Friday, June 29, 2012

"American Intellectuals"

I was going to write something about the politics of the Supreme Court decision on Thursday, but, quite frankly, I am sick of politics in this country and all the players who are involved with it.

Most of us who know how America really works, and how the political parties function, understand that it doesn't matter who is in the White House or who controls the halls of congress. We know that real power in America comes from lobbyist and the people who can afford to pay them. Politicians who go to Washington need money to get elected and John Q. Public cannot afford to write a big enough check.

The sad truth of the matter is that most of our fellow citizens are extremely naive and are not in the least intellectually curious.  As a result, what we get are dimwitted sound bite politicians who are elected every year by dim witted intellectually lazy citizens. (The republican Governor of Louisiana says that he will ignore a federal law and not implement Obamacare in his state.)

Just think, playmates are now getting "Genius visas" to come to our country. Nothing against playmates, I am sure that some of them are really smart people, but think about that for a minute.

The right keeps screaming that if Obama wins November it will be the end of the world as we all know it. But with all due respect to Sarah Palin, Rush Limpboy and the FOX NEWS crowd, nothing will change. America will pretty much be the same sound bite celebrity driven place with a few wealthy people controlling our lives, and the rest of us wishing that we were them.

The beautiful thing about this American experiment is that every one of those folks in the 99% believes that with just a little hard work they too will be in that 1% some day. And they believe that only if certain people are in power will they have a chance of getting there. "Mitt Romney has a better chance of making me rich because he is rich." 

Finally, I know I said I wouldn't write about it, but I can't resist one aspect of this Obamacare decision by the supremes: the reaction of [right] wingnuts to the ruling. (Did you see representative Jean Schmidt's orgasmic reaction to the wrong news about Obamacare?)  

"On his radio show Thursday, conservative talk radio firebrand Michael Savage wondered whether Roberts’ epilepsy medication affected the chief justice’s cognition. “I’m going to tell you something that you’re not going to hear anywhere else, that you must pay attention to,” Savage said. “It’s well known that Roberts, unfortunately for him, has suffered from epileptic seizures. Therefore he has been on medication. Therefore neurologists will tell you that medication used for seizure disorders, such as epilepsy, can introduce mental slowing, forgetfulness and other cognitive problems. And if you look at Roberts’ writings you can see the cognitive dissociation in what he is saying,”
In a closed door meeting with House Republicans, Rep. Mike Pence likened the health care ruling to Sept. 11, Politico reported

Geraldo Rivera didn’t criticize Roberts as much as call him a mad genius. On Fox and Friends Friday morning, Geraldo said: “(Roberts) has gifted President Obama a poison pill. Republicans now can remember, unless something is done, that the Bush tax cuts also lapse at the end of the year. So here you have the largest tax increase and the increase coming from the expiration of the Bush tax cuts - he taxed us, he said he wouldn’t tax us, he taxed us. I think the Obama presidency hangs by a thread right now.”

Saying the Supreme Court decision “destroys Bush’s legacy,” dimmed conservative star Glenn Beck put his rhetoric where his online store is. He is selling screen-printed Roberts “coward” t-shirts for $30 a pop." [Source]

What's amazing is that our republic has managed to survive this long.




  1. Didn't Palin promise that she was gonna move to Russia if the Supremes approved Obmacacare?

  2. Nobody with a 3 digit IQ ever takes whatever follows:

    "Geraldo Rivera [said]..."


  3. amen!

    so why do hobama nazis see hobama as some blackish angel sabotaged by demons in dc???

    hobama is the lead cloned demon!!!

    ndaa and hobamacare prove that racist bankster hobama is the most evil drone of all!!!

    the banksters who slew jfk own hobama and hobamacare and the world!!!

    see much more:

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Nobody with a 3 digit IQ ever takes whatever follows:

    "Geraldo Rivera [said]..."


    How would you know? Why would anyone with a 3 digit IQ waste time speaking with a poverty pimp parasitic tick, whose claim to survival is the misfortune of others?

  5. Anonymous11:51 PM

    for all you deep thinkers. Obamacare will not survive even without being repealed and Field the wins that conservative lawyers are touting that has you giggling are quite good.

    1) The commerce clause can never be misused again. Sorry socialists and non productives. No more big government expansions.

    2) Jindal is perfectly within his rights.
    "the ruling severely limited the Obama health law’s Medicaid expansion, effectively giving states the green light to refuse to expand their Medicaid programs. Coupled with the fact that the statute already enables states to block the other half-trillion dollars of new entitlement spending, the law is in a very precarious position"

    Roberts did outfox the gaggling hens. It will be quite easy to refile suit if necessary, this categorization of a tax is not constitutional and legal. He knows that.

    A tax is:

    Income taxes, authorized by the Sixteenth Amendment, must (by definition) be triggered by income. Yet the mandate penalty is triggered by the nonpurchase of insurance. Except for an exemption available to low-income families, the amount of the penalty depends on age, family size, geographic location, and smoking status. So the penalty is not an income tax.

    Excise taxes are assessed on selected transactions. Because the penalty arises from a nontransaction, perhaps it qualifies as a reverse excise tax. If so, it has to be uniform across the country (U.S. Const., Art. I, sec. 8). But the penalty varies by location, so it cannot be a constitutional excise tax.

    Direct taxes are assessed on persons or their property. Because the penalty is imposed on nonownership of property, perhaps it could be classified as a reverse direct tax. But direct taxes must be apportioned among the states by population (U.S. Const., Art. I, sec. 2). The mandate penalty is assessed on individuals without regard to any state’s population. Hence, it is not a lawful direct tax.

    On the last point, Roberts agreed: ”A tax on going without health insurance does not fall within any recognized category of direct tax.” But then what kind of constitutionally authorized tax is it?

    Aside from all of that Obamacare levies 1.7 billion in taxes with a huge portion hitting the middle class. A nightmare.

  6. The Blind Shall Not See1:37 AM

    Let's all sing together," AB is a stupid dyke".

    Now, why aren't the wiretaps on Holder being discussed? Yesterday, he was a 'po ole black man being dissed by Republicans, and being dick-sniffed by Pelosi, and the entire Black Caucus?

  7. Wanna Watch3:39 AM

    Damn! Out of 4 comments AB got her ugly face in! Must be having battery issues with strap-on/girlfriend.

  8. Duh,,,,4:50 AM

    Huh. All that proves is the crappy educational system. might get shot or beat-up, if you "diss" your little animals. Teachers can't carry guns & sell drugs....but "students" certainly do. Time is coming.

    No wonder they can't read or write.

    Math & Science? Forget it. (Oh, History, too)

  9. "for all you deep thinkers. Obamacare will not survive even without being repealed..."????

    It is now the law of the land. It HAS survived.

    Penalty; tax; call it what you like. The commerce clause is limited only as it relates to compelling citizens to participate in new commerce to regulate their behavior. But we tax to modify our behavior when it comes to cigarettes and alcohol.

    I call it a tax, which makes it perfectly legal. (Your Cato Institute Con. Law lesson notwithstanding) The politricksters call it a "penalty" because they are afraid of the word TAX.

  10. Shouldn't there be a mass exodus of some of those right wing bloviators any day now? I seem to recall Rush promising to move to Costa Rica, Palin saying she'd hit the road to Russia, and several others talking loudly about packing their bags if the Supreme Court upheld the ACA. Dare we dream that those loudmouths will actually follow through on their hyperbolic rhetoric now that it's come back to bite them? Or is Rush going to do his usual "I was only joking" lame ass explanation?

  11. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Nan said...
    Shouldn't there be a mass exodus of some of those right wing bloviators any day now? I seem to recall Rush promising to move to Costa Rica, Palin saying she'd hit the road to Russia, and several others talking loudly about packing their bags if the Supreme Court upheld the ACA. Dare we dream that those loudmouths will actually follow through on their hyperbolic rhetoric now that it's come back to bite them? Or is Rush going to do his usual "I was only joking" lame ass explanation?

    Really? Do you recall the link?

  12. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Dear Field, why are you fucking with Geraldo? He is one of my favorites-a very intelligent honest man whose efforts over the years have been to advise ALL GOD'S CHILDREN.

    If you have been listening closely, Geraldo Rivera has been right practically all the time. It's lawyers like you and Whitey who have been WRONG! However, I can give Whitey a pass because he lives in a WRONG STATE in everything it does.

    This attack on Obama and Chief Justice Roberts is distressing. I don't know how much more I can take of this American mess. It is truly fucked up. Very depressing.

    Field, you once indicated that you lived near a bridge called Ben Franklin bridge, (I think). Does it have water underneath it or is there land? If it's land, could tell me how to get to it? I live in the bay area where there are bridges but there is a lot of water underneath every last one of them. That's the trouble with Cali. It doesn't give its citizens any bridge options. It's always water. Being AA, I can't see having a water-logged death. Whites do it all the time but I still have yet to hear of a brother doing that. Somebody is crazy, I just can't figure out whether it's Blacks or Whites.

    Just the thought of sailing down into water paralyzes me. I can't even drive across the Golden Gate, let alone jump off it.

    I 'think' I need a bridge with land underneath it. Please respond before the Republicans and Democrats and America goes up in adversarial political smoke.

    One last question: does Obamacare cover depression? BTW, Tom Cruise and his beautiful young wife are getting a divorce. The sun is shining but I had to close the curtains and read Revelations when I heard about that.

    depressed Negro

  13. Anonymous1:52 PM

    New Movie coming out

    Kill Bill (the)

    To be released prior to election; Starring Budgetary Reconciliation, also starring 47 republicans and 10 or more Democrats seeking re-election with a special appearance by The Congress.

    Movie theme:

    Like a nightmare Obamacare was forced through against the will of the people of the United States. Cheered on by the evergrowing moocher class, who not having the foggiest idea of the particulars were enticed with more free stuff, more free stuff. The process of passing this bill was fraught with lies misrepresentation and donwnright despicable trickery, culminating in a 1.7 billion dollar tax on americans, hitting the middle class with an extra large whallop.

    At best, with Obamacare we are headed to a two-tiered system where the rich and well-insured get all the health care money can buy while the poor get only what ObamaCare decides is absolutely necessary.

    Today in America, even the sickest person who hobbles into the emergency room gets virtually the same care as the rich. Thanks to ObamaCare, that will change. No longer can a secretary with cancer get the same care as a politician with the same cancer.

    The secretary will wait, perhaps for months, and then receive whatever a faceless, nameless board decides is the minimum care necessary, while the politician will get whatever advancements are available that he or his insurance company can afford.

    Obamacare - ruining healthcare for the middle class and preserving and enshrining the advantages of health care for the rich, while eliminating and degrading care for the poor, increasing unemployment, and depressing economic development. What a deal.
    If it's so good, why aren't the politicians going to partake in it?

    Brought to you by Dingbat Moonbats who never could quite get a grasp on how the world works and the relations of cause and effect.

  14. Depressed Negro is really funny.

  15. "The right keeps screaming that if Obama wins November it will be the end of the world as we all know it. But with all due respect to Sarah Palin, Rush Limpboy and the FOX NEWS crowd, nothing will change."

    Exactly. This is why so many know the right wingers hate Barack because he is blah. They talk all of this "radical" nonsense and the average Joe sees no difference than when the country was run by Bush or Clinton and you have to wonder what all of this "he's taking away our freedom" stuff is all about. We're just as free as we ever were, unless you live in a Republican state then you can't buy beer on Sunday but beyond that I feel just as free as ever. I guess they just mean they want to be free of a blah prez.

  16. "Depressed Negro is really funny."

    Funny how? Like a clown or something? So he amuses you? That's what's he's here to do amuse you? No you said it, how the F is he funny?

  17. Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 200911:34 AM

    According to the national institute of mental health, anxiety is now America's #1 psych diagnosis. when u combine anxiety with depression & substance abuse related mental disorders the rates found in the US are twice the global average & 5 times what they are in Nigeria (a place i'm hoping we can agree deals with issues also present in the US but on a much MUCH larger scale)! in addition to this u have psychopathology, the condition of moral emptiness found in 15-25% of the north American prison population, estimated to be found in 10% of the wall street set. actually a well-respected therapist for wall street traders (Chris Brayer) says the actual percentage is higher than 10%. keep in mind that though psychopaths (literally, suffering souls) exist in all societies they are actually nurtured in individuslistic, consumerist western societies where they exist in greater numbers. now, i do realize that remorseless, self-aggrandizing elites are nothing new in human societies but given the current state of our kleptocratic duopoly & how we continue to watch our 'fearless' leaders double down on ignorant ideas i must ask u, Dr. Field Negro, do u also smell something burning? the polar ice caps are at their lowest point...EVER, of the 10 hottest years in recorded history 9 of them have occurred since 2000 yet BP is back in the gulf drilling & construction on the southern portion of the Keystone Pipeline is being sped up. we have public intellectuals screaming all of this at us yet NewsCorp, GE, Disney, Viacom, & Clear Channel crowd them out in favor of lies & titillation from the left & the right.....the train is speeding towards a brick wall while we bicker over who gets to ride shotgun. I thought I sensed the same disillusionment in your post today as I feel in myself, my good man. If I erred then my sincere apologies.
    - with great respect,
    Anonymous Field Negro, MD c/o 2009

  18. witless moby dickkkless:

    i will always be MUCH faster and smarter than you

    get over that like you do your tiny limp pink penis

    we know u love dildos

    and your wife knows why

    hit dogs holler loudly herein

    thanks for the kkkanine kkkudos!!!

    when i slay hobama

    u go all xxx


    u made my day u mangy stray bitch


    see much more hobama slaying here

    barkkk! barkkk!!!

  19. He may be depressed, but I'd bet 10k of willard's money and trump's taint-hair transplant that he's as white as me.

  20. I so agree with you. Particularly the last sentence.

    Not to mention the Governor of FL.

    (The republican Governor of Louisiana says that he will ignore a federal law and not implement Obamacare in his state.)

    I grok you, Field!

    Never change.


  21. PS.

    Do all your anonymouses come from the the Koch-founded and funded Cato Institute?

    The anonymouse trolls attack those they can't argue with rationally.


