Friday, April 06, 2012

This is no way to get the "caterpillar" vote.

Fellows, like most of you, I pretty much "outkicked my coverage" when it comes to the woman I married. So anyway, I am looking at the beautiful Mrs. Field and I am happy to say that she looks nothing like the picture that goes with this post.

Sadly, however, this is what Reince Priebus, the head of the RNC, believes that Mrs. Field and all other A-merry-can women look like.

Read what Vanessa over at Feministing wrote:

"RNC Chairman Reince Priebus had the loveliest thing to say yesterday about the discussions around the GOP’s “war on women” that’s been dominating the political landscape as of late:
“If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media outlet talked about the fact that Republicans have a war on caterpillars, then we’d have problems with caterpillars,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in an interview on Bloomberg Television’s “Political Capital with Al Hunt” airing this weekend. “It’s a fiction.”
I’ll admit I’m kind of loving how these GOP tactics to try to dismiss this conversation as silly and meaningless are just further trivializing the issues that women and other folks with uteri care about, and just keep diggin’ themselves deeper and deeper into this hole of voter abandonment." [Source]

Well Mr. Priebus, eventually caterpillars become beautiful butterflies. But unfortunately for you and your party, they won't be flying your way come November. 

Finally, I hate to agree with Jason Whitlock, but the issue he raised about the Trayvon Martin case has been bothering me as well.

Why is it that during the entire O.J. Simpson circus white folks were saying that he was guilty before we even had a trial? Why did they excoriate and berate the jurors who found him not guilty? In their minds they all thought he was guilty, and they made no bones about it. (BTW, I thought that he was guilty as well. Yes black folks, I hate to break it to you, but O.J. killed his wife and that young man that night.)So why does George Killerman get the benefit of the doubt? Why can't these same people convict Mr. Killerman in the court of public opinion the way they did O.J.? That was a rhetorical question. I know the answer:Trayvon is not a woman, and he is not blond.

"..long before Geraldo Rivera preached to Trayvon Martin’s parents about the evils of hoodies, he sat on CNBC during the mid-1990s and led the media prosecution of O.J. Simpson. Geraldo was so good at it and the American public so enamored by it that smart TV executives quickly launched MSNBC (July 15, 1996) and FOX News (Oct. 7, 1996) to capitalize on the ratings gold Geraldo discovered.

So forgive me for pointing out the obvious: At best, the whining about the left-wing media’s passionate belief that Zimmerman should be arrested and charged with a crime in the death of Martin is embarrassingly hypocritical and delusional. At worst, it reveals an appalling racial bias.

There is significantly more evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime on Feb. 26, 2012 than there ever was that Simpson committed one on June 12, 1994. The Trayvon Martin case isn’t a who-done-it. We don’t have to speculate about motives or opportunity. We know who was carrying the gun and who was carrying the Skittles. We know who a police dispatcher advised to abandon pursuit. We know who was the 28-year-old wannabe cop complaining about “f---ing ‘oons” and who was the 17-year-old boy talking to his girlfriend.
It took five days for the police to arrest and charge O.J. Simpson. Thirty-six days after police listed Martin as John Doe, George Zimmerman is a free man and apparently being elevated to martyrdom in some influential circles."

Correction Jason, it's been 39 days. But who is counting?



  1. GrannyStandingforTruth5:51 PM

    Well, what can I say but...the American Justice system applies to JUST-US.

  2. “Trayvon is not a woman, and he is not blond.” You left out gay. Dharun Ravi was found guilty of bullying his gay roommate Tyler Clementi who committed suicide, Dharun didn't even physically touch Clementi, but he was found guilty. So why is it that there is no justice in this case?

  3. That's right Priebus, dismiss voting women as insignificant bits of fluff instead of trying to appeal to them. Carry on.

  4. Yeah, that was a personal, intimate even, murder, Mrs. OJ's. That knifework was someone with a huge emotional investment in her. That's almost always who murderes women too; their own men; it's the ultimate end of an ongoing 10 year argument.

  5. Anonymous6:54 PM

    FN all you have is hate. Feel sorry for someone to be all consumed by irrational hatred.

  6. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Why was OJ viewed as guilt and not Zimmerman? Evidence. A marathon chase on the highway after he killed them.

    Yet you keep repeating lies that have been grossly disproven as if they were fact and then wonder why people are certain Zimmerman was just defending himself.

    "There is significantly more evidence that Zimmerman committed a crime on Feb. 26, 2012 than there ever was that Simpson committed one on June 12, 1994. The Trayvon Martin case isn’t a who-done-it. We don’t have to speculate about motives or opportunity. We know who was carrying the gun and who was carrying the Skittles.

    Carrying a gun and using it is not a crime. If you are attacked self defense is legal in all of this grand land. Straw statement.

    We know who a police dispatcher advised to abandon pursuit.

    He did. He said OK and stopped by his vehicle. Trayvon doubled back.

    We know who was the 28-year-old wannabe cop complaining about “f---ing ‘oons” and who was the 17-year-old boy talking to his girlfriend.

    This has also been disproven he did not say coon. He said cold and the girlfriend said TWO WEEKS LATER after discussing with the lawyer she heard shuffling. She did, she heard Trayvon punching Zimmerman. Where is the tape of this call? Did it really happen?

    It took five days for the police to arrest and charge O.J. Simpson.

    Of course, he was guilty as sin and had them chase him for hours to get him.

    Thirty-six days after police listed Martin as John Doe, George Zimmerman is a free man and apparently being elevated to martyrdom in some influential circles."

    Because he is innocent and racists want to make him White - is this crazy or what? And make him a racist even though everything in his life proves otherwise and make it so self defense is illegal unless the criminal attacking you also has a gun. More crazyness.

    Correction Jason, it's been 39 days. But who is counting?

    Just when did this "travesty" come to the light of the MSM media and start becoming a movement? Hmmmmmmmm????

  7. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, per your statement that you thought OJ was guilty, WHY do you think Blacks cheered when the jury found him innocent?

    For centuries Blacks have been victims of injustices perpetrated by Whites. We have yet to be considered fully human and by extension, we are not considered first class citizens.

    In the South, lynchings, shootings, bombings, and drownings of innocent Blacks like Emmett Till and others went unpunished by law enforcement and the justice system. We were, and continue to be, rather powerless against the white injustice system. Nothing much has changed except OJ managed to throw that sorry justice system back in their face.

    Mr. Field, this system of injustice not only belongs to Republicans, it belongs to Democrats as well. So let's get it straight. Whites are Whites and as Einstein said, "Racism is a white man's disease that cannot be cured but hopefully sometime in the future will be somewhat treatable."

    However, NO ONE should expect too much. Like cancer, racism will persist and spread like a cancerous virus even though it is 2012. There is no such thing as post-racial America where injustices and killings of bm has stopped. It will continue.

  8. I don't like agreeing with Whitlock either but the sports guy hit this one out the park. The pot is forever calling the kettle black. What's good for the goose is rarely good for the gander. It truly speaks to the bias duality certain groups face in America and the world. And the GOP on women's issue is a joke that I hooe bites them in the butt this November and beyond!

  9. I was wondering why the second shift over at Anon, Inc. wasn't working this story over like a spare rib, but you had comment moderation on. *Kanye shrugs*

  10. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Nice to know that, to Reince and his ilk, I am a caterpillar. It removes any idea of physical attractiveness, agency, or personhood from me....but allows him to pretend to an assumed superiority.

    I would disagree that OJ is guilty.

    Take away the media spin...and it seems like two males posing and posturing...with a firearm added to the equation. Instead of a shoving match and scuffle...we have a death.


  11. Johnny Cochran9:54 PM

    It's simple, field. Zimmerman waited until the po po arrived, and turned himself in. OJ rode around in the white bronco for hours, making a spectacle of himself, threatening to kill himself.

    Zimmerman is not even going to be indicted. As a lawyer, you should have grokked this by now.

    BTW...where did you get your Law Degree?

  12. NSangoma10:17 PM

    You sir, are the victim of Attorney Benjamin Crump's HYPE - MAN, Reverend Al Sharpton, and you and several others of these Negroes, do not want to admit it.

    How Lawyer Got Nation Talking About Trayvon Martin

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    The day OJ beat the white corrupt system of injustice was the day victimized Blacks cheered--not for OJ--but for the many injustices of past and present to Blacks. In a perverse way, symbolized victory over a corrupt system for a bm. But to me, it didn't have to be OJ, it could have been ANY bm. Who that person was, was irrelevant.

    Now we have this thing in Sanford, FL...except it's a wm who has killed a 17 year old black kid and he is still walking free.

    IMO, he will never be convicted. Afterall, his father is, or was, a judge.

  14. An Admirer10:44 PM

    field, I just Googled this about you, and read it.Impressive. It might be a bit old, but it gives me an entirely new prespective & respect for you.

    I fear, however, you have become more jaded in the years since.

    Best Regard,


  15. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I can't believe Field is monitoring comments on Good Friday. Everything should be good to go today.

    BTW, does anybody know if Desert ever finished baking that bible and what she is planning to do with it?

  16. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Dear Desertflower, I just visited your blog and saw the Bible! Wow, you are really good. Those cookies and that birthday cake looked good too. My mouth is watering.

    You know, I've been thinking. We should go into business together. With my supervising skills and your talent I think we would make a great team. Trust me, we are going to be rich!

    Love, your future husband,

    PS. Would you like to meet Romney? I have contacts.

  17. Wesley R11:17 PM


    The Foxnews crowd was late to The Martin Case and once they started 'reporting' on it first it was all about attacking Jackson, and Sharpton, then it was about defending Zimmerman.

  18. Marcus Allen11:38 PM

    "Why is it that during the entire O.J. Simpson circus white folks were saying that he was guilty before we even had a trial?"

    Because he obviously was, you dumb ass.

  19. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Mold said...
    "Nice to know that, to Reince and his ilk, I am a caterpillar"

    You wish you were a caterpillar, you stupid nigger. That's not what he said, but that is apparently beyond your ability to comprehend.

    And god damn but didn't you go and say OJ was not guilty.

    What's wrong with this country is that people as fucking dumb as you can vote.

    Pretty soon, it's back to the fields with the lot of you. Can't come soon enough.

  20. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    I was wondering why the second shift over at Anon, Inc. wasn't working this story over like a spare rib, but you had comment moderation on. *Kanye shrugs*

    And *P diddy piddles* and Lil Wayne *is ugly*

  21. Anonymous12:14 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Well, what can I say but...the American Justice system applies to JUST-US.

    Eric Holder said the exact same thing recently. Looking out for my peeps, yo.

  22. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Field, are you having technical problems with your blog?

  23. Elmer Fudd1:37 AM

    Who are you referring,to, NSssangoma?

    Zimmerman is NOT going to be indicted, much less "tried" for his "crime".

    I'm sure everyone is boarding up their doors, so as not to lose their plasma TV's. Might be some more photo shopped innocents get capped when the law comes down in Florida.

  24. NSangoma2:14 AM


    Negroes themselves avoid concentrations of other Negroes.

    John Derbyshire is pretty much on time until he gets to number 11.
    (10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.
    (10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.
    (10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some
    date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that
    date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).
    (10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.
    (10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.
    (10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.
    (10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white.
    (10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.
    (10i) If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.
    (11) The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites.
    The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty
    percent of blacks have IQs that low. Only one black in six is
    more intelligent than the average white; five whites out of six are more
    intelligent than the average black. These differences show in
    every test of general cognitive ability that anyone, of any race or
    nationality, has yet been able to devise. They are reflected in
    countless everyday situations. “Life is an IQ test.”

    What's that Flave?

    Don't believe the hype !!


  25. NSangoma7:21 AM

    we must all remember that what is right and what is legal don’t always dovetail

    Methinks that Blow now has a better understanding of Florida law than he did several opinions ago.


  26. NSangoma7:59 AM

    True DAT !! George Zimmerman is the problem:


  27. "Why is it that during the entire O.J. Simpson circus white folks were saying that he was guilty before we even had a trial?"

    Because he obviously was, you dumb ass."

    I rest my case.

    NSangoma, your passion in this Killerman case is admirable, but I am afraid it's a bit misguided. Mr. Killerman should be tried, and if he is found innocent so be it.

  28. Sorry for the comment moderation folks. But some people....*shaking head*

  29. Anonymous8:55 AM

    field negro said...
    Sorry for the comment moderation folks. But some people....*shaking head*

    I think it's safe now Field, AB went fishing for lake trout.

  30. BARBBF9:24 AM


    "And god damn but didn't you go and say OJ was not guilty.

    What's wrong with this country is that people as fucking dumb as you can vote."


    Please remove this profanity and personal insult posting. I cannot believe you approved this.

  31. I think I large part of the support of the support for Zimmerman, though unspoken, has to do with that stupid Stand Your Ground law. It's the right wing gun-nut crowd. They say, "Oh, Stand Your Ground has nothing to do with this." But of course it obviously does. It was the law cited b the police regarding their decision not to arrest Zimmerman. And surely, in Zimmerman's mind, it was the law that allowed to to play cops and robbers with a loaded a gun.

    I think even more than race, in this case, is the guns issue.


  32. Worthless George3:01 PM

    Damn,'re starting to sound like a honest-to God criminal lawyer regardless of race.

    My Respects to you.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth4:40 PM

    Field, here's another so-called self-defense shooting. In reality it is a modern version of genocide and self-defense is their justification. Smh!

  34. Anonymous4:47 PM

    But blacks are not savages.

    Crowd Beats, Strips & Robs Tourist On St. Patrick’s Day

  35. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Yes granny, there is a genocide going on in this country. A black on white genocide.

  36. Wesley R said...

    The Foxnews crowd was late to The Martin Case and once they started 'reporting' on it first it was all about attacking Jackson, and Sharpton, then it was about defending Zimmerman.

    field negros are so ill-informed.

    Fox wasn't late. Neither of the two racist you mention, nor defending Zimmerman,was in the first 10 to 15 stories.

    A quick search will prove you wrong.

  37. David Duke5:09 PM

    As much as I'll think about that crappy, pictture, I tend to agree with your premise.

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