Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"Pimps Up Ho's Down"

“You know, I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

Let me translate that for you: I will do anything to get elected. Even if it means taking money and chest bumping with a guy who delegitimizes the very office I am seeking by calling the person who currently holds it a non- citizen.

The Donald has his latest political whore to slap around, and he is called Mitt Romney. I call Mitt a whore because Donald Trump is somewhat of a pimp. He is someone who collects your money by making you spend it on something that is seemingly beautiful and gives you pleasure -Think of his casinos.- Now, once again, he is pushing the birther issue, and fortunately for him, the republican candidate for president lacks the backbone or the moral fortitude to tell him to take a hike.

Of course Donald the pimp doesn't care about his whore, so rather than tone down the birther talk he is letting it rip.

Nothing’s changed my mind” on the issue, Trump told CNBC. “And by the way, you know, you have a huge group of people. I walk down the street and people are screaming, ‘Please don’t give that up.’ Look--a publisher came out last week and had a statement about Obama given by them to Obama when he was doing a book as a young man a number of years ago in the ’90s: ‘Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia.’” [Here is what Howard Kurtz said: "Um, it was Obama's literary agent, and the guy who did it says: "This was nothing more than a factchecking error by me—an agency assistant at the time." Drat!"]

“I don’t consider myself birther or not birther, but there are some major questions here that the press doesn’t want to cover,” Trump later added. “Now, if that were somebody else they’d be covering it and they’d be throwing people out of office, but they don’t want to cover it.”

And what does Donald's whore have to say about this?

“You know, I don't agree with all the people who support me and my guess is they don't all agree with everything I believe in. But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

Mitt, just "hit the strip" and STFU.

Finally, let's keep an eye out for what is taking place down in Florida. Voting rights are being taken away by way of a purge by that state's republican governor.

Yes folks, Florida again! Calling Eric Holder.


  1. House Negro behavior in Sweet Home Alabama


  2. Bring on the wingnuttery. It doesn't work against an incumbent with authentic swing voters. Mr. Etch -a- Sketch is still sucking up to his mouth-breathing base on the night he mathematically wins the nomination instead of chasing the 3% in the middle that could actually win this for him. This cat wastes more opportunities than the Palestinians. You can't survive very many stumbles like this at that level. He's making himself a joke candidate.

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    You can't survive very many stumbles like this at that level. He's making himself a joke candidate.

    Nice projection coming from a supporter of a joke president. You know a guy who is losing in the polls to a man who hadn't clinched the nomination yet, hasn't selected a VP. A president who had to give his VP off because he is killing the campaign, a president who thinks the poles built death camps and killed Jews during WWII.

    Your unicorn must have no horn left from all the rubbing and wishing you do. Without your magical liberal unicorn you just may have face reality some day.

    Oh and as for those "mouth breathers" of course anyone not a unicorn rubber breathes through their mouths when they are around your kind. It cuts down on the offensive odor of foundation-less empty bullshit being slung about.

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Mitt is America's reaction to a blah prez. The want Ward Cleaver, I mean this dude uses the word "hijinks" and watch the Keystone Cops. Oh well, ODS.
    Did you get to see the Hannity special about vetting the prez? He had the usual subjects and a few house negroes so he could race bait with impunity. Erik Rush telling us why Rev. Wright is so important. Funny stuff.
    Also did you see the Jamaican who finished the Iditarod?


  5. Anonymous9:37 PM

    "Also did you see the Jamaican who finished the Iditarod?"

    Cool running was a great movie. Weren't those guys from TrenchTown?

  6. PX, nothing those yawdies do surprses me.

    As for the HN on Hannity, hey, it's what they do.

    BTW, do not let those Neilson people know that you are stealing glances at FOX NEWS. :)

  7. Anon what do u know about Teench Town? I am going to have to give the President of
    Anon. Inc. credit for sending us a knowledgeable Anon.

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    "Yes folks, Florida again! Calling Eric Holder."

    Eric Holder? Tell me Field, what has Eric Holder done when it comes to injustices against Blacks? Seriously, what has he done?

  9. E.T. Bass9:43 PM

    " But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I'm appreciative to have the help of a lot of good people.”

    How about....

    But I need to get 50.1 percent or more and I'm the apprentice to have to help a lot of rich people.

  10. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Field, to call Mitt a whore is very sleazy of you. It's pretty low. You can throw shit at Romney but just remember you have to soil your hands first before you throw it. Your hands are dripping with shit.

    I thought you were a bigger and better man than that. But you are proving to be a little person in a big body. BTW, Obama is no better than Mitt. Obama still has yet to tell the the truth.

  11. Anonymous9:56 PM

    It's Official, Romney is the Conservative party candidate.

    Field you know conservatives like to plan ahead in order to achieve success and not just fail and blame someone, so let me help you acclimate, please repeat after me.

    "It is amazing how the country has recovered after President Romney was elected.

    My anons were and have always been right. I just had a hard head and would not listen, but I see the light now. Happy days are here again oh lawd theres a chicken in every pot. And not just pot for every chicken.

  12. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Yes folks, Florida again! Calling Eric Holder."

    Eric Holder? Tell me Field, what has Eric Holder done when it comes to injustices against Blacks? Seriously, what has he done?

    Broke the law to creat injustices that were not real and destroyed relations and black credibility a bit further. A losing proposition for those who think past the nose on their faces and short terms wins.

  13. Anon@9:56PM, what about the vegetarians?

    Anon,@9:50 PM, whore was a poor choice of words for Flipper. Whores are at least consistent. With a whore you always know what u are getting. I would like to apologize to all the whores out there for comparing you to Flipper.

  14. Osiris_E.10:04 PM

    "He's making himself a joke candidate."

    Yeah, but there's just enough yahoos out there who'll be voting for him if no other reason that Mitt's not the Black guy, even if it's against their own interests. And don't forget about the lazy non-voters who never have time to vote at all.

  15. Anonymous10:27 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon@9:56PM, what about the vegetarians?

    A chicken and a carrot? You scared me for a minute I thought you said Vaginatarians and wanted special consideraton for Lesbians already. I mean Lesbians don't eat differently do they? You know FOOD?

  16. Anonymous10:46 PM

    What very well could happen if Obama got re-elected and continued the theme which he no doubt would of borrow and spend. This is so very near it is scary. China has already voiced concern about our continuing to print money and devaluing what they have lent us. We are to close and living on borrowed money.


  17. If they can't beat the Prez on the Prez's record as the Prez, they aren't gonna beat him.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Field, to call Mitt a whore is very sleazy of you. It's pretty low.


    Anon,@9:50 PM, whore was a poor choice of words for Flipper. Whores are at least consistent. With a whore you always know what u are getting. I would like to apologize to all the whores out there for comparing you to Flipper.


    Yeah, whoring's an honest profession compared to looting cash-heavy companies to buy your way into electoral politics. I know that I'd rather be called a whore than a Rmoney supporter. Hell, I'd rather be called an athletic supporter than an Rmoney supporter.

    11:03 PM

  20. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Thinking about it birtherism isn't all bad and has unintended consequences. One of my buddies who teaches high school went to South Africa to visit schools there and said alot of the students are really studying hard so they can become prez of the U.S. of A. one day since one of their fellow Akabulanders is prez now. I just love the fact that the Donald is helping blah kids learn.


  21. Anonymous11:14 PM

    For anon @ 9: 05
    A favorite phrase used by the white devil down through the ages was and is "shit washes off".

    Marcus Garvey

  22. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Yeah, whoring's an honest profession compared to looting cash-heavy companies to buy your way into electoral politics. I know that I'd rather be called a whore than a Rmoney supporter. Hell, I'd rather be called an athletic supporter than an Rmoney supporter.

    You have your economics confused, no surprise for a liberal who doesn't know how to actually create money. Mitt was never a corp raider, he was part of an organization that was called in to save companies that were failing and he did so many a time. In other words they were going to close due to mismanagement and such and Mitt re-organized to save the companies. It was called process engineering, streamline a faltering company to save the majority of jobs and not have to close completely.

    Now, compare him to Obama. Instead of someone creating wealth privately, we have a president that mismanages and incompetently destroys our funds with his lack of ability to be a businessman, throwing away tax dollars that all his advisors say were horrible investments. How many failed solar companies so far? 8-12? Solyndra..they all took our money the exec's and Obamas fund raising bundlers got huge payoffs, they took the bonus's fired everyone and tally ho, we lose all our tax dollars for something it was KNOWN to be a failure. Its not his money to play incompetent boob with and reward his friends. So who is the real jock strap here supporting Obamas nuts on your forehead so he can keep slapping away at your nose and then asking those of us who actually understand economics to join you...no thanks.

  23. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    For anon @ 9: 05
    A favorite phrase used by the white devil down through the ages was and is "shit washes off".

    Marcus Garvey

    Hey the Jenkum King is here.

    Smell ya later.

    Little tip, if you don't shit yourself and use the restroom, you won't have to wash it off "eventually" whats eventually for you? Once every six months?

  24. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Bob said...
    If they can't beat the Prez on the Prez's record as the Prez, they aren't gonna beat him.

    On his record? As you suggest that is something already done. Obama en one of the worst and a leading contender to be the worst president this country has ever seen. As Clinton said "he is an amatuer"

    Thing is, he has bumbled on a grand scale. If the dollar is devalued again to compensate for his utter refusal to rein in spending at all and keep borrowing from China, a crash of the dollar is imminent. There are going to be a lot of poor people who will be scratching for food when the EBT cards don't get filled up because the fool in charge thought he could just keep borrowing and printing money forever as if 16 trillion in debt isn't enough.

    If your father when you were growing up was a hardcore gambler and used Obamas/lefists view all he needed to do is keep finding another loan shark to lend him more money so he can keep losing. Yeah, that will work out real well when they come to collect and he cannot borrow anymore.

    Even the chinese have begun dramatically cutting back on purchasing our securities - lending us money with an inflated interest rate. When they stop completely as they have already complained they are losing money due to our just printing more and devaluing the loans, who will we borrow from? Eu is crashing from the very same reasons we are - out of control spending and out of control entitlements. It doesn't look very good, in fact, buy food before the election you might need it.

    When we can't borrow and no one buys our securities on the grand scale that is necessary there is no money, hyperinflation sets in. That loaf of bread will cost you three-four times more than it does now and the nearly 50% of americans getting government benefits will get nothing. So tell me again, why do you want Obama and this to happen?

  25. Anonymous12:02 AM

    @ anon 11:26 PM

    Upset just a wee bit are we? Tsk, tsk. You don't have to be a potty mouth little white devil. But what can you expect from a caucasoid.

    Marcus Garvey

  26. From the last thread:
    "On the other hand, one of the big mysteries about Obama is the source of his college and law school funding. The cost was well beyond the funding he appears to have received."

    This one is well known, only the media assists in hiding it. Tony Rezko and Nadhmi Achi.

    "Civil Rights Icon" Percy Sutton knew who it was that paid for Obama's tuition:


  27. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Trump...short-fingered vulgarian. What silly rubes thinkerate is 'rich'.
    Romney paying any heed to the Reality TV star...pretty much indicates his political chops.

    Florida done electorated a non-indicted felon...who did his best to rid the state of well-paying employment and is now continuing the trend by removing citizens who disagree with him from the voting rolls.


  28. I'll have some dark meat12:26 AM

    Queens mom stabs 9-year-old daughter: police


    May 29, 2012

    A 9-year-old girl is fighting for her life after her mother stabbed her four times with a chef’s knife this morning in Queens, authorities said.

    The woman stabbed the child in her head, shoulder and back inside a home on 176th Street near 145th Avenue in Springfield Gardens where they’d gone for a playdate, said police.

    Emergency responders rushed the little girl to Jamaica Hospital, where she underwent surgery this afternoon.

    Police sources gave the girl’s name as Briani Davis. The mother’s name was not released.

    Cops took the child’s mother into custody, and drove her to the 105th Precinct in Queens Village. Later, the mother was wheeled out of the precinct on a gurney and taken to a hospital.

  29. secret santa12:30 AM

    Khalid Al Mansour said...

    This one is well known, only the media assists in hiding it. Tony Rezko and Nadhmi Achi.

    "Civil Rights Icon" Percy Sutton knew who it was that paid for Obama's tuition:

    You may be correct. These clowns may have paid Obama's tuition. But none of them has admitted paying his bills.

  30. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    @ anon 11:26 PM

    Upset just a wee bit are we? Tsk, tsk. You don't have to be a potty mouth little white devil. But what can you expect from a caucasoid.

    Marcus Garvey

    Upset? No one thinks I am the Jenkum King like they do you why would I be upset? I guess you have nothing else to say. Actually I am quite amused by a Nation Of Islamer who uses the word shit and then calls someone else a potty mouth for using just that word as well. Typical shitskin hypocrisy.
    Being a hypocrite must be a real shitty way to live? It must suck not being able to even fool yourself.

    Anywya laterzzz shitskin, try and use the potty so you don't have keep trying to figure out by color if you shit yourself of not, because we already established you can't smell after shitting in your own hallway for years.

  31. This time next year, Barack Obama will be in prison.

  32. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Florida done electorated a non-indicted felon...who did his best to rid the state of well-paying employment and is now continuing the trend by removing citizens who disagree with him from the voting rolls.


    They don't disagree with him Steveylocks, they is dead or never existed. Mickey Mouse is in Florida but we aint gonna let him vote for Obama again this year. But goofy can vote for him again, it fits.

  33. Anonymous2:20 AM

    To Black people, the only responsibility of government –and elected officials – is how will your actions improve my life? More importantly, every action, every bill, and every legal decision must be made to improve the quality of life of Black people only, even if it is to detriment of white people (and increasingly, a non-white, non-Black population).

  34. Yes, as a graphic artist with more than 25 years experience in every aspect of graphics work, let me assure you the birth certificate problem is indeed a case of graphics artifacts. Someone scanned a normal birth certificate with OCR (optical character recognition) software and what we all saw were the results of OCR's attempt to render the document into editable text. It was a dumb mistake on the part of whoever released the document with those artifacts on it. Only people who don't really know what they are talking about would suggest those artifacts were anything at all unusual. You scan any printed document with OCR software and you'll get similar weirdness.

    The idea that Obama's publicist touted him as being born and raised in some exotic locale seems likewise reasonable.

    But what I wanted to ask is what do you think of Mia Love out in Utah, Field? I don't believe it, frankly, but it's for reasons I'm not really qualified to say.

    Well, I guess from the white perspective I can say I don't honestly think all those republican Mormons are really her friends, put it that way.

    I'm very curious to hear your take on Mia Love, Field.

  35. Barry of Arabia, we will see. Careful,though, the prison might be at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Mia Love? Well, I like her name. :)

    Honestly, don't know enough about her policies to pass judgement just yet.

  36. StillaPanther26:39 AM

    Commentor....Surely if a bi-racial, food stamp recipiant and with only a single mom get to the top of your created political system with his slickness, surely he will hook himself up to stay out of jail when his term is over. In my long lifetime I have not seen one previous president go to jail. The guy finessed his way into you'll white house. Man, I know that got to bring hurt to a lot of people that thought .."that will never happen".

  37. StillaPanther26:40 AM

    Commentor....Surely if a bi-racial, food stamp recipiant and with only a single mom get to the top of your created political system with his slickness, surely he will hook himself up to stay out of jail when his term is over. In my long lifetime I have not seen one previous president go to jail. The guy finessed his way into you'll white house. Man, I know that got to bring hurt to a lot of people that thought .."that will never happen".

  38. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Most of us are conceived on a bed, are born on a bed and die on a bed. This happens wherever our mothers' happen to be and where we happen to be at the end. All takes place on Planet Earth. That's birth and death for ya!!!

  39. omg fn

    what did hobama do to get elected???
    lie and betray millions

    who could be a bigger whore for banksters and corps than hobama?????
    there has been no bigger political whore in history than hobama as gwb 2.0

    ask africom/NDAA/hobama's OWN 7 wars for oil and opium and all that hobama has PIMPED and layed globally since 2006
    that bankster millionaire whore hobama makes mitt look like a pauper slacker saint

    cc this to jp morgan/goldman sachs/bp oil etc






  40. shame on u fn

    hobama is the most ruthless pimp in the history of the world

    he is more beloved than hitler

    and he is the new hitler

    ask his frenemy pimped gays

    The biggest bank in the nation loses billions betting on derivatives, but the media are more concerned to report “which celebrities support gay marriage and which do not.” A symbolic comment on gays rates higher than issues of war and peace. “Capitalism has reached its inevitable crisis, but because there is little acknowledgement of this fact, there has been almost no discussion of what that means.”

    Media reporting on the campaign between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney shows the clear lack of difference between the two major American political parties and also the demise of good journalism. This campaign ought to be treated like the important story that it is but instead is nearly devoid of serious content, and there is no worthwhile discussion of the most serious issues facing American voters in their daily lives. That is partly the result of the way the corporate media operates and also the result of President Obama and the Democrats now supporting policies which used to be the province only of the Republicans. The old saw that there isn't a dimes worth of difference between Democrats and Republicans is truer every day.

    The gay marriage story has now taken up a disproportionate amount of time in the news cycle. The news that even the mighty J.P. Morgan Chase can lose $2 billion on bad trades took second place in the amount of airtime and newsprint generated when it is actually the event which effects us more. The loss isn't just about incompetence at a big bank, or why more regulation is needed, but about how Chase and its counterparts do nothing but gamble and create financial bubble after financial bubble. That is all financial capital is capable of doing at this juncture in history, and it is why our financial future continues to look bleak.

    Employment numbers may go up or down, but jobs have been lost forever because the people at the top don't need employees anymore. The government at the local, state and federal level does nothing but serve the interests of Chase and company because finance capital has swallowed government whole. Of course, this is the story which should be on the news every day.

    This year will be remembered as the year of the non-campaign. Was Romney a teenage bully? Did Obama really ask his kids what they thought of gay marriage? Who knows, and who really cares. (Actually, if Romney was a teen torturer, he proved himself a worthy candidate for the presidency.) We know what Bristol Palin thinks of Obama and we know about the dog atop the Romney family car. Anyone who relies on the corporate media for information won’t know much else, and that is just fine with Obama and Romney. They wouldn’t have it any other way.




  41. Anonymous9:59 AM

    pimping and hos are a nigger thang.i hope some racist nigger panthers show up at my polling place so i can shoot some more niggers.i see that nigger schools teach hate whitey because niggers can't teach and niggers can't learn.keep up the attacks on your betters because every time you hurt or kill a white you convert more whites into hating niggers.

  42. racist fool simp assnon:

    cc your bs to that pimp hugh hefner


    that pimp bubba c and his stable of hick hos

    u lie like that half white pimp hobama!!!

  43. hugh hefher is a nasty old white geezer pimp to boot!


  44. Quote For The Day

    "When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney," - Sidney Barthwell, Romney's classmate at Cranbrook and Obama's at Harvard Law.

  45. President George W. Bush’s tax cuts did not cause the fiscal crisis of 2008. Our economic calamity came in a housing meltdown — the result of years of administrations of both parties encouraging variable-interest, no-interest, little or no down payment, and no-document or liar loans that flooded people into homes they couldn’t afford under traditional mortgage lending practices.

    To its credit, the Bush administration twice advanced reforms to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, major players in pushing bad loans. Each time it was blocked by powerful Democrats, Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut. Frank famously said he wanted the two quasi-governmental agencies “to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidizing housing.” Even after the home-ownership explosion was starting to be revealed to be a house of cards, Dodd declared, “These two institutions are fundamentally, fundamentally strong.”

    So far, “rolling the dice” on the two “fundamentally strong” agencies has cost the taxpayer $150 billion. The irony is that Frank and Dodd not only escaped responsibility for their roles but they foisted blame for the housing bust on high finance and authored a 2,000-plus-page bill to pile new regulations on banks and other financial institutions.

    No doubt, Wall Street played an egregious role in the housing bubble, but the bottom line is that, absent the millions of bad mortgages, the speculators would have had nothing at which to throw billions of dollars in risky bets.

    We can debate the merits of tax cuts vs. tax increases and spending reductions vs. government “investments” all day long, but we won’t be talking about the root causes of the housing crisis that precipitated the Great Recession.

  46. Tipper10:59 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Quote For The Day

    "When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney,"

    Well, Barry was known as a pole smoker back in Chicago. But I doubt Mitt will let him.


    AB hates Obama!

    Oh what, oh what will Obama do?

  48. mitt is not hobama's type

    hobama prefers older silver haired wm as his pole smokers




  49. that dl charlie crist is that dl hobama's type



  50. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Quote For The Day

    "When they debate, Barack will smoke Romney," - Sidney Barthwell, Romney's classmate at Cranbrook and Obama's at Harvard Law.

    Well Sidney also said Obama was Brilliant, whilst Obama's colleagues said he was dull lazy and entitled. Sidney's just trying to keep his black man creds up. For someone attending school with both these dudes he ending up as a magistrate Judge is telling. So he is in a political position and making claims to keep his black cred.

    Anyways, conservatives say who needs huff post articles, bring it on and let the proof be in the lack of a teleprompter.

    It's going to be interesting watching Mitt say to Obama your record..and Obama countering with death camps in poland, trayvon, dogs on cars or some other stuttered tripe.

  51. Regarding his opinion of Obama, Sidney Barthwell is black.

    Enough said.

  52. vdlr:

    reading about how hobama hates u was just too real to remain posted huh?

    i see u hobama nazi sheeple so clearly.


  53. I don't think Trump even believes that Obama wasn't born here--he is just doing it for publicity.

  54. "Obama's colleagues said he was dull lazy and entitled"


    Names? Links? of course not. Lazy and or dull people don't make it to Harvard Law, Law Review, University of Chicago Faculty (the consensus "toughest" law school in America) or the presidency. Entitled people, like Mr. Rmoney, sure, but even W, arguably the laziest and dullest president, is so only in comparison to the others.

  55. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Theres always Alicia telling it like it is.......

    It saddens me that Field acts as if the best thing for Black People is Obama. I think we can just call you " House" for short instead of Field.

  56. warren buffett6:59 PM

    whiny's dystopia says:

    Names? Links? of course not.

    If Obama were an accomplished president of the Harvard Law Review and an accomplished law professor, there'd be links to some of his written work.

    The fact that there's no link to anything he's written makes it painfully evident he's never written anything. In fact, as president of the Harvard Law Review, he set a record by publishing NOTHING.

    Lazy and or dull people don't make it to Harvard Law...

    Shows what you know about Harvard and Harvard Law.

    ...University of Chicago Faculty (the consensus "toughest" law school in America) or the presidency.

    Again, Obama's presence in these places undermines your claims.

    Can you imagine Obama in a courtroom without a teleprompter?

    Entitled people, like Mr. Rmoney, sure, but even W, arguably the laziest and dullest president, is so only in comparison to the others.

    You can bathe yourself in self-righteousness by claiming Romney has lived an entitled life, but no one has found a way to use entitlements as a factor for making a bad business deal into a good one.

    Bain Capital has been successful because the Bain employees were/are smart and understand economics and finance. Obama, on the other hand, knows only that it's possible to appropriate money from people who know how to make it.

  57. "If Obama were an accomplished president of the Harvard Law Review and an accomplished law professor, there'd be links to some of his written work."

    1. Law Student Editors "edit" or rather citecheck submitted scholarly articles accepted by the faculty advisors, they don't typically "publish" beyond possibly a comment on a published article.

    2. Obama was a Lecturer in Constitutional Law, classroom faculty, a non publish or perish position. Practically every law school (and probably college) has a working politician or 2 on faculty in a lecturer, associate, adjunct capacity.

    3. More to the point, if there were some conspiracy to foist the mythical Manchuria via Kenya candidate on an unsuspecting public why not publish under his name? That would seem to be one of the easier pieces of background legend to produce.

    4. Again, of course, no links for your prior claims. Just more wingnut dioreah.

  58. DIE, WHITE DEVILS!!!4:19 PM

    AnonAsshole @9:59

    Hey Honky!!!!

    How much wood could a peckerwood peck if a peck if a peckerwood could peck wood? You smelly inbred sack of sh*t

    "Two things are infinite: the universe and White racism; and I'm not too sure about the universe!"

    -Malcolm X
