Monday, May 28, 2012

Republicans feud, and more birther nonsense.

It's not Tupac and Biggie, but we wil take it.

Man it didn't take long for Mr. Bad Hair to respond to George Will calling him a bloviating idiot with a low IQ.  Mr. Bad Hair has been dying to get in front of a television camera, but unfortunately for him, television producers are getting tired of his act. The man who wants to see Obama's birth certificate as bad as the rest of us wants to to see his hairdresser, can be pretty unpredictable. Producers know that. There is no telling what he will say once the cameras start rolling.

Still, I am sure that he is glad for twitter. He couldn't wait to get to his twitter account so that he could put a fellow wingnut on blast. He called George Will "dumb" and said that he is an "overrated commentator".  Of course he is right on both counts, but this is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Anyway, Mr. bad Hair can take heart in the fact that he is not alone with this birther obsession. There is actually a state in our union paying to investigate Obama's claim to having being born in America, and state officials in that state  are legitimizing the birther movement with their offensive outrageous behavior.

"In these harsh and bitter times when the air is thick with acrimony, we owe a vote of thanks to the state of Arizona for stepping into the spotlight to offer some light relief.

It’s a role for which the state seems well-suited. Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts wrote, “We’ve long been the land of crackpottery and lunacy.”
Unfortunately, Arizona’s secretary of state, Ken Bennett, pulled the plug on his threat to keep Barack Obama’s name off the November ballot unless the president produced a birth certificate that satisfied Bennett’s high standards for such documents.

Never mind that this issue has long been put to rest in the mind of every rational American. Bennett perhaps began to have second thoughts when he found himself denounced by national news organizations as the tool of half-baked clowns and a legitimizer of lunatic leanings.
That’s not what you want on your resume if you’re planning, as Bennett apparently is, to run for governor in two years.

He finally did what any state official could do and asked Hawaii for a copy of Obama’s birth certificate. Hawaii complied, and his office quickly and quietly dropped its effort to prove that Obama was an illegal immigrant. Still undeterred was Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County. We outside the state can’t tell how good at law enforcement Arpaio is. The U.S. Department of Justice apparently doesn’t think he’s all that good because it is suing him. In any event, the limelight-loving lawman seems to spend an inordinate amount of time on issues outside his jurisdiction.

And one of those is — yes! — Obama’s birth certificate. Arpaio is also after Obama’s draft records, which would seem to be beside the point because, as president, Obama is commander in chief of the U.S. armed forces, including the state militias. It says so in the Constitution, although Arpaio might want to demand that the National Archives prove that its copy is not a forgery.
Crime and budget issues apparently not being pressing issues in Phoenix, Arpaio dispatched a deputy and an investigator to Hawaii. (Why two? “Security issues that I can’t get into,” Arpaio said cryptically.)

There, Arpaio said, his minions “were stonewalled.” However, Hawaiian officials — who have never struck me as a particularly devious bunch — said that the Arizonans met with the deputy director of health, the director being away, and a deputy attorney general and that they were provided with all the relevant documentation." [Source]

If there is anyone reading this post who happens to live in the state of Arizona, please leave a comment explaining to the rest of us why you are still there.

Happy Memorial Day everybody. Most people who read this blog know that I have a great deal of respect for Veterans and the men and women who are volunteering to serve this country in the military theater. I may not agree with our American policies that put our men and women (and innocent people in other countries) in harms way, but the men and women who are out there risking their life and limbs will always have my love and respect.   





  1. The man who wants to see Obama's birth certificate as bad as the rest of us wants to to see his hairdresser.........."

    More like his basket-weaver. His doo is more complicated than a sista's.

  2. "It’s a role for which the state seems well-suited. Arizona Republic columnist Laurie Roberts wrote, “We’ve long been the land of crackpottery and lunacy.” "

    It's all of the wingnutt refugees from California. We've done it to Arizona, Nevada, Idaho and Oregon. Old, white and greedy, they've been fleeing California at about a quarter-mil a year since about '88 and landing on our small neighbors like 300lb bullies.

  3. Michael Dean Miller6:26 PM


    Making sure that the holders of political power are born and raised in America is a wise and prudent thing to do. Some recently naturalized "citizens" don't know the difference between Patrick Henry the Patriot and Oh Henry the candy bar. And you want them to vote?

    Weeding out those in-eligible for benefits, voting rights or occupying political office is nothing to get upset about.


  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Really? So you think "some recently naturalized "citizens" are Fox viewers, Mr. Michael Dean Miller?

  5. Michael Dean Miller7:31 PM


    Anonymous 6:53 PM



  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    "If there is anyone reading this post who happens to live in the state of Arizona, please leave a comment explaining to the rest of us why you are still there."

    Brother Field, I am still in Arizona for the simple reason that somebody has to stay and fight. Running away never fixed anything. I hope to meet the Governor one day. She's going places in America. I expect she will run for President one day.

  7. Anonymous7:48 PM

    "Mr. Bad Hair has been dying to get in front of a television camera, but unfortunately for him, television producers are getting tired of his act. The man who wants to see Obama's birth certificate as bad as the rest of us wants to to see his hairdresser, can be pretty unpredictable. Producers know that. There is no telling what he will say once the cameras start rolling."

    Field, I can tell you know very little about TV or entertainment. Trump is hot when it comes to mouthing off.

    The very fact that the media does not know what will come out of Trump's mouth is what makes him wanted on TV. This action between him and George Will is the best since Trump got into it with Rosie O'Donnell. Everyone is looking forward to a lengthy battle of words between Trump and Will.

  8. Anonymous7:52 PM

    "Still, I am sure that he is glad for twitter. He couldn't wait to get to his twitter account so that he could put a fellow wingnut on blast. He called George Will "dumb" and said that he is an "overrated commentator". Of course he is right on both counts, but this is a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black."

    WRONG! George Will is highly intelligent and one of the finest commentators ever. Is there anybody on the Republican side you have anything positive to say about other than Collin Powell?

  9. "WRONG! George Will is highly intelligent and one of the finest commentators ever.."

    Tell that to Donald.

    "Brother Field, I am still in Arizona for the simple reason that somebody has to stay and fight. Running away never fixed anything. I hope to meet the Governor one day. She's going places in America. I expect she will run for President one day."

    Good luck.

  10. Anonymous8:20 PM

    "Republicans feud, and more birther nonsense."

    "I love Obama because he is black, I will ignore his incompetency because he is black, and I will continue to attack his opponents because I hate white people. I don't care if he claims he was born in Kenya, I only care that he is black."

  11. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Tell that to Donald."

    It's difficult for negroes to understand, but whites are not subject to "group-think", and can disagree without being called an "Uncle Tom" or "race traitor".

    "Hey negro, I own you. I am your master. I demand your absolute loyalty and obedience, and in return, I'll throw you some scraps. You will always do whatever I tell you to do, and you will never question me.

    I am the Democrat Party."


  12. Shabazz9:50 PM

    What makes it legal for some rogue crackers to obtain anyone's birth certificate if it's not their own?
    whites always think someone has to answer to their pasty asses on demand.
    Stupid crackers

  13. GrannyStandingforTruth9:53 PM

    Hey Shabazz, long time no see fonts. I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.

  14. Shabazz10:03 PM

    Hey Granny, everything is good here, hope all is well with you and yours. Glad to see the trolls didn't chase you away. Stay safe and God bless...

  15. GrannyStandingforTruth10:57 PM


    Naw, never that! Every once in a while I take a break to make sure I get to enjoy those inherited genes of longevity. :)

  16. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Arizona is a right wing state. The temp. reaches upwards of 117 degrees. It is a dry heat that cooks you from the inside out. It is an open carry state. The state is inundated with "snow birds" (old people from various parts of the country) from Oct. to April. The people are extremely closed minded as evidenced by the governor. The rent is cheap, the drivers are crazy, the food is so-so. The Heart Attack Grill is in AZ and the women are extremely ugly.

    Marcus Garvey

  17. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Shabazz said...
    What makes it legal for some rogue crackers to obtain anyone's birth certificate if it's not their own?
    whites always think someone has to answer to their pasty asses on demand.
    Stupid crackers

    Lookit this stupida ass negroid. Look up requirements of serving as president you black maroon.

    Now a couple points for your Negroid dirty lookin ass:

    Your life is your responsibility. Whether you end up rich or broke, drunk or sober, in jail or free, successful or a failure -- it's all the fault of the person looking back at you in the mirror. If things go wrong, don't blame Whites, your country, your government, your parents, your spouse, the political party you don't like, bad luck, being born under the wrong sign -- you did it. Own it so that you can do something about it.

    It's not the government's job to pay your bills, find you a job, and keep you living in the style to which you've grown accustomed. There are people who work crummy jobs just to keep some money coming in, work 2 jobs, or even move to a better area to find work. That may not be pleasant, but paying your bills is a responsibility that ultimately rests on your shoulders.

    Stupid Shitskin

  18. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Arizona is a right wing state. The temp. reaches upwards of 117 degrees. It is a dry heat that cooks you from the inside out. It is an open carry state. The state is inundated with "snow birds" (old people from various parts of the country) from Oct. to April. The people are extremely closed minded as evidenced by the governor. The rent is cheap, the drivers are crazy, the food is so-so. The Heart Attack Grill is in AZ and the women are extremely ugly.

    Marcus Garvey

    Which women are extremely ugly the black women? The White Women? Or the Latino Women?

  19. Anonymous11:19 PM

    @anon @ 11: 12PM

    What is a "black maroon"? How can one be black AND maroon at the same time. And does shit have skin? You seem to have a lot of knowledge about shit. Is that a white thing? Just asking.

    Marcus Garvey

  20. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Trump has always been a 'short-fingered vulgarian'. His business acumen is vastly overstated.
    The birth certificate is a wingnut shorthand for 'who's yer daddy'...and a sop to the aristocratic fantasies of wites.

    It is surprising that George Will, an apologist for the US aristocracy, would be so honest about one of the more attention-seeking scions.


  21. Anonymous12:21 AM

    anon@ 11: 14

    Just as an observer, I would say over all that the white women take the prize hands down, since the whole population of black people in AZ is about 2%. Also the fact that a lot of young white women are on crack might have something to do with it. You know, stringy hair, sallow skin. That type of thing. Then again you have Apache Junction, not to be confused with Pettie Coat Junction where if you are so inclined, you can ride a big fat white woman to work, but you might get pulled over for trying to domesticate a wild hog.

    Marcus Garvey

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth12:36 AM

    "It's not the government's job to pay your bills"

    Well, when do they plan to stop paying Corporation's, rich folks, and bank's bills?

  23. stanford binet12:37 AM

    George Will is a brilliant pundit. He's written thousands of pages of commentary to prove it.

    Trump, meanwhile, is a reasonably smart character with a talent for obtaining and keeping media attention.

    What does a presidential candidate need most? He needs publicity, spectacles at every turn.

    Few blacks know of George Will. But all blacks know Trump.

    Will's refined intelligence makes him a bore to non-college people, whites included. Meanwhile, Romney's image suffers a little because he's a low-key guy. Trump, however, makes up for Romney's even keel.

    Hence, Trump gets called in to be the ringmaster and whip cracker.

    Meanwhile, we know Will is smart because he's produced a body of work to prove it. On the other hand, Obama supporters like to pretend Obama's smart, but there's NO evidence of his intelligence.

    Our clown president has published NOTHING. He's accomplished nothing. And he's incapable of speaking extemporaneously, as Will does every week. Still, blacks believe Obama's a smart guy. Sad.

  24. GrannyStandingforTruth1:35 AM

    Qu'en Amérique les conservateurs peuvent échapper à réalité !

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth1:40 AM

    Goodnight people!

  26. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    anon@ 11: 14

    Just as an observer, I would say over all that the white women take the prize hands down, since the whole population of black people in AZ is about 2%. Also the fact that a lot of young white women are on crack might have something to do with it. You know, stringy hair, sallow skin. That type of thing. Then again you have Apache Junction, not to be confused with Pettie Coat Junction where if you are so inclined, you can ride a big fat white woman to work, but you might get pulled over for trying to domesticate a wild hog.

    Marcus Garvey

    4.1 % Blacks in Arizona with a little 35% Hispanic - 15% or so classify themselves as white.

    Seems like you know a lot about White rejected women. I take your word on it. Who else but an ugly crack whore and big fat wild hog would go with a small brained shitskin but a reject who has no other option.

    Enjoy, consider it like another entitlement that we give you and we thank you for cleaning up our slop. Someones got to do it.

    Now don't shit your pants again tonight, you know sometimes it takes weeks for you to notice because it blends in and you are used to the smell of shitting and pissing in your own hallway.

  27. On the other hand, Obama supporters like to pretend Obama's smart, but there's NO evidence of his intelligence."

    Yes, becasue to be president of the United States takes zero intelligence....

    Okaaaayyy. * tipping slowly away*

    Thanks for the heads up on Arizona.

    Been there once, but I don't plan on ever going back. It's just another fly over state to get to Cali.

  28. BARBBF7:10 AM


    From Larry Pinkney, BLACKCOMMENTATOR.COM

    This is a man who has enjoyed the fruits of America at the blood and expense of Black Americans and others, but who has paid virtually no dues.

    This is a man whose father had also enjoyed the fruits of university schooling in America but subsequently returned to his native Kenya.

    This is a man, who also like his father before him, neither served in a branch of the US military nor in any organization in America opposed to US military adventurism.

    This is a man who as a deeply corporate military industrial complex US Presidential candidate, has called for “unilateral” US military actions in other nations. [And why not? After-all, his father, himself, or his wife and children were not and will not be the ones killing and being killed.]

  29. sharon from ct7:30 AM

    His "draft records"? What does that even mean? There is no longer a draft and hasn't been for decades. Could it possibly mean his Selective Service registration form?

  30. Anonymous9:02 AM

    some where in kenya a village is missing it's idiot so will you come and get him.he lives at 1600 pennsylvania ave.president bongo is the smartest nog with a 2.7gpa.what is it with you nogs and your raghead slave names like scabass?your boy bongo was born in the coastal hospital in kenya which makes him ineligible to be president.bongo is just another lying commie coon like all you commie coons.

  31. obama in special ed9:06 AM

    field of confusion:

    "On the other hand, Obama supporters like to pretend Obama's smart, but there's NO evidence of his intelligence."

    The aghast field opines:

    Yes, becasue to be president of the United States takes zero intelligence....

    Zero intelligence? An IQ of zero? Only field, well, only blacks would resort to such non-logic.

    If Obama were smart, there would be available evidence. Scholarly legal papers from a one-time law professor. Scholarly works while president of the Harvard Law Review.

    But no. In a record-setting display of nothing, Obama seems to have passed through Harvard Law and through a law-school teaching position without writing a single word.

    The birther issue is a red herring. We all know he was born in Hawaii. But smearing him with the fecklessness of his parents is easily done by repeating the claim that he was born in Kenya.

    On the other hand, his college and law school records are his own doing. The college records of most presidents have become known.

    Bush was an average student at Yale. He and Kerry received similar grades and both scored about the same on their Officer Candidate tests for the military.

    Gore's school record has gotten around. Nothing to brag about, but, then again, he graduated from Harvard.

    However, the Obama school records appear to be locked away with our secret nuclear codes.

    Why? Because his academic mediocrity would dumbfound his believers. Break their poor deluded hearts.

  32. Not Guilty...Get Used To It10:26 AM

    The more we find out about St. Trayvon....the better it looks for Zimmerman:

  33. eat my lips10:26 AM

    Unidentified homeless man recovering in Miami hospital
    75 per cent of victim's face chewed off in 'some of the most horrific injuries staff have ever encountered'

    By Christine Show and Louise Boyle
    28 May 2012

    Brutal: Rudy Eugene, 31, pictured in an old police mugshot, was shot dead by police in Miami, Florida yesterday following the horrific attack where he ripped pieces of flesh from his victim's face
    This is the first look at the naked homeless man who ate another man's face while high on a new potent form of LSD.

    His victim, another naked homeless man, was in a serious condition in a Miami hospital today suffering from 'some of the worst injuries staff had ever encountered'.

    'A police officer came over, told him several times to get off then climbed over the divider and got in front of him and said, "Get off!"

    But the guy just stood his head up like that with a piece of flesh in his mouth and growled.'

  34. even vets hate that eternal global warlord hobama and know that he was born in kenya


  35. keep your mf evil religions out of my spousal laws!!!!

    louis f is bashing hobama for gay marriage?

    lf is talking about lust not love!!!

    why do homohaters always ignore gay LOVE!!!!!

    does louis know that his own murder of malcolm was a sin???
    does louis know that racism and sexism are sins????
    ask malcolm whom lf slew!!!!!!!

    did louis f bash hobama for larry sinclair/larry bland/donald young?
    is gay murder not worse that gay lust???

    does louis hate poverty and war as much as he hates jews and homos?
    has be bashed hobama for africom???

    how many times has lf defended that serial whore elijah m?

    how many times has lf cheated on his wife???

    has he bashed hobama for vera baker????

    when louis defended that rapist mike t did he know that was a sin????

    is lf a sci moron too???
    does lf know that god creates homos in all species

    and that most gay men have never even visited or penned one letter to anyone in prison/jail???

    i am sick of cherry picking buybull morons hating on homos as they ignore our GAY LOVE!!!!!
    lf is a gd fool


  36. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Thanks for the heads up on Arizona.

    Been there once, but I don't plan on ever going back. It's just another fly over state to get to Cali.

    I feel ya, California the state that soon will not survive without the support of the breadwinners States like Arizona is just filled with moonbats.

    A San Francisco supervisor says he consulted a Ouija board before city leaders voted on whether to recommend naming a Navy ship after slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

    Supervisor John Avalos tells the San Francisco Chronicle ( that he believes he made contact with Milk’s spirit and that Milk spelled out letters indicating: “Good riddance to don’t ask, don’t tell.”

  37. kudos to the adl for busting lf once again

    he is a racist homohating fool

    with malcolm's blood on his evil holy hands


  38. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The man who wants to see Obama's birth certificate as bad as the rest of us wants to to see his hairdresser.........."

    More like his basket-weaver. His doo is more complicated than a sista's.

    Typical liberal. Can't explain away evidence so focus on personal attacks.

    I really don't care where Obama was born, he obviously has an alien mindset to most Americans.

    But I am also not foolish enough not to wonder why he has a Connecticut SS number having never lived there.

    Why his selective service card is stamped with a two digit year stamp when these never ever have been used, all were stamped with a 4 digit stamp.

    Why his provided birth certificate is an obviously layered forgery.

    What does it all mean? Who knows but I do know when people lie they are hiding something and it usually isn't something that is good.

    what really comes out of all of this isn't about Obama at all, he is done. His incompetence and inability to deal with reality forcing the whacko leftist agenda on a country that sees the results and doesnt' want it, has done him in.

    It does make me and others question the competence and sanity of my fellow countryman who are leftists. Have you no intelligence? No Morals? No rationale and reasoning that anything, anything at all is ok to forward your agenda? Have you no ability to think rationally and say well if I do A than B will happen? Lies deciet, any amount of corruption is ok if they are on your side. Nothing is beneath you in getting your way?

    Instead of talking about some idiots hair, why don't you answer why Obama has a SS number in Conn. never living there, that isn't possible legally under US law, so how does he have this and why?

    And on and on.

  39. anon:


    hobama nazis are willfully ignorant and fatally blind about that cia agent hobama

    kudos to cornel west!!!

    he told us about that bankster hobama long ago

    ditto for tavis

    they are both my heroes!!!

  40. hobama is a ruthless repub who has been a killer app for the left


    mitt will wake them up!!!

    nobama 2012!!!!

  41. sharon from ct said...
    His "draft records"? What does that even mean? There is no longer a draft and hasn't been for decades. Could it possibly mean his Selective Service registration form?

    7:30 AM

    Yeah, because in order to qualify for student financial aid he had to swear, once a year for each of the 7 of his higher education on his FAFSA, that he had done so. The reason that they sought such declarations rather than proof was that the record-keeping on registrants was so shoddy that mere absence of proof could not be presumed to be proof of absence. The game here is to switch that around and then never accept any proof if it materializes. Just like the so-called birth certificate "scandal."

  42. Anonymous12:56 PM

    When I lnked to this blog from a few other Pro black sources... I thought I was going to find a blog that stood for the truth no matter what. Lately this blog has become a cheerleading post for the "Good Cop" Obama... This blog should be named " House Negroe " blogspot, because to champion someone like Obama means that you have lost the concept of what it really means to be a Field Negro. You know Malcom wouldnt have supported Obama...

  43. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    sharon from ct said...
    His "draft records"? What does that even mean? There is no longer a draft and hasn't been for decades. Could it possibly mean his Selective Service registration form?

    7:30 AM

    Yeah, because in order to qualify for student financial aid he had to swear, once a year for each of the 7 of his higher education on his FAFSA, that he had done so. The reason that they sought such declarations rather than proof was that the record-keeping on registrants was so shoddy that mere absence of proof could not be presumed to be proof of absence.
    The game here is to switch that around and then never accept any proof if it materializes. Just like the so-called birth certificate "scandal."

    The "game of switcharound" is being played by you. In one paragraph you imply Obama was a victim of an oppressive society who "gasp" required you to register for selective service even though there was no draft and you totally ignore why his selective service card is a fraud while implying they wouldnt know because they were disorganized and kept horrible records. Really? That is how your mind processes logic? Well the school back then figured everyone wouldnt be dumb enough to lie and claim things they would later regret so you are right the school didn't keep records of selective service and required a statment from the student, but the government sure did.

    I too was afraid to complete my selective service card, thinking there would be a draft as leftist fearmongers were pushing then, before deciding to join after all. They knew, they sent me notice after notice after notice until I did sign up. The records were just fine. Now most importantly this despite your best attempts at a smokescreen or disconnected logic has absolutely nothing to do with excusing why Obamas selective service card was forged.

    So now either dig deeper, think or just stop lying, you are further discrediting leftists as being sheeple who will twist reality in any manner to fit the desired outcome never having the intellectualism to wonder why. YOu seem to think he is fooling only people who don't support him, but you support him so it's ok. Really? Is that how you think?

    Ask yourself these questions with clear focus:

    Is his selective service card forged? How do we know this? Is there any evidence to indicate so?

    Why is it forged, what circumstances would make this a need for him?

    What other things are questionable and where does this all lead cohesively...Why?

  44. Hey Anon. what are the letters on that lblack helicopter you see flying outside?

  45. Gimme Sum Lean1:37 PM

    I never heard of this "DMX / Lean" stuff until today. Today was the first time I heard that the drink that Trayvon bought was "Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail", NOT "Arizona ICED TEA".
    (Why do they keep claimimg it was ICED TEA?)

    Apparently, the Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail, Rubitussin Cough Syrup, and Skittles, are favorite ingredients for making "Lean". Seems kinda coincidental, to me.

    Come on ya' black folks must know all about "Lean". Funny it took some cracker to make the connection, and spill the beans.

  46. Anonymous1:46 PM

    field negro said...
    Hey Anon. what are the letters on that lblack helicopter you see flying outside?

    Another leftist tactic. The party of the deranged tries to call others paranoid while obviously not saying a word about the facts and evidence. How interesting. How typical leftists. When you have nothing but lies, go Alinsky and attack the person. No ones out to get me, in fact as I said I could really care less at this point Obamas done. BUT as a man who thinks.......I question the obvious. Shouldn't you?

    By the way conservatives aren't the ones with Van Jones types in our party. Are you a 9/11 truther?

  47. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Gimme Sum Lean said...
    I never heard of this "DMX / Lean" stuff until today. Today was the first time I heard that the drink that Trayvon bought was "Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail", NOT "Arizona ICED TEA".
    (Why do they keep claimimg it was ICED TEA?)

    Apparently, the Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail, Rubitussin Cough Syrup, and Skittles, are favorite ingredients for making "Lean". Seems kinda coincidental, to me.

    Come on ya' black folks must know all about "Lean". Funny it took some cracker to make the connection, and spill the beans.

    As Obama says Forward...Lean Forward.

    If I had a son he would look just like Trayvon and "Lean" Forward"

    I heard they are going to drop the forward slogan as his campaign has been such a dud. Tell them from America - it isn't the slogan buddy - It's you.

  48. Lean Forward2:04 PM

    @ Gimme some Lean;
    The Skittles and iced tea Martin reportedly purchased at the 7-11 were actually Skittles and a canned drink called “Arizona Watermelon Juice.” These are two of the three ingredients—along with Robitussin, an over-the-counter cough suppressant containing dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DMX)—needed for a drug cocktail known as “Lean.”

    DMX or Lean, when taken in large quantities as a recreational drug, can produce psychotically aggressive behavior. I haven’t seen this information anywhere else in the media. (The marijuana reported by the coroner in Martin’s system was no big deal.) The article mentions that Martin’s Facebook conversations indicate that he had been using Lean since at least June 2011.

  49. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Oh man, looks like the apologizer in chief was wrong about Russia. By giving away our secrets and folding like a wet rag making America weak. The Russians didn't get all cuddly and want to visit Obama for some Arugula. Putin pretty much told him to fuck off.

    Didn't Obama also get caught begging for patience from Putin - Wait, Wait until after the election than I don't have to worry about the american people and will give you....what....what was he planning to give away that would harm America and piss off Americans?

    AFP reports: "Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month rejected an offer from United States (US) President Barack Obama for landmark bilateral talks at the White House, the Kremlin revealed on Tuesday."

    Less than a week before Mr Putin's May 7 inauguration, he received a missive from Mr Obama touching upon bilateral and international issues and inviting him to discuss them in a bilateral summit on the sidelines of the May 18 to 19 G8 summit, Mr Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said.

    'Obama sent his letter on May 2,' Mr Ushakov told a briefing.

    'He even proposed holding a separate meeting at the White House in Washington outside of the framework of the G8.'

    Putin skipped the G8 talks at Camp David earlier this month, sending his trusted protege in his place.

  50. moby dickkkless the witless whale wonder:

    u lie like hobama

    even if trayvon was leaning as he fled gz

    prozac trumps lean

    gs iz a drugged kkkiller who stalked chased hunted and leaned over trayvon like a felled deer
    and blew trayvon's chest open


  51. Anonymous2:58 PM

    alicia banks said...
    moby dickkkless the witless whale wonder:

    u lie like hobama

    even if trayvon was leaning as he fled gz

    prozac trumps lean

    How old are you mentally? Have they ever tested you? You seem incapable of saying anything without your ebonics slanted slurs and horrible attempts at being witty. It's pretty comical.

    I agree with SOME things you say but you surround your thoughts with crazy name calling and slurs and sound like the crazy woman on the corner who picks and eats her scabs and I have to second guess myself.

    It isn't cool when a 10 year old calls someone every name they can think of when they have nothing else to say, what makes you think it's cool for a supposedly mature woman to do it? Are you afraid your thoughts won't hold water without the crazy names?

  52. Liar in Chief3:01 PM

    Why did Obama claim to be born in Kenya up until 2007?:

    Here's Obama's full bio from the 1991 brochure:

    Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

    This stayed, "uncorrected" for 16 years, until right before Obama decided to run for President.

    At best, the man lied about his past in order to pass off being born in Kenya, I guess to sell books.

    What a scumbag.

  53. Gimme Sum Dat Lean3:02 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    even if trayvon was leaning as he fled gz"

    See? You black folks even have your own word to describe when someone inder the influence of "Lean". You call it "leaning"

    Like I said.....ya'll have known about this Lean crap ever since you heard St. Trayvon had an "Arizona ICED TEA" & a bag of Skittles on him when he was shot. I guess you just forgot to mention it.

    I also read where Lean usage leads to agressiveness.

  54. It is no secret that marriage has been on the decline in the United States even as illegitimacy is on the rise. The problem is obvious: No-fault divorce combined with abusive child support and post-marital support laws has increased the incentive for women to end marriages while simultaneously driving up the cost of ending them to men. As economics would predict, providing incentives for ending marriages to women has increased the percentage of women ending them, while increasing the potential cost of marriage has decreased the number of men willing to take the risk. As is the case with so many government actions, the laws intended to revise marriage, beginning with the California Family Law Act of 1969, were predicated on static human behavior and failed to take into account their own influence on how men and women would subsequently behave.

  55. bursar3:54 PM

    But I am also not foolish enough not to wonder why he has a Connecticut SS number having never lived there.

    There may be a story behind his Social Security Number, but a person can walk into any Social Security office in the country and apply for a card.

    A person born in New York can walk into a California office and receive a number which will be a California number.

    Of course, these days, the application is handled at the time of birth by the hospital. But that wasn't the case when Obama was born.

    As for Obama's Selective Service registration, well, who cares? Nothing there worth crabbing about.

    On the other hand, one of the big mysteries about Obama is the source of his college and law school funding. The cost was well beyond the funding he appears to have received.

  56. rules of cheating4:23 PM

    Getting lessons on how to beat the IRS rules that prohibit churches from supporting political candidates -- as if the laws matter when black politicians are running for office.

    Holder to brief black pastors on campaign 2012

    by Joel Gehrke Staff Writer

    Attorney General Eric Holder, the IRS, and the liberal lawyers at the ACLU will brief several hundred pastors in the African American community on how to participate in the presidential election -- which the Congressional Black Caucus chair expects will help President Obama's campaign.

    "We will have representatives from nine denominations who actually pastor somewhere in the neighborhood of about 10 million people, and we're going to first of all equip them with the information they need to know about what they can say and what they cannot say in the church that would violate their 501c3 status with the IRS," Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., told MSNBC today.

    "In fact, we're going to have the IRS administrator there, we're going to have the Attorney General Eric Holder there, we're going to have the lawyers' organization from around the country, the ACLU -- all giving ministers guidance about what they can and cannot do," he noted.

    Cleaver said they would not tell pastors which candidate to support.

    They will let them know who to regard as the bad guys, though (hint: not Democrats).

    "We're going to talk about some of the draconian laws that have cropped up around the country as a result of the 17 percent increase in African American votes," Cleaver said, describing voter ID laws as a form of Jim Crow-style "poll tax" on seniors and black voters.

    The CBC chairman is confident that "President Obama is going to get 95 percent of the [African American] vote," and wants to keep that turnout high.

    "We want to let them know that there is a theological responsibility to participate in the political process, at least in the Judeo-Christian tradition," he said.

  57. blind brazen witless whale moby dickkkless:

    we see u u lying name calling hypocrite


    u have missed MUCH more name calling herein

  58. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  59. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "On the other hand, one of the big mysteries about Obama is the source of his college and law school funding. The cost was well beyond the funding he appears to have received."

    This one is well known, only the media assists in hiding it. Tony Rezko and Nadhmi Achi.

    Obama took a world trip while in college hitting India, Pakistan, Syria and more (where did he get the money for this with all his supposed college loans) and he met Tony the Don Rezko in Syria.

    Tony introduced him to Nadhmi Achi the Iraqi Oil Billionare, Obama met with Nadhmi and Tony a number of times at Tony's place.

    Coincidentally Obama bought his house for 1.65 million - where did this money come from with all his student loans?.

    Obama toured the property of his house with Rezko before he bought it, another coincidence.

    The same day that Obama got the house for 1.65 million (300k less than they were asking - good to have mob friends) Rita Rezko Tony's wife bought the lot next door for 625k. The very same day, the very same house/lot. Interesting.

    Nadhmi Achi the Iraqi Oil Billionare just happened to lend Tony Rezko 3.5 Million Dollars three weeks before he and Obama went to look at Obamas house. Do the math.

    This was easy to find out, wonder why no one in the press ever looked into it? Or rather buried it once Tony got indicted for his "alleged crimes"? With no real income that would offset his debts, where did Obama get the money for school and his house and the trip around the world and the strip of land from Tony Rezko and more I am sure...where? Who is the Iraqi Billionare Nadhmi and who is he "friends" with that he invested in a soon to be Senator in Chicago?

    Who else did Obamas roommates in college Muhammad Hasan Chandoo and Wahid Hamid both Pakastani's introduce Obama to when they went on their someone funded world trip?

  60. kudos to mac mell

    I think the Occupy people need to get together as a political party. We need to get together and vote for whatever it’s worth. I voted for Obama [but] I feel robbed. I danced when he got elected. Now I feel kinda played.

    NewsOne: Can Black people come to grips with the role of a President vs. the role of a Civil Rights leader?

    MM: But the thing I trip on is that he was doing a lot of the stuff [former President George W.] Bush was doing. I understand you gotta be the President, but you ain’t gotta be the President like THAT!

    NewsOne: Will you vote for him again?

    MM: I don’t know. I think when I vote, I will vote on the local level.

    NewsOne: But can Blacks afford to have Romney in?

    MM: In the end, it’s the same agenda. It’s vanilla and chocolate; it’s all ice cream, but it tastes like s*it. I wish he would have stood his ground on some of the issues. I wish he would have brought more troops back quicker. I wish he would have done better with the tax bailouts. I wish he would have helped keep people in the neighborhoods, so they would not keep looking like they lookin’!

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  62. Anonymous4:58 PM

    alicia banks said...
    name calling nincompoop brainless spinesless witless moby dickless:

    and what behavior are YOU modeling herein u bold bloated fool?

    scan u u albino moron!

    read the name calling YOU just posted!!!

    stop whining because i call names better than u u pasty fat bitch!!!

    Not sure who you are referring to dimwit. I did read a lot of posts and not one was as infantile and useless as yours filled with nothing but ebonic name calling.

    I never said name calling was outrageous, I did say someone who does NOTHING but name call and tries to jam a short thought into all of those names sounds like an idiot grade school child.

    Carry on, you are who you are. We will just have to look away and shake our head at the crazy black woman standing on the corner, with her knickers down looking for scabs to eat.

  63. moby dickkkless:

    u lie like hobama

    u have missed millions of books/links quotes etc too

    is one of your chins/moobs slapping you blind???

  64. Anonymous5:03 PM

    alicia banks said...
    uneducated inarticulate harpooned
    whiny bitch whale moby dickkkless:

    i am a renowned comm scholar

    your hobama-ish lies and comical envy do not faze me

    get your life/ged asap!

    Oh I see, titles mean everything. So Obama really did earn that Nobel Peace prize and black academic studies should be taken seriously....Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha.

  65. std lab with stubby legs/moby dickkkless:

    ick u germy kkklown!!!


    your vulgar trumps your vapid

    ya nasty psychotic bastard


    you remain harpooned!!!


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  68. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  69. Anonymous7:30 PM

    hey Field, you see the Jamaican brotha who did the Alaskan sled race?


  70. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "And the Tea Party espouses rational principles, which are clearly beyond your comprehension."

    This was written by one of your anons. It's really time to do some house cleaning Field.

