Saturday, April 21, 2012

Guns and cookies.

I know that guns and cookies are a strange combination, but both have been on my mind given the words and actions of two of my republican friends, lately.

 Let me start with the cookies, because more and more Flipper is showing the rest of us who live in the real world, why he shouldn’t be our leader.

So anyway, Flipper goes to Western Pistolvania and is offered some of the best cookies this state has to offer. What do you think he did? Yep, typical of the out of touch snob that he is, he turned his nose up at then. Then, to make matters worse, he took a shot at 7- Eleven. Now that, my friends, is flat out un- American!  

“I’m not sure about these cookies. Did you make those cookies?” he asked the women around him. “You didn’t, did you? No. No. They came from the local 7-Eleven bakery or wherever.”
Romney was not serious. But some of the folks at Bethel Bakery, which baked the cookies, didn’t find Romney’s remarks humorous.

“We wanted him to be welcomed with the best in the burg, and he had no idea, this guy has no idea how beloved this institution is that provided these cookies,” Bethel Bakery owner John Walsh said in an interview with ABC affiliate WTAE-TV out of Pittsburgh.
“It seemed like maybe he should have tasted them first before making the assumption,” Julie Lytle, who handles marketing for Bethel Bakery, said".

So Obama eats dog meat as a child. Flipper refuses to eat cookies as an adult. Which is worse? You be the judge. Does it say something about a man's character if he is prepared a meal by folks who admire him, and rather than take a bite -and at least pretend to show some appreciation for what they did- he makes jokes about the fruits of their labor? I think that it does.

Now on to the subject of guns.

Ann Coulter, as republicans love to do, is trying to rewrite history without a major chapter again.

This time she is trying to paint the democratic party of early American history as the party we know today.  It is not. That party started changing in 1948. Ann, does the word Dixiecrats mean anything to you? How about the words, Southern Strategy? I hope, for your sake, that it does not. Because if you do know the history of the movement away from the democratic party to the republican party by Southern whites; you are an incredibly shameless liar.  

Ms. Coulter, in a preposterous and absurd attempt to support the NRA; tries to make the argument that African Americans should support the NRA , and that they should  arm themselves with more guns. She argues that it was the democratic party who tried to keep guns out of our hands so that the kkk could have their way with us after the Civil War. This is laughable. Any person reading this with anything above a fourth grade education knows that supporting African Americans is the furthest thing from the minds of people supporting the NRA, today.  In fact, part of the reason they are such strong supporters of the NRA is because of their irrational fears of people of color. It is not because of their love of hunting.

Guns are destroying inner city neighborhoods because they are so easily available to the wrong people. Yet Ms. Coulter, in order to score cheap political points, says that what we need in certain neighborhoods is more guns, not less. (Besides, when it comes to guns, black folks don't get the benefit of the doubt like those other folks.)

That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology. And it speaks volumes to where we are heading as a nation: More guns, less thinking. Shoot first, and talk later. I am not surprised that Ms. Coulter chose to go this route; she has been shooting from the hip for a very long time.

Finally, it looks like the you know who case has inspired  some copy cats. I swear "color arousal" is rampant in A-merry-ca.




  1. Anonymous10:14 PM

    He's some "color arousal" field negro won't talk about

    Fox Chicago…

    An 18-year-old man has been charged with a hate crime for his part in a robbery of a man on an Oak Park street this week.

    Alton L. Hayes III, of 1233 N. Woodbine Ave., was allegedly one of two people who attacked a man walking on the 600 block of North Kenilworth Avenue at 12:45 a.m. Tuesday.

    Hayes and a 15-year-old Chicago boy walked up behind a 19-year-old man and allegedly pinned his arms to his side, according to police.

    Hayes allegedly picked up a large tree branch, pointed it at the man and said “empty your pockets, white boy.”

    The two allegedly rifled through the victim’s pockets, then threw him to the ground and punched him “numerous times” in the head and back before running away.

    “They gave indication that part of the reason for the crime had something to do with the victim’s race,” Reynolds said.

  2. Anonymous10:16 PM

    So Obama eats dog meat as a child. Flipper refuses to eat cookies as an adult. Which is worse?

    Comparing eating dog to not eating cookies?

    Jigg for your democrat masters.

  3. Your are right field, Ann Coulter is crazy for wanting blacks to arm themselves. Giving negroes guns is always a terrible idea:

  4. So you are saying Democrats DIDN'T try to keep blacks from owning guns?

    Since you don't know the history of the NRA- you should not talk about them. It shows your ignorance.

    Don't you just love how Liberals are always telling us what's on own minds and how we think?

    "That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology."

    Same could be said about you..

  5. The Washington Post is reporting that the manager who blew the whistle on the Secret Service's misbehavior is a black woman:

    "Ten years after entering the service at the bottom rung, she joined as a plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit that claimed the agency engaged in racial discrimination against African American personnel. She provided a declaration giving examples of ways black agents were relegated to lesser assignments.

    Hmmm, a black female AA employee with a history of filing discrimination lawsuits. That's a surprise!

    The article goes on to say that she enjoys being a role model for women and minorities. I'll bet she does. And what a role model!

    Since the hookers looked at least as "white" as Zimmerman, do you think this was another case of black female jealousy of white women? Especially if some of these secret service dudes were brothers.

  6. Anonymous10:58 PM

    I agree with Coulter, we need to be at NRA meetings to at least make them say things to our faces they say behind our backs. Let them say to me they have guns because they're scared of people that look like me. My wife and I are armed not because of "thugs" but because of Zimmermann types that jump at the sight of a brotha even if he has Skittles. One day these fools in Montana and Idaho will grow enough of a sack to come to our neighborhood one day to confront the "enemy" and we need to be ready. Perios.
    Now as far as her rewriting history that has been conservative stock in trade since forever. Wingnuts here on your site tell me things have been pro-Blah since the 50's. Let the games begin then again these people actually believe what Limbaugh and Coulter tell them about blah people so if they believe that crap they deserve each other.

  7. A recent USA Today/Gallup poll finds:

    Blacks are more than twice as likely as nonblacks (72 to 32 percent) to believe that Mr. Zimmerman (who is white and Hispanic) is guilty of a crime in shooting Trayvon, according to an April 2-4 Gallup survey of 3,006 Americans.

    How could 72 percent of blacks believe Zimmerman is guilty, when they have no more information about this than anyone else?

    Then there is this:

    In a landmark ruling, a North Carolina judge on Friday vacated the death penalty of a black man convicted of murder, saying prosecutors across the state had engaged in deliberate and systematic racial discrimination when striking black potential jurors in death penalty cases.

    Given that blacks vote on race rather than facts, of course a prosecuter doesn't want blacks on their jury.

    First and foremost, justice is most certainly not colorblind

  8. CowboyX11:05 PM

    Pilotx said..
    One day these fools in Montana and Idaho will grow enough of a sack to come to our neighborhood one day to confront the "enemy" and we need to be ready. ........ Let the games begin then again these people actually believe what Limbaugh and Coulter tell them about blah people so if they believe that crap they deserve each other.

    Who is the crazy dude who thinks people from Montana are coming to get him?

    That would be you, you crazy old coot. Do they still let you fly?

  9. Mia Love just won the Utah-04 nomination at the Utah Republican Convention.

    She has a great chance of winning come November.

    Expect field to start attacking her soon.

    Why would field attack Mia Love?

    Mia is a Haitian American. A black Republican. A free thinker.{What blacks living on the Democrat plantation fear most}

  10. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Pilotx said..
    One day these fools in Montana and Idaho will grow enough of a sack to come to our neighborhood one day to confront the "enemy" and we need to be ready. ........ Let the games begin then again these people actually believe what Limbaugh and Coulter tell them about blah people so if they believe that crap they deserve each other.

    No One is coming to get you Pile it X. But seriously think about it, ghetto organization....where exactly has this ever taken place?

    If the victims ever got serious you would last about a new york minute. You don't get to talk shit when it's on.

  11. Anonymous11:12 PM

    a comment from the previous thread:

    "Zimmerman will not only be found innocent there should be charges filed against the attorneys and Trayvons parents, Sharpton and anyone else who helped propogate the lie. With special emphasis on the Prosecutor who clearly investigated nothing. People on a blog investigated the truth and exposed all the lies especially the one about the fake phone call with Dee-Dee that never happened.

    I can't wait for this all to come out!!!!"

    Yeah, I bet you can't wait, just like you couldn't wait for the OJ verdict. Were you surprised? Did you feel punked?

  12. "Apparently the neighbors didn’t believe them when they said they owed the home, so they called the police. When authorities arrived, the Kalonjis, who didn’t have the closing papers with them, were arrested and charged with loitering and prowling."

    Oh gee, even with the magic protection of having a white wife, Mr. African black man still got arrested? Now what is this world coming to? Next.

  13. Anonymous11:15 PM

    HAHA Field you are shameless. Really - cookies? I heard about his last week and I said no, even the democrats have to realize this is getting ridiculous with these daily silly talking points.

    Hows that budget coming along? First time in history democrats will NOT and have not put a budget in place for not 1, not 2, not 3 but over three years (coincidentally this includes the 2 years democrats controlled the house, senate and white house) now they say they don't need a budget. Uh-HUH the highest debt this nation has ever seen in 3 1/2 years and we know a greece crisis is coming soon and the democrats won't do a thing about it so they can fool some into getting re-elected. They are nothing but traitors to this nation and should be jailed for their irresponsibility. So instead, lets talk about cookies....HAH. Now you know why the majority of this country are not democrats.

  14. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    a comment from the previous thread:

    "Zimmerman will not only be found innocent there should be charges filed against the attorneys and Trayvons parents, Sharpton and anyone else who helped propogate the lie. With special emphasis on the Prosecutor who clearly investigated nothing. People on a blog investigated the truth and exposed all the lies especially the one about the fake phone call with Dee-Dee that never happened.

    I can't wait for this all to come out!!!!"

    Yeah, I bet you can't wait, just like you couldn't wait for the OJ verdict. Were you surprised? Did you feel punked?

    If the glove fits, lube up and bend over for your prostrate exam. And if you feel two hands on your shoulders you better turn around and see what the Doctor is really doing.

  15. my black snake make you moan11:21 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...

    Oh gee, even with the magic protection of having a white wife, Mr. African black man still got arrested? Now what is this world coming to? Next.

    Having a white wife has never stopped a negro from being arrested.

    Besides, its asian women that have the magical vagina.

    You ain't never seen a megro with a asian woman get arrested has ya?

  16. "You ain't never seen a megro with a asian woman get arrested has ya?"

    Hardly, Asian women usually avoid black men.

  17. Anonymous11:34 PM

    LaAudio, "Oh gee, even with the magic protection of having a white wife, Mr. African black man still got arrested? Now what is this world coming to? Next."

    If the man's wife was White, Field would have mentioned it. But he didn't and so there was no white wife. FYI: Field never leaves out pertinent information regarding racism or color arousal, esp when he noted that this was a "copy cat" "color arousal" event of Trayvon Martin.

  18. my black snake make you moan11:41 PM

    Come to think of it, i ain't never saw a white boy with a asian woman get arrested.

    Asian women do have magical vaginas.

    Shit man.Maybe i needs to be creepying in some asian hoods.

  19. Yup, the wife is white. And I find it strange that they still got arrested. I could more see the stereotyping being played out if the wife was also black. After all, white women are not supposed to be thieves and loiterers, right? Something else must have went down. This is nothing like the Trayvon Martin murder.

  20. Not that I'm saying Field was comparing it to Trayvon.

  21. Tyrone Shoelaces11:52 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Yup, the wife is white. And I find it strange that they still got arrested. I could more see the stereotyping being played out if the wife was also black. After all, white women are not supposed to be thieves and loiterers, right? Something else must have went down. This is nothing like the Trayvon Martin murder.

    Lets see people in a house without papers - doesnt' happen in the real world unless you are squatting no one takes over a house until after the closing and a black thug getting killed because he attacked a hispanic guy with a gun. Geez you are right, they are nothing alike. You're so smurt.

  22. Jackie Chin11:55 PM

    my black snake make you moan said...
    Come to think of it, i ain't never saw a white boy with a asian woman get arrested.

    Asian women do have magical vaginas.

    Shit man.Maybe i needs to be creepying in some asian hoods.

    you come round here we make sushi from your slimey black snake and feed it to our chickens we no want no dim darkbulb babies with no father to support them

  23. "a black thug getting killed because he attacked a hispanic guy with a gun. Geez you are right, they are nothing alike. You're so smurt."

    A young black male was stereotyped, hunted down and then gunned down by a half white racist, because of the color of his black skin. You can keep saying it the other way around all you like, doesn't mean it will make it so.

  24. Anonymous12:01 AM

    A young black male was stereotyped, hunted down and then gunned down by a half white racist, because of the color of his black skin. You can keep saying it the other way around all you like, doesn't mean it will make it so.

    I guess you aren't up on the evidence. Even the fake girlfriends made up crump story was already shown to be a lie.

    Zimmerman wasn't racist at all. Read up dear, you are woefully ill informed. But little Trayvon was a thug.

    If you want mob justice instead of facts and laws, just think, some day this could turn on you - quite quick like.

  25. Anonymous12:04 AM

    On the advice of their realtor, Jean and Angelica Kalonji went to their new home to change the locks and were held at gunpoint by neighbors, reports the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

    The realtor had to be a Negro to tell them to do this. You cannot take possesion or work on a house until you close. There is insurance law along with liabilities up the kazoo. If they burned it down and walked away they were scott free if they did not go to closing. NO bank, auction or seller will ever let you work on the house unless you sign an indemification agreement or actually own it which you do not do until after closing.

  26. Dead Sanford12:05 AM

    La♥idiotbooks said...
    A young black male was stereotyped, hunted down and then gunned down by a half white racist, because of the color of his black skin.

    You must have evidence no one else has seen. Please contact Angela Corey immediately!

  27. Y U So Fat12:06 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Yup, the wife is white.

    Wife say "I get up my hands up, they put by the wall,” she said."

    She no sound white she sound like she from the congo where they bang da drums all day.

  28. Anonymous12:08 AM

    You must have evidence no one else has seen. Please contact Angela Corey immediately!

    Ahhhhh, O'Mara already has. She will most likely be disbarred for hiding the evidence of self defense. It's coming.

  29. Anonymous12:09 AM

    "Ms. Coulter, in a preposterous and absurd attempt to support the NRA; tries to make the argument that African Americans should support the NRA , and that they should arm themselves with more guns. She argues that it was the democratic party who tried to keep guns out of our hands so that the kkk could have their way with us after the Civil War. "

    Mr. Field, Ann Coulter is right.

    Field, "That is a sad commentary on just how far some folks will go to support their political gang, and their perverse ideology. And it speaks volumes to where we are heading as a nation: More guns, less thinking. Shoot first, and talk later."

    Mr. Field, what do YOU recommend Blacks should do, not arm themselves against the likes of Whites in Oklahoma, Florida or Texas? Not arm themselves against those Whites who have black phobia, which is just about all of them?

    Just what do YOU recommentd we should do?

  30. The quotation mark challenged anony said: "Read up dear, you are woefully ill informed.""

    Read up where, on stormfront? And what evidence? The photoshop photos of trickling blood that showed up almost two months after? There were no injuries to his head on the video that night. None.

    In fact the fake photos show his head more clean shaven than it was the very night he was taken to the police station based on the vid.

    Tricks are for kids.

  31. Even if, and I mean if Killerman had head wounds, they would have been conducive to a struggle on the ground where Trayvon would have been rightfully trying to defend himself.

    You bitter racist trolls can not win. Killerman was the aggressor either way you try to turn it.

  32. Zimmerman will walk free.

    Negroes will riot.

    The rest of the country will give up on negroes.

  33. Anonymous1:16 AM

    anon, "Just what do YOU recommentd we should do?"

    12:09 AM

    Field, I am in agreement with anon's question, 'just what do you think we do?'

  34. Anonymous1:20 AM

    "The rest of the country will give up on negroes."

    The country gave up on Negroes long before now. There is a hatred toward Blacks and the reaction to Obama's Presidency has proven it.

  35. "The country gave up on Negroes long before now. There is a hatred toward Blacks and the reaction to Obama's Presidency has proven it."

    No, now is the beginning of the end. Our racial policy has proved a disaster. Sixty years after Brown vs. the School Board, blacks have not assimilated. They constitute a separate people having almost nothing in common with the surrounding European society. They fiercely maintain their identity with their own music, dialect, customs, dress, and names. All attempts to turn them into middle-class whites in darker packaging have failed. Only relentless governmental pressure forces an appearance of partial integration.

    Let’s consider a few awkward facts that loom ghoulishly above the body politic, which seems to be decomposing. First, on every known measure of cognitive ability, on IQ, SATs, GREs, everything, blacks average about one standard deviation, fifteen IQ points, below whites. The gap is a fact. It exists. It is reflected in performance. It has proved intractable. In a technological civilization that rewards intelligence, the deficit sharply limits legitimate access to the higher reaches of money, power, class, and prestige.

    Second, blacks continue to show little interest in schooling. Exceptions and degrees, yes. Yet consider cities such as Washington, which usually has a black mayor, black city council, mostly black school board, black staffs in the schools, black parents, black students, a high per-capita expenditure—and perhaps the worst schools in the country. This is a fact, and shows no signs of diminishing. It is repeated in countless cities.

    If the United State had large numbers of manual jobs that paid a living wage, as for example assembling cars, things might not be so bad. But the United States no longer has many such jobs. The economy has no need for huge numbers of people who read at the level of second-graders, if that. The existence of these people is a fact. When such jobs exist, as for example on police forces, better qualified whites are invariably available. Without remedial intervention, the academic and professional worlds, the managerial ranks of blue-collar trades, would turn almost pure white, and there would be actual hunger in the inner cities.

    The solution, to the extent that it can be called a solution, has been a combination of welfare and affirmative action. Each has produced its own kind of dependency. Whites in their own way depend on welfare payments to blacks in that ending welfare would send the cities up in flames. We now have dense concentrations of unemployed, unemployable blacks leading meaningless lives in rotting cities. They are angry, blame whites for their troubles, and do not have a lot to lose. The torching of Los Angeles in 1992 is endlessly repeatable. Only a spark is needed.

  36. Anonymous1:32 AM

    Fred, your outstanding comment will be forwarded throughout the blogosphere, esp among the black/brown blogosphere. Hope you don't mind but we need a clear statement like yours. I have a feeling you will be a national hit! Thanks for your comment. Look for it in the media.

  37. Anonymous1:36 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    The quotation mark challenged anony said: "Read up dear, you are woefully ill informed.""

    Read up where, on stormfront? And what evidence? The photoshop photos of trickling blood that showed up almost two months after? There were no injuries to his head on the video that night. None.

    In fact the fake photos show his head more clean shaven than it was the very night he was taken to the police station based on the vid.

    Tricks are for kids.

    No injuries? Hmmmm, medical report and police beg to differ. But ok, have it your way. Let's see if your theory that everyone is out to make the black kid look like a thug and he wasn't is true. Damn, you must be important, they even photoshop head wounds just to fool you.

    Speaking of two months after, funny how the entire case pivots around dee-dee. Dee-Dee who never said a word but suddenly mysteriously appears two months after and heard the whole thing, then couldnt testify cause she was devastated. Nope. People already dug up that worm. They know who she is, what she did on those days, what she said and how crump literally lied.

    With all the blacks attacking whites and the the commonality of black thugs getting violent so easily and crime statistics. Why in the world would you doubt the evidence when if you were a gambler you could bet this was self defense and win

    Here you want to see what the lying prosecutor is going to have to face? She will be up against ethics violations when this is all said and done.


  38. Joe Friday1:57 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Even if, and I mean if Killerman had head wounds, they would have been conducive to a struggle on the ground where Trayvon would have been rightfully trying to defend himself.

    You bitter racist trolls can not win. Killerman was the aggressor either way you try to turn it.

    Nobody starts a fist fight with a man holding a gun. Nobody holding a gun starts a fist fight with his left hand. Nobody who is winning a fist fight pulls a gun.

    The prosecution's narrative cannot be true.

    Martin must have started the fight.

    Zimmerman must not have pulled his gun until after he was losing the fight.

    Zimmerman is innocent of murder.

  39. Anonymous2:49 AM

    Democrats need help. Guns and Cookies? No way. Now maybe if you said Guns and Canoli's you might have something to distract from Obama's horrible presidency. As it stand's now I think you are talking about dessert following the "dog days" of this administration. Dogmeat and cookies?

  40. NSangoma3:02 AM


    What's the matter Jean Kalonji, your son does not like living around Atlanta Negroes.

    Seems to be quite a hike betwixt Fulton county and Newton county. If Newton county is far enough from Atlanta, you just may have a half-way decent chance at good schools.

    A false arrest though; you should have been arrested only if you could not produce the closing papers.


  41. BARBF7:27 AM

    I'm sure we all want to keep that man in the White House who "shares our pain" while vacationing a reported 16 times so far...and eats steaks that cost $100.00 per pound.

  42. Anonymous7:54 AM

    BARBF, thanks for the info. It's important to know what Obama is doing.

    Your comment will be forwarded to the many concerned about the price of steaks that Obama eats.

    BTW, where do you get $100/lb steak? They must be delicious--tender and melt in anyone's mouth.

    What do you eat besides beef jerkies from Safeway, or Lucky's? Or maybe an occasional rattlesnake?

  43. "Field, I am in agreement with anon's question, 'just what do you think we do?'"

    Get your permits, and buy your guns. But don't give a dime to the NRA.

    :) @ Anon 7:54 AM

    "No, now is the beginning of the end. Our racial policy has proved a disaster. "

    What, exactly, is a "racial policy"?

    "Why would field attack Mia Love?"

    Well, let us start with her name.:)

  44. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Field, "So Obama eats dog meat as a child. Flipper refuses to eat cookies as an adult. Which is worse? You be the judge. Does it say something about a man's character if he is prepared a meal by folks who admire him, and rather than take a bite -and at least pretend to show some appreciation for what they did- he makes jokes about the fruits of their labor? I think that it does."

    Eating dog meat is much worse, imho. Just think of the preparation of dog meat, from killing dogs to your dinner table. It's repulsive.

    But you are right about this next election. It will be based on the voters 'feelings' about the candidates' "character". But that's nothing new in America. American voters have always voted along those lines.

    Romney should have shown more respect for Pennsylvanians' and their cookies. That was a 'bad' show on his part.

    However, Obama has made a bad show of character that will NEVER be forgotten. It can't be forgotten-at least, I can't forget it.... And that is how he has treated those of us who helped get him elected. Need I remind you what degrading insulting words he has had for Blacks and the poor? Need I remind you that Blacks have suffered twice the national average of unemployment, the highest in AA history?

    I find it fascinating that you, Mr. Field, haven't said a word about the sorry state of Black America since Obama has been President. Yet you want to talk about Romney's character?....Get Real! There is no comparison.

    And need I remind you how Obama has disappointed white liberals who voted for him? He has shown a lack of character that even they find hard to stomach. IMHO, Obama has shown a lack of character unmatched by Romney.

    Field, you need to be careful how you attack Romney because Obama has him beat in some areas when it comes to personality.... And character is one of them!

    And let's not ever forget the perennial problem of the color of a man's skin, which has ALWAYS been a consideration in racist America.

  45. "However, Obama has made a bad show of character that will NEVER be forgotten. It can't be forgotten-at least, I can't forget it.... "And that is how he has treated those of us who helped get him elected. Need I remind you what degrading insulting words he has had for Blacks and the poor? Need I remind you that Blacks have suffered twice the national average of unemployment, the highest in AA history?"

    I understand your position, and I am not in total disagreement with you. However, consider the alternative.

  46. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "I understand your position, and I am not in total disagreement with you. However, consider the alternative."

    I am considering the alternative to Obama. To tell the truth, I am not sure..esp. when it comes to race. At this juncture, I have yet to find Romney to be as degrading toward Blacks as Obama has been. However, that's not to say he won't put his foot in his mouth like he did in PA their

    But I am betting he won't, considering he has not done so in his political career. Romney has some shortcomings but being a racist does not seem to be one of them. Again, Obama has shown his prejudices against Blacks in both words and deeds. Need I say more? I am leery of Obama. And, I am hoping that Romney WON'T be as terrible as Obama. Thus far, he has refused to eat your most prized cookies. But I bet he has ordered several cases of it by now to make up for his mistake.LOL

    I haven't made up my mind, but I am considering the 'alternative' simply because of Obama's track record with Blacks. "Right now", I am leaning toward Romney. As Gov of Mass, he made no degrading or insulting remarks toward Blacks. Personally, I don't think Romney comes from racially prejudiced background. The Romneys have paralleled the Kennedys when it comes to race, except Romney is more towards the 'center' than far left like the Kennedys once were .

    I could be wrong about Romney when it comes to race, but I don't think so. In any case, time will tell.

  47. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Shit man.Maybe i needs to be creepying in some asian hoods."

    Finally, a vagina small enough to accommodate your microscopic penis.

  48. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "Finally, a vagina small enough to accommodate your microscopic penis.'

    Why would you assume Asian women have small vaginas? It is based on the individual.

  49. Anonymous11:29 AM

    "Why would you assume Asian women have small vaginas? It is based on the individual."

    Small penis = no need for a vagina to stretch to fit a larger penis.

    And everyone knows that Asian men have the smallest penis' on the planet.

  50. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Why would you assume Asian women have small vaginas? It is based on the individual."

    Small penis = no need for a vagina to stretch to fit a larger penis.

    And everyone knows that Asian men have the smallest penis' on the planet.

    I'll have to take your word on this. I have never seen an Asian man's penis. Just how many have you seen up close and personal to get this opinion or is the penis opinion from your ass?

    A blubbery whale thinks a horse penis is small. Figure out what that means.

  51. Anonymous1:19 PM

    "A blubbery whale thinks a horse penis is small. Figure out what that means"

    It means your Mom is fat, your Dad "got lost" in all that fat, and that you need to defend your Asian-ish penis.

    Now show me an Asian male porn star, and I'll show you a life outside of the Internet, tinker d!ck.

  52. NSangoma1:52 PM


    SIHT !! field, what happened to the photo of you in the hoodie?

    You no longer down with the Trayvon Martin, Negroes?

    You no longer down with Reverend Inc, Al Sharpton?

    Oopz, its was Geraldo, Gerald Michael Riviera who brought up the hoodie as a factor in the Trayvon Martin case. And, you emotional Negroes immediately ran out, bought hoodies, and had your pictures taken with them on.

    What did that hooded photo of you represent field? Solidarity with the dumb?

    Or, more specifically solidarity with the NGGIER-Dumb?

    Where them Jena-6 Negroes be at field? Still in the Negroe community snatching senior citizens purses and robbing them of their social security?


  53. Yun Hung Lo2:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "A blubbery whale thinks a horse penis is small. Figure out what that means"

    It means your Mom is fat, your Dad "got lost" in all that fat, and that you need to defend your Asian-ish penis.

    Now show me an Asian male porn star, and I'll show you a life outside of the Internet, tinker d!ck.

    Does getting fat make your chocha grow? So black women have big chochas? All of them or just the fat ones? Tee-hee.

    Maybe you need to cut back on surfin for porn, give it rest try and get a real girlfriend or at least pay one. Then you can get over your Asian IQ envy. Maybe small penis next to animal but sell you colt45 and rent you place to live with your government check we do.

  54. Juan Valdez2:59 PM

    If Zimmerman had had a gun, he'd be alive today.

  55. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Juan Valdez said...
    If Zimmerman had had a gun, he'd be alive today.

    And Costa Rica grows the best coffee. Pura Vida!!!

  56. Anonymous4:31 PM

    stupid negroes the national socialist democratic worker party has always been the party of the they are the party of cpusa which is another slaver i was not surprised at the oj verdict because nergoes do not know right from wrong.80%of negroes borne out of wedlock to women with iq's lower than 100 gives us a bumper crop of stupid criminals who attack armed citizens.ann coulter is smarter than all of you negroes combined.she is a real constitutional scholar unlike that fraud in the white house ande the NRA is a real civile rights organization unlike the racist negroes commit 85% of all hate crimes which is why we need guns to protect our selves from negro depravity.did tray's parents ever ask where he got the money for his gold grill and tatoos? did they ever sak the 6'3" thug why he had burglar tools in his locker in school?i guess not because he was casing out the homes to see what he and his father could steal.then he attacked zimmerman from behind,knocked him down and smashed zimmermans head into the side walk.zimmerman had no choice but to shoot the thug tray martin who is now a good negro.

  57. "no i was not surprised at the oj verdict because nergoes do not know right from wrong.80%of negroes borne out of wedlock to women with iq's lower than 100 gives us a bumper crop of stupid criminals...."

    I need a towel to wipe up this irony that is dripping all over the place. :)

  58. The Juror5:48 PM

    Field. I very much respect you & your opinions. But your failure to address stories such as this, (which was actually referenced by the first commentor), makes me wonder.

    You are a lawyer, for Christ's sakes! You should condemn all acts of lawlessness with the same passion. ESPECIALLY admitted hate crimes.

  59. Anon@ 5:48 PM, I condemn ALL acts of violence and lawlessness.

  60. Cletus9:12 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@ 5:48 PM, I condemn ALL acts of violence and lawlessness.

    Thus speaketh the Field Negro.

    Everybody get your shit together.

  61. Whiteshavelowiqs10:45 AM

    Field, just found out about your site love it. Anyway how ironic the person pointed out that 80% of the stupid negroes are born out of wedlock. One that is false statistics are misleading majority arent true and are misleading first they say majority of black women are giving abortions, now its majority are born out of wedlock which one is it because they both cant be true. Again the blacks have the lowest Iq is a lie. Did they try out every black person or a few because no one tested my Iq or my mothers for some study. People dont give majority black cities the care like white cities and schools, period. When whites decrease in 2025 maybe well see it better for us. Also a lot of us are middle class the media will not show this. Since you want to use statistics, statistics shows racists like yourselves have low iqs, which would mean majority of whites have low iqs. Statistics also show the poorest places are a white city and native american. Statistics also show WHITES commit the most hate crimes. Also you have no right to call anyone stupid you are missing puncuations everywhere. I am on a phone so if I missed spelled some words that is ok.

  62. Whiteshavelowiqs11:06 AM

    Also whites publishing a hate crime are so fucking arrogant everything must always be about them. And whites have zero reasons to be arroganr because they are the most evil and flawed race they caused hatred in this world and seperation. And I meant arrogance before cant change errors easily. Anyway, everything whites have is due to fraud,hate,keeping,out people, and stealing. I always laugh when crackers like these sit and judge like they got where they because of hard work. Anyway whites posting hate crimes commited by us look stupid blacks who commit robbery get life or decades in prison what do you think happens when a white is attacked or murdered, in case some of you dont understand you guys seem like you wouldnt it means they all are in prison eithet life or theyll be getting out in their 80s. Whites get away with hate crimes shit crime too much. If casey that lady that killed her daughter was black she would have been in prison it wouldnt take months at all.
