Monday, June 18, 2012

Amazing Wallenda and "Wawa's".

I saw that white dude walking across Niagara Falls Friday night on a wire, and all I could do was shake my head. White folks will do anything for thrills. For most black folks, just trying to make it every day in America is an adventure. If you are white you have to go looking for that adrenalin rush. Not so with us. Every time we see the po po or get shaded at some high end store our hearts start racing.

Anyway, dude made it to the other side in one piece. The Canadians asked him for his passport and it was pretty much a wrap. Let's see what he does for his next trick. I bet he wouldn't walk through Southwest Philly alone on a Saturday night. Personally, I would pay to watch that. Yes Mr. Wallenda, if you really want to impress me try that trick just once. TV One or BET might even carry it live.

Finally, if you live anywhere in Southeastern Pennsylvania or the Mid-Atlantic portion of the United States, you pretty much know all about our  Wawa stores. (Or, as Flipper calls it, "Wawa's.) You can get everything from  sandwiches, to coffee, to gas for your car at the local Wawa.

Anyway, thanks to his run for president of these divided states, Mitt Romney is also learning about Wawa.  

Apparently Mitt has never actually visited a supermarket before. If he had he would have noticed those little things called scanners that they tend to use.

"Where do you get your hoagies here?" Romney asked supporters gathered at the Cornwall Iron Furnace. "Do you get them at Wawa's? Is that where you get them?"

When audience members audibly disapproved of Romney namedropping the Pennsylvania-based chain, he revised his question, asking if they instead bought their sandwiches at rival store Sheetz. The new suggestion caused even greater negative feedback.

"I'm sorry," Romney said. "I know it's a very big state divide."
Romney went on to applaud "Wawa's" -- the actual name of the chain is Wawa (no "s") -- for its electronic ordering system, which he discovered at a Quakertown store earlier in the weekend. He reportedly ordered a meatball hoagie with sweet peppers and pickles while mulling options for his running mate.

"You press a little touch-tone keypad," Romney said, referring to the chain's touch-screen system. "You touch this, touch this, go pay the cashier, and there's your sandwich. It's amazing!" [Source]

Yes Mitt, it is. There are a lot of "amazing" things going on in America these days.




  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Field, that's what people call Wawa: "Wawa's". Are you sure you are familiar with PA, outside of Philly? You don't sound like it.

  2. we have nothing to fear but fear itself7:41 PM

    field dares:

    I bet he wouldn't walk through Southwest Philly alone on a Saturday night. Personally, I would pay to watch that. Yes Mr. Wallenda, if you really want to impress me try that trick just once.

    As always, field admits that blacks are dangerous people who will attack whites whenever the opportunity arises.

    You really know how to paint the picture, not that whites need any confirmation of the obvious.

    Meanwhile, blacks seem to have such damaged psyches that, according to field -- Every time we see the po po or get shaded at some high end store our hearts start racing -- which leads to nothing whatsoever, while blacks walking through black neighborhoods may result in being robbed, beaten or killed.

    Clearly blacks have trouble distinguishing internal fear from real danger.

  3. NoJewLie2Me8:29 PM

    Field, Field, Field - At this point I don't know if you are getting duped and fooled by the liberal media or you are right there lying with them trying to make people look stupid from very hard hitting statements that they have made.

    The media and your post has edited what Romney really said.

    "You press a little touch-tone keypad," Romney said, referring to the chain's touch-screen system. "You touch this, touch this, go pay the cashier, and there's your sandwich. It's amazing!"

    “By the way, where do you get your hoagies here, do you get them at WAWAs?… Well I want to a place today called WAWAs, have you ever been to WAWAs? I know some people haven’t…. We went to WAWAs and it was instructive to me, because I saw the difference between the private sector and the governmental sector. People who work in government are good people and I respect what they do, but you see, the challenge with government is that it doesn’t have competition.”

    No - Actually what he said was the opposite of Obama. Obama says the bad economy is because of progress (ATM') machines. Mitt said specifically WaWa is the example of the difference between Private and government structure. At WaWa's they found a better way to do things.

    “So we find ways to do things better or we lose jobs to each other.”

    The MSM and or you if you are not being duped can't lie anymore, here is the video with his words and not the spun words you posted.

    Isn't it great that we don't have to rely on the racist MSM for real truth in reporting anymore?

  4. " Let's see what he does for his next trick. I bet he wouldn't walk through Southwest Philly alone on a Saturday night. Personally, I would pay to watch that. Yes Mr. Wallenda, if you really want to impress me try that trick just once. TV One or BET might even carry it live."


  5. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Damn Field,
    MSNBC was caught red handed lying and editing the tape that you posted about.

    Whats this make number 6 in the Obama/MSM screwups? at this rate even though Juan Obama is the first gay latino half white president we have ever had he might even start losing black votes.

  6. "Field, that's what people call Wawa: "Wawa's". Are you sure you are familiar with PA, outside of Philly? You don't sound like it."

    See, this is what I love about wingnuts: they have the balls to just make stuff up and hope it sticks.

  7. Anonymous10:18 PM

    eld negro said...
    "Field, that's what people call Wawa: "Wawa's". Are you sure you are familiar with PA, outside of Philly? You don't sound like it."

    See, this is what I love about wingnuts: they have the balls to just make stuff up and hope it sticks.

    Oh Field, are you having an Obama night? In ebonics you say " yo I be gone wa-wa u want sangwitch n fawty?"

    In english you would say "I am going to wa-wa's supermarket, would you like a sandwich.


  8. SomebodyGotstaPay10:42 PM

    I saw that white dude walking across Niagara Falls Friday night on a wire, and all I could do was shake my head. White folks will do anything for thrills. For most black folks, just trying to make it every day in America is an adventure. If you are white you have to go looking for that adrenalin rush. Not so with us. Every time we see the po po or get shaded at some high end store our hearts start racing.

    Amazing what the white mans adrenaline and sense of adventure accomplished. He built boats, crossed oceans, created civilizations, invented things to improve life and feed the negroes he found who are still to this day eating mud cookies and packing huts with animal dung and looking for handouts centuries later.

  9. Yeah, guess it's fascinating, for billionaires, how those of us without servants order our food? Wait til the man who isn't there finds out that we have entire stores selling those "chocolate goodies" he was so impressed with in pretty much every neighborhood in the country.

  10. SomebodyGotstaPay, why didn't he pick some cotton and sugar cane with all that adrenaline he had stored up?

    I guess the adrenaline only kicks in when there is no sun.

  11. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Arguments aside, I think the take away here is "fuck this guy". Field, please keep doing what you do.

  12. Yep - checkout lines are amazing. Great shades of Bush Sr.! Talk about out of touch!

  13. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Yeah, guess it's fascinating, for billionaires, how those of us without servants order our food? Wait til the man who isn't there finds out that we have entire stores selling those "chocolate goodies" he was so impressed with in pretty much every neighborhood in the country.

    Wait until you get to hell and you find out you didn't need to be a salad tosser and poverty pimp to survive in your former life and all your depravity was for naught.

  14. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Field, you are pathetic, attacking anon about the pronunciation of Wawa's stores. I live in PA and that's what we call Wawa: "Wawa's"

    All you ever do is deal in mickey mouse shit and blame the Conservatives for it. You are constantly trying to make the GOP look dumb. But you are right in there dealing with stupidity yourself.

    Field, I am sure you are unaware of this-but you are depressed and very angry. Field, don't let yourself be swallowed up by depression. It's very confusing; all you can see is what's dark and wrong with everybody.

    This depression runs rampart throughout our race, but no one wants to talk about it. Take it from me, you don't want to be caught in the vices of depression. It leads to Leftist-Right-ism, which is a sickness of blogger's dementia. Left untreated it could turn into something like Mack or AB.

    I can see it slowly encroaching its way into your life, like this mickey mouse post about Romney's pronunciation of Wawa. Be careful, you could end up like AB or worse- like Mack. I am sure you don't want to enter into that dungeon. SAVE YOURSELF! Be more positive toward Romney...You'll be glad you did.

    depressed Negro

  15. Ubaldo12:22 AM

    Let's see what he does for his next trick. I bet he wouldn't walk through Southwest Philly alone on a Saturday night. Personally, I would pay to watch that. Yes Mr. Wallenda, if you really want to impress me try that trick just once. TV One or BET might even carry it live.

    That sure would be crazy. Walking across a wire over Niagra Falls is one thing, but a white man alone among negroes is going to get hurt.

    Why is that Field? Why can negroes be counted on to violently attack any white person whenever they get the chance? Why is this the case in nearly every black neighborhood in America?

    Because you know the reverse is not true. There are almost no (white) neighborhoods in America where a black man could not walk through and reasonably expect to make his way unmolested. Why is that?

    (In some richer neighborhoods, police or security might ask them what they were doing there, but no beat down would be expected.)

    The truth is, a large percentage of black people are violent racists, and white people are acting rationally when they avoid living with or being around black people. Thank you for making that point.

  16. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Mitt has been wealthy his entire life. Being unfamiliar with the mundane workaday world of most citizens should come as no surprise. What I find humour in is his continual FAIL attempts to be 'common'.

    Wawa and Sheetz are NOT fire or police services. Nor are they Social Security or Medicare/Medicaid. Wonder why so many silly people keep pretending they are.


  17. Anonymous12:46 AM

    field negro said...
    SomebodyGotstaPay, why didn't he pick some cotton and sugar cane with all that adrenaline he had stored up?

    I guess the adrenaline only kicks in when there is no sun.

    You fascinate me. You know if you don't pay your mortgage you might have mo money foreclose.

  18. There's a high wire circus act from Gabon that could probably do what Wallenda did & add splits & back flips.

    I'm surprised one of Mitt's staff remembered to tell him they're called hoagies in PA. Now maybe he'll go to Philly & ask for a "that steak with cheese on it."

  19. It's Wawa.

    Ubaldo, unlike a certain reverend, I have never been afraid to walk in the hood.

    I cannot say the same about certain southern towns. Most black folks reading this will agree with me.

    BTW, perception is not reality in this case. I joke about it, but black folks will NOT attack white folks for just walking through the hood. Get real. How do you think the mail man survived all these years?

    Anon@10:58 pm, I will until the last wingnut comes and gets me.

    Depressed Negro, do you know what depresses me? White folks who pretend to be black. ;)

  20. IfItIsAllLiesWhatThen?8:17 AM

    So Back to the topic,

    Amazing how MSNBC lied and this was outed by someone who recorded the speech. You got caught up in it.

    What do you think of being a pawn? Either wittingly or unwittingly?

    Would love to hear your take on it, would hate to think you are for complete fabrication and dishonesty if it favors the moonbat cause. I mean then you would be untrustworthy with your words becoming simple propaganda.

    M - Moonbats
    S - Spouting
    N - Nothing
    B - But
    C - Crap

  21. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Field, I would LOVE to hear your comments on this article in the Miami
    Herald..... I call it the "Murder a Negro,Pay Your Target Bill" Plan...

  22. Doberman9:09 AM

    field negro said...
    "BTW, perception is not reality in this case. I joke about it, but black folks will NOT attack white folks for just walking through the hood. Get real. How do you think the mail man survived all these years?

    5:20 AM"

    Now, wait just a minute. Are you saying there are mail homey/ho's who AREN'T black?

  23. Anonymous9:30 AM

    "BTW, perception is not reality in this case. I joke about it, but black folks will NOT attack white folks for just walking through the hood. Get real. How do you think the mail man survived all these years?"

    LOL you are funny Field. The mailman survived obviously by being the bearer of good tidings, government letters and CHECKS AND getting in and out quick especially before sundown when the denizens wake up get off the couch and go outside to conversate. What city do you know where the mailman is still White?

  24. ditto!!!

    stress is a human need

    that is why rich whites seek it out with such suicidal antics

    we blacks need no more stress in amerikkka...

    our genocide is systemic/de facto suicide


    how is mitt any worse than hobama bragging about how he does not pump gas/only eats arugula etc????

    all elitists are brazenly detached dimwits!

    ditto for that millinonare bankster mf hobama!!!

  25. Obviously A Democratic Dog11:02 AM

    Voter ID? We don't need no stinkin' Voter ID!!!

  26. Ubaldo11:26 AM

    field negro said...
    Ubaldo, unlike a certain reverend, I have never been afraid to walk in the hood.

    I cannot say the same about certain southern towns. Most black folks reading this will agree with me.

    BTW, perception is not reality in this case. I joke about it, but black folks will NOT attack white folks for just walking through the hood. Get real. How do you think the mail man survived all these years?,


    There are no white postal workers in the hood.

    And I hate to have to be the one to point this out to you, but you can walk through the hood because you are black.

    Maybe you could name one of those scary southern towns for us? Statistics tell us that black people target whites for assault, rape, and other forms of crime (most notably, murder) at rates that dwarf the reverse scenario. Why is that?

  27. Dr. White11:29 AM

    Rob L said...
    Yep - checkout lines are amazing. Great shades of Bush Sr.! Talk about out of touch!

    Do you cry when you masterbate?

  28. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Just the latest in the line of rich out of touch older white men who became the GOP nominee.


  29. LOL you are funny Field. The mailman survived obviously by being the bearer of good tidings, government letters and CHECKS AND getting in and out quick especially before sundown when the denizens wake up get off the couch and go outside to conversate. What city do you know where the mailman is still White?

  30. Anonymous2:13 PM

    "Depressed Negro, do you know what depresses me? White folks who pretend to be black. ;)"

    Now stop it! Just stop it! That's all you do is call posters 'White', who are not White; and posters 'Wingnuts', who are not wingnuts; and posters Trailer Park people, who are not even close to it.

    You have called me all three over the years. But you know damn well that I am Black. Any Negro on FN knows that I am Black, except a Jamaican-Philadelphian like you. Then again, Black Philadelphians aren't much more up to speed than the Negroes in Detroit. lol

    Stop calling me the W-word. It depresses me even further.

    depressed Negro

  31. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Field, "BTW, perception is not reality in this case. I joke about it, but black folks will NOT attack white folks for just walking through the hood. Get real. How do you think the mail man survived all these years?"

    Lord have mercy, this child thinks the mailman is White. No wonder he can't recognize depressed Negro as Black.

  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Mid-Atlantic portion of the United States, you pretty much know all about our Wawa stores. (Or, as Flipper calls it, "Wawa's.) You can get everything from sandwiches, to coffee, to gas for your car at the local Wawa.

    So do you go often to the "Wa Wa Store" and is this how you say it? Or do you go to "Wa-Wa's"?

    Sure I can see you getting proper, affixing your bowtie for a quick trip to the store:
    Field: Darling Wife, I am about to embark on a journey of significant magnitude and will use my vehicle to motor to the "wa-wa store" and purchase a few blunts and some ingredients to make that purple drank (skittles, Arizona watermelon juice) and a hoagie, would you like anything darling?

    Or would it be more natural and "common" to say, I'm going to wa-wa's need anything?

    For conversely saying I am going to Wa-Wa Store, sounds as if you are going to a place for the mentally disadvantaged. " I go wa-wa store now..uugghhh."

  33. Anonymous3:28 PM

    We dont' need no stinkin voter ID and no you can't take off Dead People, Illegals and made up names from the voter roles.

    By the way here is the voter registration for your dead dog, make sure he votes for Obama

    Eric Holdertinez

    Wait is he saying Black folks and dead dogs are marginalized equally? That aint right!!!

  34. Thanks, I'll Walk3:49 PM

    This girl might have been better off walking thru a black 'hood than taking the school bus:

    13 year old white girl beaten unconscious by 7 blacks on Florida School Bus


    Was victims first day riding the school bus and black students would not let her sit down.

    Imagine the furor in the Corrupt Liberal Media if the races were reversed in this hate crime. (Shades of Rosa Parks being told to sit in the back of the bus, but in this imaginary case being beaten unconscious by 7 whites.)

    Victims race censored by corrupt liberal media in these initial reports. Two weeks later in a Gainesville Sun article, the victims race was finally listed, buried in the back of the article as "white-Hispanic"


    MIAMI (AP) — Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus.

    The victim told authorities that Friday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.

    One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim. Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report.

    The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms.


    Deputies told WFTV the victim suffered a concussion and severe bruising and was taken to a local hospital.

    She allegedly told a deputy it was her first day riding the bus and no one would let her sit down.

    Authorities interviewed all the students on the bus. Ten students said they saw the seven "commit battery upon the victim as a group," according to the report.

    Investigators said the suspects, 14-year-old Zantavia Williams, 14-year-old Ladricka James, 12-year-old Javaris Beard, 13-year-old Alphonso Young, 12-year-old Bria Watkins, 13-year-old Lamiracle Mackey, and 15-year-old Jebria Welch were arrested and charged with felony battery and disorderly conduct.

    My TV must have been out this past January. I don't remember seeig this all over the tube.
