Thursday, April 19, 2012

This is not how we "Restore Our Future".

What is that quote about being negative again? Oh yeah,"Being positive in a negative situation is not naive. It's called leadership".

I bet that some of Flipper's friends wish he would memorize that quote. Take, for instance, Mitch Daniels: 

"Gov. Mitch Daniels of Indiana endorsed Mitt Romney for president on Wednesday — then criticized him a day later in an interview with The Indianapolis Star.

Mr. Daniels, a fiscal conservative who many Republicans had hoped would seek the presidency himself, seemed to chide Mr. Romney for not offering a more positive message to voters. (Mr. Romney has spent a lot of time on the campaign trail attacking President Obama, and his “super PAC,” Restore Our Future, has used its considerable resources to demolish primary rival after primary rival with negative ads.)

“You have to campaign to govern, not just to win,” Mr. Daniels told Matthew Tully of The Indianapolis Star. “Spend the precious time and dollars explaining what’s at stake and a constructive program to make life better. And as I say, look at everything through the lens of folks who have yet to achieve.”
According to Mr. Tully, “after a pause, Daniels added with disappointment, ‘Romney doesn’t talk that way.’ ”

Mr. Daniels also had some advice for Mr. Romney: “Go ahead and have the confidence in the voters to explain the fix we’re in and then tell them with some specificity what we can do to get out of it in a way that’s good for everybody,” he said. “Explain those things from the standpoint of the young and poor — those who haven’t achieved the dream yet.” [Source]

Sorry Mitch, he can't go positive now. Not when he is being openly supported by a high profile,child molesting, draft dodging, dead beat dad celebrity, who has called for the assassination of the president of these divided states of America. (Glad the Secret Service is investigating Uncle Teddy. But I suspect that he is more of a danger to himself than anyone else. Still, when a man threatens to chop off the president's head to a room full of NRA wingnuts, it's time to push the Colombian hookers out of bed and find Ted's trailer park. ) A man who he has yet to condemn for his dangerous and fire in a crowded theater rant against our government. I think we can all agree that Flipper missed the positive train at the last station.

Anyway, [right] wingnuts are comparing Uncle Teddy to Rev. Jeremiah. Remember? "Goddamn America"! Nice try. I don't think that sane people believe that freedom of speech to speak out against the government and its policies is the same as actually threatening a government official's life. But hey, that's just me. I don't live in the parallel wingnut universe where you only see what you want to believe.

Pic courtesy of The Reid Report. 


  1. Wesley R10:29 PM

    Rev. Wright never threatened the President.
    Romney can't be positive about anything because he stands for nothing.

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    "I don't live in the parallel wingnut universe where you only see what you want to believe."

    No you live on the democrat plantation. You see only what your democrat masters want you to believe.

    Where was field during the Bush years when democrats were joking about, making rap songs about, movies about, killing Bush?

  3. Kingnut10:43 PM

    Mr. Daniels also had some advice for Mr. Romney: “Go ahead and have the confidence in the voters to explain the fix we’re in and then tell them with some specificity what we can do to get out of it in a way that’s good for everybody,” he said. “Explain those things from the standpoint of the young and poor — those who haven’t achieved the dream yet.”

    I don't know Field. how do you think that will fly against Obama's plan to divide everyone by race, gender and class? Romney's boring policy intiatives to get the economy working again versus Obama's themes of we'll loot the rich to give you everything for free, the Republicans want to ban birth control and kill old people, and don't you just hate stay at home moms?

    I say go negative. Hard.

  4. I had the pleasure, earlier today, of commenting on this at The Urban Politico.

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Since you are talking about child molesting and dead beat dads, why didn't you mention Obama's dad? He's a dead beat dad and child , molester.

  6. 352 E.11:10 PM

    The "mitch" must be in the evidence room sampling indy's second largest cash crop. It sounds like his short term memory is gone.
    If he had been following the campaign so far he'd know that Mitt can't relate to the young or the poor...didn't we just go thru this w/his wife ann the homemaker? Why would he be different.
    Finally when mitch had his chance to run he declined. I don't see how credible his advice can be if he couldn't muster the nerve to deliver it himself as a candidate. Stay in the back, enjoy the ride puff puff pass.

  7. "Since you are talking about child molesting and dead beat dads, why didn't you mention Obama's dad? He's a dead beat dad and child , molester."

    Looking for Daddy Obama's name on the republican or dumbocrat ticket for prez.....nope, don't see it.

    Moving right along from the wingnut before I get a headache.

  8. Kingnut12:05 AM

    Looking for Ted Nugent's name on the republican or dumbocrat ticket for prez.....nope, don't see it.

  9. Anonymous12:08 AM

    dear mr field, i really don't know what to say. u have attacked a gun-ho great american by the name of ted nugent. my god, mr field, is there nothing sacred with you? even white dems respect ted and admire his guts. why can't u?

  10. "Looking for Ted Nugent's name on the republican or dumbocrat ticket for prez.....nope, don't see it."

    Mitt found him looking for an endorsement. Wonder if Mr. "Denounce X if you have the moral courage" Hannity will denounce his friend. How about Palin who got so outraged over Letterman's comments finds her buddy's comments offensive. Probably not, conservatives love their hypocrisy.

  11. I didn't hear anything from Rev Wright that doesn't play on my own internal commentary trac when I read or watch the news in this malignantly psychotic country.

  12. Anonymous12:21 AM

    PilotX said...
    you'd think with all the guna nd tough guy talk the Nuge could have voulunteered to serve in the military but he's just like all wanna be bad ass conservatives, all talk. He cowered in the same corner with Cheney and Limbaugh when they had a chance to serve. Conservative cowards.

    Serve? Yeah go get me a ham sandwich.

    Watching democrats do nothing but look to create scenarios feigning outrage daily is getting more and more ridiculous.

    Obamas team and the racist blacks who align with him no matter what will do anything to distract the American people from the economic stagnation, job loss and sheer incompetence of this administration.

    What about Solyndra?
    What about the failed chevy volt?
    What about the 16 trillion in debt-5 over the last 3 1/2 years under obama - more than our entire countries history in 219 years.
    What about Fast and Furious?
    What about Hilary Rosen?.
    What about unemployment - both issues real unemployment at 10.9# and Obamanaughts knocking off a couple million people from the workforce to lower the percentage.
    What about failed foreign policies on each and everything he touched?

    The list can go on and on, an extremely incompetent president who has failed us tremendously and done nothing but divide the hell out of this country deepening racial divides, unfortunately for blacks singlehandedly wiping out a good portion of white guilt, class warfare etc. Now it's good to be a piece of couch lint and bad to be an achiever. What a totally insane party the democrats are.

    Ted nugent is an american hero, speaking the truth. What no "racism" cries? See I told you that card was used and tattered.

  13. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I didn't hear anything from Rev Wright that doesn't play on my own internal commentary trac when I read or watch the news in this malignantly psychotic country.

    So you hear a black racist anti semite and you are such a pandering piece of shit that he is ok with you but a white person not laying down and taking pipe in the rear like you do is psychotic?

    You disgust me. You should be cannon fodder, disgusting human beings. Liberal example 101. Pure unadulterated human garbage.

  14. Kingnut12:30 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I didn't hear anything from Rev Wright that doesn't play on my own internal commentary trac when I read or watch the news in this malignantly psychotic country.

    You need medication.

    Honestly, if I truly believed that I lived in a malignantly psychotic country, I would do what I could to find somewhere else to live.

    Might I suggest South Africa? I think you would be happy there. You could probably get a deal on some farm property.

  15. The Son has risen:

  16. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Ted Nugent is needing a career boost. Romney and his political adviserators probably knew of no more modern or relevant musicians.
    I visualize a campaign conference where Nugent was bought up as he would do it for the 'consulting fee' and the Romney crew watches Outdoor Channel and thinkerates Nugent is a rural archetype. Well, he certainly does play the role of stereotypical hillbilly...and I would offer that it is not a positive portrayal.

    Most small rural locales have 'Uncle Teds'...we keep our young away from him and do not listen to his self-promoting blather.


  17. Marmaduke Says Don't eat me.1:23 AM

    Ahhh the democratic party. Really is going to the dogs. Just ask Obama. He's dog tired from campaigning so much the last two years (vacations, golf games, white house parties and concerts don't count)

    McDonalds is going to create/name a new burger in honor of Obama and pooch, I mean mooch - Quarter pounder with fleas. He's from Chicago so they are going to serve it with mustard - Greyhound poupon and he can wash that puppy down with his favorite yogurt drink - Mango Lassie. A side of Chicken poodle soup is optional or instead a nice healthy vegetable like collie flower. For dessert why of course it's dog pound cake.

  18. OMG!

    Have you seen this?

    How can this man be President!

  19. 352 E.3:00 AM

    Move over "Puss" Limbaugh and Billy O'really there's a new headknocker in the party....wait for's ted nugent, aka Mr. Hilarious.
    UncomMitted Romney obviously needs all the help he can get. He's worse than the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. He's dropping his stuffing all over the place and has created quite a mess for his handlers. That's right Grover Norquist is licking his chops because NitMitt has enough working digits to hold a pen.
    The party of hell no is about to gear up and enlist their legions of percy wetmore clones in an effort to put the last piece in place for the new world order even though it is against their own interests.
    And let's not forget the young and the poor who haven't achieved anything yet...they've got a plan for you. They're going tell you how inefficient the country has been run, while never owning up to the obstructionist policies they used to thwart this president's every move.
    They shouldn't have any resistance because some people wanted President Obama to fail from day one. Holder was right we are a nation of cowards. Rev. Wright was correct as america has shown its collective ass to the rest of the world by showing that the office of the President deserves little more respect than one of the dancers on DWTS.

  20. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Field negro = obsolete farm equipment.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Nugent has been a racist pos for a very long time.

    If the media had any guts they would ask Romney one of the below questions each day, repeating as necessary...

    Governor Romney. Ted Nugent called Secretary Clinton a "toxic c***" and "two-bit whore". Do you support that sort of language? Is it okay if someone uses those words to refer to your wife?"

    "Governor Romney. Ted Nugent said that Africa is the international scab continent and not all men are created equal. He spoke in favor of apartheid. What's your response?"

    "Governor Romney. Ted Nugent has spoken of not wanting to have people embracing "voodoo religions" immigrating to America. Could you provide an example of a "voodoo religion" and then explain how it might differ from your own?"

    "Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has stated that Morgan Freeman and Jesse Jackson are racists. Do you agree?"

    "Governor Romney, Ted Nugent has claimed that President Obama went to a "voodoo cave" church. Can you explain what he meant?"

    "Governor Romney. Ted Nugent has a long history of threatening violence against people with whom he disagrees. Why would such a man endorse you? Are you comfortable with that sort of language?"

    "Governor Romney, if you can't stand up to Ted Nugent, how can we trust you to stand up for America?"

    "Governor Romney, did Ted Nugent threaten to beat you up? Are you a victim of bullying? There's help for that."

  23. Anonymous7:56 AM

    "Governor Romney, did Ted Nugent threaten to beat you up? Are you a victim of bullying? There's help for that."

    You mean like trying to do what you are saying should be done?

    Well the Nuge says...

    “I respect diverse people who respect and cherish basic American customs, traditions, goodwill and values. I have no respect for left-wingers who employ intimidation to make multiculturalism or diversity mandatory as the law of the land. The diversity punks believe in racial set-asides and preferences. You won’t ever solve discrimination by engaging in reverse discrimination. Maybe a racist like Jesse Jackson or Mr. Holder believes in reverse discrimination, but ordinary Americans do not. We are much too focused and intelligent to buy into such Jabberwocky. Real diversity, real change, real progress is accomplished by promoting and embracing Western culture, values and traditions, which is what made America great and created the greatest quality of life ever. Weakening this proven methodology under the artful guise of diversity, multiculturalism and political correctness is every bit as insidious a threat to America as are voodoo-inspired terrorist punks.”

  24. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If the media had any guts they would ask Romney one of the below questions each day, repeating as necessary...

    Right, then they could go ask Obama every day about how he supports all the rappers and what they have to say, fuckin bitches and shorties, hatin YT, killin da certain black rappa
    s, actors support/belong to the nation of Islam, Black Panthers, Rev wright and other black hate groups. Equal play sounds like a good idea.

  25. Kibbles and Bits8:03 AM

    Ted singing Obama's favorite tune

    Dog eat Dog

  26. Nugent's a loud mouthed coward who used to brag that he avoided Vietnam by shitting his pants so the draft board would reject him as a nutcase. Self-fulfilling prophecy?

  27. Anonymous9:22 AM

    when i was a paratrooper killing commies in viet nam i had no use for draft dodgers like nugent or for support people telling war stories. so where did you serve? do you under stand if you are not a grunt you are support.nugent is a douche bag but so is you pickle smoking bongo,the commie.why don't you tell us about bongo's war hero grandfather!fror you x my friend is a retired air craft mechanic who found 4 errors in the repair manuals so i asked him if told any one he said he would tel them when they found his pension.just something to think about x.all of you are just a bunch of commie traitors like the mooch and all deserve a traitors reward.

  28. when will you hobama nazis go positive on the negative realities of hobama?????


    hobama has failed miserably as a rabid bankster/global warlord/legendary racist prez etc

    no sane person wants 4 mroe yrs of hobama's bloody messes


    he has wiped out an entire black middle class


    no mitt bashing will mask that fact


  29. still no word on the horridly negative global realities of hobama's ndaa???????


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  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Nan said...
    Nugent's a loud mouthed coward who used to brag that he avoided Vietnam by shitting his pants so the draft board would reject him as a nutcase. Self-fulfilling prophecy?

    8:39 AM

    It's funny that the hippies and radicals from the 60's who were against viet nam are now democrats and attacking Nugent for what they did.

  33. John Smellindamp10:09 AM

    Ooooops! Even your Libtard midget Stepanpoopalous can't ignore this!

    And.....those bricks in the wall just keep tumbling down.

  34. ted nugent is a hero

    he spoke for millions who are paying attention to hobama aka
    the new hitler

    ndaa alone proves that

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  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. u can delete my posts

    but u will never delete hobama's deeds

    or your own karma u nig bitch


  38. There Goes The Plasma TV's10:48 AM

    Uh, Oh.....not looking good for the prosecution. Field, as a lawyer, you should even be able to admit this.

  39. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Watched the bond hearing what a total screwup. They have no evidence, all assumptions, sounds like they were qouting Rev AL for evidence. It was a joke and an obvious witch hunt. Zimmerman is out on a paltry 150k bond and will not doubt be found not guilty as he acted in self defense. If he is railroaded than all non blacks will go to black neighborhoods and riot for real justice.

  40. Anonymous12:23 PM

    AB, "still no word on the horridly negative global realities of hobama's ndaa???????


    9:53 AM
    why must you keep asking an important question that affect our lives on FN? By now, you must know Field is not going to attend to important issues, esp if it is a 'negative' for Obama and the Democrats.

    The amazing thing is that the GOP is mute on this also, which is quite frightening. That means they are going to use it on us and use Obama as the reason they can do so.

    However, the voters don't seem to care. But they have always been rather ignorant of what's happening to them anyway. By the time it hits them, it will be way too late.

  41. Let's use all the powers of the media to investigate a rock star from the 70's for the purpose of making him the focus of our latest Two Minute Hate, while we studiously ignore the past of the man we elected president 4 years ago.

    If you think you are not sheep being led to the slaughter, you are wrong.

  42. When the rapper "Common" threatened to kill Bush, did the Secret Service investigate?


    He did get invited to the Obama White House, however:

    It's good to be King.

  43. Anonymous7:21 PM

    So, Zimmerman is free on $150K bond. Shockingly low given the gravity of the charges. Sounds like the Judge is sending a message to Team Skittles.

    Loved how the Team Skittles investigator squirmed when asked by the defense whether or not they knew who started the "confrontation" and whether or not they had any evidence to support the contention that Zimmerman started the "confrontation".

    "No we do not".

    The onus is on Team Skittles to prove their case, not the other way around. Zimmerman is asssumed innocent until Team Skittles can prove he is not.

    Today's hearing .... Zimmerman looked pretty confident, calm, collected. That, coupled with ABC admitted the injuries he sustained consistent with his story....

    Not a good day for Team Skittles.

  44. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Mr Field, Ol Ted is about one crazy pos white trash and anything he spews out of his piehole should be taken as a bunch of gobbity guuk and besides as most of those kooks Like limpballs all talk sht about survival and guns and little dead animals but the fact is they never served their country and don't know sht about America except in their monied fantasy land, so I would like to apologize for my insane mentally challenged caucasion brethren. By the way I do like your perspective on the topics you discuss as it really is insightful and worth pondering, keep up the good work. Terry.
