it longer. Say, for about a decade? By that time black-on-black killings will have surpassed epidemic proportions and grown so much that Field's poor Killadelphia meter will have broken from Negro overload.

    FYI: I am not a plant you paranoid fool. Anybody with a sense of being Black would know that. But you, Mr. Mellaneous, are blind. Hell, Stormfront isn't even here, yet. Don't worry, you'll know when they show up. But so far, it's just us Negroes, you fool.

    On second thought, take a break for 20 years.

  33. Anonymous4:37 AM

    SPC, "If this was black on black, fn would have still been posting about Mitt's dog."

    LOL. Sometimes you are so funny you even make a bm laugh, even though you are serious. I bet even Field is laughing at this one.:)))

  34. mellaneous4:49 AM

    Anon I don't understand your anger. WE are having a discussion about problems in our society. It started with the problem of young blacks being targeted while driving or in the case of Trayvon walking. I would assume you would agree that those are problems,even average Uncle Toms admit that.

    And today it appears Field raised the point that we should also be concerned about so-called black on black violence.

    At no time did I say I wasn't concerned, in fact I talked about the solution being found it getting to the root cause. Of course that discussion received crickets.

    I don't feel the need like you to do "acquiese" to injustice. I refuse to pretend that oppressed black folks are the most violent people in the world. Just like I refuse to believe all of our problems can be solved without any fundamental changes in the way our society is run.

    And to answer your point when you asked how would I know that there is not equal concern about the killing of Iraqi's and Afghans? Thats simple, nobody mentions it, because to most that is acceptable murder.

    And even you didn't even bothering acknowledging the truth of that fact.

    And unlike you I actually work with young people and work on issues in my community to make life better for people in my community. (well as far as I can tell I don't want to be guilty of judging you, as you are trying to do me, because to be fair you would have no way of knowing what I do and how much I care about the lives of folks in my community and in the world)

    And so of course we (the black community) have problems, but they didnt come out of the sky blue and they aren't genetic, as some of our detractors and haters seem to imply.

    I simply think the best way to solve a problem in the long run is to go to the roots. If one has a disease they don't want the symptons treated they want to rid themselves of the disease.

    And unlike you, I don't feel the need to beat up on myself or my people for a condition that we didn't impose upon ourselves.

    All of us are infected with a little self hatred, and we all internalize a little racism on occasion.

    You demonstrated yours by saying I was full of BS for simply telling the truth about why we struggle as we do.

    You got angry because someone has taught you to blame yourself and your people SOLELY.
    Rather than saying; yes we have some trifling folks in our race, who are good for nothing and no account, but the vast majority are a bunch of strivers, who sometimes find their way blocked by unfair impediments and road blocks.

    Sometimes these impediments take the form of harrassment, over policing, over imprisonment,DWB, WWB, unequal schooling, under employment, bias at the hiring time, sometimes it hinders our more educated fellows with glass ceilings or passovers for promotions and the list goes on.

    So don't waste your time getting mad at me or Brooklyn. If you are concerned and you can do something to help some of our young people, indeed do that. Complaining about it of course won't change it.

    In the meantime disagree with me if you will, but don't try to hinder me from trying to struggle with the real solution and that is changing the economic, political social system that is at bottom the cause and the driver of all this dysfunction.

    Save your ire and your anger for your/our real enemies. In fact many of them lurk on this blog and prevent us from even having a healthy discussion about so-called black on black crime, by name calling and hyperbole and outright lies.

  35. mellaneous5:20 AM

    Anon 4:16

    BTW anon there are so many of you guys I can't track I wasn't referring to you as a plant.

    They don't have to pay you, or plant you, because you have internalized the lie. I understand you better than you do yourself. There have always been folks like you among the race. You have disdain for me because I have the nerve to stand up to that system to that man you love so much.

    There have always been Negroes like you running around parroting all the negative things that our enemies had to say about us.

    No they didn't even have to pay your kind. You kindly beat up on Negroes for free, especially us freedom fighters. And its partly because you know I am right and you want me to shut up because you at bottom are ago coward. You know this system has its boot on our neck but you are too cowardly to stand up.

    Its why you want me to go away because it reminds you that I am what you refuse to be. A man that will tell the truth in season and out, when its convenient and when it is not.

    And forget wishing I would go away, but thats just like a coward. Don't hope that I run from the fight, sharpen your debate skills or maybe you should acknowledge that it is you who should take your small minded, antiquated, foot shuffling ideas and shuffle away.

    Me go away, I think not. And you should know that suggestion is a sign that you have met a greater foe. But thanks be to God you nor your Masters can accomplish that goal. I will leave when ready.

    You are just another self hating, self denigrating Colored that makes it his duty to go after self respecting black folks who aren't interested in licking the system's boots.

    Oh yeah your self hatred shows, because you save all your ire for the black folks on this blog, while some of these poor excuses for human beings call black folks everything but children of God on this blog. But you got no anger for them!

    No you misunderstood, I don't think they have to pay you or plant you, you are a special kind of colored guy, you do the work of our oppressors, our haters, for free!

  36. mellaneous5:21 AM

    Anon 4:16

    BTW anon there are so many of you guys I can't track I wasn't referring to you as a plant.

    They don't have to pay you, or plant you, because you have internalized the lie. I understand you better than you do yourself. There have always been folks like you among the race. You have disdain for me because I have the nerve to stand up to that system to that man you love so much.

    There have always been Negroes like you running around parroting all the negative things that our enemies had to say about us.

    No they didn't even have to pay your kind. You kindly beat up on Negroes for free, especially us freedom fighters. And its partly because you know I am right and you want me to shut up because you at bottom are ago coward. You know this system has its boot on our neck but you are too cowardly to stand up.

    Its why you want me to go away because it reminds you that I am what you refuse to be. A man that will tell the truth in season and out, when its convenient and when it is not.

    And forget wishing I would go away, but thats just like a coward. Don't hope that I run from the fight, sharpen your debate skills or maybe you should acknowledge that it is you who should take your small minded, antiquated, foot shuffling ideas and shuffle away.

    Me go away, I think not. And you should know that suggestion is a sign that you have met a greater foe. But thanks be to God you nor your Masters can accomplish that goal. I will leave when ready.

    You are just another self hating, self denigrating Colored that makes it his duty to go after self respecting black folks who aren't interested in licking the system's boots.

    Oh yeah your self hatred shows, because you save all your ire for the black folks on this blog, while some of these poor excuses for human beings call black folks everything but children of God on this blog. But you got no anger for them!

    No you misunderstood, I don't think they have to pay you or plant you, you are a special kind of colored guy, you do the work of our oppressors, our haters, for free!

  37. Brooklyn and Mell, I understand your concerns and I respect your position. But I have to respectfully disagree. I have been all over this subject in one form or another since 2006. I am in a unique position to understand this problem, I won't get into why, but trust me on this one.

    Part of the problem is the folks in our own community; we can't get away from that. I understand that it's societal as well, and whenever we have a case of injustice such as this one I will be all over it.

    And please don't ever worry about me taking a position because of wingnut trolls, if that were the case this blog would have never existed in the first place.

    BTW Mel, I don't think that Anon is black. He is a white wignut troll who likes to pretend he is black.

    "Save your ire and your anger for your/our real enemies. In fact many of them lurk on this blog and prevent us from even having a healthy discussion about so-called black on black crime, by name calling and hyperbole and outright lies."

    With this I agree. But sadly the "color arousal syndrome" can poison the mind and prevent lucid thoughts. :)

  38. "Field, do you know that Zimmerman is Cuban? And do you know what Cubans think of us?"

    Yes, I do. Aren't most Cubans in Florida republicans?

    Anon @ 1:01 AM, if you really do know Ms. Theron tell her I loved her in "Monster".

  39. NSangoma7:19 AM

    field, since you are an attorney you are familiar with the psychology behind the Supreme Court case named Brown v Topeka.

    It was called Brown because the Brown's were the only intact Negroe family involved; Mr Brown was actually married to Mrs Brown and living in the home with his wife and children. The et alia Topeka Negroes were baby mamas.

    Thurgood Marshall 'n'em did not want to argue a case in front of the Supreme Court with a brief named after a bunch of baby mama Negroes; with no male Negroe head of household.

    field, 60-years later and you Negroes did not learn that lesson.

    field, if you are going to pick a Negroe cause; pick a cause with an intact male headed Negroe family.

    field, the first thing you, Rev Al, 'n'em should do when you go to Sanford FL to protest the death of Trayvon Martin, is to tell Negroe myns not to fcuk these Negroe BISHES unless they plan to marry them if they impregnate them.

    field, I still want to know what the baby daddy, Tracy Martin, was doing so tough that he did not know that his son, Trayvon, had not returned from the store the previous evening.

  40. nirrti8:04 AM

    As much as the Angelina Jolies, Madonnas, and Charlize Therons annoy me, I'm glad at least there are some people out there adopting black kids. Do you know what snowball's chance in hell a black kid has in being adopted by anyone? Heck, parents will go all the way to China to adopt a baby just so they won't have to adopt any black kids here. You know, since there's a million mile-long waiting list for white babies.

  41. Ironic isn't it? Everyone is up in arms about this guy Kony kidnapping African boys, but Jolie, Ciccioni and Theron seem to get a free pass for doing the same thing....

  42. Blimey, I had to work hard for that joke, it made me type in all those letters four times...

  43. kudos fn!!!

    hobama's ndaa has just begun

    i love charlize
    she is one of the coolest people on the planet
    especially as a native of south africa!


    i will never adopt a child
    so i will never bash those of any race who do

    most black folks are just way too busy trying to save the undeserving blackish hobama
    rather than help any lost black child
    ya know????


  44. i'm no sock puppet10:04 AM

    Y'all say what y'all want to about SPC, I love that white man. As a bm, i enjoy reading what he post. He brings a smile to this bm to.

  45. Who says we negroes' don't care about black on black crime Field? And what does it have to do with Trayvon Martin's killing?

    I want to remind readers of the case of the Jena Six and how swift justice was in that case.

    I want to remind readers of the case of James White in White Plains New York and how swift justice was in that case.

    It's the responsibility of the government to fight crime. All crime. Equally. A lot of the black on black crime is a result of poverty. Address the poverty and the crime rate will go down.

  46. Kellan10:58 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Its not rocket science. What we are witnessing is what all oppressed communities have done,
    Black Americans WERE oppressed.

    Today, black Americans are a protected, favored class. A black man is president.

    And violent crime is much, much worse in the black community than it was back then.

    You are a crazy fool who thinks anyone who disagrees with your outdated Marxist rhetoric is a "plant". Planted by who?

    You are part of the problem, not the solution. The poorest black Americans are richer than 95% of the rest of the world. Basic welfare and government assistance give every person in America a lifestyle that was considered "middle class" a generation ago. White people don't abandon black children in the streets. White people aren't pulling those triggers 95% of the time. White people aren't killing black people over a place in line to by $200 sneakers. White people aren't robbing black old folk.

    We do fund it all, though. Is that what you mean by oppression? Because I am more than willing to stop paying for it.

  47. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Again, to the knee-grows in/around Orlando-Sanford, FL: THERE SHOULD BE NO ROCK UNDER WHICH ZIMMERMAN CAN HIDE!! So, before a black-on-black perp takes out another, "There should be no rock under which zimmerman can hide!"

  48. Anonymous11:28 AM

    "There should be no rock under which zimmerman can hide!"

    Calls like this for racial vengeance murders are a sympton of what is wrong with black America.

    STFU you pathetic POS.

  49. Anonymous11:35 AM

    FN: Because you have a better, first-hand and working knowledge of our laws, I have to respect and (grudgingly) honor the freedom-of-speech advocated and practiced here at "Field Negro". With that said, please continue to keep this blog-site honest and credible by focusing our attention on the NEED for "Us" in black communities across this a-merry-kkk-a to take responsibility; own up to "Our" failures in this epidemic of "black-on-black" cannibalism. The kkk/aryan-nation/repugnicans love this plague; couldn't have done it better.
    Black men, period, need to step up; keep 'dey dicks in dey pants'; and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!!

  50. mellaneous11:40 AM

    Hey Field good points. But I do agree that the community has a part to play in its own liberation and that some folks are part of the problem. Did you see the post I made that owned up to our sharing of trifling folks.

    I just think the fight is on two fronts. So we don't disagree that much I just thought you were pandering. So if you say you werent thats good enough for me.

  51. mellaneous11:46 AM


    you are part right but if you don't understand the fact that systematic and institutional racism still exists in the US and exposes itself in a variety of ways, there is no way I can enlighten you with a few words on this blog.

    But you are wrong about me being part of the problem, if thats some fall back thing to say I understand. But it has no basis in truth or reality.

    I am not sure what you mean by we, because unless you are a 1 percenter you are as powerless as the rest of us.

    Ignorance really is not bliss!

  52. You have to be a millionaire celebrity to adopt a black kid, if you are white. They don't usually let a white family adopt a black child.

    Black activists have convinced adoption agencies that it is more important that a black child be raised "black" than to have parents.

    Since there aren't nearly enough black families looking to adopt, these kids have to kick around in the foster home system for their entire childhood. It's rough as hell on these kids.

    But at least they aren't infected with "white" culture. That's what counts.

  53. Kellan11:52 AM

    mellaneous said...
    you are part right but if you don't understand the fact that systematic and institutional racism still exists in the US

    Right, dude. You spend your time looking through a microscope to find evidence of white racism while the black community self-destructs all around you.

    You are a generator of excuses and blame that facilitates this dysfunction.

    Your whole motivation is to pat yourself on the back, not to do something that actually helps. You ARE part of the problem.

  54. lewd rude pookies rule the world

    and they are amoral unprofessional vulgar and stupid


  55. Reginald Denny1:01 PM

    I'm sure the prosecutorshave to make DAMN sure they can secure a conviction if they put Zimmerman on trial...and anything less than life in prison or execution just will not do.

    If they put Zimmerman on trial, and he's found innocent, or given a lenient sentence, I'm sure they realize you Negroes will see that as a green light to loot & burn Florida.

  56. Anonymous1:12 PM

    field, "Anon @ 1:01 AM, if you really do know Ms. Theron tell her I loved her in "Monster"."

    I will do so, Field. BTW, you keep calling me White and I keep telling you that I am Black. I am surprised that you think I am White.

    You 'respectfully' disagreed with Mell but he sure as hell didn't respect you.
    Let me say that you are a far better man.

    Those who disagree with Mellaneous get put down in degrading ways Uncle toms, and sell-outs are his mantras. In addition, he goes into a deluded twisted rant.

    Nevertheless, I have learned from you not to engage in such ridiculous argument because it is of no benefit to anyone. Thank you.

    BTW, I bet everyone else but you know I am Black.

  57. Just goes to show that as soon as a black moves in to the street, sell your house.


    One of their kids will rape, kill, rob, burglarize or sue you for daring to stand up for yourself.

    Avoid them where you find them at all costs.

  58. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Kellan, "Right, dude. You spend your time looking through a microscope to find evidence of white racism while the black community self-destructs all around you.

    You are a generator of excuses and blame that facilitates this dysfunction.

    Your whole motivation is to pat yourself on the back, not to do something that actually helps. You ARE part of the problem."


  59. Anonymous3:59 PM

    poverty does not cause criminal behaivor,lack of morals does.

  60. Anonymous4:06 PM

    "poverty does not cause criminal behaivor,lack of morals does."

    What if you are poor and hungry and need something to eat but have no money? So you steal a sandwich from a convenience store to keep from starving to death. Is that a lack of morals or hunger?

  61. mellaneous4:10 PM

    @Kellan who said:
    . "You ARE part of the problem."

    You at least have to offer a real reason. You are aware that because you continue to say this does not make it true.

    This is getting childish, we are having a discussion. You have no idea who I am or what I do, so its foolish to talk about what you don't know.

  62. Anonymous4:18 PM

    "But I blame some of you Negroes as well. Yes we should be outraged at the killing of Trayvon Martin, but we should be just as outraged at the epidemic of young black males killing each other in urban A-merry-ca."

    I wish I had made that statement. Field, you are exactly right.

    Let me say that your racism chasing over the years has made you into a remarkable bm. I mean, you stand for the principles of truth and let the chips fall where they may. I suspect that I probably had something to do with that, considering I take credit for 'some' of your training.

    But I must say the courage to speak up and tell the truth to the black community takes a lot of courage--esp when you have folks like Mell and Brooklyn blindly on the attack.

  63. mellaneous4:21 PM

    Anon 1:12

    Why do you need to defend yourself what does it matter if people don't see you as black if you really are.

    And why do you say that I disrespected Field when its obviously untrue. Please point out what I said that was disrespectful.

  64. Kellan4:24 PM

    mellaneous said...
    You have no idea who I am or what I do, so its foolish to talk about what you don't know.

    Your words are your words.

    All this half-baked anti-imperialist posturing (the murderous Frantz Fanon?), Occucommie pablum, black vicitmology, and lame-ass excuse making such as "this is how oppressed people act". Ridiculous, sophmoric bullshit.

    This is not how oppressed people act. This is is how coddled, dependent, rootless, amoral, and miseducated people act.

    And all you ever call for is more coddling, using the mindless slogans of the mush-headed left.

    Grow the fuck up.

  65. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Hey Mell! Thanks for turning me on to Frantz and Freire! I really had not read them before and went to Wikipedia and I will now try to download some of their writings if I can find a free site for that ;).

    But, while all that is true, I stand by my opinion that there is a higher power that can raise the awareness and conscientisize (made up word :)us to our value and worth. The writings of Malcolm X deal greatly with this subject"

    If you don't know you need to change, you never will.

    and why am I getting two words now to prove I'm not a robot haha! O can't even make them out :(

  66. mellaneous4:56 PM

    whats with all the anger. I am grown so grown that I don't get overly excited and tell other grown folks to grow up because I disagree with them. Unless thats your way of calling me "boy."

    But you should dislike me because I don't coddle racists and I don't give my enemies openings by siding with them at any point and I don't bite my tongue.

    Clearly your use of the term anti-imperialist lets me know that you do understand some of the problem.

    And denying that oppression exists and racism exists and that it is not one of the cause of the acting out of many young blacks is not unique. You have plenty company among right wing ideologues.

    I don't understand why you would be mad because some folks on Field's blog have the nerve to not back down from the truth.

    But I am glad that you told the truth about what you want to believe about black folks that they are as you said, "dependent, rootless, amoral and miseducated."

    And of course some folks are, but like everything else there is a cause resulting in the effect. So what we see is exactly how oppressed people act.

    And who did Fanon murder?

    I have more respect for the racists who make no pretence that they are trying to be analytical or philosophical, but are just openly hateful.

  67. Anonymous5:00 PM

    @ Desert:

    Fanon was a poisonous thinker who romanticized murder and promoted violence as an end to itself.

  68. mellaneous5:03 PM


    Hey I am glad that I could turn you on to those guys.You are right about Malcolm he tried to awaken our consciousness but he also encouraged us to lift the boots of that which was oppressing us off of our necks.

    As I was trying to point out to Field our struggle is two fold. We have to learn to help and love one another but we also have to struggle to bring in a system that does not perpetuate etracial and sexual and class divisions.

    Trayvon was a good kid who felt pretty good about himself, he was a decent student. But he was victimized by the idea that his kind is alright to be victimized because after all --as the lost folks on this blog continue to point out --we are all potential criminals.

  69. Kellan5:19 PM

    mellaneous said...
    And denying that oppression exists and racism exists and that it is not one of the cause of the acting out of many young blacks is not unique

    Oppressed people either cower in fear or revolt. They do not put their hands out and ask for "more".

    Black people are a protected and favored class under the law. They are the recipients of trillions in direct wealth transfer, plus affirmative action in school and the workplace. The privileged always demand more privilege.

    Our culture exagerates the accomplishments of blacks in history books, televsion, and movies. Young black people cannot reconcile the falsehoods they are being taught with the reality they see around them and quite naturally rage inside.

    Young black people have been educated that they live in a racist society that will keep them down. Therefore, there is no need for trying, as you have as a birthright a life-long excuse for externalizing your failures. They are infused with a false sense of pride and entitlement, quick to anger at the merest slight, and encouraged to use violence as a justified response to the injustices of the past.

    Yet anyone who points this out is shouted down as "racist". And you wonder why things only get worse?

  70. Anonymous5:34 PM

    “I am black; I am in total fusion with the world, in sympathetic affinity with the earth, losing my id in the heart of the cosmos -- and the white man, however intelligent he may be, is incapable of understanding Louis Armstrong or songs from the Congo. I am black, not because of a curse, but because my skin has been able to capture all the cosmic effluvia. I am truly a drop of sun under the earth.”
    ― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

    I love this.

    I am trying to find a woman I heard on you tube once, I think she was a psychologist but am not sure.

    I bookmarked her and then my pc flipped and I lost the bookmarks. She says words to the effect that black and brown people are sensory, sensual, able to feel and understand almost without words. In contrast to white people that think linearly and thus use the philosophers to make people of color feel inferior. Or words to that effect.

    I wish I had written down her name.I was sick at the time though and didn't.

    If anyone knows I'd love to have it!

  71. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What I did do was show my husband and son the side-by-side photo of that beautiful black child and his ugly fat diseased tortured killer. We have been warned, keep your guard up.

    Hopefully you told your child not to attack people and that they may just get held accountable when the law steps in or the victim defend themself. Now I saw the pictures one was of a kid wearing a hoody and the other was of a hispanic man who looked well fed but didn't look diseased. The only disease around here is your brain rotting from the hatred.

  72. Travian6:46 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "and the white man, however intelligent he may be, is incapable of understanding Louis Armstrong or songs from the Congo"

    I love this

    It is very pretty as racism goes, isn't it?

    It's not so pretty when it concerns what the black man is incapable of understanding though, is it?


    I KNOW WHAT I HATE said...
    I've signed my petitions calling for the murderer's arrest and am confident justice will be served.

    You've signed petitions calling for the man's arrest? Were you an eyewitness, or are you just an ignorant racist?

  74. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I KNOW WHAT I LIKE said...
    The murderer identifies as white, so you can mute that, "thought he was white" noise...and, don't presume to know what we care about...when/if we want your opinion, we'll hit up stormfront. Stop Jocking Us, you obsessed bafoon.

    Do you mean Baboon? Buffoon?

    So is the shooters race what is important to you? Why? If he were Black instead of Hispanic this would be just white noise to you as all the other killings are?

    1. Does it matter? You responded, soooooo

  75. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Redeye said...
    "It's the responsibility of the government to fight crime. All crime. Equally. A lot of the black on black crime is a result of poverty. Address the poverty and the crime rate will go down."

    Has the poverty been addressed? Will it ever be? and what if it's never addressed? :)

    Obviously hasn't been up to now...hasn't been addressed here either :)At least not in any significant manner so as to get the result you suggest: lower crime rates :) So now what:)

  76. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Desert, stop huffing that nitrous.

  77. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Desert, stop huffing that nitrous.
    LOL! I wish!!!

    My son saw the photo of the killer and exclaimed "ese es un mamao con una pistola" "un pendejo con poder"....

    Can't, it loses everything in the translation :)

  78. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Anonymous said...
    Desert, stop huffing that nitrous.
    LOL! I wish!!!

    My son saw the photo of the killer and exclaimed "ese es un mamao con una pistola" "un pendejo con poder"....

    Can't, it loses everything in the translation :)

    I think you turned Mellaneous on

  79. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Has the poverty been addressed? Will it ever be? and what if it's never addressed? :)

    Obviously hasn't been up to now...hasn't been addressed here either :)At least not in any significant manner so as to get the result you suggest: lower crime rates :) So now what:)

    Go get you some ObamaBucks while they last forget school and work. Get the free stuff.

  80. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Go get you some ObamaBucks while they last.

    Well guess what, that's exactly what I'm gonna do! LOLOLOL!
    I was just told that I qualify for food stamps! Because of my limited income, condition, medical debts and expensive nutritioal supplements that I still get my primary nourishment from.

    I'm so happy! I hope it's true! But you know, I really do need them, I mean really, so hell to the yeah!

    I'm going to apply! everybody else is too! I'll let you know how it turns out. and this is for real, I'm not kidding now. For real. Wish me luck!

  81. GrannyStandingforTruth8:56 PM

    Field, I just dropped by for a hot second to read your topic for today, but I'm not staying. I haven't been able to blog lately because I've been trying to get a lot of business taken care of in my personal life. When I do come back, I'm hoping to be able to switch my blog to another blog forum because I've had too many problems with Google.

    Anyway, I was reading the comments in your comment section. I was gonna put my two cents in, but Mellaneous, Brooklyn and I KNOW WHAT I LIKE covered everything I had to say. So, there is no need for me to say anything.

    Btw, Mellaneous, glad to see your fonts again because yours is the voice of reason. I have a word for you—Cry aloud and spare not! Keep lifting up your voice like a trumpet throughout the land.

    The problem as I discern it is that they want to paint with a broad brush an entire group of people/race as undesirables, which comes from the colonizers manuel and is a classic model used when they are up to no good where people of color are concerned. Some of their ulterior motive is to rally together white folks and put an end Affirmative Action and Civil Rights. Some of it has to do with not wanting another black person to get through the cracks and make it into the White House ever again. History does repeat itself!

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth8:58 PM

    I have sons, grandsons, nephews, and cousins who are respectable, decent, and law-abiding citizens, but I keep a prayer going up daily in their behalf because of the color of their skin. Those who hate want the population to believe that black and brown males need to be eliminated because they are ALL those dangerous others. But they fail to see and do not want to see that their thinking is dangerous to humanity. I did not know Trayvon, but when I read the story concerning him, I broke down and cried and prayed not just for his family, but for our people.

    Nevertheless, let me get back to what I was doing in my house. Besides which, I need a break from the entire hateful BS spouted out about our people because the majority of our people are not as Mellaneous put it—trifling. And I agree with Mellaneous we have many decent people, but like all groups of people, yes, we have our bad seeds as well, but then so does every human race on this planet.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth8:59 PM

    Have a blessed and victorious day!

  84. It takes a Black man to teach a Black man how to be a Black man. This MUST be addressed before any real change will occur.

    That is all.

  85. And Field, you've got a BLACK FEMALE ASSNON too. Or so I've been told.

  86. I KNOW WHAT I HATE10:14 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I did not know Trayvon, but when I read the story concerning him, I broke down and cried and prayed not just for his family, but for our people.

    Me too Granny, I wish it had been a white teen that had been killed.

  87. "And Sanford being 30 percent black has not kept them from not getting justice from the Sanford police dept.

    But you know like most folks reading this including Field that black folks are singled out for harrassment in these kinds of neighborhoods."

    I'll bet anything that this Stanford is a no-majority town split about evenly between black, white and hispanic.. On the East Coast, plurality towns tend to have toxic race relations.

    Strange statistic: most lynchings took place in communities where black Americans constituted more than 30% of the population; it's the precise same point where economic competition becomes inevitable; coincidence I'm sure.

  88. Anonymous8:12 AM

    An Hispanic is an African tinged with Native American, White and only God knows whatever else, whose original language is Spanish. Lighter skin color (in a lot of cases) makes him more acceptable to the European and let's not forget wavy, curly, almost straight to straight hair. It's the "hair of wool", that gets Africans killed. No one wants to be stuck with that. Not even Africans. That's where the wigs, weaves and perms come into the picture.

    Now all this killing. Just ask yourselves what would the Jewish and Europeans do if the tables were turned and Africans were killing their children????? It would be World War 95 in progress!!!!!

  89. Motown Moe10:59 AM

    "most lynchings took place in communities where black Americans constituted more than 30% of the population; it's the precise same point where economic competition becomes inevitable"

    That's about the point where economic collapse commences. It becomes inevitable at 50%. It becomes Mogadishu at 75%.

  90. I have no tears for Trayvon Martin. I have a fear that if I start to cry, I may never stop. I might remember the many that have been killed with no justice. RIP Trayvon.
