Friday, March 16, 2012

Winning back the White House by any means necessary.

My governor here in Pistolvania has been on a roll lately. He told women to just close their eyes and enjoy a foreign object poking around in their vagina, and his new budget proposal cuts college funding by over 600 million dollars. Then, to top it off, he is aligning himself with the rest of the charlatans and politricksters in his party by signing off on a nefarious plot to win back the White House and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters here in Pistolvania.

By signing the voter ID bill, HB 934 into law here in Pistolvania, he has cemented his legacy as nothing more than a political hack who cares more about his party than the people of his state.

So why was House Bill-934 even necessary in the first place? Republicans claim that it will reduce voter fraud, but is that really necessary? Let's see now, between 2002 and 2007 the Justice Department found only 86 cases of voter fraud out of 300 million votes cast.  In Pistolvania we have had 20 million votes cast since 2004, and there has been exactly four (yes, FOUR) convictions for voter fraud. This little scheme to crack down on imaginary voter fraud is going to cost our state between five to eleven million dollars.

But we all know what this is all about. Pistolvania is a crucial swing state in the presidential elections, and the votes here are always close. Keeping those poor people, the elderly, and Negroes away from the voting booth could make a huge difference in the next presidential election. 

"They purveyors of voter fraud fear also have decades of practice. The modern crusade against voter fraud started in the civil rights era of the 1960s, with growing anxieties among white politicians and voters over the growing power of black and urban voters.

As historian Rick Perlstein documents, Republicans tapped into -- and inflamed -- these fears with outrageous claims of black voter fraud, which not only riled up the conservative base, but also laid the groundwork for "anti-fraud" campaigns that could depress Democratic turnout."

Ok, so it's all about politics. Well, two can play that game. Waiting for the Obama Justice Department to step in here and stop Pistolvania in 10-9-8-7-.......

Finally, I want to do something unpopular and what no other blogger will have the guts to do. I want to defend the hard core porn industry in this country.
Unfortunately, they are coming under attack from one of the republican presidential candidates.

"Rick Santorum has made a campaign promise to bar "hardcore pornography" from American websites, magazines and television, but industry giants who produce much of the nation's porn aren't worried that the crusading candidate will stop the multibillion dollar industry from churning out the next "Deep Throat."

"I don't see a danger," Michael Lucas, New York's largest producer of gay adult films, told Yahoo News. "There's no danger that he will be the Republican Party nominee."

Santorum's campaign posted a position paper on its website in February that vowed to "vigorously" enforce obscenity laws and restrict the distribution of hardcore pornography, which it says has reached "pandemic" levels. The former Pennsylvania senator said he will "prohibit distribution of hardcore (obscene) pornography on the Internet, on cable/satellite TV, on hotel/motel TV, in retail shops and through the mail or by common carrier." [Source]

WTF? I think I speak for every red blooded A-merry-can when I say that this is bull s*&^! So if Ricky is elected there will be no more porn available on our computers. This means that most of his supporters will not be able to secretly get their freak on with their Internet girl when they go home from bible studies.

This is why this guy is dangerous. Sorry Rick, we don't need Taliban style laws here in the land of the free legislating our morality.

"Pandemic levels"? I will tell you what has reached "pandemic levels": stupid "closed- minded" people. It has gotten so bad that some of them are actually running for president.


  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    On Monday, Nevada officials charged Acorn, its regional director and its Las Vegas field director with submitting thousands of fraudulent voter registration forms last year. Larry Lomax, the registrar of voters in Las Vegas, says he believes 48% of Acorn's forms "are clearly fraudulent." On Thursday, prosecutors in Pittsburgh, Pa., also charged seven Acorn employees with filing hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations before last year's general election.

    Wait, how many did they catch? Hundreds, there are so many more cases. Why do democrats need fraud to win? Why are you saying that poor and black folk won't be able to vote? Even the poorest of the poor need ID to cash their government checks or get their foodstamps, buy their gin and or cigarettes, do anything with a payday loan, bank, pawn shop.

    Smells like liberal bullshit to me just trying to keep the books open for the dead folk from Acorn.

  2. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Oh My in pistolvania 2008 election appears to be rigged. 140k new voters registered by Acorn in PIT. Half the registrations in the same hand writing, half duplicates. Large amount for addresses at vacant lots. Oh I know why Eric My People Holder doesn't want to follow the law of the supreme court where Voter ID was deemed legal and necessary. Can't steal elections if you can't vote more than once.

  3. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Baracka Flacka Flame Obama is in da white house yo.

    Welcome to idiocracy. Cee Lo sang "fuck you" at Obama's fundraiser. Negro pul-eease

    Duane Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho Barack Obama.

    Gotta love Obamas teleprompter

  4. Kingnut9:47 PM

    My oh my, how far we have come when ASKING TO SEE AN ID is equivalent to a Klan lynching!

    Do you know how hysterical you sound Field? Your panties must be twisted up real bad.

    States with voter ID laws are going out of their way to provide people with free ID's. But, according to democrats, we can't expect people to exert the merest effort when it comes to voting.

    The Left is screaming "disenfranchisement" because this will hurt their ability to commit voter fraud.

    Think about this Field: Every time someone votes who is not eligible, or votes using a dead person's name or a made up name, or votes more than once, they are "disenfranchising" a legitimate voter.

    The only reason for a party to oppose these ID laws is because you want to preserve your ability to cheat.

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Field are you a nut? No really do you work for Acorn?

  6. I see you have a troll. How sad, to see a mind so poisoned with hate. This "person" actually thinks that one commits voter fraud by submitting fraudulent registration cards with names like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck on them, without asking if Mickey and Donald were actually allowed to vote. I'll give you a hint - they weren't. In fact, they didn't even try. The only mistake ACORN made there was paying folks to turn in registration sheets - so some dishonest people filled in fake names. That's all.

    Keep up the good work, Mr. Field. I enjoy your posts tremendously.

  7. Co-sign Patty. How many times does Field have to explain the difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud? Jeez conservatives are slow.
    The GOP is a joke. How can a religious mental nutcase like Santorum even be considered as a serious candidate? The world is laughing at us.
    As far as "free" I.D.´s what is the cost to get people to the locations to get these I.D.´s? Also why is it SUDDENLY such a rush to create voter I.D. laws? Where was the push in 2000? 2004? Where were the birth certificate laws in AZ? Public Enemy called it in 1989 "Fear of a Black Planet".

  8. Anonymous11:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Co-sign Patty. How many times does Field have to explain the difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud? Jeez conservatives are slow.
    The GOP is a joke. How can a religious mental nutcase like Santorum even be considered as a serious candidate? The world is laughing at us.
    As far as "free" I.D.´s what is the cost to get people to the locations to get these I.D.´s? Also why is it SUDDENLY such a rush to create voter I.D. laws? Where was the push in 2000? 2004? Where were the birth certificate laws in AZ? Public Enemy called it in 1989 "Fear of a Black Planet

    You know it. The world is laughing saying did you know in the U.S Black people say it's too hard to show an ID to vote. Black people seem to be incapable of doing the most basic things in civilization. For some reason blacks seem to think there is a whole bunch of people out there who are legal citizens, who don't live on the grid and don't have or need an ID (what do they do hunt and live in the woods off the land?) and if they find a few people they seem to be to incompetent to simply go get a free ID that shows their picture. Such a shame. It must be this because they are screaming loudly that there is no such thing as voter fraud all the while they don't want to show ID. Must be this, has to be.

    Yes Sung lung they are saying that.

    Are they not able to get an ID papa?

    Oh no Sung lung, it's easy in fact you would have to be a blithering idiot or the laziest thing on the planet not to already have an ID that you have to use for so many things. you are discriminating against me because you want me to have an ID.

    Can you give me one example, just one with all this nonsense of a single black person who does not have a photo ID and woudl not be able to get one with a reasonably modest (get off the couch) effort? Just one. If not, voter ID is for every race, why as it always seems to be is this a problem with just blacks and of course illegal aliens? Chinese, Jewish, Pakastani, Indian, Malaysian, filipino, every race is ok with this. Except for blacks, blacks run community organizing efforts where there have been convictions for fraud, yes Acorn across the country has gone to trial and been convicted.


  9. Anonymous11:30 PM

    PilotX said...
    Public Enemy called it in 1989 "Fear of a Black Planet".

    Actually you have a fear of not being able to compete under the same rules, regulations, standards and laws as all other races. Ever buy cig's? Booze? Cash a check? Drive? Go to the library - ok skip that one. Cash a welfare check? Apply for section 8, energy credits, housing assistance, single mom assistance, SSI? All require a photo ID, so who you kiddin. You only get to vote once, no affirmative action voting allowed.

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Pilot X said...

    "SUDDENLY such a rush to create voter I.D. laws? Where was the push in 2000? 2004? Where were the birth certificate laws in AZ? Public Enemy called it in 1989 "Fear of a Black Planet"."

    Duh-uh suddenly in 2008 you had all this nefarious nonsense going on, Mccain knew about voter fraud but decided to let it go so Obama's people wouldn't do what they do normally you know riot.

    Do your part Pilot, volunteer to become a poll watcher and stop fraud in black acorn infested neighborhood near you.

    From Wikileaks:
    From: Fred Burton []

    Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 7:41 AM
    Subject: Insight – The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only – Pls Do
    Not Forward **
    ** Internal Use Only – Pls Do Not Forward **

    1) The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to “out”.

    2) It appears the Dems “made a donation” to Rev. Jesse (no, they would never do that!) to keep his yap shut after his diatribe about the Jews and Israel. A little bird told me it was a “nice six-figure donation”. This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.

    John McCain was never serious about winning the 2008 election, it was just another military operation to promote diversity

    3) The hunt is on for the sleezy Russian money into O-mans coffers. A smoking gun has already been found. Will get more on this when the time is right. My source was too giddy to continue. Can you say Clinton and ChiCom funny money? This also becomes a matter of how and when to out.

    A second Wikileaks cable indicates that 2008 Republican Presidential candidate John McCain decided not to pursue legal action against the Democrats for engaging in voter fraud. The candidate believed that to do so would have thrown the country into civil unrest, and thus, he let the matter drop.

    Emails between Stratfor staffers indicate that McCain’s actions were viewed as baffling, to say the least.

    The 2008 election was a complete fraud.

  11. Anonymous11:42 PM

    This year there have been investigations, indictments or convictions for vote fraud in California, Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia, North Carolina and Maryland. In all but one case, the alleged fraudsters were Democrats.

    In none would the fraud alleged have altered a major election, Democrats note. But in the Illinois gubernatorial election in 1982, 100,000 votes cast in Chicago -- 10 percent of the total -- were fraudulent, the U.S. attorney there estimated.

    Fraud of the magnitude which swings elections typically combines absentee ballot fraud and voter registration fraud. At least 55 employees or associates of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now have been convicted of registration fraud in 11 states, says Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center, who's written a book about ACORN.

    Of 1.3 million new registrations ACORN turned in in 2008, election officials rejected 400,000.

    A Gallup poll Tuesday indicates why Mr. Holder is trying so hard to gut ballot security measures. Mr. Obama trails in all swing states. Democrats fear they can't win next year unless they cheat.

    Read more:

  12. "Actually you have a fear of not being able to compete under the same rules, regulations, standards and laws as all other races.."

    Oh puuleease.*yawning*

    At some point you wingnuts will have to try something else. This pony is out of tricks.

    Why won't you guys just admit that you are trying to get a political advantage? I would at least respect you more.

  13. Thanks Patti.

    But actually, as Pilot X and others will tell you, there is more than just one of them.

    I don't know how Pilot X and some of the others go back and forth with them so much on this board.
    I have to give them credit.

    Personally, I am allergic to stupid and ignorant people.

  14. Feeled Kneegrow1:03 AM

    "Personally, I am allergic to stupid and ignorant people."

    Wow, that's too bad because you make your living dealing with stupid and ignorant people. You must go through a lot of Claritan

  15. Kingnut1:07 AM

    Slow PilotX said...
    Co-sign Patty. How many times does Field have to explain the difference between voter fraud and voter registration fraud? Jeez conservatives are slow.

    Maybe you could explain why someone would commit voter registration fraud, if not to facilitate voter fraud?

    I'm really glad to have a genius like you for a resource.

  16. Kingnut1:30 AM

    Why the stimulus failed:

    The only thing Obama has acheived is to completely discredit Keynesian economics. I just wish it hadn't cost so much.

  17. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Do you think Whitney Hosuton will be voting for Obama in the fall?

  18. Anonymous1:52 AM

    The next President will have to eat on paper plates once Michelle Obama gets done looting.

  19. I wrote this for Barack's re-election campaign. I hope you like it.

    Roses are red, Violets are blue
    America sucks, and so do those Jews.
    If you don't love little Barack and big Michelle,
    Get on a bus that's going to hell.

    Barack is God and Michelle is thin,
    In the fantasy world that I live in.
    I vote based on the color of my skin,
    But again, that's the world me and Samuel L. Jackson live in.

    Hillary Clinton is running the foreign stuff,
    Giving out reset buttons and other fluff.
    Katherine Sebelius is head of 'thought patrol,'
    And in just a little time, your head will roll.

    Christians and Jews will be swept aside,
    Replaced by Muslims willing to commit suicide.
    Whitney's dead, and Santorum did it,
    Romney supplied the gun, and Gingrich hid it.

    'God damn America,' said our Rev. Wright,
    And I'm here to tell you: he was goddamn right.
    So vote for Barack because he's black,
    Give him four more years to complete the attack.

    As he takes our wealth back from the national vault,
    Remember this: it's all Bush's fault.

  20. Anonymous2:03 AM

    How come no mention of the dumb negroes from S. Miss. who chanted at a Puerto Rican player from Kansas "where's your green card?" Once upon a time, being in college meant you had some sense. Someone should tell these morons that Puerto Rico is a US territory and the residents of PR are US citizens. The PR player probably speaks better English than the idiots who were heckling him. And why weren't the S. Miss players dicsciplined for what they did? White high school players were suspended for chanting "USA" at a team that was primarily Latino but black college players get a pass? What is up with that? How did I miss the memo to black folks that we are not required to respect anyone? We don't even respect ourselves so I guess I'm not surprised.

    NOTE to the first poster: They caught the bad registrations so I guess the system worked. In California, ACORN flagged for the Registrars voter registrations they believed were not valid. Your problem is that you can hardly stand it that your president is black and you think that black people are the only reason Obama won. I think that's funny. When he gets reelected you will have to just sit down and STFU, won't you?

  21. Anonymous2:07 AM

    "When he gets reelected you will have to just sit down and STFU, won't you?"

    Nobody has to worry about that.

  22. Anonymous2:16 AM

    "Finally, I want to do something unpopular and what no other blogger will have the guts to do. I want to defend the hard core porn industry in this country.
    Unfortunately, they are coming under attack from one of the republican presidential candidates."

    Field, do you have any morals? Do you believe in moral and ethical values?

  23. Hey, Field, these Voter ID laws aren't the only way the Republicans are crushing negroes:

    Washington(AP) - A landmark study by a major university today found the Law of Gravity is selectively enforced and that the heaviest burden tended to fall on members of disadvantaged and oppressed socio-economic groups.

    Professor Omar Amabo, Chief Community Organizer and Chair of the Victimology Department at the University of East Angrya recently concluded the decades-long study and revealed the results at a national press conference today. They showed that while it is true that members of disadvantaged socio-economic groups tended to have heavier body weights than priviledged groups, this was not due to bad eating habits and lack of exercise as previously thought but rather a systematic and coordinated over-zealous selective enforcement of gravitational statutes.

    Professor Amabo stated that while he found a tendency to anti-poor bias in appilcations of gravitational law in every administration, the problem tended to be much worse in periods when Republicans controlled the presidency and/or one or both houses of congress, a fact he attributed to their lack of interest in oversight over gravitational law enforcement efforts. "They just don't care about the heavy burdens of the gravitationally-challenged", he stated, "but that's what we expected to find."

    Advocates for the disadvantaged cited the results in loudly demanding increased federal supervision over the enforcement of gravitational laws, especially in states like Texas where the gravity-industrial complex benefits economically from its unequal application.

    They forsee a call for new federal programs to provide services to the victims of higher gravity in order to help them compensate for its effects. Legal scholars predict thousands of lawsuits will shortly be filed on behalf of those suffering from the aftershocks of over-zealous gravitational law enforcement in an attempt to recoup monetary damages for the injuries inflicted.

    Enforcement efforts of other physical laws will also see an impact. Spokespersons for groups representing longer wavelength colors such as red are examining the findings to see if a case can be made for bias and selective application of the speed of light. Bernoulli's principle may see a challenge due to the unfair demand that faster talking should cause decreased pressure inside the speakers' heads. Mathematical laws may come under scrutiny also.

    It's time to repeal these racist, archaic archaic Gravitational Laws

  24. Anonymous2:37 AM

    "But we all know what this is all about. Pistolvania is a crucial swing state in the presidential elections, and the votes here are always close. Keeping those poor people, the elderly, and Negroes away from the voting booth could make a huge difference in the next presidential election. "

    No 'we' don't know what this is all about. And who's "we"?

    One thing "we" do know is that Negroes don't vote, so what is the problem in voter ID? Are you saying we Blacks are unable to ID ourselves? GET REAL. Besides, Negroes won't be voting in droves this time around-- due to getting f@#k%*, ignored and disrespected by a black President.

    It's always a good thing to prevent voter fraud. Even if it is ONE fraudulent vote, that's one too many. So, what are you afraid of Field? Really?

    Here you are screaming about a voter fraud bill while being mute on NDAA. You are such a hypocrite.

  25. Interesting to see the conservative trolls attempting to use backbiting ridicule as a weapon to devalue and discredit the Field's words, as well as to shut other people out of commenting by drowning them in a sea of enriched stupidity. I'll give these guys credit, Field, they're dedicated to what they do here.

    You sure you don't have any bi-polar enemies from law school who've dedicated themselves to spamming the living shit out of your blog? Just have to ask.

  26. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Desertflower, I see that when Santorum visited PR he told them that if they wanted to become a state, they would have to learn to speak English as their first language.

    So now I hear Puerto Ricans (in PR) are forced by law to speak English as their first language.

    Desert, I tell you this because you could probably make some extra cash teaching English....I swear, Santorum carries a lot of weight in PR.:) Did you go to his rally?

  27. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Mack Lyons, That is all you do is attack good law abiding religious Conservatives. You are such a depraved creep!

  28. The name of the game is voter disenfranchisement, ladies and gents:

    I'd spent too much time thinking about how to word the above in a way that would finally open conservative troll eyes, but that would be a wasted effort.

  29. Anonymous3:04 AM

    Mack Lyons, "You sure you don't have any bi-polar enemies from law school who've dedicated themselves to spamming the living shit out of your blog? Just have to ask."

    Nobody is spamming FN, you fool. All we Conservatives are trying to do is stop racism and support Field in his war against it.

    You see, our comments are subtle but effective ways to help Field be all he can be as a blogger. Unfortunately, Negroes like you can't see the forest for the trees and fail to appreciate what we are doing for Field.

  30. Mack Lyons, That is all you do is attack good law abiding religious Conservatives. You are such a depraved creep!

    Sure am. Now get your pretty ass over here so we can snuggle up. Just got the fireplace lit and the Barry White CD on shuffle.

  31. "Nobody is spamming FN, you fool. All we Conservatives are trying to do is stop racism and support Field in his war against it."


    Thanks. I needed a good laugh behind the Trayvon Martin tragedy.

  32. NSangoma4:34 AM

    Speaking of 17-year old Trayvon Martin:
    That was Feb. 27, one day after Trayvon was shot. The father thought that he was missing, according to the family’s lawyer, Benjamin Crump, but the boy’s body had actually been taken to the medical examiner’s office and listed as a John Doe.


    field, didn't I ask you Negroes about Trayvon's punk gawd-damn daddy?

    How in the fcuk can your son be missing for one day, if you are paying gawd-damn attention to your child?

    What was this Nggier doing, fcuking so gawd-damn tough that he did not notice his son was missing?

    Your son leaves for the convenience store and you don't notice until the next damn day that he did not return; FCUK !!!!, NGGIER.

  33. "Your son leaves for the convenience store and you don't notice until the next damn day that he did not return; FCUK !!!!, NGGIER."

    Whatever you believe him to be, that does not justify calling him a "NGGIER". Now get back on your meds, you loon.

  34. Anonymous7:44 AM


    As registered Independent Black voter in Philly Pa, even I know the voter ID law is flawed. To vote, you have to be registered to vote & since your registration is tied to your polling area, woe is the person that doesn't have their card or moved from town to town in Pa without updating the card-no card, no vote; having valid state ID means nothing-you won't be able to vote.

    Considering how badly the state budget was cut, without any tax hikes, I guess the easiest way to make money will be to force many to renew their state ID's or at least update their addresses...what's that...$10 now through PennDot? Or will the service price rise just to make a profit closer to the election??

    I heard what our governor said. He spoke people said the comment was taken of context. Saying to -paraphrase- 'Close your eyes & relax' is pretty insensitive & completely out of touch in how invasive an transvaginal ultrasound is. The only way it could be explained to a having a rectal exam with a lube up object as big as a cardboard core paper towel roll. It's not pleasant & since they have to move that thing around in an area of limited space, it can be painful. Besides, mecial facilities do a regular ultrasound prior abortions in this state. One's more than enough.

    I've enjoyed reading your blog Field. But some of the more rabid commentary seems deranged. I'm an Independent moderate, have been for many years. The GOP/Tea have shown themselves to be a group of zealots & after 8 years of Bush Jr, America with all its flaws, won't survive another GOPer in office. I love my dis-functional country & don't want it to fail.


  35. Mack, I have a lot of bi-polar enemies. Some are worse than others.

    Thanks for some facts Maati, facts are always good.

    Hmmm, so the wingnuts are sure that O will lose in November. We will see. :)

    BTW, you trolls might need to get some new joke writers. Just saying.

  36. "BTW, you trolls might need to get some new joke writers. Just saying"

    A better start would be for them to get a brain.

    BTW, I hope none of you had Dook in your b-ball brackets, lol!!!!

    Hoya Saxa!!!

  37. NSangoma8:58 AM

    Mack Lyons,

    I've got your meds swinging low, when your wife wants or needs some again, let me know.

  38. Anonymous9:24 AM

    field said, "BTW, you trolls might need to get some new joke writers. Just saying."

    Not ALL trolls' jokes were bad. Now take my joke@3:04am.... now that was quite hilarious. Obviously, you didn't read it.

    I'm beginning to feel a little ostracized and discriminated against. Why can't I be Black too? I too think Obama is divine.

    Nevertheless, there are some racists like Reine, Mack Lyons, PilotX, PC and even YOU, Field, who just won't give me credit as a black man. What you arrogant fools are saying is, "God, we don't like your handiwork." Some of you racists need to take a hike.

  39. "What you arrogant fools are saying is, "God, we don't like your handiwork." Some of you racists need to take a hike."

    I would never say that. I want you folks to be out there for all the world to see. I want others to to see your handywork and decide if you are in fact racist.

    Yes Doctor, the Doookies did go down. Maybe there is a God. :)

  40. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "BTW, you trolls might need to get some new joke writers. Just saying"

    A better start would be for them to get a brain.

    BTW, I hope none of you had Dook in your b-ball brackets, lol!!!!

    It's called excrement not "dook" and it's called a toilet not "b-ball brackets"

  41. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I swear, Santorum carries a lot of weight in PR.:) Did you go to his rally
    Honestly, I didn't even know he had been here!
    English or not, this is never going to become a state. It's evenly divided, half want statehood and half don't, go figure...

    As for porn, the medical people on here know that porn is prescribed to the aged to assist them in maintaining an active and enjoyable sex life.

    Everything in it's time and place;p

  42. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Since many of the wingnut trolls are paid...they do need to show their Massa they are worth the wningut welfare. Posting on AfAm blogs is worth at least a Jew conversion.
    Yes, I do know about the point scale for Fundies.

    When one is a white with no skills, education or talent...the last thing before accepting one's lot in life is to claim, "at leasts I aints no migger". Remove that, and Loser StainPaints has to face Reality.
    Or, make up cretinous lawz to be jerkholes to women, who has cooties.

    Being old enough, I can tell you losers that there will be more than sufficient ways and locations to allow women to make choices. And you won't even be aware. Sarey Palin may not know...but Meghan McCain and the bushTwins will.

    Corbett has the unenviable task of either using extraction industries to puff up the income of PA...or utilize a form of Keynesian spending. Given that PA is the cites...and Deep South Ignorance...he will predictably opt for the modern equivalent of coal.

    Odd that Goober Heeyuck never once mentioned my Harvard ID. Or my passport with multiple stamps. Or my Federal carry permit. Must be my permanent 'tan' blinded his 15 yo eyes.


  43. "When one is a white with no skills, education or talent...the last thing before accepting one's lot in life is to claim, "at leasts I aints no migger"


  44. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Fiiiiiieeeeellldddd! Do you have that green bowtie ready?????? :))))))

  45. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Yes, Field; the "pandemic level" of stupidness and foot-stomping ignorance has even reached here in/on your blog... Wish you could filter out the right-wingnut repugnicans who frequent here - at 'Field Negro', of all places.
    And why aren't knee grows in Orlando up in arms about Trayvonn Martin?
    Now that's a "shame", ab...

  46. Smack Lyons2:05 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    The name of the game is voter disenfranchisement

    You mean disenfranchisement of legitimate voters by cancelling out their votes with fradulent votes?

    Now you are starting to get it!

    Stop the democrat fraud machine - NOBAMA 2012!

  47. Anonymous2:08 PM

    "the "pandemic level" of stupidness and foot-stomping ignorance has even reached here in/on your blog"

    Say what? He's got Maya Angelou posting here! This is the shit!

  48. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Knee grows in Orlando/Sanford:


  49. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Ohio Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown used the word "niggardly" describing members of congress. Unfuckingbelievable.


  50. "Fiiiiiieeeeellldddd! Do you have that green bowtie ready?????? :))))))"

    Now see....


    Apparently he has a pretty good rock in the Florida justice system.:(

  51. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Ah Field, so you too are part of the democratic plan Operation Steal The Vote:

    Did you know ( I bet you do) "A lesser-known provision of the federal Motor Voter law requires all states to make sure no ineligible persons (illegals, felons or dead people) get on the voter rolls. In November 2009, Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez (an Obama political appointee) told a stunned gathering of the Justice Department's Voting Section that her office would no longer enforce that section of the law.

    Fernandez's exact quote was, "We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it."

    Oh and about that funny statement that voter registration fraud means nothing:

    Operation Steal the Vote:
    The plan goes something like this.

    1) Sign up illegal aliens to vote.

    I walked door-to-door in 2010 canvassing for Republican congressional candidate Van Tran in the Anaheim, Calif.,-area district now represented by Democrat Loretta Sanchez. Our team ran across people who were listed as registered voters in rolls obtained from the county registrar who openly admitted they were illegal and stated they could not vote and had never voted.

    How did the illegals get on the voter roll? The federal Motor Voter Law requires local welfare offices, social service agencies and motor vehicle departments to offer voter registration forms to everyone who comes in, no questions asked. ACORN-like groups have long practiced signing up new "voters" at places where illegals congregate.

    In California, the voter registration card requires a check in the box stating you are a citizen of the U.S. The box is always checked and nobody ever questions it.

    Does the illegal alien actually vote? Apparently not. Another box on the registration form requests a permanent mail-in ballot be sent to the "voter." The mailing address is different from the "voter's" residence address, meaning that the the illegal alien "voter" never receives a ballot and never votes. The mail-in ballots are sent to another location and someone else votes and mails back the ballot for the new "voter."

    Random checks of these mailing addresses show the same addresses over and over. This is election fraud on an organized level. It's going on now in every state.

    Any attempt to stop this corruption would cause Obama to go to court to defend the right of illegals to register to vote

    2) Sign up felons to vote.

    Following the 2000 showdown in Florida, the Democrats started a nationwide campaign to register felons to vote. A 2004 editorial in the New York Times, for example, criticized Florida for purging 47,000 felons from the voting rolls while admitting that Florida law barred felons from voting. The editorial castigated 35 states that likewise had some level of restriction on voting by felons.

    Time magazine, The Washington Post, the ACLU and Human Rights Watch all chimed in on the unfairness of barring the felon vote. The demand for "reform" became universal when polling showed that felons would overwhelmingly vote Democrat.

    By 2011, only two states, Kentucky and Virginia, continue to bar felons from voting for life. All other states have "reformed" their voting laws to allow the felon Democrat vote to be counted in 2012


  52. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Operation Democratic Steal the Vote Cont--

    3) Keep the voting dead on the rolls.

    Dead Democrat voters are a tradition in Chicago. Today the tradition is metastasizing to the rest of the country.

    In 2011, for example, the state of Ohio reported that 18,500 dead people were still listed as voters. Local registrars were requested to purge the rolls of dead people as required by Ohio law and apparently not consistently done.

    A report from Houston, Tex., tells of 4,462 dead voters still on the rolls there, many still voting. Relatives of these dead voters expressed shock that their deceased loved ones were still so involved in politics.

    Obama is an activist in this campaign to protect illegal, felon and dead Democrat voters.

    Living, law abiding citizens just have to wonder, when they present an I.D. to conduct just about any kind of business in their daily lives, why the integrity of the vote shouldn't be protected by requiring voter I.D. at the polls.

  53. Anonymous3:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "Fiiiiiieeeeellldddd! Do you have that green bowtie ready?????? :))))))"

    Now see....


    Apparently he has a pretty good rock in the Florida justice system.:(

    Si, it's called the constitution and the right to self defense when attacked by violent angry hoods.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. hobama's global fraud trumps
    global voter fraud

    ask kony!

  57. If you are the praying-type, pray for Fabrice Muamba. If you are not, just cross your fingers and hope.

    That was the worst thing I've seen on live TV since that TdF cyclist died in 2010.

  58. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Field, why haven't you dedicated your post to St Patrick's Day? I always look forward to it. It's the one day out of the year that Blacks can claim to be White-Irish and be accepted.

    Just think, we get to be free for one day in Chicago. We even get to join in turning the river green!

    The very next day, we find ourselves Black again with a hangover, and having to deal with the likes of PC, Reine, Mack Lyons and PilotX. That only makes the headache more.

  59. parvenu4:30 PM

    Field, I don't think there is a lot that Eric Holder can do in PennsylTucky simply because the state does not have a history of denying Negroes the right to vote such as the southern states. According to the provisions of the "Right to Vote" law; all changes in the voting law by states that have a documented history of creating subterfuges that denied people the right to vote must be approved by the federal Attorney General. I don't think PennsylTuckey is in this category under the law.

    Holder can bring suit that the provisions of this new Voter ID law will deny people the right to vote based on the precent/residential-address connection. Matching the voter's current address to the the polling place assigned at registration, and puttging this information on a state published photo ID is a lot of shit to get together, and will prove to be pure poison to a population that is normally mobile within a state. Another important point lies in the fact that the normal mobile population within a state will become even more mobile as the nation tries to recover from a historically deep ression. People will move around even more frequently because of economic necessities during dire economic times. The Republicans of PennsylTucky are fully aware of this because most of their folks live in the rural areas are far less mobile, and as such should have very little difficulties meeting the provisions of the Voter ID law. Hence from a demofraphic point of view this Voter ID law in PennsylTuckey is mainly discrimatory against folks who live in the highly concentratwed urban centers of the state, who are likely to be more mobile. In that respect its goal implies voting discrimation against specific classes of people who are LIKELY to be highly mobile; however it is explicitly discrimatory against people who are highly mobile regardless of their respective class.

    I agree with you that most people will not be aware that their usual forms of photo ID will not work under this new law, and will be turned away at the polls as a result. Low income people (one specific class) will most likely not get the correct ID card due to cost and personal time available. Consider this, if you are working two or more jobs it is damn difficult to take time off from work and go to the state offices to make sure you are registered and have the correct voting photo ID card.

    Therefore in PennsylTukey a lot of young BLACK and WHITE male and female people are going to be prevented from voting in November. I wish I could say that these same disenfranchised people would be sooo angry that they would do everything possible to vote out your Repug Gov and legislature when they come up for election, but I doubt if these young people will be able to hold onto their anger for that long.

  60. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Anon, I feel your pain. PilotX, PC and Reine are nothing but royal pain. I don't know why Field even allows them on FN. They are nothing but trolls with IDs.

    I don't think Field moderate their comments because they are Black. This kind of racism must go in America. It's the last frontier of racism left in our fine country.

  61. Thomas Jefferson5:25 PM

    Anon 2 3:14:

    That is a devastating take down of the criminal Demcratic Party.

    If they steal this election through fraudulent ballots, the only recourse with be real bullets.

  62. pardenyou5:51 PM

    parvenu said...
    Therefore in PennsylTukey a lot of young BLACK and WHITE male and female people are going to be prevented from voting in November

    I sure hope you are right. If someone doesn't even have a photo ID, it means they don't drive, don't fly, don't write checks, don't rent videos, don't pick up prescriptions, don't stay in hotels, don't rent anything, and don't have credit.

    Add to that, in order to still not be able to vote, they have to be too lazy to get their free ID from the State.

    People like that should not be voting.

  63. "Maybe you could explain why someone would commit voter registration fraud, if not to facilitate voter fraud?

    I'm really glad to have a genius like you for a resource."

    Sure Kingnut, there's alot of Mickey Mice out there voting huh? Ignorance is bliss. Also show the stats where voter fraud is a problem.

  64. Kingnut7:17 PM

    PilotX said...
    Sure Kingnut, there's alot of Mickey Mice out there voting huh?

    That wasn't the brilliant reply I was expecting, PilotX.

    Again, why would someone go to the trouble and risk of arrest to fraudulently register "Mickey Mouse", if not not to commit voter fraud? As a joke?

    Anon at 3:14 provided a link that illustrates the problem:

    The deal is that Mickey and Manuel's and all the other hundreds of thousands of fake registrants have their mail-in ballots filled out and sent in by ACORN or DNC volunteers. Or they have "activist' volunteers going from polling place to polling place and voting for dead people.

    So yes, there are a lot of Mickey Mice voting out there, but you don't care because they are voting for democrats. All of this phony outrage over minority disenfranchisement is just a smoke screen to cover the defense of voter fraud.

    You don't care about "disenfranchisement", if you did you would welcome cleaning up the system.

  65. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Better check twice before you beleive anything on CNN.

  66. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "We even get to join in turning the river green"!
    Did you see that!!! The entire river was dyed green, to match the shamrocks and leprechauns!!!
    I didn't even believe it!

    So how come they don't dye it other colors to commemorate other groups?


  67. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Man oh man; I wonder. Now that a Hispanic Man Martin Zimmerman shot a black youth Trayvon, will Blacks turn on their latino frenemies?

    I heard the new black liberation army is going to head out there and try and arrest the guy. Sounds like the beginnings of a race war. Maybe other races need to do the same when Blacks off young ones or rape and make young girls drink bleach before they kill them. Stop accepting it because it happens so much.

  68. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Looks like an eyewitness saw Martin beating the guy, thats why he was bleeding from his head and nose - I guess this confirms the attack and the self defense by Zimmerman

    "The guy on the bottom, who had a red sweater on, was yelling to me, 'Help! Help!' and I told him to stop, and I was calling 911," said the witness, who asked to be identified only by his first name, John.

    John said he locked his patio door, ran upstairs and heard at least one gun shot.

    "And then, when I got upstairs and looked down, the guy who was on the top beating up the other guy, was the one laying in the grass, and I believe he was dead at that point."

    Read more:

  69. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Desertflower, "So how come they don't dye it other colors to commemorate other groups?"

    It's against the law. The Irish in Chicago have sole rights to coloring the river once a year. Chicago is an ethnic city where various ethnicities have certain rights in celebrating something of great significance about their race. Polish, Germans, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, etc all have certain exclusive rights that pertains to that group. The Irish have the biggest celebration because everyone joins in the drinking and loses their minds before dark. But the party keeps on going!LOL

  70. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The claims about prosecutors in Pittsburgh, Pa.charged seven Acorn employees with filing hundreds of fraudulent voter registrations before last year's general election..and the other claims as well in that post...are bogus. No reports of any of that happening anywhere.
