Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Mole.

I am so sorry to see that they found the mole over at the news network for dummies. (No, not the mole looking guy in the pic. That's actually their leader.) We could have learned a lot from that guy.

Now FOX is threatening legal action. God forbid someone tells us what we have known all along: that their news is manufactured by republican political operatives who feed them talking points for their on air staff. 

"I think their legal accusations are completely baseless," Muto said on CNN. "They're trying to intimidate me into silence because I'm revealing unflattering information about the inner workings of the company.
He added:
"I'm not a sociopath, Howard. I don't want to make it sound like I worked there for eight years with a chip on my shoulder, and I hated everyone. There's a lot of, you know, really nice, you know, people who I really like and respect. So, those people, if I hurt any of them, I apologize to them. But I felt the need to speak out because my story--my story had to be told. I couldn't--I couldn't be in that building one day longer without, you know, exploding."
 I have to give Gawker credit for at least giving it the old college try.  It would have been nice to know what goes on behind closed doors. The FOX crew must have been working overtime to catch this guy. And, catch him they did.

Mr. Muto should be counting his blessings. Maybe mow he can go on to be a real journalist.

Finally, I have to have a last word about Flipper and this mommygate controversy.

“I wanted to increase the work requirement,” Romney said. “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child two years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that's heartless,' and I said ‘No, no, I'm willing to spend more giving daycare to allow those parents to go back to work. It'll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’” [Source]

So, in essence, what he is saying is that there is no "dignity" in being a stay at home mother.

But republicans pounced on this non-issue when a democratic operative basically said that Ann Romney can't relate to working mothers out there because she had never worked a day in her life.

I know that Flipper and his wife would like to, but they just can't have it both ways.

The truth of the matter is that Ann Romney cannot relate to poor and middle class women who have to raise their children and work for a living. So she shouldn't even pretend that she knows how to do it for the sake of her husband's endless quest to occupy the White House. It's just flat out wrong.
Yes Ann, raising kids is hard work, but I am sure it helps when you have a bunch of maids around the house and a few million large ones sitting in a bank account. 

That's what Hilary Rosen was trying to say, and if folks had taken the time to listen and process what she said instead of jumping into partisan mode, they would have heard her loud and clear.

As others have said, Hilary Rosen committed a "mortal sin of American politics: "She spoke the truth with a microphone on."



  1. NSangoma8:53 PM


    According to Willard Mitt Romney, stay-at-home mothers on welfare needed to get jobs and go to work.

    Whereas, for stay-at-home upper middle-class women and rich women; raising their children is their work.

    Raising children as work, depends upon what your source of income is.


  2. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "The truth of the matter is that Ann Romney cannot relate to poor and middle class women who have to raise their children and work for a living."

    Michelle Obama never worked - successfully.

    She was an AA admission to Princeton and Harvard.

    Despite her Harvard Law degree, she could only find a low-level positon at a firm Bill Ayers's dad got her hired at. She couldn't cut it there and had to leave.

    She then was hired for the University of Chicago hospital making only (for an Ivy league lawyer) $120K year. After her husband got elected Senator, she got a 180% raise(!) to 320,000 a year, despite "substandard performance appraisals".

    She also apparently lost her law liscense along the way somewhere.

    So don't go throwing stones.

  3. N. Tacoma8:56 PM

    NSangoma said...

    According to Willard Mitt Romney, stay-at-home mothers on welfare needed to get jobs and go to work.

    Whereas, for stay-at-home upper middle-class women and rich women; raising their children is their work.

    Raising children as work, depends upon what your source of income is.

    Ann Romney didn't let herself get knocked up by some no-account loser and then stick her hands out to the government to support her.

    Broke ass bitches need to work.

  4. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Field, it seems that you have animosity toward the Romneys for having millions. What gives on that? Don't forget that Mitt worked for it day and night like a true American.

    Are you against him because he is White and Republican? My God, man. Romney is the first moderate Republican with a track record that can rival Obama any day.

    As a matter of fact, Romney just might be the next President of the United States. I think you will agree to that. No?

  5. NSangoma9:07 PM


    Anonymous 20:54, links please.


  6. NSangoma9:11 PM


    N. Tacoma 20:56

    Raising children is work.

    So, so-called broke-ass BISHES raising their children, are working.


  7. Anonymous9:25 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Anonymous 20:54, links please.

  8. Hunter9:34 PM

    Gawker is sending spies into work at FOX? The insanity of the Left knows no bounds. They cannot tolerate the one news outlet that doesn't parrot the approved themes of Left. Even the neutered conservatism of FOX is too much to bear.

    The Left is the dominant force in our culture. It controls the news media, the entertainment media, the universities and other culturally sensitive institutions.

    The way this works is that the Left determines who represents the sock puppet Right by hand picking its “conservative” opposition and by excommunicating anyone from “respectability” that violates its norms.

    Professional conservatism is on the same level as professional wrestling. In order to be a “mainstream conservative,” you are required by definition to renounce conservatism and embrace liberalism, and respect the “prevailing system of taboos” that has been established by the Left.

    That’s why there seems to be a “double standard” when it comes to race.

    It is not really a double standard because there is no equality in the power relationship. The Left is dominant. The sockpuppet Right is submissive. Its owes its very existence to recognition of its legitimacy by the Mainstream Media.

    Moron Leftists want to strangle their own sockpuppet. It's too funny.

  9. John Derbyshire9:36 PM

    As others have said, Hilary Rosen committed a "mortal sin of American politics: "She spoke the truth with a microphone on."

    And just who controls that microphone, Field?

  10. Anonymous9:44 PM

    anon8:54pm, way to go! You certainly ratted out Michelle Obama's failed track record. Forget sending the link to NSangoma. You don't have to answer to his black ass. YOU are White; and if you are White, you are right! Us white folks are by definition "superior" to Blacks. We ARE the Power.

    In addition, I can tell that you are a white person of impeccable "integrity". That is a common trait among Whites....Therefore, you have every self-righteous right to judge, criticize and condemn every Black in America whenever you want.

    Thanks for your input. I am sure Field and others appreciate it. What would A-merry-ca do without your unbiased criticisms of Blacks?

  11. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "What would A-merry-ca do without your unbiased criticisms of Blacks?"

    Blacks are not going to even think of criticizing Michelle Obama, or Barak for that matter. Racial solidarity trumps all for black people.

    Just setting the record straight.

  12. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I think we should follow Obama's lead: "Wives are off limits in political fights". Field, what is the matter with you?

    Your comment about wives of candidates could impact the outcome of the Trayvon/Zimmerman case in Florida. So please, don't piss anybody White on your blog off.

    NSanoma, did you get the memo? Please leave anon8:54p alone. Who do you think you are? "White"?

    It's Negroes like you two that keep us from being liked. You are so damn uppidity that you are making it hard for the rest of us.

    Please...I'm begging you. STFU. If you persist I am going to notify Allen West about you Negroes. When he finishes with your asses you will NEVER say a word again.

  13. Anonymous9:57 PM


    Anonymous 20:54, you are full of dog-piss.

    Nothing in your links suggests that Michelle Obama was an inferior student; nor does any of your links demonstrate that Michele Obama lost her law license due to any type of malfeasance.


  14. I can suggest a GREAT Brie to go with the "whine" in this thread.

  15. NSangoma9:58 PM


    Anonymous 20:54, you are full of dog-piss.

    Nothing in your links suggests that Michelle Obama was an inferior student; nor does any of your links demonstrate that Michele Obama lost her law license due to any type of malfeasance.


  16. Best obituary ever.

    “So many of his childhood friends that weren’t killed in Vietnam went on to become criminals, prostitutes and/or Democrats.”

  17. Anonymous10:01 PM

    "Blacks are not going to even think of criticizing Michelle Obama, or Barak for that matter. Racial solidarity trumps all for black people.

    Just setting the record straight."

    9:55 PM
    Wonderful! Keep the record straight. I never knew Blacks were so united. All of my life I have been complaining about how fractured Blacks are, but you have set the record straight. I am so glad you are here to set Blacks straight, Mr White man. Your White knowledge of Blacks is amazing!

    What would we do without your unbiased criticism?

  18. "As a matter of fact, Romney just might be the next President of the United States. I think you will agree to that. No?"

    Yes, he has a 50/50 chance.

    Anon. @ 8:54 PM, I agree with others; please show us the links. You know, the ones where the First Lady lost her law license and that she was a substandard student.

    And please, save the stormfront stuff. I mean a real news organization. I will even take something from FOX.

    I will wait......

  19. Anonymous10:16 PM

    "What would we do without your unbiased criticism?"

    Wallow in ignorance, I guess.

    No need to thank me, your elightenment is enough.

  20. Anonymous10:19 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon. @ 8:54 PM, I agree with others; please show us the links. You know, the ones where the First Lady lost her law license and that she was a substandard student.

    As far as the "substandard student" evidence goes, I'll let Michelle speak for herself:

  21. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Field, "Anon. @ 8:54 PM, I agree with others; please show us the links. You know, the ones where the First Lady lost her law license and that she was a substandard student."

    Field, I warned your black ass. Now I am gonna write Allen West and cc Clarence Thomas. Somebody has to put you in your place.

  22. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Now FOX is threatening legal action. God forbid someone tells us what we have known all along: that their news is manufactured by republican political operatives who feed them talking points for their on air staff.

    FOX does tell the truth and pisses off the inferior who wish the inferior to be seen as an attribute or the fault of white america.

    Ironic that someone like you who knows about the white house writing talking points and colluding with media matters who then provides a script to MSNBC, CNN and the MSM and Black bloggers to avoid talking about real things like how Obama is doing as a president. Rather create petty divisive issues, spin them and focus on these idiotic divide and conquer tactics. It isn't working, more see the left as the failed fringe nutjobs they are.

  23. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    I can suggest a GREAT Brie to go with the "whine" in this thread.

    Oh, you poor negress. For the type of cheese you have soap works just fine. Try it sometime. Take off the hoodie and wash away that smegma.

  24. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "What would we do without your unbiased criticism?"

    Wallow in ignorance, I guess.

    No need to thank me, your elightenment is enough.

    10:16 PM
    Please, no guesses. Afterall, you are White and you have all the least about Blacks.

    Now that you have annointed me as "enlightened" I am no longer ignorant. Thank you. I can now join the ranks of enlightened Whites who know everything about Blacks and Whites. Thank you so much.

  25. Anonymous11:05 PM

    "Oh, you poor negress. For the type of cheese you have soap works just fine. Try it sometime. Take off the hoodie and wash away that smegma."

    You first, washing away your daddy's smegma boo!

    Nasty b@tch!!!

    Dr. Queen

  26. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Oh, you poor negress. For the type of cheese you have soap works just fine. Try it sometime. Take off the hoodie and wash away that smegma."

    You first, washing away your daddy's smegma boo!

    Nasty b@tch!!!

    Dr. Queen

    "Daddy's Smegma Boo" I don't understand, can you translate this from She-rilla to english. Your daddy has smegma and it's like a ghost and scared you boo? What does your fathers head cheese have to do with your washing away that cheesy white substance your create from being tired and unwashed? Wuz your momma really a redbone?

  27. Anonymous11:46 PM

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  28. Anonymous1:18 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Anonymous2:23 AM

    Nice to see the wingnut welfare of vdare still tries to pass as competent and relevant.
    One might be cynical and ask what the Free Market pays them outside of wingnut welfare.

    Mrs Romney is shocked, the implication that she was born wealthy, had servants to do the less appealing tasks, and is far removed from the workaday concerns of the vast majority of Americans.

    Sorry lads, most of us icky cootie-filled girls think that Ms Romney just doesn't get it. That you thinkerate you are successful in your spin...just illustrates how out of touch you are.

    Not to worry, when Obama is re-elected...we will have government-provide employment for you. What exactly are your credentials, again?


  30. Bleach2:42 AM

    Mold said..
    Sorry lads, most of us icky cootie-filled girls think that Ms Romney just doesn't get it.

    Yes marrying a rich, successful man, raising five children, overcoming some serious health issues, and having a rich, rewarding life serving the less fortunate through your Church is such a disappointment.

    Methinks you are the one who doesn't get it, Mold.

  31. Okay, Field, you're so right. And Hilary Rosen was right.

    BUT mostly, it's a non-issue, and a stupid thing to mire a political debate in (for anyone).

    Why? Because you, Hilary Rosen, and especially Flipper are forgetting all the m-fers who do jobs that aren't exactly "work" anyhow - oh, for example, telemarketers, pop-up ad developers, investment bankers, Enron executives, and other social parasites. They could all take the rest of their lives off and it would be doing society a favor. I don't know, maybe they're running themselves silly, but then so do meth addicts - doesn't make it work. If raising good human beings suffers because people are out there just dry-humping the American dream like that, hey, where's the dignity?

    And, you're forgetting all the stay at home moms who truly W-O-R-K their asses off every day "just" being moms. Beware of assessing people ONLY in dollars and cents, that's what I say.

    I know we're up to our asses in debt, but it's largely because we don't value ourselves in this country. Housewives, househusbands, the disabled, veterans with both trigger fingers blown off, children, and even lazy street poets with dreds are every bit as valuable to our society as w hole as people shuffling greenbacks are. Ask Plato. He was a pretty smart dude. He said peasants are just as important as leaders. Smart dude.

    Society is ABOUT diversity. When we start eroding the broad (and yes, sometimes even undesirable) masses at the bottom, we lower the top of the social pyramid, as well.

    In other words, stay at home mom's versus working moms is a false dichotomy - a red herring of exactly the type Flipper and his crowd just LOVE to get everyone focused on. It's really just us versus us.

    If we start saying only people who earn dollars are worthwhile, the end result will be forced child labor, slavery, and probably organ farms, in this modern age.

    The ability to have stay at home parents of any gender is something to be proud of. That's why Mitt's so damn proud of his own wifey. It's a reflection of his own success that he is able to shelter her undignified ass at all and groom clones of Mitt in relative safety.

  32. kudos!

    now if they could just expose all of the hobama nazis who run all of the other msm!!!...

    maybe we will have some real news again someday????

  33. kudos to roddy!

    he apologized
    at least

    many like hobama who have done far more to abuse and offend and slur gays have never done so!

  34. BARBBF9:58 AM

    There is a YouTube video of MO's mother telling the story of Michelle's upbringing. In the video..Michelle's mom mentions that she said home to raise her I guess according the FN and Ms Rosen, she's worthless and never worked a day in her life either. I admire any women who chose to be a stay-at-home mom. Of course, I might be prejudiced, because my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all stayed home to raise their children. They all were able to do this w/o the help of any government handouts. They made good choices in who they married.

  35. b:


    hobama and michelle are repulsively phony hypocritical elitists

    and also brazen gd fools

  36. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. moby dickkkless:

    pookies rule the world

    some are elders
    but they all love weed

    why so mum????

  40. Anonymous said...
    "What a crap sandwich that thesis is. An entire thesis that repeatedly says over and over again in different forms I want to see if Black folk getting a good education keep it real and stay racist or do they start to like white folks when they live/learn among them. "

    Okay, it's schoolgirlish in style, especially compared to her husband's sonorous mature prose, but she was only 21 when she wrote it. The important thing, though, is that the artlessness of her writing allows the meaning to shine through more obviously than in Dreams From My Father -- but it's the same Story of Race and Inheritance.

    Still, Princeton grads are supposed to know that there is no hyphen in "thank you" ...

    And she sure has some self-esteem issues, doesn't she? I think that's part of her appeal to the Oprah audience: her inflated but fragile ego. Oprah's fans can identify with Mrs. Obama. People were always telling them that they weren't smart enough either; and, yet, here they are, sitting around watching daytime TV. And Michelle gets to be in position where she realizes the dream of punishing the White community, I mean benefiting the Black community:

    "The purpose of this study is to examine various attitudes of Black Princeton alumni in their present state and as they are perceived by the alumni to have changed over time. ...

    "These experiences have made it apparent to me that the path I have chosen to follow by attending Princeton will likely lead to my further integration and/or assimilation into a White cultural and social structure that will only allow me to remain on the periphery of society; never becoming a full participant. This realization has presently, made my goals to actively utilize my resources to benefit the Black community more desirable."

    Who's laughing now?

    Not America.

  41. The Audacity of Hate12:02 PM

    quantum0d0 said...
    And, you're forgetting all the stay at home moms who truly W-O-R-K their asses off every day "just" being moms. Beware of assessing people ONLY in dollars and cents, that's what I say.

    I think you are forgetting what this all about. It's not really about insulting stay at home moms (who vote Republican anyway); it's about hating Ann Romney. Part of the bigger picture of hating the rich and hating Republicans.

    Single women vote democrat, because to them the government is their surrogate husband. It's easy to motivate them to vote by reminding them how much they hate women who have real husbands.

    2008's HOPE campaign has been supesede by 2012's "Hate" campaign.

  42. The Audacity of Hate12:03 PM


  43. NSangoma12:50 PM


    How to Write a Thank-You Note

    The saying "thank you" is an expression of gratitude. It can be hyphenated to form a noun or adjective-"thank-you", denoting a message, utterance, note, letter, gift, etc, expressing gratitude.

    MotherFcuk you, Anonymous Swami 11:56.


  44. Anonymous1:51 PM

    NSangoma said...

    How to Write a Thank-You Note

    The saying "thank you" is an expression of gratitude. It can be hyphenated to form a noun or adjective-"thank-you", denoting a message, utterance, note, letter, gift, etc, expressing gratitude.

    MotherFcuk you, Anonymous Swami

    I did send a thankyou to your moms for the topper, whats the beef son? Why you always bringin her up?

  45. Field, I missed this news story last week but am now caught up

    I read through your reader's comments. Some are like driving by an accident and trying not to look at the mayhem. You tell yourself not to but do it anyway.

    Is that why so many of the comments are written by "Anonymous"?

  46. Negro Sarcoma2:26 PM

    NSangoma said...

    N. Tacoma 20:56

    Raising children is work.

    So, so-called broke-ass BISHES raising their children, are working.

    If they went and popped out some little bastards without getting married first, then they'd better be ready to WORK and RAISE THEIR CHILDREN.

    I'd cut every dime of welfare.

  47. Swami2:29 PM

    NSangoma said...
    MotherFuck you, Anonymous Swami 11:56.

    And mother-fuck you, NSangoma.

  48. Menachem Goldberg4:01 PM

    Coming This Summer to theaters across America - The Movie Event of the Millennium...

    Spike Lee's : "THE TRAYVON AFFAIR"

    Jayden Smith as Trayvon Martin
    Leonardo Di Caprio (in a fat suit) as George Zimmerman
    Morgan Freeman as Obama
    Terence Howard as Eric "My People" Holder
    Samuel Jackson as Malik Shabazz
    Will Smith as Tracy Martin
    Rihanna as Sybrina Fulton
    Roseanne Barr as Angela Corey
    Danny Glover as The "Rev." Al Sharpton
    Tyler Perry as Jesse Jackson

    Produced by : LucasFilm Ltd.

  49. Trixie5:15 PM

    Romney is right. There should be no easy path for those who chose the irresponsible path and have children out of wedlock. Not only should there be a work requirement, but those who are in receipt of any social welfare benefits, from TANF to WIC to Section 8, etc should be required to be on long term birth control until then wean themselves from the system.

    Stay at home Moms deserve accolades for making the choice to be involved, hand on parents. And also for choosing husbands who are responsible enough to provide economic stability for them.

  50. Trixie, you sound like a stay at home Mom. Love the name.

    BTW, is picking the right man more important than finding self worth.

  51. "Stay at home Moms deserve accolades for making the choice to be involved, hand on parents. And also for choosing husbands who are responsible enough to provide economic stability for them."

    Sounds like a gold digger to me, "kayne shrug", lol!!

  52. Trixie10:41 PM

    I think it is self-evident that if you have a strong sense of self-esteem, you don't lower yourself by connecting with someone who isn't going to be your partner and mate, or have a child out of wedlock because of some unfulfilled need to be loved.

    Being a provider is a selfless and great act of love.

    One of the best gifts a man can give his child is to love and cherish their mother. And vice-versa.

  53. Trixie10:43 PM

    @Dr. Reine
    You're a bitter dried up hag.
    You also live in a fantasy world.
    You used to at one time brag about one of your personalities being hooked up with a strong man and a provider.

    I can never keep track of which Sybil is doing the talking. Nor do I care.m

  54. Anonymous2:28 PM

    the moocher's princeton paper could have been do by any 9th grader and bongo's writing is even worse.bongo never heard of subject,verb, predicate his writing is unreadable.neither bongo or the moocher have law licenses which is no great loss because they never praticed law because they were to stupid.the only thing they know is how to be lying commiesl.yes like you fn they are commie traitors which he learned from his mudshark mother and her war hero father.oh wait a minute he spent the war in leavenworth then got a dishonerable discharge.they should have shot the bastard.bongo did not teach law because he did not know any,what he taught was alinsky.we will kick this criminal out of office and into an orange jump suit for the death of officer terry and i hope we get holder,hillbillery,panetta pluss all the commie czar traitors.

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM

    what would a rug munching whore like ann rosenberg know about mother hood?yes i know about the kids she and her run away lesiben adopted and i am sure she will screw these kids up.who the fuck are you to talk about being poor as you came from a rich wife and i grew up poor and neither you or any welfare queen were ever as poor as we were.the only way out is work, make good choises in your life and do not produce any you think they do not know they are bastards and will hate you for can see it in the behaivor of your cousin who has not been civilized by his mother.calling the cops is you and ever lawyer who went after the schools who used spank little shits like your cousin.
