Thursday, April 05, 2012

Good Friday and black zombies.

Oh Lawd! White folks, in anticipation of the coming race war, are buying up guns in record numbers. You Negroes better watch out. If Obama wins it could get ugly. (Not that it hasn't already.) It's just not safe out here for us law abiding -tax paying- Negroes anymore.

"Buyers in record numbers are flooding into gun stores, retailers say. Ammo, too, is flying off the shelves. The reasons for the spike, last seen in 2009, include fears that a second Obama administration might restrict gun ownership and the popularity of TV shows devoted to doomsday preparation and killing zombies.

"He's never been pro-gun," says Cris Parsons of President Obama. Parsons, 31, owns a Texas gun purveyor called the Houston Armory. So far, Parsons insists, Obama has been "pretty coy" about his antipathy toward guns--and he likely will remain so during the campaign. To do otherwise would "upset a lot of people."
But if Obama wins a second term, he'll have "nothing to lose," says Parsons.
Alan Korwin, author of nine books on gun laws, including "Gun Laws of America," says gun owners are worried that the president, as a lame duck, will clamp down as never before on gun ownership.

Parsons says about 40 percent of Armory customers cite this fear as their reason for stocking up on guns and ammo now, before the election.

"Frenzy" is the word he uses to describe their buying. Dollar sales for the Armory are up 30 to 40 percent this quarter compared to last. Parsons thinks his store's performance is indicative of sales nationally, based on what he hears from dealers, suppliers and other store owners.

Gun maker Sturm, Ruger says that in the first quarter it received orders for more than 1 million firearms--so many that it has now had to stop taking orders. Says a notice on its website: "Despite the company's continuing successful efforts to increase production rates, the incoming order rate exceeds our capacity to rapidly fulfill these orders. Consequently, the company has temporarily suspended the acceptance of new orders." It expects to resume accepting orders, it says, at the end of May." [Source]

I bet the NRA folks are loving this. What are these folks thinking? Do they believe that Obama is going to order the New Black Panthers to go into their trailers and take their guns from their tobacco stained hands? 

Anyway, A-merry-cans haven't been so merry these days. (Maybe I should change my spelling) Many of them believe that we are inching closer to the end of the line. Any day now, urban dwellers, like those zombies we have been seeing on television, will be roaming the countryside for food. Farmers and country dwellers will be forced to guard their domains with their newly purchased shotguns. "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT"

All of this is enough to make me want to skip Good Friday. So we have one "good" day; what about the other 364? It's the day we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. If he was around today, poor guy, we would have just shot him to death. No need for a crosses, nails and a crown of thorns. Too slow. Calvary would have been alive with the sounds of AK- 47s. 

I know who won't think it's a Good Friday tomorrow; the family of Howard Morgan. (You remember Howard, right?) My man was just sentenced to 40 years in jail after he got shot 28 times by the po po. Apparently the Judge in the case wasn't moved by Mr. Howard's injuries, and he didn't believe his side of the story, either.

What is so reprehensible, Mr. Morgan, is that you have shown no remorse or accountability in regards to your actions and choices that night. In fact, you have done the opposite. You attempted to hide behind the racial fears of our community.

“After all the evidence and testimony was heard, you were rightfully convicted,” he continued. “You are a fraud, Mr. Morgan.”
Morgan made no apology, no plea for mercy to the judge. He spoke of his 21 years of work in law enforcement and insisted he was attacked.
“God bless my wife and family, and it’s all in God’s hands and I have nothing else to say, thank you.”

The judge did not believe Morgan’s account.
“I have no idea what possessed your actions that night,” he told Morgan.
The room’s silence held. Crane then delivered his sentence: Forty years. [Source] 
Don't worry Mr. Morgan, maybe prison is the best place for you. At least you will be safe there.


  1. NSangoma9:47 PM

    The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that police sources say Martin was the aggressor on Feb. 26, knocking Zimmerman to the ground with a single punch and then climbing on top of the 28-year-old neighborhood watch captain and slamming the back of his head into the ground. Police say this account, given by Zimmerman, is supported by eyewitnesses, according to the Sentinel's report.

    One such witness reportedly told police that he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman, striking the man, while Zimmerman cried out for help. The attack left Zimmerman bloodied, police sources told the Sentinel, and led him to fire at Martin in self-defense.

    Police say Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a fat lip and confirm that the back of his head was cut. He received first aid at the scene but refused to go to the hospital and received medical treatment the following day, according to the Sentinel's sources.

    The Sentinel's story also makes public new details about the circumstances leading up to the deadly confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin.

    At the time, Martin was suspended from high school after he was found to be in possession of an empty marijuana baggie, according to the Sentinel. Martin's school has a "zero-tolerance" drug policy, the newspaper added.


  2. Kingnut10:11 PM

    "But if Obama wins a second term, he'll have "nothing to lose," says Parsons."

    Half the country does not trust their own leader. Has the President contributed in any way to this situation?

    Why do so many people fear their President? Why do so many people get the feeling he is not who he seems, that he does not have their interests at heart?

    The explanation that 150 million people are crazy, ignorant racists, clinging to their guns and religion in the presence of an obvious savior doesn't really cut it.

    Things are getting scary.

  3. Anonymous10:24 PM

    All of this is enough to make me want to skip Good Friday. So we have one "good" day; what about the other 364? It's the day we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus. If he was around today, poor guy, we would have just shot him to death. No need for a crosses, nails and crowns. Too slow. Calvary would have been alive with the sounds of AK- 47s.

    Nah, he would have been attacked and robbed by someone who looks like Trayvon because he was white.

  4. Wesley R10:24 PM

    While I worked in corrections, I always wondered out loud why judges never have to answer for anything or to anyone. If Morgan ever wins an appeal nothing will happen to the judge who sentenced him. I've seen judges rule on the flip side were they let someone walk for a violent offense and the person ends up killing someone. Those judges are still allowed to keep their jobs.

  5. NSangoma10:25 PM

    Benjamin Crump, said on nationwide televised news that Trayvon Martin was an A and B student, never had any problems at school, and was at the time of his death, suspended for 10-days from high school only for tardiness.

    When the actual facts of the suspension came out, I knew we were being sold an oki-doke.

    The No-Limit-Nggier, reached his limit.

  6. Anon@10:24 PM ,the klan lied to u, he was a Jew.

  7. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Oh Lawd! White folks, in anticipation of the coming race war, are buying up guns in record numbers. You Negroes better watch out. If Obama wins it could get ugly. (Not that it hasn't already.) It's just not safe out here for us law abiding -tax paying- Negroes anymore.

    Field, you know better than anyone the people who riot or rather create havoc violence and savagery are negroes. Blacks attack all races and kill each other in vastly higher proportions than any other race. They do so at many group gatherings, picnics, funerals, flea markets, movies, shopping malls and so on. These are the people who riot for section 8 vouchers, chicken joints running out of reduced price chicken , someone asking them to be quiet in the movies, someone touching a corpse at a funeral, someone getting arrested and shot after he tried to kill the police officer.

    They riot especially when something doesn't go the way they WANT it to be. Then they will burn down where they live, loot and destroy the stores and then cry over the next twenty years how no one wants to invest in the community, even thought they are not doing so, they live in poverty and can't understand why all the whites who pay the taxes left - they must be racist and it is all someone else's fault.

    What really is happening is as non-blacks do, they don't wait for someone to create things for them or sit on the corner or the couch having a good time until they need something and then blame society for not giving it to them. They are planning and preparing. Hoping never to need to execute the plans. But.... and this is a big one, this time they will execute them if need be to defend themselves and property and will not be the bleeding hearts and help those who destroy rebuild again. There is no more room - many have gotten Negro exhaustion.

    So which do you think is more likely? Whites rioting and dragging blacks out of cars and stomping on them if Obama wins or If Obama loses Whites getting pulled out of cars and stomped on?

    Which has happened so much in history and can almost be predicted? When the prosecutor announce Zimmerman will not be charge or will be charged will Whites or Blacks riot? Which one do you think will happen?

  8. Yes Anon.i just saw a bunch of them rioting in Lexngton Ky after a basketball game...wait, that was white kids. Never mind.

  9. Anonymous10:52 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Crystal Magnum said...
    I swear this is true. My neighbor is a black guy with a Ph.D in physics, and he's just the nicest guy in the world and his favorite music is SHOWBOAT, and he loves to sing OLD MAN RIVER.

    But last night, a bunch of hooded KKK goons came to his house, burned a cross on his lawn, screamed the n-word, shot his dog, raped his wife, and put chains around his children, one of whom happens to be gay.

    What is this country coming to? Does anyone know the number to the NY Times? I gotta report this.

    6:58 PM
    Dear Chrystal, where in America do you live? My God! Everyone in that family has been traumatized and my guess is the animals who did it are free much like Zimmerman.

    Racism has multiplied and spread like a bad incurable virus. It seems that many Americans have no sense of decency, morality, justice nor do they value the dignity of Blacks.

    The pathetic thing is the majority of Whites remain silent. They aren't even outraged...they just stand on the sidelines and watch. By doing this, they remain complicit with those who terrorize, and kill.

    Field, I am surprised you have said nothing about this. Neither have any FN Negroes said anything. What gives?

  10. Racism field negro won't post about.

    In Minneapolis,Mn, its up to 8 black mob attacks this year. All the victims were white.

    Former DC Mayor: We’ve Got To Do Something About These Asians And Their Dirty Shops

    On Tuesday, former DC Mayor Marion Barry called upon ‘dirty’ Asian stores to leave Washington, DC, Twitchy reports. On the heels of a victory in the Council Ward 8 primary, Barry remarked, “We’ve got to do something about these Asians coming in, opening up businesses, those dirty shops.”

    “They ought to go,” Barry added.

  11. Anonymous10:53 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@10:24 PM ,the klan lied to u, he was a Jew.

    The Nation of Yahweh lied to you. Zimmerman is hispanic and Jews are white. Otherwise Obama wouldn't be so Anti-Israel.

    Now really, are you trying to tell me if jesus walked down the street in a black neighborhood they wouldnt start beating on him and take his clothes in a pride of black youths or is it gaggle? AS they do so many times there is a sole perceived weakened white male they are around? White women get raped, then maybe killed.

  12. Anonymous10:56 PM

    field negro said...
    Yes Anon.i just saw a bunch of them rioting in Lexngton Ky after a basketball game...wait, that was white kids. Never mind.

    Oh my god, how many stores got looted?, black kids and old women and men got raped and stomped? what are going to do? Now Whites are doing it also? Buy more Ammo.

  13. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Marion Barry is an idiot and a disgrace to the black race. I am Black and I never liked that cocaine sniffing crooked jackass of a Negro. He reminds me of Mellaneous and Uptownsteve.

    BTW, has anybody seen or heard from UptownSteve? Let me guess...he's now living in the hood. He is no longer living in that so-called gated community in Bowie.

  14. urban dwellers, like those zombies we have been seeing on television

    Exactly. Thats what blacks in the inner cities are-zombies.

    I mean really. I don't have to watch the walking dead on tv. I can just get in my car and drive into inner city Atlanta.

  15. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Crystal Magnum said...
    I swear this is true. My neighbor is a black guy with a Ph.D in physics, and he's just the nicest guy in the world and his favorite music is SHOWBOAT, and he loves to sing OLD MAN RIVER.

    But last night, a bunch of hooded KKK goons came to his house, burned a cross on his lawn, screamed the n-word, shot his dog, raped his wife, and put chains around his children, one of whom happens to be gay.

    What is this country coming to? Does anyone know the number to the NY Times? I gotta report this.

    Crystal, that is just awful. NBC just said the attackers were definitely not hispanic they were white for sure (they had voice experts decode their accents). And that they raped the dog and killed the wife and that the guy who attacked the wife weighed 70 lbs more then her and was wearing a hoodie. She was just sitting there watching an NBA game at half-time drinking iced tead and enjoying a bag of skittles when bam they burst into the house. I think her name was Tawana, not sure.

  16. Eliot Mess11:01 PM

    In the FBI crime statisitcs, Hispanics are classified as Hispanics if they are victims, but as Whites if they are perpetrators.

    Neat trick, huh?

  17. "Now really, are you trying to tell me if jesus walked down the street in a black neighborhood they wouldnt start beating on him and take his clothes in a pride of black youths..."

    Nope, he would fit right in. JC is cool people.

    Now if he was in the trailer park, on the other hand, I think they would give the hippie looking dude with the dark skin and long hair a beat down.

  18. "Exactly. Thats what blacks in the inner cities are-zombies."

    Obviously you don't get around much. Ever been to rural?_____fill in the blank. Now those are zombies.

    "Oh my god, how many stores got looted?, black kids and old women and men got raped and stomped?"

    They couldn't find any. I am sure they were looking for some

  19. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Anon, "So which do you think is more likely? Whites rioting and dragging blacks out of cars and stomping on them if Obama wins or If Obama loses Whites getting pulled out of cars and stomped on?"

    If Obama wins, Whites will be probably be going to the homes of Blacks, chaining the children and raping black men's wives like @10:52pm. It'll be just like the old days when Whites terrorized Blacks late at night.
    Whites racists are such good folks....everyone loves you.

  20. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Field why haven't you spoken more about what Chrystal said? That is a disgrace! That's worse than what that white boy did to innocent young Trayvon. This shit has got to stop.

  21. "But last night, a bunch of hooded KKK goons came to his house, burned a cross on his lawn, screamed the n-word, shot his dog, raped his wife, and put chains around his children, one of whom happens to be gay."

    That's just repbublicans being republicans.

  22. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Field, are you telling me Chrystal is a Republican who is just messing with us? WTF? It's getting so that you can't believe anything anymore.

    But, how did you know? This is depressing. Where is Desert tonight? By now she should be done with baking that Bible. Does anyone know whether she baked a King James Bible or some NIV bible? What is baked into the pages and the cover?

  23. Anonymous11:25 PM

    The judge did not believe Morgan’s account.
    “I have no idea what possessed your actions that night,” he told Morgan.
    The room’s silence held. Crane then delivered his sentence: Forty years. [Source]
    Don't worry Mr. Morgan, maybe prison is the best place for you. At least you will be safe there.
    Another injustice for a bm. Field, I don't find your last two sentences funny. Nobody is safe in those damn prisons.

    BTW, do they put judges in prison? I have not heard of such.

  24. Eliot Mess11:28 PM

    field negro said...
    "That's just repbublicans being republicans."

    Well, if they raped his wife, and she was black, that would be an incredibly rare event.

    In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.

    What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

    Meanwhile, no black women are raped by a white man.

    Makes you think, huh?

  25. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Where is Desert tonight? By now she should be done with baking that Bible. Does anyone know whether she baked a King James Bible or some NIV bible? What is baked into the pages and the cover?"
    Not finished yet. Had to go to the supermarket. I don't know what kind it is, I guess it's a generic Bible. Do they have those???

  26. I've been viewing some actual footage of slavery days on You Tube. I know the work was hard, but it really doesn't look all that bad. Everybody seemed to get along. You had some time to sing and whittle, the scenery was nice, and niggaz wasn't always jumping your ass all the time. At least we had our dignity then.

  27. Anonymous12:03 AM

    field negro said...
    "But last night, a bunch of hooded KKK goons came to his house, burned a cross on his lawn, screamed the n-word, shot his dog, raped his wife, and put chains around his children, one of whom happens to be gay."

    That's just repbublicans being republicans.

    wait the KKK still exists? They were all democrats, just ask Byrd.

  28. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.

    Meanwhile, no black women are raped by a white man.

    Makes you think, huh?"
    It proves --and I am sure Field will agree--that wm are good considerate souls who wouldn't harm a fly. When it comes to sex, wm are more desirable than black men and consequently have no need to rape.

    As far as bw are concerned, they don't engage in sex very much, at least not as much as ww.

  29. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Field this one is a big seller. Its' the AA-12 (Anti African) 12 (easily wipe out 12 flash mob members in seconds)

    Awesome firepower. Anti pers/vehicles/buildings/Thug Rioters/Flash Mobs

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth1:57 AM

    I'll say, so Anonymous 1:28, are we black folks supposed to be trembling in fear?

    BTW, Tryone Woodfork, I am elated that trigger happy Zimmerman the coward is not patrolling my neighborhood. We like to keep our neighborhood free of trash.

  31. Field, I hope all of the legitimate posters haven't thrown up their hands and jumped ship. We could use all the sane people we need to combat the usual deluge of anon debris.

    BTW, we could use a mass drive to get more black Americans legally registered to own and use firearms in this country. I'm sure the NRA would be pleased as punch to see more colored folk exercising their Second Amendment rights :D

  32. Granny, I do believe most of these folks buy their guns not just to indulge in their nigger-killing fantasies, but also as a sexual replacement for their own undersized sex organs.

    Look at the anon going on about his AA-12. I bet he wishes he could dump as much as that AA-12 can, but alas, his equipment requires a microscope and fine tweezers for proper inspection. Talk about inadequacies.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth2:26 AM

    Mack, hate is in their DNA. As kids their favorite pastime was watching lynchings of black men. Since lynching are illegal now, they've come up with a modern version shooting unarmed black men and claiming self defense or they feared for their life B.S. That's what they are fighting so hard to keep their phony justification for murder of black males.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    As kids their favorite pastime was watching lynchings of black men.

    They must be over a 100 years old by now.

    Are that old Granny?

  35. Peter Meatly2:31 AM

    "but alas, his equipment requires a microscope and fine tweezers for proper inspection. Talk about inadequacies."

    Talk about projection.

    Mack Lyons, the guy who lives in his mom's basement and spends all his allowance on Enzyte.

  36. Anonymous2:32 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'll say, so Anonymous 1:28, are we black folks supposed to be trembling in fear?

    BTW, Tryone Woodfork, I am elated that trigger happy Zimmerman the coward is not patrolling my neighborhood. We like to keep our neighborhood free of trash.

    Why would you tremble in fear? You aren't planning on trying to rape my wife, rob my house, play knockout king, hurt my children or hurt me are you? Then com'n in and sit a spell and let's break bread.

    Or are you part of the group that aligns with the most vile and digusting humans on the planet simply because of skin color?

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth2:33 AM

    Mack, everyone is still here. They just do not feel like wasting their time arguing with white supremacist who think that they are all that and a bag of chips, but in reality they are very insecure people and poltroons.

  38. Anonymous2:34 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Mack, hate is in their DNA. As kids their favorite pastime was watching lynchings of black men. Since lynching are illegal now, they've come up with a modern version shooting unarmed black men and claiming self defense or they feared for their life B.S. That's what they are fighting so hard to keep their phony justification for murder of black males

    What excuse do you have for black males preying on old white helpless folk and raping 95 year old women? Go ahead, spread your wisdom. It;s real, it happens way to frequently so why do blacks rape old feeble white women and hurt old feeble white men?

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    BTW, Tryone Woodfork, I am elated that trigger happy Zimmerman the coward is not patrolling my neighborhood. We like to keep our neighborhood free of trash.

    You don't have to worry about winding up like poor old Nancy Strait because you aren't white.

    I'll bet you don't care a whit about those people. You are one cold Granny.

  40. GrannyStandingforTruth2:44 AM

    I do not excuse anyone preying on helpless old folks, children, women, or men regardless of their color.

    However, I asked the same question regarding an elderly black man and elderly black woman, the same type of crime committed by white men, and got excuses for justification back as comments. So, can you tell me what's the difference? Aren't they old and helpless too?

  41. Bag of Chips2:45 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    but in reality they are very insecure people and poltroons.

    Poltroon? Why them's fighting words, you old octaroon you!

  42. Anonymous2:48 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    "the same type of crime committed by white men"

    Cite one case of the rape and murder of an elderly black woman by a white man.


    There are hundreds of such cases by white men.


    You live in a fantasy world of false equivalency.

  43. GrannyStandingforTruth2:49 AM

    Talia, speak for yourself because you definitely cannot speak for me. You don't know me! Furthermore, you're not a mind reader because if you were, you would be totally embarrassed for making that asinine statement.

  44. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Granny, I do believe most of these folks buy their guns not just to indulge in their nigger-killing fantasies, but also as a sexual replacement for their own undersized sex organs.

    Look at the anon going on about his AA-12. I bet he wishes he could dump as much as that AA-12 can, but alas, his equipment requires a microscope and fine tweezers for proper inspection. Talk about inadequacies.

    Oh, Macky, no offense but your limited IQ is showing. There are people in this world who think and plan and have goals. Not all are like black men who just think with their dicks, think about there dicks and think their dicks is all that matter. I happen to have huge equipment, so what? So do whales and jackasses, are you a whale or a jackass?

    I am happy I have a high IQ and not some savage that thinks about nothing but his equipment.

    No one is fantasizing about killing anyone, who in the world would do something that awful but a savage negro? Don't mistake being intelligent enough to ensure that no one and I do mean no one will hurt you or your family with some savage negro values. You are of a race that is savage and does nothing but cause havoc and chaos. So we prepare to defend against the things you do naturally and normally. It is not those who prepare that have shortcomings, it is those who either perform atrocities or condone them - like you.

    We all know negroes do not agree with white values, fair fights, honor, courage respect so therefore attack in packs and love to prey on the weak and sickly so nothing wrong with making swiss cheese out of em if you are left no choice.

  45. Anonymous2:57 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I do not excuse anyone preying on helpless old folks, children, women, or men regardless of their color.

    However, I asked the same question regarding an elderly black man and elderly black woman, the same type of crime committed by white men, and got excuses for justification back as comments. So, can you tell me what's the difference? Aren't they old and helpless too?

    Granny, no one should be raped and murdered and no one who does these horrible things should EVER be excused no matter what they look like or where they come from. What white crime are you talking about where they raped an old black woman or preyed on an old black man? I hear and see nothing but black youths doing this very, very frequently. White on Black rape is virtually non existant?

  46. Anonymous3:02 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Mack, everyone is still here. They just do not feel like wasting their time arguing with white supremacist who think that they are all that and a bag of chips, but in reality they are very insecure people and poltroons.

    Right, speaking truth instead of listing fairy tales makes those people insecure and cowards. Who is the coward who cannot face up to reality and do something about the problems instead of perpetually blaming someone who they KNOW has nothing to do with it, including the choices made to create the problem from the beginning? Who is the coward granny? Whom?

  47. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Anonymous said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Mack, hate is in their DNA. As kids their favorite pastime was watching lynchings of black men. Since lynching are illegal now, they've come up with a modern version shooting unarmed black men and claiming self defense or they feared for their life B.S. That's what they are fighting so hard to keep their phony justification for murder of black males

    Grow up and develop some brain cells. Whites don't shoot and kill blacks. BLACKS kill everyone especially other blacks, because they are savages. You know that. There is one case and the skittles thug was trying to beat the guys brains in. So he got popped. Everyone except the fearful racist blacks knows this. Yes, self defense is happening and when blacks attack they may not make it back.

    You are really afraid if this catches on, whites won't be the ready and handy victims they normally have been. Too late, it has caught on. We have grown tired of angry, savage, violent , no account negros. People like you NEVER look at the issues and condemn bad actions, or what you have accepted and taught to your youth. You look at race and align. . So why do you deserve respect? You created the violent uncivilized monsters with your hate.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth3:27 AM

    Anonymous, I notice you use the word "savage" and "rapist" when referring to black people a lot.

    BTW, I never mentioned rape and what I was referring to was
    violence when I said same type of crime against an elderly black man and woman by white men.

    Both are violent acts are they not?

    I consider Zimmerman a coward. Trayvon was nothing but a kid who just turned 17 that same month he was killed. Tek-9 up against a bag of skittles and can of Arizona Ice Tea is not my idea of bravery.

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth3:33 AM

    violent, dangerous blacks, and uncivilized are other terms I notice you use a lot when referring to blacks.

    Without even knowing me personally, you take it upon yourself to assume that I raised thugs and drug addicts and have taught my children to be violent criminals. And all of your assumptions are based on the fact that I am black, so it must be true in your mind. Smh!

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth3:47 AM

    To top it off, I just love to see black children killing each other because it has not stopped, so therefore according to you, I must like it.

    But...yet, you do not know me personally, know what I think, or how I feel because you're too busy telling me how I supposedly think and feel.

    That's the problem you are so busy telling black folks what we supposedly think and feel until you have a misguided perception of blacks. Another problem is that you paint all blacks with a stereotypical brush and that's what got Trayvon killed. Stereotypes!

  51. GrannyStandingforTruth4:00 AM

    Furthermore, something else I observed about you is how you seem to think that your the one and only intelligent person posting on here and all of us people of color are dullards. You and you only have a thinking capacity according to you.

    Do you have trouble getting your head through a door? Smh!

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth4:22 AM

    Let me see if I got this right. I created violent uncivilized monster with my hate. LOL!

    From what I have observed all the hate is coming from you and those on the right. In fact, you are consumed with hate, which is sad. Did you know that hate causes cancer?

    Talk about playing the race card, no one can beat you and those on the right playing the race card. Y'all have that cornered and down pat.

  53. GrannyStandingforTruth4:45 AM

    Throughout history to maintain white supremacy ALL people of color have been labeled savages, rapist, uncivilized, dangerous, brutes, and ALL women of color were portrayed as erotomaniacs and loose women. Those labels have been applied to every single nonwhite person on this planet as a form of control and used as justification for annihilation of people of color.

    First, it was the Native Americans, Blacks, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Hawaiians, Hispanics/Latinos, Iranians, Arabs, Eastern Indians, etc., and what do all those people have in common? They are all people of color and all have been discriminated against and had to deal with racism and STEREOTYPES.

    I'm signing off, but I really feel sorry for you. Really I do. I'm praying for you though. That's all I can do for you.

  54. All I know is that I just saw a picture of Charlie Manson at 70 plus years old. And , well, he was white.

  55. Who are the savages again?,r:4,s:0,i:105&tx=82&ty=60

  56. Granny and Mac, why do you even bother with these clowns? :)

    They are who they are:Not very smart;not exposed to much; and their entire lives are centered around trolling on blogs where they hope to get a rise out of others.(Operative word being rise)

    Just ignore them. They are losing their country. It hurts.

  57. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Throughout history to maintain white supremacy ALL people of color have been labeled savages, rapist, uncivilized, dangerous, brutes, and ALL women of color were portrayed as erotomaniacs and loose women. Those labels have been applied to every single nonwhite person on this planet as a form of control and used as justification for annihilation of people of color.

    Minorities kill more whites in this country than whites kill minorities. Been that way since the 1970's.

    Minorities rape more white women than whites rape minority women. Been that way since the 1970's.

    Minorities commit more crimes against whites than whites against minorities.

    The places that have the higher crime rates inthis country have high % of minorities.

    The hiv/std rates for minority women is extreme.


    Mack Lyons said...
    BTW, we could use a mass drive to get more black Americans legally registered to own and use firearms in this country. I'm sure the NRA would be pleased as punch to see more colored folk exercising their Second Amendment rights

    Considering the NRA was founded on giving blacks their Second Amendment rights, i'm sure they would be happy.

  58. Anonymous8:19 AM

    field negro said...
    All I know is that I just saw a picture of Charlie Manson at 70 plus years old. And , well, he was white

    Who did Charlie Manson? Al Sharpton has a higher body count.

  59. Anonymous8:20 AM


  60. Charlie Killed some white folks.

    A white man...what is this obsession with white women being raped by BM? Hmmmm. Methinks we need to call your therapist.

  61. Anonymous8:43 AM

    field negro said...
    All I know is that I just saw a picture of Charlie Manson at 70 plus years old. And , well, he was white.

    Manson, another flower child who has the same ideals as saul alinsky, Obummer. He gets people to do crazy things and think crazy thoughts.

  62. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Lol. Howard Morgan, damn he is just so innocent that the good rebrun Jackson pulled his support for Howard and instead sent a letter to the judge asking for leniency. Second city cop has much more on this, but suspect you're blind to the truth FN.

  63. Anonymous9:14 AM

    How is Charles Manson a killer when he never killed anyone?

    Charles Milles Manson (born November 12, 1934) is an American criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in California in the late 1960s.[1][2]:163–4, 313[3] He was found guilty of conspiracy to commit the Tate/LaBianca murders carried out by members of the group at his instruction. He was convicted of the murders through the joint-responsibility rule, which makes each member of a conspiracy guilty of crimes his fellow conspirators commit in furtherance of the conspiracy's object.[4][5]

    I do think the media/law enforcement covered up the fact that Charly was a drug deal to the stars.


  65. where is that old coon steve?

    happy easter "bruh"

  66. kkkosher kkk/moby dickless:

    pookies rule the world

    and many are psycho misogynists

    why so mum???

  67. Elmer Fudd9:45 AM

    Ah, it was only a matter of time before AB, our very own, big, fat Easter Jungle Bunny hopped in to spout her idiocy.

  68. NSangoma10:02 AM

    37-rounds, 9-month baby shot dead; where is the Indignation, Negroes, where are the Marches
    Delric Miller IV died Monday as he slept on the couch in his home on the 8400 block of Greenview Avenue. Police said someone fired at the house with an AK-47-type assault rifle about 4:30 a.m., leaving behind 37 shells. One of the rounds hit the baby, who was pronounced dead at Sinai-Grace Hospital.


  69. no marches are needed if the shooter is black

    they will be locked up asap


    u march to the nearest jail and see all of the black shooters therein

    why is zimmerman still free and breathing????????

  70. Anonymous1:34 PM

    A white man...what is this obsession with white women being raped by BM? Hmmmm. Methinks we need to call your therapist.

    8:33 AM
    Mr. Field, the obsession with bm having sex with ww began during slavery. It is fear-based, esp by Southern wm. That fear-based obsession is generational and will continue for the life of America.

    It's purpose is two-fold: to frighten ww into staying away from bm; and to dehumanize bm as savages.

    This is the reality of racism in America. It WILL NOT change, Mr. Field. It is in the American psyche and it is deep in our hearts. Unless there is some spiritual solution with the power to change hearts, going to a therapist is basically a waste of time.

    Mr. Field, if you think about it, even the therapists are in bed with the racists by being silent themselves about an obvious age-old persistent problem.

    One would think that America would be over-flowing with therapists specializing in racial therapy, esp for racists-which is basically every American. But there are very few, if any.

  71. Anonymous said...
    Mr. Field, the obsession with bm having sex with ww began during slavery. It is fear-based, esp by Southern wm. That fear-based obsession is generational and will continue for the life of America.

    There is definitely some psychological basis to what you have said, however any irrational fears from the past are swamped by rational responses to the facts of the present.

    When it comes to interacial rape, black men rape white women at THOUSANDS of times the rate of white men raping black women.

    The FBI and DOJ keep these statistics. After 2005, they apparently became too inflammatory to publish anymore. By then, the interracial rape score had grown to 37,460 to 0, in favor of black men.

    37,460 to 0.

    Over 100 white women a day raped by black men, every day, compared to no black women raped by white men.

    Those are facts:

    Yep, 37,460 to 0.

    While you are perusing the DOJ document, you might also notice the huge black advantage across all violent crimes, including interracial murder.

    It's not racist if it's real.

  72. Elmer Fudd2:17 PM

    Oh, they know it's true, Department of Justice. They're just in denial, and pretend they didn't hear you. They demand links for everything under the sun, but when you send them links to the DOJ which PROVES what you're saying is true, they try to change the subject. They have no scruples.

  73. The Trayvon Martin case is an opportunity to remind people of the reality of interracial crime in the United States.

    For the purposes of this analysis, I'll use the term "whites" to refer to whites plus Hispanics since they get lumped together in the data. According to FBI data for 2010, 218 blacks were murdered by whites. Blacks murdered 447 whites. But this is comparing apples and oranges since whites are 6.4 times the size of the black population. If we calculate murders per 10 million in the race-specific population (interracial murder is rare), the rate is 8.82 for whites and 114.89 for blacks. So blacks kill whites at a rate 13 times higher than that of whites killing blacks.

    Another way to look at it is multiply the black population by 6.4 to make it as large as whites. If it were as large, 2861 whites would have been murdered compared to the 218 blacks killed by whites.

  74. GrannyStandingforTruth2:41 PM

  75. I read your links Granny.

    "Abagond" obviously does not understand statistics and proceeds to generate false conclusions based on fallacious assumptions.

    The numbers are the numbers, Granny.

    Of course the vast majority of black people are decent, law abiding citizens.

    But the fact is that black on white violence dwarfs white on black violence.

    This is a real problem that doesn't disappear just because you ignore it.

    It also makes it completely rational for whites to want to avoid blacks.

    Isn't the first part of fixing a problem embracing the truth about it?

  76. Mr. Obfuscation3:40 PM

    Granny, I got my biggest laugh from this little gem over at abagond's blog:

    "Misreading #1: The numbers are not about “rape” but “rape and sexual assault (a)”. Sexual assault means any kind of unwanted sexual touching, like groping or kissing. And the “(a)” means “Includes verbal threats of rape and threats of sexual assault”. So it is way more than just rape. Rape is probably just a small part of it."

    Feminists like AB should just LOVE this guy! Talk about grasping for straws!

  77. Anonymous4:13 PM

    alicia banks said...
    mr o/orgasmless

    rape is as real as your low IQ.

    kudos to that blog!

    You know a stereotype attributed to Black Folk is obsession with sex. You seem to fit the stereotype, you always and constantly talk about vagina's and penis and orgasm's. How old are you anyway? Don't you have enough brain power to insult someone without simply saying you dont have a dick in many varied ways? Or just seeing how many meaningless names you can put into a post as if this actually means anything other than...yup stereotype.

  78. "Talk about projection.

    Mack Lyons, the guy who lives in his mom's basement and spends all his allowance on Enzyte."

    "Oh, Macky, no offense but [anon proceeds to make himself look even more foolish than usual]"...

    "BLACKS kill everyone especially other blacks, because they are savages. Now where did I put my robe and hat?"

    Either someone's getting paid to spam the blog with this crap or you've really peed into someone's Wheaties, Field. Either way, it's amazing what these anons can come up with.

    Considering the NRA was founded on giving blacks their Second Amendment rights, i'm sure they would be happy.

    Really, anon? I thought the NRA was founded to help Union troops learn how to shoot better. I wasn't aware the NRA personally handed each Negro a long-gun and a complementary box of ammo.

  79. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Alicia Banks the living/breathing stereotype said...

    "fake assnon/nasty bastid/vdlr/moby dickkkless amnesiac:"

    did you also forget that i am a comm scholar u fool?

    i speak to you fluently in the XXX language YOU speak and comprehend

    and as always
    i speak it better
    as i best u always


    Yes, you certainly are better at speaking some childish XXX language. Better than anyone else here and probably you even understand what you are trying to say or the stereotype you are trying to live up to and the reasons why. Not sure why you are proud you are a communist scholar, whatever that might be. But more power to you if acting prebuscent, angry, dumb and ignorant is what you are after.

    Scholars don't get angry and then say nothing but XXX names. They get wise and share wisdom. I think you have confused scholastic with Scholar.

  80. u have to cheat and erase my posts

    and i still slay u dumb mfs

  81. u cheat and delete and silence and i still slay u....think about that for a moment.

    how awesome do u dumb inept lying nigs prove me to be???

    thanks for that!!!


  82. Wow, you have more white supremacist readers than you do black people!

  83. Zrazys8:52 PM

    Americans of all hues are undisciplined and, hasty in their thinking. The incident in Florida does not affect me and, I see no reason why I can't wait until the trail, or decision. The evidence out now is often conflicting and, people seem to be too willing to take sides on based on their emotions and, predispositions.

    As for guns, sales always go up during Democratic administrations. When the assault weapons ban happened in the 1990's, the shy was falling and, people bought up as much as they could. The NRA and, other groups spoke about the domino effect of gun control laws and, that we needed them because we are the defense against tyranny.
    Since gun control is a Democratic issue and, is always lurking.
    The latest rumors are that the Obama administration is looking into executive decision for some type of gun control.

  84. Field...

    Man I tell you. You need to take a weed eater to these knuckleheads on here LMAO I'm starting to believe the one guy up top... you've mustve pee'd in someone's Wheaties to bring these Fruit Loops out LMAO


    At any rate I still cant rightfully understand why someone who had charges dismissed for discharging a weapon manages to get 40 years for attempted murder (apparently 10 years per officer??) I mean how the hayle... he got an average of 7 bullets per officer dislodged from his body and HE goes to jail for 40 YEARS?!?!? Charles Manson is getting his predicted race war. SMH x 2. Obama became President and the US lost its blankety blank mind.

    Now if you need me to get you some gas for that weed-eater--- these mugs keep GROWING LOL
