Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Penis envy.

This is getting out of hand, and I think I speak for all the men in A-merry-ca and the world when I say that this cutting off of the johnson has got to stop! This is beyond cruel. There is nothing that a man could have done to you that would want to cause you to inflict so much pain. (Well, almost nothing) Lorena Bobbitt has no idea how far back she set civilization with one dastardly and malicious act on that June night.

Now sadly, in this sick world of ours, I am starting to see a trend:

"A Southern Californian woman is accused of cutting off the penis of her estranged husband. She was arrested late last night after investigators responded to a 911 call and is now in custody at the Orange County Jail.
Catherine Kieu Becker of Garden Grove reportedly prepared dinner for her husband and put a poisonous substance or drug in his food to make him drowsy, reports KTLA. While the man was sleeping, Becker allegedly tied him to the bed. When he awakened, Becker cut his penis off with a knife and threw it into the garbage disposal, turning it on as she did so." [Source]

"A Dallas woman is accused of cutting off a man’s penis before stabbing him to death, The Dallas Morning News reports.

The Morning News has more:
Motel video surveillance showed Richardson one day earlier renting the room alone. About 4 on Saturday, a security guard said he heard man and woman “in a loud verbal and physical disturbance” in the third-floor room, police said.
The guard continued on to the first-floor lobby before returning to the third floor a short time later. That’s when he saw Richardson come out of the room, according to police.

She was ‘”naked and had blood all over herself,” the documents said.
The security guard called for police officers, who were let into the room by a hotel manager. They found Owens lying dead in the room.
A field agent with the Dallas County medical examiner’s office examined the man’s body and found that he had “multiple stab wounds to his upper body, his throat was cut and there was traumatic amputation of the penis and scrotum,”
"A 29-year-old Vietnamese woman, only identified by her surname, Pan, was sick and tired of her husband's philandering ways and his physical abuse. So she did what any scorned, crazed woman would do, ehem: She waited until he was passed out from drugs and sleeping pills and cut off his penis -- with a pair of scissors. Then she threw the severed member in a Taiwanese river like it ain't no thang.

Afterward, she turned herself into police and allegedly told them that she felt no regret for what she did to her unemployed, drugged-out dirt bag of a husband." [Source]

I could go on, because there are others, but just thinking about the pain is too much for a brotha.

This sick ritual has gotten so commonplace that some of you men are starting to take the knives to your own johnsons for whatever sick and twisted reason. Please stop it!

Honestly, if it has come to this, I would prefer if you just jumped off a bridge.



  1. Or it was done to blah men after or before they were lynched.

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Pile It X Lax said...
    Or it was done to blah men after or before they were lynched.

    I guess with such a small mind you have only so much room for thoughts and stay on one track. Don't you ever bore yourself with your eternal victimhood? No one wants to lynch you, they don't even want to have lunch with you.

    Stop being such a little whiner and man-up.

    Back on topic - These women need to cut this stuff out - On the other hand, do you think we can get one of Desmond Hatchett's 11 baby mamas to give this some thought? Dudes only 33 and has 30 kids - phew!!!

  3. So you get dumped. And the proper response is to slice off your own jimmy and throw it away?

    Love makes you do strange things, but damn.

  4. "I guess with such a small mind you have only so much room for thoughts and stay on one track. Don't you ever bore yourself with your eternal victimhood? No one wants to lynch you, they don't even want to have lunch with you. "

    No one wants to have lunch with you because you reek of b.o.* and your clothes have piss stains all over them.

    *Body odor, not Barack Obama. He probably smells nicer than you.

  5. GrannyStandingforTruth6:46 PM

    Well, all I can say is the male specie had better go out and buy the Temptations song, "Treat Her Like A Lady" and listen to it real good and take notes; stop cheating because when a woman's fed up, nothing is worser than a woman's fury. Even hell has no fury like that of a woman.

    I'm surprised that Herman and Newt still have theirs. I guess their wives haven't read the "Housewives Manual On How to Deal With A Cheating Husband" yet.

    Nonetheless,if it is any consolation to you men folks that cheat on your wives, I do not have a penis, but I feel your pain. Just take granny's advice. It'll save you a penis in the long run.

  6. GrannyStandingforTruth7:20 PM

    BTW, me, I would prefer Bernadette's (Waiting to Exhale) method.

    I wouldn't go so far as amputate a man's Johnsons that's a little too bloody for me. Inflicting pain on a man's wallet is good enough for me.

  7. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "I guess with such a small mind you have only so much room for thoughts and stay on one track. Don't you ever bore yourself with your eternal victimhood? No one wants to lynch you, they don't even want to have lunch with you. "

    No one wants to have lunch with you because you reek of b.o.* and your clothes have piss stains all over them.

    *Body odor, not Barack Obama. He probably smells nicer than you.

    "You smell and B.O. doesn't mean Barack Obama but Body odor"? I hope this wasn't your best.

    I never knew anyone with piss stains and bad B.O (other than having to stand next to guys like you in the subway - really what is it with you guys, do the world and take a shower and pick your hair) so I will take your word as a Piss stained B.O expert. And no we can't do lunch I am sure you would want me to buy and I won't even IF you shower and use extra shea butter/coconut shampoo.

    You need to up your game, not very impressive.

  8. I stopped doing divorces because people are so freaking insane with hatred when they're going through them. I'd rather do back to back major felony jury trials than a single family court motion calendar.

  9. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Even the New Black Pampers are saying Blacks are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic party and they are threating to start shooting.

    They don't like Pimp Daddy Obama anymores.

    But on the bright side you can get a collar for your cat that says "I Meow for Michelle" CLASSY!!!

    Disappointed in Obama, New Black Panthers openly consider ‘the bullet’

    the Spring edition of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) newspaper — cover reading “The Ballot or The Bullet: which way for black people?” — NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz breaks down the presidential election, concluding the Democratic Party is the “institutional pimp of Black peoples and the Black Nation” and that Obama has “been a real disappointment.”

    “Black peoples are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic Party, and mistreated mistress that is courted in the late of night, but left hanging when it is time for real change in the light of the post election day,” Shabazz wrote, following a dissertation on the need to “Vote for Revolution.”

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/05/22/disappointed-in-obama-new-black-panthers-openly-consider-the-bullet/#ixzz1vdzDK9cv


  10. justice for trayvon7:29 PM

    Not that we didn't know, but the growing number of iPhones and cameras carried by people at all times everywhere they go are capturing photos of criminals in action, and, as I said, it's no surprise that blacks are caught in the act every day.

    3 thugs mug blind woman in Queens subway station

    May 22, 2012

    Share on emailShare on facebook More Sharing ServicesMore Print She never saw it coming!

    Three heartless thugs mugged a blind woman at a Queens subway station last month and then used her credits to go on a shopping spree, police said.

    The 68-year-old victim was targeted April 16, at about 6 p.m., while descending the stairs of the F-train station on the corner of Queens Boulevard and 75th Avenue, police added.

    The victim, who was walking with her guide dog, was heading into the station’s tunnel to pass underneath Queens Boulevard on her way home, sources said.

    One suspect slipped a hand into the victim’s right dress pocket and swiped her wallet before fleeing with the other two hoods.

    “She didn’t see where they were went and the dog isn’t designed to attack anyone,” said a source.

    The thieves then used the victim’s three credit cards to buy goods at several area stores, cops added.

    On April 24, detectives arrested Michael Peoples, 45, for his alleged involvement in the caper and charged him with grand larceny, petit larceny, identity theft, criminal possession of stolen property and jostling, court records show.

    Investigators are still hunting his accomplice, Latisha Anderson, 39, who was several prior arrests, including drug sales and assault, cops said.

    Also being sought is a male cohort who was last seen wearing a black baseball cap and carrying a black backpack.

  11. "I'm surprised that Herman and Newt still have theirs"

    Granny, that was coooold.

  12. "I never knew anyone with piss stains and bad B.O (other than having to stand next to guys like you in the subway - really what is it with you guys, do the world and take a shower and pick your hair) so I will take your word as a Piss stained B.O expert. And no we can't do lunch I am sure you would want me to buy and I won't even IF you shower and use extra shea butter/coconut shampoo."

    I see what anon's doing. Projection won't get you anything here, not even a bar of soap and some new used thrift store duds.

    The NBP's getting frustrated, but the Bullet™ is the wrong way to go about things. White Americans have been dying for permission to shoot nigge...ahem...black people willy-nilly -- if Trayvon was the Open Season sign, the Bullet™ is the starter pistol.

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Time to start biting clits off unfaithful women...equal treatment is what's all about.

  14. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "I guess with such a small mind you have only so much room for thoughts and stay on one track. Don't you ever bore yourself with your eternal victimhood? No one wants to lynch you, they don't even want to have lunch with you.

    Stop being such a little whiner and man-up."

    Fyi, PilotX has a right to his self-pity. You have no right to deprive him of it.

    Self-pity, and victimization is a big part of PilotX's identity. Same for Mack Lyons. They have a right to their identity.

  15. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Granny, "I'm surprised that Herman and Newt still have theirs. I guess their wives haven't read the "Housewives Manual On How to Deal With A Cheating Husband" yet."

    How dare you accuse Herman of playing around! There is no proof that he did and you know it. YOu just want to turn a good man into a guilty man.

    Why don't you go after men who we KNOW are truly guilty, like Bill Clinton?

  16. Anonymous10:50 PM

    This is such a dangerous world and it is depressing. Ever since Eve showed up in the Garden of Eden, things got all screwed up and it's been that way ever since. Poor Adam didn't stand a chance with that woman around. He should have saved himself and humanity and cut it off before Eve seduced him.

    However, I am most hopeful at the increasing number of men who are cutting off their johnsons. It proves that men are fed up with having intercourse with women. It's time to take a stand.

  17. Anonymous10:50 PM

    Mack Daddy Said....

    "I see what anon's doing. Projection won't get you anything here, not even a bar of soap and some new used thrift store duds.

    The NBP's getting frustrated, but the Bullet™ is the wrong way to go about things. White Americans have been dying for permission to shoot nigge...ahem...black people willy-nilly -- if Trayvon was the Open Season sign, the Bullet™ is the starter pistol."

    Well the projection joke was itself a huge projection, we will let that thing keep gasping for air and die a smelly death.

    On to the bullet. I fully agree with you, it's airheads like the Black Pampers that will start shit that a lot of innocent people will get dragged into. Ironically usually the ones who talk militia and bullets are predictably the ones to cut and run when they actually start flying and people start dropping, they will be the first to cut and run when the "victims" fight back.

    As far as .."White Americans have been dying for permission to shoot nigge...ahem...black people willy-nilly -- Trayvon was the starter"

    You are way off and you know it. First of all Trayvons' shooter was Hispanic/Black and part White, but he was less White than Barack Obama said he was a Kenyan Born Cherokee White Man in his authors biography. Only racists are pushing the theme that Zimmerman was White in order to capitalize on creating a larger White/Black gap and somehow gain something. Distraction of the highest degree for the lowest IQ masses for their gain. More Democratic con men at work in your head.

    The only real gain so far has been bad will and realization that maybe it isn't going to stop. When people realize things are getting worse and won't stop, this goads them into preparations. People want real justice based on facts not emotional justice driven by race. This all following in the OJ style where even though everyone knew he was guilty, it became a black thing to fight for "justice".

    On Zimmerman -Notice as the evidence was released and it continued to add up more and more supporting each detail of Zimmermans account and every facet of his version of events matches the evidence, the media has dropped the Trayvon thing? After producers at NBC got fired for lying and race baiting they reported the full story and this changed everything.

    White people that I know aren't itching to shoot anyone. But you can spread the word they are tired of the continous violence, carjackings, rapes, robberies, home invasions, movie theater brawls, restaurant brawls, fairs being closed due to violence, beaches closing down, flash robs, concert gang banging, stopping at lights and getting pulled out of your car, Elderly women being raped and killed, old men on bicyles getting knocked out and put in critical condition, kids playing knockout king, drive by killings for the hell of it, and on and on. So yes there is nothing wrong with people defending themselves. Yes there is a fatigue of all this violence.

    If only you could spend all that energy in getting the crime to stop as opposed to blaming the victims, then maybe we could all get along better and we wouldnt think you condone the violence as long as it isn't done by someone who isn't black.

  18. Salami KutemOffEm10:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Time to start biting clits off unfaithful women...equal treatment is what's all about.

    Achmed says,
    See I told you, Allah is wise. What you do is cut off the clitoris before pubert like we do in Islam. No problem they do what we say or we stone them.

  19. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Oh my gosh that's crazy!

    But I saw on TV once a documentary about some men that do not want to have their testicles and actually cut them off or have them cut off! Not the penis just the testicles are cut.

    Men are so strange! I've never heard of a woman cutting off her labia.

  20. Kingnut11:29 PM

    If men really ran things, that particular crime would be punishable by a particularly emphatic form of capitial punishment.

  21. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Oh my gosh that's crazy!

    But I saw on TV once a documentary about some men that do not want to have their testicles and actually cut them off or have them cut off! Not the penis just the testicles are cut.

    Men are so strange! I've never heard of a woman cutting off her labia.

    I dated a Cuban Woman in Miami once, her name was Labia...oh wait I found out after about a year it was really Lydia, she had a bad accent. She used to call Vick's Vapo Rub Beeks bapo rube

  22. Drew Expo Shutdown11:53 PM

    This is why Martin Luther King's children couldn’t go to Fun Town:

    “Events escalated Saturday night about 9:12 p.m. when officers again responded to reports of several fights that had broken out. Johnson said about 400 to 500 people were running across the civic center parking lot, removing their shirts and threatening one another. After repeated attempts to break up the fights, officers again used pepper spray to disperse the crowd. Police said no arrests were made.

    Civic center employees closed the event at 10 p.m., but it took officers 40 additional minutes to disperse the crowd from the civic center parking lot and the McDonald’s restaurant across the street, Johnson said.

    In a two-minute 911 call to police from a McDonald’s employee, yelling can be heard in the background as employees attempted to keep the crowds from rushing into the restaurant.

    “The more we’re trying to get them out, the more they’re coming in and jumping up and down and walking on tables and stuff,” the employee said. “They shut the fair down across the street so all the traffic is really coming over here.”

    Freedom has failed.

  23. "Even the New Black Pampers are saying Blacks are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic party and they are threating to start shooting. "


    Now why would those poxnews/daily caller shills talk shit about the 92% of black folks who vote Democratic?

  24. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Even the New Black Pampers are saying Blacks are the whores and prostitutes of the Democratic party and they are threating to start shooting. "


    Now why would those poxnews/daily caller shills talk shit about the 92% of black folks who vote Democratic?

    I think in your attempts to be witty while using stereotypical talking points you failed to check to see if you made any sense. The Pampers were the ones who mades statements, the daily caller reported them (it's all over the news now, Shitbatz-Shebazz didnt hold back in his interviews.

    Are you saying by reporting what the Black Pampers said they are attacking the 92% of Blacks who are on the plantation and only vote democratic?

  25. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Freedom has failed.

    Diversity is nothing but Chaos and welfare for civil rights lawyers.

  26. "Men are so strange!"

    I don't think any of us know a dude who even thinks about cutting off his wang.

  27. "Now why would those poxnews/daily caller shills talk shit about the 92% of black folks who vote Democratic?"

    I thought there was only one member so shouldn't it be The New Black Panther? Unless Hannity joined just to keep them going.

  28. Black people sure have gotten a lot more violent since Obama got elected.

    Any of the geniuses around here have any ideas as to why that might be?

  29. Mack Lyons wishes he had a penis. Or two.

  30. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HmiBn33KS0&feature=related

  31. Anonymous12:58 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Now why would those poxnews/daily caller shills talk shit about the 92% of black folks who vote Democratic?"

    I thought there was only one member so shouldn't it be The New Black Panther? Unless Hannity joined just to keep them going.

    Yeah as if you don't know how many are in your local chapter of Black Pampers.

    We heard through the grapevine that your Nation of Islam name is Malik Pile It Shitbazz.

  32. Anonymous1:09 AM

    PilotX said...

    Quick question, now that the NAACP endorses same sex thingamajiggy, does this mean you have to publicy announce you like smoking sausage otherwise they gonna call you a Tom? Didn't Sharpton also tell the Black Pastors who were against it "they need to evolve" sorta like saying give up their religion to replace it with the democratic party and worship Obama.

    Hmmmm, interesting times.

  33. Anonymous2:16 AM

    hahhaa... amazng...

  34. Field, some of your anons are going all homoerotic on us.

    As an aside, Brokemack's picture links to occidentaldissent.com. Always gotta know where your trolls and anons come from.

  35. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Ahaaa! Anon and what exactly were you two doing with that beeks rube huh?;))

  36. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Broke Mack Lyons Face Down said...
    "Field, some of your anons are going all homoerotic on us".

    Mack you make that sound like it's a bad thing. C'mon man we have the first gay president now, you need to evolve like he did and Chris Matthews (Tingles) told the pastors. Oh and don't forget the rainbow president also said it's better to receive than to give. Eddie long will cum by soon to give a donation to your cause.

    I always suspected something was different about you, you rascal you. Keep it real, vote Democratic. Nothing like frolicking and flitting around the plantation with your homies.

  37. " New Black Psmpers"? So does this mean that even the wingnut crazies realize that the FOX created back bogey men are frauds!

  38. Don't worry Mack, I know exactly where my trolls came from. :)

  39. Saltine9:18 AM

    field negro said...
    " New Black Psmpers"? So does this mean that even the wingnut crazies realize that the FOX created back bogey men are frauds!

    You should be careful calling the Black Pansies frauds, Malik Zulu Shabazz and King Samir Shabazz say Eric Holder still owes them favors even after dismissing the voter intimidation case they lost, cause "they got Obama elected.

    Who was Obama with in Selma in 2007? Who did Shabazz visit at the white house more than four times? Pretty influential fraud wouldn't you say? They are really a bunch of idiots who make you wonder if they can tie their own shoes, but that doesn't have anything to do with FOX.

    A Salami Lickem

  40. ditto fn

    but beware

    you sound a bit like whites lamenting black racism/violence

    there is NO comparison STILL to the ancient and ongoing violence against women

    ie cc this to all the women who suffer global rapes/genital mutilation/serial killers etc

    it will take centuries for men to compare their castrations to our complete eradications...








  41. legally wedded wife burning and global female genital mutilation are far more common and worse

    torture as tradition is still torture

    and women are traditionally tortured worse



  42. ps:

    fidelity trumps fileting

    kudos to all legally married women/men who refuse to be doormats to legally wed male/female whores!!!

    their pain is my exclusive concern

    may they find less violent and bloody ways to escape their valid and greater pain

  43. Anonymous9:40 AM

    King Samir Shabizz/Jerry Jackson said....

    •“I love white-on white-crime, because that is the best crime.”
    •“I hate the g*ddamn white man, woman, and child, grandma, aunt, uncle, Pappa Billy Bob, and whoever else.”
    •“You should be thankful we’re not running around here hanging crackers by nooses and all that kind of stuff — yet, yet, yet”
    •He has a “wet dream about killing the g*ddamn cracker.”
    •“We don’t allow faggots and lesbians” in the New Black Panther

  44. truthbetold9:55 AM

    Dismemberment has been going on since the dawn of time. During slavery, white men would dismember black men and suffocate them with their own parts.

    It's the ultimate punishment meant for emasculation and humilation. It's so...wrong...

  45. Stubby10:12 AM

    I hear ya, field!

    Remember hearing about this penis amputation all over the news?


    No? Funny. I don't remember it either.

    Makes the St. Trayvon thing look like a Saturday afternoon matinee.

    Hate crime? NO WAY! Just some "youths" having some "random" fun.

  46. 40% of americans of all races are racist morons

    but 60% know gz is a kkkilller



  47. fn:


    it is not penis envy

    it is wayward penis hatred


  48. Irv P.12:08 PM

    On my first trip to Los Angeles in 1971, I visited Dodger Stadium, as I had been a Brooklyn Dodgers fan in the 1950s and wanted to see the new environs that the Dodgers had jilted us for. The place was pristine and the fans were laid back and friendly. Most of them had brought radios to the ball park and you could hear Vince Scully’s melodic voice calling the game throughout the park. One of the big attractions was a peanut vendor who had the uncanny knack of being able to throw peanut bags long distances right to a waiting customer. This of course was before the days when the joys of diversity overwhelmed Los Angeles.
    Now let’s fast forward to the fall of 2006 on the day that the Mets eliminated the Dodgers from the playoffs. That was the same day the Tigers eliminated the Yankees from the playoffs. My son and I watched the Yankee game at his condo in West L.A. and then left for the Mets/Dodgers game which we had tickets for. We ran into a lot of traffic and were late for the game, getting there during the second inning. The seats were occupied by a couple of our friendly Hispanic brethren who refused to vacate at first, evidently expecting us to walk away because of their intimidation tactics. When they realized they were going to lose this confrontation, one of them called me a “mother f’er” as he slinked past me. (Excuse me for showing up at the seat I paid for).

    At the end of the game, which the Mets won, we were heading back to the parking lot and a Mets fan dressed in a Mets Jersey was being accosted by a group of angry Hispanic “fans.” I knew what was unfolding because my entire career in the New York City school system had taught me how to identify the signs of an impending attack. I looked around and did not see one person who worked for the Dodgers who might help. Then the Hispanics pounced and began beating the daylights out of this poor guy. I screamed at the top of my lungs, “Chill, cops coming!!” They stopped, looked around, and took off. I may have saved that guy’s life because I knew how to use the word “chill.” (At least I had learned something worthwhile from my years “teaching” black and Hispanics). After I got back to New York I wrote to the Dodgers telling them of the mayhem that went on in their parking lot that day, and pointing out that security was non-existent. I never heard back from them.

    Now let’s fast forward again to opening day at Dodger Stadium last season. The Dodgers were playing the San Francisco Giants and after the game in the parking lot a white Giants fan was beaten into a coma by Hispanics. This particular beating got national coverage. As I understand it, there is NOW a security presence in the lots of Dodger Stadium.

    And now we come to this latest event which you posted today. Is there any kind of pattern here? Or are we supposed not to notice?

    As a result of unchecked immigration since 1965, Dodger Stadium has changed from the home of the friendliest, most laid-back baseball fans in America to an inferno of violence and uncivilized behavior. It’s that pure and simple. We are committing suicide and there is something wrong with us for pointing it out. Whether it’s the black intifada, or the Muslim threat, or the Mexican “reconquest,” or anti-Christian “art,” or the defiling of marriage by allowing homosexuals to “marry,” there is something wrong with us for saying that there is something wrong here.

    How far behind Dead Britain are we with regards to our death? We had better be ready to start taking to the streets for massive demonstrations because if you think this is going to change through regular political means without that push, you are sadly mistaken.

    If we don’t protest this madness peaceably, there is going to be a civil war down the road. Americans are armed and they are not going to take this endlessly.

  49. liars for gz are growing consciences


    no lies live forever


    rip tm


  50. fn:

    those with penis envy would never ever castrate one

    they revere and covet the penis



  51. Anonymous1:13 PM

    alicia banks said...

    those with penis envy would never ever castrate one

    they revere and covet the penis



    Jesus Christ!!. Why is it that when you say Dick around a Lezbeen she goes crazy?

  52. Anonymous2:32 PM

    alicia banks said...

    those with penis envy would never ever castrate one

    they revere and covet the penis



    We know you spend a lot of time dreaming of what you can never have. But damn do you really expect us to think a meatless vagitarian knows anything about Penis? Or those who have denied them to you?

  53. "we don’t protest this madness peaceably, there is going to be a civil war down the road. Americans are armed and they are not going to take this endlessly."

    Notice now SUDDENLY that 'merica is dangerous and violent. No mention that at the same time the person telling this racist story was visiting Dogers' stadium blah people were getting killed for trying to vot eor buy a Coke at a restaurant. Funny, when the tables are turned, albeit slightly, they want to freak out and retaliate. Wow, seems our responses such as Black Liberation Theology were alot less violent and appropriate. Lack of historical context is funny. And they say WE have the problem with playing victim. Ha! Man up and roll with th eshit you started in the first place and stop making pointless threats. Wimps.

  54. " New Black Psmpers"? So does this mean that even the wingnut crazies realize that the FOX created back bogey men are frauds!"

    They scare so easily. This non-existant group and an elderly preacher scare them. No wonder they all need guns.

  55. Casual Observer3:28 PM

    Only time penis deserves to be cut off is during/because of the rape of a woman/child. Other than that, leave the pee-pee alone!!

  56. White Bear3:49 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "The NBP's getting frustrated, but the Bullet™ is the wrong way to go about things. White Americans have been dying for permission to shoot nigge...ahem...black people willy-nilly -- if Trayvon was the Open Season sign, the Bullet™ is the starter pistol"

    Have you recently come out of a forty-year coma? No one has gone downtown in Detroit or Newark or Baltimore or Rochester or Milwaukee or Minneapolis or Kansas City or Miami or Philadelphia or Dallas since black people burned them down in the 1970s.

    I can personally atttest to outbreaks of anti-white violence in my middle school years ( 1970s). "Kill Blondes Days" when black girls, self-loathing no doubt but that still doesn't make them the victims, assaulted girls with blonde hair. The middle school could not generally be approached by lone white students on foot. Packs of black boys lay in wait between the houses. White kids would gather on Main Street and go down the sidestreet to the school in groups.

    My neighborhood was 5% black, when I was born, 30% black when I was in middle school, 60% black when I moved away for good, and 70% black when my elderly parents, tired of being called "white motherfucker," shoved, and threatened by perfect strangers, moved away. The last time that I checked the stats it was 82% non-white.

    I don't hate black people as a general rule, for having known so many different black people. I would not live in a black majority neighborhood again. Individual blacks may be socially normal-American, but a black neighborhood enforces the social norms of Fuck You Up, Alabama, a place in which I don't care to live.

    I am angered by the orthodoxy of television reporting on race, which denies my own experience and insists on The Harmless Negro Victims Who Only Live to Spread Christian Love, But the Bad White People Won't Let Them. Solution: when I see black people on television, I change the channel.

  57. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Amen white bear. Tulsa is a dangerous place now thanks to the brothers. It wasnt like that when i was younger. An 85 year old white woman and her 90 year old husband were beat to death by a black kid and the woman raped. Did you blog about that Field? How about the peace loving blacks killing each other every night in North Tulsa? Gotta be whiteys fault Im sure.

  58. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Well, you made me laugh. CAn you tell I'm a woman?

  59. Anonymous9:07 AM

    On any given day, you can turn to the Travel Channel and see so-called chefs eating the penises of every animal on the planet, absorbed in gravy and onions. While I'm puking, they're talking about how tasty they are.

    It's a damn shame to see the WHOLE "human" race grow into extremely dangerous psychopaths. Nothing has limits anymore, EVERYTHING is A-OK in this day and age.

    One thing we will do together with our mouths shut to the max., is decompose. No more racism, nothing!! Bon Voyage Creeps!!!!!

  60. Really dude? You just named all the men this happened. Why don't you try to name all the women who have been genitally mutilated by men?
