Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Will republicans call for their "drop squad" to get Colin?

I just saw Colin Powell on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, and the news will be that he has not yet decided to endorse O and that he supports Gay marriage. This is unfortunate, because that really isn't news at all. The man is a republican, he should not be endorsing O. He should give his own party's candidate a look first. And I would expect Powell, who seems to be a decent human being, to support Gay marriage.

The republican candidate is Mitt Romney, and what Powell had to say about his comments on Russia should be the real news that came out of the CNN interview. Romney said, and I am paraphrasing here, that Russia is our number one geo- political foe, and the fact that O gave certain assurances to their leader is troubling.

Powell, in so many words, said that this is rubbish. According to Powell O was doing exactly what he should do, and Russia is not our enemy. He called Romney's foreign policy advisers "far to the right" and extreme on Morning Joe on MSNBC, and he (Powell) should know, because some of them actually worked for him. Powell also said that Romney needs to be more mature and realistic when talking about foreign policy.

Good luck with having that happen. This is political season and Mitt Romney is more interested in twenty second sound bites to his base than a real serious discussion about foreign policy. Let's just hope that he knows better and that if and when he gets into office he will just drop another line on his Etch A Sketch.

Finally, one more thing about Mitt: Today he unveiled his plan to reform education here in America, and you will be forgiven if you never heard about it because the press was not invited.

"..Like most of Romney's policy proposals, the education platform is pretty vague.

It largely focuses on a federal voucher program to allow low-income and disabled students to attend charter and private schools, falling in line with generally accepted GOP talking points about school choice.

But the plan fails to address expanded federal involvement in education, a major issue for the GOP's conservative base. While Romney does propose reforming some parts of the No Child Left Behind Act and consolidating "duplicative and overly complex" Department of Energy programs, he doesn't even come close to the radical cutbacks and wholesale DOE elimination favored by the growing social conservative/Tea Party/Constitutionalist wing of the Republican Party.
That may be why the campaign opted to unveil the plan during Romney's speech to the Latino Coalition's annual small business summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — a decidedly odd audience and location for a speech on education policy. The speech wasn't broadcast live, and was timed to coincide with President Obama's Air Force Academy commencement speech, virtually guaranteeing that Romney's news got limited airtime." [Source]

And here I thought that education was important. Anyway, it looks like the Etch A Sketch strategy is in full effect.




  1. Field, Colin Powell is a thoughtful moderate Republican and experienced military strategist. In other words, he's completely to the Left insane asylum that's driving the Republican nomination.

    Powell is going to end up supporting Obama over Romney this year for the same reason he support him over McCain in 2008 - Obama is the smartest guy in the room and the Republican candidate's international and fiscal policy ideas haven't changed since they heyday of Colecovision.

  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Colin Powell is as irrelevant as this blog.

    Republicans think about Colin Powell about as often as negroes get married before having children.

  3. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Colin Powell is as irrelevant as this blog.

    Republicans think about Colin Powell about as often as negroes get married before having children.

    7:38 PM

    Interesting that you're trolling an 'irrelevant' blog. If its irrelevant, why bother? I don't visit Free Republic or Stormwatch.

    And you just proved my point - if more Republicans actually paid attention to what smart moderates like Colin Powell and not whatever washed up Yahoo scores a gig on Fox, the GOP might be

  4. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Field, in your post re: Cory Booker, you said the following:

    "Please believe that one of Flipper's surrogates would not have done something like this. They would hold the party line and stick to the talking points no matter what. This is what certain folks do. You Negroes, on the other hand, just can't seem to stick together. I guess it's because you want to seem independent, which is fine, but don't pretend to be in O's camp and when he sends you out there you ad lib and lose the script."

    Shouldn't your analogy that Cory should tow the party line(Dem) apply to Colin Powell? So WHY are you praising Powell?

    Powell needs to support Romney because he is the best candidate for President. At least, he is the best man for President when it comes to treating black folks "equally". That's something Obama has NOT proven that he is willing to do. He supports everybody else while insulting Blacks.

    I have noticed Powell hasn't cared a bit about Blacks either. He hasn't said a word to support the plight and suffering of Blacks...Or haven't you noticed? Probably not. Negroes like to pretend REALITY is not happening.

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Field, why is Desmond Hatchett still in the HN box? You like beating on the vulnerable and the poor without mercy.

  6. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Interesting that you're trolling an 'irrelevant' blog."

    If you actually find my browsing habits "interesting", then you really should get out more.

    "If its irrelevant, why bother?"

    Blame Paul Kersey over at SBPDL. For some god-forsaken reason, he links to this blog.

    "I don't visit Free Republic or Stormwatch."

    Your browsing habits do not interest me.

    "And you just proved my point"

    You had a point?

  7. La~Coincidental, please tell our wingnut friend that not every link should be followed. :)

    "Field, why is Desmond Hatchett still in the HN box? You like beating on the vulnerable and the poor without mercy."

    No, Desmond liked beating up on something else. That is why he is still there.

  8. Anonymous8:43 PM

    anon7:54pm, you nailed the leftist Mr.Field. God bless you. You showed his hypocrisy.

  9. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "La~Coincidental, please tell our wingnut friend that not every link should be followed. :)"

    You should send Kersey a Thank You note, without him your small readership would be significantly smaller.

  10. "You should send Kersey a Thank You note, without him your small readership would be significantly smaller."

    Wrong again, wngnut. If Kersey is the reason clowns like you appear please tell him to remove the link.

    Trust me, my readership is fine.

  11. Anonymous9:10 PM

    "Wrong again, wngnut."

    LOLOL Ok.

    "If Kersey is the reason clowns like you appear please tell him to remove the link."

    Tell him yourself, I'm sure he'd be delighted to hear from you.

    "Trust me, my readership is fine."

    LOL @ "Trust me".

    Your readership may indeed be "fine", but it is small.
    Your musings are a virtual copy-and-paste of numerous other negro blogs.

  12. How is Gen. Powell still a Republican? They are a scared bunch of insane reactionaries AND add the fact he endorsed the other guy. I'm still mad the Gen didn't run for prez in 2000, he could have saved us from W's escapades. Damn him!

  13. fracker9:20 PM

    While Romney does propose reforming some parts of the No Child Left Behind Act and consolidating "duplicative and overly complex" Department of Energy programs...

    Whoa? No Child Left Behind meets the Department of Energy?

    What's that about? Some kind of busing program that transports kids to distant schools in wind-powered vehicles?

    ...he doesn't even come close to the radical cutbacks and wholesale DOE elimination favored by the growing social conservative/Tea Party/Constitutionalist wing of the Republican Party.

    When it comes to the DOE, I think Romney favors eliminating the entire department.

  14. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Did you see sweaty upper lip Mittster on the Time interview w' Halperin today FN? He looked utterly nervous and positively Nixonian.......

    When it comes to debating O in the fall......O Lord it's going to be harsh.


  15. jimmy carter9:28 PM

    Colin Powell is very nearly a forgotten man.

    Powell's endorsement of Obama would bring not one extra vote to our Incompetence-in-Chief.

    Meanwhile, if Powell were to endorse Romney, well, same result -- nada.

    Blacks, as we know, will vote for Obama, or they'll stay home. Would staying home matter?

    Is there a state where the black vote is the swing vote and Obama's presidency is in doubt?

    California? New York? Illinois?

    Now that Obama's most ardent supporters have been stunned by reality, the outcome may well reflect who stays home and who votes.

  16. eisenhower9:38 PM

    And I would expect Powell, who seems to be a decent human being, to support Gay marriage.

    Yeah, he's going to officiate at the first wedding of two newly graduated MALE second lieutenants in the chapel at West Point.

    Bet on it. That military wedding tradition of the newlyweds walking from the altar between a gauntlet of soldiers holding crossed swords overhead will take on a new meaning.

  17. Kingnut9:44 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Field, Colin Powell is a thoughtful moderate Republican and experienced military strategist

    Nothing earns a Republican more praise than stabbing his own party in the back. Powell obviously puts race before anything when deciding who to endorse. Obama is anything but thoughtful or moderate, and apparently neither is Powell.

    And LACoincidental continues his remarkable streak of always being wrong about everything. You've really got a knack for it.

  18. Anonymous9:49 PM

    PilotX, "How is Gen. Powell still a Republican? They are a scared bunch of insane reactionaries AND add the fact he endorsed the other guy. I'm still mad the Gen didn't run for prez in 2000, he could have saved us from W's escapades. Damn him!"

    Powell is very much Republican. And he was smart to NOT run for President. It's too bad Obama didn't follow suit. You see, Obama is going down in history for being the worst President in American history. He took a job at a time when GOD HIMSELF would not take!

  19. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "When it comes to debating O in the fall......O Lord it's going to be harsh."

    Obama can't even complete a sentence without a teleprompter.


  20. justice for trayvon9:50 PM

    'Animal' sentenced to 20 years for raping elderly Brooklyn woman

    May 23, 2012

    An "animal" who raped an elderly Brooklyn woman while her sick husband slept will be caged for 20 years.

    In Brooklyn Supreme Court today, Gerard Pressley mumbled regret as he was sentenced for the horrific 5 a.m. attack inside the woman's East New York home in October 2010.

    "I just wish that night never happened," Pressley said while clutching a Koran behind his back.

    "I'm sure you do," Justice Patricia DiMango snapped back.

    The judge and the victim's son ripped into Pressley for the twisted sex attack on the then-78-year-old woman.

    "To think that this woman, at this age, has to live with this nightmare of you in her home and what you did to her is sickening," DiMango said.

    In a letter read aloud in court, the woman's oldest son said Pressley's sentence is "nothing" compared to what his mother deals with daily.

    "This animal broke into her home and changed her life forever," the 80-year-old woman's son wrote.

    The woman had gone into her living room while her ailing husband slept in their bedroom when she encountered Pressley during a home invasion.

    Her son, who lives in the same building, was on another floor during the attack.

    "He felt he couldn't protect her," prosecutor Rachel Schmidt said. "I could sense he'll never be able to get past the guilt he feels for not protecting his mother."

    Pressley took the 20-year deal from prosecutors with the blessing of the victim's family, who did not want the elderly woman to face her attacker again.

    "She really should be able to live the rest of her life in peace," said Schmidt, who praised the victim as a "brave, incredible woman."

    Pressley, who also took a video game system during the break-in, was tripped up when he answered a call from the victim's son on a phone he had stolen.

    Prosecutors said Pressley got caught by trying to line up a resale of the phone.

  21. justice for trayvon9:54 PM

    Second suspect nabbed in blind woman's mugging


    May 23, 2012

    The second of three suspects who mugged a blind woman in a Forest Hills subway station has been nabbed, police said.

    Cops arrested Latisha Richardson, 39, today and charged her with grand larceny, possession of stolen property and jostling for allegedly robbing the 68-year-old victim as she walked with her guide dog in the subway below Queens Boulevard on April 16.

    Richardson and two accomplices targeted the disabled woman near the F-train, snatched her wallet and used her stolen credit cards at local stores, cops said.

    One accomplice, Michael Peoples, 45, was arrested April 24. A third accomplice remains on the lam.

  22. Whitey's Conspiracy10:20 PM

    Powell's no Republiklan. That was all loyalty to Poppy Bush who brought him up from the choir the same way he did Condi, who also isn't a klanner.

  23. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "When it comes to debating O in the fall......O Lord it's going to be harsh."

    Sure it is, I can see it now.

    Mr Obama what about the economy

    It's Bush's fault, you are fighting a war on women.

    Yes but what about what you have done:

    You tied your dog to a car roof, Mormons 150 years ago said mean things about blacks.

    Yes but what about what you have done:

    You want to cut off having all of them pay for all of her free contraception and make her pay for it herself, you are a meanie.

    Yes but what about the economy what have you done.

    I am a better president, I look out for everyone and you are a big bad businessman who makes money.

    Yes but what about what you have done:

    Well, I killed Osama:

    Wasnt that the military? Like I said, what about what you have done

  24. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Mitt Romney" President Obama you do have a impressive list of accomplishments, can we talk about them.

    Obama: Sure Mitt, you know I'm da man, go for it.

    Mitt Romney: Well President Obama, you have been the first President to do many things, such as;

    First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

    First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

    First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

    First President to violate the War Powers Act.

    First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

    First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform Law.

    First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party, a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

    First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.

    First President to recommend changing our National Anthem as it portrays and promotes violence and is warlike in its theme.

    First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer Breakfast and activities.

    First President to initiate a Cash for Clunkers Program to clean up exhaust that adds to global warming, then extended it because it was so popular — wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars.

  25. Anonymous10:27 PM

    First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

    First President to bypass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

    First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.

    First President to demand a company hand over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

    First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

    First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

    First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

    First President to tell a major manufacturing company which state they are allowed to locate a factory in.

    First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

    First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

    First President to fire an inspector general of Americorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

    First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

    First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date.

    First President to pledge complete transparency while campaigning, then hide his medical, educational,and travel records.

  26. Anonymous10:28 PM

    First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

    First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’.

    First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.

    First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

    First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.

    First President to repeat the Holy Qur’an and tells us that the early morning Islamic call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth.

    Now it is up to us Freedom-loving Americans to see to it that he is voted out after his FIRST term. May God bless America again. Stay safe, and be aware of your surroundings.

    Mitt Romney 2012

  27. Ernest T. Bass11:03 PM

    Gen. Powell is one of the greatest american success stories of all times. In fact, he certainly must be counted as one of the greatest americans of our lifetime. The republicans must surely be proud to count him in their ranks.

    That he didn't endorse McCain/ understandable.

    His current reluctance to issue a (Soul Train) party line endorsement becomes reasonable when you consider the new guy that the GOP wants to install to be the rubber band man, quick stamping their agenda.

    Now it seems romney has a new jobs plan to rekindle things in Russia. Maybe mitt's moscow money machine, I,er...mean Bain can well,you know...I mean like Cheney had Halliburton in the mideast, why not mitt in moscow?

  28. mellaneous11:11 PM

    Hey Field you gotta cover this craziness from south Beath. Remember last year the cops fired 115 shots at a guy in a car and killed him and wounded 4 bystanders.

    Well the cops are saying they are still investigating and in the meantime some of these folks can't get any more medical help.

    This is a real travesty! and police got busted saying there was a quota to arrest 2,000 partygoers at Urban Beach Weekend this Memorial Day on South Beach.

    Check it out

  29. mellaneous11:16 PM

    I meant South Beach. Field this is the story with all the measures they are planning to employ and mentions the 2,000 arrest quota.

    It could get ugly this year. The cops seem to be trying hard to provoke a real incident.

  30. Anonymous11:28 PM

    DOE supports alternative having solar on homes in Florida, southern California and other spots where the roof could provide nearly all the electric used by the household.
    Wonder why Romney is opposed.
    Skool vouchers are either used to de-fund public schools or to provide kick-backs to certain political friends. Skool vouchers are also far less likely to be audited.

    Makes one wonder why the wingnuts are doing their level best to eradicate the very successful and efficient public school systems. What do they hope to gain? A repeat of the Southern plantation economy?


  31. miscellaneous11:30 PM

    John Nolte on the democrat revolt against Obama in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Arkansas:

    “Last night was more of the same for President Obama. In Arkansas, he lost over 40% of the vote and a full 36 countries to a relatively unknown attorney who lives in Tennessee. In Kentucky, Obama lost over 42% of the vote and a full 67 counties to “uncommitted.” Rather than blame the President’s failed economic policies, his racial and class divisiveness, his war on the coal industry, or the decision to stop lying about his position on same-sex marriage –Democrats prefer to describe their very own as racist”

    Obama is toast. Burnt toast.

  32. "Makes one wonder why the wingnuts are doing their level best to eradicate the very successful and efficient public school systems. What do they hope to gain? A repeat of the Southern plantation economy?"

    Twofold, one destroy teachers' unions which have historically been strong and two have a population that will have no skill set other than take the jobs offered by mega corporations that will control government due to cases like Citizens United. Government is the only entity that can stand up to multi-national corporations which is why bought and sold politicians are out to convince the unwashed masses government is their enemy. Ronny Raygun was the perfect pitchman for the job as he began his career shelling for corporations, he just continued that career into the oval office. No secret.

  33. wyatt earp12:05 AM

    mellidiocy posted:

    They don’t know who shot them, although they presume it was police, since officers discharged more than 100 bullets on a busy Beach street.

    The injured parties Don't Know Who Shot Them.

    But, because the Police Department is funded by taxpayers, it's better to be shot by a cop than a thug.

    Without the bullets fired from the cops' guns during the melee, there's no way to know if any of them struck the injured people.

    Looks like no one will ever know.

    Read more here:

  34. Anonymous12:28 AM

    mellaneous said...
    I meant South Beach. Field this is the story with all the measures they are planning to employ and mentions the 2,000 arrest quota.

    It could get ugly this year. The cops seem to be trying hard to provoke a real incident.

    Negroes like you are funny. Right, it's the cops who would provoke and not the savages who descend on South beach that every business and community leaders wants to segregate and close to avoid because of the crime, drugs, violence, violence, violence and overall African destruction brought to south beach.

    A lot of events around the country for memorial day have been cancelled due to the black undertow and South Beach wanted to wall off the community but wasn't able to.

    "Whenever Black people gather together, prospects for trouble will exponentially rise with each addition made (regardless of the sex of the Black person) to the group. Events will be marred with violence, property damage, theft, random shootings, sexual assaults, and a disgruntled business community."

    -Paul Kersey.

    We will see just like every year, there will be horrible incidents wherever blacks gather all around this nation. Miami might make out a little better being smart enough to know to plan in advance for the black undertow.

    Are you going to spend any energy figuring out why this happens predictably and what you can do to stop it and educate blacks or just sit around and blame the people that have to deal with it?

  35. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Clerks are tired and have Negro Fatigue and are shooting back.

    Two brothers perform armed robbery and savagely beat an elderly clerk.

    Both dead clerk retaliated.

    If Obama had a son he would look like the 17 year old with the rifle.

  36. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Justice for Daniel Lee Cooper.

    Sitting in a car and shot by three Negroes for no reason.

    He was 17 and didn't attack the black men with guns. Do you think Eric Holder will look to prosecute a Hate Crime? They have one of the three shooters Darius Jamal Smotherson, we need to organize and march to get the other two and stop this violence.

  37. George Orwell1:02 AM

    It's only a hate crime if a white person can be charged.

    Racist acts by blacks are rarely classified as hate crimes.

  38. Anonymous3:05 AM

    here ya go Mold.


  39. Anonymous3:11 AM

    "George Orwell said...
    It's only a hate crime if a white person can be charged."

    whaaa whaaaaa whaaaa, it's so hard being a white racist. Your hooded forefathers would be so diappointed in the modern klan member. So pathetic and weak crying on a blah blog. Ha!


  40. Oh my, all these random acts of violence against Mr.Charlie being documented. Maybe some of u can join a neighborhood watch and try to prevent these acts against the majority.

    Wouldn't it be funny if O wins again in November?

    Stay tuned, America.

    Wingnut @9:10pm, you obviously spend a lot of time here. Is trolling something that brings u pleasure, or are u just such a loser in life that you have nothing else to do but leave asinine comments on a Negro blog?

  41. truthbetold8:51 AM


    Education was never an important topic for certain politicians. With proper education comes a greater understanding that the elite isn't on "your side."

    Keeping the people uninformed is key to control. Remind you of anything?

  42. never fret fn

    mitt could never be a worse liar or be more vague than that vague liar hobama


    it is his own blatant LIE that hobama's hot mic exposed that is the issue...
    not russian policy

    hobama's bold and accidentally public admission PROVES that he KNOWS he will win in 2012 just as his cuz gwb KNEW he would do so in 2004

    cold busted SELECTION 2012 trumps cold russian war!!!!!!!

    this more proof that hobama is a liar and that elections are a joke

    hot lie
    hot mic
    hot hypocrisy
    hot mess
    hot ruse

    mitt could never be a hotter torch for the globe than!

    President Obama was caught on a hot mic (live mic) telling Russian President Medvedv the truth: He’ll have more flexibility on security issues AFTER he wins re-relection.

    Jake Tapper at ABC has the exchange

    President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

    President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

    President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

    President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

    Of course, nobody should be surprised by this: This is just reality. But normally politicians aren’t heard spelling out reality so clearly.

  43. that kkkiller gz is being exposed as the coddled psycho liar he is moreso each day


    rip tm

  44. that kkkiller gz is being exposed as the coddled psycho liar he is moreso each day


    rip tm

  45. Lt. Commander Johnson11:41 AM

    Yeah, AB....the Sanford PD and Zimmerman were definitely in cahoots:

    You know, I could actually care less about Martin, or Zimmerman.

    BUT, I hope Zimmerman gets off scott-free, just so it will make you crazier than you already are. (IF, that's possible)

  46. Anonymous12:09 PM

    alicia banks said...
    that kkkiller gz is being exposed as the coddled psycho liar he is moreso each day


    rip tm

    Did you have a sleepless night after dreaming about castrating all those men who didnt want any from you in your life?

  47. Anonymous12:13 PM

    alicia banks said...
    that kkkiller gz is being exposed as the coddled psycho liar he is moreso each day


    rip tm

    The brains of the perpetually enraged, whatever you had once has been fried and dried up from being an angry black lesbian.

    Video is three days after. He was already cleared as shooting No_Limit_Nigga in self defense after they saw all his wounds from being attacked and the witnesses saw the thug in a hoodie smashing his head and sittin on his face (you like that don'tcha) smothering him.

    Grow a brain. Calm down, smell the va-j-j.

  48. justice for trayvon12:23 PM

    Riot Alert:

    If Zimmerman is acquitted, riots will break out. Blacks will destroy their neighborhoods.

    To avoid losing the election as a result of the inevitable riots, Obama will work the back channels to have the trial postponed till after the election.

    The trial could become OJ 2. But the prosecution will never stack the jury the way it was stacked for OJ.

    Most likely outcome is a hung jury.

    However, media coverage will include discussions of the extraordinary propensity for violence among blacks, which will hurt Obama in November.

    His record as a bigger failure than Jimmy Carter will hurt him even more.

  49. If the proof of racism in America today is a Hispanic neighborhood watch guy shooting a black guy who is pounding his head into a sidewalk, then negroes, you got nothin'.

    WTF are y'all doing?

  50. Anonymous1:42 PM

    In memory of Trayvon/No_Limit_Nigga.

    We remember who you were.

    Tell that bitch and that hoe I'm trying to do somethingI cracked the optimal open in the middle of the clubDon't give a fuck about the popos niggas smoke some bud Let's go half on a 40 sack show me some loveI stucked a pistol in the club for them wannabe thugs TRU niggas smoke dank all the way to the bank

    Ebonic you speaking in the club uh nigga whatEverytime I buzz the tank does when I itWith the type of skills to knock a baller off his pivot I admit it I'm one of the baddest that ever livedYou ain't seen nothing wait till I'm full of that shitTake a pull of that shitAnd you can meet the pieces

    Yeah another example of that gangsta shitC-Murder in this bitch Kane & Abel the F. I. FiendShit just another motherfucking day another dollarGet it right cause we bout it peace

  51. By the Light of the Silvery Moon2:30 PM

    More and more like Africa every day:

    Half of Detroit’s Streetlights May Go Out as City Shrinks

    By Chris Christoff - May 24, 2012

    Detroit, whose 139 square miles contain 60 percent fewer residents than in 1950, will try to nudge them into a smaller living space by eliminating almost half its streetlights.

    As it is, 40 percent of the 88,000 streetlights are broken and the city, whose finances are to be overseen by an appointed board, can’t afford to fix them.

    Mayor Dave Bing’s plan would create an authority to borrow $160 million to upgrade and reduce the number of streetlights to 46,000.

    Maintenance would be contracted out, saving the city $10 million a year.


    Uh oh, trouble for the anons.

  53. Lt. Commander Johnson3:46 PM

    I guess PilotX is YOUR real name?


  54. lifeless blogless senseless clueless assnon/moby dickkkless/dr. swill:

    u wish u had my life you inbred peasant

    i use my gifts and my anger to excel

    u r very

    u r a happy fool and albino trash

  55. kudos to colon!

    he was always cool to gays off mic

  56. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. Lt. Commander Johnson4:06 PM

    Figures a queer would misspell his name as "Colon". LOL

  58. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    I guess PilotX is YOUR real name?


    Pile It X Can't read very well either. You see in America everything isn't affirmative action yet and isn't likely to keep going that way. Basically this is as liberal as you can get.

    We don't know who it is so we can't focus on name calling and attacking them personally, that isn't fair. That means we can only deal with the facts. Thats' racism.

    "o votes on the measures have been taken. But unless the First Amendment is repealed, they stand no chance of surviving any constitutional scrutiny even if they were approved"

  59. Anonymous4:17 PM

    alicia banks said...
    lifeless blogless senseless clueless assnon/moby dickkkless/dr. swill:

    u wish u had my life you inbred peasant

    i use my gifts and my anger to excel

    u r very

    u r a happy fool and albino trash

    Crabbycakes Banks the eternal PMS woman said....Bladah dee, Dada da, blah, blah, blah.

    Albinos don't have color. Are you saying it's all about color crabbycakes? -less, less, less, less,

    You left out senseless.

  60. Anonymous4:20 PM

    alicia banks said...
    colon as in

    forever soiled by being a lapdog for king shrub/gwb

    Are you from another planet? Your Anus perhaps? Did you like Star Trek? You look a little like a klingon. You would make a good Klingon woman. You sure as shit seem to speak it, cause that can't be English.

  61. PMS peasant moron slime/moby dickkless:

    u r the only bleeding bitch herein

    all day every day

    swill on

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Captain Ahab5:31 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. why is it always the kkkowardly faceless kkklowns that post the most kkkrazy bs like that fat fugly fool moby dickkkless?????

    i bet he looks exactly like that skkkared kkkiller slob george zimmerman!!!

  65. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. "o votes on the measures have been taken. But unless the First Amendment is repealed, they stand no chance of surviving any constitutional scrutiny even if they were approved"

    It was a joke. Damn conservatives are stupid. The jab at the anons should have been the clue but.............nevermind. Genius I swear, genius.

    New trolls Field! Stat!

  68. Anonymous8:32 AM

    how come you are not writing about the hero,ryan young,who was suspended by safe way in california for stopping a man from beating a pregnant woman.this some thing that is outrageous!who gives a s***t about powell?

  69. BARBBF4:08 PM


    My Lai

    On March 16, 1968, a bloodied unit of the Americal division stormed into a hamlet known as My Lai 4. With military helicopters circling overhead, revenge-seeking American soldiers rousted Vietnamese civilians -- mostly old men, women and children -- from their thatched huts and herded them into the village's irrigation ditches.

    As the round-up continued, some Americans raped the girls. Then, under orders from junior officers on the ground, soldiers began emptying their M-16s into the terrified peasants. Some parents used their bodies futilely to shield their children from the bullets. Soldiers stepped among the corpses to finish off the wounded.

    The slaughter raged for four hours. A total of 347 Vietnamese, including babies, died in the carnage. But there also were American heroes that day in My Lai. Some soldiers refused to obey the direct orders to kill and some risked their lives to save civilians from the murderous fire.

    Several months later, the Americal's brutality would become a moral test for Major Powell, too.

    A letter had been written by a young specialist fourth class named Tom Glen, who had served in an Americal mortar platoon and was nearing the end of his Army tour. In the letter to Gen. Creighton Abrams, the commander of all U.S. forces in Vietnam, Glen accused the Americal division of routine brutality against civilians.

    Glen's letter was forwarded to the Americal headquarters at Chu Lai where it landed on Major Powell's desk.


    Powell's Response

    Major Powell undertook the assignment to review Glen's letter, but did so without questioning Glen or assigning anyone else to talk with him. Powell simply accepted a claim from Glen's superior officer that Glen was not close enough to the front lines to know what he was writing about, an assertion Glen denies.

    After that cursory investigation, Powell drafted a response on Dec. 13, 1968. He admitted to no pattern of wrongdoing. Powell claimed that U.S. soldiers in Vietnam were taught to treat Vietnamese courteously and respectfully. The Americal troops also had gone through an hour-long course on how to treat prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions, Powell noted.
