Saturday, April 14, 2012

Race traitors and voter fraud.

I see that the former New York city police officer who pumped 50 bullets into the body of an unarmed man after his bachelor party has no regrets for his actions.

"I’m not looking back, no apologies, no regrets,” he told NBC New York in an exclusive interview. “I came to grips with what I did. I am able to sleep at night. I am here talking to you.”

Isnora and three other undercover cops fired 50 shots at Bell and his three friends who were leaving Bell’s bachelor party the night of November 16th. The groom-to-be died of his wounds. It was the night before his wedding.
Isnora maintains he heard one of Bells’s friend, Joseph Guzman, say “Go get my gun,” after the bachelor party was involved in an altercation with another man, Fabio Coicou. Isnora said he believed the men were going to their vehicle to retrieve a gun.

After the driver of the car rammed itself into a police van, Isnora thought he saw Guzman reach for a gun and began to fire.
In fact, all of the men were unarmed.

“I was fed to the wolves if, you know, you wanna use that,” Isnora told NBC of his firing. “That’s exactly what the Commissioner and the Mayor did.” [Source]

"Fed to the wolves"? N*^^%r please! I am so sick of these "Bagawire" type Negroes. Your ass should be rotting in a jail cell right now. You are lucky that  you only lost your pension and not your freedom.

Staying with the slave catcher theme. (Now I know how my hommie, Marcus Garvey, must have felt back in the day) I am still waiting for one of his republican colleagues to condemn the statements made by slave catcher in chef, *Allen West , recently. Allen, calling your colleagues in the house Communists and doubling down on your statement is not how an elected member of congress should conduct himself.

But we are used to these things from Mr. West. A man who is looking more and more like a modern day minstrel every day. Dan Emmett would be proud of him; just like his republican supporters are now. My man actually raised some extra cash because of his outrageous statements. Yes folks, people actually sent their hard earned cash to support a man who made the claim that Communists are infiltrating the government.

Mr. West wants some of us to get the hell out of the USA. But why would we want to leave when we can be entertained by his constant jigging free of charge?

Finally, it seems that those "left wing crazies" and ACORN folks aren't the only ones capable of committing voter fraud:

"More than a year since a state district judge ruled 10 Montgomery County residents voted fraudulently in a Woodlands election, a grand jury last week indicted seven of those individuals for illegal voting.The indictments stem from the May 8, 2010, election of The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1. Ten individuals listed their voter registration address as that of a hotel in order to take control of the RUD board.
Former Montgomery County Judge candidate Adrian Heath heads the list of people charged with the third-degree felony. Heath declined comment, saying he was looking into hiring an attorney. [...]
According to indictments released by the Texas Attorney General’s Office, the defendants voted in an election they knew they were not eligible to vote.
Heath is also a tea party activist, and (this is perfect) judicial candidate. The group decided that they were afraid that someday the Woodlands Road Utility District would decide to start taxing residents of the area, instead of just commercial businesses, so he engineered an electoral coup, and a conspiracy to commit voter fraud." [Source] 

Maybe it's time for a new campaign slogan: Voter fraud, it's not just for the left anymore.


  1. Ring that Bell9:28 PM

    Ram a police car with your car, get shot.

    End of story.

  2. Hang the Communists9:35 PM

    "But we are used to these things from Mr. West. A man who is looking more and more like a modern day minstrel every day"

    Allen West is a hero and a patriot. How many white Republicans do you know who have the balls to call a spade a spade, or a communist a communist, or in this case, a spade a communist?

    He is not following anyone's lead; he is a leader.

    You on the other hand, are the straight up slavecatcher, calling out any black person who thinks for himmself, and trying to scare all the other negroes into staying on the plantation.

    Jig for your Democrat masters Fiedl, jig.

  3. Just more projection by the fascist reactionary right in Amerikkka. It happens pretty much 24/7 these days. hat's why people who don't even believe in American racism supposedly end up its victims.

  4. "The indictments stem from the May 8, 2010, election of The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1. Ten individuals listed their voter registration address as that of a hotel in order to take control of the RUD board."

    Wow. Some people tangentially associated with a tea party group cast ten fraudulent votes in order to get control of the Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1.

    Meanwhile, ACORN and the democrat party cast millions of fraudulent votes and got control of the White House and the US Senate.

    I guess were even now, Field.

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    "Fed to the wolves"? N*^^%r please! I am so sick of these "Bagawire" type Negroes. Your ass should be rotting in a jail cell right now. You are lucky that you only lost your pension and not your freedom."

    dear mr. field, could you please explain "Bagawire"? I am serious, I have never heard of the term.

    I DO agree that Isnora has some serious narcissistic problems in that he does not value life, except his own. To this day, he is unable to admit his mistake.

    But maybe it is too painful for him to admit it because maybe he could not live with himself. He is going to have nightmares and a remaining life of misery, which to him will be a mystery.

  6. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Maybe it's time for a new campaign slogan: Voter fraud, it's not just for the left anymore.

    Or ID yourself when you vote: So Simple even a caveman errr...Black can do it.

    By the way, do you ever hear/read what you say write?. The guy rammed a police van? We also know he tried to run over a cop. He got shot. What did you expect them to tickle his balls with a feather after he tried to kill him? Also, he clearly was no nice guy, honor student football player, who was just recently turning his life around because he became a baby daddy. You don't try to run over cops unless you got some illegal activity to hide or issues.

  7. Anonymous11:16 PM

    I am sick and tired of Mr. West. He is nothing more than a political shock jock looking for attention, even though it is bad.

    He is like the man who justifies his bad breath as "bad breath is better than having no breath at all!"

    He is nothing but a flash in the pan, a Negro from Florida, the most racist state in America.

  8. Anonymous11:26 PM

    More Negro flash mob crimes. Two this week alone in portland and they were all wearing hats and hoodies, think they were honoring Trayvon or hoodies is just what criminals wear when they don't want to be seen? That must be true, now the Black Criminal congresscritters are wearing hoodies (and pink cowboy hats) what a freak show.

  9. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I am sick and tired of Mr. West. He is nothing more than a political shock jock looking for attention, even though it is bad.

    He is like the man who justifies his bad breath as "bad breath is better than having no breath at all!"

    Sounds like someone has his ass cheese smell confused with his breath. That wasn't his bad breath, it's your upper lip.

  10. Schwarzennegro11:30 PM

    Allen West will be President someday. The first REAL black President.

    No more bowing to every world leader he gets in front of like President Momjeans does. President West will be taking names and kicking asses!

    Boo yah!

  11. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Blacks have 50 nations in Africa. Africa has the greatest concentration of resources on the planet. Africa has the most fertile soil on the planet. Blacks are the most populous racial group on the planet. Whites are a global minority and blacks live among us as a minority. After decades of race hustling we even made one president. What more do you want us to do for you? You are just an anti-White con artist projecting Black failure onto Whites.

  12. Anonymous11:52 PM

    "After decades of race hustling we even made one president. What more do you want us to do for you? You are just an anti-White con artist projecting Black failure onto Whites."

    "We" even made one president? YOU had nothing to do with it because YOU did not vote for Obama. Furthermore, Whites consider you as "white trash", which means you aren't White. You are just trailer park trash. If "we" Whites depended on ignoramus rednecks like you, "we" would be the dumbest people on earth.

    It's amazing what you dumb-asses come up with that pea brain of yours.

    Yes, I am White and I can't stand Whites like you. You jackasses have nothing to offer the world.

  13. Keep jiggin' for your democrat masters, field. When field attacks West he's trying to show you negros what will happen to you if you leave the democrat plantation.

    Yes!! Field was able to find one voter fraud case he can use to bash the right. Yet field doesn't mention the 27 plus cases of Democrat fraud.

    I guess voter fraud is just like racism to fn. There's just some he won't chase.

  14. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Ring the bell

    Was the police car marked? If it was not I might argue that your solution might be a little harder to justify.

  15. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Hang the communist
    west a hero...we are in trouble. Didn't he leave the armed service under less than desirable circumstances? In addition, I would prefer he focus on his district in florida and leave us black folks alone.

  16. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "After decades of race hustling we even made one president. What more do you want us to do for you? You are just an anti-White con artist projecting Black failure onto Whites."

    "We" even made one president? YOU had nothing to do with it because YOU did not vote for Obama.

    Why because only Blacks and guilt ridden genocidal eunichs like you voted for Obama?

    Furthermore, Whites consider you as "white trash", which means you aren't White. You are just trailer park trash.

    Wrong Horatio. You are the trash. We don't look highly upon the unwashed unclean takers of society like you, how is OWS doing?

    If "we" Whites depended on ignoramus rednecks like you, "we" would be the dumbest people on earth.

    Yes we know. Rednecks, racist. is that all you can come up with? You aren't white. You are a pathetic loser who can't handle the challenges of mankind and so creates some ficticious life in fantasy land.

    It's amazing what you dumb-asses come up with that pea brain of yours.

    Pea brain - oh, that's original.

    Yes, I am White and I can't stand Whites like you. You jackasses have nothing to offer the world.

    No you aren't.

    So I kept waiting for something intelligent and got nothing...nothing. So you are what you have given, nothing. You don't like me? Awwwww----shucks. Now that we know your type doesn't even rate being acknowledged , did you really think someone gives a shit what a dungbeetle anti white scumsucker likes? You are crazy and nothing more than scenery. Scenery that hopefully gets washed away with the rest of human waste in a heavy rain.

    Notice your dumb ass had nothing to say but hate and names.

  17. Belarus2:08 AM

    One of the next Black first ladies is in this group. When idiocracy conversion is complete

  18. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Allen West will be President someday. The first REAL black President.

    Finally. A Black MAN will be president.

  19. Anon@1:59AM,methinks your toes got stepped on a little bit. Run on down to the nearest Wal-Mart (20 miles away ) and getting something for that bad boy. Painful toes can make u cranky.:)

  20. Anon@11:09 PB. Bagawire was the first person who sold out Marcus Garvey. His name was made popular by Jamaican toaster. (Burning Spear I think. Or it might have been Big Youth. Not sure now. It's early. Maybe a fellow yawdie can comment and help me out with who sang that famous Jamaican song with Bagawire in it.)

  21. Auster1:31 PM

    The Zimmerman case clearly shows the totalitarian aspect of our society; yet many don’t see this.

    As soon as one starts debating the micro-minutiae of media reports of each detail of incidents, political correctness has won. (Which, of course, it has.)

    This is a no-brainer.

    Things don’t ever get any clearer than this one.

    Anyone who can’t see by now what is going on is never going to see what is going on.

    This is what it is like to live in a totalitarian society—this is what people have read about in Orwell, Solzhenitsyn, Havel.

    If you don’t see it now, you never will.

    Following on the heels of the birth control mandate, the national persecution, and now the prosecution, of George Zimmerman is a further illustration that the reigning liberalism of our society has shifted into hyper-drive. Among other things, liberalism is now openly tyrannical.

  22. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Why Chicago’s Deadly Violence is Nearly the Exclusive Province to African-American Criminals
    Chicago, IL—The murder rate has soared in Chicago as African-Americans rage on each other and White people. In nearly every incident the offenders are Black. There are a few Hispanics killing but White people are rarely a part of the Windy City’s violence other than as victims. This is a deadly public health issue every bit as bad as the plague.

    Leftist government officials once again tinkered with failed social experiments by dismantling the vertical ghettos like the Cabrini Green and Robert Taylor housing projects. They sent these inhabitants out to the suburbs by the thousands and to all White neighborhoods like Chicago’s Northwest side. Crimes especially murder are exploding everywhere these African-Americans have been placed.

    The reason for the increase in violence is a simply a flawed culture not some genetic trait. However, it’s the tolerance for the unique African-American culture of ignorance, hate and violence that fuels the crime. It destroys lives of both the perpetrators and the victims.

    Blacks are encouraged not to fit into an integrated society by maintaining a warped value system. It begins with fostering ignorance with their pathetic language, Ebonics. Every third word they use is profane and insulting such as their favorite term, mother fucker. Theft is a way of life along with massive indiscriminate breeding. Traditional American values and standards of conduct are not part of Chicago’s African-American society. Blacks are enabled, encouraged and invited not to conform to the ways of a peaceful productive society.

    The news media has done everything possible to cover up the fallout from the Black community. However in recent years there has been an explosion of cheap quality video cameras and every night Black faces of violence are broadcast into Chicago’s homes during the dinner hour.

    They’ve tried to blame guns for the culture of murder but the White inhabitants own significantly more firearms and are not turned into killing machines because they own guns. It’s the bankrupt culture, and the tolerance of it that’s the real problem.

    Young Black men treat being arrested and pushed through the criminal justice system like White people treat diplomas and scholastic honors. Being sent to jail is somehow considered a bold accomplishment. Rather than being a social stigma a felony conviction is a right of manhood in the African-America big city culture.

    Culture tolerance is the new genocide and it’s practiced to the absolute detriment of Chicago’s Blacks and their miserable way of life.

    The culture must be shunned, blacklisted and punished or it will continue degenerate in ugliness and misery. Responsible government officials need to de-glamorize bad behavior and begin to do something unheard of in Chicago’s schools. Simply be teaching children that by some conformance, simple manners and embracing education they can gain wealth and actually live the American dream.

    Until we attack the rabid, violent and destructive Black culture we will never succeed in bringing kindness, productivity or enjoyment to African-Americans. Frankly they don’t deserve the flawed social programing the political Left has created for them. That programing has been racist and inherently evil.

  23. Anonymous1:44 PM

    I am glad the ex officer is safe. In my opinion, he made a mistake which escalated an already tense situation into another example of how young black men are marketed as dangerous felons run amok in this righteous society.

    The events that created this unnecessary pain scar not only the immediate survivors but also tarnishes America's reserve, compassion toward and duty to protect, its citizens.

    We have an opportunity as a community, a neighborhood...a country to mitigate any future events.

    America has never and it appears will never admit any responsibility for the mistake it made in handling what now appears to be another unnecessary escalation of tension. For over three hundred and seventy five years we have stood together shoulder to shoulder and fought in all the wars,labored in the fields,became successful in science and industry,too. We even raised your some of your kids.

    However for some people this is not enough. They fear the silence and the night. They have created a populace that is armed to the teeth and afraid of the shadows in the light.

    We are trying to legislate common sense and at face value that's a ridiculous assumption. You don't shoot into a car 50 times and you don't shoot an unarmed teenager.

  24. Broderick1:52 PM

    " You don't shoot into a car 50 times and you don't shoot an unarmed teenager."

    Somebody tries to run me over, and I'm unloading my clip through his windshield.

    Likewise, should I find myself having my head bashed in on the sidewalk, I am plugging whoever is doing it without asking if they armed and/or have an ID.

    I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by six.

  25. Anonymous2:09 PM

    We are trying to legislate common sense and at face value that's a ridiculous assumption. You don't shoot into a car 50 times and you don't shoot an unarmed teenager.

    So you bury some more police officers and George Zimmerman while the perpetrators spend the rest of their collective life in prison?

    When will the black community step up to the plate and begin accepting responsibility for the degenerate culture they've created that contributes to this mess?

  26. I think they might step up to the
    plate as soon as the majority culture acknowledges the genocide that they participated in to make this great country. Not to mention the horrific legacy of forced free labor that followed it.

    Just trying to keep it 100. Since I always hear my right wing friends say that others are afraid to acknowledge the truth.

  27. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I think they might step up to the
    plate as soon as the majority culture acknowledges the genocide that they participated in to make this great country. Not to mention the horrific legacy of forced free labor that followed it.

    Had nothing to do with slavery. My relatives arrived after the US civil war from Prussia. What of the blacks who were slave owners? As such I have nothing to apologize for and refuse to do so.

  28. No one is asking you to apologize nor do we care if u do. The fact of the matter is that because off the color of your skin you benefited from the actions of those before u.

  29. Anonymous3:05 PM

    No one is asking you to apologize nor do we care if u do. The fact of the matter is that because off the color of your skin you benefited from the actions of those before u.

    Whaaaaaaaaa. Cry me a river. Get an education. Learn how to dress yourself. Show up on time, ready to work. Leave the attitude at home and you too can succeed.

    Just judging by content of character it seems that many blacks are bereft of it.

  30. "Whaaaaaaaaa.. Cry me a river."

    Yeah b*tch, YOU and your brothers in racism and hate, keep crying.

    The rest of us who have great lives OFF the Internet, will continue to live our lives to the fullest!

  31. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    "Whaaaaaaaaa.. Cry me a river."

    Yeah b*tch, YOU and your brothers in racism and hate, keep crying.

    The rest of us who have great lives OFF the Internet, will continue to live our lives to the fullest!

    Thats right, you are racist (which really means anti-white) supported by whites who created, developed and maintain this great nation. If not you would be in liberia packing shit onto the wall of your house, not getting continued education grants for nothing (like throwing money down a sewer) look how much good a lifetime of education has done you. You are still a dumb hoodrat who sounds like she can barely count to ten.

  32. Anonymous4:05 PM

    "Whaaaaaaaaa.. Cry me a river."

    Yeah b*tch, YOU and your brothers in racism and hate, keep crying.

    Perhaps if English were your native tongue you would understand. Ad hominem attacks usually indicate that the hurler of dung has run out of rational arguments.

    Nice try though.

  33. Dr. B*tch4:08 PM

    Ms.Reine c/o nothing said...
    The rest of us who have great lives OFF the Internet, will continue to live our lives to the fullest!

    If by fullest you mean futiley trying to obtain a medical degree for which you are woefully unqualified, then by all means, enjoy your "great" life.

    We all know of course that it is a fantasy.

    You will never be a doctor.

  34. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If by fullest you mean futiley trying to obtain a medical degree for which you are woefully unqualified, then by all means, enjoy your "great" life.

    We all know of course that it is a fantasy.

    You will never be a doctor.

    Of course she won't. She knows she doesn't have the skills or mental faculties. She just figured another way to scam this nation for more guilt to support a negress who should be getting an award for lifetime achievement of securing free educational grant without ever getting an education or improving.

    When this grant is spent and she is no closer to being a doctor 3 years from now she will figure another scam/change of goals. Maybe next time she can shoot to go to school to become a nuclear physicist. That should cover the rest of the time until full SS kicks in.

  35. "Whaaaaaaaaa. Cry me a river. Get an education. Learn how to dress yourself. Show up on time, ready to work. Leave the attitude at home and you too can succeed."

    Are u serious? Get an education? The projection in this debate is laughable.

    There were probably more PhD's at my dinner table growing up than your entire backwater County, wingnut, so get off your soapbox.

    You came to the wrong place to preach to folks about getting an education.

    The point is, that were it not for people like you and elected poli-tricksters you support, this would be the norm among ALL A-merry-cans. But I suspect that ignorant racists like you wouldn't want it that way. (Can't have those darkies being more successful than me.)

    It manifests itself everyday on this blog. A young lady is trying to accomplish her lifelong goal and is on her way to becoming a doctor, and it drives you winngnuts insane. Instead of celebrating her accomplishments you try to tear her down because, in your small world, this should not be happening.

    It's all really kind of pathetic, and it's why this country will never live up to its true potential.

  36. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I love the robinson crusoe, manifest destiny national mentality of the privileged population that makes america what it is. The funny things is unfortunately for some of you, you are falling into the pot with us and don't even know it. You want to tell us how to talk, walk, dress, speak and when we do as told you still pay us less, hire us last and fire us first?!
    You say get an education, we say give us the information we need and not the information you want us to have and we can do it on our own. We don't print the books you do.We've shown our proclivity to get it right in the face of adversity.

    Look at this blog, for example,as a microcosm of say "The Black Wallstreet Syndrome." Instead of using this time to move forward some folks get jealous and try to disrupt and redirect the progress we make. Let's update this one size fits all educational curriculum. Instead of sending teachers into our classroom like newt who want us to be janitors...send the kids who intern at Goldman's. I'd like to think we all can do better.
    You say get to work on time ready to work...we say, fire your lazy nephew and idiot pot head son and we will. We'd love to compete on that level field.

    Your relatives came after the civil war and looked the other way during Jim Crow because they were just as scared as happy to be here.

    You talk about black on black crime but what about the unequal sentencing guidelines imposed by our legal system. That's should be a crime. What about the tax we know the higher mortgage and insurance rates we pay...that's a crime. You smoke more dope, steal more money, kill more people and spend less time in jail than anybody on the planet. Send the cops to some of those harvard parties next weekend.

    Don't get me wrong, we know how some of you are. Some of you can't stand each other but you just refuse to see an"other" succeed.

  37. Anonymous4:48 PM

    There were probably more PhD's at my dinner table growing up than your entire backwater County, wingnut, so get off your soapbox.

    You know nothing about me, where I came from or anything else. What were those PHDs in? Black studies?/Sociology/Basket weaving?

    You came to the wrong place to preach to folks about getting an education.

    No, this is the perfect place to complain about blacks regarding education as being a 'white thing' (whatever that is) and failing to either study or being given support at home for attempting to study. Much easier to hang out, get drunk, get stoned, and to drop out than it is to actually do the required work.

    The point is, that were it not for people like you and elected poli-tricksters you support, this would be the norm among ALL A-merry-cans. But I suspect that ignorant racists like you wouldn't want it that way. (Can't have those darkies being more successful than me.)

    You are one incident away from joining with the rest of the black masses. Be it a DUI/Arrest/Drug conviction/etc. Lose your license to practice law and you suddenly become nobody. Your debating skills should be better polished than they are.

    It manifests itself everyday on this blog. A young lady is trying to accomplish her lifelong goal and is on her way to becoming a doctor, and it drives you winngnuts insane. Instead of celebrating her accomplishments you try to tear her down because, in your small world, this should not be happening.

    Doesn't drive me insane at all. What is her GPA in mathematics and the sciences? If it is below 3.0 I suggest she change majors as it doesn't get easier.

    It's all really kind of pathetic, and it's why this country will never live up to its true potential.

    With the black undertow this is quite understandable. Look in your bathroom mirror to see who is responsible for your being where you are today. Most whites could care less about your 'struggle' as they have problems of their own to deal with. As far as that goes try learning English. Ebonics won't take you very far in life.

  38. Anonymous5:00 PM

    You talk about black on black crime but what about the unequal sentencing guidelines imposed by our legal system. That's should be a crime. What about the tax we know the higher mortgage and insurance rates we pay...that's a crime. You smoke more dope, steal more money, kill more people and spend less time in jail than anybody on the planet. Send the cops to some of those harvard parties next weekend.

    Whaaaaaaa. Cry me a river. Ever ask yourself why blacks pay more for mortgage insurance? Ever ask yourself why blacks are over represented in prisons (clue it isn't due to whitey)? Smoke more dope? Lol. That is pretty funny. Percentage wise blacks are on the bottom when being on the top is good and they are on the top when being on the bottom is good. Can't help with black stupidity and refusal to learn when given a chance to learn. English is the working language of the US - not Ebonics so get used to it.

    You've got to fix the black families first. Those are a major disaster. A single black woman has five children. How many of them are by the same father? Where is the father? How many other children has he created and isn't taking care of at the moment?

    Don't get me wrong, we know how some of you are. Some of you can't stand each other but you just refuse to see an"other" succeed.

    If by success you mean having a stable life, going to work, and taking care of your family that is good. Succeed? Quite frankly I've pretty much given up on the black community as a whole as an experiment by white liberals into social engineering that was a dismal failure. You're going to have to clean up your own mess this time.

  39. "You say get to work on time ready to work...we say, fire your lazy nephew and idiot pot head son and we will. We'd love to compete on that level field.

    Your relatives came after the civil war and looked the other way during Jim Crow because they were just as scared as happy to be here."

    "Look in your bathroom mirror to see who is responsible for your being where you are today."

    Well yeah, I see that. What's your point?

    "Most whites could care less about your 'struggle'.."

    I don't have any struggles.

    "as they have problems of their own to deal with."

    Judging from the comments on this blog, that is quite obvious.

    "Doesn't drive me insane at all. What is her GPA in mathematics and the sciences? If it is below 3.0 I suggest she change majors as it doesn't get easier."

    Yes it does. Her score is irrelevant. She is in med. school, and you are not.

    And I know everything about you. You are a pathetic loser/troll who comes to this blog everyday to try to feel better about yourself by putting others down.

  40. Elmer Phud5:06 PM

    field negro said...
    The point is, that were it not for people like you and elected poli-tricksters you support, this would be the norm among ALL A-merry-cans. But I suspect that ignorant racists like you wouldn't want it that way. (Can't have those darkies being more successful than me.)

    Let me get this straight: If it were not for the evil machinations of ignorant racists and Republicans, it would be the norm for black households to have multiple holders of PhD's sitting around the dinner table. Is that what you believe?

    How do these ignorant racists and the party out of power accomplish this Herculean task of convincing millions of black Americans not to study, not to work, and not to form families? Do you not think this would be more easily accomplished by your liberal democrat masters and the trillion dollar plantation they built for you?

    And Reine is not a "young lady" who is "on her way to becoming a doctor". She is a middle-aged woman who uses the honorific "Dr." in front of her name, even though she has not earned it, in order to pretend she is superior to white people whom she constantly derides as ignorant goobers living in trailer parks.

    She is phony, mean-spirited bigot who deserves every bit of the shit she gets on this blog.

  41. "You say get to work on time ready to work...we say, fire your lazy nephew and idiot pot head son and we will. We'd love to compete on that level field.

    Your relatives came after the civil war and looked the other way during Jim Crow because they were just as scared as happy to be here."

    Whoops, forgot to comment on that above quote.

    Anon. I am glad it's Sunday, because I am ready to put something in your offering plate.

  42. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Quite frankly I've pretty much given up on the black community as a whole as an experiment by white liberals into social engineering that was a dismal failure.

    Well we haven't given up on you!!!

    I'm confident that you'll see the error in your ways as we progress toward one nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

  43. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Ever ask yourself why blacks pay more for mortgage insurance?
    Answer: Predatory Lending

    Ever ask yourself why blacks are over represented in prisons (clue it isn't due to whitey)? Smoke more dope?
    Answer: YOU said over represented yourself.

    Can't help with black stupidity and refusal to learn when given a chance to learn.

    Answer: You might have me on the stupidity part because some of us did believe the chewed up grass proffered by the people like you.

    And what day was on chance to learn?
    The first

  44. You’re right that I have hate in my heart. But you’re wrong about the target.

    I get along fine with my black neighbors. It’s you, Mr. & Mrs. Snarky White Hipster Anti-Racist Witch Hunter Scooter Club 2012, that I truly hate.

    I hate the gross selectivity of your witch-hunting and the fact that you amplify certain racial crimes while blotting others from your collective memory banks.

    I hate your movements and your petitions and your boycotts and your perpetually selective outrage. I hate your group shaming, your ritual self-shaming, and the constant status-jockeying that you can only seem to achieve via shaming others.

    I hate your endlessly gluttonous lust to punish sinners for committing racism, sexism, and homophobia.

    I hate this thing you call “evil” that is always somehow safely quarantined outside of yourself.

    I hate the fact that you creeps live your lives with your noses ass-deep in the perceived sins of others.

    I hate the primitively moralistic screenplay inside your head where one side is always presumed guilty and the other side is always innocent.

    I hate your gross displays of public moral preening.

    I hate that you marginalize and dismiss ideas not because they’re wrong, but because they don’t flatter your herd’s self-image.

    I hate the fact you’ve created a climate of fear where opinions that huge swaths of the public seem to sincerely hold in their hearts are currently forbidden to even discuss in public forums.

  45. Anonymous5:39 PM

    The first

    Sorry wrong answer, back to remedial High Fives for you

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. "She is phony, mean-spirited bigot who deserves every bit of the shit she gets on this blog"

    You DO realize that I've mastered turning your shit into sugar right? In fact, the more shit you talk, the more abundantly I'm blessed educationally, financially, AND professionally!!!!

    BTW, you can charge that to the fellowship I'm now being considered for as we speak, hot damn LOSER, LOL!!!!

  48. "It manifests itself everyday on this blog. A young lady is trying to accomplish her lifelong goal and is on her way to becoming a doctor, and it drives you winngnuts insane. Instead of celebrating her accomplishments you try to tear her down because, in your small world, this should not be happening."

    Awwww Field thanks for sticking up for me!

    Now I know you're agnostic, but I'm feeling TRULY blessed as it relates to my goal of finishing med school because so many schools are asking me to consider thier programs! And I'm not satisfied to see my dreams come true, I'm hoping to be a Junior Achievement science and math Instructor in a local inner city program this summer, so I can do my part to make sure they'll be MANY more who lok like me pursuing STEM programs in the future!!!!

    Anyhow, I gotta get back to work! 

  49. And a huge THANK YOU to all the field negro's who have encouraged me on this path!!!

    Contrary to popular belief, Black folks DO stick together!!

  50. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Dr.Reine c/o 2017 said...
    Now I know you're agnostic, but I'm feeling TRULY blessed as it relates to my goal of finishing med school because so many schools are asking me to consider thier programs! And I'm not satisfied to see my dreams come true, I'm hoping to be a Junior Achievement science and math Instructor in a local inner city program this summer, so I can do my part to make sure they'll be MANY more who lok like me pursuing STEM programs in the future!!!!

    " thier" "lok"

    You mean their and look? A instructor who can't spell?

  51. Dr. Sugarcane6:38 PM

    " I'm feeling TRULY blessed as it relates to my goal of finishing med school because so many schools are asking me to consider thier programs! And I'm not satisfied to see my dreams come true, I'm hoping to be a Junior Achievement science and math Instructor in a local inner city program this summer, so I can do my part to make sure they'll be MANY more who lok like me pursuing STEM programs in the future!!!!"

    They can "consider" you all they want, but they'll never let you in.

    And I hope as you tutor your little affirmative action proteges, you make sure they learn not to waste any time actually trying to learn math and science, but instead just focus on filling out forms for various minority specific grants, awards, and fellowships that they can get without having to merit anything.

    They might actually have a chance.

    You on the other hand, will never be a doctor.

  52. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Color of skin not content of character.

  53. Hey assnon, you DO realize that you're my spelling and grammar check slave b@tch right, lol???

    No corec thi stanent, SLAVE b@tch!!!

  54. No one has stupid as Reine should ever be a doctor.

    This is indisputable.

    The fact that she can entertain this idea shows just how evil affirmative action is.

    I could never trust that any black doctor was qualified. He might be a genius, but I will not take the chance with my child's health. There is always the possibility that he got through on affirmative action. This is not a concern with a White male doctor.

    It's just too important.

    Could you imagine the horror of seeing your child wheeled into an operating room, and seeing that idiot Reine, with hot sauce all over her scrubs, wagging her finger at a nurse, telling her to STFU, calling her trailer trash and saying all those other past failed surgeries she tried were white people's fault?

    No way.

  55. "No one has stupid as Reine"

    And no one "HAS" stupid as you should be a spell and grammer check slave b@thc, yet misspell words!!


  56. You haved proved my point. Again.

    You will never be a doctor.

  57. "I could never trust that any black doctor was qualified. He might be a genius, but I will not take the chance with my child's health. There is always the possibility that he got through on affirmative action.."

    That's it, wait for the white doctor while your child dies. I would love to be the DA who slaps your bigoted ass with a wrongful death charge.

    "I hate your gross displays of public moral preening."

    Hey, don't shoot the messenger. If the Jack Boot fits......

  58. Anonymous8:07 PM

    What a culture. Gotta love these he and she-rilla names. Just like Africa.

    New York Jets cornerback Antonio Cromartie, 28, recently had his second child with wife Terricka, making it 10 kids from eight women in six states.

    Their baby boy, Jagger, joins sister Jurzie and eight half-siblings from Cromartie baby mamas across the country.

    But the happy occasion is mixed with turmoil. His far-flung fatherhood has intrigued a TV production company that wants to create a reality show about the group "trying to co-exist as a modern family," a source said.

    Most of the moms want to do the show, but Cromartie said no.

    The baby mamas he left behind have banded together so their kids can bond with their brothers and sisters in California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and New Jersey.

    The single women can use the extra money to help raise their kids, but they also think it is important "to document their journey," the source said. "They want Antonio's support."

    Cromartie has deflected the plan, blocking any filming of his offspring.

  59. "You haved proved my point. Again."

    And you "HAS" proved mine again, MY SLAVE B@tch, lol!!!

  60. "That's it, wait for the white doctor while your child dies. I would love to be the DA who slaps your bigoted ass with a wrongful death charge."

    This reminds me of an incident that occurred when I was in middle school. A woman started to have seizures and my mother ran over to try to help. The woman's husband yelled at my mother to get away because "there's nothing a ni@@er can do". My mother told him "sir I'm trained to help your wife", then she got up from helping the woman and walked away.

    He ran after us and begged and pleaded with my mother to come back and help with his wife, but she refused. I was so angry with her I didn't say a word to her all the way home.

    And in less than 10 years, I learned EXACTLY why she did what she did. I don't still don't know if I would have done the same thing, but I certainly understand her actions VERY well. This was long before good samaritan laws, so in retrospect I think she did do the right thing at the time.

  61. Gotcha again.

    No medical school for you!

  62. Personally, I wish people who don't want to be treated by Black doctors would just wear a bracelet that says so. And I wish they'd take their stupid a$$e$ OFF the donor organ recipient list too!!!

  63. Ms.Reine c/o 1982 said...
    This reminds me of an incident that occurred when I was in middle school. A woman started to have seizures and my mother ran over to try to help. The woman's husband yelled at my mother to get away because "there's nothing a ni@@er can do". My mother told him "sir I'm trained to help your wife", then she got up from helping the woman and walked away.

    This never happened.

    And you will never be a doctor.

  64. "That's it, wait for the white doctor while your child dies. I would love to be the DA who slaps your bigoted ass with a wrongful death charge".


  65. Ms.Reine c/o 2037 said...
    "That's it, wait for the white doctor while your child dies. I would love to be the DA who slaps your bigoted ass with a wrongful death charge".


    It's not racist if it's real.

    black doctors get handed diplomas merely on the basis of their kin coler.

    Unless they are reallly stupid and unable to function in a civilized manner, like you.

    You will never be a doctor.

  66. Just put the d@mn bracelet on numb nuts, lol!!!

    And make SURE yours reads " imma dumb a$$ hick who don't want no ni@@er doc, nurse, tech, or EMT, putting dere hands on me 'cause Imma skured the black may come off on me!!!


    And may I suggest you keep some bleach on you in the event you need mouth to mouth resuscitation?? That way you can wash down any "black germs" you could get while curing your head lice problem at the same time, lol!!!!

  67. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "You haved proved my point. Again."

    "And you "HAS" proved mine again, MY SLAVE B@tch, lol!!!"

    Both of you are wrong.

  68. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Funny thing is that when a person is having a seizure that there really isn't too much you can do for them except to make them comfortable and keep them from hurting themselves. Got to call BS on your relative trying to help.

    Nice try though.

  69. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Funny thing I doubt the wanna be dr's mother did what the wanna be said. First thing what would a nurse do to help when a person is having a seizure? Put a wallet in the person's mouth? Wrong move. Put your finger in the mouth of a person having a seizure. Good if you want it bitten off. You make the person comfortable, remove their glasses if they are wearing them and either wait it out or call for an ambulance. Not too much you can do. FYI that is what several well known neurologists have said. But a black nurse knows everything (not).

  70. Isnora feels he was fed to the wolves. Okay. That might be somewhat true. But I would love to hear his thoughts on what he believe Bell was fed to.


    Oh, that's right...wolves are no match for the NYPD.

  71. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!6:02 PM

    Jim Lily-White Asswipe Goad
    Motherf*ck you and the leaky trailer you live in,

    I have hate in MY heart for all you unwashed Republikkkan cracker trolls and guttersnipes! You don't have any black neighbors, Dick!!!

    I hate the constant whining about so-called black crime and your pathetic cherry-picking of the internet and police blotters for examples, and oblique suggestions that White on black crime is always justified. White Wall St. crime is far more extensive and damaging to society.

    I hate your endlessly relentless cheerleading of White supremacy, White paternalism, White nationalism, phony White excptionalism, White colonialism,
    White imperialsm, White thievery, and White racism.

    I hate your very existence.

    I hate your inference that the White devil race is blameless for historical atrocities inflicted on the entire globe (you should have kept your worthless, homicidal land stealing asses in Europe!)

    I hate the way you try to bullshit the entire world into believing that you peckerwoods are God's gift to civilization, when in reality you're really the true children of Satan covered in the blood of innocent dark-skinned people of the earth.

    I hate the fact that you diabolical White cockroaches keep re-inventing your racism...the newest meme is: Whenever someone black points out or points up paleface racism you quarterhicks try to "boomerang" it and turn it around on us;
    "I'm not racist, YOU'RE RACIST"!!trying to squelch the issue and make blacks look racist for bringing it up!

    I hate the functioning Stormfront Conservaturd shithole that is FOX NEWS, bolstering your phony sense of racial purity, superiority and self-righteousness.

    I hate that the fact you stupid idiots actually believe you're better than everyone else on earth and that gives you right to stick your long noses in everyone's business (Syria, and Libya for example).

    I hate that you arrogant White rat- f*ckers claim to speak for everyone on the planet!

    I hate that lily-White Repunkkklican crooks (Romney and the rest of the 1%) who are sucking this country and the Federal Treasury dry stealing every loose dollar in sight, rigging congress and getting smoothly away with it.

    I hate all the sneaky White reactionary ALEC assholes that are actively and smugly destroying this democracy.

    I hate that you try to marginalize, incarcerate and even murder our leaders and spokespeople that won't kiss your flat collective asses and blame black people for White outrages and violence.

    I hate the fact that you devils dare to try to castigate us when we fight back or speak out against your attacks and racism. Give it up stupid, Jim Crow days are over and will never return!!!

    I hate that you celebrate snivelling, porch-monkey lawn-jockey race traitors (Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Shelby Steele, Herman Cain, pussy-assed Jesse Peterson, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder et al) just because they flatter the twisted image of your evil pasty-faced murderous mob!

    I hate the fact that you glass-eyed children of Satan constantly try to make the world believe that your racism is never your own fault.

    I hate the fact that back in the 14th century the Bubonic Plague didn't wipe out the ENTIRE White race--the world would have been much better off!

    I hate that in 1492 the Indians didn't slit Columbus' throat and kill all the rest of those White genocidal fiends when they stepped off the boat.

    I hate that Whites are so delusional, their self-image is so inflated they believe everyone on earth loves the white race--when the exact opposite is the real truth!

    I hate the fact that Whites believe that the world needs them!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA nobody needs you, paleface!!!

    I hate White racist trolls like Jim Asshole Goad.

    "The White man is so goddamn stupid, he really can't figure out why he is so hated?"
    H. Rap Brown--1967
