Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dog days.

Now that A-merry-can politics have officially gone to the dogs (yes, literally) I would like to weigh in on this debate.

First, for the record, I have never tasted Fido. Although I do understand that dog meat is quite popular in certain parts of the world.

Anyway, now comes word that Obama ate dog meat provided to him by a relative named Lolo. "

"With Lolo, I learned how to eat small green chill peppers raw with dinner (plenty of rice), and, away from the dinner table, I was introduced to dog meat (tough), snake meat (tougher), and roasted grasshopper (crunchy). Like many Indonesians, Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths. He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."  [Source]

OK, so our future president ate dog meat when he was between the ages of six and ten. No harm no foul as far as I am concerned. Now if Lolo was a family pet, on the other hand...."Daddy where is Bo? Ahhhm I don't know honey, he was here just a minute ago". Let me stop.

Anyway, what Flipper did was still worse. Torturing the family dog is far worse than eating a strange one.

Hey, as someone who will eat a goat before a chicken I can relate. I just wouldn't eat a pet goat. See it's all about the relationship, not the particular type of meat.

Wingnuts are having fun with this one, and I am glad that they found something to go tit for tat within the doggie wars.

But I would like to add a little dog story of my own.

How many of you remember Fred Malek? He is the wingnut who counted Jews for Nixon. He is also the guy who hosted a birthday party for Ann Romney.

Anywhoo, it seems that Fred has an interesting dog story:

"Every year or so, poor old Fred Malek, the GOP fundraiser, has to suffer through a callback to his youthful indiscretions, like that one crazy time in his twenties that he and his friends were caught drunkenly barbecuing a dog on a spit..." [Source]

Yes, but at least he and his friends didn't eat the poor thing. Maybe they didn't have any barbecue sauce handy.

Finally, there is a story out of Georgia (surprise surprise) where a six year old was handcuffed and dragged off to jail by the po po.

Yes, the little rugrat is one of my cousins, and yes, I think that there was some racial insensitivity going down in Milledgeville, Georgia. (This is why I have a GPS in my car, so that I can avoid towns like Milledgeville. But I have to also call out mommy as well. Her response to this incident is all wrong. She shouldn't be calling for Rev. Inc. ;she should be calling for a therapist to look at what are obviously some serious issues with her child. No Ms. Ruff, your daughter was not just having a "bad day" with "mood swings"; she is having a bad life.

Sorry, I don't believe, like some folks, that the child is just a "bad ass". I think that the poor child has some issues, and I blame mommy for not addressing them.

 "She has mood swings some days, which all of us had mood swings some days. I guess that was just one of her bad days that day," said Constance Ruff.
"She might have misbehaved, but I don't think she misbehaved to the point where she should have been handcuffed and taken downtown to the police department,"

I agree with you there, mommy; she should not have been taken to the police station. (And folks, if you think that this would have happened with little "Hannah" in Milledgeville, Georgia, I have a wonderful antique bell here in Philly with a slight crack on the side that I would just love to sell you.) But you should be doing more as a parent to make sure that your daughter is never put in such a situation again.


  1. Farley7:12 PM

    Did hear the one about the man that bit the dog?

  2. Really though, I kinda wonder how a story like that would get out? Not implying that it was being hidden at all.

    Someone is out there paying aunts and uncles and cousins some moolah to tell it all?

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Field, why haven't you acknowledged a great legend? Dick Clark R.I.P.

    He fought for the cause of integration. I am sure even Granny would attest to that.

  4. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Field, I have not seen Lisa Turtle lately, but have even heard from Desertflower? Did a hurricane wash her away?

  5. If the dog was lov'in life riding on top then it was not cruelty to an animal.

    I believe this women in this case that their hound couldn't wait to get going.

    It may be odd but there are many dogs who would love to go a 100 with their head in the wind and that's a fact like it or not.

    And if they are in their kennel and master put him on top of the car - the hound could care less - he just wants to get moving.

  6. Field, why won't you let a sleeping dog lie?

    Thank you, thank you.......
    Let me just point out that ignoring and excusing children's problems or issues is not specific to any one demographic. This is a human issue. The problem is, while all sorts of parents do it, only CERTAIN types of kids get handcuffed for it.

  7. Farley, O actually wrote about the incident in his book.(The quote in the post is from the book.) A wingnut blogger dug it up and thought it would be perfect given Flipper's own doggie problem.

    I think I tweeted about Clark earlier. His show started here in Philly.He did some good things for music and as far as bringing Negro artists into white American living rooms, but ......I will leave it at that.

  8. Anonymous8:40 PM

    "Anyway, what Flipper did was still worse. Torturing the family dog is far worse than eating a strange one."

    You are pathetic.

  9. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "I think I tweeted about Clark earlier. His show started here in Philly.He did some good things for music and as far as bringing Negro artists into white American living rooms, but ......I will leave it at that."

    Because in the end, all that matters about a white man's life is what he might have done for negroes.

    Life is so simply when you are a race-obsessed whiner.

  10. "Anyway, what Flipper did was still worse. Torturing the family dog is far worse than eating a strange one."

    You are pathetic"

    I will tell Flipper you said that.

    And I agree with you, he is pathetic.

  11. NSangoma8:53 PM


    Earnest Johnson
    Constance Ruff

    Salecia Johnson

    Baby mama and baby daddy Negroes; MotherFcuk 'em.

    People have to be restrained in a police car to keep them from hurting themselves and or the policemen. Kick out one or more of the windows and you are going to get cut by the flying glass.

    Please tell those large-by-double large Negroes, including the child's aunt Candace Ruff that slave-fare or soul-food only works for those toiling in the fields from can see to cain't see; every damn day.

    You can't eat that soul-food siht and then sit on your ssa, for you will become fat; fatter than a motherfcuker.

    So fcuking fat and diabetic and hypertensive that the tax payers will have to cover your medical bills.

    Negroe parents, supervise your children.

    Earnest Johnson and Constance Ruff, kick little Salecia Johnson's ssa on a regular basis, and tell her that she'd better not fcuk-up in school ever again.

    Earnest Johnson, how did you get those fat-ssa thighs of Constance Ruff far enough apart for you to get up in that pssuy and make Salecia?


  12. Anonymous9:02 PM

    "Anyway, what Flipper did was still worse"

    Romney's dog is still alive and living a good life.

    Obama ate his dog.

    Clearly Romney is worse.

    Oh, and let's all pretend not to notice Obama's record-spending 5-trillion-dollar deficit in 3 years...

    Remember when he said his plan would not add a single dime to the deficit??


    You idiots believed him!!


  13. Jesus take the wheel.

    Cake baked in the shape of a mockingly big red lipped "black" woman, so that white people, including white women can have giggle fun cutting her "clitoris". All under the guise of pretending to care and bringing awareness about black female mutilation in Africa. You can't make this stuff up.

    "In a move intended to raise awareness of female genital mutilation, Swedish culture minister Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth this week commissioned a large cake shaped like a black woman, the cutting of which symbolically starting at the clitoris. The “art installation” instead turned into what most consider a “racist spectacle,” says Kitimbwa Sabuni of the National Afro-Swedish Association."

  14. NSangoma9:22 PM


    Negroes with guns


  15. I've had spiced bbq dog, kigoki, several times in Korea. Once, it tasted "doggy" kind of the way a wet dog smells, but the other times it could have been heavily spiced lamb or goat. Tough, yeah, no marbling in dog meat, stringy like water boo. My pop told me about going home to a luau with a Filipino sailor from his ship in the '50s, and how he warned him on the ride that the "hornless goat" is really dog so he might want to stick to the pork. Different strokes n all, and you'll never know unless you try.

  16. "Romney's dog is still alive and living a good life."

    Where in the parallel wingnut universe would this 30 year old dog be living?

  17. Add this to the long list of appalling crimes you didn’t read about in the national media or on Field Negro:

    On March 17th, three white men were leaving an Applebees restaurant after midnight in Seneca, South Carolina. One of the men, Terry Moore, 32, of Macon County, NC, went to the bathroom while his two friends went straight to their car. When Moore walked to the car alone, he encountered between 15 and 20 black men. The men allegedly yelled racial slurs at him like “tree honkey” and “cracker,” then brutally attacked him.

    Moore’s friends say that he was zapped with a tazer and then stomped on after he fell to the crowd. The victim suffered several serious head injuries including a fractured eye socket and a dislocated jaw.

    The attack ended when Moore’s friends rushed to his aid. The victim is from out of town and did not know any of the attackers.

    Seneca police, working with the county sheriff’s department and SLED, has apprehended six of the suspects. They are facing state charges for assault and battery by a mob, which is also more commonly known as second degree lynching in South Carolina.

    Wait, don’t call it lynching. That would offend the lynch mob!

    The official name of the statute was changed in 2010 over complaints by black racial activists that the term “lynching” was offensive to black people. The statute was originally passed in 1951 at the request of the NAACP.

    Well Field, you can bask in the knowledge that real life is now just as bad as the darkest depiction of the bad old days of the racist South, except with the racial roles reversed, so that the white man gets what he supposedly deserves. Meanwhile, the media hypes a fictionalized version of the Passion of Saint Skittles in a pathetic attempt to convince us that up is down.

  18. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "...Kitimbwa Sabuni of the National Afro-Swedish Association."

    There's an "Afro-Swedish Association" ?

    Now, THAT's offensive.

  19. Anonymous9:35 PM

    "Because in the end, all that matters about a white man's life is what he might have done for negroes."

    Now you're catching on. Welcome to Obama's America.

  20. Should have named her Miss Demeanor:

    A defendant named Fellony was arrested yesterday for felony battery after she allegedly struck a woman in the head with a glass at an Indiana bar.

    Fellony Silas, 30, was collared early Sunday following the fracas at Kilroy’s Sports Bar in Bloomington. The bloodied 24-year-old victim suffered several lacerations and was treated for her injuries at a local hospital.

    The attack was reportedly triggered when the victim accidentally bumped into Silas while she was dancing.

    Silas, pictured in the above mug shot, was booked into the Monroe County jail, where she is being held in lieu of $10,000 bond on a Class C felony battery count. There is an additional probation hold on Silas related to a prior conviction. Silas has previously been arrested in Monroe County on a variety of charges, including forgery, theft, disorderly conduct, and fraud.

  21. Anonymous9:45 PM

    "Where in the parallel wingnut universe would this 30 year old dog be living?"

    My error, the dog is deceased.

    Oh, btw, did you hear about the black woman (she resembled Obama's daughters) that stole the newborn white infant and murdered its white mother?

  22. La~Audio, I love the new avatar. :)

  23. "Where in the parallel wingnut universe would this 30 year old dog be living?"

    The same one in which the country has been pro-Black prejudied for 50+ years. Conservatives don't live in reality which is why they believe in magic sky fairies and creationism.
    Anyhoo these guys are stuck with tit for tat messaging taht they believe what Barack ate as a youth equates to what Pretty Mitt did at 30 something. They believe their own false equivalencies. Because there are racists in the GOP to them the Democrats HAVE to have the same number and intensity of racism. Because there was so much anti-Black racism there HAS to be an equal amount of anti-white racism in the past. These fools don't realize that some things exist on their own accord and there doesn't have to be an equivalent yin for their yang. If there are reports of conservatives behaving badly they don't acknowledge this they blame the media for not covering an equal amount of liberal misdeeds. Sometimes a duck is just an f'ing duck.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I'm calling B.S. on Van's story. Yeah right, the state that Republicans made sure still flies the confederate flag on the state grounds allows negroes to beat white people. Sure.

  26. These wingnuts and these crime stories...*shaking head*

    Sorry my stormfront friends, you are still way ahead in the depravity count.

    You are a sad pathetic bunch.

  27. Can anyone recommend a Black site without racist whites whining and playing victim? I'm sure one exists somewhere.

  28. Pilot, I call BS on all of their stories.

  29. "Can anyone recommend a Black site without racist whites whining and playing victim? I'm sure one exists somewhere."

    Nope, it's how they get their jollies.

    You can only watch NASCAR and jerk off to the family album for so long.

  30. "Torturing the family dog is far worse than eating a strange one."

    field negro crys about how Mitt treated his dog yet cheers Vick on Sunday.

    Hypocrisy much?

    Funny tweet

    Romney put a dog on top of a car. Obama put a dog on top of rice.

    I strongly encourage @BarackObama's staff and supporters to run with this one: "Well, he hasn't eaten any dogs LATELY."

  31. "You are a sad pathetic bunch."

    Oh no Field, all whites are perfect law abiding tax paying citizens that always eat vegetables and floss while us negroes are criminals who only exist to rob and plunder white people. that's why they all need guns. I mean that's true right?

  32. "field negro crys about how Mitt treated his dog yet cheers Vick on Sunday.

    Hypocrisy much?"

    C'mon son, let's not play the hypocrisy game cause conservatives have that one won by a mile.

  33. "Oh no Field, all whites are perfect law abiding tax paying citizens that always eat vegetables and floss while us negroes are criminals who only exist to rob and plunder white people. that's why they all need guns. I mean that's true right?"

    Nope, not this bunch.:) The white folks you are talking about don't troll black blogs to show the rest of the world how ignorant they are. :)

    "I strongly encourage @BarackObama's staff and supporters to run with this one: "Well, he hasn't eaten any dogs LATELY."

    Are u sure about that?

  34. Tuskegee Tom10:08 PM

    PilotX said...
    Can anyone recommend a Black site without racist whites whining and playing victim?

    So speaks the world's biggest whiner, PilotX.

    Self-awareness is not your strong suit.

  35. Notice how the media censors race in the Keagan Goldon story.

  36. Trolio10:14 PM

    PilotX said...
    "You are a sad pathetic bunch."

    Oh no Field, all whites are perfect law abiding tax paying citizens that always eat vegetables and floss while us negroes are criminals who only exist to rob and plunder white people. that's why they all need guns. I mean that's true right?

    You go too far X.

    We'll settle for: "Blacks are not alway saintly victims who bear no responsibilty for their actions, and Whites are not racist oppressors because they want to keep most of their hard earned wages and not get robbed or killed.

    Does that work?

  37. Boo hoo, when blah people attack us good whities they censor the race..........howcome Al Sharpton isn't there.......whine whine whine..........where's Jesse come Field doesn't post when a shit talking white boy gets his ass stomped for talking shit........blah blah blah.......why don't I go on a blah people's site and complain about how we good whities are hoo.......

  38. "Does that work?"

    How about you take your goofy troll ass back to stormfront where you belong? Does that work for you?

  39. I'm reminded of this verse. FN, should take to heart.

    Don't judge, and you won't be judged. Don't condemn, and you won't be condemned. Set free, and you will be set free.
    "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, will be given to you. For with the same measure you measure it will be measured back to you."
    He spoke a parable to them. "Can the blind guide the blind? Won't they both fall into a pit? A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher. Why do you see the speck of chaff that is in your brother's eye, but don't consider the beam that is in your own eye? Or how can you tell your brother, 'Brother, let me remove the speck of chaff that is in your eye,' when you yourself don't see the beam that is in your own eye? You hypocrite! First remove the beam from your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck of chaff that is in your brother's eye.

  40. Trolio10:20 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Does that work?"

    How about you take your goofy troll ass back to stormfront where you belong? Does that work for you?

    What a bitch you've become.

    Is it that time of the month?

  41. Anonymous10:22 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I've had spiced bbq dog, kigoki, several times in Korea. Once, it tasted "doggy" kind of the way a wet dog smells, but the other times it could have been heavily spiced lamb or goat. Tough, yeah, no marbling in dog meat, stringy like water boo. My pop told me about going home to a luau with a Filipino sailor from his ship in the '50s, and how he warned him on the ride that the "hornless goat" is really dog so he might want to stick to the pork. Different strokes n all, and you'll never know unless you try.

    Yeah yeah thats what you said when you started tossing salads you freak.

  43. Anonymous10:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    Boo hoo, when blah people attack us good whities they censor the race..........howcome Al Sharpton isn't there.......whine whine whine..........where's Jesse come Field doesn't post when a shit talking white boy gets his ass stomped for talking shit........blah blah blah.......why don't I go on a blah people's site and complain about how we good whities are hoo.......

    What a little bitch you are. Lets have real equality real standards you whimpering pussy. You already cry it's too tough for you to make it with the same rules as others as it is, you would fold and cry like your momma if you had to live under total equality.

    What would you do if the real truth were told? You can't handle it.

  44. Anon @10:20 PM, not only are you winguts racist, you are sexist as well.Nice.

  45. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Don't be too hard on X.
    He's always bitching about how worried he is that he's going to get outsourced by more competent aviators not protected by AA and unions when "Open Skies" goes into effect. He knows he can't compete on competence, so a rigged market is the only place he's safe.

    It's tough being an unqualified overpaid AA hire in today's "Global Economy".

  46. "It's tough being an unqualified overpaid AA hire in today's "Global Economy".

    Have you ever flown a plane?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

  47. Trolio10:37 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @10:20 PM, not only are you winguts racist, you are sexist as well.Nice.

    I can multi-task.

    But thanks for noticing.

  48. "Have you ever flown a plane?"

    Maybe on his computer but then again do they have electricity in trailer parks?

  49. PilotX said...
    Can anyone recommend a Black site without racist whites whining and playing victim? I'm sure one exists somewhere.

    If the folks who regularly post here were poor and/or uneducated, the trolls would have no reason to post here. I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!

    BTW, success will ALWAYS be the BEST revenge!

  50. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    LOL, PilotX!!!!

    LOL at what? Or are you just pathetically trying to suck up again?

  51. Dr. Sweetsmell10:41 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o never said...
    BTW, success will ALWAYS be the BEST revenge!

    Then you shall never know revenge.

    You will never be a doctor.

  52. "If the folks who regularly post here were poor and/or uneducated, the trolls would have no reason to post here. I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!"

    Yes, if true, that's kind of sad.:(

  53. Anonymous10:42 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @10:20 PM, not only are you winguts racist, you are sexist as well.Nice.

    Yawn the barbarian promoting barbarism has "ist's" and "ism's" to throw around. Wake us when you get new democratic talking points. All your ism's and ist's have made one of the most fucked up societies in this country ever. Men act like bitches, bitches act like men, men think they are women and those living on the fringe of the sane world cry they get no respect and love for their deviancies.
    Bad is not good, ugly is not pretty, crazy is not normal, up is not down.

  54. "He's always bitching about how worried he is that he's going to get outsourced by more competent aviators not protected by AA and unions when "Open Skies" goes into effect. He knows he can't compete on competence"

    Yeah sure, so how about the thousands of white boys who will also lose their jobs to foreign pilots or are foreign pilots better than white male American pilots? How about the pilots not in unions who will lose their jobs?
    What a dumb ass, I only have my job because I'm in a union. Yeah, me and 90% of all the other airlines pilots in this country. What do you do for a living or are you on welfare in a trailer park somewhere? You should be thanking me for paying for your moonshine and letting you hit your sister/wife Cooter.

  55. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!

    dr queen lies. No one ever called steve's job. how would "they" know where he worked?

  56. Anonymous10:43 PM

    field negro said...
    "If the folks who regularly post here were poor and/or uneducated, the trolls would have no reason to post here. I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!"

    Yes, if true, that's kind of sad.:(

    Did this really happen? What did they say?

  57. "If the folks who regularly post here were poor and/or uneducated, the trolls would have no reason to post here. I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!"

    C'mon sis, same old same old. There have always been uneducated toothless sister screwing hillbillies jealous of successful and intelligent blah people and always will be. The sane employed white folks are usually not as goofy as these unemployable schmucks. I kinda feel sorry for them except they think they're special because of their fair skin. Kinda sad if you stop and think about it. I'm sure Newt is torn up inside knowing a blah man is prez while his fat pasty ass sits and eats lard and stews. I need a drink I'm depressed now thinking about the poor persecuted white man.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I guess you couldn't do that with our trolls, since I am pretty sure that most of them don't have jobs.

    "I'm sure Newt is torn up inside knowing a blah man is prez while his fat pasty ass sits and eats lard and stews. I need a drink I'm depressed.."

    Why? You should be celebrating.

  60. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Awww PilotX such a sad, angry, little negro. Always posting here abour Republicans. Boo-hooo.

  61. Field, I'm surprised you don't remember someone from this blog calling Steve's job because he certainly mentioned it. I believe it was last summer if my memory serves me correctly.

  62. Pilot, you're too funny tonight!!

  63. Anonymous11:06 PM

    field, "Nope, not this bunch.:) The white folks you are talking about don't troll black blogs to show the rest of the world how ignorant they are. :)"

    Field, you keep thinking these white trolls are poor, uneducated and ignorant. Racism and the emotions it brings with it does not discriminate. Hence, I bet most of the trolls you think are White are NOT from Stormfront. They could very well be professional and college educated. Hell, they could be folks you work with!

  64. cash williams11:10 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Field, I'm surprised you don't remember someone from this blog calling Steve's job because he certainly mentioned it. I believe it was last summer if my memory serves me correctly.

    uptownsteve was a habitual liar. I wouldn't beleive him if he said the sun would come up tomorrow.

  65. "Field, I'm surprised you don't remember someone from this blog calling Steve's job because he certainly mentioned it. I believe it was last summer if my memory serves me correctly."

    I do remember.

    "Field, you keep thinking these white trolls are poor, uneducated and ignorant."

    Yes, I do. And why should I think otherwise?

    "They could very well be professional and college educated."

    If you say so.

  66. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Field, "Sorry my stormfront friends, you are still way ahead in the depravity count.

    You are a sad pathetic bunch."

    Not so fast, Field. I know for a FACT they are NOT from Stormfront. They are skinheads and that is completely separate from Stormfront. To tell ya the truth, Stormfront doesn't spend this much time talking to Blacks. They just don't have the mental and emotional endurance to do so. But Skinheads can go on ad infinitum.

    You see? When you get Whites mixed up you set yourself up to talking to people that aren't really there and you end up accusing the wrong Whites.

    Stormfronters will kill ya. Skinheads will only skin ya. The good decent Whites will just profile and imprison ya.

    Field, there just is no where for a decent Negro to hide. I've said before and I'll say it now, "It's depressing to be Black in America." Why won't you acknowledge the truth and break down and write a post about it?

  67. Hugh G. Rection11:20 PM

    Field, I seriously don't know how to deal with this. As a white male, I have never been uncomfortable in any part of the city I live in. But then again I deal with everyone as equals. Racism fucking pisses me off. For the first time in my life, racism is affecting me, and it is from my own race, wtf? Seriously, how do you deal with the ignorant fucking racists that place comments on here, there attitudes make me ill.

  68. cash williams11:26 PM

    The truth is racist.

    Live your life with eyes open, and treat people how you would want them to treat you.

  69. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Didn't know uptownsteve that much. A quick search shows he has been banned from almost every blog he posted at.

    Did he get banned here?

  70. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Hugh, don't let it get you down. It's not just Whites who are affected by Racism. You see, it is a disease, very much like Alcoholism. The first drink leads to more drinks and before you know it, you're drunk and doing things you would never do sober.

    Racism has had America mentally and emotionally drunk for centuries and it's not going away. In fact, it is getting stronger, building from our present President.

    Let's face it. America wasn't ready for a black President and never will be. We are too drunk with color arousal. It is a profound disorder, which the many bloggers in the blogosphere has yet to offer a solution to.

    IMO, racism is like cancer without a viable treatment.

  71. "For the first time in my life, racism is affecting me, and it is from my own race, wtf? Seriously, how do you deal with the ignorant fucking racists that place comments on here, there attitudes make me ill."

    Take heart Hugh. The good thing about these trolls is that you will only meet them on the Internet.

    "Field, there just is no where for a decent Negro to hide. I've said before and I'll say it now, "It's depressing to be Black in America."

    You are not a Negro. But you are probably depressed. And, sadly, I suspect that has more to do with being who you are than anything that's going on in America.

  72. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hugh, don't let it get you down.

    HAHA don't let it get you down Huge Erection.

    You white idiots are a bunch of assclowns. Oh Field, I feel so safe in my black neighborhood.....
    I never go out, but I feel so safe. Have you seen any racism directed towards Whites Oh Panderer with the penis monicker?
    Any at all? C'mon look hard.
    Let's hear your take on that, then maybe you will have some credibility.

    How can you tell the head Disengenious White Liberal? He's the one with the dirty knees.

  73. Anonymous11:46 PM

    Hey, as someone who will eat a goat before a chicken I can relate. I just wouldn't eat a pet goat. See it's all about the relationship, not the particular type of meat.

    So you condone Haitians and Africans who have historically eaten other humans and still do so today? As long as they weren't in a relationship with the person they eat?

  74. Annoy said: "Stormfronters will kill ya. Skinheads will only skin ya. The good decent Whites will just profile and imprison ya. "

    Field, I'm not sure the average white person (liberal or not) would ever admit that. 99% of them still have this inherent mechanism deep inside that would make them stop before they go that far. I don't know...

  75. I'm meant "anony", that means time for bed.

  76. Where is Steve anyway? I haven't had a good keyboard fight in a while.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. "So you condone Haitians and Africans who have historically eaten other humans and still do so today? As long as they weren't in a relationship with the person they eat?"

    I don't know, you might want to ask Jeffrey Dahmer, or this guy:

  79. Anonymous12:04 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Where is Steve anyway? I haven't had a good keyboard fight in a while.
    His wife divorced him and threw his ass out of her house.

  80. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Shooting victim Summer Moody was taken off a ventilator and was breathing on her own this morning, a spokesman for the family said.
    Moody is in the intensive care unit of the University of South Alabama Medical Center after being shot in the head Sunday morning.
    This morning, a trachea tube was scheduled to be placed in the teen's throat to assist with her breathing. She was described as stable, but comatose and not responding to commands, according to a statement issued by Robert Stankoski, lawyer for Moody's family.
    Moody and three other 17-year-olds were on Gravine Island on Sunday when she was shot. In an earlier statement, Sheriff Huey "Hoss" Mack said the three male teens with Moody had broken into two fishing camps, when two men heard them and fired warning shots. One bullet hit Moody in the back of the head.
    The other three teens, Scott Byrd, Daniel Parnell and Dillion Tyree, have been charged with first-degree burglary and certified to stand trial as adults, according to District Attorney Hallie Dixon. Bail was set for each at $100,000 in a bail hearing today in Baldwin County District Court. The teens were also ordered to have no contact with Moody and her family, and must remain under house arrest if they post bail and are released from the Baldwin County Corrections Center.
    The two men who fired the shots have not been identified.

  81. "If the folks who regularly post here were poor and/or uneducated, the trolls would have no reason to post here. I mean look at what they did to Steve. Calling his job? Really? FCUKERS!!!!"

    Is that why the man left? That's very unfortunate. I thought Anon, Inc. wouldn't drag their fuckery offline.

    "I don't know, you might want to ask Jeffrey Dahmer, or this guy:"

    Now now, Field, those were just only two white guys (that we know of). According to the anons, millions of Haitians and Africans partook of the humanoid KFC throughout history :)

  82. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Have you ever flown a plane?

    Yep. And my family owns a very well established, successful airline & ops company as well with contracts around the world. Many were involved in the founding of ICAO.

    Open skies will be the end of cushy coddled hires like X.

    Losers like X "bitterly clinging" to their union "security" make me laugh.

    It's a dog-eat-dog world out there.
    Ask Obama. He knows.

  83. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Yeah sure, so how about the thousands of white boys who will also lose their jobs to foreign pilots or are foreign pilots better than white male American pilots? How about the pilots not in unions who will lose their jobs?

    Hit a nerve, huh?
    The white "boys", as long as they have clean records, will be fine. They'll flex. Although right now, internationally, US pilots are not "first choice" anymore.

    What about the pilots not in unions? Who said anything about them losing their jobs? Only you.

    Seems like you're a little edgy there, "boy".

    Afraid of a little open, honest competition?

  84. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Mack Lyons, "Is that why the man left? That's very unfortunate. I thought Anon, Inc. wouldn't drag their fuckery offline."

    I tried to tell Steve that Field Negro run by a Jamaican Negro was going to cost him, but like a Negro, he wouldn't listen. Come to think of it I told YOU and Steve together that hanging around this blog is only going to cost you Negroes big time. But your sorry ass won't listen either.

    You see, Field doesn't give a damn about you so-called Field Negroes. I mean, he even keeps saying I am not Black because I don't say the things he deem are Black. I am telling you, something bad is going to happen to your black ass too. You had better WTFU.

    BTW, these aren't Stormfronters calling the jobs of you Negroes, it sophisticated educated silent majority white types. Unfortunately, Field is too blind to see it. Take note...even NSanoma has got hat. Racism is something else.

  85. ScoobyIsMissingAfterWhiteHouseTour12:46 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Where is Steve anyway? I haven't had a good keyboard fight in a while.

    He became a cook, he specializes in making Chicken Poodle Soup for Obamabots.

    Is Obama's new doggie campaign against Romney trying to hide the deficit and his failure as a president called "Meals On Wheels"?

    Now we know what happened to the Blue Dog democrats.

  86. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Field, you keep thinking these white trolls are poor, uneducated and ignorant.

    Because that's the fiction he needs to maintain for his self-esteem.

    Is a black person who moves into my neighborhood unwanted and barely tolerated and who insists on showing up at social functions uninvited also a "troll" ??

  87. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Mack, "Is that why the man left? That's very unfortunate. I thought Anon, Inc. wouldn't drag their fuckery offline."

    Leave Anon Inc out of this. We had nothing to do with Steve being thrown out of his wife's house. Hell, I thought Steve was a bigger man than that.

    But that's always the case with bm. They are all mouth! And Steve had a big mouth.

  88. Anonymous12:52 AM

    BTW, these aren't Stormfronters calling the jobs of you Negroes, it sophisticated educated silent majority white types.

    I wouldn't condone calling someone's work regarding an out of work online experience, but kudos for realizing that many of us who have stayed silent are finally speaking up and saying "enough".

  89. Anonymous12:58 AM

    "So you condone Haitians and Africans who have historically eaten other humans and still do so today? As long as they weren't in a relationship with the person they eat?"

    Field replied, "I don't know, you might want to ask Jeffrey Dahmer, or this guy:"

    11:54 PM
    Field how can we have racial harmony when you are throwing unnecessary crap in the face of Whites? Brotha, you need to go to "Finesse School".

  90. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Good to see vdare gets exactly what it pays so little to obtain. Though, I do suppose, that without the wingnut welfare you-all would have to find work equal to your skills and talents.

    I would posit that the six year old was more than the usual child outburst. And yes, the police are indeed called to deal with white children with equivalent issues.
    Perhaps one might read the Reading Times-Eagle or the Schuylkill County police blotter.


  91. Anonymous1:16 AM

    Look what those evil rayciss are up to again. Here they go forcing poor misunderstood black yoofs to go carjacking and raping white women. But I'm sure she deserved it and these poor yoofs are victims of a rayciss cop. I'm sure if Obama had a son, he would look like this darling yoofs:

  92. Anonymous1:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "So you condone Haitians and Africans who have historically eaten other humans and still do so today? As long as they weren't in a relationship with the person they eat?"

    Field replied, "I don't know, you might want to ask Jeffrey Dahmer, or this guy:"

    Or you could ask the Haitians filmed in 2009 what they were hacking up at the 23 second mark.

    Surely you can tell the difference between two whack jobs and a cultural consistancy arising out of either taste or incompetence to find something else to eat.

  93. Chicken Poodle Soup2:18 AM

    Better to be given a ride by Romney then eaten by Barack Hussein Obama

  94. Anonymous3:08 AM


  95. GrannyStandingforTruth4:13 AM

    So, Anonymous, how many times a week do you beat your wife?

  96. Anonymous4:26 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  97. GrannyStandingforTruth4:33 AM

    Ahhh...okay, that was just the type of response from you I expected. Yep, you walked right into that one. LOL!

    How many holes in your wall and doors off the hinges have you had to have repaired lately?

  98. Granny, that response is with us no more.

    Hopefully our troll friend will go to the same place.:)

  99. GrannyStandingforTruth5:27 AM

    Does victimizing people from a particular group that you profess to dislike heighten your excitement and increase your satisfaction? I notice that you like to invoke race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation a lot as a pretext for doing whatever you want to do. You like to build yourself up by putting others down, so you eject those things into situations where they have no relevance.

  100. NSangoma8:29 AM

    When I was a young boy, my mother fed me opossum and racoon; hopefully, that makes me ineligible to ever become a Negroe republican.

    I still eat fish that whidte folk consider to be trash fish or bottom feeders: carp, buffalo, catfish; hopefully, that too, keeps me out of the republican tent.

    More than a few voters in this country come from countries and cultures where people dine on dog to sustain themselves. Should those voters feel shame/ashamed?

    White republicans may want to distance themselves from Frances Rice's comment.

    Only an idiot Negroe seeking to kiss up and lick up to white folke would write something like this:

    The eyes say she ain't not wrapped too tight:


  101. when i saw this girl's "mother" suddenly have so much to say about the police...

    my first thought was:

    how many clearly mandatory parent teacher conferences has she missed?

    and how reticent was she about this wild child's certainly extensive previous misbehavior???



    fertile pookies rule the world

    and they need to fret over being real parents as they do over real arrests...

  102. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, you keep thinking these white trolls are poor, uneducated and ignorant.

    Because that's the fiction he needs to maintain for his self-esteem.

    Is a black person who moves into my neighborhood unwanted and barely tolerated and who insists on showing up at social functions uninvited also a "troll" ??

    12:47 AM

    Any black person who moves into YOUR neighborhood and shows up at social functions uninvited IS a troll and a damn fool. He is nothing more than a jigging Negro begging for acceptance from people who once enslaved his ancesters, lynched his relatives and instituted Jim Crow laws to dehumanize him.

    So a black person showing up at white social gatherings is not only a damn fool, he is just plain stupid.

  103. fn:


    only a bona fide hobama nazi would pretend that mitt's living dog's ride was worse than
    the digested dead dog that hobama devoured...

    being ingested trumps being windswept


  104. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Field, our troll friend belongs to a Buddhist group in CA. If you ever want spiritual advice that is the place to go. LOL.

  105. Troll Therapist1:42 PM

    Just consider them Treasure Trolls, the more visitors(welcome and unwelcome) you get on your blog equals more revenue and exposure for you. And at the same time you are providing a service for these socially challenged individuals, who without your blog, would have very little interaction with other humans. They seek attention in any form because their spouses, family, and/or associates cant stand to be around them or engage them in any type of dialect.

  106. Gefilte Fish5:59 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Does victimizing people from a particular group that you profess to dislike heighten your excitement and increase your satisfaction? I notice that you like to invoke race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation a lot as a pretext for doing whatever you want to do. You like to build yourself up by putting others down, so you eject those things into situations where they have no relevance.

    My God, My God, Hypocrisy thy name is Granny. Negro - know thyself, know thy race. See what the world sees. A race that invokes race for every single challenge they face in life. A race that blames all other races and the world for whatever choices they have made. A race that uses all of these as excuses to engage in their primal genetically driven drives of violence, savagery and covetry. Who likes to break, destroy, burn, steal if they have even the slightest excuse?

  107. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    but have even heard from Desertflower? Did a hurricane wash her away?
    Don't remind me, hurricane season starts June 21 I think.
    What I'm doing is I'm watching TV! I finally got cable and I'm catching up on Kathy Griffin and The Real Housewives, the Oprah channel, and does anybody else like that alligator hunting Swamp people program or is it just me? :) I'ma watch till I get my fill.Heheheheheheh

  108. Field you hypocrite if rommney was a baller you wouldnt give a shyte about the dog

  109. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Oh, and making cakes! I need the practice. Anybody got any ideas for a cake?

  110. Anonymous11:18 AM

    most negroes in america or any where in the world always act like subhuman savages which is why we had jim we just shoot negro criminals when ever we can which is a good zimmerman did the country a favor by ridding us of grill face.

  111. BARBF9:39 AM

    Well a lot has changed since Obama made it to the White House. Obama no longer eats dog. The Obamas now are served and are serving at their parties.. $100.00 a pound steak..while beleaguered, depressed, unemployed and underemployed US citizens are asked to "share the pain"...and are promoting "shared sacrifice".

    Posted on Thu Jan 29 19:29:04 2009 by milwguy

    Can the Obama administration be anymore tone deaf? After pushing his $1.1 trillion Generational Theft Act of 2009 through the House last night, the White House apparently decided to throw itself a swank cocktail party. According to ABC’s Jake Tapper, the menu included alcoholic beverages (vodka martinis are an Obama favorite, reportedly) and wagyu steak.

    Yeah, “wagyu steak.” $100 per serving delicacy. I had to look it up, too.

  112. Anonymous10:46 PM
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