Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dear Mitt:

It's me, Seamus.

I know you didn't expect to hear from me ever again, but I am still around. I am really old now; thirty plus years is a lot of age for us dogs. I just hope I make it to Saint Patrick's Day. 

Anyway, in case you were wondering, I have learned to forgive you for what you did to me some 29 years ago.---- It's hard to believe it was that long. It seems like only yesterday I was puking all over the rear window of that white Chevy station wagon and your children were screaming their heads off.  I can still feel the wind stinging my face and smell that strong scent of exhaust fumes. I kept thinking that we were just going for a quick family trip, but it seemed like we kept driving forever. Hey, at least it wasn't a compact.

I see you are running for president again. I hope you have better luck this time. Hopefully my little ride won't be the reason you lose the race. If it turns out to be I just couldn't live with myself. People are so much more sensitive when it comes to us dogs these days. I actually think that's a good thing. Look what happened to that famous athlete who abused us; he actually went to jail. I guess what I am saying is that this won't get any easier for you from here on out. There are actually groups dedicated to protecting us dogs and advocating on our behalf now, and most of the people in the country believe that we hold a special place in their hearts. Mitt, if only you had felt that way back then you wouldn't be going through this.   

Anyway, if you do become president, I hope choose a dog as the first pet. I know you don't want to copy the Obamas, but it would really mean a lot to me. It's the least you could do.

Just promise me that you will let someone else in the family take care of it. I know that you have grown and matured, but some habits die hard.

In closing, give my love to the wife and kids for me, and tell them I hold no ill will towards them, I know that you are the head of the family, and they had no say in the matter. That was strictly your call; it's how you roll.

Good bye Mitt, and Godspeed.



*Pic from Zero


  1. Bad Newz Kennels10:45 PM

    Carrying a dog in a carrier on top of a car for a conservative - Horrible.

    Executing dogs by hanging, drowning, electrocution, shooting and having them tear each other apart by a Black Man - No problem us Black folk don't like dogs and you white folk are just to weird loving your animals anyway.

    Moral of the story: Liberals are two faced, have no standards but like to make them up for others.

    This is a great sign. If all you can dig up is this romper room kindergarten stuff on the next president Mitt, you are in trouble. He has been vetted, unlike Obama and is ready to go.

    Thanks for the laugh, it was pretty funny in a crayonish sort of way.

  2. Gott alove Letterman's new skit, "what is Mitt's dog tied to now."

  3. . "If all you can dig up is this romper room kindergarten stuff on the next president Mitt, you are in trouble. He has been vetted, unlike Obama and is ready to go."

    Oh the fun has yet to begin. The constant flip flopping would be too easy such as donating to Planned Parenthood and now saying he wants to eliminate it. I just can't wait until the crazy endtimer Christians get hold of his Mormonism. I owuld want to know how he was a member of a religion that was so racist that even in the afterlife we'd be slaves. He was in his 20's when that shit was going on so he can't claim youthful ignorance. Oh trust me, there some more vett'n to be done.
    BTW, how insane is it to say Barack wasn't vetted, Sean Hannity did a bunch of ignorant vetting but the stupid shit conservatives get riled up about don't matter to sane people such as his supporting one of his professors. Sorry but yuou guys need to get over the fact a Black man is president even after acting Black in law school. Maybe Allen West will win one day after all of his jigging, oh yeah that's right the GOP doesn't nominate Black people for prez.

  4. Slaves in the afterlife, SOGWLMAO!!!!!

  5. I guess we missed the whole secret Kenyan Muslim controlled by the spirit of his dead father thing. Yep, he was improperly vetted. Maybe in John McCain had done some of his own vetting he may have won the election. Now because of that we're stuck with Palin on national media saying stupid shit instead of an unknown stupid governor.

    "Slaves in the afterlife, SOGWLMAO!!!!!"

    I'm not making this up, do some investigation into Mormonism unless you want to wait until the good "Christians" in the GOP do it first.

  6. Anonymous11:47 PM

    What did that retard Reine just say?

  7. Anonymous11:53 PM

    PilotX said...
    I'm not making this up, do some investigation into Mormonism

    I'm sure we will get hundreds of stories detailing the lurid details of that evil cult of Mormonism, just like the press went all out investigating Rev. Wright's racist, anti-American Trinity united.

    Oh, that's right, the MSM ignored Jeremiah Wright and his screeds about the white man's greed.

    I hear those Mormons don't drink and wear funny underwear though.

  8. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Field, that was a bullshit letter. Why do you keep trying to dehumanize a good man?

    Contrary to what you heartless immoral anti-faith leftists believe, Mitt has a heart and a BIG ONE at that. He also believes in God and prays everyday, which is more than can be said about Obama.

    Now it ain't right that you keep messing with Mitt and his former dog. Let the dog R.I.P. Go mess with a REAL dog abuser....Michael Vick, who got off easy for the murder of so many of God's creation.

  9. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Field, instead of trying to beat up on Romney about his dog, don't you think you ought to be beating up on the police in Florida for letting the murderer of a black teen go free? Don't you think that deserves a lot more noise from you than this bullshit post? BTW, it's been EIGHTEEN DAYS AND COUNTING, not 17.

    Anyway, the Presidency is a done deal.... Romney will be our next President because he WILL carry a substantial % of the black vote.

  10. The Stormin' Mormon12:28 AM

    "Anyway, the Presidency is a done deal.... Romney will be our next President because he WILL carry a substantial % of the black vote."

    The black vote is completely irrelevant. 100% of blacks will vote for Obama, and Obama will lose.

  11. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Slaves in the afterlife, SOGWLMAO!!!!!

    11:27 PM

    "SOGWLMAO" Is this an anagram? Nah, you aren't that intelligent.

    Let me try and decode it.

    Sowlike Old Gal Wide Load Means her Ass is Oversize?

    Sloppy Overweight Wanna Be Gangsta With Lots Of Mass on Her Ass and Ovaries?

    Sittin On Garbage While licking My Aunties Oreo?

    Sowlike Oaf Gots Wrinkled Legs Maggotorium Abasia Oblocutor

  12. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Reine just got rejected by Howard University. Now not only will she never be a doctor, she will never get a job at the post office.

  13. fn:

    i care more about how hobama is dogging the globe and how none of us can afford to drive anywhere...ya know???


    fatal pookies rule the world

    and none of these lethal cursed trifling mfs want to pay rent!

    2 more abused grandparents...old tired and dead


  14. This analysis provides objective evidence of affirmative action in medical school admissions.

    The enclosed chart is very interesting. For applicants with a GPA between 3.4 and 3.59 and a MCAT score between 27 and 29, only 35.9% of white applicants (and 30% of Asians) get in, while the black acceptance rate is 85.9%. At the low end of the scale, 2/3 of blacks are still getting in, compared to 12% of whites.

    Affirmative action doesn't just screw over the marginal white and Asian applicants in favor of marginal black ones, it devalues the real accomplishments of blacks. Even with relaxed admissions standards, the blacks who get into medical school (unlike Reine) are very smart, hard working, capable people. But affirmative action produces a rational incentive to discriminate against black professionals.

    For example, suppose you are a Chinese guy right off the boat, with zero interest in racial struggles between different flavors of foreigners. You have a sick child, and need to take him to a doctor. You have a choice between a black pediatrician and a white pediatrician. Which do you choose?

    You don't know if the black doctor is a competent person or if they got into medical school because of affirmative action. The very idea that someone like Reine could think about going to medical school would be enough to scare you away from black doctors.

    I know I wouldn't trust the health of my child to someone who might have gotten into medical school because of their race.

    As bad as affirmative action is, I'm pretty sure it couldn't get someone like Ms. Reine into medical school. But you never know. For that reason, I will never trust a black doctor.

  15. The racist white folks are like a heavy weight trying to go down but still swinging out of habit. If they don't start figuring out a place for themselves in this changing world they will be on the outside looking in. It's not like there's a culture on this planet that will miss racist White Americans

  16. ps:

    the illuminati is real

    see more here:

  17. White America1:54 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    It's not like there's a culture on this planet that will miss racist White Americans

    You'll miss white folk when the EBT card stops working, when the lights go out, when the the car breaks down, and when the food is all gone. Without white folks, it's back to the jungle.

    But don't worry, we're not going anywhere. We are going to cut you off, but you'll get to choose between the jungle and the plantation.

  18. Anonymous1:58 AM

    BrookLyn said...
    The racist white folks are like a heavy weight trying to go down but still swinging out of habit. If they don't start figuring out a place for themselves in this changing world they will be on the outside looking in. It's not like there's a culture on this planet that will miss racist White Americans

    What is your favorite culture? Do you like all the wealth and advantages Western White America has brought you? Do you want to live in a place like Detroit? Or Africa? What happens when white flight occurs? What makes you think that has changed? Do you wear a weave? Do you wash it? IF we have true equality without AA action, just where would your place be?

  19. Wayne A.1:58 AM

    One can listen and read all the theory and opinion of the Left about world issues but all one really needs to do is immerse oneself in a "People's Republic" college atmosphere to get a true understanding of the real thinking behind the rhetoric. Did I say thinking? What we have confronting us here is an immense tautology: Americans who have made up their minds that their country, its history, its people, are bad, who only accept information that confirms this point of view, and who immediately invalidate any contrary evidence. The amount of historical ignorance in this college community is astonishing. My "favorite" comment, by a graduate of Smith College no less--typical of what one can hear on the streets or in a coffee shop daily--was "We dropped the bomb on Hiroshima AFTER the Japanese surrendered." Too many people here unthinkingly believe these sorts of lies and distortions, and this is a grotesque example. Imagine the thinking that goes on regarding complex and subtle issues

    Another Smith grad, almost in tears, admitted to me that after six years of private school and four years at one of our most prestigious women's colleges she knew absolutely nothing about history. Oh, she knew plenty about women's issues and imperialism and gender theory and racism but when I gave her a book on the general history of this century she was shocked over, for example, Woodrow Wilson's attempts to create a permanent peace and a League of Nations. You see, she'd been taught that the whole history of history, the "white male patriarchy," was one of non-stop oppression and exploitation. She was also amazed that Teddy Roosevelt worked in partnership with his wife and didn't keep her barefoot and in the kitchen. Take all the ideas she'd been handed in her life and replace most of the key white male terms with "Jew" and she was as well indoctrinated for hate and genocide as any Hitler Youth ever had been. Even she was finally disgusted with talk among her classmates--talk most emphatically not discouraged by the school--of certain classes not being worth taking because they were all about "dead white males."

    I'm not a Conservative, in fact my sympathies are with old-fashioned Progressives, Populists and Liberals, but over the years, hearing one hateful, irrational, and horrifying thing after another emerge from the mouths of self proclaimed Leftists, and revolutionaries, hearing "ecology" advocates talk excitedly of the need to eliminate the human race so the planet can survive, and listening to feminists projecting their rage about family and personal troubles on half the planet, I have learned to utterly despise the American Left. What's deeply troubling is most of these people I've encountered come from comfortable upper-middle class backgrounds, some finance their political exploits with trust fund money, most, if not all, have no direct experience with want or oppression, at least of the kind they protest about. They travel to Palestine or Central America for a week or two-in ironic parodies of the old Grand Tour---and return as world-class experts on the downtrodden. They spend time only with sympathizers, seldom engage in any self-criticism, and have well-constructed rationalizations to deflect any external criticism: a famous feminist one being "logic is a male construct." Their teachers, often as not, are venom-filled America-haters from the Viet Nam era. It's just appalling.

  20. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Reine just got rejected by Howard University. Now not only will she never be a doctor, she will never get a job at the post office.

    She can't lick a stamp either they vanish when she tries. She said some racist mofo made em sticky just to mess her magic marker lipstick up

  21. Field, can you do me a small favor?

    Can you look to see if the post by Wayne A at 1:58 above was posted from an i.p. address in Belfast, Northern Ireland?


  22. "The racist white folks are like a heavy weight trying to go down but still swinging out of habit.."


    Wayne A, what does all that have to do with Mitt Romney and his cruelty to animals? Are you saying that right wingnuts can't be non caring and pathological?

    "As bad as affirmative action is, I'm pretty sure it couldn't get someone like Ms. Reine into medical school. But you never know. For that reason, I will never trust a black doctor."

    Good, if you have a sick child who needs brain surgery I will make sure I let Ben Carson know to stay away from him/her.

    "You'll miss white folk when the EBT card stops working, when the lights go out, when the the car breaks down, and when the food is all gone. Without white folks, it's back to the jungle."

    I thought that this WAS the jungle. Oh wait..this is Babylon. Nevermind.

    Anyway, we will never miss RACIST white people.

  23. "The racist white folks are like a heavy weight trying to go down but still swinging out of habit. If they don't start figuring out a place for themselves in this changing world they will be on the outside looking in. It's not like there's a culture on this planet that will miss racist White Americans"

    I agree, especially about them swinging like they're a human windmill, SOGWLMAO!!!

    I also agree that it's that time in history where people of color will soon rule the world again, and it's my hope and prayer that with time, Goobers become as extinct as the Dinosaur.

    Happy Friday everyone!!!!

    As for gas prices, I told you guys Obama would release gas reserves before he let them go through the roof and apparently that's what he's already done behind the scenes.

  24. BTW, has anyone ever seem a Black Mormon?

  25. "Wayne A, what does all that have to do with Mitt Romney and his cruelty to animals? Are you saying that right wingnuts can't be non caring and pathological?"

    Nothing to do with Newt, he wrote that piece in August 2005 as a book review on Amazon.

    Either that or it's someone else on a copy-and-paste job.

  26. I guess on the flipside of Wayne´s post is that many on the right know nothing about history outside of the false pro-American no matter what drivel. True to form when I fly with white guys and they ask how I got into flying and mention my uncle was a Tuskegee Airman 75% ask me if he flew for an airline after the war. In all seriousness they seem to be unable to grasp the fact that segregation and racism actually occurred in this country and wasn{t just a myth perpetuated by blah racists. For example the troll that still refers to Trinity United as "anti-American" which is far from the truth. Sorry Wayne A but America has done wrong in the past and we can{t just ignore history as if it didn´t exist. I feel sorry for white people when I have to explain to them why my uncle couldn{t fly for an airline. And they claim to know history, maybe they do but they don´t fully understand it except from their own tainted lens.

  27. "BTW, has anyone ever seem a Black Mormon?"

    Gladys Knight

  28. "Americans who have made up their minds that their country, its history, its people, are bad,"

    as opposed to people who think their country is right no matter what?
    Is Sarah Palin guilty of not knowing history by saying the first Black president wants to go back to a time in which he and his family would be slaves? Is that the kind of history you want taught? Or how about people who insist the civil war had nothing to do with slavery or racism? Is that better? Or how about the thought that slaves were happy and wasn{t that bad? History is not about bad/good but facts and events. the problem is that too many people get attatched to value judgements and end up either defending the past or simply ignoring it because we have been taught this is the "greatest" country and God himself created it so it has to be perfect. When that is the template we´re working with it´s easy to see how people like Wayne can view a college history course as being anti-American because they don´t teach just the happy feel good parts.

  29. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    I also agree that it's that time in history where people of color will soon rule the world again, and it's my hope and prayer that with time, Goobers become as extinct as the Dinosaur.

    Read this out loud three times and your wish will come true:

    I am Sofa King wee todd it

    So what is your favorite period in history when "people of color ruled the world" Or actually ran a successful civilization? Which one did you like best and why?

  30. Allan Wake9:20 AM

    Old and still very relevant

    What if Europeans never existed:

  31. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Please, Please, Please Stop the Vaginocide

  32. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Should you vote for Obama in 2012? You decide Part 1:

    1) The latest report from the CBO shows that the one decade cost estimate for Obamacare has almost doubled from 900 billion to 1.76 billion dollars, it will add 700 billion dollars to the deficit over its first 10 years, 3-5 million people will lose their health care, and 30 million people still won't have health coverage -- and history has shown that CBO projections of this sort almost always turn out to be optimistic. So, do you want the American health care system to be decimated by Barack Obama?

    2) Do you want see gas prices rise as fast as possible while Barack Obama slow walks offshore drilling, blocks the Keystone Pipeline, and opposes ANWR?

    3) Obama's stimulus may have been the single most wasteful expenditure in human history. It cost more than the "Marshall Plan, the Louisiana Purchase, and putting a man on the moon" combined and yet, numerous critics correctly predicted that it wouldn't work. Do you want more stimulus bills like that one in the future?

    4) Because of Barack Obama's policies, we've had 37 months in a row of above 8% unemployment. That's the longest streak since the Great Depression. Perhaps worse yet, there are 1.7 million fewer jobs today than there were when Obama took office. Do you want to continue to see this many of your fellow Americans unemployed because of Barack Obama's incompetence?

    5) The Catholic Church opposes birth control and abortion. Do you think it's okay for the Obama Administration to violate its First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion by forcing it to give out birth control for procreation? Should Catholics have to help abort babies, even though the Catholic Church views it as murder, despite the fact that every last Catholic bishop in the United States has condemned that decision?

    6) America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?

    7) Do you approve of an American President servilely bowing to foreign leaders?

  33. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Part II

    8) Obama's blundering diplomacy in Pakistan and Afghanistan has almost hopelessly fouled the war effort there. After all the blood and treasure we've spent in Afghanistan, do you want to see America lose to the Taliban and Al-Qaeda because Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing?

    9) Whether you're rich, poor, or the middle class, one thing you can be sure of is that your taxes will go up if Barack Obama is reelected? Do you want your taxes to go up?

    10) Every Obama promise comes with an expiration date and you literally can't take him at his word on anything. Do you like politicians to treat you like you're stupid? Do you like being lied to by politicians?

    11) Do you think it's okay for Barack Obama's campaign contributors at Solyndra to receive a 535 million dollar government loan, approved by one of Obama’s fundraisers, even though they knew the company was in trouble and there was an excellent chance they wouldn't be able to pay back the loan?

    12) In a sop to the unions that supported Barack Obama, "he gave them majority control of Chrysler, the taxpayers lost 14 billion dollars on General Motors, and General Motors received a special 45 billion dollar tax break." Do you think it's okay for Barack Obama to waste 59 billion dollars to help his political allies?

    13) Do you think that the molestation of 95 year old cancer patients, sexual assaults, and the bad touching of small children by Obama's TSA should continue even though it does nothing of significance to prevent terrorist attacks?

    14) Barack Obama supported TARP and expanded it when he became President. Do you like seeing well-connected big businesses that make lots of money when times are good get government bailouts to cover their losses when times are bad?

    15) Obama's Department of Justice helped Mexican criminals get their hands on guns that were used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and an American. Nobody has been fired, nobody has been prosecuted, and the DOJ isn't cooperating with a congressional investigation into a scandal that's as serious as Watergate. Do you think it's all right for the Obama Administration to help provide guns to Mexican cartels without accountability?

  34. Once again, field negro shows what a fraud he is. Also field negro shows he does nothing but jig for his Democrat masters.

    field excused and cheered serial torturer and dog killer Mick Vick.CHEERED.

    Now he keeps making a big deal about this.

  35. dyam!

    fnotd to the maker of this REAL hobama bumper sticker

    i will buy mine asap!!!!

    this made my day!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

  36. Anonymous10:06 AM

    PilotX said...

    as opposed to people who think their country is right no matter what?
    Is Sarah Palin guilty of not knowing history by saying the first Black president wants to go back to a time in which he and his family would be slaves? Is that the kind of history you want taught? Or how about people who insist the civil war had nothing to do with slavery or racism? Is that better? Or how about the thought that slaves were happy and wasn{t that bad? History is not about bad/good but facts and events. the problem is that too many people get attatched to value judgements and end up either defending the past or simply ignoring it because we have been taught this is the "greatest" country and God himself created it so it has to be perfect.

    You mean "As" "The" "wasn't"?

    The problem is political correctness has replaced facts about history.

    Why else would schools and colleges be teaching black invention myths and myths about the tuskegee airmen?

  37. fatal pookies rule the world

    whatever happened to divorce/breaking up sans murder????

    cc this to scott peterson and oj...

  38. field negro said...
    Anyway, we will never miss RACIST white people.

    Yet you always miss racist field negros.

  39. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I woke up this morning, afraid to turn on the news remembering that the new Ipad was going to be up for sale. Last night there were tons of people waiting on line some for days. After seeing the NIKE sneaker riots I was worried. Anybody have an update? Were there riots all over the malls and apple stores with people losing civility to get a new Ipad, requiring riot police etc?

  40. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I woke up this morning, afraid to turn on the news remembering that the new Ipad was going to be up for sale. Last night there were tons of people waiting on line some for days. After seeing the NIKE sneaker riots I was worried. Anybody have an update? Were there riots all over the malls and apple stores with people losing civility to get a new Ipad, requiring riot police etc?

    Long has you stay away from black areas you should be safe. I don't remember field posting about the black riots over nikes'. If he did, he most likely blamed nike not the field negros that did the rioting.

  41. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Is Obama getting paid to be president? Is he doing his job or just using taxpayer money for his neverending re-election revivals?

    We are broke, gas is rising, economy is still shit even though the spinners say it's better it is worse than the great depression. Yet all he does is fly on our dime and fundraise. Today's schedule full day of fundraisers/campaign speeches, not including the fundraiser by Michelle. Can we charge him for his time off and use of taxpayer funded and owned resources - planes/limos/free meals.

    10:30 am || Departs White House
    11:40 am CDT || Arrives Chicago
    1:35 pm CDT || Attends a fundraiser; Palmer House Hilton, Chicago
    3:00 pm CDT || Departs Chicago
    5:30 pm || Arrives Atlanta
    6:35 pm || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; private residence
    8:25pm || Delivers remarks at a fundraiser; Tyler Perry Studios; Atlanta
    10:55 pm || Departs Atlanta
    12:40 am || Arrives White House

    1. You said, "we are broke", change that to YOU are broke--my husband and I are doing significantly better than we were 5 years ago. So, I'm sorry that YOU are so broke, and YOU can't afford the rising gas prices...but how about this--instead of blaming the president for YOUR economic woes, get the f**k off the computer and enroll your whiny ass in college, or learn a marketable skill--something, anything other than trolling this good man's blog--cause that ain't doing jack s**t to increase YOUR net worth. Ciao

  42. Anonymous11:00 AM

    alicia banks said...

    fnotd to the maker of this REAL hobama bumper sticker

    i will buy mine asap!!!!

    this made my day!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!!!!

    I want Obama to force my employer to provide these for me. I work hard and have to pay bills and lots of taxes, it isn't fair that a struggling person can't get things they want for free.

  43. Dinosaur America11:09 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I also agree that it's that time in history where people of color will soon rule the world again, and it's my hope and prayer that with time, Goobers become as extinct as the Dinosaur.

    While it is white people who are always derided as racist, in fact most have had any thoughts of racial self-interest expunged over the last 70 years or so. Most blacks in contrast, hold views such as expressed above by "Reine"; a belief in black supremacy and a desire for white genocide that exceed anything ever dreamt of by the Nazis.

    And blacks act on these views every time they can. In every country that blacks gain control, they eventually murder all the non-blacks. The first thing the Haitians did, understandably, was murder all the white people. But they didn't stop there. There were also many mixed race, creole and mulatto people at the time of the revolution. Over the years, they were eventually exterminated. The same pattern has asserted itself in Zimbabwe, Uganda, the Congo, and South Africa. In South Africa alone, over 3,000 farm families have been murdered in the past few years.

    Even today in America, a non-black person puts himself at great risk going into areas controlled by blacks, who apparently will attack and kill whenever they sense the opportunity.

    The reality of black violence is getting harder and harder to hide. I really doubt blacks will ever rule the world, but if they did, there would not be things like doctors or airline pilots or video games anymore. Probably still be some lawyers, so Field would be OK.

    So revel in your evil fantasies of murdering all the white people, but when you are by yourself, pray it never comes true, lest it be back to the jungle.

    1. Oh my, you are bat shit crazy! When med time rolls around again, I hope the nurses check under your tongue. Run along now, back to stormfront for you!

  44. Farley11:19 AM

    Vomit? I read today it came from the other end.

  45. more proof that hobama's birth control gate is a 2012 selection hoax:

    fertile pookies rule the world

    and they really hate their children

    so wtf happened to birth control????

    1. Alicia, we liberals will continue to fight for your "right" to marry your female concubine, despite your acidic conservative rants--we'll still look out for you homie!

  46. PilotX said...
    True to form when I fly with white guys and they ask how I got into flying and mention my uncle was a Tuskegee Airman 75% ask me if he flew for an airline after the war

    That's incredible. How could anyone be ignorant of the Tuskegee Airmen? There have been two major movies produced recently. Everytime you turn around there is another story on the news about them. Obama is still giving them medals. The only thing American children are taught about World War II is that the Tuskegee Airmen single handedly won it (with some help from Jesse Owens of course).

    I wonder what else they don't know about black military history? Had they heard about the Cave of Negroes incident? Or the 1995 Okinawa rape incident?

    How about the not quite as famous Townsville Groundmen?

    We really do have to do a better job of educating people in this country.

  47. "Do you want more stimulus bills like that one in the future?"

    Yes, but it needs to be bigger, Obama didn't spend anything like enough.

  48. Bongo Marx12:29 PM

    Enough to what? Crash the world economic system?

  49. Anonymous2:13 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Do you want more stimulus bills like that one in the future?"

    Yes, but it needs to be bigger, Obama didn't spend anything like enough.

    OK give him a call, tell him you will pay it back...

    Oh wait, his budget is going to add antother 3.5 TRILLION that is Trillion dollars to how much the US is in hock in the next 10 years. That means normally double so the US debt if he got re-elected would be somewhere in the ballpark of 20 Trillion.

    Socialism runs fine until you run out of other peoples money and the takers outweigh those making deposits.

    1. Is that right, mr. rinse, lather, repeat, repeat, repeat? And I am soooo totally far out for sure dude, that you are one of the depositors. Did I get that right? Yes, I have my regrets--I regret not tipping you more last night mr. conservative pizza delivery guy--had I known you had "deposits" to make, I would've increased your gratuity by 15%.

  50. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Well its that time again apparantly. Reality is catching up to the left.

    Now even Osama Bin Obama Laden had said the MSM networks are good to spread his propaganda but not FOX. Why look - just another thing leftist's have in common with al-queda.

    Oh and he was planning to take out the prez so the more incompetent Biden would be left in charge.
    "Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis"

    Even this countries enemies have/had a better grasp on reality then our own left.

    "They also had elaborate media plans. Adam Gadahn, a U.S.-born media adviser, even discussed in a message to his boss (Bin Laden)what would be the best television outlets for a bin Laden anniversary video.It should be sent for example to ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN and maybe PBS and VOA. As for Fox News let her die in her anger,” Gadahn wrote. At another point, he said of the networks: “From a professional point of view, they are all on one level — except (Fox News) channel....."

    1. Yes, meaning fox, just like you, don't mean c**k s**t to anyone anywhere in the world. You live in a vacuum, you believe your own lies, you are despised by a growing majority domestically and globally...your numbers are negligible, you don't make enough money to matter...limbaugh is your lord and glenn beck is your savior. You will reap what you sow & we will watch in utter amusement as you are the cause of your own it is, rich men behind the scenes control your strings...a puppet you are as you parrot their words.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. POX News-GOP is a closed loop; Pox backfills GOP talking points with 24/7 PR/Advertising content to feed it to it's vidiots as news and editorial. Give it a few hours and every wingnut 6pack conversation in the land sounds exactly alike.

    2:54 PM

  53. Hey, Obama may not know a damn thing about the economy, or business, or foreign policy, or science, or history–but he can copy the experts’ basketball predictions!

    1. Spoken just like your master, wall street watchdog...or was it mark levin? Or savage? Who cares? You are a formidable boot licker, just be cautious of black, hairy, tongue--when you take a break from blog commenting to pop your anti-depressant, brush your teeth & rinse with peroxide--full strength.

  54. "Enough to what? Crash the world economic system?"

    Nope, to grow the economy sufficiently to get enough Americans back to work. Obama spent less than half of what was needed.

    If you take care of employment the deficit looks after itself.

  55. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    POX News-GOP is a closed loop; Pox backfills GOP talking points with 24/7 PR/Advertising content to feed it to it's vidiots as news and editorial. Give it a few hours and every wingnut 6pack conversation in the land sounds exactly alike.

    Right Whitey. That's why Bin Laden trusted all the other networks to carry his propaganda.

    Liberals hate Fox because they aren't "team" players like the rest of the demomedia. Can't have any questioning of power by the media, that's just irresponsible.

    Liberals always side with our enemies. Every time.

  56. Anonymous3:13 PM

    JUSTICE FOR TRAYVONN MARTIN in Sanford flo-reeda...
    There should be rock under which zimmerman can hide...


  57. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "There should be NO rock under which zimmerman can hide!!

  58. Kingnut3:17 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "Enough to what? Crash the world economic system?"

    Nope, to grow the economy sufficiently to get enough Americans back to work. Obama spent less than half of what was needed.

    If you take care of employment the deficit looks after itself.

    Really. How does taking a trillion dollars out of the hands of productive private sector job producers and instead adding to government overhead "take care of" the economy?

    You probably agree with Nancy Pelosi who thinks paying people not to work is the best way to grow the economy.

    I'll bet your wife tells you she saved a bunch of money by buying things, too.

    1. "private sector job producers" how's that working out for ya? You get that promotion, that quarterly raise from that elusive "job creator" yet? He says, "well, no c-c-cause obama taking all my boss money, so i'm stuck in the mailroom till, well, fox tells me a romney/santorum win will result in my being promoted from mailroom to executive chair of financial operations of all file clerks with my own cubicle and newt gingrich bobble head"
      And drool falls from his mouth onto his straight jacket as he paces his padded cell, every 10 minutes saying, "more fox news please".

  59. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Whitey's Racket said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    POX News-GOP is a closed loop; Pox backfills GOP talking points with 24/7 PR/Advertising content to feed it to it's vidiots as news and editorial. Give it a few hours and every wingnut 6pack conversation in the land sounds exactly alike.

    Who is it that gets marching orders from the libtards and the White house? MediaMatters. Who is it that has been uncovered writing the nightly scripts for the talking heads and giving it to whom? Why Media Matters gives it to MSNBC. Is it only MSNBC? I doubt it, but so far only proof for MSNBC. If I wanted to watch the Obama propaganda channels I would switch to one of the MSM networks, you know, come to think of it. A lot of people know this. Hardly anyone watches the MSM networks in Comparison to FOX. FOX tells you the facts you decide. The MSM as with all liberal things knows better than you and will hide the horrible truth. Because you aren't smart enough to think for yourself.

    1. You know what they say about conspiracy theorists, don't you? Never're too far gone.

  60. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    JUSTICE FOR TRAYVONN MARTIN in Sanford flo-reeda...
    There should be rock under which zimmerman can hide...


    He got justice, he got violent and got whacked. Learn from that. Times they is a changin. Those victims may not have been weak like you thought, maybe they were in denial, but that's over.

    This one is new and beautiful. It will stop a mule or shred-a-thug.

    1. "whacked" sit your mafia wannabe arse down...if, in fact, the times "is a changin", you remember that the other side has access to the same weapons, the other side has the advantage of natural strength when weapons aren't at their disposal, and at the rate YOUR side offs themselves, well, that works to the other side's advantage too. So big and bad you are, aren't you? When mom brings you your vegetable soup, you tell that b**ch she better have taken all the "N"s out or she'll be swimming with the fishes.

  61. "Really. How does taking a trillion dollars out of the hands of productive private sector job producers and instead adding to government overhead "take care of" the economy?"

    The economy runs on demand not suppy. I know Reagan disciples want to believe Art Laffer but in reality if no one os buying products the economy is stagnant and in a recession the government has to spend because consumers aren´t. So simple even a conservative can understand.

  62. "That's incredible. How could anyone be ignorant of the Tuskegee Airmen?"

    Missing the point, surprise. They know about the Airmen but not how they were treated during and after the war. Unaware that because of the color of their skin they couldn´t become airline pilots. That´s the part of history that´s lost on them.

  63. "America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?"

    Lost because of Republican obstruction. Congress controls the purse, you do know that right?

    "Obama's TSA"

    Bush´s TSA you mean right?

    "Do you approve of an American President servilely bowing to foreign leaders?"

    I approve of our president being savvy enough to respect the customs of other nations just as they respect ours. Did you prefer Bush holding hands with the Saudi leaders?

  64. Quote Kingnut

    "Really. How does taking a trillion dollars out of the hands of productive private sector job producers and instead adding to government overhead "take care of" the economy?"

    The private sector wasn't productive kingnut, that's why we had a recession.

    But anyway, let me explain it to you in terms so simple even you should be able to understand it.

    You have a recession, so...

    1. Government spends money on stuff the country needs. Y'know repairing bridges, levees that actually work, better schools, better internet backbone - that sort of thing.

    2. This puts money in the hands of the companies that do that sort of stuff.

    3. They hire more people to do the extra work.

    4. Those people start to earn a living again, which means they have the money to buy stuff.

    5. The people who make the stuff earn more money and take on new workers.

    6. Who in turn buy more stuff and pay more taxes.

    7. Growth!!

    Compare and contrast with the conservative 'plan'.

    You have a recession so...

    1. ??????????????????????

    2. Growth!!

  65. Anonymous4:41 PM

    PilotX said...
    "America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?"

    Lost because of Republican obstruction. Congress controls the purse, you do know that right?

    You'r silly, they downgraded us because we spend like crazy and all we did was fight about borrowing more, that's ALL Obama wanted. Raising the debt ceiling doesn't mean you don't owe many any more shamus. It means despite our better judgement he just wants to keep spending while ignoring every single cut even his panel advised.

    "Obama's TSA"

    Bush´s TSA you mean right?

    "Do you approve of an American President servilely bowing to foreign leaders?"

    I approve of our president being savvy enough to respect the customs of other nations just as they respect ours. Did you prefer Bush holding hands with the Saudi leaders?

    Sorry but who is bush you dimwit? Savvy enough in a Ghetto way perhaps, you don't bow to the emperor, you don't touch the queen, you don't start speaking over the british national anthem. and on and on and on. As for the rest, our enemies think Obama is a little bitch who they see cowers at speaking the truth, they laugh at him. Can you imagine the enemy saying hey we get to shoot then throw down the guns and they can't shoot back, stupid infidels.

    1. YOU don't comment on FN's blog unless he gives you permission to, so keep on requesting his permission you subservient troll because on this blog YOU are an infidel, and you must BOW before your asinine opinions gain approval to be seen. Humble yourself, you are being ALLOWED a platform to showcase your stupidity.

  66. Anonymous4:59 PM

    PilotX said...
    Unaware that because of the color of their skin they couldn´t become airline pilots.

    ao you think they weren't good enough because of their skin color. shame on you.

  67. "Whether you're rich, poor, or the middle class, one thing you can be sure of is that your taxes will go up if Barack Obama is reelected? Do you want your taxes to go up?"

    Don't mind if it makes my services better and helps the country's overall growth.

    "Every Obama promise comes with an expiration date and you literally can't take him at his word on anything. Do you like politicians to treat you like you're stupid? Do you like being lied to by politicians?"

    No I don't. Which is why I would never vote for Flipper Mitt.

    "Do you want to continue to see this many of your fellow Americans unemployed because of Barack Obama's incompetence?"

    You mean the ones who got to see their jobs go oversees during the bush era?

    "Do you think that the molestation of 95 year old cancer patients, sexual assaults, and the bad touching of small children by Obama's TSA should continue even though it does nothing of significance to prevent terrorist attacks?"

    If they can carry bombs on planes, yes.

    "Obama's Department of Justice helped Mexican criminals get their hands on guns that were used to kill hundreds of Mexicans and an American. Nobody has been fired, nobody has been prosecuted, and the DOJ isn't cooperating with a congressional investigation into a scandal that's as serious as Watergate. Do you think it's all right for the Obama Administration to help provide guns to Mexican cartels without accountability?"

    This program was started under bush.

    "America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?"

    Yes! Actually, I want to spend more.

  68. omg

    pookies rule the world

    and they are going berserk globally!

    they have taken insanity online to new cosmic levels

  69. Kingnut5:31 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    1. Government spends money on stuff the country needs. Y'know repairing bridges, levees that actually work, better schools, better internet backbone - that sort of thing.

    Unfortunately, instead of spending that trrillion on infrastructure, the democrats just paid off constituencies, mostly public sector unions, but also the UAW, GE, as well as the massive subsidization of investments by campaign donors.

    2. This puts money in the hands of the companies that do that sort of stuff.

    Unfortunately, that stuff consisted of going bankrupt throwing money at green energy boondoggles.

    3. They hire more people to do the extra work.

    Unfortunately, all of those people lived in China.

    4. Those people start to earn a living again, which means they have the money to buy stuff.

    The only thing American they like are Buicks, and those are made in China too.

    5. The people who make the stuff earn more money and take on new workers.

    Again, all in China.

    6. Who in turn buy more stuff and pay more taxes.

    Taxes to the Chinese government doesn't help our situation.

    7. Growth!!

    Anemic, historically slow growth. The financial crisis was limited to a very narrow, although very important sector - finance. The rest of the economy was fairly healthy. Had government done nothing, Wall Street would have taken its lumps and the natural business cycle would have reasserted itself by now. In fact, we should be two years into a boom, but we are not. Why? Obamanomics is a huge drag on the private sector.

    You cannot get yourself out of a hole by digging.

    Wealth is created when you add value to something. Goverment is an expense and creates no wealth. Every dollar that goes to taxes is a dollar that cannot be used in a productive venture. Even if the government turns right around and "invests" it in a project, they have merely redirected that dollar, it is not a new source of wealth. Worse yet, they are spending much more than what they get in taxes. This borrowing sucks up capital that could be used in private, productive ventures.

    It has clearly been a failure, just like every single other time central planning has ben tried.

    Capitalism is realing from all these government distortions. The big banks and financial firms have been deemed to big to fail, so they are being artificially proppped up by the government. The crumbling foundation of bad debt is still there. All this is doing is delaying the day of reckoning, and making that final reckoning much worse. And when it crashes fools like you will blame capitalism, and call for even more government control.

  70. Kingnut5:35 PM

    PilotX said...
    "America lost its AAA credit rating under Obama, we had the highest monthly deficit in American history just last month, and the projected 10 year deficit under Obama is more than 13 trillion dollars. Do you want to see this kind of spending continue?"

    Lost because of Republican obstruction. Congress controls the purse, you do know that right?

    You've got the Obama blame game talking points down.

    I suppose then since the democrats controlled both houses of congress from 2006-2010, and still control the Senate today, you hold them accountable for the economic disaster of the past 4 years?

  71. "Can you imagine the enemy saying hey we get to shoot then throw down the guns and they can't shoot back, stupid infidels."

    You mean like what happened to the Marines in Beruit under Reagan? What was it Wayne was saying about not knowing history? So far we,ve been attacked by foreign terrorists on Bush and Reagan´s watch.

  72. "I suppose then since the democrats controlled both houses of congress from 2006-2010, and still control the Senate today, you hold them accountable for the economic disaster of the past 4 years?"

    I guess if you consider a body that is in full stagnation by Republican fillibuster "control" you have a point. Are conservatives this dumb or are you just playing? I guess by your handle you are playing.

  73. 3. They hire more people to do the extra work.

    "Unfortunately, all of those people lived in China."

    You missed PC´s point. The investment has to be in infrastructure improvement and related ventures because they can´t be outsourced. The magic hand of the free market and supplyside economics is a myth that conservatives refuse to give up.

  74. "ao you think they weren't good enough because of their skin color. shame on you."

    Yeah, I´m over 90 years old and responsible for that.

  75. Kingnut6:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    I guess if you consider a body that is in full stagnation by Republican fillibuster "control" you have a point. Are conservatives this dumb or are you just playing?

    No, apparently you are that dumb. The Democrats had a filibuster-proof majority of 60 Senators from 2008-2010.

    The Republicans took the House in 2010. They ar estill unable to get the Senate to vote on anything, but they have been able to slow Obama's spending down a tiny bit. This is one the reasons the economy is doing a little but better.

  76. Kingnut6:49 PM

    PilotX said...
    You missed PC´s point. The investment has to be in infrastructure improvement and related ventures because they can´t be outsourced. The magic hand of the free market and supplyside economics is a myth that conservatives refuse to give up.

    No, you missed my point. There was almost no investment in infrastructure. The money instead was wasted on pay raises for federal bureacrats and scams like Solyndra and other green energy crony ventures that created more jobs in China than here.

    There is absolutely nothing "free market" in a a trillion dollar theft.

    Jesus, you are dumb.

  77. Anonymous7:06 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Can you imagine the enemy saying hey we get to shoot then throw down the guns and they can't shoot back, stupid infidels."

    You mean like what happened to the Marines in Beruit under Reagan? What was it Wayne was saying about not knowing history? So far we,ve been attacked by foreign terrorists on Bush and Reagan´s watch.

    Yes and Clintons as well. I am convinced liberals are brainless. You can never think, never have a real thought. You always have to say, well it's ok because I think so and so did something similar years ago. You are like children. Mommy but bobby was yelling too.... Aren't we talking about Obama and only Obama? I won't argue with you about what you THINK another president did. It doesn't matter. They aren't presidents now. OBAMA IS. Do you get that yet?

    I know history very well. Yet am also smart enough to know that history changes nothing that Obama is doing today. If it did, he wouldn't be a leftist and would have learn from each and every failed nation ever in history that did precisely the things he is doing and has done before their empires fell. Look at Ancient Rome and Greece.

  78. Anonymous7:07 PM

    PilotX said...
    "ao you think they weren't good enough because of their skin color. shame on you."

    Yeah, I´m over 90 years old and responsible for that.

    Well you seem to think every white person alive today is responsible for things your ancestors went through. So why wouldn't you also be responsible for all the ills of black society and all the history as you ask of whites? Don't like it do you?

  79. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "Well you seem to think every white person alive today is responsible for things your ancestors went through. So why wouldn't you also be responsible for all the ills of black society and all the history as you ask of whites?"

    "The Blacks" are an incredibly prideful people, possessing the highest self-esteem of any race on the planet despite professing a complete lack of any historical examples of actual achievement, innovation, or ingenuity to substantiate such racial self-worth.

    Any and all achievements that "the Blacks" have to their credit in America is due to pressure exerted by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs) to universally lowering standards in every industry (public or private) to ensure some level of Black representation and promotion.

    Because the United States of America has been replaced with Black-Run America (BRA), eventually every demand by Black people to rectify past and present - real or fictional - injustices that they tragically had to endure will be recompensed.

  80. Dave Blount7:57 PM

    Obama sounds a little different on the campaign trail than he did in 2008. Listen to this motherfucker:

    What a complete asshole.

    Now he’s claiming that the energy prices that have skyrocketed as a result of his policies just as he promised are beyond his control. But if we just have faith in his solar money laundering swindles and algae-based balderdash, it will all turn out fine in the end.

    I prefer the “Old” approach to emerging technology: We adopt new technology when it is better and cheaper than the old technology, not when it is worse and more expensive, forced to convert over by a government demanding we pay more for less. So we can reap all these speculative benefits in a hypothetical future.

  81. Anonymous8:03 PM

    “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

    Adolf Hitler, May Day, 1927

  82. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    “We are socialists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

    Adolf Hitler, May Day, 1927

    Adolf? Really, I thought it was Purple Cow up until the end.

  83. Part 1.

    Hitler said that those speeches were designed to inflame Socialists and cause confusion amongst the poor, in the hope that some would join his party in error.

    It's all in Mein Kampf, pages 228 and 229 of my copy.

    ""Goebbles decided it was now time to broaden the base of membership and to do that he had to attract the attention of the jaded public, "Berlin needs its sensations as a fish needs water", he (Goebbels) wrote" (ibid p223) So the best way they decided to inflame the situation was for violent action "SA troops deliberately sought out physical combat with the Reds," (Ibid p224) and for Hitler to give a speech on May Day. And not only that, but to give speeches in meeting halls that were taken over from the Communists. ""Making noise" he (Hitler) once said, "is an effective means of opposition"" (Ibid p224) And that is the true light that the quote must be taken as, making noise to provoke. False propaganda meant to inflame. Fights were started and the Newspapers proclaimed that there was this little known party, as it was not very large in Berlin at the time, fighting the Communists and Socialists. "The publicity was meant to be derogatory but in the next few days 2600 applications for membership were received," (Ibid p224) So this all served their purpose. And Toland, immediately after using the quote, and in the very next sentence of the same paragraph states, "This was followed by a long dissertation on Lebensraum, in Hitler's continuing effort to pound this concept into the membership. Sixty-two million Germans he said, were crowded into an area only 450,000 kilometers square. "This is a ridiculous figure when one considers the size of other nations in the world today." There were two solutions: either decrease he population by "chasing our best human material out of Germany" or "bring the soil into consonance with the population, even if it must be done by war. This is the natural way which Providence has prescribed." (Ibid p225)

  84. Part 2,

    "Notice a couple of things here, first that he only uses one line calling himself a socialist and this is meant to inflame the Socialists and the rest of the Left, just get publicity and to confuse those that may not know the reality behind their party. The latter of which Hitler makes clear in his detailed policy of Lebensraum which has nothing to do with socialism. So not only does he merely state without any justification that he is a socialist, he makes it clear that his policy is not a socialist one but a racial and colonial one. So Hitler does not at all expound on the socialist statement, but he goes into detail on Lebensraum, which makes it clear that there is no real socialism behind his 'socialist' statement but there is to his expansionary and racist policies. "Again and again he hammered at race and the fact that Germany's future lay in the conquest of eastern territories. Over and over he preached his pseudo-Darwinist sermon of nature's way: conquest of the weak by the strong." (Ibid p226) As an honest reading of Toland would indicate; something that those that use this quote like Ray has obviously not done, but had probably only acquired it from a cheap Web search, probably from a Heritage institute or Glen Beck site; The mentioning of 'Socialist' was only propaganda. It is part of a larger section by Toland treating that subject and the attempt by the Nazi to develop support while weakening the other parties. Except for the racial policy and expansion, Hitler, when the party was first building its support, would say anything, no matter how disingenuous, to try and be attractive to every segment of the political society.

    "The Nazis continued to be a catch-all party of social protest, with particularly strong support from the middle classes, and the relatively weak support from in the traditional industrial working class" Richard J Evans, "The Coming of the Third Reich" p295

  85. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Under our first black president, the black community has experienced numerous improvements. We have seen a significant drop in black crime, a significant drop in black illegitimacy, a significant drop in black illiteracy, a significant drop in black unemployment...

    Oh, wait...

    Never mind. Let's trash-talk Mitt...

  86. "If it did, he wouldn't be a leftist and would have learn from each and every failed nation ever in history that did precisely the things he is doing and has done before their empires fell. Look at Ancient Rome and Greece."

    1. Barack is not a leftist.
    2. Are you saying Greece and Rome fell because they adopted liberal policies? Wow, I´d love to read how you came up with that one.

  87. Anonymous3:27 PM

    FYI...the 'johnny-cum-lately' Obamas took a page out of the white man's book with the 'dog' thing...after all, I have always noticed that blacks emulate the white man, no matter what...they like suits (white folks clothes), nice cars (white man created), and like to pose in the suburban setting (like the white man)...a far cry from black Africans, black Americans should actually hail slavery as a deliverance of sorts....just keepin' it real!

    1. Well, its a good thing we've taken a liking to those things because we damn sure make them look better than you and the way, when you see "us" out and about, keep smiling and acting all super polite knowing you would NOT DARE to express those sentiments without the cloak of anonymity the internet provides you-coward.

  88. That pic is hilarious! LOL!
