Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fake video footage and very real voter suppression.

You would think that with all that money they have available to them (Almost a billion and counting.Thank you Supremes.) the news network for dummies would come up with a better ad. for attacking his Oness. We are used to FOX making up stuff to suit their narrative, but actually putting fake footage in an ad is over the top for an organization that styles itself as a legitimate news network. (Stop laughing. They really do think that they are legitimate)


"Fox News’ Executive Vice President of Programming, Bill Shine, tells Yahoo News, “The package that aired on ‘Fox & Friends’ was created by an associate producer and was not authorized at the senior executive level of the network.”

Stay classy winnguts; blame the "associate producer". The GOP already got their $100,000 worth of air time free of charge.

Someone needs to tell Flipper that if he plans to become president of the United States, it would help to learn how to spell A-m-e-r-i-c-a.

And I know, I know, as someone who likes to make up my own words and butcher the spelling of various words from time to time, I have no room to talk. But hey, I am not running for president of these divided states, and I am not paid a ton money to help run and coordinate a presidential campaign. 

Finally, I am glad that the AG took my advice and is all over this attack on our right to vote here in America.

Attorney General Eric Holder told African-American clergy leaders Wednesday that a wave of new state laws on voting and legal challenges to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 may jeopardize rights they helped fight for in the civil rights era.

"Despite our nation's long tradition of extending voting rights ... a growing number of our fellow citizens are worried about the same disparities, divisions and problems that - nearly five decades ago - so many fought to address," Holder told a meeting of the Conference of National Black Churches convened by the Congressional Black Caucus to discuss the laws.

"In my travels across the country, I've heard a consistent drumbeat of concern from citizens, who - often for the first time in their lives - now have reason to believe that we are failing to live up to one of our nation's most noble ideals. And some of the achievements that defined the civil rights movement now hang in the balance."

Holder spoke in response to an array of new voting measures enacted by several mostly Republican state governments that proponents say are needed to protect against voter fraud and to prevent illegal immigrants from voting. However, the mostly Democratic black caucus - along with several civil rights, voting rights and civil liberties groups - contends that the laws are really efforts to suppress the votes of minorities and others.

Since last year, at least 15 states have passed laws that include requiring people to show government-approved photo identification or proof of citizenship before they register or vote. Other changes that states have adopted or some legislatures are considering include restricting voter-registration efforts by third-party groups, such as the League of Women Voters and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; curtailing or eliminating early voting; doing away with same-day voter registration; and rescinding the voting rights of convicted felons who have served their time.

A study last year by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University says the changes could restrict voting access to 5 million people, most of them minorities, elderly or poor. The NAACP estimates that about 25 percent of African-Americans don't possess the proper documentation to meet ID requirements in some states; the figure is 11 percent for the overall population." [Source]

Now I need all of you Negroes to get off your butts and start paying attention to what is happening in your country. People died so that you all could have the rights that you enjoy, now they are being chipped away by back room deals and greedy and unscrupulous poli-tricksters. Wake the f*&k up!

And for the record, some of you house Negroes who choose to side with these people ---who would take away the hard fought rights of your people---- are no better than the lone sell out who gave up Denmark Vesey 190 years ago today. 

Read more here:


  1. NSangoma9:22 PM


    Gabriel Prosser, Nat Turner, and Denmark Vesey did not love AmeriKKKa !


  2. GrannyStandingforTruth9:33 PM

    "Now I need all of you Negroes to get off your butts and start paying attention to what is happening in your country. People died so that you all could have the rights that you enjoy, now they are being chipped away by back room deals and greedy and unscrupulous poli-tricksters. Wake the f*&k up!"

    "And for the record, some of you house Negroes who choose to side with these people ---who would take away the hard fought rights of your people---- are no better than the lone sell out who gave up Denmark Vesey 190 years ago today."

    FIELD, PREACH IT! Amen, amen, and amen again.

    Standing up and waving church hankie<---granny.

    Hmmmm...verification word is 1868.

    In 1868, the 14th amendment granted full U.S. citizenship to African-Americans.

  3. Anonymous9:46 PM

    A study last year by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University says the changes could restrict voting access to 5 million people, most of them minorities, elderly or poor. The NAACP estimates that about 25 percent of African-Americans don't possess the proper documentation to meet ID requirements in some states; the figure is 11 percent for the overall population."

    Could you please explain to me exactly how 1 in four blacks do not have any form of ID in this day and age and what is wrong with protecting the value and integrity of our voting process by ensuring illegal aliens/non citizens do not vote? I hear and see a lot of typical moonbat gloom and doom and estimated numbers...Would love to hear one case. If they are really, really poor, I am sure they are one of the 50% of Americans on social assistance or getting some type of government benefits so therefore DO have an ID. Show me one example, just one or lets put this typical democratic bullshit to bed. Everything is melodramatic bullshit. Never facts, never reality. They want to keep illegals from voting, the question shouldnt be why do they want to do this, the question should be why the hell DO YOU NOT want this done?

    Now, please show me an example of a Black person who is so incompetent they cannot live in a civilized society, have no ID or way to make it in this country, get no benefits, live off the grid and don't have any black charities that could help, including the government sponsored programs to pay and transport anyone who may not have an ID. Show me one, just one.

  4. A study last year by the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University says the changes could restrict voting access to 5 million people, most of them minorities, elderly or poor. The NAACP estimates that about 25 percent of African-Americans don't possess the proper documentation to meet ID requirements in some states; the figure is 11 percent for the overall population."


    If anyone does not have the wherewithal to obtain a proper identification card, then by no means do I want them voting.

    Universal suffrage eventually destroys every democracy. Look at America's downward spiral as the right to vote was extended to anyone who can breathe. Now the democrats have Eric Holder working to ensure the right to vote for people who can't breathe.

  5. a picture's worth a thousand words10:10 PM

    MugBook strikes. The cops must have been laughing themselves silly.

    Police Use Facebook To Put End To Gang’s Crime Spree In Crown Heights

    Cop 'Friends' Members On Social Networking Giant's Site, Leading To 14 Arrests

    May 30, 2012

    (CBSNewYork) – Fourteen suspected members of a Crown Heights gang dubbed the “Brower Boys” have been indicted in connection with a year-long crime spree after talking about their alleged exploits on Facebook, authorities said Wednesday.

    The suspects, who range in age from 15 to 19, climbed fire escapes and jumped rooftops to gain access to victims’ apartments from April 2011 to March 2012, according to Brooklyn District Attorney Charles J. Hynes.

    “These Brower bums terrorized their neighborhood for one long year, but now their cycle of crime is over,” Hynes said.

    Hynes told CBS 2′s John Slattery the gang began with just burglaries, but added “the Brower Boys became increasingly brazen in their criminal activity.”

    Named for nearby Brower Park in Crown Heights, the gang resorted to gunfire and robbery, the district attorney said. Suspect Terry Walley allegedly tangled with a resident he allegedly shot and wounded.

    Four other suspects, Christopher Scott, Derrin Dyson, Dezhaun Samuels, and a 13-year-old, allegedly tied up victims in an apartment.

    “It is alleged all four sexually assaulted the female victim while still tied behind her back,” Hynes said.

    Police said it was Dyson and Olurabu Henry who were caught on camera hauling out laptops, cell phones and other stuff to sell.

    The 102-count indictment alleges that the suspects stole electronics which they would later pawn.

    Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said an officer from the 77th Precinct was able to track the suspects on social networking sites.

    “He was able to get up on Facebook and ‘friend’ the members of the Brower gang to such an extent that he was able to track their next move,” Kelly said.

    Officer Michael Rodriguez said the suspects would get bolder in what they wrote, like the videotaped crime.

    “In that instance, they were boasting about making money,” Officer Rodriguez said.

    Investigators also made video recordings of some of the suspects climbing in and out of apartment windows, up and down fire escapes and running across rooftops, authorities said. The suspects are charged in connection with more than 20 break-ins.

    Residents around Brower Park applauded the take-down.

    “Well, I’m glad they broke the ring,” one person said.

    “If they arrested 14, they know what they’re doing,” another added.

    The police commissioner said with social media it becomes a cat-and-mouse game, with some thieves forming codes in hopes of throwing police off their track.

  6. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Like what form of ID should Blacks have? Why not give us the information of what we need? As poor Blacks, we need to be educated. Is there a black blog which lays it all out?

  7. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Finally, I am glad that the AG took my advice and is all over this attack on our right to vote here in America."

    Field, do you 'really' think Holder is going to do anything? It's just smoke and mirrors.

    This has been brewing for a while in some states and Holder said nothing about it. If he was going to do anything he would have done it a long time ago.

    I've said it before, and I'll say it again-even though Field fails to recognize it as the truth:

    "It is depressing to be Black in America."

    Field, you might do well to read "The New Jim Crow". Nothing from the Jim Crow era has changed. We are toast, imo. We ARE a depressed race.

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth11:39 PM

    Many older black people do not have ID's because they were not born in hospitals during segregation and were delivered by midwives. They do not have a birth certificates which is a requirement to get an ID.

    Poor people can barely buy toilet paper. Birth certificates and IDs are very expensive to them. Evidently, you must think that poverty is living large, but it's not.

  9. I'd like to see real American heroes like Mr. Vessy, Nat Turner and John Brown on the currancy. Better than a bunch of old slavemasters.

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth11:47 PM

    The GOP party claims to be so religious and righteous.

    Yet, they honor God with their lips because the world can see that their heart is far from him!

  11. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Odd that wite boys can only thinkerate that the entire Universe is 'just like' their all-pale enclaves of righteous befuddlement.
    As an older person, I can attest to many of my acquaintance who had no need of a license or other ID card. They paid cash for everything...and were well known to the community. Unlike wingnuts, their word was their bond.
    They voted for Presidents before the ascension of st reagan. For all your pretense to being from the 'RealMerica' are certainly bereft of personal knowledge of such places.

    Must be the policies need the disenfranchising of multitudes to have them enacted...which makes one wonder about the efficacy, fairness and rationale for said policies.


  12. Granny, the ushers will be passing around the offering plate for a love offering. :)

  13. Mr Field,

    Disenfranchising millions for a handful of voter abuses is an obscenity. In Georgia, where I live, the only voter fraud that has been shown to exist is in absentee balloting, which the legislature did NOT address because more Republicans vote that way than Democrats, thereby disproving their entire premise. These voter suppression laws are a transparent, cynical, anti-American
    way to strip our citizens, especially the poor, the elderly, and the handicapped, of their inalienable rights. What I find most despicable is that it is the same right-wing hypocrites who sent American men and women to fight and die for Iraqis' right to vote who are trying to strip that right from Americans here at home.

  14. Anonymous6:57 AM

    During the live stream feeds on Memorial Day, the White House spelled "cemetery" as "cemetary". The WH. All day. Oops

    Funny field doesn't mention that.

    We are also use to field negro making stuff up too suite his democrat masters narrative.

    Hypocrisy thy name is field negro.

  15. Anonymous9:32 AM

    In alllll reality, when "white" people talk about "America"/"Americans", first and foremost, it ain't got nuttin' to do with the "Negro". It's neither their country nor ours, but they stole it for THEMSELVES and THEMSELVES only. They stole Africans to BUILD IT and to fornicate with at their discretion. Africans in America are country-less. Now that's the truth!!

  16. You Can Have Zimmerman9:55 AM

    Field, you know better than this, being a man of the law.

    REGARDLESS......the seperation of Church & State is a founding principle of this nation.

    Now..if you don't believe that, then throw all the other Democracy/Republic crap out the window, and let's just get down to it. I'm tired of this crap.

  17. Anonymous9:55 AM

    i was just thinking of the passing of an old vet. and his wife this memorial see granny lying her ass off, they were killed by feral nigroes, she was 85 when feral nigroes raped and beat her to death while her husban who jumped into normandy on d-day died later from TNB.come on wane and grannylyingherassoff nothing to say about TNB or do you think the crackers asked for it?

  18. how is fox news any worse than hobama tv/msm???

    showing us hobama singing and vacationing as they ignore ndaa/jobs lies/forecolsures/sopa/predator drones etc???

    kudos to fox news!

    have they lied????

    accuracy trumps omission!!!!

  19. BARBBF11:13 AM


    Obama At Large: Where Are The Lawyers?

    By Ralph Nader


    Tuesday’s (May 29) New York Times published a massive page-one feature article by Jo Becker and Scott Shane, that demonstrated just how inadvertently prescient was this moniker. This was not an adversarial, leaked newspaper scoop. The article had all the signs of cooperation by the three dozen, interviewed current and former advisers to President Obama and his administration. The reporters wrote that a weekly role of the president is to personally select and order a “kill list” of suspected terrorists or militants via drone strikes or other means. The reporters wrote that this personal role of Obama’s is “without precedent in presidential history.” Adversaries are pulling him into more and more countries – Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and other territories.

    The drones have killed civilians, families with small children, and even allied soldiers in this undeclared war based on secret “facts” and grudges (getting even). These attacks are justified by secret legal memos claiming that the president, without any Congressional authorization, can without any limitations other that his say-so, target far and wide assassinations of any “suspected terrorist,” including American citizens.

    The bombings by Mr. Obama, as secret prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner, trample proper constitutional authority, separation of powers, and checks and balances and constitute repeated impeachable offenses. That is, if a pathetic Congress ever decided to uphold its constitutional responsibility, including and beyond Article I, section 8’s war-declaring powers.

  20. To be fair field, Mitt is trying to get the Latino vote. Perhaps "Amercia" is his interpretation of "America" in Spanish.

    OK, I tried. :-/

  21. wtf is godly about that demonic bloody bankster/racist global warlord/blackish hobama???

    From the perspective of Obama’s handlers, the piece reconciles the old, imagined Obama with Dick Cheney’s “dark side,” thus forming a composite leadership template of the president as an “all-American” statesman. Obama is just as capable of carrying out instant executions as Cheney ever was – the decision to take out American citizen Anwar al-Awlaki was “an easy one” – but he keeps a “priest” nearby to be sure he’s on the side of the angels. Cheney with a halo – singing Al Green.

    In a sense, the Times-assisted makeover of Obama provides a ten-year update on his speech of October 2, 2002: “I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars." It took his wishful anti-war supporters more than a decade to figure out this was just another way of saying, “I’ll be the smartest, most prolific, charming war monger in U.S. history. Watch me.”

    Today’s Obama, as packaged by the Times, is not opposed to wholesale drone murder from the skies, routine trampling of international law, and evisceration of the U.S. Bill of Rights. Rather, he has “reserved to himself the final moral calculation.” The difference between his “dark side” and Cheney’s, presumably, is that Obama engages in deeper moral introspection before turning out the lights.

  22. I Gotta Icky Feeling11:35 AM

    Hey AB!...when you quit "mowing the lawn", read this:

    NOW. Tell us all again about the Dastardly-Chest-Shooting-Open drugged killer Zimmerman, and why St. Trayvon was just "leaning"

    Stupid Is As Stupid Does. Even Forrest Gump knew, and could admit that.

  23. cc this to all of the rabidly illiterate fools who pretend that hobama is not a bilderberg
    and that the bilderbergs do not openly exist

  24. No Mas12:00 PM

    "I can attest to many of my acquaintance who had no need of a license or other ID card. They paid cash for everything...and were well known to the community. Unlike wingnuts, their word was their bond."

    That kind of negro is no more.

    Now they don't pay for anything and their bailsman is their bond.

    The ID requirement is made necessary by massive democrat voter fraud. If you are too poor or confused to be able to negotiate the incredibly simple and easy process to get an ID, you have no business voting anyway.

  25. Anonymous12:16 PM

    In our black churches they pass the plate for giving of cash because the church needs money. Afterall, they have bills to pay, including our pastor.

    So what is a love offering?

  26. how is this any worse than the msm ignoring the evils of hobamacare/
    hobama's lies about his cia agent cadillac insured mother???


  27. Anonymous12:30 PM

    from the previous thread:

    Anonymous said...
    Theres always Alicia telling it like it is.......

    It saddens me that Field acts as if the best thing for Black People is Obama. I think we can just call you " House" for short instead of Field.
    It's not only Field, it's Granny, Mack Lyons, and PilotX too.

    Some of you Negroes need to get your butts off the couch and look at what the Obama Administration has done for you: high unemployment and going higher- if he is elected; education is terrible for Blacks; Wars in the middleeast; condescending attitude toward Blacks; ignores the entire Black race; the poor is suffering mightily; the Republicans have had their way with Obama which is a detriment to Blacks; the economy is weak and looks like it is getting weaker; NO JOBS.

  28. Anonymous12:34 PM

    There are no "sell outs" in the African American race today. There are only brothers and sisters who are exercising their right to speak and do what is right.

    Those who call them HNs are trying to dictate 'how' Blacks should think, which is their way. they think and act like Castro....DICTATORS!

  29. A love offering is giving the one you love (pastor, guest singer) a show of appreciation by way of your pocketbook. Kind of like these big money boys do with Flipper.

  30. Anon. there are sell outs and mirrors . If you use one you will see the other. ;)

  31. Farley1:25 PM

    Anybody, white or black, who thinks voting for the GOP will get them anywhere is too ignorant to vote.

    The GOP electorate aren't there FOR you, they're there to TAKE you and all you have. If you think for one milisecond that they have YOUR best interests at heart, you have very much to learn.

  32. Deequishina Halitosis4:41 PM

    Farley said...
    Anybody, white or black, who thinks voting for the GOP will get them anywhere is too ignorant to vote.

    The GOP electorate aren't there FOR you, they're there to TAKE you and all you have. If you think for one milisecond that they have YOUR best interests at heart, you have very much to learn.

    Farley, with all sincerity, what does the Democrats do for you? You say the GOP is there only to take from you, what do they take from you and what do the democrats give you?

  33. Kingnut5:11 PM

    "The GOP electorate aren't there FOR you, they're there to TAKE you and all you have. If you think for one milisecond that they have YOUR best interests at heart, you have very much to learn."

    No one has YOUR best interests at heart but you, and maybe your momma.

    If your best interests include a growing economy, being employed, maintaining your personal liberties, and keeping America a first world nation, then you should vote Republican.

    Take a good look at black communities that have been run under Democrat governments for the past 50 years and tell me that THEY have YOUR best interests at heart.

    Anyone who tells you that they will GIVE you to what others will TAKE is lying to you as he ties you up. The handouts you will get will always be less than what they took from you. Stop trusting in other people to do what only saints do. No one else ever puts YOUR best interests ahead of THEIR own.

  34. how is fox news any worse than the msm HELPING hobama LIE about killing osama???

  35. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Where's field negro's outrage at MSNBC for doing the samething that FnF did?

    Remember this video that ran on MSNBC and NBC?

    “Mitt: Better Off Mute”

    Hypocrisy,thy name is field negro.

  36. mellaneous7:36 PM

    Hey Field glad you mentioned this. This legislation is definitely aimed at poorer folks and immigrants. And its done also to suppress any future traction that a populist third party that really represents the people, would have.

    They know they wont be able to fool us forever with this fake two party system. Eventually we will all have to admit that neither one of them (yes even the beloved Obama) doesn't really represent the every day persons issues.

  37. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Wow, since the Zimmerman defense team has now added super-attorney Don West to the team, I guess it's time now to not only personally donate again but time to help organize a money bomb for GZ!
    Let justice prevail!

  38. Farley10:22 AM

    Deequishina Halitosis said...

    "Farley, with all sincerity, what does the Democrats do for you? You say the GOP is there only to take from you, what do they take from you and what do the democrats give you?"

    The republican and democratic parties of today are totally different than they were 60 years ago. It was progressives that brought about the middle class and the ability for people in this country to be treated fairly and have the ability to climb the ladder. Conservatives fought it tooth and nail.

    As soon as Reagan blew his dog whistle in MS, the conservatives in the democratic party high tailed it to the republican party and vice versa. Now the republican party is all about getting the wealthy more wealthy and nothing else. They're shameless.

    So, even now, the democratic party are the progressives, not regressives. You can see it daily as the regressives (republicans) are on the attack on everything that keeps us free, our civil liberties. Meanwhile Rome burns. How on earth is that leadership? How does that help any damn one at all?

    Get with it, the Republicans are not your friend.
