Thursday, June 28, 2012

A victory for O but his AG is still being hunted.

The most hated man by the FOX NEWS crowd in America tonight is John Roberts. Justice Roberts was the deciding vote in giving O a victory for his ACA.

The NY Times is calling this "the most significant federalism decision since the New Deal". If you are a wingnut tonight you are really pissed. If, on the other hand, you are a single mother with breast cancer; you are probably in the Hallmark store looking for a nice thank you card for the aforementioned Mr. Roberts.

 Let's stay in Washington for my next issue. The republicans followed up on their political witch hunt  investigation, and voted along party lines (yeah I know some blue dog dumbocrats crossed party lines, but they are dems in name only)to find the AG of these divided states of America in contempt.

"Eric Holder is the first African American to hold the position of Attorney General. He is the 82nd person to serve in the position. Holder also served briefly in the position in 2001 under President George W. Bush before John Ashcroft.

Democrats were very angry with the way the Republican controlled House proceeded on the matter of the investigation of a gun operation known as Fast and Furious. They were particularly unhappy with House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA).

The stakes were raised even higher when the House’s most senior member, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), who is 85, offered a resolution to conduct a bi-partisan investigation. Dingell, who has served in the House since 1955, was critical of the Republican led investigation of Holder.
Democrats had very strong words on the matter.

“We’re doing what has never been done in 111 Congresses,” said Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD). ”I believe the political motivations behind this motion present a clear and present danger to this country,” he strongly added.
“The vote should not be dignified with an answer… This is a cheap political stunt to bring disfavor to the President of the United States,” said Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA).

“It may just be a coincidence, I don’t know, that the Attorney General is fighting voter suppression… it may just be a coincidence. Or maybe it isn’t,” said former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). ”Just when you think they couldn’t possibly go over the edge they come up with something like this,” she added. Pelosi announced she would join Democrats in protest and not appear on the House floor during the vote. "  [Source]

Now now Nancy, you know that this is no coincidence. The republicans know exactly what they are doing. And I find it ironic that the democrats who crossed party lines to vote for this joke of a measure were all threatened by the NRA.

The same NRA that advocates for the free flow of all types of guns into this country, and to whose feet the blame can be squarely placed for all the carnage and killings that take place on the streets of our cities every damn day.

When are we going to have a "fast and furious" style investigation of that ongoing tragedy?



  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Moonbats are incompetent children who just can't understand the obvious relation in cause and effect.

    In one blurb you are saying Holder is innocent even though there is harcore evidence, but anyway it's all the NRA's fault because of kids and gun violence and it must be Bush's fault even though the program he ran and ended 2 years before Holder was appointed by Obama did not result in guns walking, was canceled when they saw how risky it was and NO ONE WAS killed due to incompetence. Most importantly Holder lied to congress, in writing and under oath.

    Civil and Criminal Contempt is well warranted and the drama queen nutjobs that you call the democratic party are like a bunch of retarded children chanting in the schoolyard. NOtice, they didn't vote - they did not want to go on record and think they outsmarted dumb americans who forget. I guess they are used to their normal constituency who keep them in office.

    On gun control; I know this is expecting much but which cities have horrific levels of gun violence?

    -Those with shall issue states and good levels of citizen gun ownership
    -Those states that you will never get a license as a law abiding citizen to carry like Philly, Chicago, New York.

    Which one?

    Who has the highest crime rates and murder levels?

    Can you connect the dots? I doubt it, it's hard to connect logic while you spin and spin and spin and really don't care about real world results.

  2. Anonymous11:20 PM

    The NY Times is calling this "the most significant federalism decision since the New Deal". If you are a wingnut tonight you are really pissed. If, on the other hand, you are a single mother with breast cancer; you are probably in the Hallmark store looking for a nice thank you card for the aforementioned Mr. Roberts.

    Oh you easily fooled man. You mean you believe all the lies and have forgotten how immediately after the law was signed health services issued advice that Mammograms werent necessary for good health until you were 55 and over? At first it's advice, when it's law and costs are tight it will be policy. Bad policy but it's coming. Oh and you won't need a prostrate exam until 60 they also said, the cancer should be advanced by then if you get it and treatement will be too expensive on the country welfare healthcare so you will be allowed to pass with dignity after having lived such a long life and in interest of the younger ones comrade.

    How many old folks are euthanized in the UK each year because of health costs?

    Forgive them father, they dont' have the capacity to understand cause and effect.

  3. Anonymous12:06 AM

    What a surprise the Supremes voted in favor of Obamacare! Nevertheless, it is a good thing for all of us and the country.

    Eric Holder is toast. He will be the first AG to be held in contempt by Congress. What a shame but everyone knows this is a racial issue in America.

    Obama is Black, and there is an exceptional need to tar and feather him. Fast and Furious was handled very poorly and stupidly. It gave the GOP what it needed to disgrace Obama.

  4. Anonymous12:08 AM

    What a surprise the Supremes voted in favor of Obamacare! Nevertheless, it is a good thing for all of us and the country.

    Eric Holder is toast. He will be the first AG to be held in contempt by Congress. What a shame but everyone knows this is a racial issue in America.

    Obama is Black, and there is an exceptional need to tar and feather him. Fast and Furious was handled very poorly and stupidly. It gave the GOP what it needed to disgrace Obama.

  5. Anonymous12:21 AM

    With lynching, one did not need to be actually 'guilty' as the object was to have the other citizens 'know their place'.


  6. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Nancy Pelosi & Congressional Black Caucus Walk Out in Support of Gunrunning Drug Cartels and Murderers

    Thousands lie dead in Mexico, bloody and beheaded in the streets. Bolstered by automatic weapons that the US Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms made certain got into their hands, they have extended a reign of terror across Mexico and US southern border states.

    When federally licensed firearm (FFLs) dealers raised the alarm to ATF officials that straw purchasers were buying large numbers of deadly weapons the ATF assured them is was ok to make the sale. When an FFL told ATF they did not have enough weapons to fill an order, the ATF told them to order more. When border patrol agent Brian Terry lay dead in the Arizona desert surrounded by weapons sold to the Mexican drug cartels under the Fast and Furious gun walking program, no one in the Justice Department seemed to know anything about what happened.

    To date no one in justice or ATF has been fired, and that is A-OK with Pelosi and her cohorts. Nine secret service agents were fired within a week of being found in the company of prostitutes, but a year and a half after the brutal murder of Brian Terry, the Congressional Black Caucus is satisfied to let those responsible for the wholesale slaughter of Mexican citizens go un-investigated and unpunished. The democrats who walked out of congress today don’t want to know why there have been no answers and no retribution for those who were involved in making sure these guns got into the hands of these heinous villains, and they certainly don’t want to know anything about those who have so far successfully covered up that involvement.

    What else are we to conclude but that those who claim racism at every effort to secure our borders, don’t give a single whit for the lives of thousands murdered south of our border; they would rather pose for the camera

  7. This is one of the reasons GOP leaders so readily cut and gut education programs: they don't want an electorate that can connect the dots between the Holder witch hunt, racism, and voter suppression. And ... They're really pulling out all the stops to appeal to their base. The way that they're holding the black AG in "criminal" contempt while spitting bombastic rhetoric in front of the TV cameras declaring that the President (regarding healthcare) and the AG are simultaneously overstepping their bounds makes me feel like I'm reading a history text about white protests against Reconstruction. Past is prologue.

  8. Anonymous Field Negro c/o '0912:47 AM

    Mr. Field Negro, good sir. I too am in support of a more inclusive healthcare system so today's decision is a step in the right direction. however, i was hoping to hear your thoughts on the supply (overworked healthcare professionals) side of this equation. it occurs to me that there has been a well-documented shortage of physicians & nurses for some time now. not to mention the tens to hundreds of thousands of people who die in hospitals from medical errors annually, the drug-resistant superbugs slowly leaking into communities from hospitals, etc..adding 30 million more people into the system without addressing these issues makes me a bit nervous. in the interest of full disclosure I've only read through the ACA summary. haven't delved into the whole thing. please edify me

  9. F&F was just a case of lack of communication by the ATF but Repubs are good at making mountains out of molehills (see Whitewater). Funny how convicted felon Issa is the guy leading the charge. Maybe he should start an investigation into the NRA and how it is complicit in thousands of gun murders, they oppose legislation that forces a person to report when a firearm they won is stolen. Half of this country is insane.

  10. PilotX, I forgot about Whitewater. And let's not forget Vince Foster.

    Meanwhile, they start unnecessary wars that kill thousands and thousands of people and all we hear are crickets.

    I suppose dead Iraqis are not as important as dead Mexicans because the are so far away.

  11. target practice7:33 AM

    field confabulates:

    The same NRA that advocates for the free flow of all types of guns into this country, and to whose feet the blame can be squarely placed for all the carnage and killings that take place on the streets of our cities every damn day.

    Let's see. The NRA does NOT favor the FREE flow of guns into this country. It favors the LEGAL flow of guns into this country. In any case, lots of guns are manufactured here and lots are imported.

    Nothing in the actions or words of the NRA suggests it supports the smuggling of guns into the US.

    Or smuggling guns out.

    Meanwhie, field, if you're so opposed to the presence of guns, why are you opposed to police practices like Stop & Frisk, which takes guns off the street?

    Readers know you're in denial about blacks slaughtering blacks with handguns. That's probably your excuse. Of course most of your readers share your denial, which means none of you see it as denial.

    Anyway, as always, according to you, blacks murdering blacks is not the fault of blacks. It's the fault of someone or something else. It's never the black guy who pulls the trigger and the black culture that produced him.

  12. charnel house7:49 AM

    field rambles insanely:

    PilotX, I forgot about Whitewater. And let's not forget Vince Foster.

    The Whitewater investigation uncovered the rotten core of the Rose Law firm. As for Vince Foster, he committed suicide. He had all the usual options, but chose the messy one. At least he shot himself in his car while no one was around.

    Meanwhile, they start unnecessary wars that kill thousands and thousands of people and all we hear are crickets.

    Oh yeah. Right after the Iranian Revolution -- that was 1979, cuz I know you don't know -- Saddam Hussein attacked Iran figuring it would be easy to roll in and seize the country.

    Instead, there was an 8-year war that took an estimated ONE MILLION lives.

    Then, in 1990, Saddam rolled into Kuwait, killing who knows how many people. When US forces ran him out, his troops torched the Kuwaiti oilfields, putting more pollution in the air than China does in a decade.

    I suppose dead Iraqis are not as important as dead Mexicans because the are so far away.

    You suppose a lot of things, but your supposing occurs in the absence of fact and reasonableness.

    No one seems to know how many Iraqis were killed after we invaded. But obviously the number was a lot smaller than claimed by opponents of our invasion.

    In any case, once again, by criticizing the US, you show your love for dictators.

    Meanwhile, your fellow negroes in Rwanda hacked to death 800,000 other negroes in a month. I's say that's a record, but because Africa is such a dangerous place for journalists and others who want the facts about things, it's possible there have been even larger slaughters in recent decades.

    It's believed that TWO MILLION people were killed in the civil war in Mozambique during the 1990s.

  13. "No one seems to know how many Iraqis were killed after we invaded. But obviously the number was a lot smaller than claimed by opponents of our invasion."

    Do you even read what you write? You say no one seems to know the exact number yet you say it's obviously a lot smaller than the numbers claimed by "opponents of our invasion". Well if no one knows, how can you say...never mind. *shaking head*

    Still, I love the selective outrage wingnut. This is typical of folks in your gang.

    "It's believed that TWO MILLION people were killed in the civil war in Mozambique during the 1990s."

    Actually wingnut, it was closer to a million people. But what's a million here or there to a wingnut? You folks like to make up facts to suit your own agenda.

    Meanwhile, 260,000 died in the Yugoslavian wars, 55 million in World War II, and 10 million during the Soviet Ukraine war. What's your point?

  14. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Meanwhile, 260,000 died in the Yugoslavian wars, 55 million in World War II, and 10 million during the Soviet Ukraine war. What's your point?

    All these contortions and gobblygook just to say the black guy should get off for being in charge and a border agent getting killed, one that you oviously dont give a shit about. Its not your country after all.

  15. Kudos to issa!

    Hobama and eric h are 2 black demonic disgraces!!!

    Yet again
    John r and hobama have proven that reps = dems

    Tell all the hobama drones to save their hallmark cash
    They will truly need it when they see their premiums hike/medicaid & medicare vanish etc…bet!

    Cc this racist hobama nazi bs to the NEW BPP
    And cc it to mumia abu jamal
    They know all about that disgraced gun runner eric holder’s amorality

  16. more proof that hobamacare is a pharma casino for hobama inc

    hobama and his banksters are wilding anew

    cash before crash


    may god bless us all

  17. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Justice Roberts just gave Romney the election on a silver platter and the left is too self absorbed to even realize what just happened! 60% of voting Americans were opposed to this astronomical tax increase and now the money is flowing to the Romney campaign! Roberts knew exactly what he was doing and the left fell for it hook line and sinker. Obama lied once again whether it was tax or not a tax and now we know. Obama is nothing but an empty suit and political puppet! Yes, I absolutely agree we need healthcare reform, but raising taxes of this unprecedented magnitude during a severe recession with no jobs in site was a bad move politically on his part.

  18. that bankster hobama is a liar...and a taxer


  19. Jen O'side10:42 AM

    field, the logically challenged goofball says:

    Regarding Mozambique:

    Actually wingnut, it was closer to a million people.

    I see. Not two million. Just one million. So it's okay then. Just a million killed in a civil war in a country of 20 million. And you know in civil wars every civilian is a target.

    The median age in Mozambique is 17. It's a nation of children, and half of the nation's population was born after this 20-year civil war. What a mess they're in.

    But what's a million here or there to a wingnut?

    I have no idea what source you checked for your Mozambique civil war death toll, but both the New Yorker and the New York Times, which had reporters on the ground, put the figure of Two Million.

    Naturally, you don't want blacks to look any worse than they already look, so you think it's good news if blacks only slaughtered a million people in that war, where, it was well known by experience that journalists were killed if caught.

    You folks like to make up facts to suit your own agenda.

    You can't make up a "fact". However, guys like you rationalize any number of deaths to suit your agenda.

    Meanwhile, 260,000 died in the Yugoslavian wars


    55 million in World War II


    ...and 10 million during the Soviet Ukraine war.

    Yeah. And...?

    What's your point?

    The point? The black slaughter goes on unabated wherever there are blacks. The killing in Africa is beyond the capacity of record-keepers to track. Murder is rampant in every country, but the most reliable statistics come from South Africa, which reports a rate many times higher than the US rate, even when considering only the murder rate among US blacks.

  20. kudos to my hero cornel west!!!

    I would say: “Look at that bust of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Oval Office and recognize that tears are flowing when you let Geithner and others shape your economic policy, when you refuse to focus on poor and working people or when you drop the drone bombs that kill innocent civilians. Tim Geithner does not represent the legacy of Martin King.”
    It was a cry from the heart. What happened was that greed at the top has squeezed so much of the juices of the body politic. Poor people and working people have not been a fundamental focus of the Obama administration. That for me is not just a disappointment but a kind of betrayal.

    I think he had to keep me at a distance. There’s no doubt that he didn’t want to be identified with a black leftist. But we’re talking about one phone call, man. That’s all. One private phone call.

    I’ll put it this way, brother: You’ve got to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer. A thermostat shapes the climate of opinion; a thermometer just reflects it. If you’re just going to reflect it and run by the polls, then you’re not going to be a transformative president. Lincoln was a thermostat. Johnson and F.D.R., too.

  21. Wingnut logic is amazing. So now Roberts planned his vote this way all along to give Flipper the election.

    The moonshine is getting stronger and stronger.:)

  22. gun loving gang banging pookies rule the world...and chi

    cc this to eric h

    and rahmbo and hobama and their pending new chi casinos


  23. Anonymous1:30 PM

    "field negro said...
    Wingnut logic is amazing. So now Roberts planned his vote this way all along to give Flipper the election.

    The moonshine is getting stronger and stronger.:)"

    Wether he did it on purpose or not is irrelevant, although he did say

    "the decision offers no endorsement of the law’s wisdom, and that letting it survive reflects “a general reticence to invalidate the acts of the nation’s elected leaders.”

    “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices,”

    Take that as you wish. Add some fairy dust or unicorn farts to the kool aid so it tastes like your spun narratives and goes down easier if you like.

    At the end of the day it couldnt be clearer to me. It's not the supreme courts job to protect us from the consequences of our electing a gaggle of moonbats, who we need to do something about it. And we shall.

  24. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Black capabilities are hastening us to a must wear diapers culture.

    Under rule by moonbats, everyone has to live in accordance with proscriptions that are only appropriate for the most resolutely irresponsible. For example,

    The Dallas NAACP chapter wants the Texas lottery to close up shop.

    Members of the nation’s oldest civil-rights group say they are frustrated by poor and minority Texans spending their money on tickets instead of necessities such as rent or health insurance…

    Now do you understand why the government has to provide housing and medical care?

    Bureaucrats who do not succumb to the NAACP’s demands risk accusations of racism, the cudgel that instills terror in every weakling’s heart.

    At least the reasoning is consistent. If minorities spend their whole welfare check on lottery tickets, no one should be allowed to buy lottery tickets. Similarly, if minorities run wild in the streets shooting each other over trivial disagreements, no one should be allowed to exercise their right to bear arms.

    If government dependency infantilizes blacks any further, they will forget how to use toilets. Then will come demands that we all be forced to wear diapers.

  25. Solidarity 4-Alicia Banks2:07 PM

    “This is a classic case of using the racism card with no benefit to the people who racism is projected at. Cheapening the issue

    Racism is what the "War on Drugs" is built on

    Anything that involves illegal gun trafficking as a result of Americas insatiable appetite for drugs needs to be fully investigated, and our nations drug policy should be looked at as well.

    It is currently decimating the black community, and this administration supports continuing the "Drug War" status quo 100% .

    Why are CBC members standing behind Mr. Holder while the administration throttles full speed ahead with a senseless wasteful 70 yr old "Drug War" that is disproportionately aimed at young black men?

    Not to mention the need for operations like Project Gun Runner/ Fast and Furious as a direct result.

    Kudos to Alicia for always highlighting Republicrat in Office....

  26. NSangoma2:40 PM

    The policy upheld in Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling is a rough approximation of the Republican Party’s 1993 federal proposal for insurance reform and of then-Gov. Mitt Romney’s bipartisan insurance reforms in Massachusetts five years ago. It’s fun to denounce it as socialism or the “end of America” or whatever, but in reality the Affordable Care Act is a small-c conservative reform that preserves the private insurance system.


  27. fn:

    planning = politics

    reps = dems

    and hobama proved he was stacking the scotus when he appointed 2 corporatists clones
    ek and ss

    hobama did not even consider a bf!!!
    because he planned on these 2 specific wall st sellouts whom he knew he could control

    and it worked well
    his lapdogs voted loyally


  28. Obummer4:04 PM

    Uh, oh. I was wondering if Issa had an ace up his sleeve. Looks like the wiretaps prove Holder is just a lying POS.

    NO WONDER he (and Obama) doesn't want to turn over all the documents.

    Obama just might be next. They'll probably wait until the election draws closer to nail him, though.

  29. menacing negroes5:30 PM

    Just another day in the black jungle...

    Ministers Urge People To Turn In Gunman Who Killed Girl, 7

    June 29, 2012

    CHICAGO (CBS) — One day after a 7-year-old girl was gunned down as her mother watched while she sold lemonade in front of her West Side home, a ministers’ group is trying to persuade people to turn over the killer.

    “It’s a sad day in Chicago,” said the Rev. Ira Acree of the Leaders Network ministry, which put up the $3,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the gunman who killed Heaven Sutton, 7, while she was with her mother and other family members outside of their home in the 1700 block of North Luna Avenue in the North Austin neighborhood.

    Acree was no less indignant than Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who said to the unknown killer Thursday, “How dare you?”

    “She’s an innocent seven-year-old,” Acree said, saying the girl had to try to dodge bullets as if she were in Afghanistan or the Wild West of the 1800s. “It’s horrific.”

    Acree said the shooting had struck a nerve, and he said he hopes that someone who knows comes forward with the information without being prompted by the cash.

    “You never know what kind of baggage might be associated with other cases, but come on. What can a 7-year-old baby be doing?” he said.

    Heaven had told her mother, Ashake Banks, 38, that she wanted to move out of North Austin – which the family had called home for six months – because of all the violence in the area.

    She had just gotten her hair done for a trip to Disney World that had been planned for next month, and was outside with her mother as they sold lemonade, candy and snacks under a canopy set up in front of their home.

    Two men opened fire around 10:40 p.m. Wednesday, and Heaven was struck in the chest.

    “I had just called Heaven. She was sitting right next to me on my shoulder. Just laying on my shoulder,” Banks said Thursday.

    Banks described the horrific sight of seeing her young daughter lying dead.

    “For her to die like this – 7 years old, lying on a slab cold, her eyes just open, blood coming out her nose – I just want him to turn himself in. That’s all that I ask of him. And I’m asking for Chicago to help me,” she said.

    The shooting also wounded a 19-year-old man in the ankle. That victim is recovering.

    The fatal gunshot was fired by a gangbanger who was aiming at a rival who apparently had stopped to buy lemonade.

    Police Supt. Garry McCarthy said detectives know which gangs were involved in the shooting, and said he expects them to wrap up the investigation quickly.

  30. Anonymous6:25 PM

    PilotX said...
    F&F was just a case of lack of communication by the ATF but Repubs are good at making mountains out of molehills (see Whitewater). Funny how convicted felon Issa is the guy leading the charge. Maybe he should start an investigation into the NRA and how it is complicit in thousands of gun murders, they oppose legislation that forces a person to report when a firearm they won is stolen. Half of this country is insane.

    Is someone having contests and the government wants the winners to register the guns if they win them as prizes? WTF are you talking about?

    If half this country is insane the part that wants goverment controls and refuses to look at places where these controls have been in effect for decades to see the results is plain stupid.

    How do you figure that more registries of guns, more controls will stop or even lessen shootings? You do realize that all these shootings you are seeing across the country are performed by minorities who use illegal handguns who wouldnt register them even if they "won a prize". How did those guns for cash programs work out? Funny they never got guns from law abiding citizens who were NRA members did they?

    Try putting two and two together and stop being such a sheeple on the demo-cwatic-plantation.

    Man has advanced because of tools (except in Africa). We want our tools, we want our choices, we don't want you to ban them because you cannot control your impulses and misuse them for evil or are just incompetent and can't use that chainsaw.

  31. Anonymous7:24 PM

    As always, the conservative Luddites are attempting to move backwards. The best part is watching them trying to spin a win out of this repudiation of their main argument by the highest court in the land. After my time in the service (honorable discharge, I'll understand if you conservative fuck heads have to look up honorable...I'm sure you're familiar with discharges, premature and otherwise), I still keep up with friends overseas. The last group video chat had them rolling on the floor, laughing, at Repubs for running for office in a country they seem determine to undermine.
    It's all good, though. Remember, the liberal ideology always wins, and all you old, soon to be minority, backwards bastards will be remembered the same way we intelligent people remember another group that thought the Earth was the center of the universe. God loves America, and he really seems to dislike conservatives. Have fun explaining to your children how you rooted for ignorance like pigs root for truffles.

  32. Anonymous7:25 PM

    “The wiretap affidavit details that agents were well aware that large sums of money were being used to purchase a large number of firearms, many of which were flowing across the border,” the letter says.

    The application included details such as how many guns specific suspects had purchased via straw purchasers and how many of those guns had been recovered in Mexico.

    It also described how ATF officials watched guns bought by suspected straw purchasers but then ended their surveillance without interdicting the guns.

    In at least one instance, the guns were recovered at a police stop at the U.S.-Mexico border the next day.

    The application included financial details for four suspected straw purchasers showing they had purchased $373,000 worth of guns in cash but reported almost no income for the previous year, the letter says.

    “Although ATF was aware of these facts, no one was arrested, and ATF failed to even approach the straw purchasers. Upon learning these details through its review of this wiretap affidavit, senior Justice Department officials had a duty to stop this operation. Further, failure to do so was a violation of Justice Department policy,” the letter says.

    The absolute funniest most democratical hypocritical part of this evidence is Cummings statement:

    A June 5 letter from Cummings responding to Issa’s May 24 letter said Issa “omits the critical fact that [redacted].” The entire first section of the letter’s body is likewise blacked out.

    “Sadly, it looks like Mr. Issa is continuing his string of desperate and unsubstantiated claims, while hiding key information from the very same documents,” a Democratic committee staffer said. “His actions demonstrate a lack of concern for the facts, as well as a reckless disregard for our nation’s courts and federal prosecutors who are trying to bring criminals to justice. We’re not going to stoop to his level.

    You aren't MR Cummins? You aren't? What exactly did you say yesterday about all those redacted documents of which only 1/10th of what was deemed relevant by DOJ themselves wsa provided? What did you say?

    Democrats are disgusting ,they know how to use buzzwords like "Unprecedented, outrageous, because he is Black, because the moon is rising, because he is the first. How about because he lied, because people died and because he is a corrupt lying criminal.

  33. Anonymous7:32 PM

    My dear Mr Field, some of these comments are so damn depressing. My head hurts but some of the anti-Obama zealots just keep on keeping on. They don't hurt a where in their body.

    How is that possible? Go see the movie, "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter". That could be the only answer. Seriously, the GOP is infected with vampires trying to take over America. They are sucking out the blood of America.

    Take a very close look at Boehner and some of those other Republicans. I mean, there is something physically wrong with Boehner...his eyes look demonic and his teeth looks like those of a vampire. Scalia and CT sound cold, and look like they have been sucking blood.

    This shit is depressing.

    depressed Negro

  34. Look Out For The Bus, Holder3:25 AM

    Democraps could see a video of Holder personally handing guns to the Mexican Cartels, and say he's being "witch-hunted".


  35. BARBBF7:58 AM

    THIS WILL BE A TAX HIKE ON ANYONE/EVERYONE WHO HAS EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION TO THEIR HEALTH INSURANCE. What happened to "I feel your pain, tax the rich, no new no new taxes on the Middle Class"????

    Tax that took effect in 2012:

    9. Employer Reporting of Insurance on W-2 (Min$/Jan 2012): Preamble to taxing health benefits on individual tax returns. Bill: PPACA; Page: 1,957

  36. BARBBF10:49 AM


    Recovered history: The real Eric Holder


    Holder explains why he & Obama can murder whom they want

    Holder plans to destroy evidence in Megaupload case
    Loose Lips, Washington City Paper - Eric Holder also has ties to [the recently convicted] Kwame Brown, whose 2008 campaign the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics has been practically begging the feds to investigate for financial irregularities. BOEE Chairman Togo West, a former secretary of the Army, told reporters he believed Brown’s campaign engaged in “criminal activity.”


    Holder has long been a coddler of torturous regimes. In 2004, while a partner with Covington and Burling, Holder worked out a plea agreement for his client, Chiquita Brands International, in which the firm agreed to pay a fine of $25 million for making cash payments to the Colombian right-wing death squad paramilitary force, the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia. The AUC carried out systematic assassinations of trade union activists, peasants, politicians, and leftist guerrillas in Colombia.

    In July 1998, Holder signed off on the transport of two members of the Egyptian Jihad, captured by Albanian security forces in Albania, to Cairo by the CIA on a chartered extraordinary rendition aircraft. The Egyptians were tortured and executed.

    Holder and White House chief of staff Leon Panetta had signed off on the CIA's pre-9/11 rendition program with Egypt. During his confirmation hearings for Attorney General in May 2009, Holder was asked by Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Richard Shelby (R-AL) about his role in renditions as Deputy Attorney General for Clinton. Holder admitted that extraordinary renditions occurred during the Clinton administration. However, neither Alexander nor Shelby asked Holder how many individuals were renditioned during his time as Deputy Attorney General. Holder was also not asked what torture countries received the kidnapped prisoners from the United States.


    Eric Holder has said he favors secret searches of library and bookstore data files.


  37. BARBBF8:44 AM


    Recently Washington reduced the “collateral damage” count by declaring every murdered male of military age to have been a Taliban fighter or terrorist. Obviously, Washington has no way of knowing whether they were or not, but Washington’s declaration is intended as a green light to murder Afghan males of military age.

    Currently, Washington has wars underway, or occupations, or is violating the sovereignty of countries with drones and/or troops in seven Muslim countries, and is arming rebels in Syria. All of this is being done without the constitutionally-required authorization by Congress, allegedly the people’s representatives. What a joke!
