Sunday, April 22, 2012

Only some people get to stand their ground.

Lenny McAllister seems like a decent guy, which is why you have to feel for him as he tries to convince his republican friends to be consistent when it comes to their outrage over the George Zimmerman case.

A little background: There is an African American woman by the name of Marissa Alexander, who is sitting in a Florida jail and facing 20 years in prison for firing a gun in the air to scare off her -allegedly- abusive husband. Now, as is to be expected, folks are wondering why the "Stand- your- ground law" has been applied in such an inconsistent manner.    

But back to Mr. McAllister. As a conservative he makes a strong argument that by supporting Ms. Alexander as openly and robustly as they did the man who killed Trayvon Martin, they would be killing two troublesome birds with one stone.

"Despite how much I know from personal experience that the vast majority of conservatives are not racist and misogynistic or despite how much I say it, sometimes actions are better than words to prove this. In the case of Marissa Alexander standing her ground against domestic abuse in Florida, conservatives have a chance to prove themselves above the recent criticism. To boot, no one died, as Marissa allegedly only fired a gun into the ceiling to scare off a documented abuser after he admitted to starting yet another incident. Therefore, no one risks dishonoring the dead in their defense of Second Amendment, self-defense rights.

Marissa Alexander is a Black woman currently in jail in Florida for invoking her “Stand Your Ground” privilege to discharge a firearm while trying to escape abuse at the hands of her current husband. This occurred during an ongoing altercation that caused her to fear for her life.

This is not a Black-White issue, as the Martin case has become. Although she is Black, domestic abuse is not, nor is it a social condition that only impacts minorities or the poor. Domestic abuse cuts across socioeconomic lines to remain the “dirty little secret” costing Americans thousands of broken lives and $700 million in lost business productivity annually.

For conservatives that regularly talk about the impact of the family on America’s future and the waste of resources as we struggle to revive our economy, the Alexander case highlights much of what we stand for. For weeks, many conservatives (and authorities in Sanford) granted Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt and the right of “innocent until proven guilty” in a manner that Alexander, a battered woman that ended up in the hospital after enduring one episode of abuse, never was. For conservatives that regularly talk about the colorless beauty of American justice, this is a case that will highlight how much we care for justice across demographics."

Mr. McAllister's call for consistency is admirable, but I am afraid that he is preaching to an empty church. This case is not about any of the things that Mr. McAllister mentioned (although it would have been nice if it was) this case is about reacting to the other side and taking an opposing position. It's about us against them, "color arousal", and all the negative impulses and sentiments that go along with it.

 I believe that my conservative brethren will rise to the occasion. I challenge them to do so. As I mentioned not too long ago, all of the complaining about the erroneous actions from the “progressive left” concerning “race-baiting” in the Trayvon Martin case should be replaced with one simple, collective decision: conservatives must be involved in these types of social issues. This case is a good one to get involved with....

 Anyone that claims to be a staunch conservative but misses the point of why this case holds the potential to be utterly important nationally (in contrast to the Martin-Zimmerman case) invalidates their arguments on the American family, on American justice, and on moving towards being a color-blind society. Anyone that has a true understanding of the horrors (e.g., beatings, emotional blackmail, rape, torture) that victims – especially female victims – of domestic violence endure would surely embrace the invocation of “Stand Your Ground” in the Alexander case."

Mr. McAllister, please do not hold your breath.   

*Pic courtesy of Politc365


  1. Truthful Cynic8:12 PM

    "This case is a good one to get involved in ...."

    We don't know that. I read the stories as spun by the LSM and it doesn't sit right with me.

    Color me cynical, but whenever a black female is involved, I am suspicious. Too much history of convenient lying and media whoring.

    There seems to be missing gaps in the facts.

    But I agree that everyone has the right to "Stand Their Ground" - black or white, male or female - if they genuinely believe their life is threatened.

    But this one - I'll take a pass.
    Thanks anyways.

  2. Zimmerman is the brownest looking white person i have ever seen.

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    More ""color arousal" fn will ignore.

    Shouldn't field be more consistent before he calls on others to be?

  4. CJumper in San Jose8:50 PM

    I am not comfortable taking the place of judge and jury based on what I read in the news.

    But I'm jaded that there isn't support from all sides for Ms Alexander given the information we have.

    If there is a valid reason she's in jail, what is it?

    Same question I had about Zimmerman, but from the other direction. I still don't know why he was not charged for so long.

  5. Anonymous8:57 PM


    Interesting. She has been in jail since 2010.

    Angela Corey had a lot to do with her prosecution. Hmmmmm......

  6. NSangoma9:19 PM


    Second marriage; this Marissa Alexander Heaux looks like she's knuttz.

    MotherFcuk her, leave her Knuting-Ass in jail.

    There is no money in this for Reverend Inc, or Parks and Crump.


  7. Emmanuel Goldstein9:21 PM

    "Mr. McAllister, please do not hold your breath."

    I'm sure there is something to get color-aroused about in this story.

    No good deed goes unpunished.

  8. @LT

    Have you heard of self hating black people. We have several like Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Herman Cain and others. Zimmerman may be White/Hispanic, but he identifies as white. Besides like Black people "White" Hispanics were not given a "choice" of what to be. they were called things such as Mestizo. Tell me is Anthony Quinn Irish or Mexican? How about Martin Sheen, is he Irish? If Treyvon was Hispanic Zimmerman would have let him have it anyway. Remember what Geraldo told his son about being around White people with his Brown skin?

  9. Nawlie9:27 PM

    kid, you are one crazy MF.

    You must be one of those White Blacks.

  10. Diego9:30 PM

    @ kid:

    It Trayvon was Hispanic, he wouldn't have attacked a dude with a gun. We not so stupid.

  11. Anonymous9:35 PM

    kid said...

    Have you heard of self hating black people. We have several like Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Herman Cain and others. Zimmerman may be White/Hispanic, but he identifies as white. Besides like Black people "White" Hispanics were not given a "choice" of what to be. they were called things such as Mestizo. Tell me is Anthony Quinn Irish or Mexican? How about Martin Sheen, is he Irish? If Treyvon was Hispanic Zimmerman would have let him have it anyway. Remember what Geraldo told his son about being around White people with his Brown skin?

    Did you ever think it was your attitude and not your wrapping that makes a difference?

  12. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I believe Marissa.Black men have serious issues with violence against women.

    The numbers of domestic abuse and rape against black and white women by black men is astounding.

    To the first commenter no group of women in America has lied on men of all races more than white women.

    No group of women in America are bigger media whores than white women.

    As media whores go,it goes white women,white men,black men,and then everyone else

    I commend the conservative for supporting Marissa.


  13. NSangoma9:40 PM


    There is no money for Reverend Inc, or Parks and Crump in this one either, field:

    BALTIMORE — Two brothers accused of beating a black teenager while patrolling an Orthodox Jewish neighborhood are set to go on trial Monday ...

    You may want to start the marches yourself, field. Do you have your own MSNBC show, field?

    Can you threaten the city of Baltimore with marching Negroes, field?


  14. The Zimmer Man9:45 PM

    If we lived in a just world, every one of the lying liberals who has promulgated and supported the promulgation of the dishonest, several-year-old photograph of Trayvon Martin, would run into his own Trayvon Martin—or, more likely, his own feral pack of Trayvon Martins, in some street or alleyway some night.

  15. @TZM

    Then why would Michelle Malkin use a "doctored" photo from the Nazi's on Stormfront? Now you bigots are going after six year olds in Kindergarden. At what point do Black people and children become human? At this point I guess never.

  16. socal9:54 PM

    Anyone who act like a human is a human.

  17. @social

    I wish that people like Limbaugh, Beck, Oreilly, could realize that. Until then, the right will consider us as "different".

  18. Anonymous10:09 PM

    KID, Where have you been so long? Man, it is good to know that you are still around. FN has missed your insightful and clear comments. They are the best I have heard. I just wish you would comment more.

    These trailer park family speed dater racists have never been a match for a brother like you. You know just how to handle them. I remember how your comments leave them baffled and speechless.

    You always know just what words to lay on them to make them STFU. Thanks for being here today, bro.

  19. kid said...

    I wish that people like Limbaugh, Beck, Oreilly, could realize that. Until then, the right will consider us as "different".

    They do.

    It is left that sees everyone by the color of their skin.

  20. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Wasn't Brevik, heroic murderer of unarmed children, trying this defense? That he was just 'standing his ground' and felt threatened by them?

    Laws should be fairly administered.


  21. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Truthful Cynic, "We don't know that. I read the stories as spun by the LSM and it doesn't sit right with me.

    Color me cynical, but whenever a black female is involved, I am suspicious. Too much history of convenient lying and media whoring.

    There seems to be missing gaps in the facts."

    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that?

    Some of you jackasses are just against black women period even if they are innocent. Stand your ground law should apply to them also. But did you notice that this black woman didn't EVEN kill anyone? she fired a warning, which more than Zimmerman did for that 17-year old child.

    It is amazing the way some of you yo-yo's claim to be for justice. You are like wolves claiming to be for justice! The thing is, you are still wolves for justice the way wolves seek justice.

    In the same way racists seek justice through the eyes and ways of racists. This is EXACTLY what happened to that bw in Florida...the biggest racist state in America. FL even beats MS and Georgia. Blacks don't stand a chance in that state. Personally, I don't know why any black person would want to live in that Jim Crow state where both Whites, Jews and Hispanics hate them. It's crazy.

  22. The whole incident and controversy around the Martin-Zimmerman incident is the direct result of rising black teen crime.

    The black populations rises. Black crime rises. Whites, Asians and Hispanics begin to defend themselves and then bad stuff happens.

    In all of the media output on this I have yet to hear a black leader ask black teens in the area to stop committing burglaries lest something like this happens. Indeed Sharpton seems to arguing for the right of black predators to be free to commit crime without their victims fighting back.

    I'm sure that that is unfair but the impression remains.

    It really doesn't matter if Martin was a gang connected thug or a sweet innocent child. None of this would have happened except that black teens in the area were breaking into houses.

    If Zimmerman had replied to the 911 dispatcher, "She seems to be an elderly Chinese woman". Would any of this have happened? Would Zimmerman even be out there on patrol? Black teens are dangerous. We need Obama or Sharpton or someone to plead with the local black teen population to stop the rapes, murders and robberies.

    Blacks need to take responsibility for their bad behavior. Here in Oakland we too have neigborhood watches, but we are not very worried about intruders from our local Chinatown.

  23. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Wasn't Brevik, heroic murderer of unarmed children, trying this defense?


  24. @pat

    Using that logic then I could start a community watch in any Little Italy. Most of the people that die there are Italian. Don't believe me, just ask Sammy Gravaino, John Gotti's Underboss.He killed 38 Italians. Look like a black Block watch in Little Italy would save a lot of Italian lives. Remember according to the FBI people are usually killed by someone that they know. Now if you want to lower the Black crime rate people could stop moving their factories out of Black communities and into suburbs or oversea. Also someone needs to address the crack that Ronald Reagan dumped into only urban areas. Now that was genocide and germ warfare combined. They reason minority America is screwed is because of the CIA. Until that is addressed the cycle will go on.

  25. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Pat, "Blacks need to take responsibility for their bad behavior. Here in Oakland we too have neigborhood watches, but we are not very worried about intruders from our local Chinatown."

    Pat, you are exactly right and the black community knows it. It is unfortunate that Al Sharpton and other influential leaders are involved in reducing black teen crimes. It is the #1 crime problem in America. Yet, eveybody, esp the black community remain silent about it.

    Black teen crime is like a runaway freight train that is gaining speed year after year. No good is going to come out of this for ANYBODY except fear of Blacks, esp bm. One would think there would be a million man march to stop black teenage crime but we all know it isn't going to happen.

    Even Field remains pretty quiet about it, preferring to talk about other things when clearly black teen crimes and killings are at the heart of the matter. As far as Al Sharpton stepping up, don't hold your breath. He is a celebrity and a politician now.

  26. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Kid, "Using that logic then I could start a community watch in any Little Italy. Most of the people that die there are Italian."

    Kid, are you trying to tell me that we don't have a problem with black teens? We are living in it and you are trying to justify and minimize it by talking about Italians? WTF?

    It's your kind of thinking that keeps ignoring a very bad problem we have in our communities. WAKE UP

  27. kid said...
    Ronald Reagan dumped into only urban areas. Now that was genocide and germ warfare combined. They reason minority America is screwed is because of the CIA. Until that is addressed the cycle will go o------------

    That's right kid. It's the CIA and a dead President from the 80's keepin' the black man down.


  28. kid said...

    Using that logic then I could start a community watch in any Little Italy. Most of the people that die there are Italian. Don't believe me, just ask Sammy Gravaino, John Gotti's Underboss.He killed 38 Italians

    I have known many people vicitmized by black criminals, including an uncle who was murdered in his shop, as well as personal experience with black criminals.

    I have never known anyone who was assaulted by a Mafioso.

    The stats bear me out.

  29. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Kid, I like the way you easily handle some of these trailer park folks with your knowledge of racial history.

    Your knowledge is on the level of a professor of history. You should be teaching Black and White history because not too many here know much.

  30. Anonymous11:34 PM

    kid said...

    Using that logic then I could start a community watch in any Little Italy. Most of the people that die there are Italian. Don't believe me, just ask Sammy Gravaino, John Gotti's Underboss.He killed 38 Italians. Look like a black Block watch in Little Italy would save a lot of Italian lives. Remember according to the FBI people are usually killed by someone that they know. Now if you want to lower the Black crime rate people could stop moving their factories out of Black communities and into suburbs or oversea. Also someone needs to address the crack that Ronald Reagan dumped into only urban areas. Now that was genocide and germ warfare combined. They reason minority America is screwed is because of the CIA. Until that is addressed the cycle will go on.

    Oh save him jee-zuss. It's real simple kid about the crack. Don't fucking do it. What do you think anyone not black is your daddy and is responsible for the bad choices you make? The world isn't here to protect you from your own stupidity and lack of impulse control.

    I think your one of those crazy fellas who has a white conspiracy for everything. Trust me, no one needs to do anything but stop supporting the black community if they really wanted to hurt it. Grow the hell up and take responsibility.

    Let's play your game. OK reagan and the CIA dumped crack on the market. Is it only Black crack? Does it only work on Black people? Then why is the problem hugely a Black one? Same with Aids, I am sure you think the "white man" invented that because he just knew you weren't smart enough to not get the disease. So is aids only a Black thing? Or can anyone get it?

    As for the mob, stop watching goodfellas. You don't understand it. Obviously by comparing thugging dumbasses with wise guys. Wise guys don't go around whacking and raping little old ladies and ganging up on any victim they feel like just for the fuck of it. Black thugs do.

  31. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Kid, I like the way you easily handle some of these trailer park folks with your knowledge of racial history.

    Your knowledge is on the level of a professor of history. You should be teaching Black and White history because not too many here know much.

    Professor of African History (fiction)

  32. NSangoma12:35 AM


    SANFORD, Fla. — George Zimmerman was released around midnight Sunday from a county jail on $150,000 bail as he awaits his second-degree murder trial for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin. ...


  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. In New Jersey, I think most prosecutors would be hesitant to charge Alexander with anything & bring her to trial, although they might be forced to go forward on on illegal handgun possession if there was no permit for the gun. But she would claim it was her husband's gun. They night try to get her to plead out to aggravated assault & probation, but with a halfway savvy lawyer the criminal justice system here would certainly give serious thought to letting the whole matter slide rather than fight public opinion, which would be overwhelmingly be with Alexander.

  35. "As media whores go,it goes white women,white men,black men,and then everyone else

    I commend the conservative for supporting Marissa."

    Well that's the problem; the "Conservative", singular. I have not heard any other conservatives come to her defense.

    Sup Kid?

  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    LOL This blog is such a joke.

    Speaking of inconsistency and hypocrisy...

    Two negro males...Trevor Dooley in Tampa, and Cordell Lamar Jude in Phoenix...both shot and killed unarmed victims, claiming "stand your ground" defense (Dooley murdered a white guy, Jude murdered a hispanic guy). The black community and field negro have not demanded justice, and in fact, are pretending that both shootings never happened.

  37. Anonymous7:54 AM

    This blog is a joke becse it's become a sounding board for racist pieces of $hit like you @6:47.

    Dr. Q

  38. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This blog is a joke becse it's become a sounding board for racist pieces of $hit like you @6:47.

    Dr. Q

    "becse" ? You mean because?

  39. kid said...
    Zimmerman may be White/Hispanic, but he identifies as white.

    Wrong. On Zimmerman's voter registration, Myspace, and FaceBook, he ids himself has hispanic. Not white-hispanic, but hispanic.

    Why the liberal media and fn push this false narrative? Because it fit their agenda.Remember, the only reason the media covered this case was because they thought Zimmerman was white.

    When Republicans/Conservatives express concern about the fake news coverage of Zimmerman(which fn himself has tried to pass has real) or the high-tech lynching of Zimmerman, fn tries to claim its "outrage" or defending Zimmerman. Yet when fn and his field negros defend a minority who is charged with a crime against whites, its out of "fairness" or not wanting to rush to judgement.

    Yes Virginia.... There is much hypocrisy when it comes to field negros.

  40. Anonymous9:10 AM

    "Blacks don't stand a chance in that state. Personally, I don't know why any black person would want to live in that Jim Crow state where both Whites, Jews and Hispanics hate them."

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Now you're catching on. The Federal Government can't legislate that someone accept, tolerate, let alone "like" Black people.

  41. Truthful Cynic9:14 AM

    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that

    Tawna Brawley.
    Crystal Magnum
    The crazy chick & AA hire, Madonna Constantine who hung the noose herself on her office door at Columbia to avoid being fired for plagarism.

    I could go on and on.
    The "facts" are with me.

  42. Truthful Cynic9:14 AM

    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that

    Tawna Brawley.
    Crystal Magnum
    The crazy chick & AA hire, Madonna Constantine who hung the noose herself on her office door at Columbia to avoid being fired for plagarism.

    I could go on and on.
    The "facts" are with me.

  43. Truthful Cynic9:15 AM

    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that

    Tawna Brawley.
    Crystal Magnum
    The crazy chick & AA hire, Madonna Constantine who hung the noose herself on her office door at Columbia to avoid being fired for plagarism.

    I could go on and on.
    The "facts" are with me.

  44. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "This blog is a joke becse it's become a sounding board for racist pieces of $hit like you"



  45. Anonymous9:21 AM

    It would seem that the minority-excuse making Liberals are getting what they deserve.

    "British Diplomat" and arch minority-lover was taking a short cut in London when he was brutually attacked by a BLACK man in a HOODIE who was UNARMED but still managed to assault him with his FISTS punching him in the EYE.
    The man lost his eye, it couldn't be saved through surgery.

    But I am sure the liberal media will spin it somehow so this UNARMED HOODIE THUG will be the victim.

  46. Truthful Cynic9:23 AM

    Don't know what multiple versions of the same comment posted. Sorry.

  47. field negro post

    "Despite how much I know from personal experience that the vast majority of conservatives are not racist and misogynistic

    Personal experience isn't linking to a leftwing news source or push polling.

    Personal experience is actually knowing tea party members. So list the names of some tea party members you know, field negro.

    Now i see fn is pushing the false narrative that self-defense laws or stand your ground laws are unfairly applied to blacks.

    field must have missed all the cases in which whites have been charged/convicted when their self defense claims failed, or blacks that haven't been charged because self defense laws were deemed applicable.

    I know field negro is no Volokh Conspiracy.

    At least fn negro could take the time to explain the differences in self defense laws as they are applied in different states.

    This is lazy at best. Race baiting at worst.

    "That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology."

    field negro is what he claims others to be. Only with field negro, you can add racial group to that list.

  48. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Truthful Cynic said...
    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that

    Tawna Brawley.
    Crystal Magnum
    The crazy chick & AA hire, Madonna Constantine who hung the noose herself on her office door at Columbia to avoid being fired for plagarism.

    I could go on and on.
    The "facts" are with me.


    Don't forget Al Sharpton. He's a She. With that permed hairdo and man-boobs and all.

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  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. fn:

    u actually compared passing on cookies to devouring a dog???

    michelle would approve of the refusal to ingest carbs and sugar no???


    mitt is no more of a snob than that dog eating cannibal hobama

    ask his beloved arugula!!!

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. more proof that dog eating dog hobama is the new hitler


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  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. hobama finally has a real jobs china!!!!

    cc this to destroyt!!!

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. Anonymous11:27 AM
    Black Con Man Jesse Lee Peterson on Trayvon Martin

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  61. Zapata11:35 AM

    "alicia banks said...

    we are all trayvon!!!"

    If George Zimmerman had busted a cap on your fat butt, we'd have given him a medal, and a year's supply of free burritos from Taco Bell.

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. moby dickkkless/lard assed lenny b wannabe:

    do not quit your day job as chief troll herein

    you will never be a comedian u kkklown

    and only racist fools like you find humor in the public execution of trayvon and the free human hunter pass given to gz


  64. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. more on that blackish hobama's hopeless racist change


  68. Anonymous12:29 PM

    "What do you think anyone not black is your daddy and is responsible for the bad choices you make? The world isn't here to protect you from your own stupidity and lack of impulse control."

    Well, during the days of slavery, Whites proudly claimed that Blacks needed the care of Whites, and so Whites became "caretakers" from slavery, to Jim Crow to today. It's your KARMA to do so.

    Did you think slavery ended just because YOU passed a law? NO. Slavery ends when YOU have a change of heart toward ALL human beings and treat them like your own brothers and sisters. Judging from the comments on FN we haven't gotten there yet and I doubt if anyone sees a light at the end of a dark racist tunnel.

    YOU and your ancestors ARE responsible for this racist mess, whether you owned slaves or not. But YOU just can't handle the truth. So once again you want to push YOUR inhumane faults on to AAs. Go ahead. However, most humans with a heart know that humans who continue to do what you do-generation after generation-carry the genes of fear, regret, remorse and guilt based on the unconscionable actions you have done to others for centuries. Consequently, you MUST maintain power in order to save your evil asses. Isn't that what the Tea Party and parts of the GOP about...keeping it lilly White? Pray that you maintain your power. Do you ever worry that you might have a defective inhumane gene? Pray to Satan that you maintain your racist power. I shudder to think what might happen should you lose it. Racists have a lot of enemies.

  69. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Einstein once said, "Racism is the disease of the white man."

  71. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. we are all trayvon

    we are all prey at the mercy of kkkillers and fiery/firing human burritos like gz/moby dickkkless et al


  73. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  74. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "Truthful Cynic said...
    Why is it that you think black women are liars and seek the media all the time? Where is the history behind that

    Tawna Brawley.
    Crystal Magnum
    The crazy chick & AA hire, Madonna Constantine who hung the noose herself on her office door at Columbia to avoid being fired for plagarism.

    I could go on and on.
    The "facts" are with me."

    Oh really?

    Bethany Storro

    Bonnine Sweeten

    Ashley Todd....

    I could go on and on the facts are with me.

  75. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Stand your ground law looks like its being applied fairly for the black kid Cordell Lamar Jude 22 yrs old that shot Daniel Adkins 29 the "white mexican" in "self defense" at the taco bell in Arizona, and the kid he shot had no weapon, "unarmed" just as Trayvon Martin was, but in this case the kid had mental issues and the mentality of a 12 yr old. This guy Jude has not been arrested and its been three weeks. No arrest no charges filed yet, this shooter just gets to go about his life similar to the Trayvon martin case with GZ, but in this case, no one has ruined his life by putting his face all over the news and media outlets like Zimmerman got. a public trial by the media. This kid got to remain anonymous up until now. Al Sharpton could care less about this kid. There's no "justice for Daniel" rallies? Pretty in your face race bias, as always, to say the least. Obama didn't make any statements like "if i had a son he'd look like Cordell". Where are these guys? I dont know the facts in the case you speak of and would hope this woman gets fair justice, 20 yrs seems an awful long time for shooting a gun in the air? but you cant say the SYG law is only allowed to some people really what your saying is, YOU feel (it's ok for whites or hispanics to use as a defense but a black person can't get a fair shake in the same situation). Well, this AZ case is absolulty the proof that it can be used by anyone in a state where the law applies! Weather you agree with SYG law's or not! What's your opinion on this case?
