Monday, April 09, 2012

You can add Rekia Boyd to the list.

I know that I have been telling black men to be careful out here in our new "post-racial A-merry-ca", but now I have to send the same warning to my sisters living here in Babylon.

Sorry ladies, you aren't safe, either. There is a target on you as well, and you can thank our "color aroused" society for that.

I bring you the case of Rekia Boyd:

"Her death certificate says killed by police, but I feel like my sister was murdered," says Martinez Sutton, whose 22-year-old little sister, Rekia Boyd, was shot in the head by an off-duty Chicago detective on Wednesday, March 21. She died the following day at Mount Sinai Hospital.

Boyd's death comes less than a month after the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, leaving many troubled by the regularity with which unarmed people of color are shot, particularly by individuals claiming self-defense. And for those left grieving, the failure of authorities to hold the shooter accountable is the greatest injustice of all.

In the case of Boyd, Chicago police almost immediately echoed the account of the off-duty detective responsible for her death. Police say the officer in question drove up to a group of people in Chicago's Douglas Park around 1 AM on Wednesday, March 21, to investigate a disturbance near his home. He rolled down his window and asked them to quiet down at which point police say 39-year-old Antonio Cross pulled out a gun forcing the detective to open fire in self-defense, hitting Cross in the hand and striking Boyd in the head.

But neighbors, witnesses and Cross paint a vastly different picture. Cross told WGN News that he was unarmed and on his cell phone at the time of the shooting. When Cross asked why the officer shot him, he says the officer's response was, "I thought your phone was a gun." Cross has since been charged with a misdemeanor of aggravated assault.

Local news outlets initially reported that police failed to recover Cross' alleged weapon. However, Police would not confirm or deny... [Source] 

I can see you racists scrambling to find a link to prove that the man who shot Ms. Boyd wasn't white. That seems to be the new thing now: It's cool to kill the unarmed black person as long as it's not a white person doing the shooting. "Hey we are not racist, the Indian/Mexican/Cuban/Asian did it"

But let me kill that argument before you even try to make it. The truth of the matter is that the race of the po po who shot this poor woman to death is irrelevant to me. (I actually don't know his race, and don't care.) He too could be suffering from some "color arousal" issues. I don't care if he is a black man. It happens all the time; Black boys in blue put the blue over black. Yes folks, sometimes slave catchers actually wear uniforms.

Rekia, you didn't deserve to die this way. Those charged with protecting and enforcing the law should not be killing innocent people. But there will be no national outcry or outrage over your death. Some folks will say that you deserved to die because you were hanging with the wrong type of people, at the wrong time, and in the wrong part of town.

Just as they try to argue in the Trayvon Martin case, that this is the cost of being black in A-merry-ca. An A-merry-ca, they wail, where blacks commit a disproportionate number of violent of crimes. Not poor people. Not people who aren't properly educated. Blacks! 

" Kelly invited Fox News analyst Bernard Goldberg onto the show to discuss the matter. “While no decent person is happy about what happened, no matter what your politics,” he said of the shooting, “there are some people whose purposes are served by what happened. And I’ll tell you about the two: The national media. The national media doesn’t do stories about black-on-black crime. It doesn’t interest them. They don’t do stories about black-on-white crime, which happens in far, far greater numbers than white-on-black crimes. They don’t do those stories either. But this is like a movie script handed to them from Hollywood. ‘Oh my goodness! A white guy — or, in this case, a white Hispanic guy — shoots an unarmed black kid. Perfect story.”   

It might be "perfect" to you Mr. Goldberg. But I guarantee you that it's not "perfect" to the family of Rekia Boyd.


  1. Matthias9:09 PM

    "leaving many troubled by the regularity with which unarmed people of color are shot, particularly by individuals claiming self-defense."

    Well, you can count me troubled by the police killing anybody, but sometimes it is justified.

    Why do you assume to be in a position to judge the facts when you don't know them?

    Also, does the propensity for blacks to resist authority, often violently, contribute to the frequency of these incidents in any way?

  2. NSangoma9:15 PM

    Why was Rekia Boyd, 22, hanging out with Antonio Cross, 39, at 1-AM in the morning?

    Didn't she have to go to work or school on March 22.

    Who she daddy?

    Where she daddy at?

    True she was grown, but she daddy should have told her to be careful of whom she chose as her peers.

    A boyhood partner of mine mentioned to me last night, that his father told him: there are certain NGGIERS that you cannot be associated with; MotherFcuk 'em and stay away from them, and have them to stay away from you.

    Rekia Boyd, 22, was old enough to know that that crowd was creating a public nuisance and to move her ass on home.

    No, some NGGIERS think it is cool to make a lot noise, disturbing others in the middle of the gawd-damn night.

    Antonio Cross, 39, what the fcuk does he do in life that he is up a 1-AM instead of home asleep in preparation for going to work that morning.

    Stop making excuses for these Negroes field !!

    You are an enabler, field.

  3. When did public association of people with other people become such a police priority? Isn't that covered by "pursuit of happiness?" Most of my old criminal cases used to originate with the popo taking advantage of people's public presence to roust them for associating with others.

  4. NSangoma9:36 PM

    Sanford, Florida (CNN) -- The man at the center of a
    firestorm over his shooting of an unarmed Florida teenager has launched a website
    , warning supporters about groups that falsely claim to be raising funds for his defense and soliciting donations for himself.
    "On Sunday February 26th, I was involved in a life altering event which led me to become the subject of intense media coverage. As a result of the incident and subsequent media coverage, I have been forced to leave my home, my school, my employer, my family and ultimately, my entire life. This website's sole purpose is to ensure my supporters they are receiving my full attention without any intermediaries."
    The statement posted on warns viewers that "some persons and/or entities have been collecting funds, thinly veiled as my 'Defense Fund' or 'Legal Fund.' I cannot attest to the validity of these other websites as I have not received any funds collected, intended to support my family and I through this trying, tragic time."



  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mr Goldberg was pointing at the moon, but all you looked at was his finger. Trayvon Martin was one victim, whose death you have played up for everything it's worth, yet you, despite having the "Killadelphia" segment on your sidebar, don't seem to have much to say about all of the blacks killed by other blacks in Philadelphia.

    According to FBI statistics, while most murders are intraracial, when it comes to interracial killings, 14% of white murder victims were killed by someone who isn't white, while only 7.7% of black murder victims were killed by someone who isn't black.

  7. NSangoma9:41 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy, let them be free to noisily publicly associate at 1-fcuking-AM in the morning in front of your home then, Jim.

    field talks all this siht, but he resides in NGGIER-free environs.

  8. "does the propensity for blacks to resist authority, often violently, contribute to the frequency of these incidents in any way?"

    Does the propensity for whites to (still) be hateful and fatally prejudicial towards black people might have contributed to the lack of creditability of any white shooter in these incidents?

    And let's not forget the facts, there was no apparent gun on any of the victims. And yet it seems this "trained detective" was still firing shots aimlessly like a mad man.

  9. NSangoma9:46 PM

    Next time Rekia Boyd, 22; take your ignorant-ass, Heaux-ass, MotherFcuking-ass, ass home at 11:30-PM, BISH!!

  10. "Next time Rekia Boyd, 22; take your ignorant-ass, Heaux-ass, MotherFcuking-ass, ass home at 11:30-PM, BISH!!"

    Really dude?

    And for Mr. Goldberg not to play dueling atrocities but how much did we hear about the holocaust and "never forget"? And we do hear about blah on white crime all the time, just go to stormfront or any blah website that has racist trolls and you'll read all about it.

  11. This country is racially psychotic. We’re at the point where the focus is what was in the killer’s mind rather than the fact that he killed someone, and that’s psychotic.

  12. "This country is racially psychotic"
    Always has been. Killing people for not getting off the sidewalk fast enough or whistling at a woman is sick. It's actually better now than it has been in the past.

  13. And at least now obvious killers don't get away scot free as much. Progress.

  14. PilotX said...
    "This country is racially psychotic"
    Always has been. Killing people for not getting off the sidewalk fast enough or whistling at a woman is sick. It's actually better now than it has been in the past.

    These days it's more mind "f**k" attempts which have the potential to be FAR more dangerous than just shootin' a mofo.

    Black kids these days need to be raised with a VERY different mindset when it comes to race relations, more so than at ANY point in US history IMHO.

  15. PilotX said...
    "Next time Rekia Boyd, 22; take your ignorant-ass, Heaux-ass, MotherFcuking-ass, ass home at 11:30-PM, BISH!!"

    Really dude?

    And for Mr. Goldberg not to play dueling atrocities but how much did we hear about the holocaust and "never forget"? And we do hear about blah on white crime all the time, just go to stormfront or any blah website that has racist trolls and you'll read all about it.

    What does the holocaust have to do with the point that Goldberg was making? NOTHING.

    In fact, your post proves Goldberg right. You have to go to stormfront or read "racist trolls" to get info on black on white crime. The msm censors or downplays black on white crime.

  16. Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...

    Black kids these days need to be raised with a VERY different mindset when it comes to race relations, more so than at ANY point in US history IMHO.

    Since most interracial crime is committed by blacks, black kids need more raising.

  17. PilotX,

    NSangoma has been showing need for serious counseling or perhaps medication for a long time now. I usually ignore him, and I'm not trying to be funny either.

  18. NSangoma is one of the best posters in the fields. I'm glad granny hasn't ran him off. Like she did Jody.

  19. NSangoma10:57 PM

    La♥audiobooks, the FCUK I care about what your Bish-ass, Heaux-ass, MotherFcuking-ass, ass thinks.

    The Brasilian solution, death-squads, may soon be applied to the US Negroe problem.

    Something needs to be done to cull these
    NGGIER-ass-MotherFcuking-dogs from our midst.

    MotherFcuk these people:

  20. La♥audiobooks said...
    NSangoma has been showing need for serious counseling or perhaps medication for a long time now. I usually ignore him,

    I ALWAYS ignore, and ALWAYS have ignored, La♥audiobooks. She is consistently insipid, ill-informed, and perversely proud of her ignorance.

    Motherfuck La♥audiobooks.

  21. When I was a young outsider I identified with blacks because at the time they, too, were oft-mocked outsiders rather than the untouchable sacred cultural cows into which they’ve morphed. I’m not impressed with the modern wave of anti-racist whites because there’s absolutely no bravery or risk involved with it. I crossed color lines back when there was actually a white herd with a group consciousness in America and most whites would give you flak for doing such things. When I was a fey theater fag in the late 1970s, I invited my half-black cast from an inner-city production of Godspell to my birthday party in my all-white neighborhood and caused a minor scandal because of it. There were kids at school who never spoke to me again. In the mid-80s, when it was still somewhat culturally revolutionary for MTV to play Michael Jackson videos, I was the only white guy I knew who had a black girlfriend. By that point in our nation’s cultural development, the only people who gave us static about it were black dudes. And I’m still the only white guy I know besides my son who lives in an 87%-black zip code.

    Then again, it was a black guy who robbed me at gunpoint in Philly way back in the late 1970s and a black guy who robbed my wife at gunpoint in Atlanta a week after Obama got elected. It was a black guy who punched me in the face in front of a cheering black crowd during a cab dispute in which he was not involved. And I’ve had more than one black person tell me to my face that I owe them—not for anything I’ve done, but for, you know, history. So kindly shove your false notions of my sheltered, prejudiced life and lack of real-life experience with blacks somewhere that you don’t actually enjoy having them shoved.

    Never once have I done or said anything that directly harmed a single black person, yet somehow I’m still made to bear the presumption of eternally indelible inter-generational collective guilt—talk about a goofball social construct! And I still don’t understand how pointing out such daffily pseudo-religious inconsistencies makes me the worst kind of human being possible rather than someone who calls bullshit when he sees it. If you could explain all that using flow charts and without stooping to name-calling, I’d be ever so grateful. I, for one, am earnestly searching for explanations rather than for witches. As I see it, pointing this all out doesn’t make me a bad person; it makes me a heretic.

  22. Anonymous11:07 PM


    You're so funny!

  23. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Then again, it was a black guy who robbed me at gunpoint in Philly way back in the late 1970s and a black guy who robbed my wife at gunpoint in Atlanta a week after Obama got elected. It was a black guy who punched me in the face in front of a cheering black crowd during a cab dispute in which he was not involved. And I’ve had more than one black person tell me to my face that I owe them—not for anything I’ve done, but for, you know, history. So kindly shove your false notions of my sheltered, prejudiced life and lack of real-life experience with blacks somewhere that you don’t actually enjoy having them shoved.

    White Liberals will never learn.

  24. Derbyshire was right11:27 PM

    The race card had a lot more power and the equalitarian dogma was much more convincing when most white knowledge of the behavior of the African underclass was theoretical; desegregation, immigration, and smartphone videos means that the equalitarian propaganda is being rapidly trumped by actual experience and observation.

  25. NSangoma,

    Forget counseling. Aripiprazole 30mg or Risperidone 50mg daily.

    Now back to ignore.

  26. Due to past desegregation imposed by force of one kind or another, be it private action or government policy, rapid large scale segregation is going to take place because the vast majority of people on every possible side find it to be desirable. That future segregation is going to be either voluntary or involuntary, and will be either violent or non-violent. Therefore, government policies should, to the greatest extent possible, be strongly biased towards voluntary, non-violent, and gradual segregation in order to reduce the risk of rapidly destabilizing multi-ethnic and multi-racial societies.

    Multiculturalism is dead. Desegregation is dead. MLK's dream is dead, and more importantly, it was never more than wishful thinking anyhow. Racial equality is the same failed myth as every other aspect of human equality, none of which have ever been shown to exist in any tangible form. And all that dropping weak-kneed to one's fainting couch or clinging to the oft-disproven canards of the racial equalitarians will achieve is to increase the level of violence and amount of involuntary cooperation that will eventually be required to recreate the historic balances that were originally brought about by the natural processes of group behavior. The American black/white situation is only one, and one of the smaller and less problematic, of the resegregations that should probably be anticipated in the medium term.

  27. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Triple killing hate crime in North Carolina

    Nothing new. Now Blacks have attacked Asians, Whites, Jews, Hispanics and most of all other Blacks. Maybe they don't choose by skin color. Maybe they choose because of Black genetics.

    A group of black thugs wearing hoodies massacred three Yemenese immigrants inside a convenience store in North Carolina. Police say that surveillance cameras show the victims cooperated with the attackers and gave them money. The attackers then killed them for the fun of it. The attack took place in the rural town of Farmville that is 50% black.

    Black race hustlers have been agitating against immigrant owned shops in black community. Recently former DC mayor, and current DC city council member, Marion Barry publicly complained about Asians and their “dirty shops” in the black community. In Texas, a Nation of Islam leader has called for the removal of all non-black owned stores from black neighborhoods.

    Most media outlets are censoring the fact that the perpetrators are black. Imagine if the perpetrators had been white. The media would have made it an international news event and screamed “hate crime” in every article. However, the perpetrators are black, so it is a “hush crime” instead.

    Once again we see that the corrupt liberal media is a fraud.

  28. Anonymous12:02 AM

    @Pile it x.

    If you can show me a link, one link that shows a group of non blacks (now it's all races, any race will do) who abducted, sexually tortured and tried to force a Black family to go to an ATM so they could rob them, you would win a lollipop.

    What kind of man invades a home, sticks a gun up a guys butt while pointing a gun at a baby to make the mother in law take care of him while the wife/daughter and baby and husband are forced to watch? A Negro. Should these animals not be killed? Wouldnt' you want to kill them if they did this to your family?

    Home invader sexually tortures family

    This attack is reminiscent of the recent sexual torture crime in Nashville. In Nashville, four African immigrants kidnapped two white males. They victims were driven to atm machines and forced to withdraw money. Even though the victims cooperated they were repeatedly beaten, stabbed multiple times, and sexually tortured. Attacks of this nature seem to be occurring with increased frequency.

    In this Houston attack, two black males invade a house. The main perpetrator gathers the family into one room and two of the adults are sexually tortured in front of the rest of the family.

    The suspect was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in 2008. Yet he is already back on the street committing horrific crimes! Is it any wonder why gun sales keep setting new records?

  29. yankel rosenbaum12:08 AM

    Everything you said was correct and more.

  30. George Zimmerman has done more for blacks than Jesse Jackson Al Sharpton the CBC and Mr. Obama; according to the Zimmerman family.

    Here is the link to the letter they sent to Eric Holder demanding the arrest of the New Black Panthers for hate crime.

  31. Tacitus12:34 AM

    Derbyshire says what everyone knows to be true but dare not speak in public: any large gathering of blacks will inevitably lead to commotion and often (fatal) violence. In the hood, on campus, and everywhere in between, blacks misbehave - simple as that.

    But in polite white society, one is only allowed to structure one's entire life around the principle of avoiding blacks (and Hispanics), not actually admit to doing so. Derbyshire crossed the line of respectability by stating, in earnest, the truths of black pathology, instead of parroting mainstream conservatives waxing idealistic about the multitude of "great" and "respectable" blacks occulted by modern liberalism. His article hit a nerve precisely because he told the truth, the unvarnished truth, the "stereotypical" truth that the National Review abandoned years ago in their inexorable progression towards leftism.

    The staff members, along with the rest of the liberal Internet, that have condemned Derbyshire play dumb, as if none of them know what an urban "bad" neighborhood actually refers to, i.e. one populated by mostly black people. Chris Rock does though:

    If a friend calls you on the telephone and says they're lost on Martin Luther King Boulevard and they want to know what they should do, the best response is ‘Run!

    And I don't care where you are in America, if you're on Martin Luther King Boulevard, there's some violence going down."

    The commentariat, of course, can't muster anything besides argumentum ad liberalism, in which a self-righteous individual opposes a realist or conservative idea by regurgitating liberal keywords and appealing to the modern PC as axiomatically correct. For example, Rich Lowry at NR characterizes Derb's article as "outlandish", "nasty", and "indefensible." Funny that individuals like Mr. Lowry can muster so much indignation in regards to Mr. Derbyshire's well-cited article, yet look at the epidemic of black-on-white crime with general apathy.

    One wonders though why the Left and nominal Right have gotten so piqued by a purportedly "outlandish" column. For reference, imagine if Derbyshire wrote a column about Mormon riots, Chinese incompetence, or the Illuminati taking over. I presume that no one would give it a second thought. Why? Because it really is "outlandish"; Derbyshire hit a nerve precisely because everything he said is absolutely true and everyone knows it. He got in a direct hit at the Party narrative and the Left's histrionics show they want to act before everyone notices the man behind the curtain.

  32. Anonymous1:37 AM

    It's a shame about Rekia Boyd.

    Did you hear what the Black Off duty cop said?

    "He basically said, 'What do I have to do to get some peace, quiet and respect ... shoot someone?'" Darian Boyd told The Huffington Post, adding that there is a possibility that Cross exchanged words with the officer but that a weapon was never involved.

    So the cop got Negro. Why is the family suing the city? He was off duty, acted negro, they should sue him personally the city has nothing to do with it, other than eliminating the tests and physcological profiles so that more Negro's can become incompetent law officers. But Negroes asked for this. No, they demanded this.

  33. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Am I the only one here who has noticed the rise in black victims killed by white Hispanics? Probably so. Field is very pro-Latino/Mexican. He makes excuses for them all the time. Would you believe he thinks there is a loving Black/Latino relationship? LOL

  34. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Posted from the previous thread for ALL to take notice when Zimmerman walks free without ever going to trial:

    Field said, "Hey genius, please stop embarrassing your race. No grand jury does not mean he won't be charged. It just means that the special prosecutor decided that she doesn't need a grand jury with the evidence she has."

    A smart and insightful lawyer anon replied, "You must be kidding. Do you know what state this is taking place in? It's the same state that denied Blacks their voting rights when Bush was running.

    It's the same state where the majority of Whites think Zimmerman is innocent Trayvon guilty.

    It's the same state where no action is taken on murders of bm...EVER!

    It's the same state that has recently called in troops. Does that mean ANYTHING to you?

    Field, this is FLORIDA. Where did you get your law degree from? I bet you have lost a lot more cases than you have won....Anyway, we'll see who the genius is REAL SOON."

    Is there anybody on FN skeptical of this "special" appointed state attorney whose political future depends on her decision in this case? I mean, Field really thinks it's going to a fair deal. GET REAL.

    Those troops weren't put on alert in Sanford for nothing!

  35. Anonymous3:15 AM

    Is there anybody on FN skeptical of this "special" appointed state attorney whose political future depends on her decision in this case? I mean, Field really thinks it's going to a fair deal. GET REAL.

    Those troops weren't put on alert in Sanford for nothing!

    There aren't any troops in Sanford. Citizens and cops just got more ammo ready.

  36. According to some of the anons here and plenty of "race realists" elsewhere, you can't talk about horrible white-on-black crime without bringing up equally horrible black-on-white or black-on-black crime.

    Notice how white-on-white crime is always left out of the discussion.

    Apparently, before black Americans can be outraged about white-on-black murders and other crimes, they must first be sufficiently horrified over black-on-white crime, because we all know that expressing anger and dismay over one issue means you can't do the same for the other. After all, there's only so much anger and dismay to go around. Oh, and there's the whole "blacks aren't upset over black-on-white crime because they deep-down hate us whites" angle. Can't forget about that.

    Next, black Americans must show outrage over black-on-black crimes, because we all know they're not as upset over killing each other as they are of whites killing them, or so the "race realists" say. Then, they must vow to "clean up their own nests" before they can have the explicit permission of white America to finally be upset over and condemn white-on-black crime.

    Some whites want to remain blameless on racial issues, while at the same time blaming everyone else. "Hey, don't nig...ahem...blacks do it too?"

    I'm gonna call that argument tactic "the boomerang." Nullify one argument by throwing it back in one's face. "Hey, you do it too!!"

  37. Anonymous4:15 AM

    @Field Negro
    In America today, 150 black men are killed every week, mostly by other black men. That's 600 black men per month or 7,200 black men per year or 72,000 every 10 years murdered mostly by other black men.

    Blacks are murdering each other these days more than the KKK ever did in its entire history.

    Supposedly, poverty and racism are the "root causes" for blacks killing blacks. 72,000 black men murdered every 10 years, mostly by other black men, and you blame "the evil white man" and poverty. How pathetic. Shame on you FN and the rest of the so-called black leaders who believe this idiocy.

  38. A group of black thugs wearing hoodies massacred three Yemenese immigrants inside a convenience store in North Carolina. Police say that surveillance cameras show the victims cooperated with the attackers and gave them money. The attackers then killed them for the fun of it. The attack took place in the rural town of Farmville that is 50% black.

    If a group of white thugs performed the same act, would it be noteworthy enough for you to post on the Field's blog? Probably not, because it doesn't suit your purposes.

    These crimes are all horrific and the perpetrators deserve nothing less but the maximum allowable punishment possible. And yet you use them as rationale for why blacks are, to put it in terms you might understand, "a breed apart" when it comes to criminal activity. You paint blacks as vicious, brutish monsters and beasts and then have crime statistics and news reports back you up. At that point, any black person you hit with these stories and stats should hang their head (don't take that literally) and glance the ground in the realization that, yes, those whites with their stories and stats are RIGHT. It's implied that those blacks should then swallow their pride, accept their inherent inferiority versus their superior, less criminally inclined white counterparts and perhaps work towards being a good Negro for once in their life.

    The above gives you a rush of self-validation and that feeling of "rightness" like nothing else. You'd probably get that same feeling by having an elderly black shine your shoes, or a group of blacks stepping off the sidewalk so you can move about unencumbered.

  39. Supposedly, poverty and racism are the "root causes" for blacks killing blacks. 72,000 black men murdered every 10 years, mostly by other black men, and you blame "the evil white man" and poverty. How pathetic. Shame on you FN and the rest of the so-called black leaders who believe this idiocy.

    This is all based on the presumption that blacks don't care about their own killing one another. Therefore, blacks should be hard at work earning the permission to "blame whites" by cleaning out their own houses. Once again, the ball lands squarely in the black's court and the white can go about their business, once more unencumbered by black whining about "racism" and such other nonsense.

    Continuing institutional bigotry resulting in the socioeconomic stiffling of black American progress is plainly ignored in favor of blaming the current state of blacks in America on the inherent inferiority of the otherwise feeble black mind. Which raises the question: if blacks were so clearly inferior to whites, how come white American slaveholders tolerated their use in physical labor and the rearing of their children instead of having their white counterparts perform such actions? Apparently, black Americans were good enough to be used as proverbial pack mules, but not good enough to be treated with the same sort of common courtesy and respect as their fellow white counterparts. Interesting...

  40. Anonymous4:34 AM

    If you believe Ms. Angela Corey is going to arrest George Zimmerman and charge him with ANYTHING, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell your dumb azz. Ms. Angela is Hispanic and they stick together unlike us blacks.

    BTW, most Hispanics HATE black people but they smile in your face like they like you especially if you have something they want. Hispanics have eliminated blacks from entire neighborhoods in southern California and dumb negroes like you think blacks and Hispanics are "brothers and sisters". WTF. You dumb negro.

    Blacks are being returned by whites to a new form of Jim Crow segregation and Hispancis are removing blacks from entire neighborhoods in some parts of the country and you are talking this 'can't we all get along' BS.

  41. Are you implying that inequality is the natural state of things? Once you do that, you can justify practically any movement or action against any disadvantaged group (programs against the homeless, poor, mentally ill, minority ethnic groups, etc).

    "And all that dropping weak-kneed to one's fainting couch or clinging to the oft-disproven canards of the racial equalitarians will achieve is to increase the level of violence and amount of involuntary cooperation that will eventually be required to recreate the historic balances that were originally brought about by the natural processes of group behavior."

    This must be your way of advocating the return of segregation to the American landscape, albeit in a "voluntary" manner. Businesses, neighborhoods, schools and other venues can finally exercise their right to refuse service to a particularly troublesome ethnic group at their discretion. In the meantime, the free markets will create separate, yet equal venues to serve those denied access to those other venues. Last time this was tried, it was rigorously enforced with copious amounts of violence, welded by both ordinary citizens and law enforcement officials. Both groups were rarely charged, tried or convicted for these actions, whether they resulted in death or serious bodily harm.

  42. "If you believe Ms. Angela Corey is going to arrest George Zimmerman and charge him with ANYTHING, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell your dumb azz. Ms. Angela is Hispanic and they stick together unlike us blacks.

    BTW, most Hispanics HATE black people but they smile in your face like they like you especially if you have something they want. Hispanics have eliminated blacks from entire neighborhoods in southern California and dumb negroes like you think blacks and Hispanics are "brothers and sisters". WTF. You dumb negro."

    Things I've gotten out of the above:
    1) We should end our so-called "love affair" with Hispanics
    2) We should adopt an adversarial position against Hispanics with an eye towards self-preservation and self-sufficiency
    3) There should be no further outreach towards Hispanics without reciprocation, even if it leaves us further isolated and at risk
    4) The Field is a "dumb negro" for this "embrace" of Hispanics and other groups without reciprocation

    I hope that's the gist of your post. Otherwise, it sounds like you could use an psychiatric evaluation along with some meds.

  43. Mack, you might be right, I need to go back to the troll store and return the ones I have. They are a pathetic bunch.

    If they don't see the difference between someone who targeted someone to kill because of his race or how he looks, and some hoodie wearing thief who kills for money , they will never get it.

  44. Too bad I can't print these racists assnon comments, which I NEVER, EVER read and that I dont understand why others don't just ignore, on something soft. They'd make pretty decent toilet paper!

    Speaking of SOFT toilet paper, why don't these WHITE MEN have something better to do?

    I seriously doubt Killerman will be arrested AND serve time. The cops ruined the case the moment they decided not to collect physical evidence from Killerman on the night he killed that teenager in cold blood.

  45. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Folks, can't we all get along? I believe that is the purpose of this blog, to bring Whites, Blacks and Browns together.

    America the beautiful will shine brightly once again around the world once Romney is elected. The economy will stabilize and all races will be happy helpful and hopeful once again. Yes it will.

  46. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "I seriously doubt Killerman will be arrested AND serve time. The cops ruined the case the moment they decided not to collect physical evidence from Killerman on the night he killed that teenager in cold blood."

    I agree. However, I believe a grand jury would find Zimmerman guilty, but this prosecutor will take forever to examine the case and will find Zimmerman had a right to shoot to protect himself. Don't forget that Zimmerman's father was a judge in FL, and Blacks have no political power there. Zimmerman will not spend one day in court. This has been scripted perfectly for Zimmerman to remain free by police, and politicians.

  47. Anonymous7:54 AM

    What defines who is White in America? Surely it means the privilege the person has by the color of skin. England and Zimmerman have white privilege, therefore they are White. It's simply logic.

    Field, I hope you and Mack Lyons will reconsider Anons based on the logical comment above. I want you two to know anons are looking at this Sanford thing rationally and logically in much the state appointed prosecutor will be looking at it.

    I really see no reason to exchange us for some anons that might be from beyond our American borders. I mean, we are homegrown and we are stretching to fit in on FN. If you would like us to back off on being intellectual, we will. But please give us the credit we deserve!

    It sounds like you, Mack, Reine, and PilotX are prejudiced against us. This is America, folks! What right do you have to racially biased against us?

  48. Anonymous9:34 AM

    @Mack Lyons said:
    "Things I've gotten out of the above:
    1) We should end our so-called "love affair" with Hispanics
    2) We should adopt an adversarial position against Hispanics with an eye towards self-preservation and self-sufficiency
    3) There should be no further outreach towards Hispanics without reciprocation, even if it leaves us further isolated and at risk
    4) The Field is a "dumb negro" for this "embrace" of Hispanics and other groups without reciprocation.

    I hope that's the gist of your post. Otherwise, it sounds like you could use an psychiatric evaluation along with some meds."

    You have pretty good reading comprehension (at least in this one instance). Now how are those four points not COMMON SENSE, Mack Lyons and FN?

    Every black so-called "leader" in America ought to read and memorize those four points. The black collective would be in a better position if our MISLEADERS had followed those four points after the success of the Civil Rights Movement.

  49. Anonymous9:44 AM

    3) There should be no further outreach towards Hispanics without reciprocation, even if it leaves us further isolated and at risk

    I have a problem with #3. You should have written "There should be no further outreach towards Hispanics with reciprocation". The sentence should have ended right there.

    Outreach without reciprocation is what have left blacks isolated and at risk today. I don't understand why Mack Lyons and FN (and many others) don't get that. It's COMMON SENSE. Every other group gets it.

  50. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Again, at risk of being redundant: There should be NO ROCK under which zimmerman and family can hide, period.
    With that said:
    IF the tyrones/trayvons/antonios/jamars/reyvons of a-merry-kkk-a AND their hooded/saggin' pants bm profligate cousins insist on dressing, behaving like thugs; if they demand their right to glamorize thug/penitentiary/criminal culture - then, why should we bemoan their demise?
    BTW, when ARE we gonna cleanse - yeah, I said it, "cleanse" our communities of these wanton predators?

  51. Kingnut11:26 AM

    field negro said...
    If they don't see the difference between someone who targeted someone to kill because of his race or how he looks, and some hoodie wearing thief who kills for money , they will never get it.

    Murder is murder.

    Killing someone because of his race is especially abhorrent because of the random capriciousness of victim selection. It is the irrational act of a confused person.

    But killing someone after you have robbed them, for no other reason than to cover the tracks of your crime and leave no witnesses, is even worse. It is the rational act of someone who is willing to end another person's life to merely lessen the chances of his having to face the consequences of his own freely chosen actions.

    The former is done out of a misguided sense of justification.

    The latter is pure evil.

    Both are vile types of murder, but it my mind, there is nothing worse than executing a cooperating victim.

  52. Anonymous11:29 AM

    I am a gay black man. I have been harrassed and threatened by black males for damn near my entire life.

    I'm finding it very hard to feel ANY sympathy for the plight of "young black males". That includes Trayvon Martin. I am sick of the BS.

    A lot of black males like to bother people they don't know. They bully, not just gays, but Asians, Hispanics, whites, black women and each other. I guess they bully anybody they think are "weaker" than them.

    Sympathy for young black males is drying up. It has ALREADY dried up in my case. I feel very little about the Trayvon Martin case. I'm not happy he's dead but I'm not exactly upset about it either.

  53. Anonymous1:29 PM

    @Mack Lyons

    Mack, read your own words. You ARE the boomerang man.

    Can you say that you don't defend someone simply on the color of their skin?

    Can you say that you don't condemn all of white society when a criminal act occurs? So much so that you make outrageous claims that whites are making war on blacks, blacks aren't safe? And expect all of white society to do something about it. While you utter nary a word about the overwhelming flood of Black criminality? After all we know that they are only criminals because of something someone white did to them.

    You are a hypocrite and thats all the posters were pointing out. Black Hypocrisy or the inability to live by standards that you forcefully try to impose on others.

    I would be happy to join you in condemning criminals, in fact I do. You won't see me marching for someone who is a murderer. You won't see me changing someone's race to fit my narrative. You won't see me claiming a spanish guy was Black in order to be able to attack a race as a whole. When will you join us?

    Or will you stay the "boomerang man"?

  54. Anonymous1:34 PM

    "Sympathy for young black males is drying up. It has ALREADY dried up in my case. I feel very little about the Trayvon Martin case. I'm not happy he's dead but I'm not exactly upset about it either."

    I am a black heterosexual male and I am beginning to feel very much like you. Parents of bm didn't care enough about them to raise them properly. However, I am not sure if Blacks ever knew how to do such an important job.

    Consider how Blacks came to America and was sold into slavery, families split up for the benefit of Whites who would NEVER consider doing such a thing to their own kind.

    The Jim Crow days with societal rules and a justice system that discriminated-and still does- against Blacks. It's a miracle that some black parents have managed to parent properly at all against such odds, when they themselves were targets of vicious discrimination.

    Today injustices and hatred of Blacks still goes on. It has to. I mean, if you are the perpetrator of racism against humanity for centuries, you MUST keep it up in order not to look at the profound wrongs you have done to humanity and to yourself.

  55. Anonymous1:48 PM

    "You are a hypocrite and thats all the posters were pointing out. Black Hypocrisy or the inability to live by standards that you forcefully try to impose on others."

    Please forgive Mack, "the boomerang man" for his hypocrisy. He is an angry bm who feels Blacks have gotten the short end of the stick. Of course, his rationale goes all the way back to his slave ancesters, Jim Crow parents, police brutality, and too many injustices to count.

    That kind of mental and emotional anguish along with his own direct experience of being discriminated against has its effects on a human being.

    Of course, if you are White, you would have no idea how it would feel to be descendants of slaves, Jim Crow laws, etc. You belong to the other side where "the powerful don't feel the pain of the powerless...and more importantly, don't care."

    All the man-made laws in the world to try to correct a terrible misdeed won't erase it. This is truly a spiritual one that we need. One that actually changes the heart where we 'see' that we are all brothers and we can grieve together about what happened to ALL of us. Only then will we be able to let it go. That won't happen in a capitalist society where money, status, material possessions, fame and position determines your worth as a human being.

  56. Anonymous2:08 PM

    All races are color aroused?

    Do you think they are wrong? You demand people committ suicide and lie by stating that being around large groups of blacks is the same as being around large groups of Asians, Hispanics, American Samoan's? No where in the world is this true.

    Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving blacks and Whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against Whites. Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to Whites than the reverse.

  57. Another indicator of "Change" in Obamerikkka:

    As violent crime has decreased across the country, a disturbing trend has emerged: rising numbers of police officers are being killed.

  58. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I heard of Mack the Knife, but Mack the Boomerang?

    OK Mack, what do you think of these people? Should we just ignore it? Are non-blacks doing this to Blacks? Are they?

    Although to be completely fair the article never says the group of 5-8 men were Black and that the victim was white, just that they gathered in a group (clue number 1) and beat some innocent guy just walking (clue number 2) and shouted this is for Trayvon (Clue number three and Bingo for the bongos)

    Oh the ridiculousness of Black America. Never the truth shall be spoken. If the truth offends you, perhaps it's time for change.

    "Police are investigating the “racially motivated” beating of a 27-year-old man who was walking home from midtown bars early Saturday when he said he was jumped by five to eight men who shouted “Trayvon” before the attack."

    "A group of men got out and told him he was walking too slowly, the victim told police.

    They then yelled “Trayvon,” according to a GPD report, and proceeded to beat him.

  59. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Looks like Obummer doesn't want to hang out with you negroes, either.

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  61. crash this site now!!!!!!!!!!

  62. i missed it!

    when did the new bpp chase and gun down a boy like a deer???


  63. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. i have watched the kkk kkklown all blacks all day

    in silence as their kkkrazy posts linger still herein

    and u trifling nigs swiftly erase my posts because i tell truths about your nig god hobama????

    what a gd shame

    how mighty white power of u dumb black hobama nazi mfs

    kudos to the chi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  66. when hobama slays the world in 2012-2016

    u hobama nazi nigs will have bloody hands that include one tbsp of blood for every single post of mine that you have dared to delete because i do not lie about/ignore what u do


  67. BARBBF5:56 PM

    2007 post about white on white crime..which is still relevant today:

    While the media is quick to report every little statistic and/or event relating to the black on black crime phenomenon, the words “white on white crime” are spoken with a frequency of slim to none, and slim disappeared when he was two months old, murdered by his depressed mother, wrapped in plastic, and buried in the backyard.

    Day in and day out we see the phenomenon of white crime in the news. A schizophrenic white mother kills her children because she thought that Jesus was talking to her through the can opener telling her she had to do it in order for them to make it to heaven. White kids arm themselves to the hilt with shotguns, assault rifles, and pistols in order to kill as many people as possible as part of their school project before they commit suicide. A couple of white guys who have spent a major portion of their lives in and out of jail are released and go to a posh neighborhood, murders a doctor’s wife and their two daughters and then sets the home on fire. A man holes himself up in a church one Sunday morning and starts trying to take out people who come to worship before being taken out by snipers. A white woman breaks into a home of the couple that adopts the baby that she surrendered to Child Protective Services. A wrestler murders his family before committing suicide himself. White people are too absorbed playing video games to feed their children. A white woman leaves her baby to die in the car left if the sun with the windows rolled tight because she wanted to get her hair done. White pedophiles attack little white children. White teachers have affairs with their ten year old students. Catholic ministers are assaulting their young parishioners. A white man commits treason and outs an American spy in order to score political points. All of these are instances of the always overlooked phenomenon of white on white crime.

  68. Anonymous9:09 PM

    AB, "u hobama nazi nigs will have bloody hands that include one tbsp of blood for every single post of mine that you have dared to delete because i do not lie about/ignore what u do


    Who? is deleting your comments, who? It is your imagination.
