Friday, June 08, 2012

"Fear of a Black Planet."

Conservative folks in the majority population like to accuse Negroes of playing the victim card. (Just read the anonymous comments on this blog after any post that deals with politics) But honestly, is there anyone playing the victim card any better than conservative white males these days? They have become so good at it that some of them have actually started buying into this piece of false narrative. And, of course, the media arm of the movement, FOX NEWS,has decided that it is good for ratings to   feature the scary black monsters roaming our streets.

"A while back Bill O’Reilly, the most watched TV personality on Fox News, ran a series of stories on what he suggests is a “racially motivated” attack on two white journalists in Norfolk, Virginia that he claimed was covered up by the local press. As Buzzfeed’s McKay Coppins details, the facts reveal a different reality: a rock was thrown at a car, the occupants had an argument with a group of men and a fight ensued. The reporters were not severely injured. Although an unfortunate incident in a city that is struggling with violent crime, it was neither particularly noteworthy or an anomaly. In fact, the newspaper for which the journalists worked thought the event was a non-story. This did not deter Bill O’Reilly. He could frame the story as part of a national race war by introducing one fact--the victims of the assault were white and the perpetrators were black.

The National Review’s Thomas Sowell legitimated this narrative of a race war against whites in a column which circulated widely throughout the Right-wing media and blogosphere. There he listed a series of such assaults in major cities such as Chicago, New York, Cleveland, and Los Angeles, which involved groups of young black people committing random assaults on pedestrians, robbing people of their cell phones and Ipods, and fighting on beaches and in malls...

"...As Sowell observes,”What the authorities and the media seem determined to suppress is that the hoodlum elements in many ghettoes launch coordinated attacks on whites in public places.” Apparently, in the conservative imagination there is a nationwide plot and a scheme to silence white pain and anger as they are made the targets of systematic, brutal, anti-white racism.

The Conservative media’s race war narrative falls apart when one encounters the facts. In an effort to stir up white anxiety, these stories ignore that violent crime in the United States has been declining for decades. Oftentimes, these mob attacks are either random street crimes or actually a byproduct of long standing feuds.." [Source] (h/t Mike)

Isn't it ironic how this fear of a black planet got amped up after the election of a beige president? It's as if it opened their eyes to the realization that, if not checked, the Negro could actually gain some real institutional power in America.   

Of course creating fear in the hearts of the majority population by making the Negro some type of monster to be feared is nothing new. Various groups used it quite effectively in the past to terrorize blacks folks. Nothing has changed. We just have a different name for those who would terrorize and they have become more sophisticated with their terror tactics.

 "Up through the first half of the 20th century, The New York Times featured many news items about “giant negroes” who would attack police, any innocent white people nearby, and have to be brought down by overwhelming police violence. In an eerie foreshadowing of the conservative media at present, The New York Times archive also contains stories with headlines such as the following: “Mobs of Blacks Retaliate for Riots”; “Negro Mob Terrorizing the Citizens of Jacksonville”; “Negro Mob in South Shouts for Lynching”; and “Negro Mob Killed Sheriff.”    

Yes, we get it. It's why a certain vigilante in Central Florida can always count on online donations and support from certain people. He took out one of the "giant Negroes". Stop me if you have heard this one before: "Why is that man in jail? He deserves a medal."  

 "The conservative media’s pandering to fears of black violence is a sophisticated effort. The race war must be brought home to predominantly white areas. Places like Iowa and Wisconsin do not have large populations of black people; but in the conservative media, this is no protection from the race war apparently being waged against white Americans. The Daily Caller and other conservative websites repeatedly featured coverage of what was labeled as “beat whitey night” a state fair in Iowa. The conservative media doubled down on their “white folks imperiled even in Red State rural America” meme by giving extensive coverage to how white people were ambushed and beaten at a similar event in Wisconsin." [Story]

Now most of these white folks who fear the black planet will see black folks mostly on television and in movies throughout their lives. These are not people who travel much or get outside of their comfort zone. They don't interact with you Negroes on a regular basis. The one who calls himself their president is the one they hate the most. Because he always appears to them from a position of power. To them, he is the most dangerous Negro of all.



  1. GrannyStandingforTruth7:05 PM

    Field, you have an error in this topic. It is Fox We Make It Up News, not Fox News.

    Ex-bartender school dropouts are not journalist, O'Reilly is a sex offender, and Roger Ailes is a die-hard racist from back in the day. Matter of fact, I bet he was throwing bricks at people of color back in the day and a kkk grand wizard's offspring. Therefore, Fox falsely claims to be balance, when in fact, they're absolutely, positively, unbalanced, and bias.

    I mean I know you've had a long day and all at the courthouse and some of the excuses some of those folks had today had you shaking you head in disbelief, but, do you think you could correct that. I'm just saying. *wink*

    I'm out, I gotta finish up something I was working on. See ya!

    1. Anonymous4:20 AM

      It a fucking piece of dog shit. Niggers "Blacks" are 7 times more likely to rape a white woman than a white person to rape another white person. White Men Never rape Black Women. EVER! BLACK MEN RAPE WHITE WOMEN FAR MORE THAN ANY OTHER RACE!!!!!!!!

  2. "honestly, is there anyone playing the victim card any better than conservative white males these days? "

    Yeah, like Linbo always thinking black men want to pork him in his huge b-hind. Like he does all those little rentboys in Santo Domingo most every weekend.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    How sad that you are sarcastic about people beating up other people for fun.

  4. The major problem is black people killing black people, & especially young black men killing young black men. If you're white, & you live in a suburban neighborhood, your chances of being assaulted, much less murdered, by a black person is miniscule. I don't know about these "coordinated attacks" on white people.

  5. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Not only did the wingnut owners figure out that you could hire 'furriners' for better and cheaper labour than the local wites...we now don't give a rat's gnat about the Entitlement wite Goobers feel they are owed.

    Poor WATBs. They keep thinkerating that they want Fwee Markets...then wail piteously when the Free Market exquisitely and correctly sets their less than Chinese rice farmer.

    According to their wingnut 'logic' we should see all white people as Dahmer or Brevik. Sorry, we like people for who they are...not how your mental illness perceives them.

    Maybe the sillies could read Marx and Dr King...and realise the True American Dream.


  6. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Gottdamn YT. Victims we show em victims motherfukc em right now cut off ALLLLLLLL

    EBT cards, TANF welfare, Medicaid, Section 8 housing vouchers, Energy Assistance, public transportation, Affirmative Action, diversity jobs, government jobs. No more free breakfast, no more free lunch no more watch the kids you got cause you too stupid to close your legs or use free rubbers.

    We gone teach them crackers what it be like to live on the sweat of they brow and what they earn and not what they take from someone else who they motherfukcin hate anyways who they say never give them shit and owes them anyhows....gottdamn crackas.

  7. Shabazz10:53 PM

    Que in the anonymous racist comments in 3,2,1...

  8. the dude10:54 PM

    A black role model:

    Jamaican druglord 'Dudus' Coke sentenced to 23 years in prison


    June 8, 2012 AP

    Conceding he's no saint, Jamaican drug lord Christopher "Dudus" Coke was sentenced today to 23 years behind bars in a U.S. drug trafficking case that brought into sharp focus his reputation for using ruthless acts of violence to strike fear into both foes and followers.

    Prosecutors in federal court in Manhattan had used the often gruesome testimony of an admitted member of Coke's drug gang to push for a stiff sentence.

    Most startling was his account of how Coke ordered his men to kill a deadbeat drug dealer nicknamed "Tall Man" by tying him up and dismembering him with a chain saw.

    The witness, Jermaine Cohen, described entering a room routinely used as Coke's personal torture chamber to find "human remains ... lots of blood and hands and foots cut off and a head cut off."

  9. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Sorry but things aren't as they used to be with politically correct MSM afraid of invoking riots from our easily motivated darker brothers. The internet and phone cams have made easily availible for review and investigation many things the media refuses to report unless it is anti-white racism. After all if they reported the major headlines day in and day out as they are, you would be saying it's racist that they only show Black criminals, even thought the majority of every category of crime committed in this country is committed by Blacks. Especially hate crimes against Whites.

    "Editors from the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, New York Times, and the Associated Press have all publicly confessed to censoring black crime. Recently I’ve personally been able to obtain statements from two media outlets admitting they have a policy of censoring black crime. This includes the Newark Star-Ledger and WYFF, the Greenville, SC NBC affiliate."

    Black hate crimes against white are now temporarily branded as "random events" even though witnesses hear them say get YT or some other racist remark.

    Here are just some recent race crimes:

    You do have a right to be concerned, the jig is up. Whites are awake more than ever and are all experiencing Negro fatigue. Many of the racial set asides will evaporate with the coming debt crisis, resulting from to many payments for avoiding reality and Negro unrest.

  10. hiroshima11:11 PM

    field expresses his delusional view:

    Isn't it ironic how this fear of a black planet got amped up after the election of a beige president?

    The fear, more accurately defined as a hopeless reality, boils down to the knowledge that black nations are helpless dysfunctional places that are mired in chaotic misery. Because black nations are all such horrible messes, they offer no economic potential to their citizens or the rest of the world.

    It's as if it opened their eyes to the realization that, if not checked, the Negro could actually gain some real institutional power in America.

    We've already seen it.

    That "power" gave us Detroit, a week from bankruptcy. A city desperate for a true bailout. It needs a bailout because there is no possibility it will overcome the economic destruction that a city of blacks always produces.

    The auto companies are leaving. One factory at a time, but they're leaving. After that? There's nothing.

    Everywhere that black "power" appears there follows utter devastation.

  11. "Recently I’ve personally been able to obtain statements from two media outlets admitting they have a policy of censoring black crime. This includes the Newark Star-Ledger and WYFF, the Greenville, SC NBC affiliate."

    Please provide us a link or copy of the statements.

    I will wait.....

    Yes, Dudus is a bad dude; so was Capone. What, exactly, is your point?

  12. Anonymous11:47 PM

    "Field, you have an error in this topic. It is Fox We Make It Up News, not Fox News."

    LOLOL Keep drinking that haterade Granny. Losers always hate winners.

    Fox will continue to crush their competition, and you will continue to be trailer trash.

  13. Anonymous11:50 PM

    "Conservative folks in the majority population like to accuse Negroes of playing the victim card."

    "Conservatives seem to notice that blacks are disproportionately violent, irresponsible, immoral, and criminal, and therefore dismiss the pathetic attempt by blacks to constantly portray themselves as victims."

  14. Anonymous11:51 PM

    field negro said...
    "Recently I’ve personally been able to obtain statements from two media outlets admitting they have a policy of censoring black crime. This includes the Newark Star-Ledger and WYFF, the Greenville, SC NBC affiliate."

    Please provide us a link or copy of the statements.

    I will wait.....

    When you say the same automated comment sarcastically makes me wonder. Why wait, the link is in the post. Tell me you really don't know that the media censors race whenever it is someone black? They put stock photos of whites in handcuffs when mentioning black crime, they say a gang of youths when it is black flash mobs. You cannot possibly be that blind or ignorant, so then what are you?

    Yes, Dudus is a bad dude; so was Capone. What, exactly, is your point?

  15. Anonymous11:52 PM

    "The major problem is black people killing black people"

    Actually, this is one of the few benefits of negro behavior.

  16. Anonymous11:52 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Field, you have an error in this topic. It is Fox We Make It Up News, not Fox News.

    Ex-bartender school dropouts are not journalist, O'Reilly is a sex offender, and Roger Ailes is a die-hard racist from back in the day. Matter of fact, I bet he was throwing bricks at people of color back in the day and a kkk grand wizard's offspring. Therefore, Fox falsely claims to be balance, when in fact, they're absolutely, positively, unbalanced, and bias.

    Granny, look at your words. What do they say? Nothing, nothing but personal attacks against a network you don't like because it doesn't hide everything. Pathetic.

  17. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Every time some one wants to point the finger of failure at black people, they bring up Detroit, as in:Black people are't capable of managing anything. Just look at Detroit. Well, here's a link to take a look at: at:

    One has to wonder why white people choose this city as the poster city of "black failure" Some older black people remember "redlining" and the riots that took place. They remember "white flight", but I often wonder why, if white people loved their houses and neighborhoods so much, why didn't they stay and fight for them? They sold those houses at twice their worth to some unsuspecting black family and took the money and ran. "Let the ni@@@r have it. I got mine", was the battle cry. F@@k the neighbor, f@@k the community. I can get new neighbors.

    Yeah, tell me again about the noble, God fearing, peaceful white man.

    Marcus Garvey

  18. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Not only did the wingnut owners figure out that you could hire 'furriners' for better and cheaper labour than the local wites...we now don't give a rat's gnat about the Entitlement wite Goobers feel they are owed.

    Poor WATBs. They keep thinkerating that they want Fwee Markets...then wail piteously when the Free Market exquisitely and correctly sets their less than Chinese rice farmer.

    According to their wingnut 'logic' we should see all white people as Dahmer or Brevik. Sorry, we like people for who they are...not how your mental illness perceives them.

    Maybe the sillies could read Marx and Dr King...and realise the True American Dream.


    you mean local blacks don't you stevey? Why hire a negro who will work half as hard, give you many headaches, can't do shit half the time, complain you only saying that cause he's black the other half, call in sick after payday when you can get a mexican who works hard can fix anything, is skilled and probably has a really hot female member....nah blacks are really gonna have a hard time specially after they were the ones who pushed illegal immigration.

  19. Bob said...
    "The major problem is black people killing black people, & especially young black men killing young black men. If you're white, & you live in a suburban neighborhood, your chances of being assaulted, much less murdered, by a black person is miniscule."

    Whites had to abandon the cities they built and build new places in the suburbs - all to escape black violence.

    "I don't know about these "coordinated attacks" on white people"

    "Coordinated" is a stretch, but they are widespread and growing. You don't know about them because the media hides them.

  20. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Fear of A Black Planet? I have seen it already and it's name is idiocracy. A place where the magical cities once built by wise men fall into disrepair.

    This is the future if moonbats aren't checked.

  21. GrannyStandingforTruth1:08 AM

    Isn’t amazing, we have an anonymous white supremacist teacher up in here teaching us Negroes how to hate Negroes 24/7. That’s rich! Yep! And the name of the course is “I Hate Niggers 101.” This course is guaranteed to get some weak minded Negroes who believe everything that white supremacist tell them, to hate their own people, and keep them divided. And recruit sellouts. Because you see, it is mandatory that you do not compare Negroes with other groups of people to see if they are alike. That would destroy the superior myth. This course is guaranteed to make you think that there are no white criminals or dysfunctional whites. Black equals evil vs white equals good.

  22. GrannyStandingforTruth1:23 AM

    The objective of this course is:

    To get Negroes to hate themselves and other Negroes.

    To convince Negroes to ashamed of the color of their skin.

    Finish eradicating Blacks culture.

    Discriminate against Negroes

    Justify murders of innocent or unarmed Negroes

    Justify physically abusing Negro women, seniors, and children

    Control Negroes freedom of movement

    Deny Negroes housing, jobs, education, and healthcare

    Deny Negroes fairness and justice

    Hopefully, start a race riot.

    Scare old white people

    Recruit more white supremacist

    Put an end any type of interracial relationships—friendships or intimate wise.

    Worship Mr. Charlie and conform to Mister Charlie’s image

    Basically, it’s the same old BS from the good ole boy days, slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow.


  23. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Wait until Faux News starts running Django's tagline in the new Tarantino movie.....maybe it will scare them into Canada! But I'm not convinced Canadians will accept them.

    Great blog FN


  24. Dear Anoymous (Funny how I run into you everywhere)

    Properly speaking it the "The Star-Ledger," not "The Newark Star-Ledger," so if you received any communication from the "Newark Star-Ledger" you should treat it with suspicion. The Star-Ledger is my local newspaper. The paper doesn't have the space or reporters to report every mugging & car theft in the huge geographic area covered the paper, which includes my sister's small upscale town 30 miles west of Newark. But it seems to me that every murder & shooting gets into that paper. So I'm with Field. Let's see your source.

  25. the dude7:20 AM

    field, like all blacks, tries to balance the scales of black violence with the names of violent whites. But, like all blacks playing this game, he has to go back in history to find the white examples because the number of hyper-violent blacks committing their grotesque crimes today is far far larger than the number of whites.

    Yes, Dudus is a bad dude; so was Capone. What, exactly, is your point?

    Capone lived and died a long time ago, and while he was alive he seems to have committed very few murders himself. Most of Capone's "murders" were committed by actors portraying him in movies.

    You'd get more mileage out of mentioning Sammy "the bull" Gravano, who admitted in his plea bargain that he personally killed around 20 people while working for John Gotti.

    Meanwhile, when it comes to murder in the US, blacks commit more murders in a single year than the mafia has committed in the last 100.

    You really ought to wonder why blacks are hyper-violent and you should look for ways to eliminate the factors that cause it. One thing is for sure, black leadership is not the answer.

  26. life sentence7:25 AM

    bob said:

    If you're white, & you live in a suburban neighborhood, your chances of being assaulted, much less murdered, by a black person is miniscule.

    Yeah, except that it happens every once in a while, as it did to the father of a friend of mine who was murdered in his own home in a white suburb by a black burglar who split the old man's head open with a hatchet.

  27. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Granny Standing for truth said....

    "Finish eradicating Blacks culture"

    Actually the decline of the U.S. is a direct result of Black culture and it is everywhere today.

    Why in the world would we want to stop any of this?!

  28. BARBBF8:42 AM

    Obama has certainly done his bit to assuage the fear of a Black Planet. Thanks to his support of the NATO invasion of Libya, a reported 30,000 Black Libyans are reported dead..with the ethnic cleansing" still continuing. With the exception of Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr, the silence in Congress is deafening...especially in the ranks of the Congressional Black Caucus...

  29. Thomas Sowell is a prevaricator and panderer to the Tea Party crowd. The following link concerns what he calls "a censored race war," and cites several instances of black-on-white violence, including an incident during opening day at the Wisconsin State Fair.

    He claims that the Milwaukee Police Department tried sweeping the incident under the rug and there was no media coverage of these thugs attacking fairgoers, mostly white. I know he is a liar because I was in Milwaukee when this happened. As a matter of fact, two friends of my daughter's, both African American men, were jumped on as they were trying to leave State Fair Park. The incident was covered by all the local stations, the local newspaper and other media. It was discussed in depth right here on Facebook, especially among African Americans who were appalled at the behavior of these ignorant, out-of-control kids.

    If his assessment of the coverage of the violence at the Wisconsin State Fair is any indication, the other events cited in this article likely received their share of coverage.

    And for him to call these separate incidents “a censored race war” is irresponsible and serves to feed the feverish minds and paranoia of wingnuts and Teabaggers.

  30. Anonymous9:37 AM

    field negro tries to explain away the racist black mob attacks, but fails.

    field negro, explain why white on black crime, white on black hate crimes have dropped over the last 30 plus years while black on white crime, black on white hate crimes have increased.

    blacks murder over twice has many whites than whites do blacks.

    blacks rape 100times has many white women than whites do black women.

    and where are the white on black mob attacks? if whites where doing mob attacks the media}and you field negro}would be covering the mob attacks non-stop.

  31. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "Oftentimes, these mob attacks are either random street crimes or actually a byproduct of long standing feuds.."

    and not neither field negro or the leftwing kook site offer any proof thats backs this up.

    facts are white on black crime is on white crime is up and happens at much higher rates.

    course you will never see field post about that.

    keep jigging...

  32. avoid groups of blacks11:41 AM

    sharon from wisconsin, in a state of indignation, said:

    It was discussed in depth right here on Facebook, especially among African Americans who were appalled at the behavior of these ignorant, out-of-control kids.

    Oh. So Facebook is a recognized source of journalism? Hmm, that alone is news.

    Second, as you unwittingly pointed out, the attackers WERE young BLACK thugs. That the young black thugs might have also attacked some blacks hardly changes the sitatuation.

    Or, perhaps you're saying that when blacks attack blacks then whites have no business investigating the crimes.

  33. "But, like all blacks playing this game, he has to go back in history to find the white examples.."

    Not exactly.

  34. GrannyStandingforTruth3:25 PM

    Anonymous, I guess you didn't hear the news. Fox ratings declined double digits. I guess they got a little too white supremacist for our diverse societies taste and exposed themselves for what they are a program of LIES.

  35. Anonymous3:28 PM

    field negro said...
    "But, like all blacks playing this game, he has to go back in history to find the white examples.."

    Not exactly.

    I have no idea of the specifics and wont even bother to look them up, assuming they are White people otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. But the real question to me is there a movement for these killers? Anyone protesting marching? Standing with them because they are White? Any whites not condemning them and saying they need to be forgiven, pardoned, they were brought up bad?

    Or are Whites universally condemning them and saying they need to be executed because of their atrocities?

    See any difference? Why can't Black Americans Join whatever Americans and condemn publicy violent criminals?

    Maybe if we saw this openly we would believe that we all are Americans and we all hate crime and never make excuses for someones skin color. Then maybe we can even battle the crime on the same side.

    What do I mean? Well you have Black kids rioting causing harm and destruction often in Philly and Baltimore. In Philly Nutter advises they are a disgrace to the race, puts in a curfew and he is a hero.

    The guy in Baltimore is white, he simply acknowledges that it is black kid and something needs to be done and he is called a racist and everyone wants to focus on him and not the animals committing the crime, so whites are left to their own devices. Eventually saying the hell with people who call me racist.

    See the difference?

  36. GrannyStandingforTruth4:06 PM

  37. Shabazz4:14 PM

    pick-a-nonny racist ass says:

    "Everywhere that black "power" appears there follows utter devastation."

    Yes, because everywhere there's Black power, there's some slack-jaw, gooberish, racist white cracker incest child there to try to pillage and destroy everything created, or endorsed by Blacks.

  38. @avoid groups of blacks 2:38 p.m.

    Your reading comprehension is wanting.

    Sowell indicated there was a cover up of this incident. Such was not the case.

    This vile incident was extensively covered in the media,* locally and nationally. That the incident in question was consequently discussed on Facebook, which, of course, is not a journalistic source, belies Sowell's contention there was no media coverage.


  39. @avoid groups of blacks

    And no,I did not "unwittingly" point out the fact these attackers were black. The whole point of my post was that Sowell lied when he said there was no media coverage of this incident.

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    you and grannylyingherassoff are so full s****T tell me you don't believe the b.s. spew?you can't be that stupid can you?why don't you liars take a look at the kansas city where negroes set a white boy on fire.while the negroes can barely speak ebonics they sure get big dose of hate whitey.most of these kids are bastards who don't know any thing how are they going to find a job?you ought to know because you see enough of these criminal bastards who are so ignorant that you can hardly under stand what their are these bumbs going to work?they will be parasites all of their lives.this is your fault!

  41. Anonymous6:52 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous, I guess you didn't hear the news. Fox ratings declined double digits. I guess they got a little too white supremacist for our diverse societies taste and exposed themselves for what they are a program of LIES.

    I am sorry but you really don't do anyones estimation of your intelligence any service when you push nonsense like this. Was that blog written by an angry black racist twelve year old liberal? Do you really believe what you say?

    Lets look at June 7th cable ratings shall we?

    FOX's audience continues to grow while the far left nutjobs are losing even more of other far left nutjobs.

    In example who the hell wants to watch some guy who can't understand what a government office is and says things like "resist we much about that we must shall be committed..."

    I bet you watch him and I bet you think you understand him when HE doesnt even know what he is saying.

    Are all the other stations losing viewers because of your theory? Because of Black supremacist liberal nonsense that even brain dead retarded children can see doesn't make sense?

    Live + Same Day Cable News Daily Ratings for Thursday, June 7, 2012

    P2+ (000s) 25-54 (000s) 35-64 (000s)
    Total Day
    FNC 1,174 240 492
    CNN 292 85 119
    MSNBC 359 101 149
    CNBC 151 48 91
    FBN 56 11 26
    HLN 202 81 132

  42. Liberals Lie10:15 PM

    What is humorous is that FN, PX and the rest of them, when confronted with a comment advising them that the poster is not interested in being forced to pay to "uplift" the black community, or believes that blacks have earned their AA jobs on "merit", etc is dismissed as someone from the "trailer park" because that is what they desperately need to believe to cope.

    Not quite. You can check the IP I am writing from. It is one of the highest income, most expensive zip codes in the USA - mentioned as a "super zip" in Murray's most recent book, "Coming Apart". I and my spouse have graduate degrees, high value work and trust funds. Not an 8 figure one mind you, but a high 7 figure one. Some would refer to us a "rich" but we prefer to think of ourselves as financially secure/comfortable with a diverse and international portfolio as the ultimate hedge.

    I don't have to "accept" anything or anyone. I may tolerate you in the public square, but my children will not be forced to be exposed to the dysfunctional and pathological black "culture".

    My world is white, by choice. Where I live, where my children attended school, where I socialize, where we vacation, the sports and activities we take part in. I boycott any corporation which portrays blacks in its advertising (and I write them and let them know that by marketing to blacks, I assume they don't want or need my money, since their ads don't reflect someone "who looks like me" to parrot the black activists) or gives money to black causes (Coke and Pepsi products are not found in our home as two examples).

    Peak Negro. More and more people are speaking up against being forced to tolerate "black" anything anymore.

    And there's not a d@mn thing you can do about.

    As blacks are so fond of reminding us, you were brought here against your will. Fair enough. Now the time has come for you to be returned - repatriated - to your ancestral homeland - where everyone "looks like you" - because that would only be fair.
    You've made it quite clear you will never be fully happy here.
    I'm happy to buy one way tickets.
    It's a win-win situation.

  43. Life Sentence: My Uncle Jack just died at peacefully at the age of 103. What do think his odds were?

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth5:22 AM

    Anonymous, you is one downright, hate filled, racist white man! LOL!

    Why do you torture yourself and hang around BLACK PEOPLE? You do know the majority of people posting on here are BLACK PEOPLE don't you?

    For a person whose world is white by choice, you sure do love to bring your lily white, racist, hate-filled ass around BLACK PEOPLE and sit up under them 24/7. None of us on here that I know of are hunting you down to spend time with you. Yet, you just can't seem to stay away from us. We don't need supervision. Go hang out with your buddies over at Council of Conservative Citizens or Fox Nation.

    Fact is, no one wants to be bothered with YOU! That's why no one is commenting. It isn't because they do not have a reponse to your rants. Everyone on here has one I'm sure. However, they would rather not lower themselves to your level. Normally, I try to scroll pass when it's you and your legion of demons.

    Btw, there is software out now that you can change your IP address to another location to hide your real location. Your IP address might say Sweden. However, in reality, you could be here in America deep in the woods or living in a sewer. With the software, you pick your own location. Most people know that and some don't.

    BTW, I was born here, no one brought me here. Now, SOME of my ancestors that's a different story.

    Please do make sure you stay away from me and mine!!! Far away as you can. Can you make that a deserted island somewhere. That is one that does not belong to someone else. You know how y'all like to steal other folks land and claim it as yours.

  45. Hi Granny,hope you are doing well.

    Isn't it interesting that the storm front crowd is always suggesting that someone "go back to Africa," as if their own ancestors did not hail from elsewhere.
