Sunday, April 08, 2012

Jacob England, Alvin Watts, and John Derbyshire's world.

You Negroes in Tulsa can relax a little more tonight. Apparently the local po po has apprehended the alleged shooters of Negroes in the Tulsa area. (No, it wasn't Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh.) Apparently it was a couple of losers, and one of them held a grudge against us blacks folks. (No, it wasn't Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh)

Hopefully this incident won't encourage my other NRA loving -Negro hating- friends to pick up their arms.

"Two men were arrested Sunday in a deadly string of shootings that spread fear in Tulsa's black community, and police said they were looking at a possible Facebook posting by one of the suspects that suggested he was angry over the killing of his father by a black man.

Acting on an anonymous tip, police took the suspects into a custody at a home just outside town around 2 a.m. Authorities said they planned to charge them with murder and other offenses in a series of shootings early Friday that left three people dead and two critically wounded, all of them black.

Police identified both suspects as white but said investigators have yet to establish whether the attacks on the city's predominantly black north side were racially motivated, as many in the community feared.

However, police spokesman Jason Willingham said investigators are looking at a Facebook page in which it appears one of the men, 19-year-old Jake England, expressed anger over his father being shot and killed by a black man. Willingham said police were aware of the page but he could not say for certain it was England's....'We don't have a motive at this time. We are still asking questions and hopefully that will become clear in coming days,' Willingham said.
Milan Cherry, Fields' niece, said her aunt didn't have a car and she believed she was walking home when she was shot. She described Fields as uplifting and a source of strength for their family in hard times.

The killer 'was just going around, murdering people for no reason,' she said. "Now we have to bury our aunt because of this fool."'  [Source]

These suspects in Tulsa must have been reading the National Review, lately. They have a writer over there who doesn't think much of you Negroes. But of course this is nothing new for conservatives. The writer's name is John Derbyshire, and this is what Think Progress reported about what he wrote:

"Popular conservative columnist and National Review writer John Derbyshire topped all of his previous racistscreeds (and sexist rants) today by posting a long breakdown of all of the important lessons he has taught his children about race — and he’s outdone his own racism with this one.
Derbyshire wrote the column in the second person, as a list of lessons to his kids about race. The lessons are his response to “the talk” that black parents have with their children — conversations they are forced to have because of real, persistent racism. After spending a few minutes bemoaning that he can’t say a racist slur (“What you must call ‘the ‘N’ word’ is used freely among blacks but is taboo to nonblacks”) and opining on the hostility he believes all black people feel toward white people like himself (though he says he isn’t white before calling himself white several times), he cuts to the heart of his lessons for his children:
(10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally.
(10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.
(10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement park at some date, find out whether it is likely to be swamped with blacks on that date (neglect of that one got me the closest I have ever gotten to death by gunshot).
(10d) Do not attend events likely to draw a lot of blacks.
(10e) If you are at some public event at which the number of blacks suddenly swells, leave as quickly as possible.
(10f) Do not settle in a district or municipality run by black politicians.
(10g) Before voting for a black politician, scrutinize his/her character much more carefully than you would a white.
(10h) Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.
(10i) If accosted by a strange black in the street, smile and say something polite but keep moving.
(11) The mean intelligence of blacks is much lower than for whites. The least intelligent ten percent of whites have IQs below 81; forty percent of blacks have IQs that low. Only one black in six is more intelligent than the average white; five whites out of six are more intelligent than the average black. These differences show in every test of general cognitive ability that anyone, of any race or nationality, has yet been able to devise. They are reflected in countless everyday situations. “Life is an IQ test.”
While they are not included in the quote above, Derbyshire peppers the post with links to news stories of crimes, a few random videos, and his own columns. The only “fact” included in the entire piece (and just a small image, at that) is from the offensive book The Bell Curve. Every other hateful, racist claim is based on a one-off story or his own foregone conclusions." [More] [h/t Mike]

So was it meant to be satirical? Of course not. He calls it social commentary.

Sadly for him, it says more about him and his character than the race of people he despises so much.


  1. England is Indian. Not white. Or will the media pull a Zimmerman and claim England is a "white indian"?

    Derbyshire is right. To bad field negros and whit liberals can't handle the truth.

  2. "England is Indian. Not white. Or will the media pull a Zimmerman and claim England is a "white indian"?"

    Funny how whites attempt to disown one of their own after they're caught red-handed doing racist, evil shit.

    1. Anonymous3:00 AM

      I love racist blacks

  3. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Negrophobia is rampant in America

  4. Mack Lyons said...
    Funny how whites attempt to disown one of their own after they're caught red-handed doing racist, evil shit.

    England identifies himself has indian.

    Sad how ill-informed field negros are.

  5. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Negrophobia is rampant in America

    Seeing reality for what it is, isn't delusional or a phobia. Trying to shut off that reality as if not speaking about it makes it someone else's responsibility or it vanishes is insanity.

    There isn't a single Negro that doesnt immediatley see the truth and validity to what Derby wrote.

    The true name for what is happening is Negro Fatigue.

  6. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Negrophobia is rampant in America

    So is black on white violence.

  7. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Funny thing is that someone who had information on this case spoke up. Snitches = snitches mentality probably would have this case go unsolved.

  8. "Funny how whites attempt to disown one of their own after they're caught red-handed doing racist, evil shit."


    "The true name for what is happening is Negro Fatigue."

    Sorry, I don't think these Negroes are going anywhere. I bet you are sorry you brought them here. That's what being lazy gets you.

    May I suggest Eastern Europe? You will like it there.

  9. Anonymous7:58 PM

    So now we have white hispanics and white indians. Whats next? White negros?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous8:13 PM

    field negro said...
    "Funny how whites attempt to disown one of their own after they're caught red-handed doing racist, evil shit."


    Is this the new Negro theme? Everyone you don't like is White? Indians? Asians? Hispanics? Blacks against the world?

    "The true name for what is happening is Negro Fatigue."

    Sorry, I don't think these Negroes are going anywhere. I bet you are sorry you brought them here. That's what being lazy gets you.

    May I suggest Eastern Europe? You will like it there.

    Sorry, I did not bring anyone here. Nor were you brought here. You came willingly to partake in this great nation and harvest it's fruit. I also am very sorry to hear that you support the violence and depravity that has been widespread for the last few years. Apparantly you do as always, blame the victims within some faux historical context. America is a land of freedom and opportunity for all. Those who wish to break the laws or live off the back of others are not welcome here.

    Funny you call someone who is tired of violence and lawlessness of thug Negroes -lazy. Now that is ironic as hell. Especially when I will not be leaving and going anywhere and I expect you to stand with me against the depravity and not side with skin color. You are a law abiding american aren't you? You will stand with people who are for law and order and against violence won't you?

    Now what will you say about this horrible language and call for bloodshed in the following radio/phone call recently aired? I hope you won't wait until Negroes are slaughtered because they start killing the white cracka pigs like they are saying. I hope you aren't one of the ones looking to "boot up and suit up" and swim in a sea of blood.

    Most of all I hope you aren't one of the people who promotes this barbarism and does not denounce the same words and actions that would be reprehensible if someone non black said them, I hope you aren't one of those agitators who foolishly eggs the dimwitted ones on, all the while thinking he will not get splattered when the shit hits the fan.

  12. Who let trash like Derbyshire into my country in the first place??

    You see this is why I favor a more restrictive immigration policy. You let too many Anglo-Saxons in and you get the breakdown of social cohesion

  13. Anonymous8:41 PM

    It's so entertaining to hear how Zimmerman ain't white.
    Hate to break it to those of you in Cracker Nation, but Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, etc., are all White Hispanics.

    Don't take my word for it, ask the Census Bureau. Sorry to confuse your already seriously confused little brains.

    Oh, and by the way, the Iranians are Persian, which, ahem, makes them Aryan.
    Yes, you heard that right: ARYAN.
    So are the Indians. (You know which Indians I mean).
    Doesn't that make them the Master Race or something? (Cue the sound of heads exploding).

    1. Anonymous3:03 AM

      Honestly who gives a shit.

  14. maybe the writer of this blog should consider this, obama our president didn't stay in the hood, he moved out of the black community, and his wife didn't go to a negro funded college, she went to one of the best white colleges of her time...

    Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, moved out of the black neighborhoods too...and Jackson said when he is being followed at night, he is relieved to look behind him and see white people...

    face it black crime is real, and black on black crime is even greater...

  15. Whitney the crackhead9:08 PM

    The New York Post :

    Whitney Houston’s body was ravaged by scars, cuts and burns when she died, autopsy details showed.

    Years of drug and alcohol abuse had left the “Bodyguard” star with a damaged heart and liver, a hole in her nose and 11 front teeth missing.

    She also had a needle mark on one arm and was high on a cocktail of nine drugs when she died in a hotel bath in Los Angeles on Feb. 11, 2012.

    Evidence from police and medical teams showed swaths of skin was burned from Houston’s back after she got into the scalding water. It also resulted in “skin slippage” on her legs.

    Sources said the temperature could have been as high as 150F when she got into the tub.

    Six hours after her death, the water was still 91F and medical sources said she may have been so high she did not notice how hot her bath was.

    Traces of cocaine, cannabis, anxiety pill Xanax, muscle relaxant Flexeril, allergy medicine Benadryl and painkiller Ibuprofen were found in her body.

    The 48-year-old was also scarred by decades of cosmetic surgery, alcohol-fueled fights and falls.

  16. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It's so entertaining to hear how Zimmerman ain't white.
    Hate to break it to those of you in Cracker Nation, but Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, etc., are all White Hispanics.

    Don't take my word for it, ask the Census Bureau. Sorry to confuse your already seriously confused little brains.

    Oh, and by the way, the Iranians are Persian, which, ahem, makes them Aryan.
    Yes, you heard that right: ARYAN.
    So are the Indians. (You know which Indians I mean).
    Doesn't that make them the Master Race or something? (Cue the sound of heads exploding).

    You sound like you have studied up on your hitler. Knee Grow Culture/Islam all the same, backwards, violent, savage and better suited for the 7th century. Designing, building, creating and contributing absolutely nothing to society except bedlam.

  17. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Frm the previous thread:

    Field said, "Anyway, there are a lot of blaCK folks happliy living their lives who don't care if white folks like them or not. They just want to be treated equally under the law. That's all."

    That's all? Are you nuts? Why would Whites, who are in power, treat other groups equally when they don't like them? Field, it is not humanly possible in America or anywhere else.

    Did you know that even in India today they do not even treat those at the bottom of the caste system equally even though there is a law against it?

    In Africa, there is genocide. No where on earth is there "equal" treatment. Again, it is not humanly possible because we are all emotionally and spiritually sick. Welcome to earth, Mr. Field.

  18. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Field, I could be wrong, but I believe John Derbyshire has been fired from his job.

  19. Anonymous9:56 PM

    As a black woman, i have to agree with anonymous. We are a sick people.

    We has a people, need to heal our souls. Pray to God so he will remove the curse that dims our spirit.

    We has a people need to apologize to whites for the evil that we have brought upon them. Only when we has a people do this, we will also be allowed to call our selves white. Than all our problems will end and we will be saved.

  20. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Hey Field, what does your tennis playing friends have to say about all of this?

    BTW, what ever happened to Jody? I miss her. did she turn Conservative because of Granny?

  21. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey Field, what does your tennis playing friends have to say about all of this?

    That they like fuzzy balls?

  22. Field,you're gonna be missing assnon comments over the next few days, the skin head klansmen are on their way to Stanford, Fl.

  23. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Dr. Reine, have you heard of the internet and texting? Probably not. You are still trying to get into college and become a doctor.

    Does anyone thing Reine will ever be a doctor? Please, Dr. Reine needs your feedback.

  24. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Well, judging from the comments here, we NOW know the answer to Rodney King's question:

    "Can't we all get along?"

  25. Anonymous10:49 PM

    this is why in the next election we need to choose a President who help us get along. Obama is too much of a racial lightning rod, which renders him ineffective when it comes to reducing racial tension.

    ANY comment he says regarding race will be considered as racist...period. Remember the Gates incident? Now the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case?

  26. "Does anyone thing Reine will ever be a doctor? "

    I sure as hell hope NO ONE here "thing" I will EVER be a Doctor.

    DUMB ASS!!!

    BTW, how long did it take you to figure out what Reine means, STUPID?

  27. "Funny how whites attempt to disown one of their own after they're caught red-handed doing racist, evil shit."

    Jake England never claimed to be "one of our own". He claimed to be "Indian heritage" on Facebook, and he was apparently mostly Cherokee.

    By the way, I do hope you're not slandering Zimmerman (half "one of our own"). He didn't do anything racist or evil in his life. That's by the way, of course.

    Back on topic, Alvin Watts IS one of our own. The link I dropped above was to the Council of Conservative Citizens, a "pro-white" org, and they're pretending Watts doesn't exist. So there you have a point. You have an extreme outlier, but it is nonetheless a point. I for one think Watts is a disgrace and that the CCC has stepped deep in it, but hey... I don't have much clout in the white nationalist movement, since I am not a WN myself. (I'm more pro Cape Coloured, pro apartheid, pro Tutsi and pro Zionism.)

    What's interesting here isn't the anti-white crap you (Mack Lyons) are peddling - neither Watts nor England can be said to be working for White Privilege - but the actual motivation of the crime: anti-black sentiment, shared between races.

    Now THAT would be a post worthy of this fine site. . .

  28. Anonymous11:20 PM

    BTW, how long did it take you to figure out what Reine means, STUPID?

    Oh, it took seconds. As soon as I saw your name, I knew right away Reine also means stupid.

  29. I need to make clear, reading the above, that I do not condone what Watts and England (allegedly) did. If they did it (it's looking likely - but, due process, etc), then they both deserve execution.

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth11:41 PM

    Now see, when I told y'all back in 2008, when people were loosing their jobs left and right, that going into the mental health profession would be good career to choose, no one paid attention. LOL!

    It's still not too late.

    Hey Dr. Reine:
    Good to see you and Happy Easter to you and your loved ones. I hope that you had a blessed and joyous celebration.

    Happy Easter to all you posters!

  31. Anonymous11:43 PM

    Does anyone know why Granny is afraid to speak? Is this too scary for her?

    We already know Desert runs for the hills on matters like this. Is there no justice in PR?

  32. Anonymous11:45 PM

    "We already know Desert runs for the hills on matters like this. Is there no justice in PR?"

    Of course there is justice in PR but for whom?

  33. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Oh boy. You anons are asking hard questions that only Granny can answer. She knows everything!

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth11:54 PM

    I betcha, these racist folks hate that they fudged on the number of whites in this country trying to make it seem like they were the majority. I kept telling y'all that I did not believe in those fake statistics. I betcha before it's over with a whole lot of folks they were claiming as white will be disowned because now they want to get technical,so it does not sully their whiteness. LOL! Then again, it might make them change the census and put down a person's true racial identity. Yep, what's in the dark will surely come to the light. That race identity thingee is not working out too good these days. I guess the chickens is coming home to roost! Can I get an Amen! LOL!

  35. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "We already know Desert runs for the hills on matters like this. Is there no justice in PR?"

    Of course there is justice in PR but for whom?
    More like Desert runs for the islands;)

    Yes there is justice in PR but for whom?

    Much like anyplace else, for the elite, the ruling class, whom are all of white Spaniard or Corsican heritage here. Of course having a good lawyer also helps :)))

  36. GrannyStandingforTruth12:16 AM

    Hey DesertFlower, Happy Easter!

  37. Anonymous12:28 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I betcha, these racist folks hate that they fudged on the number of whites in this country trying to make it seem like they were the majority. I kept telling y'all that I did not believe in those fake statistics. I betcha before it's over with a whole lot of folks they were claiming as white will be disowned because now they want to get technical,so it does not sully their whiteness. LOL! Then again, it might make them change the census and put down a person's true racial identity. Yep, what's in the dark will surely come to the light. That race identity thingee is not working out too good these days. I guess the chickens is coming home to roost! Can I get an Amen! LOL!

    What in the world are you talking about? Surely your racism hasn't made you that simple that you think minorities are the majority in the U.S because of what you see and the census is some kind of alien plot to trick "black folk"?

    You want to explain that trainwreck of a thought and what is making you gloat and shout like a baptist preacher? Any American Indian, Latino etc can still see the white of your sneakers in the dark.

    Hey what happened to Rev Al your boy? He was supposed to have a occupy something or other in Sanford this weekend. He didn't show up or tell anyone. Maybe cause the truth broke out, not enough money in it for him with a losing cause and him being the mack daddy pimp race hustler leading the industrial racism charge.

  38. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I don't have satellite TV and the local channel doesn't provide much outside news if any from the states. So the only source I have is what I read on the internet.

    Quite frankly what I've been reading at different sites today has me very concerned.

    I honestly didn't think it would get to this point that it has.

    Scary to think that neighbor is armed against neighbor and such hatred exists in America between the different peoples.

    Makes me feel like crying...Just everybody please be very careful...

    Love and hugs...

  39. Anonymous12:34 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Hey DesertFlower, Happy Easter!
    Hey Granny! Happy Easter to you too!

    I'm really getting scared though:(

    I'm worried about all that's going down over there...Please take care and be well...

  40. GrannyStandingforTrut1:10 AM

    Desert, that's very thoughtful of you, but no need to worry, I'm cool. I am not thinking about those haters.

    Those cakes you made were spectacular. You got skills!


  42. StillaPanther21:13 AM

    Sister Granny...2008 seems soo long ago. A lot has gone under the bridge. Echo your sentiments in regards to mental health. My spouse has spent the last 30 years in mental health field. My last years was also spent in mental health. Business is booming...sadly. Now, a large percentage of disability claims have mh issues. Very few nurses want to work in the field.....too dangerous and the amount of ill will toward others....staff included .. Is high. Enjoy readings from the "old timers".

  43. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Is this dat one who say she a Dukter?

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth1:41 AM


    I knew it would. Although, it's dangerous, it's going to be a very prosperous field.

  45. Derbeshire got canned for his vocal racism; it was finally too much even for National Review. Next stop American Renaissance no doubt. His writing's belonged there since at least 2003 when he copped to, and endorsed being, a proud racist and homophobe.

    He'll be missed like an affliction.

  46. Yes, the Natl Review canned their outspoken writer. (Shhhh, better to keep these thoughts among ourselves)

    Sorry Anon @ 8:13PM, I saw the Breitbart link and didn't even bother to read what you wrote. :(

  47. Hey Granny, my Easter was great, I hope yours was too!

    "White" Native Americans and Hispanics? Not when they're trying to go Ivy League for college, they pull out the accents and pow-wow dances with a quickness under those circumstances!!

  48. NSangoma7:46 AM

    The reason they hyped you Negroes up:
    Plus, lawyers say, Exhibit A would be a newsletter sent by the association to residents in February, the same month as the shooting. It said Zimmerman was the go-to person for residents who had been the victims of a crime.
    Under the heading “Neighborhood Watch,” the newsletter’s message recommended that residents first call police and then “please contact our Captain, George Zimmerman ... so he can be aware and help address the issue with other residents.”
    That seeming endorsement of Zimmerman exposes the 7-year-old association to possible legal action by Martin’s parents, homeowners association attorneys said.


    Don't believe the HYPE !!


  49. As far as Derb people should read the entire thing:

  50. Kingnut10:05 AM

    Angel said...
    maybe the writer of this blog should consider this, obama our president didn't stay in the hood, he moved out of the black community, and his wife didn't go to a negro funded college, she went to one of the best white colleges of her time...

    Obama never lived in any "hood"; he was raised by his white mother's family. He never knew the Kenyan father who abandoned him, and the African side of his family had zero relationshiip with American blacks. Obama only became 'black' when it suited his professional and political career.

    And his wife was an affirmative action admittance to Princeton. The humiliating experience of being surrouned by smart people who deserved to be there scarred her deeply, and has left her the bitter, resentful, hateful woman she is today.

  51. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "White" Native Americans and Hispanics? Not when they're trying to go Ivy League for college, they pull out the accents and pow-wow dances with a quickness under those circumstances!!

    You are so right, DR.

    How can blacks push the "brown black solidarity" meme when most brown people think themselves white?

  52. Anonymous10:15 AM

    With Hispanics,Asians, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Guatemalans, and Salvadorans being White, does this explain why they embrace White style racism?

  53. Kingnut10:18 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I betcha, these racist folks hate that they fudged on the number of whites in this country trying to make it seem like they were the majority

    The white majority in this country is a "hoax" perpetrated by the Obama-administered census?

    Do you know what the definition of "minority" is?

    How much of your world view is based on such gross distortions of reality?

  54. StillaKleagle10:22 AM

    StillaPanther2 said...
    "My spouse has spent the last 30 years in mental health field. My last years was also spent in mental health."

    That is readily apparent from your posts. How fortunate for you.

  55. Cracker Jack10:30 AM

    I'll bet all the white liberals denouncing Derbyshire follow his advice when it comes to hanging out with black people.

    If they think what he says is "racist", they should walk the walk and go clubbing in the hood next Saturday Night, maybe make plans for the Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival this July.

    It's not Racist if its Real.

  56. Derbyshire is 100% correct. The problem is he said it outloud. Anything that goes against the liberal fairy tale has to be shut down.

    Why are black people so violent?

    Why have black mobs been attacking whites of the last 4 years?

    Why are blacks so full of hate?

  57. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Black people hate white people.

    Whenever a white person finds himself alone in a black area, it is very likely he will be attacked.

    This is a fact.

  58. Anonymous12:00 PM

    It really would have been cool if everyone had stayed in their countries of origination. Everyone's losing their ever-loving minds living in close proximity called "America". We hate each other, while calling this "the greatest country" in the world. Please!!!!!! We're INSANE.

  59. Best Buy Manager12:11 PM


    "State Attorney Angela Corey, appointed as a special prosecutor in the February shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, has decided against sending the case to a grand jury, her office said Monday.
    "The decision should not be considered a factor in the final determination of the case," Corey's office said in a statement.
    "At this time, the investigation continues and there will be no further comment from this office," the statement said."

    Get ready for the riots.
    There go all my plasma TV's.

  60. Cracker Jack12:33 PM

    PilotX said...
    "they just make up shit on the internet about blah people attacking whites when in reality it is as rare as a blah person at the GOP convention"

    Are you really that stupid, or just here to spread stupidity among blah people?

    Michael Moore hasn't been right about anything in his life, except how to take money from idiots. I don't know any white people who are 160 years old, so my karma is not a problem.

    What's going to be a bitch is the karma bill for the last 50 years, you know, for shit that's actually happened during our lifetimes.

    Negro fatigue is setting in, all over.

    Time is running out NegroPilotX.

  61. Paul Kersey12:40 PM

    Today, I was in a very public - and racially mixed - place and CNN was on all of the televisions. Lo and behold, the boring stories showcased on CNN quickly shifted to National Review firing John Derbyshire. Every eye quickly turned to the various televisions broadcasting this story of an individual daring to say something negative about Black America.

    I just started laughing hysterically. Really, I didn't stop laughing for a good 10 minutes.

    Black people gave me stares of death, and all I could do was laugh.

  62. Anonymous12:41 PM

    derby was right about negroes and i teach my children the same things he teaches his because i want to keep them alive.all of my kids can shoot and have a license to carry so that they can protect them selves from any bad guys,not just negroes.if these two did kill those people it is because they flipped out over negro crime.if you negroes retaliate against white people it will just lead to a viscious cycle of violence which you can not win.keep stiring the pot nf you my get your wish.

  63. Anonymous1:37 PM

    PilotX said...
    Funny thing is these white paranoid folks don't even know any blah folks so like Derby they are just using stupid stereotypes to influence their lives. Sad.

    Another symptom of Negro Fatigue is Negroes constantly excusing real world events with stereotypes. A stereotype is something a very few people of any given category do that is attributed to the whole. For Negroes on the other hand, you will be hard pressed to find any large gathering of Negroes that doesn't include; Loudness, crudity, violence, fighting, constant bickering, lack of respect for every other person, violence, downright contempt for civilized society and rules, violence, violence, violence and violence.

    Only when Negro's are involved could something that usually brings out maturity and civilized behaviour need to be cancelled. Something like a nice easter egg hunt for children.

    An annual Easter egg hunt in central Georgia has been canceled after organizers say parents became violent while trying to collect eggs for themselves and their children in past years.

    This will be the first time in years that the Easter Bunny won’t be visiting children during the annual egg hunt at Central City Park in Macon, traditionally one of the largest Easter events in central Georgia.

    Macon County Georgia 62% Black.

  64. Now your trolls are laughing maniacally in public. Field, do the right thing and offer them help. It's only right.

  65. Wow, I guess white folks bringing their kids to lynchings, castrations and burnings was just the height of civilization. Funny the things that offend them nowadays. At least they're making some progress even though their rhetoric is the same. "Where was Dr. King when X white person was attacked by a blah"?
    That's why they're so upset about Zimmerman, they want to go back to the time when they could kill a blah with no repercussions and we ain't having it. No wonder they want to hype the blah people attacking white people fairy tale. Sick but not surprising.

  66. GrannyStandingforTruth2:14 PM


    What people seem to overlook is that Trayvon had a bag of skittles and can of Arizona Ice Tea in one hand and in the other hand he had his cell phone because he was talking to his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him. How in the hell do you knock someone down with both hands full. What happened is Zimmerman knocked him down and then twisted and fabricated his story to make look like it was the other way around. I wouldn't put it past him inflicting his own wounds, but due to sloppy police work, you said they want to go back to the days when they could kill blah people with no repercussions.

    Blood thirsty gun toting vampires!

  67. Anonymous2:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, I guess white folks bringing their kids to lynchings, castrations and burnings was just the height of civilization. Funny the things that offend them nowadays. At least they're making some progress even though their rhetoric is the same. "Where was Dr. King when X white person was attacked by a blah"?
    That's why they're so upset about Zimmerman, they want to go back to the time when they could kill a blah with no repercussions and we ain't having it. No wonder they want to hype the blah people attacking white people fairy tale. Sick but not surprising.

    Yes,those KKK democrats always have been and still are a sick bunch. Now try and think for a moment. Those things happening excuse someone else's actions today precisely HOW????

    In fact by saying this, you are literally putting forth the argument that todays Black Debauchary - no decades of Blacks being Blacks is justified by something someones ancestors may or may not have done.

    So then the recent case of the American Indian shooting Blacks in his mind for retribution for Blacks killing his father must be ok.

    Reality isn't a fairy tale.

    From the DOJ:
    Between 1976-2005, blacks made up 13% of the US population, but committed 59% of felony murders. Overall, blacks are 9 times more likely to commit murder than whites. In reality the majority of felony murders are committed by black males 12-36 - this represents less than 4% of the US population yet is 59% of murders. We won't get into other crimes where Blacks rule the roost in each and every category.

    So, why is this? How is this a fairy tale?

  68. Anonymous2:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, I guess white folks bringing their kids to lynchings, castrations and burnings was just the height of civilization. Funny the things that offend them nowadays. At least they're making some progress even though their rhetoric is the same. "Where was Dr. King when X white person was attacked by a blah"?
    That's why they're so upset about Zimmerman, they want to go back to the time when they could kill a blah with no repercussions and we ain't having it. No wonder they want to hype the blah people attacking white people fairy tale. Sick but not surprising.

    Yes,those KKK democrats always have been and still are a sick bunch. Now try and think for a moment. Those things happening excuse someone else's actions today precisely HOW????

    In fact by saying this, you are literally putting forth the argument that todays Black Debauchary - no decades of Blacks being Blacks is justified by something someones ancestors may or may not have done.

    So then the recent case of the American Indian shooting Blacks in his mind for retribution for Blacks killing his father must be ok.

    Reality isn't a fairy tale.

    From the DOJ:
    Between 1976-2005, blacks made up 13% of the US population, but committed 59% of felony murders. Overall, blacks are 9 times more likely to commit murder than whites. In reality the majority of felony murders are committed by black males 12-36 - this represents less than 4% of the US population yet is 59% of murders. We won't get into other crimes where Blacks rule the roost in each and every category.

    So, why is this? How is this a fairy tale?

  69. Anonymous2:38 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    What people seem to overlook is that Trayvon had a bag of skittles and can of Arizona Ice Tea in one hand and in the other hand he had his cell phone because he was talking to his girlfriend when Zimmerman approached him.

    Actually when Trayvon doubled back to confront Zimmerman for the second time he had his head in both of his hands after he knocked him down by breaking his nose and was smashing it against the concrete.

    How in the hell do you knock someone down with both hands full.

    You must have a real hard time going shopping and opening your car and front doors at the same time. Allow someone to help you - pockets. No one ever found tea and skittles, that story was made up by the lawyer and contradicted in four different versions. Trayvon never went to the store as tapes proved, he never intended to, he was out in the rain casing houses and looking for something to steal.

    What happened is Zimmerman knocked him down and then twisted and fabricated his story to make look like it was the other way around.

    Not what all the witnesses saw and all other evidence points to. You would have to be racist to deny all the evidence.

    I wouldn't put it past him inflicting his own wounds,

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, and space aliens abducted you because they admire black women and OJ was innocent. So tell me genius, are you saying Zimmerman waited for the witnesses to walk by, pulled Trayvon fighting and struggling on top of him and smacked his own head into the concrete while screaming help to fool you, because the hispanic man who helped, lived, worked and was a community activist for blacks actually hates blacks?

    but due to sloppy police work, you said they want to go back to the days when they could kill blah people with no repercussions.

    Are you related to OJ or is this just a black meme? Police work was precise and carried out consistantly. No one wants to kill blacks. We want blacks to stop killing and will defend ourselves if necessary. YOU want blacks to be excused for being angry and violent and not subject to death if they attack and try and kill someone. Sorry, this is not an acceptable affirmative action stance.

    Blood thirsty gun toting vampires!

    Hey we agree. 59% of murders agree with you, Blacks are illegal criminal society hating bloodthirsty gun toting blood sucking leeches.

  70. Anonymous2:40 PM

    GrannyStandingforTrut said...

    "Those cakes you made were spectacular. You got skills!"
    You're too kind! Thank you!

  71. Anonymous2:46 PM

    PilotX said...
    Wow, I guess white folks bringing their kids to lynchings, castrations and burnings was just the height of civilization. Funny the things that offend them nowadays. At least they're making some progress even though their rhetoric is the same. "Where was Dr. King when X white person was attacked by a blah"?

    Really? Someone not in a mental institution said this? Said where is Dr King when x white person was attacked? Link please, does not sound plausible as even blacks in denial know that Dr King is dead.

    Perhaps you are thinking of some other of your "stereotypical" leaders like Sharpton or Jackson and they are calling you a hypocrite.

  72. Eric Holder3:09 PM

    Voter ID? We don' need no stinkin' Voter ID!

  73. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Eric, you forgot your link:

  74. This Is Gonna Get Ugly3:58 PM

    Just some "Honor Roll Students" having a little fun, I'm sure. Nothing to see here; move along.

  75. Anonymous4:08 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. "Black people hate white people.

    Whenever a white person finds himself alone in a black area, it is very likely he will be attacked."


    Sounds like irrational paranoia to me. If anything, most black people are overly cautious around white people, especially strange white people. Right or wrong, conflicts with white people still rarely work out in their favor. (cough ... cough Travon)

  77. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    . Right or wrong, conflicts with white people still rarely work out in their favor. (cough ... cough Travon)

    Zimmerman is hispanic.

    Why is most interracial crime black on white not white on black?

    Its not irrational paranoia when blacks are targeting you.

  78. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Black people hate white people.

    Whenever a white person finds himself alone in a black area, it is very likely he will be attacked."


    Sounds like irrational paranoia to me. If anything, most black people are overly cautious around white people, especially strange white people. Right or wrong, conflicts with white people still rarely work out in their favor. (cough ... cough Travon)

    You know, I was just saying the very same thing about Disengenious White Liberals. Your example is right on. A thug attacks a man, he defends himself and now blacks are getting targeted by whites. Of course this means you have to ignore all evidence and reality and or be able to count your IQ on one foot.....Or be a DWL making a living off of permeating and strengthening the sorrows of Blacks.

  79. Anon.other than the words of the killer, what proof do u have that Killerman was attacked that night? Jeopardy music.......

  80. Did you ever think this shit was all by design...perhaps to evoke rage/race war and more murder?

  81. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Granny, "Those cakes you made were spectacular. You got skills!"

    1:10 AM
    Desert, I've been asking for a cake and cupcakes for over a year and have not receive a crumb, and you give Granny cakes? WTF!

    Granny and I go to the same doctor and I know that Granny shouldn't be eating any sweets anyway. Desert, you make me feel unwanted.

  82. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Field, "Anon.other than the words of the killer, what proof do u have that Killerman was attacked that night? Jeopardy music......."

    6:17 PM
    well, guess what? there will be no grand jury. I'm sure you didn't see this coming....CHECKMATE!

  83. Anonymous7:19 PM

    For all the asshole negrophobes commenting on here, I lived in Chicago for thirty years, worked in one of the most crime-ridden areas of the city, taught at an all-Black high school, took buses into all Black neighborhoods to visit friends, went to partys and clubs and dances where I was the only White dude and aside for a couple of comments, I was never bothered. However, I grew up in an all-white neighborhood where white thugs I knew killed a young Black man who was applying for jobs, and stopped a Black cab driver to intimidate and insult him and threaten his life. White thugs I knew threw rocks at Martin Luther King and marchers on the South side and thugs I knwew beat young Blacks who were metal scrapping in our neighborhood. So fuck you all you racist bastards. The Whites I grew up with were far more dangerous than the Black folks I worked with and palled around with.

  84. "well, guess what? there will be no grand jury. I'm sure you didn't see this coming....CHECKMATE"

    Hey genius, please stop embarrassing your race. No grand jury does not mean he won't be charged. It just means that the special prosecutor decided that she doesn't need a grand jury with the evidence she has.

    Is it possible that she won't charge Mr. Killerman? Yes. But it's also possible that his ass will be behind bars really soon.

    I think PilotX is right; I do need to work on the trolls who post here. I need a serious troll upgrade.

  85. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Anon7:19pm, thank you for your comment. And you are right about what happened to MLK. I remember MLK turning around when entering Humboldt Park and stating this city can't be helped.

  86. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Field, "I think PilotX is right; I do need to work on the trolls who post here. I need a serious troll upgrade."

    8:11 PM
    Oh please don't tell my boss. He just upgraded us once. We are all new and just need some time to get rolling. Field, I heard that you were a merciful black man, seeing how you are Jamaica.

  87. 6:17 PM
    Yazmar said...
    Did you ever think this shit was all by design...perhaps to evoke rage/race war and more murder?

    Oh, I think that all the time. You could hardly end up with this level of evil on accident.

  88. field negro


    I think PilotX is right; I do need to work on the trolls who post here. I need a serious troll upgrade.

    8:11 PM


    You've got the cream of the crop, or the scum on the surface, however you count it, from spunkfront, daily cumstain and poxnews et al commenters already Field, what more could you want to illustrate your point?

  89. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "Hey genius, please stop embarrassing your race. No grand jury does not mean he won't be charged. It just means that the special prosecutor decided that she doesn't need a grand jury with the evidence she has."

    You must be kidding. Do you know what state this is taking place in? It's the same state that denied Blacks their voting rights when Bush was running.

    It's the same state where the majority of Whites think Zimmerman is innocent Trayvon guilty.

    It's the same state where no action is taken on murders of bm...EVER!

    It's the same state that has recently called in troops. Does that mean ANYTHING to you?

    Field, this is FLORIDA. Where did you get your law degree from? I bet you have lost a lot more cases than you have won....Anyway, we'll see who the genius is REAL SOON.

  90. Anonymous8:29 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon.other than the words of the killer, what proof do u have that Killerman was attacked that night? Jeopardy music.......

    You either are playing games or have to have your head up your booty. You know the evidence. Real eyewitnesses that night. Real wounds from getting beat. 911 calls when you take them for reality instead of twisting into what you want to hear support the eyewitnesses and Zimmermans testimony. MSM apologizing for spreading the lies that you now spread and on and on. The layout of the community, where Trayvons body was , where they fought. Where Zimmermans truck was. He did stop and Trayvon doubled back and attacked him.

    Enough, do you really think if you say it loud enough and often enough that everyone will believe Blacks are the ones being subjected to white on black crime? You guys have pushed the boundaries beyond the pale, all the while thinking everyone will just keep accepting and accepting and accepting. Now it's over, no more acceptance. Everyone has Negro Fatigue. The only race who cannot live by our laws and has a zillion reason why they shouldnt have to or are completely unable to, yet they claim equality.

  91. Priona DeMessit9:04 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Whites I grew up with were far more dangerous than the Black folks I worked with and palled around with

    What, are you like 90 years old?

    You are either full of shit or dumb lucky.

  92. Do your own homework troll. Google Dr. King on Meet the Press and see what kind of questions he was asked. Read some of the opinion poeces about him and you'll see the same language used against Rev. Sharpton and Jackson used against him. Just because you're young and white and never learned the totality of history doens't mean it's too late to try. Conservative whites hated the good doctor and what he stood for.

  93. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Whites have ALWAYS rejected half-breeds. We have our own vibrant culture and don't need any non-whites telling us what is white and is not white. Any one can tell by looking England has some kind of Asian blood. His eyes show his mixed blood.

  94. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I don't know any "whites" who are 160 years old either. However, I see many who LOOK 160 years old all over my damn TV. Suckers are scary as hell to observe. Makes Betty Davis look like a beauty queen during her last days, most of them. Especially after all that plastic surgery to make themselves look "better".

  95. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Omg you all are the problem!
    Americans, white black Asian Latino Indian all have a chance to vote and obviously there are enough of us to not only vote a black man into office once but twice! We didn't do it alone by ourselves! White Americans felt the same way and held no reservations! Get over yourself and your thought of racism! Time we start working together to make our live not only better but safer from our enemies!

  96. You all are a bunch of haters! Find happiness in yourselves and you won't have so much animosity! You won't feel a need to tear someone else down if you feel on top of the world! free your mind and your ass will follow!
