Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Negroes get booted from a club and it's all about the shoe.

Honestly, I don't even trip with the racism chase anymore. This stuff is so commonplace in America that it doesn't even pay to feature the all too frequent incidents of the ignorant and moronic.

Besides, you Negroes need to start doing for yourselves and stop trying to get into white folks business.

"Last Saturday, June 16th, Wall and two other friends arrived at Downtown Sports Bar and Grill around 12:30 AM. “You need a membership to come in tonight,” the bouncer told them. “I’ve never seen you here before.” The friends were confused, since the bar is better known for its all-you-can-eat wings and massive TVs than fancy private parties — and because the people in line before them walked right in after showing their ID.
The only difference between those people and my friends and I was our race. Still, we stood at the door in bewilderment asking “What?” as he further tried to explain that we weren’t going to be able to come in because of our “non-member” status. However, as he was explaining this, a police officer walked up to where he was standing to tell him something unrelated. As soon as he caught sight of the officer beside him, he said “Never mind, y’all go ahead.” This was the first interesting ordeal of the night, but not the last.
Once inside, Wall was accosted by an employee [who he later learned was the bar's manager] after standing near the bar by himself for a few moments. “Either buy a drink or leave right now,” the man told him. Wall said he was waiting for his friend to come back from the bathroom, but man insisted he had to buy a drink right away. When Wall continued to look for his friend, the employee physically attacked him:" [Source]

Don't let them have to tell you that you aren't wanted. It's simple; just don't go in the first place. Still, I hope these hillbillies realize that there are certain rules that they have to follow if they want to engage in such a public business in these divided states of America.

Finally, I was going to slam Adidas for their " slave shackle shoe" but they decided to come to their senses and pull the line.

Honestly, had they gone and released the shoe, I am quite sure that lots of my little cousins would have been lining up to buy it. And that is just one of many the tragedies surrounding this entire sad launch. Another is the lack of  understanding on the part of a business that has made millions pushing their products to the very demographic they offended.

Some folks are already wondering how this could even have happened, but if you understand anything about the American psyche when it comes to dealing with race you wouldn't be surprised.

"The advertising for the shoe premiered on the Adidas Original Facebook page on June 14 with the caption:

“Got a sneaker game so hot you lock your kicks to your ankles?”
“Wow obviously there was no one of color in the room when the marketing/product team ok’d this,” said a commenter identifying herself as MsRodwell on nicekicks.com.

Adidas defended the shoe’s designer Jeremy Scott by saying that he was just being “quirky” and “lighthearted,” but Rev. Jesse Jackson is but one of the leaders in the Black community who disagrees:

“The attempt to commercialize and make popular more than 200 years of human degradation, where blacks were considered three-fifths human by our Constitution is offensive, appalling and insensitive,” Jackson said in a statement Monday."

Calm down Reverend. Jeremy was just being "quirky and lighthearted". I guess that slavery was so long ago that we can now view it as something "quirky" at this stage in our country's history.


  1. diaryofanegress9:30 PM


    When you get "that feeling" from white folks, just leave! Walk out, get up, walk away!!!

    Don't engage them for it is a trap!
    As for the slave shoe, shame on Adidas but it's not the first time Big Business has sunk to a new low.

  2. "As soon as he grabbed me, I let my body go limp because with the degree of force he was already using, I didn’t want him to think I was trying to fight back. I accepted that he was on an ego-trip, and let him guide me through the club in this position before pushing me out. I was completely shocked and more saddened that this was happening than angry."


    His prof was right, he is an uncommonly bright young man. Much smarter than I was when I was his age.

    I dunno about Adidas, I've always worn Asiacs running shoes.

  3. NSangoma10:08 PM


    Most probably not a slave reference because slaves often did not have shoes.

    You shackle the shoes to you ankles to keep NGGIERS from stealing them; is the intended meaning.

    Which means the NGGIERS would just cut you; remove your feet from your legs in order to steal the shoes/kicks.

    Kicks, because you know how you NGGIERS like to kick ssa; to break your foot off in someone's ssa.


  4. NSangoma11:28 PM


    You shackle the shoes to youR ankles to keep NGGIERS from stealing them; is the intended meaning.


  5. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Wonder how this idea was sold in the Adidas corporation.
    Since we are only getting one side to the tale, perhaps we should inquire further.


  6. Anonymous12:20 AM

    "Besides, you Negroes need to start doing for yourselves and stop trying to get into white folks business,"-FN

    Very true. Why do Black people insist on inserting themselves where they're not wanted. I also agree with diaryofanegress: "It's a trap." And you Negroes fall for it every time. SMH

    Marcus Garvey

  7. stopped and frisky12:27 AM

    Nobody thought they were smart:

    Twin half brothers of killed teen Ramarley Graham thrown in jail for conspiracy to possess guns


    June 19, 2012

    Identical twins Hodean and Kadean Graham -- half brothers to Ramarley Graham, the 18-year-old shot by a cop in the Bronx who wrongly thought he had a gun -- were thrown in jail without bail today after each was convicted in Manhattan Supreme Court of conspiracy to possess guns.

    The 19-year-old brothers were jailed pending sentencing despite their acquittals by the same jury of far more serious gun possession charges and, in the case of Hodean, attempted murder, leading family members to complain that the real conspiracy was of the authorities against their family.

    "It's like they took three of my kids in one year," the three teens' father, Franclot Graham, said after court.

    "It's like they're killing my son again."

    The brothers -- who prosecutors said call themselves The Gotti Twins -- came to court identically dressed each day of the six-week trial.

    Prosecutors touted the verdict as the 14th and 15th convictions of a violent, armed street gang that terrorized 129th Street between Lenox and Fifth Avenues.

    "This violent street gang was as young as it was dangerous, its members having been involved in multiple shootings over a four-year period in a concentrated area of central Harlem," Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, Jr., said in a written statement.

    "When guns are involved, you can expect the unexpected," the judge said.

    The twins, who were among 19 defendants in the so-called "Goodfellas" gang in central Harlem, face up to 1 and 1/3 years to four years prison when sentenced July 3.

  8. Anonymous12:29 AM

    NSangoma, "You shackle the shoes to you ankles to keep NGGIERS from stealing them; is the intended meaning."

    ROFL...It's a style whose time has come. It has nothing to do with slavery. I get so sick and tired of my peeps like Field making something racist out of everything. Americans are imprisoned by a cancerous disease called racism. It's cure can only come from a national dialogue about the evils of racism.

    But Whites don't want to talk about it because of people like Field who calls them racists and other names. Can you blame them? This is so depressing.

    depressed Negro

  9. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Very true. Why do Black people insist on inserting themselves where they're not wanted. I also agree with diaryofanegress: "It's a trap." And you Negroes fall for it every time. SMH

    Marcus Garvey

    12:20 AM
    This is so depressing. All we ever wanted to do-generation after generation- was to be "accepted" by the wm. Now, many generations later, my peeps are still trying to be accepted. It's a shame because it reflects how badly we feel about ourselves.

    We can't feel good about ourselves unless the white man accepts us. No wonder we have such self-hatred and kill each other. This is the most depressing thing I have ever observed about my folks. Truly, it is very depressing to be a bm in America.

    depressed Negro

  10. Anonymous12:50 AM

    What's wrong with a bm wanting to be White? It's nothing new. I just sorry they threw the Negro out. Afterall, he was there for a new and better experience.

    Field, Don't you play tennis with Whites ONLY? Whenever you wrote about it, I always sensed you were depressed, like me.

    BTW, I have noticed that you don't write about your tennis matches with your white Jewish friends. Did they drop you? I bet it had something to do with Obama....Damn, that's depressing.

    depressed Negro

  11. Phat Bastard1:07 AM

    It's not a slave shoe, it's just another example of prison fashion for the urban underclass, like saggy pants and tattoos.

    How far gone does a culture have to be when it idolizes criminality?

  12. Anonymous1:23 AM

    I really like the style of those Addidas. It's too bad some of our peeps like Field gets all upset over nothing.

    FYI: Slavery ended over 200 years ago. We now live in a post-racial era. Field, WTFU!.....These are the golden years for black men. Look at Obama, Eric Holder, Tyler Perry, and Clarence Thomas who is married to a ww who supports and loves him dearly.

    There is nothing wrong in the black community. Everybody is doing well.

  13. amen to all!

    i am still traumatized by all the pookie chaoas in the recent nike riots

    we need no shoe shame redux


    i am

  14. Depressed Negro, we accept you.

  15. NSangoma5:55 AM


    Another product aimed directly at you Negroes:

    Sharp introduces 90-inch TV, says it's largest on the planet

    The Nihongo want some of that coloured money, too:

    The TV is 4 feet tall, 8 feet diagonally and more than 6 feet wide with a depth of 5 inches. Sharp says it weighs 141 pounds.



  16. clothes unmake the man9:08 AM

    The kid blocked from entering the bar in North Carolina.

    Boo-hoo. I've been blocked from entering black bars in New York City. Either the bouncer says there's a private party in progress, or you're asked to pay a cover charge.

    Meanwhile, every business has the right to refuse service to anyone. A reason is not required.

    As for the kid being on his way to Harvard, well, the article said he was 21. Was he transferring? Or had he graduated and was he heading to Harvard for graduate school?

    Or was he lying? He said he was waiting for his pal who was in the bathroom after which he was tossed out.

    Inasmuch as he seems to have understood the place was a little hostile to his presence, why didn't he go to the bathroom and find his pal?

    Seems without his pal's presence, he's got no one to corroborate his story.

    As for the sign listing all the unacceptable clothing, well, what of it?

    No shirt? No shoes? No service.

    Old story and not likely to lead to a legal response. Maybe patrons will go elsewhere if they think the publicity is negative. But probably not. The place might become more popular.

  17. I think the shackled sneakers are ironically fitting. Too many "cousins" are shackled and enslaved to these companies and their materialistic products. That must have been a hell of a cackling joke in the ad room. I don't blame them.

    As for the black dopes in the racist white Sports Bar and Grill (the name alone should tell you), what did they expect? All black men look like thugs to these people, and we all know what black thugs do in the 'black clubs', go figure.

    And it's so humorous to see the level of danger some mandigoes would put themselves into for the sake of hunting white vagina. Are there not more important issues for Rev. Inc. to be concerned with? Please keep your marching color coded t-shirts. Next.

  18. I meant Mandingoes (and no it was not meant as a compliment).

  19. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Sorry my good Brothers & Sitters,

    But the "Adidas" is Nothing if "U" don`t BUY THEM....$100.00 can buy lots of trips to pick a place off of the block. Also how about some BOOKS,
    2012 An Africa American POTUS,
    time to Stop this crying about Them And get into the Game...!

  20. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Honestly, I don't even trip with the racism chase anymore. This stuff is so commonplace in America that it doesn't even pay to feature the all too frequent incidents of the ignorant and moronic.

    Unfortunately what is "so commonplace" are moments like these.

    HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Five people were shot -- three fatally -- in the parking lot of two clubs in southwest Houston early this morning.

    Where gatherings of Negroes to simply listen to music results in shooting, fatalities and surprisingly NO Witnesses.

    Why is there so much violence at events like this? Is it rap? Is it Black Culture? Is it Blacks proclivity for violence?

    HOUSTON (KTRK) -- Five people were shot -- three fatally -- in the parking lot of two clubs in southwest Houston early this morning.

    Related Content

    More: Got a story idea? Let us know!

    It happened in the parking lot outside those clubs on Westpark at Tanglewilde just after 3am. When police arrived, they found two men and a woman dead, and two others injured. A cousin of rapper Trae Tha Truth says the rapper was shot in the shoulder, but survived.

    Many of the people who were at one of the clubs say they were there to see several rappers perform. One witness says the patrons had left and were in the parking lot when more than 20 gunshots were fired into the crowd.

    The victims have not been identified and no arrests have been made. We're told the woman who was fatally shot was an innocent bystander. One of the injured was taken to Ben Taub Hospital and another to Southwest Memorial Hospital.

    Investigators say witnesses aren't saying much about the actual shootings, but what they have been able to gather is that it may be connected either to a domestic dispute from Father's Day concerning one of the victims or a similar shooting at a club that happened back in November.


  21. RIP Brian Terry12:42 PM

    Obama invokes Executive Privilege regarding documents related to "Fast & Furious":

    ""The assertion of executive privilege raises monumental questions," Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said in a statement released Wednesday shortly after the president's move. "How can the President assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement? How can the President exert executive privilege over documents he's supposedly never seen? Is something very big being hidden to go to this extreme? The contempt citation is an important procedural mechanism in our system of checks and balances. The questions from Congress go to determining what happened in a disastrous government program for accountability and so that it's never repeated again.”

    Excellent questions. Obviously, the White House knew all about it, and have been lying their butts off. What are they hiding?

    Can't you just smell the "transparency" in the Obama "administration"?

  22. Farley12:45 PM

    Ah, North Carolina. You will never fail us with your bigotry, will you?

  23. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Once and for all: Right-wingnut Floridian (no less and what else), marco rubio can never speak for "Latinos" because he and other Floridian cubans are historically and notoriously repugnican, ergo: Anti-intellectual and fervent facists. I hope my fellow chicanos, la Raza,
    "may-he-canos"; our nation's farmworkers/pickers don't drink the repugnican kool-aid...
    ANY, and I mean any and all gatherings of urban negroes should be off-limits to any sane person. And, cousins, why you wanna go into some place where you ain't wanted, anyway?

  24. RIP Jamie Zapata12:56 PM

    Here's what Obama USED to think about invoking Executive Prilege:


    My, how things change! (This must have been some of the "change" Obama was referring to when he was running for President)

  25. Anonymous1:30 PM

    NSangoma said...

    Another product aimed directly at you Negroes:

    Sharp introduces 90-inch TV, says it's largest on the planet

    The Nihongo want some of that coloured money, too:

    The TV is 4 feet tall, 8 feet diagonally and more than 6 feet wide with a depth of 5 inches. Sharp says it weighs 141 pounds.


    I think they added a disclaimer on the product lable.

    Note: Not to be a priority target for looting, it is to large to carry.

    Also not recommended to be sought after should a levee break and you are getting ready to starve. Seek food and water and not an electronic device you will never be able to plug in unless you own a really big submarine.

  26. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Field, "Depressed Negro, we accept you"

    You have made me so happy. For years...I have been waiting for someone on this blog to say those words, "Depressed Negro, we accept you".

    However, Field has been the only one to say those comforting words. I had hoped Desert, Granny, Mack and PilotX would have related to my depression because they have it, but NOPE...not a damn word. Those Negroes depress me.

    But Field, you have made me happy today Wed, June 18, 2011. It's still so depressing that time moves so slowly with increased confusion.

  27. Phat Bastard1:53 PM

    Regarding the bar story, letting black people into your establishment can be the kiss of death for your business.

    If I am in a bar and there are more than 10% blacks, or there are some sketchy looking younger black dudes, I'm out of there for good. You know the likelihood of someone getting shot or jumped goes up by a factor of ten.

    The people running the bar know that, and they try to maintain a safe, cool atmosphere.

    It sounds like the guys who got booted were intelligent, upstanding individuals, but they are collateral damage in white people's need to deal with reality. These guys should blame all the violent, low class negroes for ruining it for them.

  28. Anonymous2:20 PM

    I jess wanted to thank jew for lettin me and my bados keep comin and comin and now stay here so you can get votes. Done worry we gonna clean up that black crime problem for you.

    If Negroes had more brains they might be dangerous to themselves.


  29. I thought North Carolina was supposed to be the nice one :p

  30. Anonymous1:15 AM

    North Carolina voters just passed Amendment One a few weeks ago.

    Amendment One says that marriage can only take place between one man and one woman. It also outlaws civil unions.

    It's interesting for me as a gay black man to see that North Carolinians don't like black people either. Y'all just wait. In ten years or less we'll be back with a new form of Jim Crow segregation. I'm not liking that idea because as a gay black man I'm not happy about being forced to be around straight black people who openly don't want me around BECAUSE I'm gay even though I'm black just like them.

    The point is that bigots don't just hate one group. People who HATE gay people in many cases don't like black people either.

  31. Slavery implications aside, I'm still trying to figure whatever led Adidas to believe ANYONE looks to wear shoes that you can actually shackle to your feet?

  32. BARBBF10:54 AM

    Did Rev. Jesse Jackson one of the leaders in the Black community ever pay that child support for that child he had by that woman who worked for him (in more ways than one?):


    Jackson's confession is likely to cast a pall over his reputation, both as a moral voice and as director of the Rainbow Coalition, the nonprofit civil rights group he heads.

    According to The Enquirer, Jackson, 59, reportedly pays Stanford, the former director of the coalition's Washington office, $10,000 a month in child support.

    Stanford also told The Enquirer that she received $40,000 in "moving expenses" just before she left the Rainbow Coalition for Los Angeles on maternity leave - a sum that is raising hackles within the nonprofit group.

    "Yes, Jesse gave me $40,000, but it didn't have anything to do with me having his child - that was just for moving expenses," Stanford told the paper.


    by Patricia Shipp|NATIONAL ENQUIRER

    In official documents filed with the Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by The ENQUIRER, Karin Stanford claims the 70-year-old famed civil rights leader owes $11,694.50 for their daughter Ashley, now 12.

    Stanford was a top aide with Jackson’s Rainbow PUSHCoalition, and The ENQUIRER ex­posed their long-term extramarital affair in a bombshell world exclu­sive in January 2001.

    After admitting paternity, the former Democratic presidential hopeful paid court-ordered support and regularly visited Ashley at Stanford’s Cali­fornia home for the past decade.

    But according to the court documents, Jackson – who’s remained married to wife Jackie – failed to pay support from De­cember 2010 until August 2011, including minimal monthly fees of $400.

    “Karin has tried so many times to work with Jesse on their financial agreement,” a source told The ENQUIRER. “But he was only paying when he felt like it, so she’s taking him to court.”

  33. Field,

    You have the best wing nuts on the entire net! No matter what the topic these mysterious unnamed fearful folks post something against the greatest President that USA has ever had: President Barack Obama! The love for our country, the patience, the dedication, the integrity, the vision, the focus this Black Man has is unwavering! I never once believed that a Black Man could be President of the USA but I am not surprised that it takes someone that is heads above anyone we've ever had before. I thank God each day that he has give our President Obama the grace to tolerate the disrespect and evil that is showered upon him daily. Obama2012

  34. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Racism in America is entrenched and wretched. We will not go backward and yet we cannot go forward but for racism. At this juncture, Black Americans must add American crimes against "black" American humanity (CABAH) to this country's dialog -- in this election cycle -- to the International Criminal Court (ICC) schedule -- and use data instead of talk to demonstrate the impact of racism on being black in America. It's the next step. It's a movement.
